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Title: Diary of Samuel Pepys — Volume 32: December 1664

Author: Samuel Pepys

Editor: Baron Richard Griffin Braybrooke
        Henry B. Wheatley

Translator: Mynors Bright

Release date: November 30, 2004 [eBook #4152]
                Most recently updated: December 27, 2020

Language: English

Credits: Produced by David Widger


Produced by David Widger

                THE DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS M.A. F.R.S.


                      AND PRESIDENT OF THE COLLEGE


                      WITH LORD BRAYBROOKE'S NOTES

                        EDITED WITH ADDITIONS BY

                        HENRY B. WHEATLEY F.S.A.

                          DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS.

December 1st.  Up betimes and to White Hall to a Committee of Tangier, and
so straight home and hard to my business at my office till noon, then to
dinner, and so to my office, and by and by we sat all the afternoon, then
to my office again till past one in the morning, and so home to supper and
to bed.

2nd.  Lay long in bed.  Then up and to the office, where busy all the
morning.  At home dined.  After dinner with my wife and Mercer to the
Duke's House, and there saw "The Rivalls," which I had seen before; but
the play not good, nor anything but the good actings of Betterton and his
wife and Harris.  Thence homeward, and the coach broke with us in
Lincoln's Inn Fields, and so walked to Fleete Streete, and there took
coach and home, and to my office, whither by and by comes Captain Cocke,
and then Sir W. Batten, and we all to Sir J. Minnes, and I did give them a
barrel of oysters I had given to me, and so there sat and talked, where
good discourse of the late troubles, they knowing things, all of them,
very well; and Cocke, from the King's own mouth, being then entrusted
himself much, do know particularly that the King's credulity to Cromwell's
promises, private to him, against the advice of his friends and the
certain discovery of the practices and discourses of Cromwell in council
(by Major Huntington)

     [According to Clarendon the officer here alluded to was a major in
     Cromwell's own regiment of horse, and employed by him to treat with
     Charles I. whilst at Hampton Court; but being convinced of the
     insincerity of the proceeding, communicated his suspicions to that
     monarch, and immediately gave up his commission.  We hear no more of
     Huntington till the Restoration, when his name occurs with those of
     many other officers, who tendered their services to the king.  His
     reasons for laying down his commission are printed in Thurloe's
     "State Papers" and Maseres's "Tracts."--B.]

did take away his life and nothing else.  Then to some loose atheisticall
discourse of Cocke's, when he was almost drunk, and then about 11 o'clock
broke up, and I to my office, to fit up an account for Povy, wherein I
hope to get something.  At it till almost two o'clock, then to supper and
to bed.

3rd.  Up, and at the office all the morning, and at noon to Mr. Cutler's,
and there dined with Sir W. Rider and him, and thence Sir W. Rider and I
by coach to White Hall to a Committee of the Fishery; there only to hear
Sir Edward Ford's proposal about farthings, wherein, O God! to see almost
every body interested for him; only my Lord Annesly, who is a grave,
serious man.  My Lord Barkeley was there, but is the most hot, fiery man
in discourse, without any cause, that ever I saw, even to breach of
civility to my Lord Anglesey, in his discourse opposing to my Lord's.  At
last, though without much satisfaction to me, it was voted that it should
be requested of the King, and that Sir Edward Ford's proposal is the best
yet made.  Thence by coach home.  The Duke of Yorke being expected
to-night with great joy from Portsmouth, after his having been abroad at
sea three or four days with the fleete; and the Dutch are all drawn into
their harbours.  But it seems like a victory: and a matter of some
reputation to us it is, and blemish to them; but in no degree like what it
is esteemed at, the weather requiring them to do so.  Home and at my
office late, and then to supper and to bed.

4th (Lord's day).  Lay long in bed, and then up and to my office, there to
dispatch a business in order to the getting something out of the Tangier
business, wherein I have an opportunity to get myself paid upon the score
of freight.  I hope a good sum.  At noon home to dinner, and then in the
afternoon to church.  So home, and by and by comes Mr. Hill and Andrews,
and sung together long and with great content.  Then to supper and broke
up.  Pretty discourse, very pleasant and ingenious, and so to my office a
little, and then home (after prayers) to bed.  This day I hear the Duke of
Yorke is come to towne, though expected last night, as I observed, but by
what hindrance stopped I can't tell.

