The Project Gutenberg eBook of Simpson's Chelsea, Pimlico, Brompton, and Knightsbridge Directory, and Court Guide This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: Simpson's Chelsea, Pimlico, Brompton, and Knightsbridge Directory, and Court Guide Author: Anonymous Release date: September 5, 2013 [eBook #43648] Language: English Credits: Transcribed from the 1863 Tomkies and Son edition by David Price. Many thanks to the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Libraries for allowing their copy to be used for this transcription *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK SIMPSON'S CHELSEA, PIMLICO, BROMPTON, AND KNIGHTSBRIDGE DIRECTORY, AND COURT GUIDE *** Transcribed from the 1863 Tomkies and Son edition by David Price, email Many thanks to the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Libraries for allowing their copy to be used for this transcription. SIMPSON’S CHELSEA, PIMLICO, BROMPTON, AND KNIGHTSBRIDGE DIRECTORY, AND COURT GUIDE, INCLUDING LIST OF VESTRY, PARISH OFFICERS, POST OFFICE INTELLIGENCE, CHELSEA CHARITIES, &c. &c. * * * * * 1863. * * * * * COPYRIGHT. TO BE PUBLISHED ANNUALLY. * * * * * LONDON PUBLISHED BY TOMKIES AND SON, 4, BEDFORD TERRACE, CHURCH STREET, KENSINGTON. INTRODUCTION. {0} IN introducing this Directory, in a cheap and comprehensive form, to our numerous subscribers, very few comments are necessary. Great inconvenience is felt in all large districts through not being able at a moment’s notice to discover the place of abode of various individuals, such as customers, friends, &c. To obviate this has induced us to attempt the compiling one of a pure local character, at a price within the means of all classes. We trust we have succeeded in completing a work which cannot fail in giving satisfaction to our subscribers. It is our intention to publish annually, and doubt not, as we become more acquainted with the locality, being enabled to establish a work which will become thoroughly useful as a book of reference. SIMPSON & CO. _March_, 1863 LIST OF VESTRYMEN & PARISH OFFICERS CHELSEA DISTRICT. The Names and Places of Abode of the Rector, Incumbent of the Parish Chapel, Curates, Churchwardens, Representative Member of the Metropolitan Board of Works, Vestrymen, Auditors and Officers under the Metropolis Local Management Act, Overseers, Relieving Officers, Medical Officers, Superintendent Registrar and Registrars of Births, Deaths, and Marriages, Vestry Clerk, Deputy Parish Clerk, Beadles, Engine Keepers, Fire Escape Conductors, Turncocks, Collectors of the different Rates and Taxes, &c. RECTOR. Blunt, The Rev. A. Gerald W., M.A., Rectory, Church-street. INCUMBENT OF THE PARISH CHAPEL. Davies, The Rev. R. H., B.A., 16, Oakley-street. CURATES. Blunt, The Rev. R. Frederick L., A.K.C., 88, Oakley street. Synge, The Rev. F., B.A. Pirkis, Rev. D. A.K.C., _Clerk in Orders_, Selwood-place, Queen’s Elm, Fulham-road. CHURCHWARDENS. Diplock, T. B., M.D., 1, Sydney-st. Shelton, Richard, 22, Halsey-street. AUDITORS. Foy, William, 46, Paultons-square. Richards, George Wevell, 29, Hall, William, 22, Paultons-square. Danvers-street. THE VESTRY. _Representative Member of Metropolitan Board of Works_. Tite, William, Esq., M.P., 42, Lowndes-square. VESTRYMEN. Incumbent, The for the time being. Churchwardens, The No. 1,—OR STANLEY WARD. Breun, J. Cowan, 6, Lower Sloane-st. Potter, Samuel, 5, Oakley-crescent. Foy, William, 46, Paultons-square. Tipper, William, 367, Garner, Th. Betts, 317, Fulham-road. Fulham-road. Hall, William. 22, Paultons-square. Veitch, Jas. Jun., King’s-road, west. Hunt, Henry, 16, New King’s-road. _Auditor_,—Adams, E. Perry, John, 7, Danvers-street. More, 3, New King’s road No. 2,—OR CHURCH WARD. Blazdell, Alexander, 25, Manor-st. Lawrence, William, 141, King’s road Bray, John, 197, King’s-road. Osborne, W. 8, Burton, Edw. Gower, 20, Robert-ter. Queen-street. Callow, John, 41, Queen’s-road west. Oxford, Henry, 40, Riley-street. Cocks, Henry, 39, King’s-road. Richards, Geo. W. 29, Cooke, G. W. Esq., 25, Cheyne-walk. Danvers-street Dancocks, Sam. S. 177, Fulham-road Rope, Robert N. 49, Sloane-street. Doubell, William, 144, King’s-road. Symons, Thomas, 171, Finch, W. N. 181, King’s-road. Fulham-road. Hulse, Robert, 40, Radnor-street. Yapp, George, 83, Oakley-street. _Auditor_,—Layton, Frederick Charle 19, Margaretta-terrace. No. 3,—OR HANS TOWN WARD. Badcock, John, 19, Smith-street. Rhind, William, 189, Sloane-street. Birch, A. F. F. 14, Sloane-street. Slocombe, Thos. 13, Butt, John, 310, King’s-road. Halsey-terrace. Chelsea, Viscount, 28, Lowndes-st. Symons, Elias O., 3, Exeter-street. Collier, Caleb, 209 Sloane-street. Tite, W. Esq., M.P., Compton, James, 1, Smith-street. 42, Lowndes-sq. Fisher, John, 60, Cadogan-place. Thirst, Edward, 11, Halsey-terrace. Gurney, G. E. 1, Marlborough-road. Todd, J., Hopwood, O. T. 195, Sloane-street. Stanley-house, Milner-st. Layton, Thomas, 14, Moore-street. Walker, Charles, 25, Paul, Zacharius, Kensal New Town. Exeter-street. Walker, T. H. 6, Wellington-square. Williams, Wm., Kensal New Town. _Auditor_.—Eisdell, Joseph Salway, 117, Sloane-street. No. 4,—OR ROYAL HOSPITAL WARD. Brookfield, Robt. 5, Cheltenham-ter. Roope, Ch. Jun., 144, Sloane-street. Cattle, W. George, 102, King’s-road. Sansum, William H. Dunkley, Th. 18, Lower Sloane-st. 132, King’s-rd. Leete, John H. 143, Sloane-street. Wain, George, 2, King’s-road. Livingston, Alexander, 8, King’s-rd. Whitehead, H. 7, Mowels, Samuel A. 142, Sloane-st. Whitehead’s-grove. Rabbits, William, 20, Sloane-square. Wright, John, 8, Queen’s-road east. _Auditor_.