The Project Gutenberg eBook of Notes and Queries, Vol. V, Number 124, March 13, 1852 This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: Notes and Queries, Vol. V, Number 124, March 13, 1852 Author: Various Editor: George Bell Release date: September 22, 2012 [eBook #40843] Most recently updated: October 23, 2024 Language: English Credits: Produced by Charlene Taylor, Jonathan Ingram and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This file was produced from images generously made available by The Internet Library of Early Journals.) *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK NOTES AND QUERIES, VOL. V, NUMBER 124, MARCH 13, 1852 *** [Transcriber's note: Original spelling variations have not been standardized. Characters with macrons have been marked in brackets with an equal sign, as [=e] for a letter e with a macron on top, or [p=] for a letter p with a horizontal bar in the descender. Underscores have been used to indicate _italic_ fonts. A list of volumes and pages in "Notes and Queries" has been added at the end.] NOTES AND QUERIES: A MEDIUM OF INTER-COMMUNICATION FOR LITERARY MEN, ARTISTS, ANTIQUARIES, GENEALOGISTS, ETC. "When found, make a note of."--CAPTAIN CUTTLE. VOL. V.--No. 124. SATURDAY, MARCH 13. 1852. Price Fourpence. Stamped Edition, 5_d._ CONTENTS. Page NOTES:-- Readings in Shakspeare, No. III. 241 Folk Lore:--Burning Fern brings Rain 242 Translations, by C. Redding 243 Ballad of Lord Delamere 243 Minor Notes:--A Note on Henry III.--Old Books and New Titles--Bowdler's Family Shakspeare--The French Language--Curious Epitaph 244 QUERIES:-- "Hogs Norton, where Pigs play upon the Organs," by Thos. Lawrence 245 Minor Queries:--The Judge alluded to by South--English Translation of the Canons--Snuff-boxes and Tobacco-pipes--Cromwell--Meaning of Wallop--The "Mistral"--Deaths from Fasting--Ad Viscum--Whipping Graves--John Rogers, Protomartyr--Autograph Music by Handel--The Layard Family--C. L. A. A. P. D. P.--Prianho, De Pratellis and Prideaux Family--Joseph Adrien Le Bailly 246 MINOR QUERIES ANSWERED:--The Great Bowyer Bible--Orloff, Derivation of--"A Captain bold of Halifax"--Goblin, Gorgeous, Gossip--Maheremium; Arc de Arbouin 248 REPLIES:-- Moravian Hymns 249 Archaic and Provincial Words, by Robert Rawlinson, &c. 250 Macaronic Poetry, by James Cornish 251 Young's "Narcissa" 252 Dulcarnon, by S. W. Singer, &c. 252 St. George Heraldical MSS. 253 Sterne in Paris 254 Replies to Minor Queries:--Collar of Esses--Quid est Episcopus--Paper-making in England--"Mother Damnable"--Miniature of Cromwell--Etymology of Church--The Königsmarks--L'Homme de 1400 Ans--Close of the Wady Mokatteb Question--Was Queen Elizabeth dark or fair?--Meaning of Knarres--Cheap Maps--English Free Towns--Sir Alexander Cumming and the Cherokees--Junius--Hell-Rake--Ambassadors addressed as Peers--Red Book of the Irish Exchequer--Yankee, Derivation of--Indian Jugglers; Ballad of Ashwell Thorp--Meaning of Crabis--"'Twas whisper'd in Heaven"--"Troilus and Cressida," Act I. Sc. 3.--Stone-pillar Worship--John of Padua--Modern Greek Names of Places--Beocherie, alias Parva Hibernia--Ruffles, when worn--Long Meg of Westminster--Family Likenesses--"A Roaring Meg"--Lyte Family--Nuremberg Token--The Old Countess of Desmond--Pimlico--"Wise above that which is written"--Sir John Cheke--Richard Earl of Chepstow--Maps of Africa--Lady Diana Beauclerk--"Litera Scripta manet"--"Qui vult plene," &c.--Engraved Portraits 255 MISCELLANEOUS:-- Notes on Books, &c. 261 Books and Odd Volumes wanted 262 Notices to Correspondents 262 Advertisements 263 Notes. READINGS IN SHAKSPEARE, NO. III. _Hamlet_, Act I. Sc. 5. "My tables, my tables,--meet it is I set it down." This line (which might have suggested to our worthy patron, Captain Cuttle, the posy on our title-page) has, in my opinion, been misapplied and misinterpreted; and, as I am unable to convince myself that the view I take of it, albeit in opposition to all other readers of Shakspeare, is wrong, I venture to remove my light from under the bushel, although in so doing am sorely in dread of its being rudely puffed upon. The more so, because the natural hesitation which must be felt, in any case, when challenging for the first time the correctness of a generally received reading, is, in this instance, greatly augmented, by finding that an illustrious commenter upon Shakspeare--himself a great and congenial poet--has conferred a special approbation upon the old reading, by choosing it out as an item in his appreciation of Hamlet's character. I allude to Coleridge, whose remark is this: "Shakspeare alone could have produced the vow of Hamlet, to make his memory a blank of all maxims and generalised truths that 'observation had copied there,' followed immediately by the speaker noting down the generalised fact-- "'That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain.' "Now, that this last line _is_ really what Shakspeare _intended to be noted down_, is precisely the point that goes so much "against the stomach of my sense!" This jotting down by Hamlet, upon a real substantial table, of one of those "generalised truths" which he had just excluded from the table of his memory, would be such a _literalising of the metaphor_, that it is a great relief to me to feel convinced that Shakspeare never intended it. In Hamlet's discourse there may be observed an under current of thought that is continually breaking forth in _apostrophe_. In the present instance it is directed to his uncle: "O villain, villain, smiling, damned villain! That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain! At least I'm sure it may be so in Denmark-- So! uncle, _there_ you are!" Is not all this _one continued apostrophe_? The second line an admirative comment upon the first, and the fourth line, even in the present day, a common exclamation expressive of misdeeds, or intentions, unexpectedly brought to light? But it is not this most trite reflection, in the second line, that Hamlet wishes to set down. No, it is the all-absorbing _commandment_: "And thy commandment all alone shall live Within the book and volume of my brain, Unmixed with baser matter-- "My tables, my tables,--meet it is I set it down!" _Set it down_, in order that the exact words of the commandment--subsequently quoted to the very letter--may be preserved. To suppose that Hamlet gets forth his tables for the purpose of setting down a common-place truism, _because_ he has reserved no place for such matters _in the table of his memory_, is surely to materialise a fine poetical image by contrasting it with a substantial matter of fact operation. And to suppose, with Coleridge, that the very absurdness of the act is a subtle indication of incipient madness, is an over refinement in criticism, as intenable as it is unnecessary. Hamlet evinces no semblance of unsettled mind, real or assumed, until joined by Horatio and Marcellus; and, even then, his apparently misplaced jocularity does not commence until he has finally determined _to withhold_ the secret he had twice been on the point of disclosing: "How say you then, would the heart of man once think it?-- But you'll be secret." Again: "There's ne'er a villain dwelling in all Denmark-- But he's an arrant knave." I do not know whether I am singular in the view I take of these two sentences, but I understand them as _inchoate disclosures_, suddenly broken off through the irresolution of the speaker. For instance, I do not understand the last, as Horatio understood it--"_There needs no ghost from the grave to tell us this_;" but I understand it as an intended revelation, begun, withdrawn, and cleverly turned off by the substitution of a ridiculous termination. It is _then_, when Hamlet finally resolves to withhold the secret, at least from Marcellus (when or where Horatio afterwards acquires it, is not explained), that he seeks to conceal his overwrought feelings by assumed levity. Such is the way I read this scene; and, while I freely admit the difficulty presented in the fact, that, amongst so many acute students of Shakspeare, no one before should have seen any difficulty in the usual interpretation of this passage, I must at the same time declare, that I can perceive no single point in favour of that interpretation, save and except the placing of the "stage direction" where it now is. But this may have arisen from the early printers being misled by the apparent sequence of the word "that," with which the next line commences: ----"meet it is I set it down _That_" &c. It may be observed, however, that such a commencement, to a sentence expressive of wonder or incredulity, was by no needs uncommon. As, for example, in the first scene of _Cymbeline_: "That a _king's_ children should be so convey'd!" I really can perceive little _else_ than this "stage direction" to favour the usual reading, while, in that proposed by me, the sequence of action appears to be the most natural in the world:-- First, "My tables, my tables," &c. Next, the continuation of the interrupted apostrophe, which occupies the time while getting forth and preparing the tables. Next, the abrupt exclamation, "Now to my word." And finally, the dictating, _to the pen_, the express words of the last line of the ghost's speech. In point of fact, the best possible _stage direction_ is given by Shakspeare himself, when he makes Hamlet exclaim, "_Now to my word_," or, now to my _memorandum_, reverting to the purpose for which he had got his tables forth. In the old reading, Steevens was driven to explain "now to my word" in this way, "Hamlet alludes to the _watchword_ given every day in military service." It is of the more importance that this point, raised by me, should be fairly and impartially examined, because, being in correction of alleged misinterpretation, its decision must have some influence upon a right discrimination of the character of Hamlet's madness, as opposed to the deduction drawn by Coleridge. In taking it into consideration, the following alterations in the existing punctuation must be premised:-- After "set it down," a full stop; after "and be a villain," a note of admiration; the stage direction "(_writing_)" to be removed two lines lower down. A. E. B. Leeds. FOLK LORE. _Burning Fern brings Rain._--In a volume containing miscellaneous collections by Dr. Richard Pococke, in the British Museum, MS. Add. 15,801, at fol. 33. is the copy of a letter written by Philip Herbert, third Earl of Pembroke, Lord Chamberlain, to the Sheriff of Staffordshire, which illustrates a curious popular belief of the period, from which even the king was not free. It is as follows: "Sr.--His Majesty taking notice of an opinion entertained in Staffordshire, that the burning of Ferne doth draw downe rain, and being desirous that the country and himself may enjoy fair weather as long as he remains in those parts, His Majesty hath commanded me to write unto you, to cause all burning of Ferne to bee forborne, untill his Majesty be passed the country. Wherein not doubting but the consideration of their own interest, as well as of his Ma'ties, will invite the country to a ready observance of this his Ma'ties command, I rest, "Your very loving friend, PEMBROKE AND MONTGOMERY. "Belvoir, 1st August, 1636. "To my very loving friend the High Sheriff of the County of Stafford." Do any other writers of the time notice this "opinion," and do any traces of it exist at present? μ. TRANSLATIONS. It becomes needful that the translations which are to be copyright should be accurately made when the new international law comes into effect. In the _Consulship and Empire_ of M. Thiers, vol. iii. p. 220., purporting to be translated by D. Forbes Campbell, "under the sanction and approval of the author," the following _happy_ piece of translation occurs:-- "They urged also, that the Maltese people would offer great resistance to the destruction of those fine fortresses, and proposed the reconstitution of the Order on a new and more solid basis. They had no objection to allow the French language still to be used there, stipulating only that a college should be instituted for teaching the English and Maltese languages. The latter for the advantages of the Maltese people, who should have a share in its management; they were desirous of placing this new settlement under the guarantee of some great power, Russia for example. The English were in hopes that with the English and Maltese languages spoken by the people who would still be devoted to them, they should still have an influence in the island, which would prevent the French from again obtaining possession of it." The translator has invented a college and system of instruction, because he did not know how to translate "_langue_!"[1] Thus this important passage is wholly perverted. "Ils alléguaient la resistance de la population maltaise à toute destruction de ses belles forteresses, et proposaient la reconstitution de l'Ordre sur des bases nouvelles et plus solides. _Ils voulaient y laisser une langue française, moyennant qu'on y institût une langue anglaise et une langue maltaise, celle-ci accordée à la population de l'îsle, pour lui donner part à son gouvernement; ils voulaient que ce nouvel établissement fût placé sur la garantie d'une grande puissance, la Russie par exemple. Les Anglais espéraient qu'avec les langues anglaise et maltaise qui leur seraient dévotée, ils auraient un pied dans l'isle, et empêcheraient les Français d'y rentrer._" [Footnote 1: "Langue" means Order of Knights of Malta, of the particular "nation" expressed.] C. REDDING. BALLAD OF LORD DELAMERE. (Vol. ii., p. 104.) A correspondent gives the first two lines of a ballad called _Lord Delamere_, and inquires to what political event it refers. DR. RIMBAULT (Vol. ii., p. 158.) suggests that this song may be another version of one published in Mr. Thomas Lyte's _Ancient Ballads and Songs_, which begins differently, and which Mr. Lyte fancies may refer to some corn-law debate in parliament about the years 1621 and 1622. I have a song which I took down from recitation in Derbyshire, entitled _The Long-armed Duke_, but which is no doubt identical with Mr. Lyte's, the first verse being nearly the same. That it refers to some transaction much later than 1622 is evident from the mention of Lord Delamere, that title having been first conferred by Charles II. upon Sir George Warrington. Henry, second Earl of Delamere, and William, Earl of Devonshire, are the heroes of the ballad, which I believe to be founded upon some obscure report of the quarrel which took place between the latter and Colonel Colepepper, of which an account will be found in the _Works of Lord Delamere_, London, 1694, p. 563. (reprinted in Howell's _State Trials_, vol. ii. p. 510.), and also in Collins's _Peerage_, vol. i. p. 343.; and see also Colley Cibber's _Apology_, chap. iii. The Earl of Devonshire struck Colonel Colepepper in the anteroom at Whitehall, having previously received an affront from the Colonel in the king's palace. He was summoned to appear at the King's Bench, and gave bail to the amount of 30,000_l._; Lord Delamere being one of his sureties. A fine to that amount was inflicted on him, but he appealed from the judgment to the House of Lords, where one of his warmest advocates was Lord Delamere. Vague reports of these proceedings would find their way into the North, where the matter would be handled by the balladmongers in a style congenial to the manners and ideas of their rustic auditory. Lord Delamere is described by a cotemporary versifier as "Fit to assist to pull a tyrant down, But not to please a prince that mounts the throne." These lines are given, without a reference, in a note to Burton's _Diary_. Query, Where do they come from? My version of the ballad was printed about nine years ago in a periodical called _The Storyteller_, which came to an abrupt conclusion in the second volume, and is probably now in the hands of few. Mr. Lyte's volume also appears to be a rarity. I therefore append a copy, which you can add to this note if you do not think it too long. Perhaps your correspondent would send the remainder of his fragment, which it might be interesting to compare. "THE LONG-ARMED DUKE. "Good people, give attention, a story you shall hear, It is of the king and my Lord Delamere; The quarrel it arose in the parliament house, Concerning some taxations going to be put in force. "Ri toora loora la. "Says my Lord Delamere to his Majesty soon, 'If it please you, my liege, of you I'll soon beg a boon.' 