Books about London (England) -- Description and travel (sorted alphabetically)
Open Air Richard Jefferies
Our House and London out of Our Windows Elizabeth Robins Pennell
Out and About London Thomas Burke
Palace and Hovel; Or, Phases of London Life Daniel Joseph Kirwan
Picturesque London Percy Fitzgerald
Picturesque Sketches of London, Past and Present Thomas Miller
Ricordi di Londra (Italian) Edmondo De Amicis and Louis Simonin
River of London Hilaire Belloc
Roundabout Papers William Makepeace Thackeray
Saunterings in and about London Max Schlesinger
Sinks of London Laid Open
South London Walter Besant
Survey of London John Stow
Town: Its Memorable Characters and Events Leigh Hunt
Uncommercial Traveller Charles Dickens
Unnoticed London Elizabeth Montizambert
Walk from London to Fulham Thomas Crofton Croker