5th.  Up, and to White Hall with Sir J. Minnes; and there, among an
infinite crowd of great persons, did kiss the Duke's hand; but had no time
to discourse.  Thence up and down the gallery, and got my Lord of
Albemarle's hand to my bill for Povy, but afterwards was asked some scurvy
questions by Povy about my demands, which troubled [me], but will do no
great hurt I think.  Thence vexed home, and there by appointment comes my
cozen Roger Pepys and Mrs. Turner, and dined with me, and very merry we
were.  They staid all the afternoon till night, and then after I had
discoursed an hour with Sir W. Warren plainly declaring my resolution to
desert him if he goes on to join with Castle, who and his family I, for
great provocation, love not, which he takes with some trouble, but will
concur in everything with me, he says.  Now I am loth, I confess, to lose
him, he having been the best friend I have had ever in this office. So he
being gone, we all, it being night, in Madam Turner's coach to her house,
there to see, as she tells us, how fat Mrs. The.  is grown, and so I find
her, but not as I expected, but mightily pleased I am to hear the mother
commend her daughter Betty that she is like to be a great beauty, and she
sets much by her.  Thence I to White Hall, and there saw Mr. Coventry come
to towne, and, with all my heart, am glad to see him, but could have no
talke with him, he being but just come.  Thence back and took up my wife,
and home, where a while, and then home to supper and to bed.

5th.  Up, and in Sir W. Batten's coach to White Hall, but the Duke being
gone forth, I to Westminster Hall, and there spent much time till towards
noon to and fro with people.  So by and by Mrs. Lane comes and plucks me
by the cloak to speak to me, and I was fain to go to her shop, and
pretending to buy some bands made her go home, and by and by followed her,
and there did what I would with her, and so after many discourses and her
intreating me to do something for her husband, which I promised to do, and
buying a little band of her, which I intend to keep to, I took leave,
there coming a couple of footboys to her with a coach to fetch her abroad
I know not to whom.  She is great with child, and she says I must be
godfather, but I do not intend it.  Thence by coach to the Old Exchange,
and there hear that the Dutch are fitting their ships out again, which
puts us to new discourse, and to alter our thoughts of the Dutch, as to
their want of courage or force.  Thence by appointment to the White Horse
Taverne in Lumbard Streete, and there dined with my Lord Rutherford, Povy,
Mr. Gauden, Creed, and others, and very merry, and after dinner among
other things Povy and I withdrew, and I plainly told him that I was
concerned in profit, but very justly, in this business of the Bill that I
have been these two or three days about, and he consents to it, and it
shall be paid.  He tells me how he believes, and in part knows, Creed to
be worth L10,000; nay, that now and then he [Povy] hath three or L4,000 in
his hands, for which he gives the interest that the King gives, which is
ten per cent., and that Creed do come and demand it every three months the
interest to be paid him, which Povy looks upon as a cunning and mean
tricke of him; but for all that, he will do and is very rich.  Thence to
the office, where we sat and where Mr. Coventry came the first time after
his return from sea, which I was glad of.  So after office to my office,
and then home to supper, and to my office again, and then late home to

7th.  Lay long, then up, and among others Bagwell's wife coming to speak
with me put new thoughts of folly into me which I am troubled at.  Thence
after doing business at my office, I by coach to my Lady Sandwich's, and
there dined with her, and found all well and merry.  Thence to White Hall,
and we waited on the Duke, who looks better than he did, methinks, before
his voyage; and, I think, a little more stern than he used to do. Thence
to the Temple to my cozen Roger Pepys, thinking to have met the Doctor to
have discoursed our business, but he came not, so I home, and there by
agreement came my Lord Rutherford, Povy, Gauden, Creed, Alderman
Backewell, about Tangier business of accounts between Rutherford and
Gauden.  Here they were with me an hour or more, then after drinking away,
and Povy and Creed staid and eat with me; but I was sorry I had no better
cheer for Povy; for the foole may be useful, and is a cunning fellow in
his way, which is a strange one, and that, that I meet not in any other
man, nor can describe in him.  They late with me, and when gone my boy and
I to musique, and then to bed.

8th.  Up, and to my office, where all the morning busy.  At noon dined at
home, and then to the office, where we sat all the afternoon.  In the
evening comes my aunt and uncle Wight, Mrs. Norbury, and her daughter, and
after them Mr. Norbury, where no great pleasure, my aunt being out of
humour in her fine clothes, and it raining hard.  Besides, I was a little
too bold with her about her doating on Dr. Venner.  Anon they went away,
and I till past 12 at night at my office, and then home to bed.

9th.  Up betimes and walked to Mr. Povy's, and there, not without some few
troublesome questions of his, I got a note, and went and received L117 5s.
of Alderman Viner upon my pretended freight of the "William" for Tangier,
which overbears me on one side with joy and on the other to think of my
condition if I shall be called into examination about it, and (though in
strictness it is due) not be able to give a good account of it.  Home with
it, and there comes Captain Taylor to me, and he and I did set even the
business of the ship Union lately gone for Tangier, wherein I hope to get
L50 more, for all which the Lord be praised.  At noon home to dinner, Mr.
Hunt and his wife with us, and very pleasant. Then in the afternoon I
carried them home by coach, and I to Westminster Hall, and thence to
Gervas's, and there find I cannot prevail with Jane to go forth with me,
but though I took a good occasion of going to the Trumpet she declined
coming, which vexed me.  'Je avait grande envie envers elle, avec vrai
amour et passion'.  Thence home and to my office till one in the morning,
setting to rights in writing this day's two accounts of Povy and Taylor,
and then quietly to bed.  This day I had several letters from several
places, of our bringing in great numbers of Dutch ships.