'Then what is your boon? let me it understand:' 'It's to have all the poor men you have in your land; "'And I'll take them to Cheshire, and there I will sow Both hempseed and flaxseed, and them all in a row. Why, they'd better be hanged, and stopped soon their breath, If it please you, my liege, than to starve them to death.' "Then up starts a French[2] lord, as we do hear, Saying, 'Thou art a proud Jack,' to my Lord Delamere, 'Thou oughtest to be stabbed,' then he turn'd him about, 'For affronting the king in the parliament house.' "Then up starts his grace the Duke of Devonshire, Saying, 'I'll fight in defence of my Lord Delamere.' Then a stage was erected, to battle they went, To kill or to be killed was our noble duke's intent. "The very first push, as we do understand, The duke's sword he bended it back into his hand. He waited awhile, but nothing he spoke, Till on the king's armour his rapier he broke. "An English lord, who by that stage did stand, Threw Devonshire another, and he got it in his hand: 'Play low for your life, brave Devonshire,' said he, 'Play low for your life, or a dead man you will be.' "Devonshire dropped on his knee, and gave him his deathwound; Oh! then that French lord fell dead upon the ground. The king called his guards, and he unto them did say, 'Bring Devonshire down, and take the dead man away.' "'No, if it please you, my liege, no! I've slain him like a man; I'm resolved to see what clothing he's got on. Oh! fie upon your treachery--your treachery,' said he, 'Oh! king, 'twas your intention to have took my life away: "'For he fought in your armour, whilst I have fought in bare; The same thou shalt win, king, before thou does it wear.' Then they all turned back to the parliament house, And the nobles made obeisance with their hands to their mouths. "God bless all the nobles we have in our land, And send the Church of England may flourish still and stand: For I've injured no king, no kingdom, nor no crown, But I wish that every honest man might enjoy his own." [Footnote 2: According to some reciters, "Dutch."] C. W. G. Minor Notes. _A Note on Henry III._--In Vol. v., p. 28., is the Query, "Are our Lists of English Sovereigns completed?" Some further illustration of the case of the king usually styled Henry III., to which particular attention was directed, may be derived from the subjoined extract taken from a MS. (No. 146.) in the University Library at Cambridge. The MS. is a parchment roll containing a "genealogical tree" of the kings of England, with brief notices written in the fifteenth century. On one side of the medallion on which is inscribed "Henricus tercius," is a brief eulogy of the king; on the other side is the following: "Iste Henricus dictus est tercius quia sic intitulatur in Cronicis hystoriis scriptis et cartis non ratione numerali sed regie denominationes (_sic_) vel dignitatis verbi gracia si numeretur. Henricus filius conquestoris. Deinde Henricus secundus filius Plantagenet postea filius eiusdem Henrici erit iste profecto quartus. Prætermittitur autem in stipite regnantium Henricus filius eius quia non regnavit, ratione igitur regnantium dicitur iste Henricus tercius. Obiit die sancti Edmundi Regis anno regni sui LVII'o et sepultus est apud Westmonasterium." W. R. C. _Old Books and New Titles_ (Vol. v., p. 125.).--Your correspondent J. H. is quite correct in his remarks on the above subject. A friend of mine lately saw advertised in a catalogue the following title of a work, _Fulfilment of Scripture Prophecies on Nations and Kingdoms, by John Hoyland_. He sent for the book and found it was exactly the same as what he already had, viz., _Epitome of the History of the World, by John Hoyland_, but with another title. Such practices are neither fair nor honorable. JOHN ALGOR. Sheffield. _Bowdler's Family Shakspeare._--It has occurred to me that a cheap edition of Bowdler's _Family Shakspeare_ would be in much request, and might conveniently be published in numbers consisting of single plays at 3_d._ each. This would bring the whole to about 9_s._, bound in three handy volumes. A new edition might contain the more recent typographical corrections and the names printed at length, a very desirable amendment. Will Messrs. Longman, the publishers of Bowdler's _Shakspeare_, look favourably on this suggestion when they see it in "N. & Q."? It would be an invaluable addition to their _Traveller's Library_. A LADY. Torquay. [We have reason to believe that Messrs. Longman have it in contemplation to produce such a cheap edition as our correspondent suggests, but not, perhaps, as a portion of their _Traveller's Library_.] _The French Language._--It has continually appeared to me as a great absurdity, that the terms masculine and feminine should be applied to inanimate things in the French language, when common sense is opposed to such a distinction. I think the reason for using feminine and masculine articles in conjunction with nouns said to be of those genders, is to be found in the rule which obtains in the Irish or Celtic language, namely, that of "caol re caol," _i.e._ fine with fine, and "leatair re leatair," _i.e._ broad with broad vowels or sounds. I throw out this hint to those who are better qualified to investigate the matter; as I feel sure it would be a great benefit to learners of the French language to have a clear rule to guide them, instead of the present system, which is very complicated. FRAS. CROSSLEY. _Curious Epitaph._--The following portion of an epitaph from the tomb of Thomas Carter, 1706, in the church of St. Gregory, Sudbury, will doubtless interest some of your readers; it is as well to premise that he was a very charitable man, as the whole inscription (which would occupy about forty lines) fully records: "Viator mirum referam Quo die efflavit animam Thos. Carter, prædictus, Acûs foramen transivit Camelus Sudburiensis. Vade, et si dives sis, tu fac similiter. Vale." Permit me to translate it for the benefit of your lady readers: "Traveller, I will relate a prodigy. On the day whereon the aforesaid Thomas Carter breathed out his soul, a Sudbury camel passed through the eye of a needle. Go, and if thou art wealthy, do thou likewise. Farewell." The allusion is of course to St. Matthew xix. 24. W. SPARROW SIMPSON, B.A. Queries. "HOGS NORTON, WHERE PIGS PLAY UPON THE ORGANS." I should be much obliged by any of your correspondents favouring me with their opinions as to the origin of the above saying. Evans, in his _Leicestershire Words_, says: "The true name of the town, according to Peck, is Hocks Norton, but vulgarly pronounced Hogs Norton. The organist to this parish church was named Piggs." But in Witt's _Recreations_, of which I have a copy of 1640, the eighty-third epigram is "upon pigs devouring a bed of penny-royal, commonly called _organs_:" "A good wife once, a bed of organs set, The pigs came in, and eat up every whit; The goodman said, Wife, you your garden may Hogs Norton call, here pigs on organs play." _Organs_ from "organy;" French, _origan_; Latin, _origanum_. Now it is evident that in 1640 the proverb was in vogue, and well understood; but organs were not at that time common in churches, especially parish churches, and as I do not know which of the many Nortons in England is Mr. Peck's Hocks Norton, I cannot help considering his derivation somewhat in the light of an anachronism. I do not know the date of Howell's _English Proverbs_ quoted by Mr. Halliwell in his _Archaic Dictionary_. Should there be such a place as Hog's Norton, or Hock's Norton, is the Hock = Hok = oak tree? Acorns and pigs were common associates. The only instance that I recollect of pigs being connected with an organ, is in that curious freak recorded of the Abbé Debaigne, maître de musique to Louis XI., when he made a hog-organ by enclosing pigs of various ages and pitches of voice in a kind of chest; the older ones on the left hand for the bass, and the younger on the right for the treble: over all these was suspended a key-board, which, when played on, pressed long needles into the pigs' backs,--the result is left to the imagination. THOS. LAWRENCE. Ashby-de-la-Zouch. Minor Queries. _The Judge alluded to by South._--South, in a note in his first Sermon on Covetousness (vol. iv. p. 448., 4th edition, 1727), tells us of a lawyer, "a confident of the rebels," who recommended that the Duke of Gloucester, the youngest son of Charles I., should be bound "to some good trade, that so he might eat his bread honestly." He then expresses wonder that Charles II. made this lawyer a judge; a practice, he adds, and doubtless with a meaning, "not unusual in the courts of some princes, to encourage and prefer their mortal enemies, before their truest friends." Can any of your correspondents tell us more on the subject, and the name of the judge? The recommendation was probably given at the time when the Duke and the Princess Elizabeth were removed from Penshurst to Carisbrooke, where, according to instructions, they were not to be treated as royal children. I may refer your readers to Lord Clarendon's _Hist._ (vii. 84.), and to a letter and interesting note in Sir H. Ellis's _Collection of Letters_, iii. 329. Evelyn describes the Duke as "a prince of extraordinary hopes." Did South, in his reflection on princes, refer to himself? Wood, his bitter foe, tells us that "he could never be enough loaded with preferment; while others, who had been reduced to a bit of bread for his Majesty's cause, could get nothing." In 1660 he "tugged hard," adds Wood, to be Can of Ch. Ch., but failed: in ten years afterwards he succeeded. J. H. M. Bath. _English Translation of the Canons._--In the 36th canon the record of the subscriptions is, _Quod liber publicæ Liturgiæ ... nihil in se contineat quod verbo Dei sit contrarium; quodque eodem_ taliter _uti liceat_. This is copied from Bishop Sparrow's collection. The English translation, to which subscription is now made, has the following rendering of the second clause--_and that the same may be lawfully used_. The word _taliter_ seems to be not rendered at all. Without wishing to provoke theological controversy, I should ask, by what authority, and at what date, was the English translation imposed upon the clergy and graduates, all of whom understand Latin? Is it affirmed that the English renders the Latin fully, or is the English translation avowedly intended to fall short? I will not ask the meaning of the word _taliter_ in the minds of those who imposed the Latin subscription, because answers might provoke the inadmissible kind of controversy. M. _Snuff-boxes and Tobacco-pipes._--In which book can I find the best account of the manufacture of snuff-boxes, particularly of those manufactured in Mauchline and Laurencekirk, Scotland? Also of the manufacture of cigars in London, the number of persons engaged in the trade, and general statistics thereof? Also of the manufacture of tobacco-pipes, and of the "Incorporated Company of Tobacco-pipe Manufacturers," and the statistics of the trade? D. W. L. _Cromwell._--Is it true that Oliver Cromwell held the office of cup-bearer to King Charles I.? I ask this question, because at a recent sale of MSS. by Messrs. Puttick and Simpson occurs this lot: "226. Committee for Public Revenue. Order for the payment of arrears of annual salary of 66_l._ 13_s._ 4_d._, due Christmas last, to Major Oliver Cromwell, for his attending the late King as Cup-bearer. Signed ED. HOWARD (Lord Howard of Escrick, co. York); SIR H. VANE; H. EDWARDES; JOHN TRENCHARD; and COR HOLLAND: the receipt dated July 2, signed O. CROMWELL. Thomas Fauconberge subsequently became Cromwell's son-in-law; at the corner is his autograph order, for the amount to be promptly paid. July 2, 1649." G. W. J. _Meaning of Wallop_--In the article of Collins's _Peerage_ which narrates the history of the "Wallops, Earls of Portsmouth," great and deserved praise is bestowed upon Sir John Wallop, a most valorous and successful military commander. Not to trouble you with more, I make one extract, which is, for more reasons than one, likely to be interesting: "Sir John Wallop, in 6 Henry VIII., was sent as Admiral and Commander-in-Chief of the fleet, to encounter Prior John, the French Admiral, who, landing in Sussex, had burnt the town of Brighthelmstone. The French getting into their own ports, Sir John Wallop sailed to the coast of Normandy, and there landed and burnt twenty-one villages and towns with great slaughter, and also the ships and boats in the havens of Treaport, Staple, &c., wherein he acquitted himself with such conduct and valour, that all our historians have mentioned this expedition much to his honour." The Query which I desire to ask is, whether the significant, but somewhat coarse phrase of "to wallop," have its origin in the exploits of this gallant ancestor of the Earl of Portsmouth? E. S. S. W. Winton. _The "Mistral."_--There is an old French proverb which says: "Trois fléaux en Provence, Le Parlement, le Mistral, la Durance." The first of these scourges has disappeared: the third will probably last for ever: but what of the second? The _Mistral_ is a kind of whirlwind (partaking of the character of the African simoon, or of the West Indian hurricane), which pays its annual visits to Provence, and causes the most frightful devastation along the banks of the Rhone. It is spoken of by Seneca, and other writers of his time; and the Emperor Augustus is said to have raised a temple to it during his residence in Gaul. Has any attempt been made, in this age of scientific advancement, to explain the causes of the _Mistral_? Perhaps Sir William Reid, from his present position and opportunities, as Governor of Malta, may be induced to turn his attention to the subject. An attempt to investigate the origin of this phenomenon, coupled with an historical sketch of its progress and effects, would form a valuable chapter in any future edition of his work on the _Law of Storms_. HENRY H. BREEN. St. Lucia. _Deaths from Fasting._--In the church of St. Mary, Bury St. Edmund's, is a fine table-tomb, surmounted by a corpse in a winding-sheet, to the memory of John Bant, whose very curious will has been printed by the Camden Society. Tradition says that the death of this pious church decorator arose from the vain attempt to imitate Our Lord in fasting forty successive days and nights. This tradition has no foundation in fact, but owes its origin to the figure on the tomb, which would appear to have been made in the lifetime of the deceased. There are similar traditions in other parts of the kingdom. Can any of your correspondents state where, and whether accompanied by similar wasted figures? BURIENSIS. _Ad Viscum._--It has not been unusual among antiquaries of a certain class to cite the following Latin hexameter:-- "Ad viscum Druidæ! Druidæ clamare quotannis." Two or three times I have seen it accompanied by a general reference to one Ovidius. But having met with a copy of that author, to which an index of all his words is annexed, I collect therefrom that the said Ovidius never expressed himself to that effect. I should wish to learn whether any body else ever did, and who; or whether the knave who first coined that false reference also coined the line. A. N. _Whipping Graves._--Excommunicated persons were formerly restored to the Church, according to the old _Rituale Romanum_, by the ceremony of whipping their graves. When it was resolved the dead party should be restored to the communion of saints, it was ordered that the body should not be disentombed, but that the "graves shall be whipped, and while the priest whips the grave, he shall say--'By the authority which I have received I free thee from the bond of excommunication, and restore thee to the communion of the faithful.'" I do not find this in the copy of the Ritual I possess. Have any readers of the "N. & Q." a copy with the directions for this singular service? CYRUS REDDING. _John Rogers, Protomartyr_, Prebendary of St. Paul's Cathedral, and Rector of St. Sepulchre's, was burnt at the stake in Smithfield, rendering his testimony to the true religion of the Catholic Church of England: he left a wife and ten children. It is remarkable that no memorial of this celebrated man is to be found in the church of which he was the rector. Can any of the readers of "N. & Q." afford information as to his present descendants? John Rogers, Gentleman, of Charter House Square, was buried in the nave of the church, Nov. 19. 