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Title: The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 01, January, 1878

Author: Various

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                Most recently updated: October 23, 2024

Language: English

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VOL. XXXII.                                                No. 1.


                       AMERICAN MISSIONARY.

                 *       *       *       *       *

               “To the Poor the Gospel is Preached.”

                 *       *       *       *       *

                          JANUARY, 1878.



    1877-1878.                                           1
    LARGE GIFTS AND LARGE GIVERS                         2
    CHANGES IN THE MAGAZINE                              3
    WOMAN’S WORK FOR WOMAN                               4
      SUFFRAGE                                           5
    PARAGRAPHS                                           6
    INDIAN NOTES                                         8
    CHINESE NOTES                                        9
    BOOK NOTICE                                         10


    NORTH CAROLINA: Revival in Church and School.
      GEORGIA: Revival in Atlanta University            11
    ALABAMA: Church Organized—A New Pastorate           12
    TENNESSEE: Le Moyne Normal School                   13
       “     State Teachers’ Institute                  14
    TWO SIMPLE RULES. J. P. Thompson, D. D.             15
    DR. PATTON’S INAUGURAL                              16


    FORT BERTHOLD, D. T.                                17




    PROTECTION BY DEVELOPMENT. Rev. C. H. Richards      19
      Superintendent      21
    CAMPAIGN IN CONNECTICUT. Dist. Sec’y, Powell of
      Chicago                                           22

  THE CHILDREN’S PAGE                                   24

  RECEIPTS                                              24

  CONSTITUTION                                          27

  WORK, STATISTICS, WANTS, &c.                          28

                 *       *       *       *       *

                             NEW YORK:

         Published by the American Missionary Association,

                      ROOMS, 56 READE STREET.

                 *       *       *       *       *

                Price, 50 Cents a Year, in advance.

                _American Missionary Association_,

                      56 READE STREET, N. Y.

                 *       *       *       *       *


    HON. E. S. TOBEY, Boston.


    Hon. F. D. PARISH, Ohio.
    Hon. E. D. HOLTON, Wis.
    Rev. SAMUEL HARRIS, D. D., Ct.
    Rev. SILAS MCKEEN, D. D., Vt.
    WM. C. CHAPIN, Esq., R. I.
    Rev. W. T. EUSTIS, Mass.
    Hon. A. C. BARSTOW, R. I.
    Rev. THATCHER THAYER, D. D., R. I.
    Rev. RAY PALMER, D. D., N. Y.
    Rev. J. M. STURTEVANT, D. D., Ill.
    Rev. W. W. PATTON, D. D., D. C.
    Rev. D. M. GRAHAM, D. D., Mich.
    HORACE HALLOCK, Esq., Mich.
    Rev. CYRUS W. WALLACE, D. D., N. H.
    Rev. EDWARD HAWES, Ct.
    DOUGLAS PUTNAM, Esq., Ohio.
    SAMUEL D. PORTER, Esq., N. Y.
    Rev. M. M. G. DANA, D. D., Ct.
    Rev. H. W. BEECHER, N. Y.
    Gen. O. O. HOWARD, Oregon.
    Rev. EDWARD L. CLARK, N. Y.
    Rev. G. F. MAGOUN, D. D., Iowa.
    Col. C. G. HAMMOND, Ill.
    DAVID RIPLEY, Esq., N. J.
    Rev. WM. M. BARBOUR, D. D., Ct.
    Rev. W. L. GAGE, Ct.
    A. S. HATCH, Esq., N. Y.
    Rev. J. H. FAIRCHILD, D. D., Ohio.
    Rev. H. A. STIMSON, Minn.
    Rev. J. W. STRONG, D. D., Minn.
    Rev. GEORGE THACHER, LL. D., Iowa.
    Rev. A. L. STONE, D. D., California.
    Rev. G. H. ATKINSON, D. D., Oregon.
    Rev. J. E. RANKIN, D. D., D. C.
    Rev. A. L. CHAPIN, D. D., Wis.
    S. D. SMITH, Esq., Mass.
    Rev. H. M. PARSONS, N. Y.
    PETER SMITH, Esq., Mass.
    Dea. JOHN WHITING, Mass.
    Rev. WM. PATTON, D. D., Ct.
    Hon. J. B. GRINNELL, Iowa.
    Rev. WM. T. CARR, Ct.
    Sir PETER COATS, Scotland.
    Rev. HENRY ALLON, D. D., London, Eng.
    WM. E. WHITING, Esq., N. Y.
    J. M. PINKERTON, Esq., Mass.


    REV. M. E. STRIEBY, _56 Reade Street, N. Y._


    REV. C. L. WOODWORTH, _Boston_.
    REV. G. D. PIKE, _New York_.
    REV. JAS. POWELL, _Chicago, Ill._

    EDGAR KETCHUM, ESQ., _Treasurer, N. Y._
    H. W. HUBBARD, ESQ., _Assistant Treasurer, N. Y._
    REV. M. E. STRIEBY, _Recording Secretary_.


    A. S. BARNES,
    WM. B. BROWN,
    A. P. FOSTER,
    S. S. JOCELYN,
    CHAS. L. MEAD,
    G. B. WILLCOX.


relating to the business of the Association may be addressed to
either of the Secretaries as above.


may be sent to H. W. Hubbard, 56 Reade Street, New York, or, when
more convenient, to either of the branch offices, 21 Congregational
House, Boston, Mass., 112 West Washington Street, Chicago, Ill.
Drafts or checks sent to Mr. Hubbard should be made payable to his
order as _Assistant Treasurer_.

A payment of thirty dollars at one time constitutes a Life Member.

Correspondents are specially requested to place at the head of each
letter the name of their Post Office, and the County and State in
which it is located.


                       AMERICAN MISSIONARY.

                 *       *       *       *       *

            VOL. XXXII.      JANUARY, 1878.      No. 1.

                 *       *       *       *       *

_American Missionary Association._

       *       *       *       *       *


Year after year the work of the American Missionary Association
goes on with steady increase. We glide from one year to another
noiselessly, and take up on the New Year’s Day the same tools we
dropped when the signal came that the working hours of the old year
were ended. One seems very much like the other, and yet, as we look
back, we find that each year has, to some extent, a character and
a work of its own. Changes come unheralded, proportions vary; each
phase is now conspicuous and now in almost eclipse, while the whole
work goes on.

A few years ago it was the large number of our common school
teachers sent from the North to the just-opened Southern
field; then came the era of Normal instruction, as the States
opened schools for the colored children, but could not furnish
schoolmasters fit to teach them. The facilities for higher
education, and, especially, for training for the ministry, came in
then for our care—1877 saw what seemed to be the beginning of the
end in this direction, in the sending of three men, trained in our
schools, for missionary work to Africa.

What shall be the peculiar work of 1878? There is no portion of the
whole which those who work through us are willing to have dropped.
Among the Indians, what little we have done we must continue to do,
until some Providence as plain as that which gave it to our hands
shall discharge us from the duty. We cannot withdraw our help from
the churches on the Pacific Coast, in their endeavors to lead the
Chinaman through the knowledge of the English language to the God
of the English-speaking people. We cannot close the Normal school,
for the intelligent Christian teacher is yet the greatest want of
the Southern Freedmen. To the young men who desire to preach Christ
Jesus and Him crucified to their own people, we cannot deny the
instruction in the word of God and in the truths of religion which
they ask of us. All these, which are distinctively departments of
Christian effort, must be kept up, and, especially, this work among
the negro youth of the great South.

What we should be glad to make the great and characteristic work
of the new year, is the Southern church work. We have now more
students in our three theological schools than we have churches in
the entire South. Of course, this does not limit the opportunity
of these young men. It does not altogether destroy our influence
through them. They will go out and preach the Gospel, but they
must go into other ecclesiastical relations to fill churches of
other orders, and, as we feel, many of them to do far less telling
work for God and good than they might in churches founded anew by
them under our care. This direct evangelizing and church work is
very dear to those to whom the management of this Association is
entrusted. Shall 1878 be for us the year of church extension?

There are favoring conditions in more respects than one. The
comparative freedom of the South from political agitations gives
the opportunity for undisturbed effort for the enlargement of this
work. The impulse given by the Syracuse meeting will be felt long
by us and by all connected with the Association. The diminution of
the debt already relieves for use in active service nearly $3,000 a
year, which was absorbed by its imperative demands.

If this debt can be wholly put behind us we may add this to the
achievements of the coming year.

It is easier to write prophecy than history, and yet the pen will
glide lightly over the paper, and the press will resound with a
more cheery clatter than in other days, if a year from now, they
shall be able to make it known that the churches in the South have
been largely increased in numbers and efficiency, and that the debt
of the Association has every cent of it been paid.

With a “happy new year” all round the circle, officers,
missionaries, teachers, contributors, let us to the work!

       *       *       *       *       *

In the fall of 1866, Mr. Warren Ackermann gave to the Foreign
Board of the Reformed Church of America $55,000 in one gift, thus
entirely extinguishing its debt, and leaving it a fund of nearly
$10,000 for expenditure upon the field.

Last spring the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions was on
the point of reporting a debt of $50,000, when a like gift, by
the liberality of Mrs. John C. Green, of New York, freed them
from that necessity, and enabled them to close the year without a
deficit. The Methodist Episcopal Missionary Committee, by special
effort during the last year, paid off over $100,000 of their large
indebtedness. None of us have forgotten the noble spontaneity of
the successful movement this fall at Providence, resulting in the
complete liberation of the American Board from their debt of nearly
$50,000, and we cannot fail to notice with rejoicing every success
of “the finangelist” (as he has been called), Mr. Kimball, in
casting the mountains of church debt into the sea of solvency.

All these things encourage us to hope and pray and labor for
great things. Our debt is diminished already from $93,232.99 to
$57,816.90. This is quite within the average of the sums named
above. Not one of these societies or churches but will say: “These
gifts, to deliver us from the bondage of debt, have proved the
grandest helps to our forward work.” Let no one think that money
thus given does not tell upon the work. It does tell: not this year
alone, but every year it puts money in our purse to be expended in
the directest furtherance of our mission to carry the Gospel of
light and love to the poor and neglected races. It is in effect a
permanent fund, the interest of which we have for yearly use.

Is there not some one, or may there not be more far-sighted men, to
whom the Lord has entrusted a liberal share of His gold and silver,
whom these examples and this opportunity may stimulate?

       *       *       *       *       *

In accordance with the decision at the last Anniversary Meeting of
the American Missionary Association, the printing of this paper
will be done hereafter in New York City.

In parting with General Armstrong and his printers at Hampton, it
gives us pleasure to bear our warmest testimony to their uniform
courtesy and to their untiring efforts to relieve, as far as
possible, the unavoidable difficulty of printing at so great a
distance from these rooms. Of the excellence of the work done at
the Hampton office, we need use no words of commendation, for each
successive number has carried to our readers its best evidence.

During the past year, as we learn from General Armstrong, it has
given help to eight young colored girls who, as folders, have been
able to earn enough to materially assist them in meeting their
school bills; it has given steady employment to two young men who,
twelve years ago, were enrolled in the first schools opened at
Hampton by the Association. From little bright-eyed pickaninnies
they have grown to be competent printers; they are now a help to
their parents and are growing up to be among the solid men of

Extra help being needed, a very worthy colored mechanic in
Litchfield, Conn. was engaged. He not only worked on the
MISSIONARY, but having rented a house in a region destitute of
workers, he at once gathered the young and the old, and every
Sunday morning during the summer a motley crowd of about fifty in
number was collected in his verandah. Seated on boxes, tubs, pails,
etc., they received excellent instruction from Mr. Rowe, through
whose good work we hope that some who were blind can now see.

The officers of the Hampton Institute bear testimony to the decided
benefits received from the printing of the MISSIONARY at Hampton.
It has been of no small advantage as an aid to the Industrial
Department there, which is the peculiar and difficult feature of
the Institute.

       *       *       *       *       *

With this number, then, the MISSIONARY returns wholly to this
office and its vicinity for preparation. As our readers have
already noticed, the advice of the Annual Meeting has been followed
in restoring it to its old form, which many of its familiar
friends think more becoming than the perhaps sprightlier, but less
dignified manner of the last year. We trust they will not like it
less because it has a little more of body than formerly, and is
attired in a new, and, we trust, not inappropriate dress. A few
of its additional pages are given to advertisements by the same
advice. We shall be glad to serve and be served by our friends,
who know our circulation and constituency, in opening to them this
channel of communication with one another.

It is our hope to make the MISSIONARY of certainly as much, and,
if possible, of more value than in former years. We should be glad
to do what we can to dissipate the impression that an exposition
of Christian opportunity and a record of Christian work is of
necessity dry reading—of use mainly by way of fitting preparation
for a Sunday afternoon nap. We know that the opportunities, if
realized, are full of encouragement and stimulus, and that the work
itself is intense in its earnestness and interest. We know that
the considerations which enforce its claims are among those which
appeal most irresistibly to thoughtful men, and stir their deepest
feelings. If the presentation, then, be dry, it must be the dulness
of those who write, or the indifference of those who read. We will
try to prevent this at one end if our friends will at the other.

We shall try to procure the freshest and most recent news from
the field, in regard to the general progress and the particular
incidents of the work, by diligent application to our missionaries
and teachers—remembering ourselves, and reminding others, that
they are busy men and women, far more intent on doing the work than
in telling about it. We shall endeavor to give, in condensed form,
a record of the current events, religious, social and sometimes
political, which affect the various departments of our work. We
hope to arrange for special presentation of the nature and needs of
our larger institutions in successive numbers. So we shall try to
bring within the range of our readers’ vision the stars of larger
and of lesser magnitude which gem our Southern and Western sky,
only regretting that our, like other telescopes, can only bring
far-off things a little nearer—can by no means reveal them as they

With the old form we return, of necessity, to the old subscription
price—50 cents a year. Will our good friends remember that if each
of our 25,000 magazines should bring us in a half a dollar, they
would be a source of income to the Association, beside the valuable
service which it does us indirectly? If this suggestion impresses
any one favorably, please let the money be inclosed, and the letter
sealed and directed at once before it can be forgotten.