10th.  Lay long, at which I am ashamed, because of so many people
observing it that know not how late I sit up, and for fear of Sir W.
Batten's speaking of it to others, he having staid for me a good while. At
the office all the morning, where comes my Lord Brunkard with his patent
in his hand, and delivered it to Sir J. Minnes and myself, we alone being
there all the day, and at noon I in his coach with him to the 'Change,
where he set me down; a modest civil person he seems to be, but wholly
ignorant in the business of the Navy as possible, but I hope to make a
friend of him, being a worthy man.  Thence after hearing the great newes
of so many Dutchmen being brought in to Portsmouth and elsewhere, which it
is expected will either put them upon present revenge or despair, I with
Sir W. Rider and Cutler to dinner all alone to the Great James, where good
discourse, and, I hope, occasion of getting something hereafter.  After
dinner to White Hall to the Fishery, where the Duke was with us.  So home,
and late at my office, writing many letters, then home to supper and to
bed.  Yesterday come home, and this night I visited Sir W. Pen, who
dissembles great respect and love to me, but I understand him very well.
Major Holmes is come from Guinny, and is now at Plymouth with great
wealth, they say.

11th (Lord's day).  Up and to church alone in the morning.  Dined at home,
mighty pleasantly.  In the afternoon I to the French church, where much
pleased with the three sisters of the parson, very handsome, especially in
their noses, and sing prettily.  I heard a good sermon of the old man,
touching duty to parents.  Here was Sir Samuel Morland and his lady very
fine, with two footmen in new liverys (the church taking much notice of
them), and going into their coach after sermon with great gazeing.  So I
home, and my cozen, Mary Pepys's husband, comes after me, and told me that
out of the money he received some months since he did receive 18d. too
much, and did now come and give it me, which was very pretty.  So home,
and there found Mr. Andrews and his lady, a well-bred and a tolerable
pretty woman, and by and by Mr. Hill and to singing, and then to supper,
then to sing again, and so good night.  To prayers and tonight [bed].  It
is a little strange how these Psalms of Ravenscroft after 2 or 3 times
singing prove but the same again, though good.  No diversity appearing at
all almost.

12th.  Up, and with Sir W. Batten by coach to White Hall, where all of us
with the Duke; Mr. Coventry privately did tell me the reason of his advice
against our pretences to the Prize Office (in his letter from Portsmouth),
because he knew that the King and the Duke had resolved to put in some
Parliament men that have deserved well, and that would needs be obliged,
by putting them in.  Thence homeward, called at my bookseller's and
bespoke some books against the year's out, and then to the 'Change, and so
home to dinner, and then to the office, where my Lord Brunkard comes and
reads over part of our Instructions in the Navy--and I expounded it to
him, so he is become my disciple.  He gone, comes Cutler to tell us that
the King of France hath forbid any canvass to be carried out of his
kingdom, and I to examine went with him to the East India house to see a
letter, but came too late.  So home again, and there late till 12 at night
at my office, and then home to supper and to bed.  This day (to see how
things are ordered in the world), I had a command from the Earle of
Sandwich, at Portsmouth, not to be forward with Mr. Cholmly and Sir J.
Lawson about the Mole at Tangier, because that what I do therein will
(because of his friendship to me known) redound against him, as if I had
done it upon his score.  So I wrote to my Lord my mistake, and am
contented to promise never to pursue it more, which goes against my mind
with all my heart.

13th.  Lay long in bed, then up, and many people to speak with me.  Then
to my office, and dined at noon at home, then to the office again, where
we sat all the afternoon, and then home at night to a little supper, and
so after my office again at 12 at night home to bed.

14th.  Up, and after a while at the office, I abroad in several places,
among others to my bookseller's, and there spoke for several books against
New Year's day, I resolving to lay out about L7 or L8, God having given me
some profit extraordinary of late; and bespoke also some plate, spoons,
and forks.  I pray God keep me from too great expenses, though these will
still be pretty good money.  Then to the 'Change, and I home to dinner,
where Creed and Mr. Caesar, my boy's lute master, who plays indeed mighty
finely, and after dinner I abroad, parting from Creed, and away to and
fro, laying out or preparing for laying out more money, but I hope and
resolve not to exceed therein, and to-night spoke for some fruit for the
country for my father against Christmas, and where should I do it, but at
the pretty woman's, that used to stand at the doore in Fanchurch Streete,
I having a mind to know her.  So home, and late at my office, evening
reckonings with Shergoll, hoping to get money by the business, and so away
home to supper and to bed, not being very well through my taking cold of
late, and so troubled with some wind.