1775, aged fifty-four. The degree of consanguinity to the former rector is required for genealogical purposes. KT. _Autograph Music by Handel._--Before me lies a MS. duet in the autograph of Handel, and also an unfinished "Sonata da Cembalo" by the same composer. The former piece is thus authenticated by a note written at the bottom of the last page: "This duett was given to G. Malchair by Philip Hayes, Mus. Dr., with a declaration that it is Mr. Handel's _ohne_ handwriting." On the wrapper which contains the two pieces is written: "The two inclosed pieces of music _ware_ given to me by my worthy friend Dr. Philip Hayes, with an _ashurance_ that they are the handwriting of the celebrated Mr. Handel. The duett, indeed, has all the appearance of being the original conception of that greate man _pen'd_ by himself." I am desirous of ascertaining from some of your correspondents, better versed than myself in the soul-stirring music of this noble composer, whether the duet has been printed; and if so, where it may be found? The only means of identification which I can supply are these: it is written in two flats, and the words are-- "Và, và, speme infida pur va non ti credo." W. SPARROW SIMPSON, B.A. _The Layard Family._--The ancestor of A. H. Layard, the youthful and everywhere celebrated "Navorscher" of Nineveh, came to England with William of Orange. He fought under this prince at the battle of the Boyne. I would ask, whether anything is known of his genealogy before 1688? Q. Q. Q. Zeist. _C.L.A.A.P.D.P._--The famous _Avis aux Réfugiéz_, a work commonly attributed to Bayle, pretends on its title-page to have been written "Par Mons. C.L.A.A.P.D.P." Who can tell me whether these initials have any purport? N. P. BIBLIOPHILUS. Rotterdam. _Prianho, De Pratellis and Prideaux Family._--What ground is there for Dr. Oliver, the author of _Historic Collections relating to the Monasteries of Devon_, published 1820, and the Rev. G. C. Gorham, in his _History of St. Neots in Huntingdonshire and in Cornwall_, published in 1824, supposing that De Pratellis is the same name as Prideaux? Dr. Oliver says (p. 123.), Adam Prianho or De Pratellis al Prydeaux appointed prior. Gorham, vol. i. p. 172., says, Robert de Preus (_alias_ Robert de Pratell?). And again, in vol. ii. p. clxviii., Robert de Preaux _alias_ Prideaux, was presented by the prior and convent in 1270; his quotation is from Instituted rolls and Registers, Lincoln Cathedral: the roll reads Preus and De Pratellis. G. P. P. _Joseph Adrien Le Bailly._--In the choir of the church of St. Sauveur at Bruges is a monument of black marble, to the memory of Joseph Adrien Le Bailly, who died the 18th Oct. 1775, aged eighty-two. After describing him as the member of a noble and warlike family, the epitaph proceeds as follows: "Victime de l'envie il mourût, en citoyen la calomnie avait flêtri sa vertu, la vérité en a déchiré la voile.... L'honnête homme a reparu, et la justice l'a vengé." I have searched, but in vain, for some notice of this individual, and shall feel indebted to any of your readers who will be kind enough to give me some particulars which will throw light upon these mysterious expressions. J. H. M. Bath. Minor Queries Answered. _The Great Bowyer Bible._--Can you afford me information respecting the Great Bowyer Bible, which, I believe, about twenty years ago was valued at 1000_l._, and disposed of by lottery? Is it in private hands, or in a public library? J. S. [The Bowyer Bible was disposed of, in 1848, in Mrs. Parkes's Club Subscription. The name of the gentleman who was so fortunate as to obtain it, for his subscription of one guinea, is Saxon; a gentleman farmer, residing near Shepton Mallett in Somersetshire. He received the Bible in an appropriate cabinet from Mrs. Parkes, who knows nothing further of its subsequent history.] _Orloff, Derivation of._--What is the derivation of the word _orloff_, as applied to the deck of a ship of war? The "orloff deck" is, I believe, the first lower deck which runs flush frown stem to stern. W. A. L. [Falconer and others spell it _Orlop_, from the Dutch _overloop_, a running over, or overflowing. Dr. Ogilvie says, "In a ship of war it is a platform of planks laid over the beams in the hold, on which the cables are usually coiled. It contains also sail-rooms, carpenters' cabins, and other apartments. Also, a tier of beams below the lower deck for a like purpose. In three-decked ships the second and lowest decks are sometimes called _orlops_."] "_A Captain bold of Halifax._"--Byron says, in a note somewhere, that many of the modern Greek poems are in the metre of the English ballad: "A captain bold of Halifax, that lived in country quarters." The same may be said of a metre much used Terence and Plautus. Where is this ballad to be found? ED. G. JACKSON. Saffron Walden. [Though we cannot point where this song, written by George Colman, and known as "Unfortunate Miss Bailey," is to be met with, we can refer our correspondent to a clever Latin version of it by the Rev. G. H. Glasse, printed in the _Gentleman's Magazine_ for August, 1805, which commences-- "Seduxit miles virginem, receptus in hybernis, Præcipitans quæ laqueo se transtulit Avernis." There is also in the same magazine a French version which runs-- "Un capitaine hardi d'Halifax, demeurant à son quartier, Séduit une fille qui se pendit, un lundi avec sa jarretière," &c.] _Goblin, Gorgeous, Gossip._--May I ask the derivation of the following English words,--_Goblin_, _Gorgeous_, _Gossip_? J. G. T. [_Goblin_ is derived from the low Latin _Gobelinus_; see Ducange, who defines it, "Dæmon, qui vulgo _Faunus_, Gallis, _Gobelin Folastre_, German, _Kobold_," and quotes as his authority Ordericus Vitalis. _Gorgeous_, according to Skinner, is from the French _Gorgias_, probably from _Gorge_, and transferred from the palate to the eye. No such word as _Gorgias_ is, however, to be found in Roquefort's _Glossaire_. _Gossip_ is from the Anglo-Saxon _God-sibbe_, "cognatus in Deo." Nares in his _Glossary_ furnishes the following apt illustration of it: "Our Christian ancestors, understanding a spiritual affinity to grow between the parents and such as undertooke for the child at baptism, called each other by the name of _God-sib_, that is, of kin together through God; and the child, in like manner, called such his godfathers and godmothers."--_Verstegan_, p. 223.] _Maheremium, Arc de Arbouin._--In a survey of the castle of Launceston made in the 11 Edw. III., occurs the following passage: "Una [p=]va capella quar pietes sunt de maheremio et plaustro et maheremi[=u] inde fere disjungit." Will any of your readers kindly inform an unskilled person the meaning of this description? The same record contains some notable instances of jocular tenures, such as "ccc volucr's quæ voc'r _poffouns_," from the holder of the Scilly islands; and "un arc' de arbouin," presumed to be a bow of laburnum wood, from the town of Truro. S. R. P. Launceston. [The meaning of the first passage quoted by our correspondent is clearly, "una parva capella quarum parietes sunt de _maheremio_ et plastro, et maheremium inde fere disjungitur," _i.e._ "one small chapel whose walls are of timber and plaster (or, as we say, built of lath and plaster), and the timbers thereof for the most part disjointed." Under the word _Materia_, Ducange gives Mæremium, Maheremium, and many other forms of the word, which is used for timber. _Un arc de Arbouin._--If our correspondent will refer to Ducange sub _Arcus_, he will find him, sub "Arcus de Aubour," citing _Monast. Ang._, tom. ii. p. 602., and explaining it, "arcus bellici species. Regestum Philippi Augusti, fol. 159. Habet sagittam et arcum de aubour cum corda." He next cites _Le Roman de Garin_ (MS.): "Arc d'Aubour porte et sajetes d'acier," &c. A learned friend whom we have consulted reminds us that besides the common Laburnum, which it is obvious could not be the wood referred to, there is another sort known to our gardeners as "Cytisus Alpinus," Scotch Laburnum, which grows into an actual tree, and supplies the hard black wood used by the French as ebony, and called by them False Ebony. It is of notorious hardness, and would have done well for bows. It is a native of Dauphiné, and indigenous also in the Alps, and, even if unknown in England in the reign of Edward III., was probably used in the Alpine countries for bows, and possibly imported into England for the same purpose.] Replies. MORAVIAN HYMNS. (Vol. v., pp. 30. 113.) As no reply has been given to your various correspondents on the above subject by one of the Brethren's church, permit a friend to give a few particulars with which he has become acquainted. The first _authorised_ English edition of the Moravian hymn-book is that of 1754, in the preface to which it is stated, that though there had been some English Collections of Hymns, partly original, and partly translations from the German, in use among the societies in union with the Brethren's church, "these were never regularly authorised, nor always passably reviewed." This book is a bulky 8vo.: it is in two parts; the first consisting of 380 pages, and the second of upwards of 400; together containing about 1200 hymns and Scripture anthems. The next edition appeared in 1769; and a third twenty years later. There have been several editions during the present century, in 8vo., 12mo., and 18mo., the last of which was published in 1819; and the preface states that the whole of the hymns had been revised by "Brother James Montgomery" of Sheffield. To the inquiry of C. B. as to the honesty of _Rimius_, I would refer him to an excellent essay by the Rev. P. Latrobe, appended to Jackson's translation of the _Life of Count Zinzendorf_, by Spangenberg. (London, 1838.) The memory of your Thurles correspondent is at fault, as may be supposed, from a twenty-five years' recollection. Bishop Gambold could not have published a Moravian hymn-book in 1738, for he did not join the Brethren's church till November, 1742; nor was he consecrated a bishop till 1754.--See his Life, appended to his _Works_, printed by S. Hazard, of Bath, 1789. When Southey's animadversions appeared, they were replied to by "William Okely, M.D., Presbyter of the Brethren's Church, and Minister of their Congregation at Bristol," in a letter written in a good-humoured style, yet caustic withal. Unfortunately, as long as Southey's work lasts the poison will remain, while the antidote will be forgotten. The Doctor observes: "What could possibly induce you, with such ill-judged eagerness, to rake into the kennels of oblivion? Why do you exhibit among your authorities the publications of such a vile fellow as Rimius? Was you not informed that he wrote with all the rancour of a renegado, and all the spite of an enemy? Is such a man proper to be publicly called forth as a witness against a church which he had deserted from no excess of virtue; against a church which, yourself being judge, has, by its silent but honorable exertions, first glorified God among the heathen, and then stimulated the rest of the Christian world to engage in similar attempts; against a church which, according to your own representations, possesses in herself the rare principle of gradual melioration, and, by a constant course of good living, has, in the face of watchful enemies, been able to rise superior to the consequences of former acknowledged indiscretions in language? Did you know that those writings were sinking fast into deserved neglect? That the copies had become so rare, that it was scarcely possible to obtain one? What merit, I ask you, is there in such publications, that you should thus studiously fish them out of the mud which was already closing over them, and after carefully scraping off the filth and mould which they had contracted, spread over them a coating of your own poetical varnish?... "What motive shall we assign for your conduct? You could not have intended to warn the Christian world against indulging in similar imprudences; for you well know that in the present day, society has not the smallest tendency that way. You could not mean to warn the Brethren against the recurrence of the same absurdities; for you acknowledge yourself that they have already for a long period risen superior to them; and instead of the least tendency to relapse, they have repeatedly and publicly confessed their mistake, and have suffered so much, and such often unmerited obloquy, on account of their long-exploded phraseology, that they are more likely in future to keep too far within bounds from over caution, than once more wildly to overleap them. "The only way to account for your conduct in this respect, is to suppose it owing entirely to inadvertence. You were merely amusing yourself, like the boys in the fable, unmindful that your sport might perhaps prove death to a set of poor frogs. But ought you not to have remembered the golden rule of Christ, never to do unto others what you would not choose to have done to yourself? Are you not still smarting under the blows you so lately received from the battle-axe of Wat Tyler? Believe me, sir, communities have feeling as well as individuals. In the days of your ignorance, as you will now call them, you wrote what you are at present ashamed of. To have composed Wat Tyler, you feel to be little congenial with the spirit that ought to dwell in a poet-laureate. When that unfortunate effusion of your pen was officiously dragged into light, did it not touch you to the quick? And why? Because you repented that you had ever written it. _We_ repent of having written and said those things which occasioned Rimius' trumpet to sound. We have repeatedly declared that we do repent, and our conduct has proved the truth of our declaration. Must we not, therefore, feel pain at seeing our old delinquencies, long forgiven and forgotten, once more coupled with our name by a man of your respectable character and abilities? Is not the pain we feel the very impress of what you have felt, and still feel, on the score of Wat Tyler?" From a Pamphlet printed at Bristol, 1820. SIGMA. ARCHAIC AND PROVINCIAL WORDS. (Vol. v., p. 173.) In pursuance of my recommendation I now send to "N. & Q." the following provincial and technical words, as taken from the published evidence given before the coroner at the inquest on the Holmefirth catastrophe. Technical names have been there used, which are either strange or unknown even to many engineers, and which no dictionary that I am acquainted with contains. The inquiry is, however, one of such general interest at this time, as connected with the recent fearful loss of life, and enormous destruction of property, that I also give some words, the meaning of which is not so obscure. The names of the reservoir which was bursted, and of the village which suffered most damage, may be taken first. _Bilberry Reservoir_: Bilberry is the local name of a berry growing on a heath shrub; a species of _Vacci'nium_: the genus consists of about fifty species. This berry, in England, is known as wimberry, blueberry, blaeberry, blae, whortleberry, whort and huckleberry; Saxon--_heort-berg_, hartberry; German--_heidel-beere_, heathberry; Dutch--_blaauwbes_, blueberry. The reservoir, no doubt, covered a site on which _Vacci'nium Myrtillus_, the common _bilberries_, grew. _Holmefirth_: this name may be from _holm_, the _Ilex_, the evergreen oak; or _holm_, a tract of flat rich land on the bank of a brook or river. _Frith_, a passage or narrow channel; or _frith_, a kind of "_weir_" for catching fish. _Greenhowlers_: the name of a place where one of the witnesses resides. _Howler_, or Owler, _Alnus glutinosa_, the common alder, a tree or shrub growing in damp places, in plantations and hedges, mistaken by the ignorant for the hazel. To send a boy "nutting amongst the _howlers_," is to put him upon a fool's task. This word is common in Lancashire and Yorkshire. _Fall_ is applied to a number of trees cut down. _Fresh_: a flood of water from heavy rain. _Drift_: a small tunnel made for mining or engineering purposes. _Drift_, in mechanics, a piece of steel or iron used to _back_ a bolt, or to widen a bolt-hole. _Dyke_: a small water-course or river. _Dyke_, in geology, a protruded wall of basalt or whin rock. _Goit_: a small artificial water-course leading to a mill or reservoir. _Runs_: small dykes. _Bye-wash_: an artificial water-course, to allow of the escape of flood waters from a reservoir. _Rag_: a term for _shale_. In geology, thin-bedded, slaty strata. _Sludge_ or _Sludgy_: mud or muddy. _Puddle_: prepared clay, tempered to form a wall in a reservoir bank, or a lining to resist water. _Puddle-bank_, _Puddle-wall_, and _Puddle-dyke_ mean the same. _Culvert_, _Sewer_, and _Sough_ mean almost the same; an arched channel of stone or brick for water or refuse to pass through. The first belongs more properly to water-works; the two latter are synonyms applied to town drainage, "_Sough_" being Lancashire. _Shuttle_, _Sluice_, _Valve_, _Clough_, _Paddle_: these five names are synonyms; they mean that portion of the apparatus which _slides_, or is drawn up and let down, to inclose or let out the water of an artificial stream or reservoir. _Swallow_: the inner portion of the culvert, or _the throat_ which leads from the inner side of the reservoir to the "_shuttle_," the outer portion being the supply-culvert. _Valve_: an apparatus to retain or let out water, steam, &c. A valve may slide as the _shuttle_, _paddle_, or _sluice_ must do; or it may rise with a spindle, vertically, as in the safety-valve of a steam boiler; or may move on spindles or a hinge, as in some large pumps; or be in the form of a ball, and play loose in a case, as in a fire-engine pump: there are other forms of _valves_. _Throttle-valve_, a valve fixed in the steam-pipe of an engine, to which the _governor_ is attached, to _throttle_ or reduce the supply of steam to the cylinder. In some engines, as the locomotive, there is no governor motion, and the _throttle-valve_ is consequently used by hand. _Waste-pit_: a vertical pit or well, leading from the "_overflow_" on the embankment into the supply; or, in this case, the "_waste culvert_." _Drawer_: the man employed to draw water from the reservoir by raising the "_shuttle_." Such is a brief explanation of some of the provincial and technical words used in the Holmefirth inquiry; and I think some of the readers of "N. & Q." will have a right to say that a process of desynonymising is required. So many names for the same thing, unless they are all understood, generally lead to confusion. ROBERT RAWLINSON. In the neighbourhood of Canterbury we have the following. _Nail-bourn_ is the name given to an intermittent land-spring, showing itself at uncertain intervals. There is one in the parish of Petham, another near Sir John Honywood's at Evington, and a third at Barham. _To chastise_ is commonly used in the sense of _to tax_, or _to charge_, a man; and is probably a mere corruption of _to catechise_. _Gazel_ is the Kentish word for the black currant. To get _lucker_ means to get loose or flabby. To _terrify_ is used almost universally for to tease, to irritate. Φ. I beg to forward for "N. & Q.," according to the suggestion of MR. RAWLINSON, a few provincialisms. I know not whether my orthography is correct, as I have never seen the words written, and therefore only spell them according to the sound. _Critch_ (Hants): any earthenware vessel; a jar. _Dillijon_: a heavy two-wheeled cart. This word's similarity to the French _diligence_ is apparent. I have only heard it at Fullerton, a secluded spot in Hampshire. _Rattlemice_[3]: bats. _Scug_[4] (Hants): a squirrel. "Let's go scug-hunting" is a common phrase. _Yesses_ (Dorsetshire): earth-worms. [Footnotes 3+4: [The words thus marked will be found in Halliwell; where we also read _Esses_, large worms (Kent).