Title: Rules of the Western Grammar School, Brompton
Author: England) Western Grammar School (Brompton
Release date: May 9, 2020 [eBook #62064]
Language: English
Credits: Transcribed from the [1832?] Tilling edition by David Price
Transcribed from the [1832?] Tilling edition by David Price, email ccx074@pglaf.org
p. 2The following Gentlemen have been elected Honorary Officers of the Institution:
SIR THEOPHILUS LEE, Crescent House, Brompton.
REV. HENRY BLUNT, A.M. Sloane Street.
F. C. PARRY, Esq. A.M. F.A.S.E. 4, Onslow Terrace, Brompton.
T. STAVELEY, Esq. 9, Brompton Square.
Joint Treasurers,
C. THISLETON, Esq. 4, White Hall.
H. W. BURGESS, Esq. 134, Sloane Street.
CAPTAIN G. HARRIS, R.N. C.B. 8, Brompton Crescent.
E. KNOWLES, Esq. 22, Brompton Crescent.
JAMES VEITCH, Esq. M.D. Cadogan Place.
GEORGE WOOLLEY, Esq. 8, Brompton Row.
GEORGE GLEN, Esq. 18, ditto.
W. F. POCOCK, Esq. 10, Trevor Terrace.
1. Rev. J. F. LATEWARD, A.M.
2. Rev. JOHN MORISON, 1, Hans
3. Rev. R. H. SHEPHERD, 9,
Palace Street, Pimlico.
4. E. J. CLARK, Esq. M.D. Hyde Park Place, West.
5. CAPTAIN PEEVOR, 36, Church Street, Chelsea.
6. W. JERDAN, Esq. Grove House, Brompton.
7. B. P. HOBART, Esq. 24, Brompton Crescent.
8. S. SMITH, Esq. 14, South Parade, Chelsea.
9. W. LEACH, Esq. Manor Street, ditto.
10. SETH SMITH, Esq. Wilton Place.
11. . . .
12. . . .
1. SAMUEL SHEPHERD, Esq. Marlborough Square.
2. NICHOLAS GRAT, Esq. Robert Street, Chelsea.
Messrs. COCKBURN, and Co. White Hall.
Rule I. The Institution shall be divided into One Hundred Shares, the holders of which shall be deemed and called the Proprietors; no Proprietor being entitled to hold more than three Shares. [1]
Rule II. Each Proprietor shall pay into the hands of the Treasurers, (Sect. IV. Rule VI.) Fifteen Pounds for each Share he or she may hold.
Rule III. Each Proprietor shall pay to the Treasurers an annual sum of Nine Guineas, by equal quarterly payments, in advance, for each Share he or she may hold; the said sums to be payable on the first Monday in the Months of January, April, July, and October, in every Year, at the Committee Room, between the hours of One and Three.
Rule IV. Until such person shall have paid p. 4to the Treasurers such sum of Fifteen Pounds, he or she shall not be held to be a Proprietor.
Rule. V. Each Proprietor shall subscribe his or her Name to the Declaration hereinafter mentioned, (See p. 19;) and until such Declaration shall be signed, no person whatever shall be held to be a Proprietor, nor be entitled to any privilege, right, or interest whatever, in this Institution.
Rule VI. Each Proprietor shall be answerable for his or her quarterly, and all other payments, whether he or she have a Nominee in the School or not.
Rule VII. If any Proprietor shall neglect to pay to the Treasurers the amount of his or her Subscription, and other monies which may be due by such Proprietor, for 28 days after the same shall have become due, he or she shall forfeit the sum of 10s; and if, after notice being given by the Secretary of such penalty having been incurred, such Proprietor do not pay the amount of his or her Subscription, together with the penalty, within the period of 28 days, then such Proprietor’s Share or Shares shall be forfeited; and such Proprietor, his or her Heirs, Executors, Administrators, and Assigns, shall have no right, interest, property, or privilege, in the Institution, or in any part thereof; provided, nevertheless, that such Proprietor may appeal to a Special General Meeting, by giving notice of such his or her intention to the Secretary, on or before the day when his or her next Subscription would have become due; and at such General Meeting it shall be determined whether any, and what relief shall be given.