In accordance with the further recommendation of the Annual
Meeting, Rev. George M. Boynton, of Newark, N. J., who, as a member
of the Executive Committee, is familiar with the work, and whose
pen has contributed freely to our columns during the last year, has
been associated with us in the editorial charge of the MISSIONARY.

       *       *       *       *       *


Specific missionary work by devoted women, among the colored women
and girls in the South, is one of the many interesting departments
of our enterprise. “Woman’s work for woman” has not been neglected,
although it has not been made prominent before the public by the
Association. It is enough to say that more than three-fourths of
our missionaries have been women, and the majority of our church
members and pupils, females, to make it evident that much work of
this kind must have been done; still it has not been singled out
and magnified as _the_ work to which, as an association, we had
given ourselves. It has all along been a matter of deep regret
that we could not make more of this branch of our work. We have
noted the inexpressibly sad condition of the colored woman in
the South—no future before her, public opinion giving her no
recognized standing of respectability, dooming her to an evil
reputation, whether in character she was deserving it or not, and
this, too, in a Christian country—these things we have noted and
felt; but our receipts were all swallowed up in the current demands
of our general work. We are glad to be permitted to record that a
step has recently been taken, promising relief in this direction.
A lady in one of the Western States, who has been for years known
as an indefatigable worker for Christian missions, has had the
elevation and salvation of the colored women of our country on
her heart and mind for years. She has made herself thoroughly
acquainted with the fact that if anything is done, it must be _in
addition_ to what the ordinary receipts of the American Missionary
Association would warrant. Self-moved, she said to our Executive
Committee a few months ago, “If you will commission a competent
and devoted woman missionary and assign her to one of your mission
stations, to give herself _entirely_ to the work of visiting the
homes of the colored women, for the purpose of saving them by the
use of every method her enlightened judgment may suggest as wise, I
will become personally responsible for her support, and will pledge
that what I do shall not in any way interfere with the general
receipts of the Association.” The Executive Committee thankfully
accepted the proposition. A lady missionary was appointed and sent
to Memphis, Tenn., in November. She entered at once upon the field,
and the beginnings of her work are full of promise, and already
assure us of the usefulness of her mission.

We hear from Memphis the week after her arrival of the favorable
impression made, and of the rejoicing on the part of our teachers
that there is help for them in the homes of their pupils and in
mothers’ meetings, etc. One teacher says, “I hope to visit with
her a little, especially to take her to the homes of our girls.”
Another writes, “We regard her being sent here as a special
Providence in our favor. I think there is no place where she could
do more.”

We trust that many such workers may be sent by the Christian women
of the North to these their needy sisters in the South.

The _Advance_ mentions the Church Sewing Circle as the medium, and
the spring as the most convenient time, to carry out the following
suggestion. In this way, it says, there need be no friction between
what is done for the A. M. A. and other missionary work:

  “There was a time, directly following the war, when the American
  Missionary Association was wonderfully aided in its work by
  the special efforts of the philanthropic women. There has
  been nothing finer done in the way of immediately urgent but
  far-reaching influence, by the Christian women of America,
  either before or since. Every one rejoices in the helpfulness of
  the Woman’s Boards, creating and fostering as they do a mighty
  interest on behalf of their benighted sisters in heathen lands,
  and we will not believe the Christian women in our American
  churches incapable of again inaugurating some similar work,
  equally worthy of them, toward meeting the inexpressibly urgent
  moral necessities of their sadly darkened and depressed sisters
  nearer home.”

       *       *       *       *       *


The Jubilee Singers have recently gone to Germany to continue the
work they have for the last six years been so successfully doing in
the United States, Great Britain and Holland, in the interests of
the education of their race at Fisk University, Nashville, Tenn.

Within a few days of their arrival at Berlin, they had the
honor of appearing before the Imperial family of Germany under
circumstances of peculiar interest. They were invited by their
Imperial Highnesses, the Crown Prince and Crown Princess, to sing
some of their slave songs at the New Palace, Potsdam, on Sunday
afternoon, Nov. 4, and on presenting themselves at the appointed
hour they found, to their joy, that they stood in the presence of
His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor of Germany, as well as in the
presence of the Crown Prince and Princess, with their children
gathered around them. Thus three generations stood together in the
home circle, listening to this little company of emancipated slaves
from the United States, as they sang the songs of the days of their
bondage. And never did their strange, touching songs produce a
deeper impression, or call forth heartier expressions of sympathy
for, and interest in, the work they are laboring to do for their
race in America and in Africa.

His Majesty, the Emperor, made many inquiries of the President of
the University respecting the Singers, and their personal history,
and the work they had accomplished, while the Crown Prince and the
Crown Princess conversed freely with the Singers, making inquiries,
and expressing great delight in the singing. It was especially
gratifying to learn from the Crown Princess that four years ago,
when the Jubilee Singers had the honor of singing before her Royal
Mother, the Queen of England, she had received a long letter
speaking of the Singers and their mission. The Crown Prince said,
“These songs, as you sing them, go to the heart—they go through
and through one.”

The first public concert was given in Berlin, at the Sing
Academy, on the 7th of November, and was greeted with such hearty
demonstrations of approval, that success in Germany seems quite
well assured.

       *       *       *       *       *


An article of two and a half columns in an Augusta, Ga. paper,
begins thus: “The Superior Court room in the City Hall was crowded
last evening with the colored voters of the county who had
assembled to listen to addresses from Hon. Jos. B. Cumming, the
Democratic nominee for Senator, from the Eighteenth Senatorial
District, and Hon. H. Clay Foster, Independent candidate for the
same position. Both these gentlemen were present by invitation
of the colored people themselves.” Then follow abstracts of the
speeches of the two candidates, wherein each attempts to show the
colored voters that he has a stronger claim upon them than his
competitor. This political gathering was peculiar in several
respects. The audience was composed of Republicans, while the
speakers were both avowed Democrats. The assemblage comprised
a distinct class in the Senatorial district. This class was
composed of those who during most of their lives had enjoyed
fewest opportunities to obtain knowledge and learn how to vote
intelligently. And what is most vital, they, as the speakers seemed
to tacitly acknowledge, held the balance of power. In other words,
they, whatever their standing might be in society, and whatever
qualifications they might possess or lack, were to decide which of
the two candidates should represent the PEOPLE of the Eighteenth
District in the State Senate.

Whether or not it was humiliating to the pride of “high-bred”
citizens of the Empire State of the South to vie with each other
thus publicly in soliciting the votes of their former servants, is
of little consequence. Neither is it a matter of very great import
that a political gathering of “niggers” (negroes would be more
elegant, but less pointed,) was respectfully addressed by Southern
white men, and respectfully referred to by a Georgia Democratic
paper. That all the colored voters of that district will be urged
and helped to pay their taxes, and thus for one year at least avoid
disfranchisement, and will have an opportunity to vote unmolested,
though a good reason for congratulation, is nothing worthy of
very great consideration. But the prominent and startling feature
of this incident is the fact that those who, through no fault of
theirs, are least qualified for the responsible trust, hold the
balance of power and cast the decisive vote. In this instance, no
great issues are involved, and if, under the influence of wise and
virtuous leaders of their own race, our colored friends always
see as clearly what is really for their good, the danger will
be lessened. As an indication of what is now uppermost in their
minds upon such occasions, and for the encouragement of those who
contribute to the funds of the A. M. A., I will quote the questions
they put to the candidates:

“1. Are you in favor of the States levying a tax for educational
purposes—the benefit to be equally enjoyed by all classes?

“2. Are you in favor of the State continuing the annual
appropriation of $8,000 to the Atlanta University for the higher
education of the colored youth?

“3. Are you in favor of the law known as the ‘Laborers and
Mechanics’ Lien Law’?”

Such danger coupled with such encouragement ought to nerve the
arms of A. M. A. laborers, and stimulate the alms-giving of its

       *       *       *       *       *

We are rejoiced to hear of the increasing prosperity of Howard
University under the presidency of Dr. W. W. Patton. The attendance
and attention of the students to their work, is, we are informed,
most gratifying and encouraging. Dr. Patton, in addition to his
presidential duties, fills an important chair in the Theological
department, the maintenance of which department our Association
shares with the Presbytery of Washington. On another page, we give
some extracts from the thoughtful Inaugural address of the new
President, which we are sure will interest our readers.

       *       *       *       *       *

The barque “Jasper,” which sailed from the port of New York,
September 24th, carrying the missionaries Snelson, James and
White, with their families, to reinforce the Mendi Mission in
North-western Africa, was reported in the New York _Herald_ of
Saturday, Dec. 1st, as arrived at Sierra Leone. The date of arrival
was not given. A note just received from Mr. Snelson, dated Nov.
20, then at Freetown, assures of the health and safety of the
party. The same Hand which we trust has delivered them from the
perils of the sea is able also to deliver them from perils by land
and from perils by their own countrymen. We hope before our next
issue to receive the account of their voyage, and their first
impressions of the field they go to cultivate.

       *       *       *       *       *


Rev. J. E. Smith has accepted the pastoral charge of the Midway
Church, Liberty Co., Ga., succeeding Rev. Floyd Snelson, who has
gone to the Mendi Mission in Africa.

Rev. Wilson Callen has gone to the churches at Belmont and
Louisville, Ga.

Rev. J. G. Kedslie, from Jamaica, West Indies, to McLeansville, N.
C. He reports an increasing religious interest there.

Rev. J. H. H. Sengstacke is with the church at Woodville, Ga.

Mr. J. R. McLean, a student at Talladega, is preaching at Ogeechee.

Rev. William Ash has gone from Providence, R. I., to the church at
Mobile, Ala.

Two brethren from the North have recently gone to take charge of
churches in the Southern field: and Rev. Fletcher Clark, son of
Rev. Rufus W. Clark, D. D., of Albany, N. Y., to Selma, Ala., and
Rev. Geo. E. Hill, recently of Southport, Conn., to Marion, Ala.

A church of twenty-one members was recognized by Council, Nov. 12,
at Marietta, Ga. It has been gathered under the labors of Rev. T.
N. Stewart, formerly of the African Methodist communion. Rev. S. S.
Ashley preached, and Revs. H. S. Bennett and J. Q. A. Erwin bore
other parts in the service. The place is a beautiful town of three
or four thousand inhabitants, with a large colored population.
Several young men have joined the new enterprise, and seem very
much interested in it.

The Central South Conference of Congregational Churches met Nov.
9th in Atlanta, Ga. The meeting was very spirited, though the
attendance was not large. The narrative of the state of religion
was, on the whole, very encouraging. Prof. Bennett, of Fisk
University, occupied one evening in giving an account of the
National Council at Detroit, and the Annual Meeting of the A. M.
A. at Syracuse. Mr. Clark, referred to above, was ordained in
connection with the meeting of conference.

       *       *       *       *       *


The enrolment still goes on; 65,000 in South Carolina, 69,000 in
Louisiana, and large numbers in North Carolina, Alabama, Florida,
Arkansas and Mississippi. In South Carolina, five commissioners
have been appointed to visit Liberia and make arrangements for
emigration; and a joint stock company has been formed to issue
30,000 shares at $10 each—2,000 shares already taken.

       *       *       *       *       *

The appeal is made especially in South Carolina and Louisiana, on
the ground of the changed political situation, which is interpreted
to signify a denial of the rights of the negro citizen, and a risk
of future oppression and even of a future restoration of slavery.
Africa is pictured as “a land flowing with milk and honey, with
no white man to molest or make afraid.” Names are enrolled on
impulse, and with little consideration, and speedily swell to large
proportions. It is much easier to write a book of Exodus than to
cross the sea and go through the wilderness.

       *       *       *       *       *

Meanwhile, the question of emigration is being, of necessity,
investigated. Among intelligent colored men, some press their right
to the country in which they have been born, and for which they
have shed their blood; others suggest that the wealthy inhabitants
of the rich Republic of Liberia send over vessels to transport them
there, so proving their ability; others, less wise and prudent,
have sold out everything and gone to Charleston, expecting to find
speedy transportation, and have returned chagrined and disappointed.

       *       *       *       *       *

The United States Government has issued a report of the condition
of Liberia, showing the dangers of the sea shore climate to the
health of immigrants; that Liberia has never produced sufficient
food for her own consumption, and that provisions are very
high; that while the interior is fine and healthy, it is almost
inaccessible, and thoroughly inhospitable from the jealousy of the
petty kings.

       *       *       *       *       *

Rev. Dr. Dana, of Norwich, Conn., who has given no little time to
the study of Africa, in a recent letter to the New York _Herald_,
on the other hand, makes the following statements: That the
country in the interior east of Liberia is healthy, productive
and accessible. Boporo, 75 miles inland, is elevated, with an
invigorating climate and a productive soil. “The exhibit of
Liberian products at the Centennial was sufficient to set beyond
all question the richness of the country, and the returns it makes
to average industry.” A beginning of manufacturing has been made.
The government sustains primary schools, and five higher schools
are managed by missionary societies, and a college. The war with
the natives of Cape Palmas has terminated and a treaty been made.
The Methodist, Episcopal, Baptist and Presbyterian Churches are
represented there, and have made efficient progress. Iron ore is
found there, and coffee plantations are a source of wealth. The
natives, both Pagan and Mohammedan, are represented by Dr. Blyden
as anxious to have Christian settlers occupy the beautiful hills
and fertile plains in their neighborhood. Dr. Dana concludes: “A
general exodus to Liberia of the colored people of the South need
not be apprehended, but it is anything but commercially wise or
politically just to disparage the condition or speak derisively of
the prospects of the African Republic.”