--ED.]] UNICORN. MACARONIC POETRY. (Vol. v., p. 166.) In the "Notes on Books" references are made to Mr. Sandys' _Specimens of Macaronic Poetry_, and to M. Octave Delepierre's _Macaronéana_. This latter work I have not yet seen, but if it does not contain the following specimen which I recollect reading many years ago in a costly work, _Wild Sports of the East_, but which I have not since seen, I think its insertion may amuse the readers of "N. & Q.": "Arma virumque cano qui primo solebo peeping Jam nunc cum tabbynox languet to button her eyelids Cum pointers et spaniels campos sylvasque pererrant Vos mihi--Brontothesi over arms small and great dominantes Date spurs to dull poet qui dog Latin carmina condit Artibus atque novis audax dum sportsman I follow Per stubbles et turnips et tot discrimina rerum Dum partridge with popping terrificare minantur Pauci namque valent a feather tangere plumbo Carmina si hang fire discharge them bag piping Apollo Te quoque magne cleator, te memorande precanur Jam nunc thy fame gallops super Garamantos et Indos Nam nabobs nil nisi de brimstone et charcoal loquentur Horriferifizque 'Tippoo' sulphurea, sustinet arma Induit ecce shooter tuncam made of meat marble drugget Quæ bene convenient defluxit to the waistband of breeches Nunc paper et powder et silices popped in the side pocket Immemor haud shot bag graditur comitatus two pointers Mellorian retinens tormentum dextra bibarelled En stat staunch dog Dingo haud aliter quam steady guide post Proximus atque Pero per stat si ponere juxta With gun cocked and levelled et æva lumine clauso Nunc avicida resolves haud double strong parcere powder Vos teneri yelpers vos grandivique parentes Nunc palsy pate Jove orate to dress to the left hand Et Veneri tip the wink like a shot to skim down ab alto Mingere per touch hole totamque madesceri priming Nunc lugite dire nunc sportsman plangite palmas Ex silis ecce lepus from box cum thistle aperto Bang bellowed both barrels, heu! pronus sternitur each dog Et puss in the interim creeps away sub tegmine thorn bush." These verses I have dictated from memory after forty years, and there may be some verbal inaccuracies. The name of "Tippoo" seems to point out their Eastern origin, but I am not certain of the _exact title_ of the work from which I quote them, and I am indebted to "N. & Q." for the name of Mr. Sandys as the author of _Specimens of Macaronic Poems_. In my copy there is no indication of the author. Was there a second edition? JAMES CORNISH. YOUNG'S "NARCISSA." (Vol. iii., p. 422.) The inquiry by J. M. relative to the authority possessed by the letter quoted from the _Evangelical Magazine_ for Nov. 1797, may be fairly answered by a reference to the letter in the magazine alluded to. It is appended as a note to a "Memoir of the late Mr. Mouncher of Southampton, written by the Rev. Mr. Kingsbury." The letter itself was written from Montpellier in 1789, by Mr. Walter Taylor to his sister Mrs. Mouncher; and, from the position of all those parties, would appear to be deserving of credit as far as it goes. It shows that Mr. W. Taylor, and others, conversed with the gardener of the "King's Garden;" and from him (son of the former gardener) heard that about forty-five years before Dr. Young had bribed the then under-gardener to allow him to bury "Narcissa," and would thus prove that the tradition existed at that time at Montpellier. There is also in a retired part of the Botanic Garden (established by Henry IV.) a stone bearing an inscription to "Narcissa," as mentioned in Murray's _Hand-Book_, placed there probably in consequence of that tradition. Moreover, it is believed, in the family of a gentleman of Montpellier, that his maternal grandfather saw Dr. Young and his step-daughter at Montpellier about the year 1741; that the lady died there, and was buried, as is stated, in the garden; that however it was not Mrs. Temple, but a younger sister of hers. It appears from records in this country, that Lady Elizabeth Lee, by her first marriage, had one son and two daughters. The son was buried at St. Mary's-le-Strand in 1743; the elder daughter married Henry Temple, son of Viscount Palmerston, and it appears died in France (perhaps at Lyons) in 1736; the younger, Caroline, married Captain, afterwards General Haviland, and died without issue. The General died at Penn in Buckinghamshire in 1784; but no record relating to his first wife, Miss Caroline Lee, is to be found there. Such record, if found in any parish in England, would greatly tend to decide the question. Possibly some correspondent may be in a position to ascertain whether such record exists. Lady Elizabeth had by her marriage with Dr. Young, a son only; it could not, therefore, be a daughter of Young's who died at Montpellier. D. S. DULCARNON. (Vol. i., p. 254.; Vol. v., p. 180.) Why this word should have "set all editors of Chaucer at defiance" is not very apparent, for he himself sufficiently explains its meaning by the context. The passage in which it occurs is in _Troylus and Creseyde_, b. iii. 931. seq. thus: "Creseyde answerde, As wisely God at reste My soule bringe, as me is for him wo, And eme, iwys, fayne wolde I dône the best, If that I a grace had for to do so. But whether that ye dwell, or for him go, I am, tyl God me bettre mynde sende, At _Dulcarnon, right at my wyttes end_. "(Quod Pandarus). Ye nece! Wol ye here? _Dulcarnon_ is called flemyng of wretches. It semeth harde, for wretches wol nought lere For very slouthe, or other wylful tetches: This is said by hem, that be not worthe two fetches. But ye ben wyse," &c. Now Speght, in his Glossary to the edition of 1602, says: "Dulcarnon is a proposition in Euclide, lib. i. theorem 33. propos. 47., which was found out by Pythagoras after an whole yeeres study, and much beating of his brayne. In thankfulnes whereof he sacrificed an oxe to the gods; which sacrifice he called _Dulcarnon_. Alexander Neckham, an ancient writer, in his booke _De Naturis rerum_, compoundeth this word of _Dulia_ and _Caro_, and will have Dulcarnon to be _quasi sacrificium carnis_. Chaucer aptly applieth it to Creseide in this place: showing that she was as much amazed how to answer Troilus, as Pythagoras was wearied to bring his desire to effect." Master Speght is somewhat in error in his solution: let us hear another expositor. I have mentioned in your pages the existence of a translation into rhymed Latin verse of the whole of Chaucer's _Troilus_, with a copious commentary by Sir Francis Kynaston; and I may now add, for Mr. Lang's satisfaction, that it is _penes me_. The following note there occurs on this word: "_Dulcarnon_, &c. By this exposition, which Pandarus makes of the word _Dulcarnon_, it is plaine that Chaucer sets it downe here as a worde in use in his time, and such a one as the logicians do call (being a word of no significant sense) _vox significans ad placitum_, as in English _twittle twattle_, _fiddle faddle_, quibling and conundrums, and the like. So _Dulcarnon_ in those times was a word of the same signification as we at this day do use _nonplus_; as we say by a scholler that is apposed and cannot answer any further, that he is _put to a nonplus_, a phrase derived from Hercules' motto written upon the two great Gaditane pillars set on either side the Straights of Gibraltar: which Hercules constituted as the end of the world with these words, NON PLUS ULTRA: meaning that no man ever did or could go further than those pillars. For Neckham's far-fetch'd criticisme in deriving the etymologie of the word Dulcarnon from the Greeke word _Doulia_, and the Latine word _Carnium_, that is, the service of flesh, which Euclide sacrificed for joy of the invention of a probleme which he demonstrated, [and] on which he had long studied, [it] is in my minde quite from the purpose." The usual explanation, with a reference to Chaucer, will be found in Blount's _Glossographia_, and in Philips's _World of Words_, as well as in the folio edition of Bailey's _Dictionary_, where it is well defined "_to be nonplussed, to be at one's wit's end_." Mr. Inglis's note to his translation of Richard de Bury's _Philobiblion_, which is taken from Billingsley, points out the connexion between the words _Ellefuga_ and _Dulcarnon_, which, as he says, "have been a _pons asinorum_ to some good Grecians." The reason will appear to have been that the words were derived from the _Arabic_, and not from the _Greek_, according to Dr. Adam Littleton: "_Dulcarnon_, i.e. bicorne, cornutum, à figura sic dicta. A hard proposition in Euclid, l. 1. prop. 47. So called in _Arabic_, and used by old English writers for _any hard question or point_. DILEMMA, PROBLEMA." So that to be at Dulcarnon may be said to be _on the horns of a dilemma_. S. W. SINGER. I cannot see the great difficulty which Mr. Halliwell and your correspondents perceive in the use of this word. Of course they are aware, that Iscander Dulcarnein (Alexander Bicornis) is Alexander the Great, the same name being also fabulously ascribed to a far more ancient and imaginary king; and that the æra of Dulcarnein (or Macedonian æra) is well known in Eastern chronology. There is therefore no doubt about the word, only about its application. Why did the name of this king stand for our Coventry or Jericho, a place to which the people are flemed or banished? Because Dulcarnein built the famous iron walls of Jajuge and Majuge, within which Gog and Magog are confined until the latter days of the world; when God shall reduce the wall to dust, and set free the captive nations (_Koran_, cap. xviii.). Sending to Dulcarnein is merely an ellipsis of the person for his place, _i.e._ for the rampart of Dulcarnein. Certainly no men can be more effectually flemed than Gog and Magog were. But as to the point of being "at one's wits end," no one can be so little conversant with human affairs as the inmates of the iron wall. Knowledge depends much on place. So sailors say, "he has been _before_." I have only an uncommented text of Chaucer. But I cannot understand his editors allowing this word to "set them at defiance." A. N. ST. GEORGE HERALDICAL MSS. (Vol. v., pp. 59. 135.) It seems to be of so much importance to ascertain the safety of these manuscripts, that M--N. trusts he need not apologise for stating in "N. & Q." the result thus far of his inquiry after their present ownership. In consequence of the recommendation of E. A. G. (Vol. v., p. 135.), Sir Edward Tierney has been applied to, but he unfortunately knows nothing of their fate, suggesting, however, a reference to Mr. Woodgate, who was concerned as solicitor at the time of the sale. Mr. Woodgate has been written to, and states that the manuscripts were sold with the other effects of Lord Egmont, but he knows not to whom; he mentions Mr. Braithwaite as the auctioneer. To apply to Mr. Braithwaite would be only carrying the inquiry round in a circle, for twenty years ago, as was stated at page 59, no satisfactory information could be gained there. All, therefore, that remains is to place on record in this useful journal the fact of the disappearance of these manuscripts, in the hopes that some one of its numerous readers may be able now or hereafter to give some account of their existence. When it is recollected that the only copies of many of the latest visitations were among these collections, and that the latter portion of the seventeenth century, to which these visitations refer, is exactly that period in which genealogists, from many causes, find the connexion of pedigrees the most difficult, the discovery of their fate is not without its interest. M--N. Noble's account of the sale of these MSS., after the death of Garter in 1715, is as follows: "Mr. Bridges of Herefordshire, his executor, obtaining possession of the heraldic books which Garter had in his house, never returned them to the College; they were very numerous and valuable, being some of the original visitations, taken by or under the authority of the St. Georges. With these also were many of Camden's books. These original documents were scandalously sold by Messrs. Wynne and Gregory [sons-in-law of Sir Henry St. George] to Thomas Percival, Earl of Egmont, a great lover of genealogical studies, who gave for them 500_l._: they are now possessed by that nobleman's grandson, John-James, the present Earl of Egmont."--_Hist. Coll. Arms_, p. 353. 4to. 1804. This statement has led to the inference, that the _whole_ of St. George's MSS. were disposed of to Lord Egmont; but the fact is otherwise, for by far the most valuable portion of them was subsequently in the hands of Thomas Osborne, the well-known bookseller of Gray's Inn; who printed a list of them, with an index of the pedigrees, in his catalogue entitled: "A Catalogue of several valuable Libraries of Books and MSS. &c. To which is prefixed a Genealogical Library in above Two hundred Manuscript Volumes in folio, &c. Collected and augmented by the late Sir Henry St. George, Knt., Garter King of Arms, and his ancestors, in the office of Arms, for above these hundred years past. To begin to be sold, 27 November, 1738." These MSS. are 216 in number, and many of them are at present in the British Museum, in the Lansdowne Collection of MSS. Osborne reprinted this list in his next catalogue for February 1738/9, entitled: "An Extensive and Curious Catalogue of valuable Books and MSS. in all Languages, &c., including a very large Collection of Curious Genealogical Tracts," &c. After the MSS., which occupy pp. 68-92., is an "Appendix," consisting of thirty-three pedigree rolls, chiefly on vellum, which also belonged to St. George. To conclude with a _Query_, may I ask, if any complete list of Osborne's Catalogues can be obtained _previous_ to 1756, when the list in Nichols's _Literary Anecdotes_, vol. iii., begins? μ. STERNE IN PARIS. (Vol. v., p. 105.) I inclose a copy of an autograph letter of Sterne's written when at Paris. It is very interesting, and is not contained among his published letters. Some few words are illegible, and several of the proper names may be inaccurately copied. "Paris, March 15, 1762. "My Dear,--Having an opportunity of writing by a physician, who is posting off for London to-day, I would not omit doing it, though you will possibly receive a letter (which is gone from hence last post) at the very same time. I send to Mr. Foley's every mail-day, to inquire for a letter from you; and if I do not get one in a post or two, I shall be greatly surprised and disappointed. A terrible fire happened here last night, the whole fair of St. Germain's burned to the ground in a few hours; and hundreds of unhappy people are now going crying along the streets, ruined totally by it. This fair of St. Germain's is built upon a spot of ground covered and tiled, as large as the Minster Yard, entirely of wood, divided into shops, and formed into little streets, like a town in miniature. All the artizans in the kingdom come with their wares--jewellers, silversmiths,--and have free leave from all parts of the world to profit by general licence from the Carnival to Easter. They compute the loss at six millions of livres, which these poor creatures have sustained, not one of which have saved a single shilling, and many fled out in their shirts, and have not only lost their goods and merchandize, but all the money they have been taking these six weeks. _Oh! ces moments de malheur sont terribles_, said my barber to me, as he was shaving me this morning; and the good-natured fellow uttered it with so moving an accent, that I could have found in my heart to have cried over the perishable and uncertain tenure of every good in this life. "I have been three mornings together to hear a celebrated pulpit orator near me, one Père Clement, who delights me much; the parish pays him 600 livres for a dozen sermons this Lent; he is K. Stanislas's preacher--most excellent indeed! his matter solid, and to the purpose; his manner, more than theatrical, and greater, both in his action and delivery, than Madame Clairon, who, you must know, is the Garrick of the stage here; he has infinite variety, and keeps up the attention by it wonderfully; his pulpit, oblong, with three seats in it, into which he occasionally casts himself; goes on, then rises, by a gradation of four steps, each of which he profits by, as his discourse inclines him: in short, 'tis a stage, and the variety of his tones would make you imagine there were no less than five or six actors on it together. "I was last night at Baron de Bagg's concert; it was very fine, both music and company; and to-night I go to the Prince of Conti's. There is a Monsieur Popignière, who lives here like sovereign prince; keeps a company of musicians always in his house, and a full set of players; and gives concerts and plays alternately to the grandees of this metropolis; he is the richest of all the farmer...; he did me the honour last night to send me an invitation to his house, while I stayed here--that is, to his music and table. "I suppose you had terrible snows in Yorkshire, from the accounts I read in the London papers. There has been no snow here, but the weather has been sharp; and was I to be all the day in my room, I could not keep myself warm for a shilling a day. This is an expensive article to great houses here--'tis most pleasant and most healthy firing; I shall never bear coals I fear again; and if I can get wood at Coswold, I will always have a little. I hope Lydia is better, and not worse, and that I shall hear the same account of you. I hope my Lydia goes on with her French; I speak it fast and fluent, but incorrect both in accent and phrase; but the French tell me I speak it most surprisingly well for the time. In six weeks I shall get over all difficulties, having got over one of the worst, which is to understand whatever is said by others, which I own I found much trouble in at first. "My love to my Lyd----. I have got a colour into my face now, though I came with no more than there is in a dishclout. "I am your affectionate "L. STERNE. "For Mrs. Sterne at York." H. A. B. A letter from Sterne, dated Paris, May 19, 1764, giving an account of his mode of life there, and other notices of him in France, are to be found in a small tract, _Seven Letters written by Sterne and his Friends, hitherto unpublished_, edited by William Durrant Cooper, 1844. M. T. R. Though not cotemporary, there are some lively notices of Sterne's journey to France in the _London Magazine_ for 1825, pp. 38. 