Books about Socialism (sorted by popularity)
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The Communist Manifesto Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 6854 downloads
Manifesto of the Communist Party Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 1115 downloads
Socialism: A Summary and Interpretation of Socialist Principles John Spargo 764 downloads
The Soul of Man under Socialism Oscar Wilde 749 downloads
Der Briefwechsel zwischen Friedrich Engels und Karl Marx 1844 bis 1883, Erster Band (German) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 505 downloads
Socialism John Stuart Mill 471 downloads
El capital: Resumido y acompañado de un estudio sobre el Socialismo científico (Spanish) Karl Marx and Gabriel Pierre Deville 449 downloads
The Communist Manifesto Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 438 downloads
Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei (German) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 410 downloads
Memoiren einer Sozialistin: Kampfjahre (German) Lily Braun 401 downloads
A Critical Examination of Socialism W. H. Mallock 400 downloads
Political Ideals Bertrand Russell 370 downloads
Proposed Roads to Freedom Bertrand Russell 367 downloads
Memoiren einer Sozialistin: Lehrjahre (German) Lily Braun 345 downloads
Miscellaneous Aphorisms; The Soul of Man Oscar Wilde 342 downloads
Karl Marx Achille Loria 338 downloads
The Servile State Hilaire Belloc 332 downloads
The Bolsheviki and World Peace Leon Trotsky 311 downloads
Socialism, Utopian and Scientific Friedrich Engels 308 downloads
The Right to Be Lazy, and Other Studies Paul Lafargue 301 downloads
Charles Fourier: Sein Leben und seine Theorien. (German) August Bebel 287 downloads
The Accumulation of Capital Rosa Luxemburg 283 downloads
Woman and Socialism August Bebel 275 downloads
Το κεφάλαιον (Modern Greek (1453-)) Karl Marx 263 downloads
Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei (German) Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 258 downloads
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