Books by Belloc, Hilaire (sorted by popularity)
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The Romance of Tristan and Iseult Joseph Bédier 2138 downloads
Cautionary Tales for Children Hilaire Belloc 1348 downloads
Economics for Helen Hilaire Belloc 1042 downloads
Modern Essays 801 downloads
The Romance of Tristan and Iseult Joseph Bédier 797 downloads
The Old Road Hilaire Belloc 617 downloads
The Modern Traveller Hilaire Belloc 536 downloads
The Path to Rome Hilaire Belloc 522 downloads
The French Revolution Hilaire Belloc 443 downloads
The Pyrenees Hilaire Belloc 387 downloads
The Servile State Hilaire Belloc 346 downloads
The Jews Hilaire Belloc 327 downloads
Hills and the Sea Hilaire Belloc 309 downloads
Kai Lung's Golden Hours Ernest Bramah 306 downloads
Europe and the Faith Hilaire Belloc 297 downloads
The Bad Child's Book of Beasts Hilaire Belloc 284 downloads
The Footpath Way: An Anthology for Walkers 264 downloads
Marie Antoinette Hilaire Belloc 259 downloads
A General Sketch of the European War: The First Phase Hilaire Belloc 246 downloads
The Free Press Hilaire Belloc 243 downloads
Crécy Hilaire Belloc 234 downloads
The Battle of Blenheim Hilaire Belloc 230 downloads
Poitiers Hilaire Belloc 205 downloads
Mr. Petre : a novel Hilaire Belloc 205 downloads
The great inquiry Hilaire Belloc 204 downloads
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