387. COWGILL. Replies to Minor Queries. _Collar of Esses._--As an original subscriber, and the _first_ Querist who opened the _vexata questio_ of Collar of Esses, I shall perhaps be doing you a kind service, Mr. Editor, if I may be allowed to step forward once more as _moderator_ between the disputants, as I did (Vol. ii., p. 394.) between ARMIGER and a much respected correspondent. There may be some excuse for H. B. as he confesses (Vol. v., p. 182.) himself to be _freshman_ in the pages of "N. & Q.;" and therefore he is a stranger to the tone of courtesy and good humour which are so essential to the prosperity, maintenance, and extension of your very useful periodical. A little more experience in his readings, and less of self-opiniatedness, would have spared him the severe but merited remarks of MR. L. EVANS (Vol. v., p. 207.). As of old all writers were wont to consider their readers _most courteous_, so let those who write for your pages reverse this rule--and then there will be nothing contrary to such a tone, to the injury of "N. & Q." S. S. _Quid est Episcopus_ (Vol. v., p. 177.).--This passage does not, as X. G. X. thinks, come from Irenæus, but from St. Austin. I find the reference to it in Bingham's _Antiquities_ (vol. i. p. 72. ed. 1843), where the whole passage is thus quoted at the foot of the page: "Quid est episcopus, nisi primus presbyter, id est, summus sacerdos?"--_Aug. Quæst. Vet. et N. Test._ c. ci. F. A. _Paper-making in England_ (Vol. v., p. 83.).--I do not pretend to know anything of the history of paper-making; but it may be well to send you a passage from Fuller's _Worthies_ (Vol. i. p. 224., ed. Nuttall), which lately fell in my way: "Paper is entered as a manufacture of this county [Cambridgeshire], because there are mills nigh Sturbridge fair, where paper was made in the memory of our fathers. Pity the making thereof is disused: considering the vast sums yearly expended in our land for paper out of Italy, France, and Germany, which might be lessened, _were it made in our nation_." J. C. R. "_Mother Damnable_" (Vol. v., p. 151.).--The real name of this shrew does not appear to have reached posterity, but she gave rise to the sign of Mother Red-cap on the Hampstead Road, A.D. 1676, and was probably the person represented _on_ that sign; to her portrait, which may be found in a book published by "Arnett, Westminster, 1819," entitled _Portraits and Lives of Remarkable and Eccentric Characters_, are annexed the following lines: "You've often seen (from Oxford tipling house) Th' effigies of Shipton fac'd Mother Louse, Whose pretty pranks (tho' some they might excel) With this old trot's ne'er gallop'd parallel-- 'Tis Mother Damnable! that monstrous thing, Unmatch'd by Macbeth's wayward women's ring, For cursing, scolding, fuming, flinging fire I' th' face of madam, lord, knight, gent, cit, squire; Who (when but ruffled into the least pet) With cellar door-key into pocket get-- Then no more ale; and now the fray begins! 'Ware heads, wigs, hoods, scarfs, shoulders, sides, and shins! While these dry'd bones, in a Westphalian bag, (Through the wrinkled weasan of her shapeless crag) Send forth such dismal shrieks and uncouth noise, As fills the town with din, the streets with boys; Which makes some think, this fierce she-dragon fell Can scarce be match'd by any this side hell. So fam'd both far and near, is the renown Of Mother Damnable of Kentish Town. Wherefore this symbol of the cat's we'll give her, Because, so curst, a dog, would not dwell with her." JAMES CORNISH. _Miniature of Cromwell_ (Vol. v., p. 189.).--At the last meeting of the Society of Scottish Antiquaries, a curious jewel, belonging to the Earl of Leven, and entailed in his lordship's family, was exhibited by the Hon. Leslie Melville. It is believed to have been transmitted by the Speaker of the House of Commons to the Earl of Leven on the occasion of the surrender of Charles I., when the earl was in command of the army at Newark. The jewel encloses a beautiful little miniature of Oliver Cromwell. E. N. _Etymology of Church_ (Vol. v., p. 79.).--Gieseler, in his _Lehrbuch der Kirchengeschichte_, vol. i., p. 1. ed. 4., says that the word _kirche_ (and consequently _church_) is most probably derived from τὸ κυριακόν. In support of this opinion, he quotes Walafrid Strabo, who wrote about A.D. 840: "Si autem quæritur qua occasione ad vos vestigia hæc Græcitatis advenerint, dicendum--præcipue a Gothis, cum eo tempore quo ad fidem Christianam, licet non recto itinere [_i.e._ by means of Arianism], perducti sunt, in Græcorum provinciis commorantes, nostrum, _i.e._ theotiscum, sermonem habuerint." He adds that Ulphilas is evidence for the general adoption of Greek ecclesiastical terms by the Goths; and he confirms the idea of a Greek derivation by the remark that derivatives of κυριακόν occur, not only in the Teutonic languages, but in those of the Sclavonic nations, whose conversion proceeded from Greece. Thus, the Bohemian word is _cyrkew_, the Russian _zerkow_, the Polish _cerkiew_. The use of derivatives of _ecclesia_ (which I would remind MR. STEPHENS is also originally Greek) in the Roman languages, no doubt arises from the circumstance that that word had been adopted into Latin, whereas the other had not. J. C. R. _The Königsmarks_ (Vol. v., pp. 78. 115. 183.).--It is certain from the _State Trials_, ix. 31., that Count Charles John Königsmark, the murderer of Mr. Thynn, was the elder of the two brothers; for it appeared on the trial that the younger, Philip Christopher (a dozen years later the gallant of the young Princess of Hanover), was at that time a youth still under the care of a travelling tutor, who was examined on the trial. This is stated in the _Quarterly Review_, art. "Lexington Papers," to which inquirers had been already referred (Vol. v., p. 115.). I am a little at a loss to account for J. R. J.'s distribution of his epithets; he calls the case of the elder brother "_mysterious_," and that of the second "_well-known_," when in truth the former case is, and has been _well-known_ these hundred and fifty years. Whereas the second case was so long a mystery that it was nowhere told but in a corner of Horace Walpole's _Reminiscences_, and he was mistaken as to the identity of the victim,--a mistake but recently cleared up. I believe, too, that until the discovery of the Lexington Papers, no one altogether believed the story; and the minuter details of the case, such as by whose order, and how, and when and where the deed was done, and how and where the body was disposed of, are still so far mysterious that Walpole's _Reminiscences_ and the Princess's own notes differ essentially on all those points. C. _L'Homme de 1400 Ans_ (Vol. v., p 175.).--I have not immediate means of access to the French work referred to in No. 121. of "N. & Q.," and therefore do not know how far the personage there alluded to is described as "imaginary;" but it appears to me that Cagliostro may have intended reference to his great friend and predecessor in Rosicrucian philosophy, the Count de St. Germain. This arch-impostor, who attained no small celebrity at the court of Louis XV., pretended to be possessed of the elixir of life, by means of which he had prolonged his existence from a period which he varied according to the supposed credulity of his audience; at one time carrying back the date of his birth to the commencement of the Christian Era, at others being content to assume an antiquity of a few centuries, being assisted in his imposture by a most accurate memory of the history of the times, the events of which he related, and also by an able accomplice who attended him as a servant. On one occasion, when describing at a dinner table a circumstance which had occurred at the court of "his friend Richard I. of England," he appealed to his attendant valet for the confirmation of his story, who, with the greatest coolness replied: "You forget, Sir, I have only been 500 years in your service." "True," said his master, "it _was_ a little before your time." The origin of this able charlatan, of whom many other amusing stories are related, is not known. He was sometimes thought, from the Jewish cast of his features, to be the "wandering Jew;" while others reported that he was the son of an Arabian princess, and that his father was a Salamander. E. H. Y. _Close of the Wady Mokatteb Question_ (Vol. iv., p. 481.; Vol. v., pp. 31. 87. 159., &c.).--I should not have said another word on the above question, had not DR. TODD seen fit to give a somewhat different turn to the criticism on Num. xi. 26. As it is, I must beg space to say, that it is the _learned_ whose attention I solicit to examine the value of our respective criticisms, and not that of the _unlearned_, as DR. TODD intimates. I do not think that there are many regular readers of the "N. & Q." who can be classed amongst the _unlearned_. To the judgment of the _learned_, therefore, I now resign this protracted disquisition. MOSES MARGOLIOUTH. _Was Queen Elizabeth dark or fair?_ (Vol. v., p. 201.).--Paul Hentzner, who was presented to Queen Elizabeth at the palace of Greenwich, describes her majesty, who was then in her sixty-fifth year, as "very majestic; her face oblong, _fair_, but wrinkled; her eyes small, yet black and pleasant. She wore false hair, and that red." Delaroche, however, in his well-known picture at the Luxembourg, has given her a very swarthy complexion. Query: What was the celebrated Lunebourg table, of some of the gold of which, according to Hentzner, a small crown which she wore was reported to be made? H. C. Workington. _Meaning of Knarres_ (Vol. v., p. 200.).--A _knare_ is a _knot_ or lump, "_knarry_, _stubby_, _knotty_" (Coles's _Dictionary_, 1717). It was, no doubt, as J. BR. says, sometimes written _gnare_; and in that form is the root of Shakspeare's "_gnarled_ (or knotty) oak." In Norfolk and Suffolk, small plantations--_not_ "scrubby woods"--are called _carrs_, as J. BR. states, but certainly not from _knare_, but, as I rather think, from their square shape, _carré_. Those that I am acquainted with in those counties are generally of that form, and look like plantations made on purpose for game. When you hear a _carr_ mentioned in those counties, you always think of a pheasants' preserve. I know not whether the same word and meaning extend inland. Nor do I think that _knare_ has any affinity with _snare_. C. In reply to your correspondent's Query, I beg to submit the following, which may prove of utility in tracing out the meaning of the word, viz.:--_Forby's Glossary_ by Turner, vol. i. p. 56., thus has it: "CAR, _s._ a wood or grove on a moist soil, generally of alders." We have them in this country; also the term "osier-cars." In Kersey's _English Dictionary_, 1708, we have thus: "GNAR or Gnur, a hard knot in wood." In Bailey's _Dictionary_, 1753, we have it thus: "GNARR [Knorre, Teutonic], a hard knot in a tree.--_Chaucer._" May it not thus mean a knot or clump of trees? It is also allied to _quarry_, from the French _carré_, which signifies a bed, not only for digging stones for building purposes, but also as they are sometimes called, _osier-beds_, _alder-beds_. The towns "Narborough" and "Narford" in Norfolk are so called from their being situated on the river "Nar;" the one a city or town on the river; and the other being, by means of a ford, originally over it. Both were originally written _Nere_ as the prefix. J. N. C. _Cheap Maps_ (Vol. v., p. 174.).--PATERFAMILIÆ is informed that a good and not expensive map of Borneo has been recently published by Augustus Petermann; and a section of the Isthmus of Panama, showing the railway from Chargres to Panama, may be had of the Admiralty agent for a few pence. NORTHMAN. _English Free Towns_ (Vol. v., pp. 150. 206.).--A short ride from Oxford will take your correspondent J. H. PARKER to one or two market towns in Berks, answering to the description given of the French Villes Anglaises. Wokingham will afford an illustration somewhat resembling Winchelsea; the town is of triangular form, the streets meeting in a central area, which contains a quaint old market-house: it is within the prescribed limits of Windsor Forest, and the Forest Courts were formerly held there--the charter of incorporation has existed from time immemorial. KT. _Sir Alexander Cumming and the Cherokees._--There is a Query by S. S. (Vol. iii., p. 39.) about Sir Alexander Cumming and the Cherokees, which I do not think has yet had any reply. Vol. iii., p. 152., a replyist refers to a work in which is an autobiography of the baronet. I have not had an opportunity to refer to _that_, but I suspect it would not meet the question, as Sir Alexander Cumming of Coulter, who was created a Nova Scotia baronet 1695, and Alexander Cumming, the King of the Cherokees, were diverse persons. The last died in 1775, and according to Lysons was buried at East Barnet. At vol. iv. p. 20., under Barnet, Lysons gives the following account bearing on the Cherokees: "In 1729 he (Cumming) was induced, by a dream of Lady Cumming's, to undertake a voyage to America, for the purpose of visiting the Cherokee nations. He left England on the 13th of September, and arrived at Charlestown on the 5th of December. On the 11th of March following he set out for the Indians' country; on the 3rd of April, 1730, he was crowned commander and chief ruler of the Cherokee nations, in a general meeting of chiefs at Nequisee among the mountains; he returned to Charlestown the 13th of April with six Indian chiefs, and on the 5th of June arrived at Dover; on the 18th he presented the chiefs to George II. at Windsor, where he laid his crown at his Majesty's feet; the chiefs also did homage, laying four scalps at the king's feet, to show that they were an overmatch for their enemies, and five eagles' tails as emblems of victory. These circumstances are confirmed by the newspapers of that time, which are full of the proceedings of the Cherokees whilst in England, and speak of them as brought over by Sir Alexander Cumming. Their portraits were engraved on a single sheet. In 1766 Archbishop Secker appointed him one of the pensioners in the Charter-House, where he died at a very advanced age." His son, who succeeded him in the title, became deranged in his intellects, and died about three years ago, in a state of indigence, in the neighbourhood of Red Lion Street, Whitechapel. He had been a captain in the army: the title became extinct at his death. C. G. _Junius_ (Vol. iii., p. 411.; Vol. v., p. 159.).--As in No. 120. J. R. assumes the acrimonious bearing of M. J. in No. 82., I am induced to refer to the stale, flat, and unprofitable question of the authenticity of the Letters of Junius. If those gentlemen will refer to No. 82., p. 412., fifth line from the bottom, and read "_who once_" for "_and once_," they will find any acrimony unnecessary; and that the use of the word "_and_" was an accidental error. This useless riddle has occupied too much of the time of able and of idle men, on what is, moreover, a worthless subject. Dr. Johnson, in his paper on the "Falkland Islands," has given a severe but just criticism on Junius, and truly says, that most readers mistake the "venom of the shaft for the vigour of the bow." Junius has laid down no great principle, illustrated no political truth, nor given any clear and irrefutable proof of contemporaneous history. To attribute reprehensible motives always shows lowness and vulgarity of mind. Junius gives one the idea of a democratic ruff mounted on stilts going, from natural predilection, through the mud and dirt, and splashing it wantonly, so as to bespatter and annoy a few, and to excite the attention and surprise of many; but never to produce a conviction of being just and true on any one.--_Requiescat in pace._ ÆGROTUS. _Hell-Rake_ (Vol. v., p. 162.).--The explanation given by J. SANSOM of the Devonian use of the term _helling_ or _heleing_, signifying the roof or covering of a church, corresponds to the Midland meaning of the word _hilling_, _s._ bed-clothes or coverlet: "She has got no _hilling_ at all." Ger. _Hüllen_, to wrap one's self up; Saxon, _hilan_. In Warwickshire used for the covers of a book: "It is the _hilling_ which makes it so expensive." _Hilled_, p. _hilled up_, _i.e._ covered with bed-clothes. Leicestershire is particularly rich in quaint phrases and proverbs. In Leicestershire it is common for the wives of farmers to style their husbands "the Master," and husbands to call their wives "Mamy;" and a labourer will often distinguish his wife by the title of "the O'man." There are people now living who remember the time when _Goody_ and _Dame_, "Gaffer" and "Gammer," were in vogue among the peasantry. KT. _Ambassadors addressed as Peers_ (Vol. v., p. 213.).--I must leave you to judge whether a reference to Howell's _Familiar Letters_ is likely to be new to your correspondent MR. J. G. NICHOLS, or of any service to him in his inquiry on this subject. His note reminded me that Howell had respectfully used the words "My Lord," and "Your Lordship," apparently in the modern sense of "Your Excellency," in his letters to the Right Hon. Sir Peter Wichts, and to the Right Hon. Sir Sackvill Crow, ambassadors at Constantinople. See Howell's _Familiar Letters_, Part I. Letters 115. 130.; Part II. Letters 18. 27. C. FORBES. Temple. _Red Book of the Irish Exchequer_ (Vol. iii., p. 6.).--J. F. F. may find some information in Mr. Mason's description of the sketch in the 13th vol. of the _Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy_. R. H. _Yankee, Derivation of_ (Vol. iii., pp. 260. 437. 