—Armstrong, Henry Stephen, 92, King’s-road. _Treasurer_.—Hopkinson, Charles, Esq., 3, Regent-street. _Solicitors_.—Lee, Pemberton, & Reeves, 44, Lincoln’s Inn Fields. _Clerk to the Board_.—Lahee, Mr. Chas., Vestry Hall, King’s-road. _Surveyor_.—Pattisson, Mr. Joseph, Vestry Hall, King’s-road. _Medical Officer of Health_.—Barclay, Dr. A. W., Vestry Hall. _Inspector of Nuisances_.—Alder, Mr. Ealand, Vestry Hall. OVERSEERS OF THE POOR. Birch, Abel F. F., 14, Sloane-street. Dancocks, Sam. S. 177, Fulham-rd. Blazdell, Alexander, 25, Manor-st. Tipper, William, 367, Fulham-road. RELIEVING OFFICERS. Rodger, William, (_South District_,), 36 Tubbs, William Upper Manor-street. Thomas, (_North District_), 32, Wellington-square. MEDICAL OFFICERS. Ward, Dr. Martindale, Markham-sq. Dickinson, Mr. T., 33, Sloane-street. Keen, Mr. Thomas, 209, King’s-road. Scatliff, Dr. J. Parr, 132, Sloane st. Brown, Mr. George, Kensal Green. MEDICAL OFFICERS FOR VACCINATION. Ward, Dr. Martindale, Markham-sq. Dickinson, Mr. T., 33, Sloane-street. Keen, Mr. Thomas, 209, King’s-road. Scatliff, Dr. J. Godrich, Mr. F., 12, Sydney-place, Parr, 132, Sloane-st. Fulham-road. Brown, Mr. George, Kensal Green. SUPERINTENDENT REGISTRAR. Diggens, W. L., Office, Chelsea Workhouse. REGISTRARS OF BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Long, Charles S. 4 Rayner-place. Smith, Wm. Clifford, (and of Marriages), Larner, William, 240 King’s road. Exeter-pl. Sloane-street. VESTRY CLERK. Lahee, Charles, Vestry Hall, King’s-road. DEPUTY PARISH CLERK. Sherrell, James, 258, King’s-road. BEADLES, BEING SWORN CONSTABLES. Nelson, R., 2, Marlborough-square. Kirk, Robert, 15 Margaretta terrace. ENGINE KEEPERS. Pigott, William, 1, Arthur-street, Greaves, Charles, 4, _Superintendent_. Duke-street. Adams, Henry, 14A, Symons-street. FIRE ESCAPE CONDUCTORS. OAKLEY SQUARE STATION.—Puzey, Nathaniel, (No. 571,) 30, Cumberland-street, Marlborough-road, Chelsea. SLOANE SQUARE STATION.—McCulloch, Thos., (No. 51,) Willow-cottage, Hart’s-buildings, Westbourne-place. PELHAM CRESCENT STATION.—Rowland, J. D., (No. 73,) 20, Wilton-street, Westminster. KNIGHTSBRIDGE GREEN STATION.—Whatley, Frederick, (No. 15,) 7, Devonshire-place, Park-walk. TURNCOCKS, AND THEIR ASSISTANTS. Cramp T., 11, Upper North-street. Clark, E., 6, St. Mark’s-rd. Fulham-rd Rice, Thos. 11, College-place. Ireland, John, 4, Shuttleworth, J., 15, Milman’s-row. Draycott-street, Cadogan-terrace. Allen, Wm., Jun., 4, First-street. Tilbrook, J., 3, Chapel-pl., Brompton. COLLECTORS OF LAND, ASSESSED, AND PROPERTY TAXES. Oughton, Henry, Pavilion-cottage, New-road, Oughton, Thomas, 119, Sloane-street. Fulham-road. Wing, C., 10, College ter., Bond-st. COLLECTORS OF THE POOR’S RATE. Sarel, S., 16, Chelsea-vil., Fulham-rd. Mayers, W. T., 19, Whitehead’s-grove. Basely, Edward, 47, Paultons-sq. Oughton, Thomas, 119, Fulham-road. COLLECTORS OF THE WATER RATES. Day, William, 2, Beaufort-street. Briscoe, W. C., 9, Parkside, Knightsbridge. DISTRICT INSPECTOR OF GAS WORKS. Pearce, Richard, 192, King’s-road, s.w. DISTRICT SURVEYORS. Wood, S., 10, Robert-terrace, Chelsea. Beachcroft, C., 3, Horbury-terrace, Notting-hill. The Fire Engines and Ladders are kept at the Workhouse, Arthur Street, King’s Road; at the Old Church, by the Waterside; and at the Depôt in Draycott Place. In Case of Fire give immediate notice to the Engine Keepers, William Piggott, Superintendent, 1, Arthur Street, King’s Road; Charles Greaves, 4, Duke Street, Chelsea, near the Old Church; Henry Adams, 14A, Symons Place, Sloane Square; Chief Station, at the Workhouse, Arthur Street, King’s Road. The nearest Fire Escapes are stationed at Oakley Square, Sloane Square, Pelham Crescent, and Knightsbridge Green. BROMPTON VESTRY. CLERKS OF THE VESTRY. Barton Robart Hall, Vestry Clerk, and Clerk to the Trustees. Reuben Green, 21, Lansdowne Road, Notting Hill. SURVEYOR. James Broadbridge, 6, Addison Terrace. TREASURERS AND BANKERS. Messrs. Hopkinson and Knyvett, 3, Regents Street, London. MEDICAL OFFICER OF HEALTH. Francis Godrich, Jun., 1, Sydney Place, Brompton. INSPECTORS OF NUISANCES. Giles Lovett, 4, Horbury Terrace, Notting Hill. George H. Wood, 10, Charles Street, Kensington. COLLECTORS OF RATES. Philip Kirke, 19, Brompton Row. John Manchester, 20, Clarendon Road, Victoria Road, Kensington. Samul C. Kingston, 16, Gloucester Terrace, Campden Hill. Walter S. Mayers, 9, Ladbroke Road, Notting Hill. VESTRYMEN. Archbutt, Samuel, 34, Mould, John Tho., 1, Ovington-sq. Onslow-crescent. Barnes, Th. 15 and 16, Prospect Perkins, C. 28 and 29, place. Michael’s-place. Carver, Jas. Frederick, 1 Gray’s Watts, William, 8, Onslow place. terrace. Edwards, David, 15 Gilston rd. Baines, Math., M.D. 54, Thurloe-sq. Gawtrey, Rob. L. 6 Alfred place-west. Fitch, William, 9, Michael’s-place. Stimpson, Thomas, 1 Brompton-row. Freake, Charles James, Triggs, H. J. 1, Middle Queen’s Cromwell-rd. bdgs. Gutters, George, 24, Thurloe-sq. Walters, James, 3, Brompton-sq. Green, Edward, 28, Wilkins, John Thos. 21 Queen’s-buildings. Alexander-sq. Kendall, James, 36, Brompton-sq. Bass, John, 12, Thistle-grove. Peck, Samuel Burdett 1, Blore, John, 8, Michael’s-place. Brompton-rd. Brown, George, 50, Brompton-row. Scott, Andrew, 3, Onslow-terrace. Heather, John, 25, Turner, Robert, 9, Gray’s-place. Brompton-crescent. Auditor of Accounts, Taylor, Maydwell, Wright, 1, Thomas, 16 Brompton-crescent. Alexander-pl. Strickland, Wm. 30 Michael’s place. PIMLICO AND KNIGHTSBRIDGE VESTRY. RECTOR.