15th.  Called up very betimes by Mr. Cholmly, and with him a good while
about some of his Tangier accounts; and, discoursing of the condition of
Tangier, he did give me the whole account of the differences between
Fitzgerald and Norwood, which were very high on both sides, but most
imperious and base on Fitzgerald's, and yet through my Lord FitzHarding's
means, the Duke of York is led rather to blame Norwood and to speake that
he should be called home, than be sensible of the other.  He is a creature
of FitzHarding's, as a fellow that may be done with what he will, and,
himself certainly pretending to be Generall of the King's armies, when
Monk dyeth, desires to have as few great or wise men in employment as he
can now, but such as he can put in and keep under, which he do this
coxcomb Fitzgerald.  It seems, of all mankind there is no man so led by
another as the Duke is by Lord Muskerry and this FitzHarding. insomuch, as
when the King would have him to be Privy-Purse, the Duke wept, and said,
"But, Sir, I must have your promise, if you will have my dear Charles from
me, that if ever you have occasion for an army again, I may have him with
me; believing him to be the best commander of an army in the world."  But
Mr. Cholmly thinks, as all other men I meet with do, that he is a very
ordinary fellow.  It is strange how the Duke also do love naturally, and
affect the Irish above the English.  He, of the company he carried with
him to sea, took above two-thirds Irish and French.  He tells me the King
do hate my Lord Chancellor; and that they, that is the King and my Lord
FitzHarding, do laugh at him for a dull fellow; and in all this business
of the Dutch war do nothing by his advice, hardly consulting him.  Only he
is a good minister in other respects, and the King cannot be without him;
but, above all, being the Duke's father-in-law, he is kept in; otherwise
FitzHarding were able to fling down two of him.  This, all the wise and
grave lords see, and cannot help it; but yield to it.  But he bemoans what
the end of it may be, the King being ruled by these men, as he hath been
all along since his coming; to the razing all the strong-holds in
Scotland, and giving liberty to the Irish in Ireland, whom Cromwell had
settled all in one corner; who are now able, and it is feared everyday a
massacre again among them.  He being gone I abroad to the carrier's, to
see some things sent away to my father against Christmas, and thence to
Moorfields, and there up and down to several houses to drink to look for a
place 'pour rencontrer la femme de je sais quoi' against next Monday, but
could meet none.  So to the Coffeehouse, where great talke of the Comet
seen in several places; and among our men at sea, and by my Lord Sandwich,
to whom I intend to write about it to-night.  Thence home to dinner, and
then to the office, where all the afternoon, and in the evening home to
supper, and then to the office late, and so to bed.  This night I begun to
burn wax candles in my closett at the office, to try the charge, and to
see whether the smoke offends like that of tallow candles.

16th.  Up, and by water to Deptford, thinking to have met 'la femme de'
Bagwell, but failed, and having done some business at the yard, I back
again, it being a fine fresh morning to walk.  Back again, Mr. Wayth
walking with me to Half-Way House talking about Mr. Castle's fine knees
lately delivered in.  In which I am well informed that they are not as
they should be to make them knees, and I hope shall make good use of it to
the King's service.  Thence home, and having dressed myself, to the
'Change, and thence home to dinner, and so abroad by coach with my wife,
and bought a looking glasse by the Old Exchange, which costs me L5 5s. and
6s. for the hooks.  A very fair glasse.  So toward my cozen Scott's, but
meeting my Lady Sandwich's coach, my wife turned back to follow them,
thinking they might, as they did, go to visit her, and I 'light and to
Mrs. Harman, and there staid and talked in her shop with her, and much
pleased I am with her.  We talked about Anthony Joyce's giving over trade
and that he intends to live in lodgings, which is a very mad, foolish
thing.  She tells me she hears and believes it is because he, being now
begun to be called on offices, resolves not to take the new oathe, he
having formerly taken the Covenant or Engagement, but I think he do very
simply and will endeavour for his wife's sake to advise him therein.
Thence to my cozen Scott's, and there met my cozen Roger Pepys, and Mrs.
Turner, and The. and Joyce, and prated all the while, and so with the
"corps" to church and heard a very fine sermon of the Parson of the
parish, and so homeward with them in their coach, but finding it too late
to go home with me, I took another coach and so home, and after a while at
my office, home to supper and to bed.