461.).--I send you a Note on the etymology of this word, which I do not see noticed by any of your correspondents: "When the New England Colonies were first settled, the inhabitants were obliged to fight their way against many nations of Indians. They found but little difficulty in subduing them all except one tribe, who were known by the name of Yankoos, which signifies invincible. After the waste of much blood and treasure, the Yankoos were at last subdued by the New Englandmen. The remains of this nation (agreeable to the Indian custom) transferred their name to their conquerors. For a while they were called Yankoos; but from a corruption, common to names in all languages, they got through time the name of Yankee."--_New York Gazetteer_, June 1, 1775. R. H. _Indian Jugglers; Ballad of Ashwell Thorp_ (Vol. iv., p. 472.).--The correspondent who inquires about the Indian jugglers' trick of "growing a mango," is referred to Blomfield's _History of Norfork_, vol. v. p. 155. (8vo edition), where he will find a curious song, called the "Ballad of Ashwell Thorp," (said to be made in Sir Thomas Knevet's time, who was Sheriff of Norfolk in 1579, and died about 1616), showing that a similar trick was known in England at that time. An account is here given of an acorn being sown in the middle of a hall, growing up in a few minutes to a prodigious tree, bearing acorns, which ripened and fell; and how, after the tree had been with much difficulty cut down by two woodcutters, the trunk and fragments were finally carried away by two goslings. The feat is said to have been performed by a Londoner. The ballad-monger has perhaps improved a little upon the simple facts of the case. He concludes by saying: "This story is very true Which I have told to you, 'Tis a wonder you didn't heare it. I'll lay a pint of wine, If Parker and old Hinde Were alive, that they would swear it." C. W. G. _Meaning of Crabis_ (Vol. v., p. 165.).--In quoting the note to Lord Lindsay's _Christian Art_, extracted from MS. _Collectanea_ of Sir David Lindsay of the Mount, and illustrating a story of the Pelican, your correspondent F. W. I. wishes for a translation of the word _crabis_, which Sir David makes use of in describing the undutiful behaviour of the young pelicans towards their paternal parent. The old Scotch verb, _crab_, signified to tease, vex, annoy. As an active verb it is now obsolete, but it is still in use, at least its participles are in a passive sense. I have frequently heard _crabbing_ used to describe the state of mind of one out of humour or sulking. _Crabbed_ has long been an English word, and as such has its place in Johnson's _Dictionary_. It is not in such common use to the south as it is to the north of the Tweed; but from the Land's End to John-o'-Groat's, it is used to designate a chronic form of the same failing, which, in its temporary form, is described above as "crabbing." It is, moreover, applied to man's works as well as to his temper. A _crabbed hand_ and a _crabbed style_ of writing are expressions of every-day use in Scotland, and are eminently descriptive of the effect of such writing upon the temper of the reader. W. A. C. Ormsary. "_'Twas whisper'd in Heaven_" (Vol. v., p. 214.).--In Number 122. you answer an inquiry of DIABOLUS GANDER, by stating your belief that the enigma, "'Twas whisper'd in Heaven," &c., is by Lord Byron. Although it was for some time attributed to this author, it became subsequently well known to be the work of Miss Catherine Fanshawe, in whose handwriting I have seen it, together with another unpublished enigma of hers, in the album of a lady of my acquaintance. E. H. Y. _"Troilus and Cressida," Act I. Sc. 3._ (Vol. v., pp. 178. 235.).--The meaning which your correspondent wishes to give the word _dividable_ seems exactly the one wanted in this passage; but need we go so far from its apparent derivation as to derive it from _divitias_, _dare_?--One of the meanings of _divido_ is to distribute,--why then should not _dividable_ mean _distributive_, distributing their riches, &c.? C. T. A. Lyndon Rectory, Uppingham. _Stone-pillar Worship_ (Vol. v., p. 121.).--The article "Hermae," in Smith's _Antiquities_, throws some light on this subject. The pillar set up as a _witness_ (see Genesis there quoted, and the Classics _passim_)[5] is of course closely connected with the idea of sanctity attached to it. The Laplanders in selecting the _unhewn_ stone "in the form in which it was shaped by the hand of the Creator Himself," seem, to a certain extent, unwittingly to have obeyed a command of the Creator: see Exodus, xx. 25. [Footnote 5: Is it not as the _witness_ and keeper of Holy Writ that St. Paul calls the church Στύλος καὶ ἑδραίωμα τῆς ἀληθείας?] A. A. D. _John of Padua_ (Vol. v., pp. 79. 161.).--I am afraid we are not likely to obtain much additional information about John of Padua. The only account of him which I have ever met with is contained in the Earl of Orford's _Works_ (vol. iii. p. 100. et seqq., edit. 1798). The warrant, dated 1544, is there copied from Rymer's _Foedera_?; and from an expression which it contains, the inference is drawn that "John of Padua was not only an architect, but musician." I am not aware whether or no there is any other authority for such inference, but, if there is not, I submit that the evidence is far from conclusive. The words in the warrant run thus: A fee of two shillings per diem is granted to John, "in consideratione boni et fidelis servitii quod dilectus serviens noster Johannes de Padua nobis in architecture, ac _aliis in re musica inventis_ impendit ac impendere intendit." Now, Sir, I submit that _res musica_, in this passage, is used in the same sense as the Greek ἡ μουσικὴ for "the fine arts;" and that the passage can have no reference to the art of the musician. If John of Padua had been a musician, we should most probably meet with his name in some of the accounts of plays and pageants during this reign; and the silence of your correspondents seems to imply that no information concerning him is to be obtained from those sources. In the absence of further proof, then, I have no hesitation in proposing to the critical readers of "N. & Q.," a resolution that, It is the opinion of this council that there is no sufficient evidence that John of Padua was a musician. ERICA. _Modern Greek Names of Places_ (Vol. iv., p. 470.; Vol. v., pp. 14. 209.).--Your correspondent L. H. J. T. says, at p. 209.:-- "That with the utmost deference to SIR J. EMERSON TENNENT, he must deny that Cos, Athens, or Constantinople have been called by the Greeks Stanco, Satines, or Stamboul. These corruptions have been made by Turks, Venetians, and Englishmen." This mode of expression would imply that the opinion which he corrects was held by me, whereas I have stated (Vol. v., p. 14.), even more explicitly than he, that-- "The barbarism in question is to be charged less upon the modern Greeks themselves, than upon the European nations, Sclavonians, Normans, and Venetians, and, later still, the Turks; who seized upon their country on the dismemberment of the Roman empire. The Greeks themselves, no doubt, continued to spell their proper names correctly; but their invaders, ignorant of their orthography, and even of their letters, were forced to write the names of places in characters of their own, guided solely by the sound." J. EMERSON TENNENT. _Beocherie, alias Parva Hibernia_ (Vol. v., p. 201.).--_Beocera-ig_, i.e. the bee-keeper's island, was one of the small islets adjacent to the larger one, Avallon, whereon the Abbey of Glastonbury stood. Glastonbury was early resorted to by Irish devotees; St. Patrick and St. Bridget necessarily resided there. Concerning _Beocherie_ or _Bekery_, we are told that there "olim sancta Brigida perhendinavit" (MS. Ashmol. 790, quoted in the _Monasticon_, vol. i. p. 22.). This accounts for the name Parva Hibernia. _Beocera-gent_, in charter 652, is the name of some landmark or boundary. There can be little doubt that we should read _beocera-geat_, i.e. bee-keeper's gate, as suggested by Mr. Kemble in the preface to the third vol. of _Codex Dipl._ p. xxvi. The duties and rights of the _beocere_, _beo-ceorl_, or _bocherus_, are described in the "Rectitudines singularum personarum," Thorpe's _Anc. Laws_, vol. i. p. 434. C. W. G. _Ruffles, when worn_ (Vol. v., pp. 12. 139.).--Planché, in his _History of British Costume_, says that during the reign of Henry VIII., "the sleeves were _ruffed_, or _ruffled_ at the hand, as we perceive in the portrait of Henry. _They were not added to the shirt till the next century._" R. S. F. Perth. _Long Meg of Westminster_ (Vol. ii., pp. 131. 172.; Vol. v., p. 133.).--As an instance of this title being applied (as Fuller has it) "to persons very tall," I subjoin the following notice of a death, which appeared in a newspaper of September, 1769: "At London, Peter Branan, aged 104. He was six feet six inches high, and was commonly called _Long Meg of Westminster_. He had been a soldier from eighteen years of age." This notice is extracted in the _Edinburgh Antiquarian Magazine_, but without mentioning the quarter from which it was taken. R. S. F. Perth. _Family Likenesses_ (Vol. v., p. 7.).--To trace a family likeness for a century is not at all uncommon. Any one who knows the face of the present Duke of Manchester will see a strong likeness to his great ancestor, through six generations, the Earl of Manchester of the Commonwealth, as engraved in Lodge's _Portraits_. The following instance is more remarkable. Elizabeth Hervey was Abbess of Elstow in 1501. From her brother Thomas is descended, in a direct line, the present Marquis of Bristol. If any one will lay the portrait of Lord Bristol, in Mr. Gage Rokewode's _Thingoe Hundred_, by the side of the sepulchral brass of the Abbess of Elstow, figured in Fisher's _Bedfordshire Antiquities_, they cannot but be struck by the strong likeness between the two faces. This is valuable evidence on the disputed point, whether portraits were attempted in sepulchral brasses. VOKAROS. "_A Roaring Meg_" (Vol. v., p. 105.).--In Ghent, in Flanders, there is still to be seen a wrought-iron gun, a sister of Mons Meg, the famous piece of artillery in Edinburgh Castle. She is named Dulle Griete, Mad Margery, or Margaret, and may possible be the elder sister after whom the rest of the family have been named. NORTHMAN. _Lyte Family_ (Vol. v., p. 78).--A painted window representing the arms of the Lytes, and the families with whom they intermarried for many generations, is in the little church of Angersleigh, near Taunton. E. M. _Nuremberg Token_ (Vol. v., p. 201).--The legend of H. C. K.'s medal seems to me to be the following:-- "Hans Kravwinkle in Nuremberg" (the name of the issuer of the token). "Gottes Reich bleibt ewig [_und_ understood] ewig?" "The kingdom of God endures for ever and ever." Possibly a tradesman's token. G. H. K. _The Old Countess of Desmond_ (Vol. iv., _passim._).--Your several correspondents whose able remarks have excited much interest with regard to this very extraordinary individual, appear to have overlooked the fact that a cabinet portrait by Rembrandt is to be seen in the collection of the Marquess of Exeter at Burleigh; the age, costume, &c., corresponding exactly with the description given by Pennant, as quoted by A. B. R. KT. _Pimlico_ (Vol. i., pp. 388. 474; Vol. ii., p. 13.)--I find the two following mentions of Pimlico as a public place of entertainment: 1. In _A Joviall Crew, or the Merry Beggars_, by R. Brome: first acted, 1641, at Drury Lane, edit. 1708: "To Pimblicoe we'll go, Where merry we shall be, With every man a can in 's hand And a wench upon his knee. And a begging," &c. 2. Massinger's _City Madam_: "Or exchange wenches, Coming from eating pudding pies on a Sunday At Pimlico or Islington." G. H. K. "_Wise above that which is written_" (Vol. v., p. 228.).--This phrase is evidently a quotation of 1 Cor. iv. 6., though not according to the authorised translation, the words in the original being μὴ ὑπὲρ ὃ γέγραπται φρονεῖν. Here, however, the verb cannot mean "to be wise," which is the meaning given to it in the phrase in question; for the context requires it to be taken (as in our version) in the sense of "elation of mind, to the despising of others." The Query of R. C. C. reminds me of another phrase, which in a somewhat similar way one hears continually quoted in sermons, &c., as a text: viz. "that he that runs may read." I should like to know whether this strange perversion of Hab. ii. 2., which seems to be the source whence it is derived, can be accounted for in any way. F. A. _Sir John Cheke_ (Vol. v., p. 200.).--C. B. T. will find an account of Sir John Cheke in Harwood's _Alumni Etonenses_, under the head of "Provosts of King's College." I send also from an old MS. the following account; not being responsible for its accuracy, nor for the correctness of the references: "Sir John Cheke put into the Provostship by Edward VI., April 1, 1548, though not qualified, as not of the Society, nor in orders. See his _Life_ by Strype; Fuller, _Hist. Camb._, 119.; Burnet, ii. 115., who says that in consequence of the controversy with Gardiner about the Gr. Pronuntiation he was either put from the chair, or willingly left it. This was not the case. He did not quit it till sent for by the King, as appears from the Life of his successor, Nic. Carr, p. 59.; see, too, Wood _Hist. and Antiq._, lib. i. p. 26. His mother stood godmother to the child of a poor woman in Cambridge Gaol on suspicion of murder. (See Latimer's _First Serm._ p. 125., edit. 1635; Burnet, ii. 213.; Wood, _Hist. and Antiq._, I. ii. 251.; Burnet, ii. 51., and _App._ 150.; Fuller, 29. 127.; and Fox, _Mart._; Burnet, ii. 155.; Burnet, ii. 8. 203.; _Benefices conferred on Laymen, Walker's Attempt_, ii. 68.; Wood, _Athen._, i. 111.) Burnet and Fuller's account of his retiring on the King's death do not agree. For his works see Bale, and his Life, by Dr. Gerard Langbaine, before a work of Cheke's, _The True Subject to the Rebel, or the Hurt of Sedition_: Oxon, 1641, 4to. Haddon wrote his epitaph. See Ascham's _Letters_: Oxon, 1703, p. 436., about his recantation. See Leland's _Cygnea Cantio_, 1558, p. 21.; and Preface to Hickes's _Thesaurus_, 1. 2." J. H. L. _Richard Earl of Chepstow_ (Vol. v., p. 204.).--H. C. K. will find in the _Conquest of Ireland_, by Giraldus Cambrensis, my authority for styling Richard Strongbow Earl of Chepstow: _e.g._ Dermod MacMurrough addresses a letter to him as follows: "Dermon MacMorogh, prince of Leinster, to Richard earle of Chepstoue, and son of Gilbert the Earle, greeting," &c. I quote from Hooker's translation, ed. 1587, p. 11. Hooker, in a note, p. 4., says that Chepstow in times past was named Strigulia, "whereof Richard Strangbow being earle, he took his name, being called _Comes_ Strigulensis." H. C. K.'s _second_ conjecture, as to the parentage given to Earl Richard in the Ormonde charter, seems to be the correct one. I cannot call to mind an instance of a second Christian name used at so early a date. The first coat given to the De Clares, in Berry's _Encycl._, viz. _ar. on a chief az. three crosses pattée fichée of the field_, occurs on the shield of the effigy in Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin, popularly said to be that of Richard Earl of Pembroke. Query, does Berry's statement rest on the authority of that tradition? if so, it has a very sandy foundation. I have very little doubt that the bearing visible on the shield, as represented on the earl's seal attached to the charter in possession of the Earl of Ormonde, is intended to represent _three chevrons_. H. C. K. has my best thanks for his communication. I shall be still more obliged by an extract from the pedigree in his possession. JAMES GRAVES. Kilkenny. _Maps of Africa_ (Vol. v., p. 236.).--If your correspondent, who inquires about maps of Africa, will consult the twenty-first map in Spruner's _Atlas Antiquus_, published at Gotha in 1850, I think he will find what he desires. E. C. H. _Lady Diana Beauclerk._--I have to thank you for inserting my memorandum respecting my miniature of Oliver Cromwell. I must further trespass on your kindness to correct an error (and a very inexcusable one) in my last statement, to which the kindness of a friend has called my attention. Lady Diana Beauclerk was not, as I stated, a daughter of the Duke of St. Alban's, but of the Duke of Marlborough (Charles, second duke), and married the Hon. Topham Beauclerk, who was the friend of Dr. Johnson, and a well-known personage in his day. The miniature therefore may have been "long" either in her own family, or in that of her husband; but I presume she meant in her own. The Churchills were as much connected with the "Stuarts" as afterwards with their successors. I regret this inattention on my part. C. FOX. "_Litera scripta manet_" (Vol. v., pp. 200. 237.).--I was intimate some time since with a gentleman who had been a student in Maynooth College, and who frequently used to quote the words "Litera scripta manet," with the addition, "Verbum imbelle perit." This may give a clue to the source of the phrase, which may be found probably in some ecclesiastical or theological work of days gone by. A. L. _"Qui vult plene," &c._ (Vol. v., p. 228.).--The first passage respecting which W. DN. inquires ("Qui vult plenè," &c.) will be found in the first chapter of the first book of Thomas à Kempis, _De Imitatione Christi_. L. M. M. _Engraved Portraits_ (Vol. v., p. 176.).