—The Rev. Henry Howarth, B.D., 15 Grosvenor Street. THE CHURCHWARDENS. Hope, Thomas Hen. Esq. 115 Camperdown, Earl of, 15 Hill st. Piccadilly. Blore, Charles Henry, 9 Kinnerton Baring, the Hon. and Rev. F. 9 st. Grosvenor-crescent. Chorley, John R. Esq., 76 Chester Dowden, Joseph, 18 Upper Eaton sq. st. Cook, James Boyland, 56 and 57 Fellowes, Edward, Esq., M.P., 3, Upper Ebury st. Belgrave-square. James, Thomas, 36 Denbigh st. Haines, George, Esq., 6 Hobart-place. Meyrick, Stanton Edward, Queen st. Stewart, A. J. R. Esq., 13 Belgrave sq. Phipps, James, 36 Lower Belgrave st. Stocken, Frederick, Halkin st. Smith, Robert George, 35 Ebury Stocken, William, 1 Park-side, st. Hyde-park-corner. Smith, T. B. 8 and 10 Upper Ebury Westerton, Charles, 27 St. st. George’s-place, Hyde-park. Armfield, William, 24 Lower Eaton Whitbread S. Chas. 24 St. st. George’s sq. Bertolacci, F. R. Esq., 5 Bruce, Lord Ernest, 6, St. Cornwall ter, St. George’s rd. George’s pl. Drake, Henry, Esq., 47 Claverton Bagot, Colonel Edward, 34 Eaton ter. sq. Hodges, J. G. Esq., 98, Cambridge Love, Dr. James, 11 Burton st. st. Lloyd, John, 98 Upper Ebury st. Jervis, Captain Henry Jervis White, M.P., 54 St. George’s rd. Pearks, Henry, 34 Lower Belgrave st. Lyon, Henry, 76 Gloucester st. Romilly, C. Esq., 29 Oldershaw, R. P. Esq., 74 Warwick Wilton-crescent. sq. Shepherd, Wm. Esq., 100 Eaton pl. Smith, George Thomas, 21 Warwick st. Vane, Henry M. Esq., 74 Eaton pl. Smith, William A. 90 Denbigh st. Wallace, Martin, 20 St. George’s pl, Knightsbridge. Arnum, Wm. 18 Upper Belgrave pl. Barnett, James Joseph, 28 Chapel Bennett, Joseph, Esq., 70 st, Grosvenor pl. Eccleston sq. Bennett, John, 15 Belgrave st South. Dunkley, Henry T. 17 Queen’s-row. Leeks, Edw. F. Esq., 73 Warwick sq. Hamilton, Captain Henry George, Dennis, Wm. Esq., 106 Cambridge R.N., 71 Eccleston sq. st. Mitchell, William C. 140 Warwick Englefield, Rich., 11 Lower Eaton st. st. Pocock, Thomas Wilmer, Esq., 4 Jackson, William, 1 Denbigh st. Eccleston ter South. Meyrick, Edward Stanton, Queen Webbe, Henry, 2 Lupus st. st. Anwyl, Thomas Eaton Chambers, Mowott, Fras. Esq., 24 St. Lower Belgrave pl. George’s sq. Archbutt, John, 26, Victoria rd. Walton, George, 6 Lower Eaton st. Wray, John, 57 Cambridge st. Auditor of Accounts, Wright, Edward, 97 Upper Ebury st. CHELSEA ANNUAL CHARITIES. £ _s._ _d._ James Levereth’s Request, to be distributed in 14 0 0 sums of 2s. 6d. each to widows in March. Richard Guildford’s Request, in sums of 10s. to 10 0 0 poor parishioners, December 5th. John Gregory’s, in Bread, December 5th. 0 18 9 Samuel Hunter’s, in Bread and Coals, December 5 5 6 5th. Martha Burnsall’s, in sums of 10s. each to poor 10 4 9 parishioners, December 21st. Washington C. W. Ashfield’s, in sums of 20s. to 30 0 0 poor widows, ten years housekeepers, St. Thomas Day Ann Salmon’s, in Bread and Coals, to those that 6 6 0 do not receive alms, December 24th. Judith Cale’s, in sums of 20s. to poor widows, 6 18 0 parishioners, December 24th. John Franklin’s, in Bread and Coals, December, 3 0 0 or January. Catherine Abbott’s, to be equally divided among 8 3 3 six poor women for housekeepers and parishioners, January. Charles Hatchett’s, in Bread, January 2nd. 3 7 4 Thomas Stewart’s, to the Ministers for Preaching 3 0 0 a Sermon, January 5th. Elizabeth D. Denyer’s, in sums of £7. to four 92 0 0 poor Spinsters, repairs of Gravestones, and in Bread. In sums of £11 12 6 to four poor Spinsters, January 6th. Luke Thomas Flood, to deserving boys and girls, 45 0 0 in Parochial Schools, and Clergymen, organist, clerk, and others, and to apprentice one boy and one girl of the Parochial Schools, and in Bread. January 13th. Luke Thomas Flood, in sums of £15 each, to one 30 0 0 man and one woman, not man and wife, and formerly housekeepers, Jan 13. Luke Thomas Flood, vestry room keeper, pew 3 0 0 openers, and others, (to maintain tomb, or in bread) employed during the day, Jan 13. Luke Thomas Flood, for refreshment of nine 12 0 0 Trustees who are annual subscribers of £1. 1s. to the Parochial Schools, and nine suppers for officials employed during the day, January 13th. John Long’s, in Bread, January 14th. 3 11 4 William Gibb’s, in sums of 10s. 6d. to eighteen 18 18 0 poor men, and eighteen poor women, aged sixty, third Sunday in January. Mary Norman’s, in Coals, January 24th. 3 7 2 Edward Cheyne, in Bread, March 16th. 1 2 0 Edward Chamberlain, to masters of Parochial 10 0 0 Schools, £5 for educating 5 poor boys £5, and to apprentice one of such boys to a Waterman £5, Lady-day. POSTAL INTELLIGENCE. SOUTH-WESTERN DISTRICT. (S.W.) This District extends from Charing Cross by the river to Battersea-bridge; and thence to Wimbledon, Kingston, Sunbury, Twickenham, Richmond, Mortlake, Brompton, Knightsbridge, and St. James’s, as far as Piccadilly. CHIEF DISTRICT OFFICE, 8, BUCKINGHAM GATE, PIMLICO, (S.W.) Money Orders are issued and paid at this Office, and inquiries received for misdirected letters, &c. 235. The following are the latest times for posting Letters, &c. at this Office for the London District deliveries. Care should be taken to deposit the letters, &c. in the proper box. Box cleared 5 0 7 15 9 0 10 0 10 15 11 15 at Morning ,, Afternoon 12 15 1 15 2 15 3 15 4 15 5 15 6 15 6 45 TOWN RECEIVING HOUSES AND PILLAR BOXES. Those marked * are Money Order Offices and Savings Banks. PIMLICO DISTRICT, RECEIVING HOUSES. No. 5 Bridge-street. 5 Lupus-street. *7 Broadway. 109 Lupus-street. 55 Cambridge-street. 65 Marsham-street. 8 Chapel-street. *23 Millbank-street. *46 Churton-street. *1 New-street, Vincent-square. *7 Eccleston-street South. *4 Pall-mall, Colonnade. 1 Gillingham-street. *12 Parliament-street. *Haymarket. *1 Ranelagh-terrace. Houses of Parliament. *3 St. James’s-street. 