       *       *       *       *       *

The American Colonization Society has sent to Liberia, since the
close of the war, 3,137 colored persons. It is now preparing to
dispatch another expedition on the 2d of January next. The number
of emigrants will depend, to a considerable extent, on the means
yet to be contributed for the purpose. The society is constantly
receiving urgent applications for passage and settlement. These,
with other movements, especially in South Carolina and Florida,
represent, it is estimated, a quarter of a million of men, women
and children.

       *       *       *       *       *


Notwithstanding the successful termination of the Nez Percès war,
in which General Howard so happily vindicated both his valor and
his courtesy, there is no settled and general peace among the
Indian tribes. Some 1,700 Sioux broke away while being removed
from the Red Cloud agency to their new agency on the Missouri
River, and are now on the war path. They have since been committing
depredations in the immediate vicinity of Deadwood, Dakota. They
number about two hundred lodges, a number not sufficient in itself
to render operations against them on a large scale necessary, but
probably quite large enough to keep our small available force
(exhausted as it is by the long campaign against the Nez Percès)
fully occupied should the Indians open hostilities. Although a
general Indian war is not considered to be imminent, such an event
is not impossible as the outcome of the present troubles, and may
be deemed almost probable.

The most serious feature of the situation lies in the probability
that the many roving bands who live in the country north and west
of the Black Hills, and who are thought to be in sympathy with
Sitting Bull, and to have experienced more or less injustice at
the hands of the whites, will join with the small band which is
creating the present alarm at Deadwood, and thus bring about an
outbreak which it would be quite beyond the power of our present
reduced military establishment to suppress. The opinion is
expressed by officers at the War Department, that the removal of
troops from the Black Hills region to the Texas border, may result
in the protection of people in the latter section, at the expense
of the lives of those who are exposed to much greater danger.

Meanwhile, the Ponca Indians have sent a deputation to Washington,
to remonstrate with the President against their removal to a new
reservation. They are a peaceful and civilized people, who cannot
bear to leave the houses, schools and churches they have built and
maintained. The assurances which they received of restitution for
their losses, and protection in their new homes, though liberally
made and with honest intent, were a poor comfort to them in their
enforced removal.

       *       *       *       *       *

The Sitting Bull Commission report that that doughty chief will
not return to this country at present from his retreat across
the Canada border. His camp, however, keeps up communication
with hostile tribes, stimulating dissatisfaction, and inciting
hostility; it furnishes an asylum, also, to fugitives from
justice—one hundred of the defeated Nez Percès are now there. The
commission suggests, as required by international comity and usage,
that they be removed so far into the interior of the neutral State
that they can no longer threaten in any manner the peace and safety
of our citizens.

       *       *       *       *       *

The Senate Committee on Indian Affairs has reported a bill for
enabling Indians to become citizens of the United States. The
conditions of admission to citizenship are that the Indian shall
belong to some organized tribe or nation having treaty relations
with the United States, and that he shall appear in a United States
Circuit or District Court and make proof to its satisfaction that
he is sufficiently intelligent and prudent to control his own
affairs and interests, that he has adopted the habits of civilized
life, and has for the last five years been able to support
himself and family, and that he shall take an oath to support the
Constitution of the United States. The bill also provides that the
Indian shall not, by becoming a citizen, forfeit his distributable
share of all annuities, tribal funds, lands, or other property.

       *       *       *       *       *

In his Annual Report, the Secretary of the Interior says that,
respecting the Indians, the great difficulty in dealing with them
is that there is no longer any frontier line; they are divided
among the whites who are constantly spreading over the Western
country. The immense region allotted them, and the strict dividing
line between them and the whites, in British America, is the reason
the English Government is enabled to manage them so easily. We
can make no such restriction, with our growing population. The
report recommends as progress toward civilization that the Indians
be gathered in smaller reservations and taught agriculture and
cattle raising; that small tracts be deeded each one, so that they
may have fixed homes; that hunting be discouraged; that proper
tribunals of justice be established; that schools be introduced,
and attendance by youth made compulsory; that farmers be employed
to teach Indians agriculture, and that Indian labor be employed on
all reservations.

       *       *       *       *       *


Governor Irwin, of California, has urged the Legislature of that
State to memorialize Congress that it is the duty of the United
States Government to prevent unlimited Chinese immigration. The
State Senate has forwarded such a document. The Memorial says, that
the 180,000 Chinamen constitute one sixth of the population of
California, pay less than one-four-hundredth of the State revenue,
and send back to China $180,000,000 annually ($1,000 each); that
they have no families here; that not one has been converted to
a Christian faith or way of living; that the cheapness of their
labor, owing to their cheap living, stops American and European
immigration, and interferes with the development of the State; that
if not interfered with, they will ultimately drive out white labor,
and leave only masters and serfs on the Pacific Coast.

       *       *       *       *       *

The “Chinese Six Companies” make a representation on their own
account, calling attention to the fact that, since the treaty,
the United States Government has received from China nearly
$800,000 indemnity for outrages on American citizens and their
property, while in not one case in fifty of similar offenses
against themselves have the perpetrators been brought to justice.
In the July riots in San Francisco, when upward of thirty Chinese
laundries and dwellings were raided, some burned, one Chinaman
killed, and his body thrown into the flames, not one arrest was
made by the authorities, State or municipal. They say that for
twenty-five years the emigration has not averaged over 4,000
annually. They reiterate what they said to the chairman of the
late Chinese Congressional Commission, the late Senator Morton,
in a communication addressed to him—“That if the restricting the
emigration of our people to this free country would have a tendency
to allay the fears of the timid, and protect our people in their
just rights, we would give our aid and countenance to any measure
to that end.”

       *       *       *       *       *

If the assertion of the California Senate, in its memorial to
Congress, that “there is no evidence that a single Chinaman has
been converted to Christianity, or has been persuaded to adopt
Christian manners and habits of life,” is a fair sample of the
truthfulness of the statements of that document, it offers a very
weak foundation on which to base a legislative enactment. This we
know to be false. Those who have read our monthly letters from
Mr. Pond will not need to be reminded that more than a hundred in
our schools alone are now giving convincing evidence that they
are Christian men, and that not simply in name, but in deed and
in truth; and that a large number have united to establish and
maintain a Christian home for the expressed purpose of adopting
Christian manners and habits of life. We are regretfully compelled
to doubt the familiarity of California Senators with the progress
of Christian missions in their own State. Are their other “facts”
no truer than this?

       *       *       *       *       *


ETHIOPIA, _or Twenty Years of Missionary Life in Western Africa_.
By Rev. D. K. Flickinger.

As indicated in the title, the author of this modest volume has had
long experience as a missionary of the United Brethren to Africa.
Their mission station is near our own, and its story sheds light
on our work. With no pretension to literary or artistic merit, a
very simple and vivid description is given of the people of the
north-western coast, their homes, their houses, their food, their
dress (or lack of it), their sleep, their work, their war, their
play. The grossness of their polygamy, the superstition of their
faith in gree-grees, and their Purrow society (an Oriental Ku Klux
Klan) are exposed.

We extract the account of the legend current among the Mendi tribe,
as to the order of the creation of the races, and their explanation
of their differences. The story runs thus:

“God made white man early in the morning, and take plenty time to
show him book palaver [how to read], and God palaver [a knowledge
of the Gospel], and how to make plenty fine things. Then he tell
him go. Next he make Mohammedan man, and show him little book
palaver, and how to make some fine things, and then he tell him
go. After this he make Mendi man, and showed him how to farm, make
country cloth, mats, canoes, and such like things; and then he tell
him go. In the last place, he make Sherbro man; and when he get him
done, the sun go down, and he had no time to show him anything but
make salt and catch fish, but promised to come back and show him
more things. But he forgot to do it, and that the reason Sherbro
man know so little.”

Over against this we quote an old negro’s prayer:

“O God, you must remember me. You must make my heart clean; make me
no hate nobody; you made me; all my mind then to you. Please God,
you must show me how for pray, because I don’t know how.”

       *       *       *       *       *


       *       *       *       *       *


Revival Work in Church and School.


I must tell you the good news. Our protracted meeting is over,
and it has, indeed, been a glorious time. Never did I witness
anything like it before. I was so busy talking with inquirers,
that I could not keep any account of the number converted. I can
now think of twenty. Last Sabbath Mr. Welker was with us, and we
had our communion season. Twenty-seven were added to the church,
and two others were restored who have been wandering. Fifteen were
baptized—of these, eight were recent converts. The others were
fruits of a previous revival. One woman who wished to join us last
Sabbath could not, as she desired to be immersed. She is to be
baptized next Sabbath.

After sermon at each meeting, the inquirers were invited to go into
my rooms for instruction, while the meeting continued in the large
room. My rooms were filled every night, and many were weeping who
could not go in for want of room. As soon as one was converted and
came out, another took the place. There were very few unmoved in
the house.

Outsiders came in and made the meetings too noisy at times, but
we had less confusion than usual when such crowds gather. Our own
congregation were willing to abide by our rules, and they helped to
restrain others.

Ten of those who united with the church were from my Sabbath-school
class. Fourteen others were heads of families. Seven infants were
baptized, all from those families. Mr. Ingle was with us all the
week, and had no outside help except last Sabbath. He came over and
preached again last night.

There are many little ones who are interested; and I feel that the
Lord has given me much work in caring for these lambs.

The fame of this place has gone abroad, and I think a good teacher
will draw a large school this winter. Who are coming? When will
they come? The church is in a better state now than it has been for
years. Those who needed discipline have most of them come back to

       *       *       *       *       *


Revival in the University.


We have never had more occasion for thanksgiving in this school
than in the season just past, on account of the work of the Lord
among us. A deep solemnity has pervaded the school since the
opening of the term, and every week some have been coming to
Christ. On account of the closing of schools in South Carolina,
quite a number of the young men from the University were led to
unite with college classes here this year, and nearly all these
have been converted. May we not believe that it was by special
Divine leading that they were brought to this place at this time?
There has been no interruption of regular work, and no special
services have been held, but the Lord has blessed richly the
ordinary means of grace, and in His own way has been gathering in
the precious harvest. Five members of the junior class have been
brought, as we hope, to Christ, and are seeking the best places
and ways of serving Him. There are left only two or three, who are
not followers of Christ, while most of those in the higher classes
have already been brought in. We seek the continuance of this
blessing all the year, and the ingathering of the whole school.
There was never a more auspicious time to work in this field, so
far as spiritual results are concerned, and “the regions beyond”
were never more accessible or more needy than at present. May
the sympathies, aid and prayers of good people be continued and

       *       *       *       *       *


A Church Organized—Other Churches Revived.


I have thought for some time I would try to do less, and tell you
more about it. But the things to be done are nearer at hand and
more exacting.

The Sabbath before school opened I went into the country, eight
miles from here. One of the students had been working there during
the vacation, teaching day-school, without receiving enough to
pay his board, carrying on a very successful S. S., and holding
meetings. I believe twelve had shown a change of heart and life.
Nearly one hundred people met in and around a log schoolhouse
hardly large enough to hold half the number. Those outside,
however, were about as favorably situated as those within, for
the crevices between the logs were about as large as the logs
themselves. A Congregational church, of six men and women, was
organized. Three others expected to unite with them, but were kept
away that day. Four or five more will unite soon, and we have
reason to expect a vigorous church there. It is one of the best and
largest neighborhoods in the region, and the people have already
set to work upon a church building. The next Sabbath I was there
again, and baptized six persons.

Last Sabbath I went up to Anniston, twenty-five miles away, where
another student is in charge of the Congregational church. There
have been twenty-one conversions in this church during the summer.
I immersed nine, baptized nine by sprinkling, and received nineteen
into the church. The little church building was crowded to its
utmost capacity in the evening, hardly room enough being left upon
the platform for the speaker. The church and parsonage adjoining,
finished and painted with taste, clean and tidy inside and out,
as well as the energetic and faithful pastor and his wife, and
their earnest, quiet, decorous people, remind one of a New England
village church. The contrast with most of the neighboring churches
is very marked.

I go again next Sabbath to Childersburg, twenty miles south, to
baptize and receive into that church quite a number of converts.

The school is unusually full this term, and the spirit of the
pupils is marked by all of us.

       *       *       *       *       *

A New Pastorate—“Pauses” in Prayer Meetings not yet Introduced.


I have seen all my people in their homes now, and some of them
repeatedly, have had a crowded and very pleasant reception at the
“Home,” and begin to feel as if I knew the ground. I see great
reason for encouragement. We have 60 members on the ground whom I
can find, and who seem to be quite as consistent as the average
church members at the North. This, out of a list of 77, seems to
me a pretty good showing. Half of the absentee list is accounted
for by the former teachers who have not taken their letters,
and students at Atlanta and Talladega. I have more reliable
“prayer-meeting” members in proportion to our number than most
pastors enjoy. _“Pauses” in the prayer meeting_ have not yet been
introduced. The majority of Christians who come to prayer-meeting
at all seem to take it for granted that they must take an active
part in carrying it forward; and the majority, male and female, do
so with great acceptance. They are free from the “Shame-facedness”
of Northern Christians about religious activity; and have not
yet fallen into any routine ways. Of course they are generally
ignorant; but I find their spiritual exercises very quickening and
helpful to me. In this respect the work is very delightful. We
sustain two prayer meetings every week, at the church Wednesday
evening, and from house to house Monday evening; and I have begun a
young people’s meeting Sunday evening half an hour before regular
service, which opens with good promise. The Lord has given us one
soul as a pledge of His readiness to bless. A bright, promising
young girl has been seeking Christ for a long time, but has been
hindered by the general superstitious notion that she must have a
_vision_ or tangible evidence of God having heard her prayers. She
has finally been persuaded to trust God, and try to walk by faith,
and has found peace in believing. So we can already set up our
Ebenezer, and go forward.