17th.  Up and to the office, where we sat all the morning.  At noon I to
the 'Change, and there, among others, had my first meeting with Mr.
L'Estrange, who hath endeavoured several times to speak with me.  It is to
get, now and then, some newes of me, which I shall, as I see cause, give
him.  He is a man of fine conversation, I think, but I am sure most
courtly and full of compliments.  Thence home to dinner, and then come the
looking-glass man to set up the looking-glass I bought yesterday, in my
dining-room, and very handsome it is.  So abroad by coach to White Hall,
and there to the Committee of Tangier, and then the Fishing.  Mr. Povy did
in discourse give me a rub about my late bill for money that I did get of
him, which vexed me and stuck in my mind all this evening, though I know
very well how to cleare myself at the worst.  So home and to my office,
where late, and then home to bed.  Mighty talke there is of this Comet
that is seen a'nights; and the King and Queene did sit up last night to
see it, and did, it seems.  And to-night I thought to have done so too;
but it is cloudy, and so no stars appear.  But I will endeavour it.  Mr.
Gray did tell me to-night, for certain, that the Dutch, as high as they
seem, do begin to buckle; and that one man in this Kingdom did tell the
King that he is offered L40,000 to make a peace, and others have been
offered money also.  It seems the taking of their Bourdeaux fleete thus,
arose from a printed Gazette of the Dutch's boasting of fighting, and
having beaten the English: in confidence whereof (it coming to Bourdeaux),
all the fleete comes out, and so falls into our hands.

18th (Lord's day).  To church, where, God forgive me! I spent most of my
time in looking [on] my new Morena--[a brunette]--at the other side of the
church, an acquaintance of Pegg Pen's.  So home to dinner, and then to my
chamber to read Ben Johnson's Cataline, a very excellent piece, and so to
church again, and thence we met at the office to hire ships, being in
great haste and having sent for several masters of ships to come to us.
Then home, and there Mr. Andrews and Hill come and we sung finely, and by
and by Mr. Fuller, the Parson, and supped with me, he and a friend of his,
but my musique friends would not stay supper.  At and after supper Mr.
Fuller and I told many storys of apparitions and delusions thereby, and I
out with my storys of Tom Mallard.  He gone, I a little to my office, and
then to prayers and to bed.

19th.  Going to bed betimes last night we waked betimes, and from our
people's being forced to take the key to go out to light a candle, I was
very angry and begun to find fault with my wife for not commanding her
servants as she ought.  Thereupon she giving me some cross answer I did
strike her over her left eye such a blow as the poor wretch did cry out
and was in great pain, but yet her spirit was such as to endeavour to bite
and scratch me.  But I coying--[stroking or caressing]--with her made her
leave crying, and sent for butter and parsley, and friends presently one
with another, and I up, vexed at my heart to think what I had done, for
she was forced to lay a poultice or something to her eye all day, and is
black, and the people of the house observed it.  But I was forced to rise,
and up and with Sir J. Minnes to White Hall, and there we waited on the
Duke.  And among other things Mr. Coventry took occasion to vindicate
himself before the Duke and us, being all there, about the choosing of
Taylor for Harwich.  Upon which the Duke did clear him, and did tell us
that he did expect, that, after he had named a man, none of us shall then
oppose or find fault with the man; but if we had anything to say, we ought
to say it before he had chose him.  Sir G. Carteret thought himself
concerned, and endeavoured to clear himself: and by and by Sir W. Batten
did speak, knowing himself guilty, and did confess, that being pressed by
the Council he did say what he did, that he was accounted a fanatique; but
did not know that at that time he had been appointed by his Royal
Highness.  To which the Duke [replied] that it was impossible but he must
know that he had appointed him; and so it did appear that the Duke did
mean all this while Sir W. Batten.  So by and by we parted, and Mr.
Coventry did privately tell me that he did this day take this occasion to
mention the business to give the Duke an opportunity of speaking his mind
to Sir W. Batten in this business, of which I was heartily glad.  Thence
home, and not finding Bagwell's wife as I expected, I to the 'Change and
there walked up and down, and then home, and she being come I bid her go
and stay at Mooregate for me, and after going up to my wife (whose eye is
very bad, but she is in very good temper to me), and after dinner I to the
place and walked round the fields again and again, but not finding her I
to the 'Change, and there found her waiting for me and took her away, and
to an alehouse, and there I made much of her, and then away thence and to
another and endeavoured to caress her, but 'elle ne voulait pas', which
did vex me, but I think it was chiefly not having a good easy place to do
it upon.  So we broke up and parted and I to the office, where we sat
hiring of ships an hour or two, and then to my office, and thence (with
Captain Taylor home to my house) to give him instructions and some notice
of what to his great satisfaction had happened to-day.  Which I do because
I hope his coming into this office will a little cross Sir W. Batten and
may do me good. He gone, I to supper with my wife, very pleasant, and then
a little to my office and to bed.  My mind, God forgive me, too much
running upon what I can 'ferais avec la femme de Bagwell demain', having
promised to go to Deptford and 'a aller a sa maison avec son mari' when I
come thither.

20th.  Up and walked to Deptford, where after doing something at the yard
I walked, without being observed, with Bagwell home to his house, and
there was very kindly used, and the poor people did get a dinner for me in
their fashion, of which I also eat very well.  After dinner I found
occasion of sending him abroad, and then alone 'avec elle je tentais a
faire ce que je voudrais et contre sa force je le faisais biens que passe
a mon contentment'.  By and by he coming back again I took leave and
walked home, and then there to dinner, where Dr. Fayrebrother come to see
me and Luellin.  We dined, and I to the office, leaving them, where we sat
all the afternoon, and I late at the office.  To supper and to the office
again very late, then home to bed.