98 Jermyn-street. *161 Sloane-street. *33 Knightsbridge. 179 Sloane-street. 5 Lyall-place. 3 Upper Charles-street. BELGRAVIA DISTRICT. PILLAR BOXES. Albert gate. New Palace Yard. Belgrave-road. Pall-mall. Belgrave-square. Pont-street. Broad Sanctuary. Regent-circus. Carlton House-terrace. Rochester-street. Eaton-square. Stockbridge-terrace. Grosvenor-place. St. George’s-road. Grosvenor-road (Wall-box.) Victoria Railway Station (Letter-box.) Grosvenor-street West. Westmoreland-place. Millbank, Ponsonby-place. Whitehall, Horse Guards. CHELSEA AND BROMPTON DISTRICT. RECEIVING HOUSES. * Queen’s Elms. * Old Brompton. * Brompton-row. * Queen’s-road West. Church-street, Chelsea. Fulham-road, Alexander-place. King’s-road, No. 110. Fulham-road, Clifton-terrace. * King’s-road, No. 131. PILLAR BOXES. Boltons. King’s-road, Britten-terrace. Cadogan Pier, Chelsea. Ovington-square. Chelsea, Marlborough-road. Pelham Crescent. Devonshire-terrace. Rutland-gate. Earl’s Court, Brompton. * Walham Green. GAS CHENDELIERS AND GAS FITTINGS, WHOLESALE, RETAIL, AND FOR EXPORTATION. [Picture: Chandelier] Hall Lanterns, Vestibules, Pendants, Brackets,[Picture: Chandelier] BURNERS, &c. * * * * * WARREN SMITH, MANUFACTORY AND SHOW ROOMS, 66, COLLEGE STREET, CHELSEA, S.W., (Opposite Pelham Crescent, Brompton,) AND AT 3, QUEEN’S ROAD, BAYSWATER, (Five doors down from Kensington Gardens). * * * * * Gas Fitters & Plumbers’ Brasswork BEST WELDED IRON BARREL, Composition and Brass Tubes. _The Cheapest House in London for_ _Plain and Cut Gas Glasses_. BATH, HOT WATER, AND STEAM FITTINGS. Price Lists on Application. A Large Stock of Shop and Factory Fittings always ready. PLANS AND ESTIMATES FOR LIGHTING PUBLIC OR PRIVATE BUILDINGS IN TOWN OR COUNTRY. Experienced Workmen sent to all parts on the shortest notice. _Burners and Fittings in Mansions and Public Buildings kept in Order by Contract_. * * * * * S. W. MOSS, Cabinet Maker, Upholsterer, and Undertaker, 187, YORK HOUSE, FULHAM ROAD, * * * * * _An extensive and well-seasoned Stock of New and Second hand Furniture_. Bronze and Iron Bedsteads of every description. Houses Furnished throughout at the Shortest Notice. * * * * * SULPHUR. NO MORE ERUPTIONS ON THE SKIN.—A. MOLLARD’S Perfumed Toilet Sulphur Soap and Sulphur Cream are entirely free from any unpleasant Smell, and are sovereign remedies against local or chronic cutaneous eruptions, rheumatism, pains in the joints, &c. The Sulphur Cream possesses all the properties of the renowed “Barege Waters for baths,”—recommended by the most eminent physicians. Prospectuses and testimonials on application. Sold Wholesale and Retail by Messrs. Newbery and Sons, 45, St. Paul’s-church-yard; Barclay and Sons, 95, Farringdon-street; T. Keating, 79, St. Paul’s-church-yard; Districhsen and Hannay, 63, Oxford-street; G. Jozeau, 49, Haymarket; P. A. Gerard, 390, Strand; Bainbridge and Pound, 60 Leather-lane; Bosley and Coleman, Chemists, 26, Brompton-row, and at the Depot, 2, Rupert-street, Coventry-street, W. * * * * * B. ARMSTRONG, FAMILY, DISPENSING & CONSULTING CHEMIST. OPPOSITE MARKHAM SQUARE, KING’S ROAD, CHELSEA. * * * * * _PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY DISPENSED_. _N.B. All Chemicals and Drugs carefully selected from the first wholesale houses in London_, _and warranted of the choicest quality_. * * * * * J. C. SAWYER, STATIONER AND BOOKSELLER, 323, FULHAM ROAD, _Near the Gilston Road_, _West Brompton_. * * * * * Repository for all kinds of Berlin and Fancy Articles. A large and cheap assortment of Photographic Albums, Carte de Visite Portraits, and all the materials for the new art of Decolcomania, with instructions for the same. _Noted House for Foreign Postage Stamps of every nation_. CATALOGUE, ALBUMS, &c. LIBRARY IN CONNEXION WITH MUDIE’S, AND SMITH & Co. REGISTRY FOR SERVANTS. * * * * * MACMICHAEL’S LIBRARY, 207, KING’S ROAD, CHELSEA. ESTABLISHED 1847. In connexion with MUDIE’S, also with the united LIBRARIES of BOOTHS, CHURTON’S, SAUNDERS and OTLEY’S, Regent-street, and the LIBRARY COMPANY, 30, St. James’s-square. Residents in South Kensington, Brompton, and Chelsea, may obtain all the advantages of a First Class Library, by subscribing for any of the following Terms:— 1 Vol. 2 Vols. 4 Vols. 6 Vols. Annual 0 10 6 1 1 0 1 16 6 2 7 6 Subscription Half-Yearly 0 12 6 1 1 0 1 10 0 Quarterly 0 7 6 0 12 6 0 17 6 Monthly 0 3 6 0 5 6 0 7 6 Weekly 0 1 0 0 2 0 0 3 0 _All New Books_, _and exchangeable at pleasure_. J. M. begs to call the attention of the Gentry to the above REDUCED SCALE of SUBSCRIPTIONS to his Library. THE LARGEST COLLECTION IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF Original Carte de Vesite Portraits, By KILBURN, SILVY, MAYALL, and Others. Also, Album Portraits of all the Local Clergy, &c., &c., &c. PORTRAIT ALBUMS, from 2s. 6d. to £2 2s. _An Extensive Assortment of Gift Books suitable for Prizes_, _Presents_, _or New Year’s Gifts_. Hymn Books, as used at St. Paul’s Church, Onslow-sq. 6d. each and upwards All the Works of the Rev. Capel Molyneux kept in stock. MUSIC AT HALF PRICE. BOOKBINDING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Note Paper, 6d., 1s. 6d., 2s. and 3s. per packet of Five Quires. Envelopes, 6d., 9d., 1s., and 1s. 6d. per 100. Black Bordered Note, 6d. per quire. Ditto Envelopes 1s. 6d. per 100. Depot for De La Rue’s Note Paper and Envelopes. NEWSPAPER AND ADDRESS OFFICE. DUTY OFF PLAYING CARDS. De La Rue’s Cards from 1s. per pack. * * * * * INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. (From the STANDARD