p. 5Rule VIII. Every Proprietor shall have the privilege of nominating to the School one Pupil, in respect of each Share he or she may hold: such Pupil, if the son, grand-son, step-son, brother, or nephew, of the nominating Proprietor, shall be admitted without ballot; but if not so related to the nominating Proprietor, he shall not be admitted without the previous consent of the Committee of Proprietors; such consent to be ascertained by ballot, (Sect. II. Rule IV.) and such ballot not to be made, unless the Nominator do give fourteen days previous notice thereof to the Secretary; which notice shall contain the name of the Nominee, and the names, rank, station in life, and residence of his Parents or Guardians.
Rule IX. The Proprietors shall be at liberty to transfer or bequeath their several Shares: but in every case of a transfer, the Purchaser or Grantee shall be first approved of by ballot, at a General Meeting of the Committee. Every Purchaser or Grantee having been so approved of, shall be entitled to all the advantages of an original Proprietor.
Rule X. Any person having a Proprietor’s Share bequeathed to him, or inheriting such Share, or taking it under Letters of Administration, may nominate a Pupil in respect to such Share; such Pupil to be admitted by ballot only.
Rule XI. Any person obtaining a Share as above, may be admitted as a Proprietor, by ballot, subject to his or her signing the Declaration hereinafter mentioned.
p. 6Rule XII. Any Proprietor, on giving previous notice to the Secretary, of his or her intention, shall have the power of inspecting the Minutes of the Committee at any General Meeting of the Proprietors.
Rule I. An Annual General Meeting of the Proprietors shall be holden at the School Room on the last Monday in April, at Two o’Clock precisely, of which notice shall be given; the business of such Meeting being to elect to the vacancies in the Committee, as hereinafter provided for, (Sect. III. Rule II.) to receive a Report, and hear the Minutes of the Committee for the preceding year; to pas» the Treasurers Accounts; and to enquire generally into the affairs of the Institution.
Rule II. No proposition for making an alteration in the Roles of the Institution, or for forming any new Rule, shall be considered at a General Meeting, except on a requisition, signed by Ten Proprietors, to be delivered to the Secretary, at least thirty days before such General Meeting: the Secretary shall make known to the body of Proprietors the nature of the subject to be discussed; but no such proposition for alteration in the Rules shall be finally decided upon, except at a subsequent Special General Meeting, to be summoned for the purpose.
p. 7Rule III. Special General Meetings of the Proprietors may be holden at the Institution, whenever the Committee hereinafter named may deem it necessary, or whenever an appeal is made to the authority of such Meeting; the Secretary, on the direction of the Committee, or at the request, in writing, of the Appellant, to convene such Meeting, giving each Proprietor at least seven days notice thereof, stating the hour and place of meeting, and the subject to be laid before the Proprietors: such Meeting may also be convened by the Secretary, with the like notice, upon his being requested to do so by a requisition signed by seven Proprietors.
Rule IV. All questions at General Meetings shall be decided by a majority of the Proprietors, except on occasions of balloting for a Proprietor or Nominee, when not less than three-fourths of the votes given shall be deemed to constitute a majority.
Rule V. All Lady Proprietors not attending any General Meeting, may vote by Proxy, to be tendered by a Proprietor; but no Proprietor shall be allowed to hold more than one Proxy, and the said Proxy shall not have effect for more than one Meeting.
Rule VI. The President or Chairman for the time being shall, at all Meetings, have a casting vote.
Rule VII. Any General Meeting, Special or Annual, may be adjourned for the purpose of concluding any business regularly before it, of which adjournment no special notice shall be given.
p. 8Rule VIII. Whenever notice is to be given to any Proprietor on any subject, it is to be understood that a letter sent to his or her last or usual place of residence, shall be deemed sufficient.
