Books in Philosophy (sorted by popularity)
Ontology, or the Theory of Being P. Coffey 551 downloads
Our Knowledge of the External World as a Field for Scientific Method in Philosophy Bertrand Russell 523 downloads
Kritik der reinen Vernunft (German) Immanuel Kant 507 downloads
Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting One's Reason and of Seeking Truth in the Sciences René Descartes 471 downloads
The Communist Manifesto Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 437 downloads
The Game of Logic Lewis Carroll 419 downloads
Logic: Deductive and Inductive Carveth Read 411 downloads
Political Ideals Bertrand Russell 409 downloads
A Guide to Stoicism St. George William Joseph Stock 409 downloads
Essays in Radical Empiricism William James 396 downloads
Selections from the Principles of Philosophy René Descartes 392 downloads
Proposed Roads to Freedom Bertrand Russell 381 downloads
Sextus Empiricus and Greek Scepticism Mary Mills Patrick 372 downloads
A History of Indian Philosophy, Volume 1 Surendranath Dasgupta 371 downloads
An Interpretation of Rudolf Eucken's Philosophy W. Tudor Jones 363 downloads
Auguste Comte and Positivism John Stuart Mill 359 downloads
Die Geburt der Tragödie: Versuch einer Selbstkritik (German) Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 355 downloads
Homer and Classical Philology Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 351 downloads
A Pluralistic Universe William James 348 downloads
The Religion of the Samurai Kaiten Nukariya 326 downloads
A Theological-Political Treatise [Part IV] Benedictus de Spinoza 316 downloads
Some Turns of Thought in Modern Philosophy: Five Essays George Santayana 309 downloads
Logic, Inductive and Deductive William Minto 294 downloads
Bergson and His Philosophy John Alexander Gunn 294 downloads
Philosophical Letters of Friedrich Schiller Friedrich Schiller 281 downloads