21st.  Up, and after evening reckonings to this day with Mr. Bridges, the
linnen draper, for callicos, I out to Doctors' Commons, where by agreement
my cozen Roger and I did meet my cozen Dr. Tom Pepys, and there a great
many and some high words on both sides, but I must confess I was troubled;
first, to find my cozen Roger such a simple but well-meaning man as he is;
next to think that my father, out of folly and vain glory, should now and
then (as by their words I gather) be speaking how he had set up his son
Tom with his goods and house, and now these words are brought against
him--I fear to the depriving him of all the profit the poor man intended
to make of the lease of his house and sale of his owne goods.  I intend to
make a quiet end if I can with the Doctor, being a very foul-tounged fool
and of great inconvenience to be at difference with such a one that will
make the base noise about it that he will. Thence, very much vexed to find
myself so much troubled about other men's matters, I to Mrs. Turner's, in
Salsbury Court, and with her a little, and carried her, the porter staying
for me, our eagle, which she desired the other day, and we were glad to be
rid of her, she fouling our house of office mightily.  They are much
pleased with her.  And thence I home and after dinner to the office, where
Sir W. Rider and Cutler come, and in dispute I very high with them against
their demands, I hope to no hurt to myself, for I was very plain with them
to the best of my reason.  So they gone I home to supper, then to the
office again and so home to bed. My Lord Sandwich this day writes me word
that he hath seen (at Portsmouth) the Comet, and says it is the most
extraordinary thing that ever he saw.

22nd.  Up and betimes to my office, and then out to several places, among
others to Holborne to have spoke with one Mr. Underwood about some English
hemp, he lies against Gray's Inn.  Thereabouts I to a barber's shop to
have my hair cut, and there met with a copy of verses, mightily commended
by some gentlemen there, of my Lord Mordaunt's, in excuse of his going to
sea this late expedition, with the Duke of Yorke.  But, Lord! they are but
sorry things; only a Lord made them.  Thence to the 'Change; and there,
among the merchants, I hear fully the news of our being beaten to dirt at
Guinny, by De Ruyter with his fleete.  The particulars, as much as by Sir
G. Carteret afterwards I heard, I have said in a letter to my Lord
Sandwich this day at Portsmouth; it being most wholly to the utter ruine
of our Royall Company, and reproach and shame to the whole nation, as well
as justification to them in their doing wrong to no man as to his private
[property], only takeing whatever is found to belong to the Company, and
nothing else.  Dined at the Dolphin, Sir G. Carteret, Sir J. Minnes, Sir
W. Batten, and I, with Sir W. Boreman and Sir Theophilus Biddulph and
others, Commissioners of the Sewers, about our place below to lay masts
in.  But coming a little too soon, I out again, and tooke boat down to
Redriffe; and just in time within two minutes, and saw the new vessel of
Sir William Petty's launched, the King and Duke being there.

     [Pepys was wrong as to the name of Sir William Petty's new
     doublekeeled boat.  On February 13th, 1664-65, he gives the correct
     title, which was "The Experiment."]

It swims and looks finely, and I believe will do well.  The name I think
is Twilight, but I do not know certainly.  Coming away back immediately to
dinner, where a great deal of good discourse, and Sir G. Carteret's
discourse of this Guinny business, with great displeasure at the losse of
our honour there, and do now confess that the trade brought all these
troubles upon us between the Dutch and us.  Thence to the office and there
sat late, then I to my office and there till 12 at night, and so home to
bed weary.

23rd.  Up and to my office, then come by appointment cozen Tom Trice to
me, and I paid him the L20 remaining due to him upon the bond of L100
given him by agreement November, 1663, to end the difference between us
about my aunt's, his mother's, money.  And here, being willing to know the
worst, I told him, "I hope now there is nothing remaining between you and
I of future dispute."  "No," says he, "nothing at all that I know of, but
only a small matter of about 20 or 30s. that my father Pepys received for
me of rent due to me in the country, which I will in a day or two bring
you an account of," and so we parted.  Dined at home upon a good turkey
which Mr. Sheply sent us, then to the office all the afternoon, Mr. Cutler
and others coming to me about business.  I hear that the Dutch have
prepared a fleete to go the backway to the Streights, where without doubt
they will master our fleete.  This put to that of Guinny makes me fear
them mightily, and certainly they are a most wise people, and careful of
their business.  The King of France, they say, do declare himself obliged
to defend them, and lays claim by his Embassador to the wines we have
taken from the Dutch Bourdeaux men, and more, it is doubted whether the
Swede will be our friend or no.  Pray God deliver us out of these
troubles!  This day Sir W. Batten sent and afterwards spoke to me, to have
me and my wife come and dine with them on Monday next: which is a mighty
condescension in them, and for some great reason I am sure, or else it
pleases God by my late care of business to make me more considerable even
with them than I am sure they would willingly owne me to be.  God make me
thankfull and carefull to preserve myself so, for I am sure they hate me
and it is hope or fear that makes them flatter me. It being a bright
night, which it has not been a great while, I purpose to endeavour to be
called in the morning to see the Comet, though I fear we shall not see it,
because it rises in the east but 16 degrees, and then the houses will
hinder us.