Rule I. The affairs of the Institution shall be under the management and direction of
A President,
Vice Presidents,
Three Joint Treasurers,
A Secretary,
A Physician,
Two Surgeons,
An Architect,
and twelve other Proprietors, any five of whom shall be competent to act as a Committee.
Rule II. Of the Officers and the twelve other Proprietors, constituting the Committee of Management of the Institution, eight shall go out annually, and a like number be elected in their stead; the eight who go out to be however eligible for re-election. The first Re-election to take place at the Annual General Meeting in the year 1832; but, nevertheless, no such Re-election shall take place, unless a Requisition for that purpose be made by p. 9twelve Proprietors, and sent to the Secretary thirty days prior to the Annual General Meeting. In the event of such Election being required, the eight Members of the Committee who retire shall be those who have attended the least frequently at the previous Meetings of the Committee.
Rule III. The Committee shall have power from time to time to make such Provisional Rules and Regulations respecting the conduct and management of the School, and the general affairs of the Institution, as they may deem necessary: such Provisional Rules and Regulations shall have force until the next General Meeting of Proprietors, when they shall be confirmed or annulled, as the Proprietors may see fit.
Rule IV. Any vacancy occurring in the Offices or Committee during the year, may be supplied by the Committee, at a Special Meeting to be called for that purpose, by election, either from their own body, or from the Proprietors at large.
Rule V. The Committee shall hold their Meetings on the first Tuesday Evening in every Month, and oftener when they shall consider it necessary, on such days, and at such places, as they may from time to time appoint.
Rule VI. The Committee shall, at their Monthly Meetings, choose two of their body, as Visitors, for the succeeding month: such Visitors shall be the only Proprietors having right of access to the School during School hours, [except as hereinafter provided;] but the Visitors may at any time introduce p. 10into the School, at their discretion, any other Proprietor or Stranger.
Rule VII. The Visitors shall not interfere with the internal Regulations of the School, but shall inspect the School at least once a week, and shall report to the General Committee any irregularities or improprieties they may observe.
Rule I. The President, or one of the Vice-Presidents, shall preside at all Meetings, or, in their absence, such other Proprietor shall preside as may be appointed provisionally.
Rule II. The President or Provisional Chairman shall have a casting vote at all Meetings. (See Sect. II. Rule VII.)
Rule III. The President or Provisional Chairman shall sign the Minutes of Proceedings made at all Meetings.
Rule IV. The President shall have charge of the Original of the Declaration and Signatures of the Proprietors of the Institution, and shall also have the custody of the Register of Shares.
Rule V. The President shall sign all Certificates of Shares and Transfers of Shares.
p. 11Rule VI. The Treasurers shall receive all monies payable or due to the Institution, and shall place the same to the account of the Institution at the Bankers.
Rule VII. The Treasurers shall make all payments by draft on the Bankers, to be countersigned by the Secretary, or, in his absence, by a Deputy: the signature of one Treasurer to such draft shall be sufficient. Their accounts shall be made up at the usual Quarter Days, and audited, ready to be presented at the then next periodical Meeting of the Committee.
Rule VIII. The Secretary shall conduct and record the Correspondence of the Institution, and keep Minutes of the Proceedings of the Committee, and of the General Meetings of Proprietors.
Rule IX. He shall convene all Meetings by Written Notices.
Rule X. He shall fill up and countersign all Certificates of Shares, and Transfers of Shares.
Rule XI. He shall have the custody of all the Printed Copies of the Rules of the Institution.
Rule XII. He shall keep the Duplicate of the Declaration, signed by the Proprietors.
Rule XIII. He shall be a Member of all Committees, and, in his absence, a Deputy may be appointed at any Meeting then assembled.
Rule XIV. The Medical Officers shall, as often as they deem it expedient, or may be required by p. 12the Committee, visit the School for the purpose of ascertaining the state of cleanliness and ventilation of the School, and all other matters that may conduce to the health of the Boys; and shall make such Report to the Committee as the case may require.
Rule XV. They shall particularly attend to any appearance of contagious, infectious, or epidemic disorders, and if they apprehend the existence of any such disorders, or have reasonable grounds to expect that they may be likely to appear, they shall forthwith report the same to the Committee, or take such steps as the urgency of the case may require.
