Books about Middle East -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
Displaying results 1–12
Vathek; An Arabian Tale William Beckford 802 downloads
Durch Wüste und Harem (German) Karl May 252 downloads
Door het land der Skipetaren (Dutch) Karl May 207 downloads
Vathek (French) William Beckford 191 downloads
Yussuf the Guide; Or, the Mountain Bandits George Manville Fenn 172 downloads
The Mercy of Allah Hilaire Belloc 170 downloads
Nouvelles Asiatiques (French) comte de Arthur Gobineau 162 downloads
The Carpet from Bagdad Harold MacGrath 159 downloads
The Valley of the Kings Marmaduke William Pickthall 147 downloads
Affair in Araby Talbot Mundy 137 downloads
The Lion of Petra Talbot Mundy 120 downloads
Abu-Seif : Äventyrsroman från Röda Havet och Mekka (Swedish) Karl May 120 downloads
Displaying results 1–12