Outside of the direct church work I am impressed with two things
especially. First, that a good number of the people are making
substantial progress in material things. They show a very healthy
tendency to seek the outskirts of the city, and to obtain homes
of their own. Montgomery is girdled all around with little
cottages (not very fine, to be sure, but a vast improvement on the
plantation cabins), which they have built on land bought with their
savings since Emancipation. The Democratic Legislature a year ago
took advantage of this fact, and, by drawing in the city limits,
changed Montgomery from a Republican to a Democratic town, throwing
out a thousand colored votes. This shows the extent of the movement.

The second thing which has struck me, is the improvement in the
old churches; or rather the evident straining after something
better. There cannot be _much_ change while the present generation
of ignorant preachers survives; but the changes recently have all
been for the better, and a new Baptist organization has just been
started among the people themselves with no outside persuasion,
with the avowed purpose of securing an educated minister and
maintaining better discipline. It is an interesting fact that the
leaders in this last movement are all men who have been in close
relations with our church and its work. I think our Northern
friends need have no fear of the effect upon our principles of
_Southern kindness_ here in Montgomery. The white people let us
severely alone, unless they can make a little money out of us. The
Presbyterian Pastor, Dr. Petrie, has, called upon me; but, besides
that, our only visits have been from business men who wanted

       *       *       *       *       *


Le Moyne Normal School—The Year Begins Well.


The first month of school has closed with a larger attendance than
during the corresponding month one year ago, while the class of
students is much superior in every respect. This is especially true
of the young men from other places who attend Le Moyne for the
first time. They enter the advanced classes and have capacity for
more rapid progress than we have been accustomed to find.

We regret the absence of many girls, who prefer teaching to
thoroughly fitting themselves for their work. With very limited
qualifications, they secure positions in country schools, where
they doubtless do fair work for present needs. Some time, they will
see the mistake of not pursuing their studies further.

Our Thursday evening family readings have been resumed. This week
the Alumni joined us. When two or three guests have come, it
has been the habit to have an author designated, but this time
the circle was so large it was thought best to invite each to
contribute any selection he chose. The first offering was Joseph
Cook’s remarks upon uneducated suffrage in the South. It provoked
very earnest discussion. Every one was surprised at Mr. Cook’s
familiarity with the true condition of affairs. A young man who has
taught in the neighborhood, was inclined to dispute the educational
statistics. “Go out into the country and you will find that most of
the children can read a little,” was one remark. He admitted the
ignorance of the adults. He is certainly mistaken in applying his
statement to the country at large, however true it may be of the
region within a radius of thirty miles from this city.

His hopefulness concerning the children is an offset to the report
of another young man teaching forty-five miles away, where the
children in Sabbath School could not tell who betrayed Christ, or
answer similarly easy questions. I think it is the same place
where the minister told his people, in a vivid description of the
Flood, that “the rain drops fell as large as a flour barrel.”

Our student teachers have generally accomplished excellent
work during vacation. Some of the least promising have shown
capabilities which surprised us.

We commence the year with hope as to the intellectual progress to
be attained, and trembling over the spiritual condition of the
school. Several of the active Christians, heretofore leaders,
do not return to us. Their influence is missed. The new element
is earnest and determined so far as lessons and deportment are
concerned, but indifferent towards higher interests. Yet, even as
I write, there is a gentle movement, as if the south wind were
blowing upon the garden, that the spices thereof may flow out.

       *       *       *       *       *



I think it may be a matter of interest to you and the readers of
the MISSIONARY to know that, last winter, an organization was
formed here called the State Teachers’ Institute. Its object is the
promotion of education, and especially that of the colored people
in Tennessee and adjoining territory. It embraces in its membership
all those engaged in the work of colored education who may choose
to join it. It unites all the forces so engaged in a general
educational effort for lifting up the common schools, by improving
those who teach them. It operates in accordance with the views of
the State Superintendent of Education, by whom it is endorsed and
to whom it reports.

The plan was first proposed by this institution, and the Methodist
and Baptist institutions located here heartily responded. It thus
forms a bond of union and a way of co-operation long felt to be
desirable on the part of schools of learning occupying the same
ground. It also unites these with the public schools, and combines
all educational forces in the work among the freedmen.

During the summer, sixteen local institutes were held in Tennessee
and North Alabama, with a total attendance of five hundred
teachers. These institutes continued two or three days each and
varied in attendance from fifteen to seventy-five each day. Two
sessions were held in the day time, and one at night. The day
sessions were for the professional instruction of teachers of
schools. This was done by lectures, class drills and the like,
adapting those exercises to circumstances and persons, aiming
always at practical benefit to the teachers present. The sessions
at night were made popular gatherings in the interest of education
and sought to reach the masses. Men of influence, both white and
colored, in the various localities, were invited to make addresses.
Good music was provided when it was possible. One speaker called it
_an educational revival_. This is what we sought to make it. This
is what I think it was.

As you may suppose, there were many obstacles in the way of this
good work—ignorance as to what an institute is, prejudice of
white and colored, the sickly season of the year and the previous
exhaustion of those who gave instruction. These were men who, in
ordinary circumstances, should have been resting after the toils of
the last school year in preparation for those of the year to come.

All sorts of misconception must be met. Frequently the lecturers
arrived at the place, and found almost no one there. Yet by singing
and speaking and work generally, success would come at last, but
with an immense outlay of effort.

In other cases the house would be packed with people, but scarcely
a teacher there. They came on horseback and muleback and in wagons
and on foot, bringing their children and dinners with them, to stay
all day. The infants were passed from one to another as nurses grew
tired, or were quietly palleted on the floor or toddled about among
the feet of the people.

What should be done with an institute like that? Turn the people
away? By no means. The teachers present were taught how to teach
by seeing these people taught the alphabet, and how to count and
the like. One thing never failed—rote singing. Oh, what a wealth
of music in voice and ear lies in this people! And it was a study
for an artist to see those earnest dark faces, with their great,
dreamy eyes, as they peered in at the portals of the temple of
knowledge so long closed against them, and just got a glimpse of
the glory beyond, and knew, if they themselves could not enter,
their children might. Many a parent vowed then that his child
should go to Fisk University or Central Tennessee College, or the
Baptist Institute, as the crowded halls of these institutions,
filled almost to bursting, now testify. I think that some of these
strange, nondescript institutes were, perhaps, our best.

One case of zeal I may not omit. A man came seventeen miles across
the country, staid the first day, and at the close of the night
session, about eleven o’clock, started for home, woke up his
friends and neighbors, and was back with them by nine the next
morning. And, oh, the hand-shakings, and the God-bless-yous! Who
would not be willing to re-enlist in so good a work?

But it was hard work. Night sessions could not begin till nine,
or later, as the people could not be got together sooner, and so
we were up till eleven or twelve. Add to this the thermometer in
the nineties and up to a hundred, small rooms, impure air and many
other things, and no wonder if nearly every one of the workers

As to actual expenses for travel, &c., we expect to get them from
the Peabody Fund. They were only between two and three hundred
dollars. We were, for the most part, kept free of expense,
sometimes at hotels and sometimes in families, white or colored.
This we left for the colored people of the place to decide. They
generally thought it best for the cause that we stop with white
people. We made some friends in that way whom it is pleasant to

We let politics alone, but kept ourselves to education; still,
being Christian educators, we often preached Jesus. In one case a
revival meeting was resumed each day at the close of the institute.

I have written thus minutely, thinking that our experience may
lead A. M. A. workers to go and do likewise in other States. Great
masses of our school teachers can never come to us. We must go to

But, dear Secretary, do not work us so hard in our schools that
there will be nothing of us left for this or any other of the many
things we see to do about us, that need so much to be done.

       *       *       *       *       *


  We welcome with peculiar pleasure the volume just issued by
  our old friend and co-laborer, Rev. J. P. Thompson, D.D., the
  former pastor of the Broadway Tabernacle. It consists of six
  lectures delivered in the leading cities of the continent during
  the Centennial year. It is entitled “The United States as a
  Nation.” Among many valuable things which it contains, we select
  the following extract, giving from this life-long friend of the
  colored race his counsel as to their treatment by the government
  and their treatment of themselves:

“1. Let the general government refrain from all further legislation
or interference on behalf of the negro as such. If riots arise that
the State authorities cannot quell, the National Government, duly
invoked, should interfere, to preserve the public peace; and also,
if necessary, it should use the arm of power to sustain the courts
in putting down injustice, outrage and wrong, by the arm of the
law. But all this without making a point of caring for the negro in
distinction from any other man; for the best way of caring for the
negro is to cease to know him as a negro, and to treat him always
and only as a man. Above all, should the government refrain from
legislating upon social customs, instincts and prejudices. A legal
injustice can be done away by law; a moral wrong, in the form of
overt action, can be dealt with by law; but a taste, a sentiment,
a feeling, an instinct, a prejudice—these pass the bounds of all
legislation; and the attempt to rectify or regulate these by law
serves only to irritate opposition. At these points human nature
has much in common with the porcupine.

“2. The black race should be taught that they are to depend upon
themselves. Having freedom, schools, the rights of citizens
guaranteed by law, and the inducement to self-culture presented
by opportunities of political action, they should be made to feel
that their future is in their own hands; that, if they would rise
to a position of respect and of responsibility as men, they must
show themselves to be men. There is no other way for any race. If
they cannot do this, they must go under. If they will not do this,
they ought to go under. But no one who knows the negro race in
America can doubt, that with time on their side, and patience and
justice toward them on the part of others, they will rise to the
full measure of their opportunities, and, with their capacity for
work, their docility, their kindliness, their adaptivity, their
mirthfulness, their religious faith, will form as good a part as
any in the social system of the future. Time, patience, justice,
will cause the friction of races to disappear in the working of the
American system of harmonized humanity.”

       *       *       *       *       *


As “there is no royal road to learning” to suit dullards of kingly
birth, so no peculiar and accommodating pathway to wealth and
power, to civilization and culture, opens before those of African
descent. Their own expectations, and the efforts of those who would
assist them, must be based simply on their manhood. It is only as
this shall be developed and brought to bear upon life’s duties
and opportunities, that progress can be made in outward condition
and in the estimation of mankind. There are no sudden results
to be secured by artificial means. Neither special legislation,
nor military protection, nor favor extended by those in power,
nor the peculiar regard and effort of philanthropists, will, of
themselves, avail to procure the abolition of caste-feeling, and
the elevation of the colored people to an entire equality with the
whites. The effects of ages of slavery are not to be removed in a
day, by a mere legislative vote. An amendment to the Constitution
alters no fact of ignorance, of poverty, of moral debasement.
The prejudices of the whites, descending through generations,
imbibed by individuals in infancy, and strengthened by universal
sentiment, practice, and association of ideas, cannot be easily
and soon overcome, and are not, so far as feeling is concerned,
wholly within the power of volition, so as to be annihilated at
will. They will vanish gradually in the presence of increasing
evidence of a noble manhood. Developed intellectual power, the
higher education, success in industrial pursuits, the acquirement
of wealth and culture and character, will cause them to disappear
as the sun does the heavy, chilly, obscuring mists which night
generates in the valleys. When I deposit a gold coin on the table,
it commands a certain degree of respect. No one is obliged to argue
in its behalf. It speaks for itself. Having intrinsic value and
the added stamp of the national mint, it represents so many grains
of precious metal and their equivalent in whatever money will buy.
Hence everybody welcomes it, and looks upon it with regard. Will
the result not be analogous, when the colored man shall be seen to
have an intrinsic value equal to that of the white man? When one
shall no longer associate with him the ideas of bondage, pauperism,
and barbarism, but those of freedom, prosperity, intelligence, and
culture; when he shall not only carry in his person the stamp of
American citizenship, but shall come out from a university training
a scholar and a gentleman, like a glittering coin from the die?

       *       *       *       *       *

Every case which is at all parallel, confirms the validity of our
reasoning. The classical scholar will, perhaps, remember that
Cicero, in writing to one of his friends, advises him, when he
has occasion to purchase a slave, not to buy one of those stupid
Britons. Doubtless, after the Roman wars in Britain, thousands of
captives had been sent to Italy and exposed for sale, according
to ancient custom; and those who bought them had learned that
they were intellectually inferior to slaves obtained from other
sources. Why does a Briton no longer bear such a reputation?
Because generations of favorable influences have brought him out of
the barbaric condition in which he then was, and have educated him
into the representative of civilization.

       *       *       *       *       *

There can be no reasonable doubt that educational forces, rightly
brought to bear upon the colored people, will in time work a change
in the matter of prejudice; which is only partially an incident
of difference of feature and complexion, and is principally a
manifestation of caste-pride.

       *       *       *       *       *

The only certain corrective for this evil is general and
special education, which shall raise the average intelligence
of the masses, so as to make them more capable and independent
in their judgments of men and measures, and which shall also
provide appropriate leaders, worthy of their confidence, from
among themselves. These leaders must be such as naturally come
to the front in organized and cultivated society—the men in
all professions and pursuits who to native talent add superior
education. There must be a speedy addition of cultivated mind to
the colored population if it is to be saved from follies which will
be fatal. That grade of mind must operate not only directly and
purposely through public addresses and by the press, but in all
those quiet, incidental, and unconscious ways of daily and hourly
intercourse, which are equally, or even more, effective. Hence we
must have colored lawyers, physicians, editors, authors, clergymen,
artists, statesmen, and teachers, whose attainments shall be equal
to those of white men in similar occupations, and whose expressed
opinions shall have just weight with their race, on the various
mooted questions which may arise in Church and State.

