Books in Opera (sorted alphabetically by author)
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Opera Stories from Wagner Florence Akin
The Standard Operaglass Charles Annesley
Operas Every Child Should Know Mary Schell Hoke Bacon
Pietro Mascagni, con nota delle opere e ritratto (Italian) Giannotto Bastianelli
La Folle Journée ou le Mariage de Figaro (French) Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais
The Girl of the Golden West David Belasco
The Valkyries E. F. Benson and Richard Wagner
Woyzeck (German) Georg Büchner
The Works of Lord Byron. Vol. 5 Baron George Gordon Byron Byron
The Song of the Lark Willa Cather
The Borough George Crabbe
A Parody on Iolanthe D. Dalziel
A Parody on Princess Ida D. Dalziel
A Parody on Patience D. Dalziel
Giacomo Puccini Wakeling Dry
La dame aux camélias (French) Alexandre Dumas
L'ami Fritz (French) Erckmann-Chatrian
Alcestis Euripides
The Iphigenia in Tauris of Euripides Euripides
Thais Anatole France
Thaïs (French) Anatole France
Heath's Modern Language Series: El trovador (Spanish) Antonio García Gutiérrez
The Beggar's Opera John Gay
The Beggar's Opera; to Which is Prefixed the Musick to Each Song John Gay
Libretto: La Bohème Giuseppe Giacosa and Luigi Illica
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