and MORNING HERALD, Dec. 26, 1862.) In the balance sheet, one of the most satisfactory items will be the shilling and 2s. 6d. day tickets, which sold remarkably well. _One agent alone_, Macmichael’s Library, of 207, King’s Road, Chelsea, who was the first to take the matter up, disposed of over £5,000 worth of day and season tickets, which numbered upwards of one hundred thousand. * * * * * _Agent for the Sale of Tickets for the Monday Popular Concerts and the National_ _Harp Concerts at St. James’s Hall_. * * * * * W. G. CATTLE & Co. {12} CIGARS by the BOX, containing over 100 in number, from 9s. 6d. SNUFFS, very choice, our own and Foreign Manufacture. TOBACCOS, of the finest quality imported. N.B. A famous and delicious SMOKING MIXTURE, that will not blister the mouth, 7_s._ 6_d._ per lb. * * * * * Address W. G. CATTLE & Co, 102, KING’S ROAD, CHELSEA, S.W. * * * * * W. ATKINSON, TAILOR AND TROUSERS MAKER, 56, WALTON STREET, BROMPTON. IN expressing his acknowledgement for the support he has hitherto received, begs to inform his Customers and the Inhabitants generally of the neighbourhood, that he continues to furnish the best materials, made up in a fashionable and elegant style, at a moderate scale of charges; and begs to assure those who may entrust him with their commands, that every attention shall be paid to their wishes. _Liveries and Juvenile Clothing on the shortest notice_. * * * * * R. BIRD FRENCH DYER & FINISHER, HOT PRESSER, &C., 33, LOWER SLOANE STREET, CHELSEA. * * * * * Feathers Cleaned or Dyed as in Paris. Moire Silks Dyed and Re-watered. Satins Dyed and Embossed, or Finished Plain, Shawls, Silks, Dresses, Gloves, &c., Cleaned and Dyed. Chintz Furniture Cleaned and Glazed. Bed and Window Curtains of every description Cleaned and Dyed. Blacks Dyed every Week. Gloves and Ribbons Cleaned Twice a Week. ESTABLISHED 1849. * * * * * DAY’S RESTORATIVE ESSENCE, A preventive of Indigestion, Spasms, Flatulence, Diarrhœa, Cramp, Cholera, Cholic, Neuralgia, Nervous Depression, &c. Invaluable to Military and Naval Gentlemen, Travellers, Sportsmen, &c., also to Public Speakers and Vocalists for preserving the Voice. In stamped Bottles, 2_s._ 9_d._ and 11_s._ each. CAUTION.—Please to observe the written Signature (CHARLES DAY), upon the Government Stamp, without which none is genuine. DOSE.—For Adults, from one dessert spoonful to two table spoonfuls. Dose, for Children, from half a teaspoonful to two tea spoonfuls, according to age. This preparation can be taken either with or without the addition of water. The proportion of a table spoonful to a bottle of Soda or Seltzer Water, forms a most refreshing and invigorating draught. _Mr. DAY was elected_, _by examination_, _and for many years Dispenser_, _at the King’s College and Middlesex Hospitals_; _he can_, _therefore_, _with confidence_, _offer this Preparation as a boon to the public_. Prepared only by CHARLES DAY, Family Chemist, 24, Sloane Street, Lowndes Square, S.W. * * * * * CONFIDENT LIFE ASSURANCE AND Loan Company, Limited. ESTABLISHED 1855. * * * * * CAPITAL, £100,000. * * * * * Chief Office: 13, FINSBURY PLACE SOUTH, LONDON, E.C. * * * * * All kinds of Assurance and Annuity Business transacted. _Seventy per Cent. of the Profits divided amongst the_ _Insurers every fifth year_. POLICIES MADE PAYABLE DURING THE LIFETIME OF THE INSURER. * * * * * SICK POLICIES Guaranteeing from 5s. to £1 per week during Sickness. _Stamp and Medical Fees paid by the Company_. * * * * * LOANS Are granted in connexion with Life Assurance, at a moderate rate of interest. G. W. GIDLEY LAKE, SECRETARY. ACTIVE AGENTS WANTED. * * * * * SMITH’S STEAM BAKERY, 1, GROVE TERRACE, BROMPTON. * * * * * _Report on the Bread made by Mr. SMITH_, _by_ DR. HASSELL. I hereby certify that I have examined several samples of Bread purchased at the Establishment of Mr. SMITH, of No. 1, GROVE TERRACE, BROMPTON. I found them to be made of Flour of excellent Quality, to be free from Alum, and to be PERFECTLY GENUINE. * * * * * The Bread manufactured by W. SMITH was furnished to Messrs. F. E. MORRISH & Co., Refreshment Contractors at the Great International Exhibition, and will serve as an interesting record of the unprecedented consumption in that department, and the satisfactory quality of the Bread supplied, which was as follows: Household Bread, 200,000 lbs. French Loaves, 24,125 lbs. Sandwich do. 67,600 „ Brown do. 1,530 „ Dinner Rolls, 210,000 lbs. * * * * * W. SMITH, COOK, CONFECTIONER, AND BISCUIT BAKER, 37, BROMPTON ROW, S.W. * * * * * Wedding Breakfasts, Tea Parties, & Ball Suppers supplied by Contract. * * * * * _ICES_, _JELLIES_, _BLANCMANGES_, _CUSTARDS_, _&c._ DESSERT AND LUNCHEON CAKES. _Rich Wedding_, _Sponge_, _Pound and Madeira Cakes_, _made to order_. * * * * * REFRESHMENT ROOMS. * * * * * T. JONES, TRUSS & BANDAGE MAKER, ARTIFICIAL LIMBS, ETC., 35, SLOANE STREET, LONDON, S.W. * * * * * _Elastic Stockings_, _Knee Caps_, _&c. Waterproof Sheeting_. _Air and_ _Water Cushions_. _Enemas_, _Injection Bottles_, _Urinals_, _&c._ Crutches, Armslings. Instruments Repaired. Charities supplied. IMPROVED INVALID FEEDING TUBES. Ladies attended by Mrs. Jones. * * * * * Good Tea. James Wells, 4b, Sloane Street, Ten Doors from Knightsbridge. * * * * * Umbrellas, Parasols, & Walking Sticks. H. C. PRINCE, UMBRELLA, PARASOL, AND _WALKING-STICK MANUFACTURER_, 147, FULHAM ROAD, BROMPTON. * * * * * _Umbrellas and Parasols Recovered and Repaired_. _Walling Sticks_ _Dressed and Mounted_. * * * * * S. W. PASKELL, Liner, Cleaner, and Restorer of Old Pictures, 1, GLOUCESTER ROAD, OLD