       *       *       *       *       *


       *       *       *       *       *


A Discouraging First View. School Teaching and Brick Making.
Increasing Hope.


My work here since January has been incessant, and unprecedented
in trial and difficulty in all my experience. I can labor on the
wild frontier of Minnesota, organize Sunday-schools and churches,
and labor with my own hands in the erection of meeting houses,
with the mercury more than 30° below zero. But harder still it
is to have the burden of care for 1,200 savages, bowed down by
superstition and sin, through whom the rough ploughshare of the
most degraded and vile white civilization has been driven for the
last fifty years. With the prejudice of Indians against all agents
to overcome, the strife arising from the desire to _make money_, in
conflict with the desire to promote the highest and best welfare
of the Indian, in our very midst, the underground whiskey traffic,
with the vilest of all whites to encounter—these were barriers
requiring time and pluck to overcome. Added to this, the red-tape
of the department, making one always feel the force of the Latin
words—“_Incidet in Scyllam qui vult vitare Charybdim._”

The time for forwarding my report for your anniversary came when
this deep, dark gulf of difficulty first opened to my view, and the
letter that I then wrote, but did not send, had scarcely a gleam of
hope for these savages. I am glad it was not sent. Since then, I
have been laboring to overcome the difficulties, and I believe it
is possible to do what I then thought was impossible. I have just
come in from visiting our school of 40 Indian boys and girls, in
the new schoolhouse we have built this summer. It was a pleasant
sight. Miss Briggs has care of the Arickarees, and Miss Calhoun,
Missionary of the A. B. C. F. M., has care of the Grosventres and
Mandans, both excellent Christian young ladies, who guarantee
success. Not far away is a new building for Indian supplies,
120×20; and at the new agency a barn 400×22, just completed. And
near by is a pile of superior brick, which the Indians have aided
in manufacturing, in the face of obstacles to overcome in the clay,
probably unprecedented in the history of brick making.

While I am writing, “Son of the Star,” chief of the Arickarees, an
intelligent, sensible man, comes in and gives me the shake of his
friendly hand—one of the great majority of all the tribes who now
look up to me with confidence as their friend and “chief.” All this
assures me that the Indian can be civilized and Christianized.

       *       *       *       *       *


       *       *       *       *       *


Auxiliary to the American Missionary Association.

Stone, D. D., Thomas C. Wedderspoon, Esq., Rev. T. K. Noble, Hon.
F. F. Low, Rev. I. E. Dwinell, D. D., Hon. Samuel Cross, Rev. S.
H. Willey, D. D., Edward P. Flint, Esq., Rev. J. W. Hough, D. D.,
Jacob S. Taber, Esq.

DIRECTORS: Rev. George Moor, D. D., Hon. E. D. Sawyer, Rev. W. E.
Ijams, James M. Haven, Esq., Rev. Joseph Rowell, E. P. Sanford,
Esq., H. W. Severance, Esq.

SECRETARY: Rev. W. C. Pond. TREASURER: E. Palache, Esq.

       *       *       *       *       *



By virtue of a tacit understanding, a place is given, year by year,
in the course of the meetings of our General Association, for the
Anniversary of “The California Chinese Mission.” This meeting was
accordingly held this year at Sacramento, October 12th. It shared
with the American Home Missionary Society the evening service. A
large congregation was present. Rev. J. K. McLean, D.D., president
of the mission, occupied the chair, and conducted the devotional
exercises. The reports of the Treasurer and of the Directors, (some
of the main points of which may be found in the Annual Report of
the A. M. A.), were read by the Secretary, and stirring addresses
were made by our helper, Mr. Fung Affoo, and by Rev. Joseph Lanman,
of Woodland, and Rev. Martin Post, of Stockton. A very satisfactory
token of the interest of the meeting appeared in the goodly number
and generous amount of the offerings received.


The action of our General Association on the Chinese question has
excited attention and surprise among our Eastern friends. I am not
prepared to defend it, and do not believe that it is defensible.
Yet it was not so bad as to the spirit that prompted it, nor so
bad in itself as to our Eastern friends it will naturally seem
to be. The mistake was in meddling with a question on which we
could scarcely speak at all without being misunderstood. The
resolutions adopted were three: the first, in emphatic terms,
rebuked lawlessness and riot; the second, in terms equally
emphatic, endorsed the missionary work among the Chinese; the third
set forth the perils attending Chinese immigration, and urged some
modification of the Burlingame treaty and the adoption of any other
just measures which may restrict this immigration. The fault and
the danger is, not so much in what was really said, as in what will
naturally and easily be inferred. For the first two resolutions
will be taken as practically meaningless;—designed simply to
smooth the way for the last: while the last will be interpreted as
a surrender on the part of Christian people to the hoodlum element;
a cowardly backsliding of Congregationalists in California from
the position as up-holders of the liberties and rights of men,
which our churches here and elsewhere held so bravely in the years
gone by. The following extracts from a paragraph in the _Pacific_,
truthfully represents, as I believe, the real sentiments of the

“Christians in all parts of our land have long felt that, if any
‘_just_’ method could be found of restricting immigration, whether
European or Mongolian, our country’s future would be less full of
peril. But they have not felt that, for this purpose, it could be
safe to violate the inalienable rights of men, or contradict those
truths which our forefathers declared to be _self-evident_, and
which constitute the very vitals of our body politic. And in this
view, as we humbly believe, our General Association would be found
in unanimous accord with Christian people elsewhere in our land.”


The story of hindrance from cruel race-antipathies has been so
often told of late, that to continue it would be tedious. But the
hindrance still exists, and what with the meetings of so-called
“workingmen,” held every evening to nurse a mob-spirit, and the
perpetual droppings of venom from our daily press, we cannot tell
when it will be removed. “Nevertheless, the foundation of God
standeth sure, having this seal: The Lord knoweth them that are
His.” And while the attendance on our schools is diminished, and
one of them is for the time suspended, still the Spirit finds and
saves His own. At our next communion in Bethany Church, we are
expecting to baptize and welcome to membership five Chinese; and
several others, as I understand, will soon present their names to
the First Church in Oakland. We do not hasten this step. All who
are thus received, have been on probation in the Association of
Christian Chinese, for six months or more, and they come before the
church only when recommended by vote of their brethren. Meanwhile,
others are listening; and we hope to reap our harvests even in
the midst of the storm. Mrs. Denton, writing from Sacramento,
says: “Our school has been one of unusual interest this past month
(October). ‘He leadeth me,’ seems to be the choice song of my
pupils. After singing it last evening, I explained it to them:—how
God leads us by his word and love, through care, sickness, sorrow,
death, on towards heaven. All were _so attentive_, that I felt
sorry to see the hour-hand pointing to nine. The harvest truly is
ripe.” Another teacher writes: “To those engaged in the work, every
week gives fresh proof of the power of the simple truths of the
Bible to reach the heart, and elevate and purify the life. They
say, ‘I hear about God’s love for us all—how Jesus came to die to
save us—that is something new. Then when I hear He with us all the
time, ready to hear and help us, I think it much better to pray to
Him than to idols; and now I pray to Jesus; I _know_ He helps me.’
It is the unanimous testimony, when asked what they pray for, ‘I
pray Jesus help me do right—to know more about the right way.’ So
we are not disheartened, for surely they that be with us are more
than they that be against us.”

Words of cheer from other quarters might be cited, but I fear that
I have trespassed already too much upon your space.

       *       *       *       *       *


       *       *       *       *       *



There are two methods of protection against dangers that threaten
from without. One is the artificial method that builds up walls of
defence on the outside. The other is the vital and Divine method
that develops inward power enough to ensure safety. God braces the
oak against the storms, not by outward props, but by growth of
inward strength. He gives a man successful life, not by providing a
nurse to carry and feed him half a century, but by teaching him the
art of self-development, which makes him capable and masterly.

In the great problem of Southern reconstruction, which is so
slowly being solved, two parties feel themselves in danger. The
colored man finds himself at an immense disadvantage amid the
prejudices, the ambitions, the wider experience, the superior
knowledge and skill of the whites. The old yoke is removed, but
his new life is oppressed with a thousand petty exactions, which
the strong are always able to make upon the weak. With the ballot
thrust into his hands, he hardly knows how to use it wisely, and
suspects that it may be snatched from him again.

Now this outward guardianship of law and force has been needed;
just as the transplanted flower needs special shelter and the
upholding aid of the stick to which it is tied, _until_ its
vital power can build it into independent strength. It is still
necessary, to a certain degree, though God’s providence is fast
showing us that law and force can do but a transient work for the
race, and must soon be superseded by something better; and that
something better is the development of the colored man himself into
wisdom, and capability, and moral power.

The only permanent safety for the blacks is in their intellectual
and religious education. A weak race, helpless in its ignorance and
corrupted by immorality, will always be kept down. The ambitious
and intense desires of those who are wiser and stronger will
take advantage of its weakness, and will crowd it to the wall.
No legislation can prevent the working of this natural law in
the struggle for prosperity. But a strong race, with vigorous,
well-disciplined minds, balanced with virtue, will always hold its
own in the world. Cobden used to say that he must see a Turkish
ship, wholly built, equipt and manned by Turks, sailing from a
Turkish port, and freighted with genuine products of Turkish
manufactures; and then, and not till then, would he believe in
Palmerston’s dream of Turkish regeneration. So when the colored man
shows by his deeds that he is able to do all that a white man can
do, he will hold his footing of equality secure. The race is to be
tested by results.

The political safety and social elevation of the negro race depend
on the resolution, patience and enterprise with which it takes up
this work of self-development. And the only way the friends of
the black man can permanently protect him, is to help him gain
this inward power. The primer and the Testament, well used, will
be a better paladium than Congressional enactments. The grammar
schools and colleges, the industrial and theological schools, and
the churches, where a more reasonable and sober religion may be
taught them, will do more to secure their rights as freemen than a
standing army can do.

The other party, looking out for “rocks ahead,” is the nation
itself. Victorious in the struggle for its very existence, it
has been ever since in constant perplexity as to the way of
readjustment which would make its future safe. For a dozen years
the Southern question has been one of commanding interest and
momentous importance. The wisdom of our statesmen has been taxed to
the utmost to avert calamities continually impending. But although
time, and the steady purpose of the North to have equal rights
for all recognized and enforced everywhere, and the new policy
of pacification, have done much to change the perilous condition
of things, and bring quiet, the danger is by no means gone. It
has changed its complexion, but it lurks there still. The dense
ignorance, the wide spread immorality, the pride of blood, the
antagonism of races, the prevalence of mischievous notions about
capital and labor, the indolence and “shiftlessness” of great
numbers of the working class, the ambitions that will seize and
manipulate these diverse elements with shrewdness and trained
skill, still exist all over the great South, and are likely to make
it a turbulent caldron of contentious elements for years to come.
Race conflicts and class feuds are likely to arise, and sectional
hatreds are ready to break out again, with new danger to the whole

How can the nation protect itself against such dangers? Only by
this method of self-development. The South must become homogeneous
in itself, and harmonious with the North by the spread of
intelligence and right principles. Education and a reasonable
religion will bring all up to a higher level, break down walls of
difference, give broader and better ideas. They would so change
the whole structure of Southern society, and unify its various
elements, that the causes of dissension that now exist would exist
no longer.

The American Missionary Association, then, is giving to the colored
race its best and only permanent protection. It helps the black
man to develop his inward power, so that his defence shall be in
himself. And its work is the nation’s safeguard, for by promoting
intelligence, integrity and moral power throughout the South, it
increases the elements that alone make a Republic safe. Every
motive of philanthropy and patriotism urges us to push forward its
work more earnestly.


       *       *       *       *       *



The great mistake most people make, in regard to the education
of the negro, is that too much is expected in a short time.
Education in its broad sense is by no means confined to the study
of text-books, however well these may be learned. It takes a
generation to correct evil tendencies and predilections, and the
fruits of a systematic course of instruction do not appear at once.
It takes time to do this; and not only is this true of the negro
race, but of all other races as well. The entire history of our
foreign missionary efforts goes to prove this. It would be folly to
argue that no effort should be made to enlighten and Christianize
the heathen, because the fruits were not apparent in a few years.
This is just the case with the negroes among us. Although they have
been in contact (in a certain sense) with the white race for a
considerable period, yet no systematic or general effort has been
made for instructing their minds or educating them in morals.

Having for the past six or eight years had abundant opportunity
to compare the relative advantages of our system of public
education on the white and colored races, I am free to say that,
considering the advantages of the former over the latter, I am as
much encouraged to go on with the effort to instruct the blacks
as the whites. It is true that where intellect is concerned, the
white greatly excels, but it is not so with regard to memory. The
colored pupil memorizes as rapidly as the white, but lacks the
faculty of applying the things learned to everyday life; and I am
of opinion that this will remain so for a considerable time—till
habits of thought and individuality of ideas are educated. A great
deal depends upon home influences; and here the colored pupil is
decidedly at a disadvantage, and must remain so till home influence
is changed to a great extent. These are general rules, to which
there are noticeable and valuable exceptions. Take, for instance,
the graduates of Hampton Normal School, and they make not only
better men and women in a general sense, but better for every
special calling in after-life. This, however, is due in a great
degree to the constant drill, the daily systematic exercises, the
thoroughly qualified instructors, and to their separation for the
time from associations with the vulgar.