Rule XVI. The Architect shall from time to time examine the Buildings belonging to the Institution, and report upon the state of the same, suggesting to the Committee what alterations, improvements, or repairs, may be necessary. He shall superintend all the alterations and repairs, and examine the estimates and charges for the same, and report whether the works be properly done, and whether the costs be reasonable.
Rule XVII. There shall be two Auditors appointed at every Annual General Meeting, who shall audit the Accounts of the Institution, and report thereon to the Committee.—The Auditors shall not be Members of the Committee.
Rule I. There shall be the following Masters—A Head Master, a Second Master, an Assistant Master, a French Master, and a Drawing Master.
Rule II. The Masters shall be elected as often as occasion may require, by the Committee, by ballot.
Rule III. The Head and Second Masters shall be Graduates of the University of Oxford, or of Cambridge.
Rule IV. The Committee shall have the assistance of the Head Master in examining the competence of the Assistant Master.
Rule V. None of the Masters shall be subject to removal from their respective Offices, except on account of non-adherence to the Rules of the Institution, inability, incapacity, negligence, immoral conduct, or other sufficient cause; their removal to be determined upon by the Committee, at a Special Meeting to be convened for that purpose.
Three Calendar Months’ notice, in writing, shall be given by the Secretary to any Master intended to be removed, except for any flagrant misconduct, or gross immorality; in which cases the dismissal shall be immediate.
Any Master intending to resign his Office, shall give three Calendar Months’ notice, in writing, of such his intention to the Secretary.
p. 14Rule VI. The internal regulation of the School shall be under the management of the Head Master, who shall carry into effect the system of education specified in these Rules, subject to the control of the Committee.
Rule VII. The Head Master shall keep a Register of the Scholars, in such form as the Committee shall determine.
Rule VIII. The Head Master shall also keep a Register of the progress made by the Pupils in the course of their studies; which Register shall be open to the inspection of the Visitors, and be produced to the Committee at their periodical Meetings.
Rule IX. The Head Master shall report to the Committee what Books, Mathematical Instruments, Stationery, &c. may from time to time be wanted for the purposes of the Institution. He shall also furnish the Committee, quarterly, with an account of such Books and Instruments lost, or wilfully destroyed, as, in his opinion, ought to be charged to the Pupils by whom they shall have been so lost, or destroyed.
Rule X. The Head Master may suspend any of the other Masters, except the Second, in the event of any flagrant misconduct; but he shall forthwith give notice of such suspension to the Secretary, in order that it may be submitted immediately to the decision of the Committee.
Rule XI. The French Master shall attend the School, on such days, and for such period in p. 15each day, as the Head Master may fix, with the approval of the Committee.
Rule XII. The Drawing Master shall attend the School under the same regulation as is fixed in regard to the French Master.
Rule XIII. The Head Master, and Second Master, may take Boarders, who are Scholars of the Institution, but none others; such Scholars to be in no case considered or treated as private Pupils. The Head Master shall not take more than Fifteen Boarders, and the Second Master not more than Ten.
Rule XIV. The Head and Second Master shall have the privilege of sending their own sons as Pupils to the School, subject to the same rules as affect the other Pupils, except the annual payments.
Rule XV. The Head, Second, and Assistant Masters, are to attend in the School Room, from Seven o’Clock in the Morning until Eight; from Ten in the Day until One; from Three in the Afternoon until Five, from the 1st of April to the 30th of September, inclusive; and from the 1st of October, to the end of March, from Nine o’Clock, until Noon, and from Half-past One, until Four, Holidays excepted.
Rule XVI. None of the Masters shall be allowed to perform any duty, or undertake any occupation, or employment, which shall in any way interfere with their attendance and duties in the School.
Rule XVII. No Master shall inflict corporeal punishment, except the Head Master; and the cane only shall be used for that purpose.
p. 16Rule XVIII. If any Master shall have cause of complaint, he is to state it in writing to the Secretary, who will submit the same to the Committee for their decision.