BROMPTON. * * * * * Gilding in all its branches. New Frames to Order. Old ones Re-gilt equal to New. * * * * * S. W. PASKELL begs to thank his Patrons for their liberal support, and assures them that all Pictures entrusted to him will be done with the greatest care, S. W. P. having had great experience for the last 25 years. * * * * * ESTABLISHED 1826. * * * * * DUNKLEY’S Cheapest House in London for GENTLEMENS’ BOOTS & SHOES, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, OF THE FIRST QUALITY. * * * * * DUNKLEY’S NOTED HOUSE, 17, QUEEN’S ROW, PIMLICO, FOR Ladies’ Fashionable Boots and Shoes OF EVERY KIND. * * * * * DUNKLEY’S CELEBRATED HOUSE FOR Youths’, Young Ladies’, and Childrens’ BOOTS AND SHOES, _In Immense Variety_, _at the very Lowest Prices_. * * * * * FOR TENDER FEET, The Softest of French Calf Kid Boots, DURABLE, PLIANT, AND HANDSOME. * * * * * DUNKLEY’S GOLDEN BOOT, 17, QUEEN’S ROW, PIMLICO, S.W., OPPOSITE BUCKINGHAM PALACE. * * * * * _Merchants_, _Captains_, _and Schools Supplied on Liberal Terms_ THE CHELSEA COURT GUIDE. Aberall Mrs. 29 Wellington st Abrahams John, 18 Chelsea villas Acton Lady, 105 Sloane st Acton Madame, 8 Halsey st Adams Mrs. 2 Cheltenham ter Adams W. 20 Danvers st Paulton’s sq Adeney Edwd. 8 Markham sq Ainsley Capt. 45 Hans pl Alchin W. T. 13 Whithead grove Alexander Miss, 115 Sloane st Alexander Rev. Thos. M.A.., 1 Rayner pl Allen Jos. 51A Paulton’s sq Allen Alfred, 54 Paulton’s sq Allet Wm. 43 Paulton’s sq Alsbury G. 39 Sydney st Ambler Thomas B. surveyor, 10 Oakley sq Amos G. 29 Sydney st Anderson Miss, 41 Smith st Anderson Mrs. 19 Royal Avenue ter Andrews Mrs. 9 Lincoln st. Angel W. Edwd. 19 Chelsea villas Appleton James, 6 Park rd Archer Rev. Dr. 18 Hans pl Archer T. D. 18 Hans pl Armer Mrs. 10 Markham sq Armsby Miss, 133 Sloane st Armstrong Miss, 27 King’s rd Arnaud Madame, 15 Whitehead grove Arnold Mrs. 58 Sydney st Arthur Dr. J. 1 Robert st Artis Mrs. M. 66 Sydney st Ashworth William, 18 Stanley st Aspin John, 35 Halsey st Astell, Mrs. 9 Oxford ter Atkinson Mrs. 5 Oakley sq Attreed George, 45 Halsey st Attreed William, 38 Halsey st Austain Miss M. 6 Oakley sq Austin R. 51 Stanley st Austin W. W. 17 Danvers st Paulton’s square Baber Rev. H. 8 St. Leonard terrace Backhouse Mrs. 28 Hans pl. Badger Rev. Alb. M.A., 11 Gunter’s gr Bagwell J. 17 Royal Avenue ter Bailey & Child, solicitors 51 Sloane st Bailey L.C., R.N., 3 Durham pl Bailey A. Esq. 40 Hans pl Bainbridge Mrs. 28 Wellington st Bainbridge Artnur, 17 Margaretta ter Baker William 158 Sloane st Baker Edmund, 14 Whitehead grove Balch Henry, 38 Smith st. Balcolm John, 9 Stanley villas Baldry Mrs. 1 Oakley sq Banbee R. 42 Beaufort st Banks Misses, 1 Barossa pl Bannester James, 11 Trafalgar sq Barker Henry, 1 Stanley villas Barker William, 6 Stanley villas Barkley C. William, 7 Paulton’s sq Barley William, 17 Walpole st Barnard William, 17 Princes st Bartholomew Charles, 29 Walpole st Bartlett Capt. 10 Glo’ster ter Barrable Mr. artist, 162 Sloane st Barrard Mrs. 2 Rayner pl Barrie William, 19 Moore st Barrell Mrs. 12 Milner st Barrow Mrs. 23 Hemus ter Barry Francis, 11 Park walk Basley E. Henry, 5 Bolton pl. Upper Church st Bartlett John, 9 Cadogan ter Bassan Geo. 2 Paulton’s sq Batchelor Mrs. 8 Paulton’s sq Batt Rev. C. Cadogan ter Batten John, 27 Milner st Batten Henry, 4 Oakley crescent n. Batten John, 27 Milner st Bawkwell Miss E. 31 Stanley st Baynon Miss, 9 Margaretta ter Beach Mrs. 24 Moore st Beard Edwd. 44 Smith st Bean Miss, 57 Sydney st Becker John, 7 Victoria grove Bedford Wm. R. 4 Manor st Beggi Dr. 12A Hobury st Bell Mrs. 61 Sloane st Benson Wm. B. 2 St. Leonard ter Benson Thos. 37 Stanley st Bentey John, artist, 128 Sloane st Benturi Sebastian, 1 Albion ter Bennett Miss, 87 Sloane st Bennet Athr. J. 81 Walton st. Ovington sq Bennett Ch. 16 Oakley crescent south Berh W. H. 21 Park walk Bernard Col. 35 Hans pl Bertram Mrs. 151 Sloane st Berry Geo. 55 Paulton’s sq. King’s rd Berry Miss C. E. 31 Walpole st Betts Chas. 12 St. Leonard ter Bickers Henry, 3 Victoria grove Bickers Charles, 135 Sloane st Biddle Mrs. 18 Royal Avenue ter. King’s rd Bilin P. 107 Sloane st Birch Henry, 5 Durham pl Birkhead Mr. 34 Hans pl Bishop Hen. 10 Charles st. Fulham rd Black John, 8 Victoria grove Black Mrs. 11 Hemus ter. King’s rd Blackburn B. Esq. 25 Hans pl Blencow Mrs. 17 Park walk Blogg William, 11 Smith st Bloomfield Richard, 14 Shawfield st Blomfield Miss, 14 Royal Avenue ter Boileau Wm. P. 2 Shawfield st Boner Francis, 13 Moore st Boon John, 11 Strewan pl Boning R. 16 Wellington st Bontein Frederick, 16 Gunter’s grove Bonney, Elm House 6 Upper Church st Bostwick John, 44 Markham sq Botton John, 29 Moore st Bottin Wm. 10 Hemus ter Bowden J. 50 Stanley st Bowman Mrs. 13 Limerston st Boucher Henry, 47 Halsey st Boyd John, Argyle House 211 King’s rd Boys Mrs. 51 Sydney st Boor Edward, 6 South parade Booz Mrs. 12 Victoria grove Braybrook Dr. 8 Park rd east Brett Geo. 11 Cadogan ter Brewster Mrs. 12 Stanley villas Breese Alfred Smith, 17 Milner st Briant Mrs. 4 Smith st Brigg Wm. 1 Victoria grove Briggs E. T. 90 Sloane st Briggs T. 41 Hans pl Brimble E. 33 Stanley st Briskey Miss, 22 Sydney st Briskham Benjamin, 15 Paulton’s King’s rd Brittein J. K. 46 Sydney st Britten Jas. A. 18 Shawfield st Broadbelt Mrs. 10 Smith st Brodrick Mrs. 21 Chelsea villas Brown Mrs. 12 Paulton’s sq Browne Stephen C.E. 32 Sydney st Brown Mrs. 24 Hans pl Brown John, 8 & 9 Hans pl Brown Dr. Ch. Gage, surgeon, 88 Sloane st Browne Rev. T. Cadogan ter Brown Charles, 266 King’s rd Brown Miss, 17 Gunter’s grove Brook Arthur, 13 Smith st Brooks, 9 Halsey st