It is gravely contended by some, whose opinions are worth a good
deal, that the negro is below the white man because of deficiency
of cerebral matter, and that an examination of the brain will
demonstrate this average deficiency by weight or cubic inches. I
do not know whether this is true or not, but this I have observed,
and have had abundant evidence of, that the average colored pupil
will, and does, keep pace in learning with the average white, _if
the white associations are the same as the colored_, i.e., if the
parents and kinsfolk or acquaintances of the white are as ignorant
and ill-bred as the black. All things being equal, the black will
outstrip the white in acquiring knowledge and applying it. I have
noticed a greater facility for rising above caste in the colored
youth than in the white.
                                                         R. W. P.

       *       *       *       *       *



Perhaps it may interest some of the “MISSIONARY’S” readers to learn
a little concerning the speaking campaign in which Rev. G. D. Pike,
Rev. Temple Cutler, of Chattanooga, and myself, have been engaged
the past few weeks in Connecticut. For the gratification of such I
send you the following sketch:

Our first meeting was a convention—Greenwich the place, and the
afternoon of Tuesday, Oct. 30, the time. We met in the church; the
audience was small but representative, and as our object was to
talk to people whose _weight_ rather than number was to be taken
into the account, we had no reason to complain of our send-off.
Four churches greeted us in this meeting. Rev. Chas. R. Treat,
son of the late revered Secretary of the American Board, gave us
cordial welcome, and spoke words of hearty endorsement of our work
and mission. At Norwalk we held a convention similar in character,
and, so far as appearances went, similar in results. Rev. Messrs.
Hamilton, Dunning and Bradford were present, and despite a
rain storm that had set in with violence and long continuing
determination, we had a good audience. “Come again,” said the
brethren, “and you shall have a rousing reception”—a remark which
in substance we heard at many other places, and a remark which I
interpret to mean—“You can count on us as co-workers with you in
your grand work.” There is inspiration in such interpretation, and
with such co-workers as Norwalk and South Norwalk contain, we can
rightfully jot down our visit to Norwalk as a success.

Our next meeting was in Danbury, the home of the “News-Man.” We
did not notice that he was present, and, for that matter, we could
hardly see that there was any other man. Nobody was to blame. The
_dryness_ of the news-man’s jokes, I presume, has had such an
effect upon the citizens of Danbury that they have not even the
ordinary love of mortals for wet weather; but, were it otherwise,
they were excusable for not coming out “to hear about missions” on
that particular night. Noah’s Deluge was distantly suggested by
that terrible and incessant down-pour of rain. We went through with
our meeting, however, and it did seem as though Brother Cutler,
extracting courage out of desperation, was bound to do his very
best. The memory of Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, beneath
whose frowning battlements stands his home at Chattanooga, must
have been vivid, for “he carried the night.” Rev. Mr. Hough, just
home from Detroit and Syracuse, weary from the long journey, and
suffering from a severe cold, ought to have stayed at home, but his
determination to give us at least an audience of _one_ brought him
out, even at the peril of his health.

Our first Sabbath was spent in New Haven. At nine o’clock in the
morning we met the students of the Theological Seminary. Had I
remained silent and Mr. Pike taken all the time, the students would
have had occasion to be under obligation to me. He was in good
trim, full of his subject, and effective in speech. Africa was his
theme, and he handled it in such a way as to hold the continuous
attention of the young men. During the day we spoke in several
of the pulpits, and in the evening held a “Union Meeting” in the
Center Church, which was well attended. The venerable Dr. Bacon was
in his chair in the pulpit, as the “Emeritus” pastor of the church;
Rev. Dr. Noble, the present pastor, and Rev. Dr. Hawes, of the
North Church, were also on the platform, while the presence of Rev.
Messrs. Todd, Williams and other ministers in the audience, showed
that it was really a union meeting. The work, needs and claims
of the A. M. A., I think, were clearly presented and discussed;
though, judging from a report in one of the Monday papers, things
were rather mixed; for example, one of us was represented as saying
that “the colored people are going down to eternity, and if nothing
is done by the people in the North they will drag the white people
with them”—a very alarming statement surely, and well calculated
to fire the popular heart, but I cannot find that either of my
companions acknowledges its authorship, and I don’t quite like to
assume it myself. The reporter must have been experimenting with
a telephone. On Monday, the ministers very kindly accorded us a

We were indulging the hope that at last we had entered upon
the favorable time for our meetings. New Haven had furnished
us something of a field day, and strong desire, stimulated by
encouragement, was shooting out into confidence; but that “one
swallow does not make a summer”—a trite old adage we are in danger
of forgetting just when we should remember it, was forcefully
brought to our minds as we went to New Milford. The storm king came
out in full force, with wind and rain, to give us welcome, and
right pitilessly did he continue to rage all the night long. We
hastily took back all we had thought and said about Danbury. There
we had merely a distant suggestion of Noah’s Deluge—here we had an
advance section of the genuine thing; yet so thoroughly had Rev.
Mr. Bonar advertised our coming, and so strongly urged his people
to attend, that we had a goodly number out to hear us.

We struck Waterbury on election day; still the union of the two
churches, under the lead of Rev. Messrs. Beckwith and Anderson,
furnished us with a fine congregation and a profitable meeting.
These brethren are both in special sympathy with the work of our
Association. At Norfolk, elevated thirteen hundred and sixty
feet above the level of the sea, we encountered the opposition
of a minstrel troupe, which paraded the town with a brass band
just about the time our meeting was to commence. It affected our
audience very little, however, as the church-going people in that
region are not given to such things. A well filled house greeted
us, and with the aid of Pastor Gleason, whose earnest words gave
us welcome and introduction, we had what appeared to be a very
interesting meeting.

Winsted favored us with another rainy reception, but a fair
audience, while a well trained choir was present, which, by the
excellent rendering of an introductory anthem, as one of the
newspapers facetiously put it, “gave tone to the meeting.”

New Britain was the next place, and may be noted as the turning
point in the adverse circumstances attending the Connecticut
campaign. A pleasant evening and a large audience here greeted us,
and an interest evoked that was decidedly manifest. From this time
onward until the last day, which proved rainy, we had good weather,
and, with only one or at most two exceptions, well-attended
meetings. What has been said regarding the co-operation we received
from the ministers in the preceding places is true of all.
Everywhere the ministers gave us cordial help, and to them is owing
very largely the success of our meetings. Milford, Manchester,
Glastonbury, Southington, Colchester, Danielsonville, New London
and Stonington are the remaining places visited on week days;
Bridgeport, Wethersfield, Hartford, Berlin, Wallingford and Meriden
on Sundays. In Bridgeport, we had a hearing in all four of the
churches, with a union meeting in the evening. In Hartford, three
of the churches—Pearl street, Fourth and Dr. Burton’s—gave us
audience. Mr. Cutler spoke in the morning at Wethersfield, greatly
enjoying the service by reason of the three-mile walk he took in
order to reach the church, and yet he does not speak in favor of
ministers taking such walks. He thinks the Scripture is right in
saying that “bodily exercise profiteth little.” As just intimated,
the last day of the campaign in Connecticut, Sunday, Nov. 25, was
rainy. The closing meeting was held in Meriden. It was a union
meeting of the First and Second Churches, Rev. Messrs. Hall and
Hungerford entering heartily into it. A good audience braved the
storm, and gave interested attention to our message.

We contemplate a short campaign in Massachusetts during the month
of December, of which I may give some account in the future.

       *       *       *       *       *


       *       *       *       *       *


The other day I heard one of our teachers say, “I’d rather anybody
would be really blunt, if he means what he says, than ever so fine,
if I cannot depend upon him.” Yesterday, I heard another teacher
say, “Mrs. J. is not deceitful enough to be decent.”

Now I know I ought not to write you a sermon, but these two
sayings, like texts, will stay in my mind when I think of you.

A good many of you have been to school enough to study U. S.
history, and you remember about the stern old Puritan who settled
in New England and the Cavalier who settled in the South. Well, we
Puritan Yankees, many of whom have been taught to feel that it is a
sin even to greet an acquaintance with “I’m glad to see you,” when
for some reason we cannot be glad at heart, are very much annoyed
when we come South, by being so often deceived, because we cannot
tell how much allowance to make for expressions which were intended
only to please. For instance, I explain a difficult problem,
and ask if it is understood. “Yes, ma’am,” is the prompt reply.
Surprised, as well as delighted, at the brightness of my pupil, I
ask, “Are you sure you understand perfectly?” “Yes, ma’am,” with as
much assurance as before. The next day I assign the problem to the
confident pupil, and he knows nothing about it. Or, a pupil comes
to me for assistance in a problem. I give it, and he replies: “I
started to do it that way, but thought it was wrong.” Of course,
such a strange thing as thinking we were wrong when we were right,
could not happen very often. But when the same words—“I started to
do it that way, but thought it was wrong,” and other expressions
equally suspicious, are often repeated, with what weight they come
to fall upon our hearts, almost burying our hope and courage as we
see how hard it is to be simply true.

So you see there was some reason for my first friend’s saying she
preferred honesty to refinement.

Now, perhaps some frank, brave little boy or girl is thinking—I’m
not deceitful; I always say what I think, whether people like it
or not. My dear little friend, do not be too proud of that honest
tongue! Does not the same Bible that teaches us to be truthful,
also say, “Be courteous,” and “Be ye kind!” Need I be either a
severe Puritan or an insincere Cavalier? You see we old people
cannot help feeling that somehow these Puritans and Cavaliers
helped to make people believe that one must either be blunt and
honest or refined and deceitful. It is a great pity that we should
ever think beautiful, lovely Truth, must always speak cold or
cutting words.

Now we ought not to fret because we cannot make everything straight
in this crooked world, but should we not be a great deal happier if
every man and woman and boy and girl who speaks the truth, would
always speak it kindly and courteously; and if every one who is
truly polite would always be thoroughly truthful? When that time
comes, no one will ever think of making such a strange remark as
my second friend did yesterday—“She is not deceitful enough to be



       *       *       *       *       *


       *       *       *       *       *

  MAINE, $186.92.

    Bangor. Hammond St. Soc. $53.18, and Sab. Sch.
      $25.; First Parish $16.19. “A Friend” $2.;
      Central Ch. Sab. Sch. $25                             $122.17
    Belfast. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                         13.50
    Dennysville. Peter E. Vose, Box of C., val. $40
    Machias. “L.” of Centre St. Ch.                           10.00
    Milltown. Miss. F. M. A.                                   0.25
    Norridgewock. Hattie Boardman, Bbl. of C.
    Searsport. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                       20.00
    Woolwich. Cong. Ch. and Soc. $9; Mrs. J. P.
      Frott $2                                                11.00
    West Newfield. Samuel C. Adams                            10.00

  NEW HAMPSHIRE, $632.53.

    Acworth. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                               18.00
    Amherst, L. & L. K. Melendy, _for Wilmington,
      N. C._                                                 300.00
    Centre Harbor. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                         20.68
    Fisherville. J. C. Martin, $5.; Geo. S.
      Meseroe, $2                                              7.00
    Great Falls. First Cong. Ch.                              47.00
    Keene. Second Cong. Sab. Sch.                             50.00
    Lempster. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                               8.00
    Milford. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch.                           60.00
    New London. Mrs. L. M. Trussell (deceased) by
      Mary K. Trussell, $10.; M. K. T. 25c.                   10.25
    Plymouth. Cong Ch. and Soc.                               14.26
    Rindge. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                                 9.87
    Salmon Falls. Cong. Ch., _for Wilmington, N.
      C._                                                     15.00
    Sanbornton. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                            20.00
    Sullivan. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                               5.00
    Temple. Cong. Sab. Sch.                                   22.70
    West Lebanon. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                          18.50
    Wilton. Second Cong. Ch.                                   6.27

  VERMONT, $1,489.96.

    Castleton. Cong. Ch. and Soc., to const. M.
      CASWELL, L. M.                                          32.65
    Chester. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                               42.24
    Danville. Cong. Sab. Sch.                                 10.00
    Essex Junction. E. T. M                                    1.00
    Johnson. Cong. Ch. and Soc. (ad’l)                         7.00
    Manchester. One case C.
    North Ferrisburgh. ESTATE of Sylvia Dean, by
      J. M. Dean, Ex.                                         15.00
    Pittsford. Mrs. Nancy P. Humphrey                         10.00
    Roxbury. Cong. Ch. and Soc. $14., and Sab.
      Sch. $6                                                 20.00
    Rutland. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                               44.48
    Saint Johnsbury. “Friends of Missions”                  1000.00
    St. Johnsbury. ESTATE of Erastus Fairbanks               250.00
    Saxtons River. Cong. Ch. and Soc. $16.50, _for
      paper_, $1.50                                           18.00
    Waits River. J. F. W.                                      0.50
    West Hartford. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                          4.25
    Woodstock. Hon. Frederick Billings $25; First
      Cong. Ch. and Soc. $5; Cong. Sab. Sch. $4.84            34.84

  MASSACHUSETTS, $3,556.17.