24th.  Having sat up all night to past two o'clock this morning, our
porter, being appointed, comes and tells us that the bellman tells him
that the star is seen upon Tower Hill; so I, that had been all night
setting in order all my old papers in my chamber, did leave off all, and
my boy and I to Tower Hill, it being a most fine, bright moonshine night,
and a great frost; but no Comet to be seen.  So after running once round
the Hill, I and Tom, we home and then to bed.  Rose about 9 o'clock and
then to the office, where sitting all the morning.  At noon to the
'Change, to the Coffee-house; and there heard Sir Richard Ford tell the
whole story of our defeat at Guinny.  Wherein our men are guilty of the
most horrid cowardice and perfidiousness, as he says and tells it, that
ever Englishmen were.  Captain Raynolds, that was the only commander of
any of the King's ships there, was shot at by De Ruyter, with a bloody
flag flying.  He, instead of opposing (which, indeed, had been to no
purpose, but only to maintain honour), did poorly go on board himself, to
ask what De Ruyter would have; and so yielded to whatever Ruyter would
desire.  The King and Duke are highly vexed at it, it seems, and the
business deserves it.  Thence home to dinner, and then abroad to buy some
things, and among others to my bookseller's, and there saw several books I
spoke for, which are finely bound and good books to my great content. So
home and to my office, where late.  This evening I being informed did look
and saw the Comet, which is now, whether worn away or no I know not, but
appears not with a tail, but only is larger and duller than any other
star, and is come to rise betimes, and to make a great arch, and is gone
quite to a new place in the heavens than it was before: but I hope in a
clearer night something more will be seen.  So home to bed.

25th (Lord's day and Christmas day).  Up (my wife's eye being ill still of
the blow I did in a passion give her on Monday last) to church alone,
where Mr. Mills, a good sermon.  To dinner at home, where very pleasant
with my wife and family.  After dinner I to Sir W. Batten's, and there
received so much good usage (as I have of late done) from him and my Lady,
obliging me and my wife, according to promise, to come and dine with them
to-morrow with our neighbours, that I was in pain all the day, and night
too after, to know how to order the business of my wife's not going, and
by discourse receive fresh instances of Sir J. Minnes's folly in
complaining to Sir G. Carteret of Sir W. Batten and me for some family
offences, such as my having of a stopcock to keepe the water from them,
which vexes me, but it would more but that Sir G. Carteret knows him very
well.  Thence to the French church, but coming too late I returned and to
Mr. Rawlinson's church, where I heard a good sermon of one that I remember
was at Paul's with me, his name Maggett; and very great store of fine
women there is in this church, more than I know anywhere else about us.
So home and to my chamber, looking over and setting in order my papers and
books, and so to supper, and then to prayers and to bed.

26th.  Up, and with Sir W. Pen to White Hall, and there with the rest did
our usual business before the Duke, and then with Sir W. Batten back and
to his house, where I by sicknesse excused my wife's coming to them
to-day.  Thence I to the Coffeehouse, where much good discourse, and all
the opinion now is that the Dutch will avoid fighting with us at home, but
do all the hurte they can to us abroad; which it may be they may for a
while, but that, I think, cannot support them long.  Thence to Sir W.
Batten's, where Mr. Coventry and all our families here, women and all, and
Sir R. Ford and his, and a great feast and good discourse and merry, there
all the afternoon and evening till late, only stepped in to see my wife,
then to my office to enter my day's work, and so home to bed, where my
people and wife innocently at cards very merry, and I to bed, leaving them
to their sport and blindman's buff.

27th.  My people came to bed, after their sporting, at four o'clock in the
morning; I up at seven, and to Deptford and Woolwich in a gally; the Duke
calling to me out of the barge in which the King was with him going down
the river, to know whither I was going.  I told him to Woolwich, but was
troubled afterward I should say no farther, being in a gally, lest he
think me too profuse in my journeys.  Did several businesses, and then
back again by two o'clock to Sir J. Minnes's to dinner by appointment,
where all yesterday's company but Mr. Coventry, who could not come.  Here
merry, and after an hour's chat I down to the office, where busy late, and
then home to supper and to bed.  The Comet appeared again to-night, but
duskishly.  I went to bed, leaving my wife and all her folks, and Will
also, too, come to make Christmas gambolls to-night.