Brooks Henry, 274 King’s rd Brooks Henry, 8 Oakley crescent sth Brookfield Robert, 5 Cheltenham ter Bruciani Monsieur, Bella Cottage Whitehead grove. Bryant, E. 13 Stanley st. Buck Miss, 16 Smith st Buckmaster J. 17 Beaufort st Budd George, 12 Milner ter Bulkley Wilford, 17 Chelsea villas Bull John, 18 Stanley villas Bulley Mrs. 99 Sloane st Bulling Thomas John, 10 Halsey ter Bullock Dr. 12 Manor st. Bunce Miss, 85 Sloane st Bunn Mrs. 16 Halsey ter Burch Mrs. 15 Sloane st Burgess Rev. R., Rector, 9 Sloane ter Burgess Philip, 2 Crawfield villas Oakley sq Burke Walter, R.N. 1 Park rd Burnett Mrs. 5 Rayner pl Burnell Mrs. Henry, 84 Oakley st Burnham John, 12 Cheyne row Burton E. G. 20 Robert ter Buryn J. B. Esq. 19 Hans pl Burrage R. Ivy Lodge, 2 Up. Church st Burrell Mrs. 11 Moore st Burrows Mrs. 3 Limerston st Busher Edward, 11 St. Leonard ter Butler Mrs. 59 Sydney st Buxton H. W. 2 Sydney st Byford Thomas, 8 Trafalgar sq Calthorpe Hon. S. 43 Lowndes sq Campbell Mrs. 22 Oxford ter Campbell Mrs. 11 Wellington st Campbell Mrs. 51 Hans pl Campbell Rev. John, 22 Victoria gr Campbell William, 24 Hemus ter Candiash Charles R. 11 Oakley crescent north Cant Thomas, 5 Lincoln st Carlyle Thomas, 5 Cheyne row Carr Thomas, 24 Whitehead grove Carter Capt. G. J. 1 Shawfield st Carter Mrs. 17 Moore st Carter Mrs. E. C. 6 Milner ter Cartwright Wm. 1 Margaretta ter Catchpole Henry, 8 Gloster ter Cattermole John, 7 Archbutt ter Manor st Cawx G. 34 Beaufort st Chalmer Mrs. 4 Cheyne row Chamberlain Edward, 3 Archbutt ter Manor st Chamberlain Edward A. 22 Margaretta ter Chambers Walter Henry, 7 Cheyne row Chapman J. 54 Stanley st Chapman W. 9 Robert ter Chatfield Mrs. 76 Sloane st Cheal Robert, 276 King’s rd Cherbonneau L. 20 Wellington st Chisholm Robert, 2 Bolton pl. Upper Church st Chickin John, 22 Royal Avenue ter King’s rd Child J. H. solicitor, 2 Halsey ter Clunie Mrs. 3 Robert st Clare Mrs. 48 Paulton’s sq Clark Geo. 2 Moore st Clark Hen. Jas. 1 Gunters grove Clark Mrs. 43 Markham sq Clark Mrs. 15 Margaretta ter Clark W. F. 6 Stanley st Clarke J. 4 Royal Avenue ter King’s rd Clarke Jn. 61 Walton st. Ovington sq Clarke Hen. Jn. 19 South Parade Clarke Capt. Wm. 26 Hans pl Claridge Jn. Esq. 1C Limerston st Clarkson Joseph, 10 Hans pl Claxton Capt. Oakley Cottage, 12 Upper Cheyne rd Clayter Thos. 1 Hemus ter Clayton Chas. 39 Smith st Clifford Mrs. 21 Robert ter Clifford Mrs. 16 Stanley st Clulow Jn. 56 Oakley sq Cockerill W. J. 7 Chelsea villas Coker Mrs. 3 Park road east Cole Mrs. B. 9 Walpole st Cole C. 53 Stanley st Cole Mrs. 19 Danvers st. Paulton’s sq Cole Wm. 44 Halsey st Coleman H. 79 Walton st. Ovington sq Collie Henry, 1 Upper Cheyne row Collins Ch. R. 33 Moore st Collins John, 13 Oxford ter Collins Wm. 22 Beaufort st Compton Alfred, 9 Milner ter Cook James, 40 Halsey st Cook J. D. 2 Phene st Cook Thurston, 28 Chelsea villas Cooling Thomas A. 2 Manor st Coombe Mrs. 1 Trafalgar sq Coombes Mrs. 5 Shawfield st Cooper Mrs. 78 Sloane st Cooper Mrs. 73 Sloane st Corbyn William, 9 Limerston st Cornell Samuel, 16 Whitehead grove Courtney Frederick, 7 Park rd east Cousins Mrs. 10 Royal Avenue ter. King’s rd Cowmeadow William, 77 Sloane st Cox R. 35 Wellington st Cox Wm. Upper George st. Sloane sq Crammon Mrs. 4 Sydney st Crickmay Arthur W. 10 Green’s row Crickmay William, 34 Walpole st Crisp Dr. 278 King’s rd Croft Edwin, 94 Sloane st Croker Arthur, 18 Danvers st. Paulton’s sq Cromar Edward, 21 Danvers st. Paulton’s sq Cromar R. 19 Wellington st Cross J. 15 Sydney st Cross Rebecca, 25 Milner st Crossley Frank, 2 Archbutt ter. Manor st Cuddon Francis, 13 Cadogan ter Cuff Chs. 2 Royal Avenue ter Cumming Mrs. 33 Hans pl Custance Capt. N. 8 Hobury st Cuthbertson Chs. 24 Margaretta ter Cuthbertson John, 18 Walpole st Cuthbertson T. 23 Wellington st D’Alback W. 56 Sydney st Dagnall G. 13 Beaufort st Dales C. 7 Beaufort st Darbyshire George, 23 Walpole st Darsey Mrs. 25 Danvers st. Paulton’s sq Davidson C. 12 Hemus ter. King’s rd Davies E. C. 38 Hans pl Davis John, 33 Paulton’s sq. Davis Mrs. 1 Phene st Davis Mrs. W. A. 19 Victoria grove Davis T. H. 4 Park rd east Day William, 2 Beaufort st Dayrell Capt. 42 Hans pl Debois Monsieur, 18 Gunter’s grove Deburgh H. 32 Hans pl Deherzeele Mrs. 7 Albion ter Delacrousse Mrs. 18 Smith st Denfort, 15 Hobury st Dennis Sullivan, 28 Moore st Denyer Mrs. Mary, 27 Paulton’s sq De Pasquiuer, 14 Chelsea villas Diggens W. L. 4 Trafalgar sq Dick Matthew, 16 Park walk Dickins Mrs. 16 Royal Avenue ter Dickinson Thos. surgeon, 33 Sloane st Dickinson Wm. surgeon, 37 Sloane st Dickson Edward, 3 Rayner pl Dickson Mrs. 7 Stanley st Dike Mrs. G. 16 Beaufort st Dilke, Sir C. Wentworth, Bart. 76 Sloane st Diplock Dr. M.D. 10 Up. Cheyne row Dix Joseph, 10 Stanley villas Doll Christian P. 79 Sloane st Done Miss, 19 Walpole st Dore Wm. 31 Sydney st Doswell J. F. 44 Sydney st Dove Alexr. Jas. 2 Hobury st Dovers Geo. 3 Park road Dover P. E. 52 Stanley st Downing J. H. 33 Beaufort st Downing Mrs. 74 Sloane st Dowlin Joseph, 4 Walpole st Dremel Augustus, 4 Durham pl Drury Rupert, surg. dent. 93 Sloane st Dudjarden Mr. 41 Markham sq Drummund William J. 63 Walton st. Ovington sq Duncan Thomas, 13 Paulton’s sq Dunning Chas. 8 Robert ter Durham Mrs. 6 Manor st Dyer, Capt. H. R.N. 14 Halsey ter Eagar William, 7A Oakley crescent n. Eales Mrs. 14 Oxford ter Earle T. 1 Victoria ter. Beaufort st Eaton H. 37 Sydney st Edis Walter, artist, 91 Sloane st Edmunds Matthew, 2 Sussex villas Edwards Henry, 6 Milner st Eidell Joseph S. 117 Sloane st Ellis James, 23 Halsey st Elliott Capt. Amyard, 29 Cadogan pl Ellis Mrs. William, 46 Cadogan