--In reply to S. S., the best Catalogue of Engraved Portraits is one published by the late Mr. Edward Evans, of Great Queen Street, Lincoln's Inn Fields, many years since; and although the last number is 11,756, yet, as two and three portraits are mentioned under the same figures, the total number noticed greatly exceeds the above. I believe a new edition _is_, or _shortly will be_, in the press. J. B. WHITBORNE. Miscellaneous. NOTES ON BOOKS, ETC. So long as the people of this country are animated by that deep-rooted love of true liberty and national independence, which have proved at so many momentous periods of our history to be at once their ruling principle and the country's safeguard, so long will the memory of Gustavus Vasa, the patriotic king of Sweden, be to all Englishmen an object of the deepest interest. The publication therefore of a _History of Gustavus Vasa, with Extracts from his Correspondence_,--which, although based upon the narrative of his startling adventures, his gallant exploits, and the picture of his manly sincere character, and his quaint but telling eloquence, given by Geijer in his _History of Sweden_, has been carefully elaborated by references to original authorities, and rendered more picturesque by the introduction of copious extracts from his correspondence,--is good service rendered to the cause of historic truth. The writer is obviously an earnest, able, and painstaking man; and we think that his work will be received (as it deserves) with such favour as to induce him to furnish us with other illustrations of the history of the North. If ever mortal man was a hero to his valet de chambre, such was the "Great Cardinal" to his gentleman usher Master George Cavendish; and to this fact and the reverent spirit which pervades his narration, may the great popularity of _Cavendish's Life of Wolsey_ be in a great measure ascribed. Few biographies have been perused with greater interest; few have exercised the editorial skill of better scholars. Dr. Wordsworth, Mr. Singer, and Mr. Hunter, have all displayed their learning and ingenuity in its illustration; and we have been led into these remarks by the receipt of a new and very handsomely printed edition, which has just been published by Messrs. Rivington, and which has been edited by Mr. Holmes of the British Museum. Mr. Holmes' name is a sufficient guarantee for the manner in which that duty has been executed. We learn from _The Athenæum_ of Saturday last that the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Copenhagen, whose works illustrative of the early history both of Greenland and America are known to many of our readers, are about to publish a new edition of the _Orkneyinga Saga_, and sundry old Northern fragments relative to Great Britain and Ireland; and in the prosecution of this important and useful object they are desirous of having the assistance and co-operation of the scholars and antiquaries of this country. Antiquaries find favour in the North, for _The Times_ reports that the general yearly meeting of this Society was held on the 25th of February at the Christiansborg Palace, Copenhagen, his Majesty the King of Denmark in the chair. The secretary, Professor C. Rafn, read the report of transactions for the last year, and gave a _précis_ of the articles in the forthcoming archæological works of the Society. The printing and engravings of the second volume of the great work, _Antiquités Russes et Orientales_, are now nearly completed. The learned professor exhibited four Icelandic planispheres and maps of the world, from the twelfth and thirteenth centuries, and made some observations on the geographical and astronomical knowledge of the ancient Scandinavians. The second volume of the Arna-Magnean Committee's edition of _Snorro Sturleson's, or the Younger Edda_, was also nearly finished, and preparations were being made for the publication of an _Icelandic Diplomaticum_. His Majesty the King exhibited a remarkable collection of antiquities of the bronze period discovered at Smorumorre, evidently belonging to a workshop for the fabrication of such implements, and clearly proving that bronze weapons, &c. had been made in Denmark. On the characteristics of this collection His Majesty was graciously pleased to deliver some very interesting observations. Professor Wegener, Vice-President, read an able memoir on the history of the old castles of Soborg and Adserbo, in the north of Iceland. The Archæological Committee exhibited a collection of articles discovered at Anhalt (in the Cattegat) which belonged to a workshop for the manufacture of stone implements, on which Mr. Thomsen made some useful remarks. The museum was in a flourishing state. There had been 148 donations received and 761 presentations of antiquities. The proceedings were closed by the election of Victor Emanuel, King of Sardinia, and his Royal Highness Prince Albert of Saxe Coburg Gotha, as fellows of the Society. BOOKS RECEIVED.--_The French in England, or Both Sides of the Question on Both Sides of the Channel, being the Story of the Emperor Napoleon's projected Invasion._ A brilliant, we might say eloquent, description of the feeling which ran through the whole length and breadth of the land when Napoleon's threats of invasion drew from the united nation, as with the voice of one man, the declaration that "England never did, and never shall lie at the proud foot of a conqueror!" In this picture of the past we have a prophecy of the future, if the peace of Europe should be again disturbed, and any attempt be made to renew the project of 1803. We do not think this likely; but to secure Peace we must be prepared for War: and he who, in the present aspect of affairs, would bid us disarm, must be or fool, or traitor, or both.--_Memoirs of the late Thomas Holcroft, written by himself, and continued to the time of his Death, from his Diary, Notes, and Correspondence_, forms the new parts of _The Traveller's Library_, and gives an interesting variety to this valuable series. BOOKS AND ODD VOLUMES WANTED TO PURCHASE. HALLERI (A.) ELEMENTA PHYSIOLOGIÆ CORPORIS HUMANI. 8 Vols. 4to. Lausannæ and Lugd. Batav. 1757-66. Vol III. RACCOLTA DI OPUSCULI SCIENTIFICI, &c., dal Padre Calogera. Venezia, 1728-57. POWNALL'S TREATISE ON THE STUDY OF ANTIQUITIES. London, 1782. 8vo. THE WHOLE DUTY OF A CHRISTIAN, by Way of Question and Answer: designed for the Use of Charity Schools. By Robert Nelson, 1718. QUARTERLY REVIEW. Nos. 153. to 166., both inclusive. BELL'S FUGITIVE POETRY COLLECTION. Vols. X. and XVI. 12mo. 1790. THE CRITIC, London Literary Journal. First 6 Nos. for 1851. VOLTAIRE, [OE]UVRES COMPLETES DE. Aux Deux-Ponts. Chez Sanson et Compagnie. Vols. I. & II. 1791-2. SCOTT'S CONTINUATION OF MILNER'S CHURCH HISTORY. Part II. of Vol. II. 8vo. SPECTATOR. No. 1223. Dec. 6, 1851. EDWIN AND EMMA. Taylor, 1776. ANNUAL REGISTER, from 1816 inclusive to the present time. MEDICO-CHIRURGICAL TRANSACTIONS. From Part II. of Vol. XI. March, 1819; and also from Vol. XXX. THE CODE MATRIMONIAL. Paris, 1770. PRO MATRIMONIO PRINCIPIS CUM DEFUNCTÆ UXORIS SORORE CONTRACTO RESPONSUM JURIS, COLLEGII JURISCONSULTORUM IN ACADEMIÂ RINTELENSI. Published about 1655. GREGORY'S (DR.) SECOND MEMORIAL TO THE MANAGERS OF THE ROYAL INFIRMARY, EDINBURGH. HERON'S (SIR ROBERT) NOTES. First Edition. Privately printed. COBBETT'S STATE TRIALS. 8vo. Vol. VIII. 1810. ISR. CLAUDERI DISPUTATIO DE SALE SUB PRÆSIDIO SAGITTARII. Jenæ, 1650. CRESCENT AND THE CROSS. Vol. I. Third Edition. MACKINNON'S HISTORY OF CIVILISATION. Vol. II. 1846. LITE'S DODOENS' HERBAL. First Edition. (An imperfect copy to complete another.) TURNER'S A BOOKE OF THE NATURES OF THE BATHES IN ENGLAND. 1568. (An imperfect copy to complete another.) A MOST EXCELLENT AND PERFECTE CORNISH APOTHECARY. 1561. (An imperfect copy to complete another.) [Star symbol] Letters, stating particulars and lowest price, _carriage free_, to be sent to MR. BELL, Publisher of "NOTES AND QUERIES," 186. Fleet Street. Notices to Correspondents. SUFFOLK BIBLICAL AND THEOLOGICAL LIBRARY, IPSWICH. _Will any of our Ipswich correspondents favour us with a copy of the prospectus of this institution, and the_ NAMES _of any of the clergy or gentry of Ipswich who take any part in its management, or are trustees or directors of it; as numerous applications for contributions of books to such library have recently been received by theological writers from Mr. "John Glyde, Jun.," a barber and hairdresser in Ipswich._ E. M. S., _who asks for information respecting_ Queen Brunhilda _or_ Brunéhaut, _is referred to our_ 4th Vol. pp. 86. 136. 193., _and our_ 5th Vol. p. 206. REPLIES RECEIVED.--_Black Book of Paisley--Traditions from Remote Periods--Archaic and Provincial Words--Madrigal--Bull the Barrel--Friday at Sea--The Verb "To commit"--Provincial Names--Arborei foetus--Engraved Portraits--Young's "Narcissa"--Meaning of Knarres--Last of the Palæologi--Nuremberg Token--Martinique--Parish Registers--Collar of SS., &c.--Wise above that which is written--Dying Swan--Sir B. Howard--Conquest of China--Litera Scripta manet--Gospel Oaks--Qui vult plene, &c.--Old Scots March--Stone Pillar Worship--Plague Stones--Carmen perpetuum--Reeve and Muggleton--Broad Arrow--Hyrne--Essay on Catholic Communion--The Whole Duty of Man--Crooked Billet--Quotations wanted--Pasquinades--Junius and the Quarterly--Bishop Kidder's Autobiography--Which are the Shadows--Wolfe--Elegy on Coleman._ _Copies of our_ Prospectus, _according to the suggestion of_ T. E. H., _will be forwarded to any correspondent willing to assist us by circulating them._ VOLUME THE FOURTH OF NOTES AND QUERIES, _with very copious_ INDEX, _is now ready_, _price 9_s._ 6_d._ cloth boards._ "NOTES AND QUERIES" _is published at noon on Friday, so that the Country Booksellers may receive Copies in that night's parcels, and deliver them to their Subscribers on the Saturday._ WESTERN LIFE ASSURANCE AND ANNUITY SOCIETY, 3. PARLIAMENT STREET, LONDON. Founded A.D. 1842. _Directors._ H. Edgeworth Bicknell, Esq. William Cabell, Esq. T. Somers Cocks, Jun. Esq. M.P. G. Henry Drew, Esq. William Evans, Esq. William Freeman, Esq. F. Fuller, Esq. J. Henry Goodhart, Esq. T. Grissell, Esq. James Hunt, Esq. J. Arscott Lethbridge, Esq. E. Lucas, Esq. James Lys Seager, Esq. J. Basley White, Esq. Joseph Carter Wood, Esq. _Trustees._ W. Whateley, Esq., Q.C. L. C. Humfrey, Esq., Q.C. George Drew, Esq. _Consulting Counsel._--Sir Wm. P. Wood, M.P. Solicitor-General. _Physician._--William Rich. Basham, M.D. _Bankers._--Messrs. Cocks, Biddulph, and Co. Charing Cross. VALUABLE PRIVILEGE. Policies effected in this Office do not become void through temporary difficulty in paying a Premium, as permission is given upon application to suspend the payment at interest, according to the conditions detailed in the Prospectus. Specimens of Rates of Premium for Assuring 100_l._, with a Share in three-fourths of the Profits:-- Age £ _s._ _d._ 17 1 14 4 23 1 18 8 27 2 4 5 32 2 10 8 37 2 18 6 42 3 8 2 ARTHUR SCRATCHLEY, M.A., F.R.A.S., Actuary. Now ready, price 10_s._ 6_d._, Second Edition, with material additions, INDUSTRIAL INVESTMENT and EMIGRATION; being a TREATISE on BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETIES, and on the General Principles of Land Investment, exemplified in the Cases of Freehold Land Societies, Building Companies, &c. With a Mathematical Appendix on Compound Interest and Life Assurance. By ARTHUR SCRATCHLEY, M.A., Actuary to the Western Life Assurance Society, 3. Parliament Street, London. THE TIMES NEWSPAPER.--Important Notice to the Public.--How frequently does it happen to various members of society that they wish to purchase a copy or copies of the previous dates of "The Times?" For historical, legal, commercial, and social purposes, their possession may be anxiously desired, and yet, how difficult it frequently is to procure them; indeed, sometimes, from their scarcity, it is quite impossible. To obviate this difficulty, a supply of the daily dates, of past and future years, will be kept on sale at Mr. JAMES GILBERT's, 49. Paternoster Row, London, at prices varying according to their relative scarcity. Town and country orders will receive punctual attention. The public and the trade may depend upon always getting at J. G.'s any dates or series of years they may require. The various dates and years of "The Times" will also be bought as above, to an unlimited extent of period and quantity. NEW SCHOOL ATLASES, By ALEX. KEITH JOHNSTON, F.R.S.E., F.R.G.S., F.G.S., Author of the "Physical Atlas," &c. This Day is published, I. AN ATLAS OF GENERAL AND DESCRIPTIVE GEOGRAPHY, constructed with a special view to the purposes of sound instruction, and presenting the following new features:--Enlarged Size, and consequent Distinctness of Plan.--The most Recent Improvements in Geography.--A uniform Distinction in Colour between Land and Water.--Great Clearness, Uniformity, and Accuracy of Colouring.--A ready way of comparing Relative Areas by means of Scales.--The insertion of the Corresponding Latitudes of Countries, Towns, &c.--References to Colonial Possessions, &c., by Figures and Notes.--A carefully compiled and complete Index. Strongly half-bound, price 12_s._ 6_d._ II. AN ATLAS OF PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY, in which the subject is treated in a more simple and elementary manner than in the previous works of the same Author. Strongly half-bound, price 12_s._ 6_d._ WILLIAM BLACKWOOD & SONS, Edinburgh and London; sold by all Booksellers. The CALUMNIES of the ATHENÆUM JOURNAL EXPOSED, and their ATTACK on PRIVATE CHARACTER OFFERED for PUBLIC WARNING. Next week, price 1_s._ post free. MR. WHITE'S LETTER to MR. MURRAY, on the Subject of the Byron, Shelley, and Keats MSS.; which Letter was suppressed by the Athenæum, but made the most dishonest and unmanly use of by them, in the concoction of their article of last Saturday on the above subject. This Letter will show Mr. Murray's purchase of the Byron MSS. at his own particular request upwards of three years since. Also of Mr. Moxon's knowledge of the Shelley and Keats MSS. at the same period, and of Mr. White's acting on Mr. Moxon's suggestion to offer the Letters at their actual cost to the Shelley family. London: WILLIAM WHITE, Pall Mall; and all Booksellers, Stationers, and Newsvenders. NOTICE.--The BRITISH MUSEUM and WEEK BOOK OF FACTS, a New Periodical, devoted to SCIENCE, ART, and GENERAL KNOWLEDGE, and a medium of inter-communication for Naturalists, Geologists, Electricians, Meteorologists, &c. &c., will be published on Saturday, the 13th Instant, uniform with the "Illustrated News," eight pages, price 3_d._; stamped 4_d._; yearly subscription, 12_s._ 6_d._; free by post, 17_s._ Advertisements and subscriptions received by all Newsvenders, and at the OFFICE, THANET PLACE, TEMPLE BAR, where prospectuses may be obtained, and Advertisements received. TOMB OF THE TRADESCANTS. In Lambeth Churchyard is a Monument, once handsome and elaborately carved, which was erected in 1662 by the widow of JOHN TRADESCANT the younger, to the memory of her father-in-law, her husband, and her son, who were inhabitants of that parish. The Monument of the TRADESCANTS, which was repaired by public subscription in 1773, has now again fallen into decay. The inscription also on the stone that covers ASHMOLE's grave, who was himself buried in Lambeth Church, is now very nearly effaced. The restoration of that Church, now nearly finished, seems a fit occasion for repairing both these Monuments. It is therefore proposed to raise a fund for the perfect restoration of the Tomb of the TRADESCANTS, according to its original form, as represented in two drawings preserved in the Pepysian Library at Cambridge, and also for renewing ASHMOLE's epitaph. The cost will not be less than 100_l._, and assistance is earnestly requested from all who are anxious to preserve ancient monuments, especially those who are following the same pursuits as the TRADESCANTS, and who are daily deriving benefit and delight from the labours and discoveries of these first of English gardeners and naturalists. Contributions may be paid to, Sir William J. Hooker, K.H., &c. &c., Royal Gardens, Kew. Sir Charles G. Young, Garter. James Forbes Young, Esq., M.D., Lambeth. Philip Bury Duncan, Esq., Keeper of the Ashmolean Museum, Oxford. The Rev. C. B. Dalton, Rectory, Lambeth. Or to Messrs. Reeve, Henrietta Street, Covent Garden; Messrs. Van Voorst, Paternoster Row; Mr. Pamplin, Frith Street, Soho; or to the Old Bank, Oxford. CHEAP TEA and CHEAP COFFEE.--Although we sell black tea at 3_s._ per lb., and good black tea at 3_s._ 4_d._, strong coffee at 10_d._, and fine coffee at a 1_s._ per lb., we still say to all who study economy, that the best is the cheapest, particularly when the best can be obtained from us at the following prices:--The best congou tea, 3_s._ 8_d._ per lb.; the best souchong tea, 4_s._ 4_d._; the best gunpowder tea, 5_s._ 8_d._ per lb.; the best old mocha coffee, 1_s._ 4_d._ per lb.; the best West India coffee, 1_s._ 4_d._ per lb. The fine, true, ripe, rich, rare souchong tea is now only 4_s._ per lb.; and the pure, rich, rare gunpowder, 5_s._ per lb. Tea or coffee to the value of 40_s._ sent carriage free to any part of England, by PHILLIPS and Co., Tea Merchants, 8. King William Street, City. BOOK PLATES.--Heraldic Queries answered; Family Arms found, and every information afforded. Drawing of Arms, 2_s._ 6_d._; Painting ditto, 5_s._; Book Plate Crest, 5_s._; Arms, &c. from 20_s._; Crest on Card Plate, and One Hundred Cards, 8_s._; Queries answered for 1_s._ Saxon, Mediæval, and Modern Style Book Plates. The best Authorities and MS. Books of thirty-five years' practice consulted. Heraldic Stamps for Linen or Books, with reversed Cyphers and Crests. Apply, if by letter, enclosing stamps or post office order, to JAMES FRISWELL (Son-in-law to J. Rumley, publisher of "The Crest Book," "Heraldic Illustrations"), Heraldic Engraver, 12. Brooke Street, Holborn. NEW VOLUME BY THE REV. DR. MAITLAND. In small 8vo. price 5_s._ EIGHT ESSAYS ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. By the Rev. S. R. MAITLAND, D.D., F.R.S and F.S.A. RIVINGTONS, St. Paul's Church Yard, and Waterloo Place; Of whom may be had, by the same Author, 1. ERUVIN; or MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS on Subjects connected with the NATURE, HISTORY, and DESTINY OF MAN. Second Edition, 5_s._ 6_d._ 2. ESSAYS ON THE REFORMATION IN ENGLAND. 