    Acton. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                                 25.00
    Andover. Hastings H. Hart                                  3.00
    Athol. Mrs. D. A. Bowker                                   5.00
    Auburndale. Rev. J. M.                                     0.50
    Belchertown. Cong. Sab. Sch.                              15.00
    Boston. Shawmut Cong. Ch. and Soc. $600.15;
      Mrs. N. B. Curtis $200; “A Friend” $5; Mount
      Vernon Ch. (ad’l) $2                                   807.15
    Boston Highlands. Elliot Ch. and Soc. $68.85,
      Immanuel Ch. and Soc. $50                              118.85
    Boxborough. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                             8.50
    Boxford. Mrs. G. P.                                        0.25
    Boylston Centre. Ladies of Cong Ch., bbl. of
      C., and $1 _for freight_                                 1.00
    Bradford. Young Ladies of Bradford Sem. $10
      _for Atlanta, Ga._; “A Friend” $5                       15.00
    Brimfield. Mrs. P. C. Browning $10; J. A.
      Upham $3                                                13.00
    Cambridgeport. Ladies Aux. $19.25; J. S. P.
      50c.                                                    19.75
    Concord. Trin. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                         37.50
    Conway. Mrs. O. S.                                         1.00
    Dana. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                                   3.00
    Dorchester. Mrs. R. M. L.                                  0.25
    Dracut. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                          25.00
    Fitchburgh. Cal. Cong. Ch. and Soc. $183 to
      const. REV. S. J. STEWART, L. M.                       183.00
    Fitchburg. ESTATE of Deborah Snow                          6.68
    Great Barrington. “A. C. T.”                               1.00
    Hatchville. Mrs. V. H.                                     1.00
    Harvard. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                               36.50
    Harwich Port. Rev. J. R. Munsell                           5.00
    Hopkinton. Cong. Sab. Sch. $26, bbl. of C.                26.00
    Jamaica Plain. “A Friend.”                                20.00
    Lynnfield Centre. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                       5.25
    Matfield. Mrs. S. D. Shaw                                  2.25
    Merrimac. John K. Sargent $3, Chas. N. Sargent
      $2                                                       5.00
    Millbury. First Cong. Sab. Sch. $25, _for
      Student Aid_, M.D. Garfield $5                          30.00
    Newbury. Ladies of First Parish, bbl. of C.
      _for Selma, Ala._
    Newburyport. Mrs. J. C. Cleaveland bbl. of C.,
      val. $60.50, _for Talladega_, and $3 _for
      freight_                                                 3.00
    New Marlborough. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                 11.80
    Northampton. “A Friend.”                                 200.00
    Northborough. Ladies’ Sewing Circle, bbl. of
      C. _for Atlanta, Ga._
    North Brookfield. Union Cong. Ch. and Soc.                63.87
    Oxford. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                          32.00
    Phillipston. Ladies’ Benev. Soc., bbl. of C.,
      val. $33.60, and $3 _for freight_                        3.00
    Princeton. Mrs. James Pratt, p’k’g of papers
    Reading. Mrs. S. P. W.                                     1.00
    Rockland. Mrs. A. S. Reed, to const. MRS.
      HORACE W. STUDLEY, L. M.                                30.00
    Royalston. Joseph Estabrook                               10.00
    South Amherst. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                         10.00
    South Deerfield. Cong. Ch. and Soc., to const.
      C. B. TILTON, L. M.                                     30.00
    South Hadley. First Cong. Ch. and Soc.                    51.00
    South Natick. John Eliot Cong. Ch. and Soc.               14.00
    Templeton. Mrs. Marier P. Sabin and “A Friend”
      $5 ea.                                                  10.00
    Wakefield. Mrs. A. S.                                      0.25
    Warren. Cong. Ch. and Soc., to const. MYRON L.
      HENRY and GEORGE E. PUTNEY, L. M.’s                     68.40
    Waltham. Trin. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                         26.54
    Watertown. Miss E. A. Linsley, by Corban Soc.,
      $10; E. S. P. 50c.                                      10.50
    Wenham. Dr. J. L. R.                                       0.25
    Westhampton. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                           21.00
    Whitinsville. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                       1,305.50
    Wilmington. Mrs. Susan Bancroft                            8.00
    Winchendon. North Cong. Sab. Sch.                         27.03
    Worcester. Union Ch. $114.10; Old South Cong.
      Ch. and Soc. $50; Piedmont Cong. Ch. $24.50;
      Rev. J. M. R. Eaton and wife $10; Mrs. John
      B. Gough, bbl. of C.                                   198.60


    Central Falls. Cong. Ch.                                 289.00
    Providence. Beneficient Cong. Ch.                        125.00

  CONNECTICUT, $675.19.

    Ansonia. “J. J.”                                           1.00
    Bridgeport. Park St. Ch. (ad’l) to const.
      CALVIN H. STUDLEY, L. M.’s                              74.31
    Deep River. Cong. Soc.                                    16.25
    Durham. “A Friend” $5; Mrs. Olive Merwin $2;
      Gaylord Newton $5                                       12.00
    Ellsworth. Cong. Ch.                                       9.40
    Enfield. First Cong. Ch.                                  33.64
    Guilford. Third Cong. Ch. $50.26; “A Friend”
      $30, to const. MRS. LUCY E. DUDLEY, L. M.               80.26
    Mansfield. Second. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                     10.33
    Morris. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                                 9.00
    New Haven. “A Friend in Centre Ch.” $5; E. F.
      S. 50c.                                                  5.50
    Norwalk. First Cong. Ch.                                  52.40
    Plainville. Cong. Sab. Sch. to const.
      CHAS. LAWRENCE, L. M.                                   30.00
    Preston City. Cong. Ch. and Soc.                          32.50
    South Norwalk. Cong. Sab. Sch. $100; F. N. $1            101.00
    Southport. Rebecca Pennell                                 5.00
    Stonington. Cong. Ch.                                     64.72
    Thomaston. Cong. Ch.                                      55.38
    Washingten. “A Few Friends”                               12.50
    Waterbury. “A Friend”                                     30.00
    Wethersfield. “A Lady”                                    25.00
    West Killingly. Isaac T. Hutchins                          5.00
    Westport. Amsey Warren                                     5.00
    Windsor. Cong. Ch.                                         5.00

  NEW YORK, $802.31.

    Camden. “A Friend”                                         1.00
    Brasher Falls. Elijah Wood                                15.00
    Brooklyn. Julius Davenport, $50; Mrs. Lewis
      Tappan $10                                              60.00
    Buffalo. W. G. Bancroft                                  200.00
    Elmira. Park Ch. Sab. Sch., _for the debt_                60.00
    Evans. Individuals, _for mag._                             1.00
    Gaines. M. & B. H.                                         0.50
    Grandby Centre. J. C. Harrington                          10.00
    Gouverneur. Eli Mix                                       15.00
    Hamilton. Second Cong. Sab. Sch., _for the
      debt_                                                   30.00
    Hopkinton. Cong. Ch.                                       8.87
    Kingsborough. J. W.                                        1.00
    Oriskany. Mrs. L. B. Porter $5; Rev. S. F. and
      L. H. Porter $5                                         10.00
    New York. Rev. L. D. Bevan, D.D., $50, _for
      the debt_; Mrs. Hannah Ireland $50; Rev.C.
      P. Bush, D.D., $5.00; “A Friend” $5,
      for rebuilding, and bundle of C.                       110.00
    Parma. Ezekiel Clark, deceased, by Mrs. Clark              5.00
    Penn Yan. Chas. C. Sheppard                              150.00
    Poughkeepsie. First Reformed Ch.                          10.12
    Poughquag. E. W. S.                                        0.25
    Ransomville. John Powley                                   5.00
    Rodman. John S. Sill                                       5.00
    Saratoga Springs. Nathan Hickok                            2.00
    Sherburne. First Cong. Ch.                                59.57
    Spencerport. Cong. Ch. and Soc. $17; Mary E.
      Dyer $10                                                27.00
    West Chazy. Rev. L. Prindle                                5.00
    Westport. Mrs. A. M. S.                                    1.00
    ——. “A Friend”                                            10.00


    Clark. Mrs. Elizabeth and Miss Eliza Dickson              30.00
    Norristown. Mary W. Cook                                  10.00
    Pittsburgh. 6th Ward Mission Sab.
      Sch.,connected with Third Presb. Ch., _for
      Student Talladega C._                                   15.00
    Washington. “A Friend of the Freedmen”                    30.00

  OHIO, $206.49.

    Castalia. Cong. Ch.                                       10.43
    Berlin Heights. Cong. Ch.                                  4.00
    Brighton. Mrs. L. A. Strong                                5.00
    East Toledo. Cong. Ch.                                    11.00
    Edinburgh. Cong. Ch. and Soc. $16.50.;Mrs. A.
      Hayden $5                                               21.50
    Harmar. Cong. Ch.                                         60.06
    Harrison. John D. Bowles                                  10.00
    Mansfield. E. Sturges, Sen.                               50.00
    Mechanicstown. Mrs. S. M.                                  0.50
    Nelson. Dea. Harvey Pike                                  10.00
    Windham. T. Wales                                          5.00
    Wooster. Daniel Bates                                      2.00
    Parisville. Welsh Cong. Ch. $15.30,
      incorrectly ack. in Dec. paper from
    Pittsville. Cong. Ch.                                      4.00
    Sheffield. Cong. Ch.                                      13.00

  INDIANA, $2.00.

    Versailles. J. O. Nichols                                  2.00

  ILLINOIS, $1,465.23.

    Chesterfield. Cong. Ch. (ad’l)                            17.00
    Chicago. New England Cong. Ch. (of which$5
      _for Straight U._) $127.42; Philo
      Carpenter$5; W. C. Grant $5, _for Atlanta U._          237.42
    Crystle Lake. ESTATE of Simon S. Gates, by Wm.
      D. Gates, Ex.                                        1,000.00
    Bunker Hill. “Mrs. S. V. M. Q.”                           10.00
    Buda. Cong. Ch.                                           20.00
    Downer’s Grove. J. W. Bushnell                             5.00
    Farmington. Phineas Chapman                               44.00
    Granville. First Cong. Ch.                                80.26
    Griggsville. J. Green                                      5.25
    Ivanhoe. Mrs. L. C. S.                                     1.00
    Lee Centre. Cong. Ch. $13.30, and Sab.Sch. $3             16.30
    Ouargo. Mrs. L. C. Foster                                100.00
    Rockford. Ladies’ Soc. of First Cong. Ch., _for
      Student, Talladega C._                                  12.00
    Sheffield. First Cong. Ch., _for Student
      Aid, Fisk U._                                           15.00
    Wheaton. Cong. Ladies’ Benev. Soc., 2 bbls. and
      1 box of C., val. $54.60, by Mrs.H. W. Cobb,
      _for Savannah, Ga._
    Woodburn. Cong. Ch.                                        2.00

  MICHIGAN, $998.35.

    Chesterfield. Cong. Ch.                                    2.00
    Clare. Mary E. Norris                                      5.00
    Covert. Cong. Ch. and Soc.; M. C. Coll.                    2.62
    Detroit. First Cong. Ch. $337.24; Mrs. Z.Eddy,
      $10; Edith Eddy, Alice M. Eddy and Mrs. G. F.
      Milton $5 ea.: “A Friend” 50c.; Mrs. C. C.
      Foote $25, _for a Teacher_                             387.74
    Detroit, ESTATE of Mrs. Harriet Stewart                  225.10
    Dorr. First Cong. Ch.                                      6.00
    East Riverton. Mrs. J. S. Barnes                           3.00
    East Saginaw. Mrs. Miram Seymour                           5.00
    Grand Blanc. Cong. Ch. $13; Cong. Sab.Sch.
      $20, _for Student Aid, Fisk U._                         33.00
    Greenville. Cong. Ch.                                     54.50
    Jackson. First Cong. Ch.                                  53.00
    Joyfield. Coll. by Rev. J. S. Fisher                      10.20
    Kalamazoo. J. W. S.                                        0.25
    Lowell. Jeremiah Stanard                                 200.00
    Mancelona. Cong. Ch.                                       0.86
    New Haven. Cong. Ch.                                       3.60
    St. Johns. Cong. Ch.                                       4.72
    Union City. Mrs. L. Hungerford, bbl of C., val.
      $25, _for New Orleans_, and 60c. _for freight_           0.60
    Westwood. Cong. Ch.                                        1.16

  WISCONSIN, $177.25.

    Appleton. Mrs. Minnie Pfenning $5; others$2,
      _for Atlanta U._                                         7.00
    Barabos. Cong. Ch.                                         8.50
    Beloit. First Cong. Ch.                                   21.30
    Bristol and Paris. Cong. Ch.                              20.00
    Dartford. Cong. Ch.                                        7.45
    Eau Claire. W. W. C.                                       1.00
    Fort Howard. Mrs. C. L. A. Tank                           50.00
    Genesee. Cong. Ch.                                         8.00
    Janesville. L. P. L.                                       1.00
    La Crosse. First Cong. Ch.                                30.00
    Milwaukee. E. B., _for Atlanta U._                         1.00
    River Falls. Wm. M. Newcomb $10; S.Wales $2               12.00
    ——. “A Friend”                                            10.00

  IOWA, $195.48.

    Belleplain. J. P. Henry $10; Rev. David Lane $5           15.00
    Castalia. W. H. Baker, to const. MRS.
      HARRIET P. CLARK, L. M.                                 45.00
    Cincinnati. Cong. Ch.                                      2.25
    College Springs. Cong. Ch.                                 8.20
    Corning. Cong. Ch.                                         3.00
    Council Bluffs. Cong. Ch.                                 22.72
    Denmark. Cong. Ch.                                        57.17
    Emerson. Mrs. E. H. D. F.                                  1.00
    Lewis. Cong. Sab. Sch.                                     5.44
    Maquoketa. Missionary Soc. of Cong. Ch.                   23.20
    Prairie City. First Cong. Ch.                              4.50
    Waverly. Cong. Ch.                                         8.00

  MINNESOTA, $112.23.

    Minneapolis. Plymouth Ch.                                 17.47
    Northfield. Cong. Ch.                                     43.99
    Winona. First Cong. Ch.                                   50.77

  NEBRASKA, $32.