28th.  I waked in the morning about 6 o'clock and my wife not come to bed;
I lacked a pot, but there was none, and bitter cold, so was forced to rise
and piss in the chimney, and to bed again.  Slept a little longer, and
then hear my people coming up, and so I rose, and my wife to bed at eight
o'clock in the morning, which vexed me a little, but I believe there was
no hurt in it all, but only mirthe, therefore took no notice.  I abroad
with Sir W. Batten to the Council Chamber, where all of us to discourse
about the way of measuring ships and the freight fit to give for them by
the tun, where it was strange methought to hear so poor discourses among
the Lords themselves, and most of all to see how a little empty matter
delivered gravely by Sir W. Pen was taken mighty well, though nothing in
the earth to the purpose.  But clothes, I perceive more and more every
day, is a great matter.  Thence home with Sir W. Batten by coach, and I
home to dinner, finding my wife still in bed.  After dinner abroad, and
among other things visited my Lady Sandwich, and was there, with her and
the young ladies, playing at cards till night.  Then home and to my office
late, then home to bed, leaving my wife and people up to more sports, but
without any great satisfaction to myself therein.

29th.  Up and to the office, where we sat all the morning.  Then whereas I
should have gone and dined with Sir W. Pen (and the rest of the officers
at his house), I pretended to dine with my Lady Sandwich and so home,
where I dined well, and began to wipe and clean my books in my chamber in
order to the settling of my papers and things there thoroughly, and then
to the office, where all the afternoon sitting, and in the evening home to
supper, and then to my work again.

30th.  Lay very long in bed with my wife, it being very cold, and my wife
very full of a resolution to keepe within doors, not so much as to go to
church or see my Lady Sandwich before Easter next, which I am willing
enough to, though I seem the contrary.  This and other talke kept me a-bed
till almost 10 a'clock.  Then up and made an end of looking over all my
papers and books and taking everything out of my chamber to have all made
clean.  At noon dined, and after dinner forth to several places to pay
away money, to clear myself in all the world, and, among others, paid my
bookseller L6 for books I had from him this day, and the silversmith L22
18s. for spoons, forks, and sugar box, and being well pleased with seeing
my business done to my mind as to my meeting with people and having my
books ready for me, I home and to my office, and there did business late,
and then home to supper, prayers, and to bed.

31st.  At the office all the morning, and after dinner there again,
dispatched first my letters, and then to my accounts, not of the month but
of the whole yeare also, and was at it till past twelve at night, it being
bitter cold; but yet I was well satisfied with my worke, and, above all,
to find myself, by the great blessing of God, worth L1349, by which, as I
have spent very largely, so I have laid up above L500 this yeare above
what I was worth this day twelvemonth.  The Lord make me for ever thankful
to his holy name for it!  Thence home to eat a little and so to bed.  Soon
as ever the clock struck one, I kissed my wife in the kitchen by the
fireside, wishing her a merry new yeare, observing that I believe I was
the first proper wisher of it this year, for I did it as soon as ever the
clock struck one.

So ends the old yeare, I bless God, with great joy to me, not only from my
having made so good a yeare of profit, as having spent L420 and laid up
L540 and upwards; but I bless God I never have been in so good plight as
to my health in so very cold weather as this is, nor indeed in any hot
weather, these ten years, as I am at this day, and have been these four or
five months.  But I am at a great losse to know whether it be my hare's
foote, or taking every morning of a pill of turpentine, or my having left
off the wearing of a gowne.  My family is, my wife, in good health, and
happy with her; her woman Mercer, a pretty, modest, quiett mayde; her
chambermayde Besse, her cook mayde Jane, the little girl Susan, and my
boy, which I have had about half a yeare, Tom Edwards, which I took from
the King's chappell, and a pretty and loving quiett family I have as any
man in England.  My credit in the world and my office grows daily, and I
am in good esteeme with everybody, I think. My troubles of my uncle's
estate pretty well over; but it comes to be but of little profit to us, my
father being much supported by my purse.  But great vexations remain upon
my father and me from my brother Tom's death and ill condition, both to
our disgrace and discontent, though no great reason for either.  Publique
matters are all in a hurry about a Dutch warr.  Our preparations great;
our provocations against them great; and, after all our presumption, we
are now afeard as much of them, as we lately contemned them.  Every thing
else in the State quiett, blessed be God!  My Lord Sandwich at sea with
the fleete at Portsmouth; sending some about to cruise for taking of
ships, which we have done to a great number.  This Christmas I judged it
fit to look over all my papers and books; and to tear all that I found
either boyish or not to be worth keeping, or fit to be seen, if it should
please God to take me away suddenly.  Among others, I found these two or
three notes, which I thought fit to keep.


     Irish in Ireland, whom Cromwell had settled all in one corner
     Tear all that I found either boyish or not to be worth keeping



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