15_s._ 3. ESSAYS ON THE DARK AGES. Second Edition. 12_s._ QUARTERLY REVIEW. No. CLXXX.--NOTICE.--ADVERTISEMENTS and BILLS for the above Periodical will be in time if forwarded to the Publisher before the 27th inst. JOHN MURRAY, Albemarle Street. Now Ready, with Maps, 8vo. HISTORY of GREECE. By GEORGE GROTE, Esq. Vols. IX. and X. From the Restoration of the Democracy at Athens, down to the Accession of Philip of Macedon, B.C. 403-359. JOHN MURRAY, Albemarle Street. Now Ready, 8vo. 15_s._ HISTORY of ENGLAND and FRANCE under the HOUSE of LANCASTER. With an Introductory View of the Early Reformation. JOHN MURRAY, Albemarle Street. This Day, with Portrait, 8vo., 10_s._ 6_d._ HISTORY of GUSTAVUS VASA, King of Sweden: With Extracts from his Correspondence. JOHN MURRAY, Albemarle Street. Just Ready, price 4_s._, HOUSEHOLD CHEMISTRY; or, Rudiments of the Science applied to Every-day Life. By ALBERT J. BERNAYS, F.C.S. London: SAMPSON LOW, 169. Fleet Street. Now Ready, THE CHURCH in the SCHOOLROOM. Sermons suitable for boys. By the Rev. LEOPOLD J. BERNAYS, A.M., late Fellow of St. John's College, Oxford. Fcap. 8vo. 5_s._ London: SAMPSON LOW, 169. Fleet Street. THE WIDE-WIDE WORLD; or, The Early Trials of Ellen Montgomery. Edited by a CLERGYMAN of the CHURCH of ENGLAND. Two vols. fcap. 12_s._ "The authoress writes with liveliness and elegance; her power of discriminating and presenting character is great; an air of cheerful piety pervades the whole work."--_Literary Gazette._ London: SAMPSON LOW, 169. Fleet Street. Just published, price 1_s._ ON GEOLOGY in relation to the STUDIES of the UNIVERSITY of OXFORD. By H. E. STRICKLAND, M.A., F.G.S., Deputy Reader in Geology, Oxford. J. VINCENT, Oxford; G. BELL, Fleet Street, London. NOW READY, Price 2_s._ 6_d._--By Post, 3_s._ THE IRISH QUARTERLY REVIEW, No. V. March, 1852. CONTENTS: I. HISTORY OF THE STREETS OF DUBLIN. II. DISRAELI'S BIOGRAPHY OF BENTINCK; FREE TRADE AND NO TRADE. III. MITFORD'S LITERARY RECOLLECTIONS. IV. MATURIN. V. SAM SLICK'S AMERICAN HUMOUR. VI. IRISH CHURCH HISTORY. Dublin: W. B. KELLY. London: SIMPKIN, MARSHALL, & Co. Edinburgh: OLIVER & BOYD. The following BOOKS, forming a portion of the Library of a Clergyman recently deceased, are on SALE, by T. B. SHARPE, 10. Ely Place, Holborn. Delphin Classics, by Valpy, 160 vols. 8vo., purple calf gilt, very neat set, 25_l._; Auctores Classici Græci Schaeffi, 67 Vols. 18mo., calf neat, Lips., 1820, 4_l._ 4_s._, Heywoode's Works, black letter, scarce, 4to., 1562, 3_l._ 3_s._; Vision of Pierce Plowman, black letter, original edition, 4to., half-bound, 1550, 3_l._ 3_s._; Camden Society Publications, from its commencement, 52 vols. 4to. cloth, with MS. Notes, 1838-51, 6_l._ 16_s._ 6_d._; Shakspeare Society Publications, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 1840, &c., 4_l._ 10_s._; Ancient and Modern British Drama, 8 vols. royal 8vo., half calf gilt, Miller, 1810-11, 3_l._ 13_s._ 6_d._; Jewel's Works, black letter, folio, calf neat, 2_l._ 2_s._; Percy Society Publications, 57 numbers (35 half bound, 22 sewed), 1840-45, 4_l._ 4_s._; Foxe's Acts and Monuments, by Townsend and Catley, 8 vols. 8vo. cloth, plates, 2_l._ 10_s._; Archæologia, or Miscellaneous Tracts relating to Antiquity, Vols. 17 to 34, Part I. Index and Catalogue, making 18 vols., 1 part, 4to., 12 vols. calf gilt, very neat, remainder unbound, 1814-51, 8_l._ 8_s._; Vetus Testamentum ex Versione Septuaginta Interp. edit. J. Breitingerus, 4 vols. 4to., calf neat, Tiguri, 1730, 2_l._ 2_s._; Nares' (Arch.) Glossary, 4to., calf gilt, 1822, 2_l._ 2_s._; Novum Testamentum Græcum Wetsteinii, 2 vols. folio, calf neat, Amst., 1751, 5_l._ 5_s._; Poli Synopsis Criticorum Aliorumque S. Scripturæ Interpretum, 5 vols. folio, calf neat, 1669, 5_l._ 5_s._; Calmet, Dictionnaire Historique, Critique, Chronologique, &c., de la Bible, plates, 4 vols. folio, calf, Paris, 1722, 2_l._ 10_s._; Hale's (Dr.) New Analysis of Chronology, &c., 4 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, 1830, 3_l._ 3_s._; Virgilii Opera, &c., by Heyne, large paper, 6 vols. royal 8vo., russia, Lips., 1800, 2_l._ 10_s._; Euripidis Opera Omnia, Notis Var., 9 vols. 8vo., calf gilt, Glasg., 1821, 2_l._ 15_s._; Works of the British Poets, with Prefaces, &c. by R. Anderson, 13 vols. royal 8vo. calf neat, contents lettered, 1795, 5_l._; Oratores Attici, Gr. et Lat., cum Notis Reiskii et Variorum, curavit Dobson, 16 vols. 8vo., calf gilt, lettered contents, 4_l._ 10_s._; Stephani Thesaurus Linguæ Græcæ, cum Glossaria Labbæi, 5 vols., and Scott's Appendix, 2 vols. in 1, together 7 vols., folio, 1672-1744, 3_l._ 3_s._; British Magazine and Monthly Register of Eccles. Information, 22 vols. 8vo., half calf, neat, 1832 to 1842, while edited by the late Rev. Hugh Rose, 3_l._ 3_s._ 14. Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. REDUCED IN PRICE. HUTTEN (ULRICH DE) OPERA QUÆ EXTANT OMNIA, with Introductions and Notes by E. MUENCH. 5 vols. 8vo. (pub. at 3_l._) for 18_s._ EPISTOLÆ OBSCURORUM VIRORUM, the best Edition, Edited by E. MUENCH, uniform with Hutten's Works. 8vo. (published at 12_s._), 5_s._ DR. PAULI'S KING ÆLFRED. Koenig Ælfred u. seine Stelle in der Geschichte Englands. 8vo. 6_s._ LEGENDA AUREA, vulgo Historia Lombardica, dicta recens. T. GRAESSE. A thick 8vo. vol. 1846 (published at 22_s._ 6_d._), only 6_s._ The above are taken from WILLIAMS and NORGATE'S Second-hand Catalogue, No. IV., which will be sent post free for one stamp. WILLIAMS & NORGATE, 14. Henrietta Street, Covent Garden. An unusually interesting and valuable Collection of Autograph Letters, 35,000 Franks, and numerous Literary Curiosities. PUTTICK AND SIMPSON, Auctioneers of Literary Property, will sell by Auction at their Great Room, 191. Piccadilly, on TUESDAY, March 16, and two following days, a Collection of Autograph Letters, in the finest preservation, amongst which will be found those of English and Foreign Sovereigns, Noblemen, Statesmen, and Commanders, Oliver Cromwell and his adherents, Napoleon, his Family and Generals, Authors, Artists, Actors, Musicians, &c., Ireland's Shakspeare papers, the author's own copy, with numerous specimens of the pseudo-original MSS., Southey's Madoc (the author's MS.), and many interesting literary curiosities. Catalogues will be sent on application (if in the country, on receipt of six stamps). CURIOUS CUTTINGS FROM ANCIENT NEWSPAPERS, GAZETTES, MAGAZINES, &c., illustrative of the following English Counties, may be obtained from MR. JAMES FENNELL, 1. WARWICK COURT, HOLBORN, LONDON, immediately upon the receipt of a remittance for the prices here stated, viz.: Bedfordshire--a parcel of highly interesting Cuttings (1724 to 1767), some Prints, &c. 10_s._ 6_d._; Berkshire--very curious Cuttings (1670 to 1723), rare Views, Books, Deeds, &c., the entire parcel only 2_l._ 2_s._; Cambridge Cuttings (1680 to 1850). Views and Pamphlets, 12_s._ 6_d._; Cheshire Cuttings, old Play-bills, Prints, &c., 12_s._ 6_d._; Cornwall Cuttings (1714 to 1805), and curious Chap-book, 5_s._ 6_d._; Cumberland Cuttings (1762 to 1821), Maps, Views &c., 5_s._ 6_d._; Isle of Man Cuttings, &c. (1765 to 1810), a very interesting collection, 10_s._ 6_d._; Derbyshire Cuttings (1730 to 1835), rare Views and Pamphlets, 1_l._ 5_s._; Devonshire Cuttings, Pamphlets, Views, and Portraits, 16_s._ 6_d._ Printed by Thomas Clark Shaw, of No. 8. New Street Square, at No. 5. New Street Square, in the Parish of St. Bride, in the City of London; and published by George Bell, of No. 186. Fleet Street, in the Parish of St. Dunstan in the West, in the City of London, Publisher, at No. 186. Fleet Street aforesaid.--Saturday, March 13. 1852. [Transcriber's Note: List of volumes and content pages in "Notes and Queries", Vol. I.-V.] +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Notes and Queries Vol. I. | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol., No. | Date, Year | Pages | PG # xxxxx | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 1 | November 3, 1849 | 1 - 17 | PG # 8603 | | Vol. I No. 2 | November 10, 1849 | 18 - 32 | PG # 11265 | | Vol. I No. 3 | November 17, 1849 | 33 - 46 | PG # 11577 | | Vol. I No. 4 | November 24, 1849 | 49 - 63 | PG # 13513 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 5 | December 1, 1849 | 65 - 80 | PG # 11636 | | Vol. I No. 6 | December 8, 1849 | 81 - 95 | PG # 13550 | | Vol. I No. 7 | December 15, 1849 | 97 - 112 | PG # 11651 | | Vol. I No. 8 | December 22, 1849 | 113 - 128 | PG # 11652 | | Vol. I No. 9 | December 29, 1849 | 130 - 144 | PG # 13521 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 10 | January 5, 1850 | 145 - 160 | PG # | | Vol. I No. 11 | January 12, 1850 | 161 - 176 | PG # 11653 | | Vol. I No. 12 | January 19, 1850 | 177 - 192 | PG # 11575 | | Vol. I No. 13 | January 26, 1850 | 193 - 208 | PG # 11707 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 14 | February 2, 1850 | 209 - 224 | PG # 13558 | | Vol. I No. 15 | February 9, 1850 | 225 - 238 | PG # 11929 | | Vol. I No. 16 | February 16, 1850 | 241 - 256 | PG # 16193 | | Vol. I No. 17 | February 23, 1850 | 257 - 271 | PG # 12018 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 18 | March 2, 1850 | 273 - 288 | PG # 13544 | | Vol. I No. 19 | March 9, 1850 | 289 - 309 | PG # 13638 | | Vol. I No. 20 | March 16, 1850 | 313 - 328 | PG # 16409 | | Vol. I No. 21 | March 23, 1850 | 329 - 343 | PG # 11958 | | Vol. I No. 22 | March 30, 1850 | 345 - 359 | PG # 12198 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 23 | April 6, 1850 | 361 - 376 | PG # 12505 | | Vol. I No. 24 | April 13, 1850 | 377 - 392 | PG # 13925 | | Vol. I No. 25 | April 20, 1850 | 393 - 408 | PG # 13747 | | Vol. I No. 26 | April 27, 1850 | 409 - 423 | PG # 13822 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Vol. I No. 27 | May 4, 1850 | 425 - 447 | PG # 13712 | | Vol. I No. 28 | May 11, 1850 | 449 - 463 | PG # 13684 | | Vol. I No. 29 | May 18, 1850 | 465 - 479 | PG # 15197 | | Vol. I No. 30 | May 25, 1850 | 481 - 495 | PG # 13713 | +---------------+-------------------+-----------+-------------+ | Notes and Queries Vol. II. | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol., No. | Date, Year | Pages | PG # xxxxx | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 31 | June 1, 1850 | 1- 15 | PG # 12589 | | Vol. II No. 32 | June 8, 1850 | 17- 32 | PG # 15996 | | Vol. II No. 33 | June 15, 1850 | 33- 48 | PG # 26121 | | Vol. II No. 34 | June 22, 1850 | 49- 64 | PG # 22127 | | Vol. II No. 35 | June 29, 1850 | 65- 79 | PG # 22126 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 36 | July 6, 1850 | 81- 96 | PG # 13361 | | Vol. II No. 37 | July 13, 1850 | 97-112 | PG # 13729 | | Vol. II No. 38 | July 20, 1850 | 113-128 | PG # 13362 | | Vol. II No. 39 | July 27, 1850 | 129-143 | PG # 13736 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 40 | August 3, 1850 | 145-159 | PG # 13389 | | Vol. II No. 41 | August 10, 1850 | 161-176 | PG # 13393 | | Vol. II No. 42 | August 17, 1850 | 177-191 | PG # 13411 | | Vol. II No. 43 | August 24, 1850 | 193-207 | PG # 13406 | | Vol. II No. 44 | August 31, 1850 | 209-223 | PG # 13426 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 45 | September 7, 1850 | 225-240 | PG # 13427 | | Vol. II No. 46 | September 14, 1850 | 241-256 | PG # 13462 | | Vol. II No. 47 | September 21, 1850 | 257-272 | PG # 13936 | | Vol. II No. 48 | September 28, 1850 | 273-288 | PG # 13463 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 49 | October 5, 1850 | 289-304 | PG # 13480 | | Vol. II No. 50 | October 12, 1850 | 305-320 | PG # 13551 | | Vol. II No. 51 | October 19, 1850 | 321-351 | PG # 15232 | | Vol. II No. 52 | October 26, 1850 | 353-367 | PG # 22624 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 53 | November 2, 1850 | 369-383 | PG # 13540 | | Vol. II No. 54 | November 9, 1850 | 385-399 | PG # 22138 | | Vol. II No. 55 | November 16, 1850 | 401-415 | PG # 15216 | | Vol. II No. 56 | November 23, 1850 | 417-431 | PG # 15354 | | Vol. II No. 57 | November 30, 1850 | 433-454 | PG # 15405 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. II No. 58 | December 7, 1850 | 457-470 | PG # 21503 | | Vol. II No. 59 | December 14, 1850 | 473-486 | PG # 15427 | | Vol. II No. 60 | December 21, 1850 | 489-502 | PG # 24803 | | Vol. II No. 61 | December 28, 1850 | 505-524 | PG # 16404 | +----------------+--------------------+---------+-------------+ | Notes and Queries Vol. III. | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol., No. | Date, Year | Pages | PG # xxxxx | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. III No. 62 | January 4, 1851 | 1- 15 | PG # 15638 | | Vol. III No. 63 | January 11, 1851 | 17- 31 | PG # 15639 | | Vol. III No. 64 | January 18, 1851 | 33- 47 | PG # 15640 | | Vol. III No. 65 | January 25, 1851 | 49- 78 | PG # 15641 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. III No. 66 | February 1, 1851 | 81- 95 | PG # 22339 | | Vol. III No. 67 | February 8, 1851 | 97-111 | PG # 22625 | | Vol. III No. 68 | February 15, 1851 | 113-127 | PG # 22639 | | Vol. III No. 69 | February 22, 1851 | 129-159 | PG # 23027 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. III No. 70 | March 1, 1851 | 161-174 | PG # 23204 | | Vol. III No. 71 | March 8, 1851 | 177-200 | PG # 23205 | | Vol. III No. 72 | March 15, 1851 | 201-215 | PG # 23212 | | Vol. III No. 73 | March 22, 1851 | 217-231 | PG # 23225 | | Vol. III No. 74 | March 29, 1851 | 233-255 | PG # 23282 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. III No. 75 | April 5, 1851 | 257-271 | PG # 23402 | | Vol. III No. 76 | April 12, 1851 | 273-294 | PG # 26896 | | Vol. III No. 77 | April 19, 1851 | 297-311 | PG # 26897 | | Vol. III No. 78 | April 26, 1851 | 313-342 | PG # 26898 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. III No. 79 | May 3, 1851 | 345-359 | PG # 26899 | | Vol. III No. 80 | May 10, 1851 | 361-382 | PG # 32495 | | Vol. III No. 81 | May 17, 1851 | 385-399 | PG # 29318 | | Vol. III No. 82 | May 24, 1851 | 401-415 | PG # 28311 | | Vol. III No. 83 | May 31, 1851 | 417-440 | PG # 36835 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Vol. III No. 84 | June 7, 1851 | 441-472 | PG # 37379 | | Vol. III No. 85 | June 14, 1851 | 473-488 | PG # 37403 | | Vol. III No. 86 | June 21, 1851 | 489-511 | PG # 37496 | | Vol. III No. 87 | June 28, 1851 | 513-528 | PG # 37516 | +-----------------+-------------------+---------+-------------+ | Notes and Queries Vol. IV. | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol., No. | Date, Year | Pages | PG # xxxxx | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. IV No. 88 | July 5, 1851 | 1- 15 | PG # 37548 | | Vol. IV No. 89 | July 12, 1851 | 17- 31 | PG # 37568 | | Vol. IV No. 90 | July 19, 1851 | 33- 47 | PG # 37593 | | Vol. IV No. 91 | July 26, 1851 | 49- 79 | PG # 37778 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. IV No. 92 | August 2, 1851 | 81- 94 | PG # 38324 | | Vol. IV No. 93 | August 9, 1851 | 97-112 | PG # 38337 | | Vol. IV No. 94 | August 16, 1851 | 113-127 | PG # 38350 | | Vol. IV No. 95 | August 23, 1851 | 129-144 | PG # 38386 | | Vol. IV No. 96 | August 30, 1851 | 145-167 | PG # 38405 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. IV No. 97 | Sept. 6, 1851 | 169-183 | PG # 38433 | | Vol. IV No. 98 | Sept. 13, 1851 | 185-200 | PG # 38491 | | Vol. IV No. 99 | Sept. 20, 1851 | 201-216 | PG # 38574 | | Vol. IV No. 100 | Sept. 27, 1851 | 217-246 | PG # 38656 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. IV No. 101 | Oct. 4, 1851 | 249-264 | PG # 38701 | | Vol. IV No. 102 | Oct. 11, 1851 | 265-287 | PG # 38773 | | Vol. IV No. 103 | Oct. 18, 1851 | 289-303 | PG # 38864 | | Vol. IV No. 104 | Oct. 25, 1851 | 305-333 | PG # 38926 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. IV No. 105 | Nov. 1, 1851 | 337-358 | PG # 39076 | | Vol. IV No. 106 | Nov. 8, 1851 | 361-374 | PG # 39091 | | Vol. IV No. 107 | Nov. 15, 1851 | 377-396 | PG # 39135 | | Vol. IV No. 108 | Nov. 22, 1851 | 401-414 | PG # 39197 | | Vol. IV No. 109 | Nov. 29, 1851 | 417-430 | PG # 39233 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. IV No. 110 | Dec. 6, 1851 | 433-460 | PG # 39338 | | Vol. IV No. 111 | Dec. 13, 1851 | 465-478 | PG # 39393 | | Vol. IV No. 112 | Dec. 20, 1851 | 481-494 | PG # 39438 | | Vol. IV No. 113 | Dec. 27, 1851 | 497-510 | PG # 39503 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Notes and Queries Vol. V. | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol., No. | Date, Year | Pages | PG # xxxxx | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. V No. 114 | January 3, 1852 | 1- 18 | PG # 40171 | | Vol. V No. 115 | January 10, 1852 | 25- 45 | PG # 40582 | | Vol. V No. 116 | January 17, 1852 | 49- 70 | PG # 40642 | | Vol. V No. 117 | January 24, 1852 | 73- 94 | PG # 40678 | | Vol. V No. 118 | January 31, 1852 | 97-118 | PG # 40716 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. V No. 119 | February 7, 1852 | 121-142 | PG # 40742 | | Vol. V No. 120 | February 14, 1852 | 145-167 | PG # 40743 | | Vol. V No. 121 | February 21, 1852 | 170-191 | PG # 40773 | | Vol. V No. 122 | February 28, 1852 | 193-215 | PG # 40779 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol. V No. 123 | March 6, 1852 | 217-239 | PG # 40804 | +-----------------+--------------------+---------+------------+ | Vol I. 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