    Beatrice. Melinda Bowen                                    5.00
    Nebraska City. “A friend” $10; Woman’s Miss.
      Soc. of First Cong. Ch. $5; K. U. S.S. Class
      $2, _for Cal. Chinese M._                               17.00
    Strahenburg. Pilgrim Ch. $5; “A Friend”$5                 10.00

  OREGON, $20.

    Eugene. Mrs. L. W. Judkins                                20.00


    Washington. Mrs. A. N. Bailey                             10.00

  TENNESSEE, $432.75.

    Memphis. Le Moyne School                                 101.00
    Nashville. Fisk University                               281.75

  NORTH CAROLINA, $208.59.

    Raleigh. Public Fund $200; Washington Sch. $8.59         208.59

  SOUTH CAROLINA, $201.13.

    Charleston. Avery Inst.                                  201.13

  GEORGIA, $313.65.

    Atlanta. Atlanta University $91.40; Rev.Joseph
      Smith $25, _for Student Aid_                           116.40
    Macon. Lewis High School                                  47.25
    Savannah. Rent                                           150.00

  ALABAMA, $240.

    Selma. Rent $100; Cong. Ch. $3.20                        103.20
    Talladega. Talladega College                             136.80

  LOUISIANA, $79.50.

    New Orleans. Straight University                          79.50


    Toronto. J. Thorn ($10 of which _for
      Cal. Chinese M._)                                       20.52


    “A Friend”                                             1,000.00
    Total                                                $13,507.25
    Total from Oct. 1st to Nov. 30th                     $24.789.12

                                                 H. W. HUBBARD,
                                                     _Ass’t Treas._

       *       *       *       *       *

Constitution of the American Missionary Association.


       *       *       *       *       *

ART. I. This Society shall be called “THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY

ART. II. The object of this Association shall be to conduct
Christian missionary and educational operations, and diffuse a
knowledge of the Holy Scriptures in our own and other countries
which are destitute of them, or which present open and urgent
fields of effort.

ART. III. Any person of evangelical sentiments,[A] who professes
faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, who is not a slaveholder, or in the
practice of other immoralities, and who contributes to the funds,
may become a member of the Society; and by the payment of thirty
dollars, a life member; provided, that children and others who have
not professed their faith may be constituted life members without
the privilege of voting.

ART. IV. This Society shall meet annually, in the month of
September, October or November, for the election of officers and
the transaction of other business at such time and place as shall
be designated by the Executive Committee.

ART. V. The annual meeting shall be constituted of the regular
officers and members of the Society at the time of such meeting,
and of delegates from churches, local missionary societies,
and other co-operating bodies—each body being entitled to one

ART. VI. The officers of the Society shall be a President, Vice
Presidents, a Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretaries,
Treasurer, two Auditors, and an Executive Committee of not less
than twelve, of which the Corresponding Secretaries shall be
advisory, and the Treasurer ex-officio, members.

ART. VII. To the Executive Committee shall belong the collecting
and disbursing of funds; the appointing, counselling, sustaining
and dismissing (for just and sufficient reasons) missionaries and
agents; the selection of missionary fields; and, in general, the
transaction of all such business as usually appertains to the
executive committees of missionary and other benevolent societies;
the Committee to exercise no ecclesiastical jurisdiction over the
missionaries; and its doings to be subject always to the revision
of the annual meeting, which shall, by a reference mutually
chosen, always entertain the complaints of any aggrieved agent or
missionary; and the decision of such reference shall be final.

The Executive Committee shall have authority to fill all vacancies
occurring among the officers between the regular annual meetings;
to apply, if they see fit, to any State Legislature for acts of
incorporation; to fix the compensation, where any is given, of all
officers, agents, missionaries, or others in the employment of the
Society; to make provision, if any, for disabled missionaries, and
for the widows and children of such as are deceased; and to call,
in all parts of the country, at their discretion, special and
general conventions of the friends of missions, with a view to the
diffusion of the missionary spirit, and the general and vigorous
promotion of the missionary work.

Five members of the Committee shall constitute a quorum for
transacting business.

ART. VIII. This society, in collecting funds, in appointing
officers, agents and missionaries, and in selecting fields
of labor, and conducting the missionary work, will endeavor
particularly to discountenance slavery, by refusing to receive the
known fruits of unrequited labor, or to welcome to its employment
those who hold their fellow-beings as slaves.

ART. IX. Missionary bodies, churches or individuals agreeing to
the principles of this Society, and wishing to appoint and sustain
missionaries of their own, shall be entitled to do so through the
agency of the Executive Committee, on terms mutually agreed upon.

ART. X. No amendment shall be made in this Constitution without
the concurrence of two thirds of the members present at a regular
annual meeting; nor unless the proposed amendment has been
submitted to a previous meeting, or to the Executive Committee in
season to be published by them (as it shall be their duty to do, if
so submitted) in the regular official notifications of the meeting.


[A] By evangelical sentiments, we understand, among others, a
belief in the guilty and lost condition of all men without a
Saviour; the Supreme Deity, Incarnation and Atoning Sacrifice
of Jesus Christ, the only Saviour of the world; the necessity
of regeneration by the Holy Spirit, repentance, faith and holy
obedience in order to salvation; the immortality of the soul; and
the retributions of the judgment in the eternal punishment of the
wicked, and salvation of the righteous.

       *       *       *       *       *

_The American Missionary Association._

       *       *       *       *       *


To preach the Gospel to the poor. It originated in a sympathy with
the almost friendless slaves. Since Emancipation it has devoted its
main efforts to preparing the FREEDMEN for their duties as citizens
and Christians in America and as missionaries in Africa. As closely
related to this, it seeks to benefit the caste-persecuted CHINESE
in America, and to co-operate with the Government in its humane
and Christian policy towards the INDIANS. It has also a mission in


CHURCHES: _In the South_—In Va., 1; N. C., 5; S. C., 2; Ga., 11;
Ky., 5; Tenn.,4; Ala., 12; La., 12; Miss., 1; Kansas, 2; Texas, 4.
_Africa_, 1. _Among the Indians_, 2. Total, 62.

_Chartered:_ Hampton, Va.; Berea, Ky.; Talladega, Ala.; Atlanta,
Ga.; Nashville, Tenn.; Tougaloo, Miss.; New Orleans, La.; and
Austin, Texas, 8; _Graded or Normal Schools:_ at Wilmington,
Raleigh, N. C.; Charleston, Greenwood, S. C.; Macon, Atlanta, Ga.;
Montgomery, Mobile, Athens, Selma, Ala.; Memphis, Tenn., 11; _Other
Schools_, 7. Total, 26.

among the Chinese, 17; among the Indians, 16; in foreign lands, 10.
Total, 252. STUDENTS—In Theology, 74; Law, 8; in College Course,
79; in other studies, 5,243. Total, 5,404. Scholars taught by
former pupils of our schools, estimated at 100,000. INDIANS under
the care of the Association, 13,000.


1. A steady INCREASE of regular income to keep pace with the
growing work in the South. This increase can only be reached by
_regular_ and _larger_ contributions from the churches—the feeble
as well as the strong.

2. ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS for our higher educational institutions, to
accommodate the increasing numbers of students; MEETING HOUSES, for
the new churches we are organizing; MORE MINISTERS, cultured and
pious, for these churches.

3. HELP FOR YOUNG MEN, to be educated as ministers here and
missionaries to Africa—a pressing want.

Before sending boxes, always correspond with the nearest A. M. A.
office, as below.

  NEW YORK   H. W. Hubbard, Esq., 56 Reade Street.
  BOSTON     Rev. C. L. Woodworth, Room 21, Congregational House.
  CHICAGO    Rev. Jas. Powell, 112 West Washington St.


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in trust, to pay the same in —— days after my decease to the person
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The Will should be attested by three witnesses [in some States
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subscribed our names as witnesses.” In some States, it is required
that the Will should be made at least two months before the death
of the testator.

       *       *       *       *       *



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A congregational and family religious paper, devoted to
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Congregational family needs the ADVANCE for 1878.

(1.) It teaches the doctrines and polity generally approved by our
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great Home Missionary field, and contains fresh discussion and
full intelligence of that work. (3.) Its Washington Editor, Rev.
W. W. Patton, D. D., President of Howard University, represents
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topics of National and Political Importance. (4.) Its New York
Editor, Rev. R. B. Howard, is thoroughly advised of all important
Religious and Denominational movements at the East. (5.) Gen. O. O.
Howard writes from the Pacific Coast. He is now engaged on sketches
of his recent campaign against the Nez Perces Indians. (6.) We
publish the popular Sermons of Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage regularly.
(7.) Joseph Cook’s celebrated Boston Lectures appear every week.
(8.) A serial story by Pansy and Faye Huntington; a Children’s page
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attractions. (9.) K. A. Burnell, the lay preacher, sends us weekly
notes of his preaching tour “Round the World.” He is now in Asia.
Our two thousand ministerial subscribers show what pastors think
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ADVANCE. Its news of Western Churches and Ministers is more full
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                        C. H. HOWARD & CO.,
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_“A great and noble work, rich in information, eloquent and
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It furnishes information which every one should possess, and
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teacher. I have not been able to examine the book with reference
to the author’s views upon the great doctrinal questions which
divide Christendom sufficiently to form a judgement as to those
views; his comment upon one or two doctrinal passages I have read,
and I am lead to believe and hope that he has been too wise to
write in the interest of any party. If I am correct in this, it of
course adds much to the value of what Dr. Geikie has done. Hoping
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“Dr. Geikie’s ‘Life and Words of Christ’ cannot fail to win the
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                 =D. APPLETON & CO.,= PUBLISHERS,
                   549 & 551 Broadway. New York.

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In this edition of the Psalms the current version is strictly
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The attention of Sabbath School and other Teachers, and Pastors
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As the aim is simply to set forth the ideas and thoughts of the
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32mo. Limp. Cloth, 30 cts. per copy; ($3.00 per doz.;) $25 per 100.

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                      TO CHRISTIAN FAMILIES.

I respectfully invite the patronage of families for the NEW YORK
WEEKLY WITNESS, a paper specially adapted to interest them. It
has a very full synopsis of the news of the week, with the daily
comments thereon of the leading New York Dailies. It has also
very full and reliable market and financial reports, got up for
it with great care. It has many columns of family reading of the
most interesting character; and a Home Department, containing three
columns of letters from its lady readers, and one column of letters
from the children. It has a report of every day’s Fulton Street
Prayer-Meeting, which has been kept up from its first number, and
occasional sermons by celebrated preachers. It has departments
for agriculture, the Sunday-school lesson, temperance and general
correspondence, much of which is from the West and South, setting
forth the advantages of different States and Territories for
immigrants. The WITNESS is thoroughly evangelical, and a strenuous
advocate of total abstinence from intoxicating drinks and tobacco.
It is entirely independent of party or sect—aiming only to promote
the best interests of the people for time and eternity. To this
end it advocates Christian missions, Sabbath observance, and every
good cause. The WEEKLY WITNESS has attained the unparalleled
circulation, for a religious journal, of 72,000, and aims at a
much larger circulation. The price is only $1.50 a year, or 50
cents for four months, payable in advance, and the paper stops
when subscription expires. On 1st January, 1878, it begins its
seventh year, when I hope the circulation will increase to 100,000.
Specimen copies will be sent free on application.

_Witness Office, No. 7 Frankfort St., N. Y._          JOHN DOUGALL.

                 *       *       *       *       *

                          OUR 32nd YEAR.

                    THE THIRTY-SECOND VOLUME OF


                       American Missionary,

                      ENLARGED AND IMPROVED,

                    _BEGINS WITH THIS NUMBER_.

_Besides giving news from the Institutions and Churches aided by
the Association among the Freedmen in the South, the Indian tribes,
the Chinese on the Pacific Coast, and the Negroes in Western
Africa, it will be the vehicle of important views on all matters
affecting the races among which it labors, and will give a monthly
summary of current events relating to their welfare and progress._

_The Subscription Price will be, as formerly, FIFTY CENTS A YEAR,
IN ADVANCE. Will our friends who desire to read it send us that
amount promptly? We also offer to send ONE HUNDRED COPIES TO ONE
ADDRESS, for distribution in Churches or to clubs of subscribers,
for $30.00, with the added privilege of a Life Membership to such
person as shall be designated._

_We publish 25,000 copies per month, and shall be glad to increase
the number indefinitely, knowing from experience that to be
informed of our work is to sympathize with, and desire to aid
it. The magazine will be sent gratuitously, if preferred, to the
persons indicated on the twenty-seventh page._


_Having entered upon a rigid economy of expenditure, and hoping
to make our magazine more fully meet its expenses, and believing
that the enterprising and reliable character of its readers make it
specially valuable as a business medium, we have opened a few of
its pages to advertisements._

_We solicit orders from responsible business houses, at low rates._

_Advertisements must be sent in by the TENTH of each month,
in order to secure insertion in the following number. No
advertisements of doubtful character received upon any terms._

    _Address_,                      _THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY_,

                                       No. 56 Reade Street, New York.

       Alexander Anderson, Printer, 28 Frankfort St., N. Y.

                 *       *       *       *       *

Transcriber’s Notes:

Spelling and puntuation were changed only where the error appears
to be a printing error. Capitalization and punctuation in the
Receipts section is inconsistent, and was retained as printed.
The remaining corrected punctuation changes are too numerous to
list; the others are as follows:

“Talledega” changed to “Talladega” on page 7. (a student at

“supersition” changed to “superstition” on page 17. (bowed down by

“accomodate” changed to “accommodate” on page 28. (to accommodate
the increasing numbers of students)



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