Rule I. The Pupils shall be admitted as prescribed by Rule VIII, Section I.; but no Pupil shall be received into the School, until he shall have acquired some knowledge of Reading and Writing, and of the two first Rules of Arithmetic.
Rule II. An efficient System of Education shall be adopted; embracing the Latin, Greek, French, and English Languages and Literature; Composition; Elocution; the Mathematics; and Drawing; and Lectures on subjects connected with the Sciences and Arts, shall be occasionally delivered by the Masters and others to all the Pupils, under the sanction of the Committee, which the Proprietors, and Parents of Nominees, shall be at liberty to attend.
Rule III. The Madras System of Education, as practised at Charter House School, shall be adopted, as far as it may be found available.
Rule IV. A portion of the Scriptures and Prayer shall be read at the commencement of the Morning, and the termination of the Afternoon, School each Day.
p. 17Rule V. A Public Examination of the Pupils shall take place in the week previous to the Summer Vacation; the mode of such Examination to be under the direction of the Committee.
Rule VI. Eight days Holidays are to be allowed at Christmas, commencing on Christmas Eve, and ending on New Year’s Day; and Five Weeks in the Summer, commencing on the Monday nearest the Twentieth of July.—The Holidays at Easter are to commence on Good Friday, and end on Easter Monday, both inclusive.—A half Holiday is to be allowed on Wednesday and Saturday in each week.
Rule VII. The Pupils shall punctually return to the School on the day succeeding the conclusion of the Holidays, unless prevented by sickness, (to be certified in writing,) or by any family calamity, under the penalty of Ten Shillings.
Rule VIII. In the event of any flagrant misconduct on the part of any Scholar, it shall be competent for the Head Master immediately to suspend him; and he shall report such suspension, with the cause thereof, to the Visitors, for the information of the Committee, who shall decide thereon, and may, if they see fit, confirm such suspension of the offending Pupil; but an appeal shall lie from the Proprietor on whose Share the Scholar was admitted to the School, to a General Meeting of Proprietors to be convened for that purpose.
Rule I. The Land, and the Building thereon, and all other Property of the Institution, real and personal, shall be vested in Twelve Trustees, to be elected from among the Proprietors, and shall be held by the said Trustees for the purposes of the Institution. They shall execute a Deed, declaring the purposes of such Trust; and when they shall be reduced to Three in number, the Proprietors, at a General Meeting, convened for that purpose, shall fill up the number to Twelve; and thereupon a proper Deed or Deeds shall be executed, for vesting the Property of the Institution in the surviving and new Trustees, and declaring the Trusts thereof; and so, from time to time, as often as may be necessary, for perpetuating the Trusts.
Rule II. Every transfer or bequest of a Share, and also the title of every Assignee, Legatee, or Legal Representative, shall be entered in the Register of the Institution; of which entry a Certificate shall be given by the Secretary, and for which Certificate One Pound, over and above the Stamp Duty, shall be paid to the Treasurers, to be carried to the general Fund of the Institution.
Rule III. Every Member of the Institution shall be furnished with one Copy of the Rules.
p. 19Declaration to be signed by the Proprietors.—
We, whose names are here underwritten, being severally Proprietors of the Institution, called The Western Grammar School, do hereby severally declare for each of ourselves, and for our respective representatives, that we have not and that we will not claim, any interests, rights, privileges, or advantages, whatsoever, in the said School, or in the monies, goods, chattels, or property, whatsoever, belonging to, or supposed to belong to the same, excepting such interests, rights, privileges, or advantages, as may be claimed by us or either of us, or our representatives, by virtue of the Rules or Bye-Laws of the said Western Grammar School, now made, or hereafter to be made, by the majority of the Proprietors of the said Western Grammar School.
Memorandum.—The Secretary will keep a Register of Shares that may become vacant, and of persons desirous of obtaining Shares.
[1] The book has short margin notes of each rule which have been omitted in this transcription. E.g. the note for Rule I. was “Proprietors and number of Shares.”—DP.