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Alias Davidson, Marion
See also: en.wikipedia
See also: More titles under Chadwick, Lester
See also: More titles under Sperry, Raymond
Displaying results 1–25
Three little Trippertrots : How they ran away and how they got back again
Howard Roger Garis
Three little Trippertrots on their travels : The wonderful things they saw and the wonderful things they did
Howard Roger Garis
Uncle Wiggily and Baby Bunty
Howard Roger Garis
The Curlytops at Cherry Farm : Or, Vacation days in the country
Howard Roger Garis
Uncle Wiggily's rolling hoop : or, How the bunny gentleman gets mixed up, and Uncle Wiggily and the Snappy Shark, also Uncle Wiggily's bob sled
Howard Roger Garis
Uncle Wiggily's fishing trip : or, The good luck he had with the clothes hook; and How the Pip and Skee were stuck by the chestnut burrs; also The good time at the marshmallow roast
Howard Roger Garis
Uncle Wiggily's silk hat : or, A tall silk hat may be stylish and also useful; and How Uncle Wiggily brought home company without telling Nurse Jane; also How Uncle Wiggily tried to make salt water taffy
Howard Roger Garis
Uncle Wiggily on the farm : Or, How he hunted for eggs and was cause for alarm; and Bully and Bawly, the froggie boys; also how Uncle Wiggily helped nurse Jane with the house cleaning
Howard Roger Garis
The second adventures of Uncle Wiggily : The bunny rabbit gentleman and his muskrat lady housekeeper
Howard Roger Garis
Adventures of the runaway rocking chair
Howard Roger Garis
The adventures of Uncle Wiggily, the bunny rabbit gentleman with the twinkling pink nose
Howard Roger Garis
Uncle Wiggily's funny auto : or, How the Skillery Skallery Alligator was bumped; and Uncle Wiggily and his snow plow; also How the bunny rabbit gentleman watered the garden
Howard Roger Garis
Uncle Wiggily's June Bug friends : or, How the June Bugs brought joy to Uncle Wiggily; and The Skillery Scallery Alligator; also, How Uncle Wiggily picked some flowers
Howard Roger Garis
Uncle Wiggily's Airship : Bedtime Stories
Howard Roger Garis
Uncle Wiggily on roller skates
Howard Roger Garis
Uncle Wiggily and Mother Goose
Howard Roger Garis
The Curlytops touring around; or, The missing photograph albums
Howard Roger Garis
Toodle and Noodle Flat-tail: The Jolly Beaver Boys
Howard Roger Garis
The Curlytops in the Woods; Or, Fun at the Lumber Camp
Howard Roger Garis
Rick and Ruddy Out West
Howard Roger Garis
Uncle Wiggily Goes Swimming; Or, How the Frog Boys Surprised the Fox
Howard Roger Garis
Uncle Wiggily and the Pirates; Or, How the Enemy Craft of Pirate Fox was Sunk
Howard Roger Garis
Uncle Wiggily on The Flying Rug; Or, The Great Adventure on a Windy March Day
Howard Roger Garis
Neddie and Beckie Stubtail (Two Nice Bears)
Howard Roger Garis
Uncle Wiggily's Story Book
Howard Roger Garis
Displaying results 1–25