pl Elliot the Hon. Mrs. 29 Cadogan pl Ellis Robert, surgeon, 63 Sloane st Elways Capt. William, 22 Hans pl Engelback L. 26 Paulton’s sq. Kg’s rd English W. 17 Wellington st Emms N. 14 Margaretta ter Eppy C. W. 25 Beaufort st Erswell Francis, 10 Oakley crescents Etheridge Robt. 19 Halsey st Evans John, 15 Chelsea villas Evans W. 23 Stanley st Everingham Mrs. 14 South parade Everington, 15 Wellington st Ewen Edwin, 7 South parade Fairhurst John, 7 Markham sq Falkard Harry, 42 Markham sq Farley Mrs. 8 Bolton pl. Up. Church st Farmer Edmund, 102 Sloane st Farr G. surgeon, 34 Wellington st Farr John, 21 Halsey st Farren George, 18 Whitehead grove Farrier Robert, 2 Hemus ter. King’s rd Fasson Mrs. 10 St. Leonard ter Faulkner John, 37 Halsey st Fauxs Mrs. 12 Manor st Fawcett George, 11 South parade Fawsett Mr. 12 Moore st Faxon Samuel Walton, M.R.C.S. 155 Marlborough road Fell George, 10 Paulton’s sq King’s rd Fell W. T. 11 Stanley st Fenton Mrs. 1 Manor st Ferguson Thomas, 5 New King’s rd Ferris T. D. 18 Moore st Fessey John, Whitehead grove Field C. F. 5 Stanley villas Fielders John Henry, Nelson lodge Fife Thomas, 6 Hobury st Fildes Miss C. 7 Sydney st Filler Mrs. 3 Sloane ter Finch, Hobury House, Hobury st Finch W. D. 32 Smith st. King’s rd Fendon W. 15 Stanley st Fisher S. J. 11 Hans pl Fisher L. 11 Hans pl Fisher Mrs. J. S. 36 Oakley st Fisher Mrs. 24 Walpole st Fitzgerald Lord, 47 Sloane st Fitzgerrald Mr. 5 Walpole st Fitzpatrick John, 9 Park rd Fitzwater Chas. 4 Sloane ter Fitzwilliam Mrs. Edwd. 4 Victoria gr Floris Mrs. 16 Sydney st Flowerday Mrs. 23 Sydney st Foile Mrs. 26A Danvers st. Paulton’s sq Foley Geo. 5 South parade Foot J. 35 Stanley st Forbes, 11 Milner st Forbes Miss, 80 Sloane st Forckler W. Y. 3 Wellington st Ford R. 56 Stanley st Forest Geo. 19 Gunter’s grove Forster Thos. 2 Stanley villas Foster Edw. Oakley Cotge, 259 K’s rd Foulks Edm. S. 86 Sloane st Fountain Mr. 11 Paulton’s sq. Foy William, 46 Paulton’s sq. French Charles 1 Seymour ter Frair J. R. 47 Hans pl Freed C. 14 Stanley st Freeman Jos. L. 83 Walton st. Ovington sq Freer Mrs. 83 Sloane st Frost Mrs. 8 Hemus ter. King’s rd Fuge Mrs. Oakley ter Fuge Thomas, 3 St. Leonard ter Furness Miss, 35 Paulton’s sq. Fussett J. 31 Wellington st Gales John, 6 Oakley crescent south Garden, Mrs. 27A Beaufort st Gardener Mrs. 9 Bolton place, Upper Church st Gardner G. F. 21 Stanley st Garnell Miss, 9 Walpole st Garrard Rev. S. G. M.A. 3 South parade Garratt Mrs. 12 Hobury st Garth T. 30 Hans pl Gattie George, 14 Manor st Gatty F. 27 Sydney st Gauntlett Mr. 5 Manor st Gerard Edward, 12 Walpole st Geary, Mrs. Capt. Henry, Whitehead gr Gerlach, photographer, 10 Oxford ter Germain L. professor of music, 18 Gloucester grove west Gibbs John, 6 Halsey terrace Gibbs Richard, 7 Lincoln st Gibson W. 1 Wellington st Gilbert John, 3 Beaufort st Gilbert Mrs. 17 Sydney st Giles Edward, 10 Park walk Gilpin Miss, 16 Walpole st Glaister James, 6 Smith st. King’s rd Glassington Miss M. 43 Sydney st Glancy E. 2 Rose cottage, Albion ter Godward W. 11 Salamanca ter. Upper Church st Godwell, 30 Margaretta ter Godwin John, 7 Park place south Gold R. T. 21 Sloane ter Golding C. 48 Stanley st Gompertz Misses, 11 Sloane ter Giovanotti Miss Emérance Maria Théresa, 12 Oakley crescent north Good John, 19 Danvers st. Paulton’s sq Gordon G. 42 Stanley st Gordon Mrs. 28 Walpole st Gore, 4 Beaufort st Gosset C. R.N. 41 Paulton’s sq. Gould John, 1 Crawfield villas, Oakley sq. King’s rd Gould Mrs. 290 King’s rd Gould Robert Thomas, 21 Sloane ter Gouldsmith S. W. 35 Markham sq Grafton Hen. C.E. 16 Oakley st Graham Mrs. 16 Park road Grain Thos. 4 Crawfield villas, Oakley sq. Grant Mrs. 121 Sloane st Green James, 15 Gunter’s grove Green Miss, 5 Smith st. King’s rd Green Mrs. 5 Paulton’s sq. King’s rd Green Wm. 21 Charles st. Fulham rd Gregory H. 57 Stanley st Greig Sir Hector, K.C.M.G. 21 Hans pl Grenhuber Mrs. 10 Hobury st Grey Mrs. 9 Hemus ter. King’s rd Griffiths, 18 Victoria grove Griffiths Mrs. 7 Cheltenham ter Grover J. 6 Robert ter Guest Dr. 20 Halsey st Guest W. H. 6 Albion ter Gunning Miss, 13 St. Leonard’s ter Gunning Mrs. 9 Trafalgar sq Gurney Goldsworthy, 42 Paulton’s sq King’s rd Hack G. 47 Stanley st Haden F. Seymr. F.R.C.S. 62 Sloane st Haims the Misses, 6 Hans pl Hale Miss, 15 Manor st Hall Dr. 9 Sydney st Hall F. Thos, 13 Salamanca ter. Upper Church st Hall J. 46 Stanley st Hall Miss, 20 Sloane ter Hall Mrs. 9 Chelsea villas Hall Mrs. Louisa, 23 Oxford ter Hall William, 22 Paulton’s sq King’s rd Halls John, 28 Danvers st Paulton’s sq Hamilton Geo. Park rd Hammond Mrs. 12 Salamanca ter Upper Church st Hamon Peter G. 81 Sloane st Hampton C. J. Vine Cotge. Beaufort st Hampton E. C. 38 Hans pl Hanison Mrs. 11 Walpole st Hard A. 3 Stanley st Hardy William, 8A Oakley crescent n. Hare Alex. school, 92 Sloane st Hare J. 8 Sydney st Harrington Nicholas, Cleves lodge, Upper Church st Harris Chas. 26 Margaretta ter Harris John, 120 Sloane st Harrison Chas. R. 54 Sloane st Harrison Mrs. Elizabeth 49 Paulton’s sq. King’s rd Harrison Mrs. 15 Robert ter Harrison Jn. N. 7 Bolton pl. Upper Church st Harrison W. 9 Beaufort st Hart Henry, 9 Park pl south Hart James, 34 Smith st. King’s rd Hartley J. J. 5 Sydney st Harvey Charles. 40 Smith st. King’s rd Harvey Geo. 16 Stanley villas Harvey Sidney, 2 Green’s row Harwood Mrs. 58 Oakley sq. King’s rd Hatchett Thomas, 9 Gloster ter Hattey George, 4 Shawfield st Hawkins Mrs. 77 Walton st. Ovgtn sq Hay Geo. G. 127 Sloane st Hay Mrs. 18 Sydney st Hayne E. 19 Stanley st Hayward Wm. 20 Chas. st. Fulham rd Hazleton Wm. 24 Wellington st Heath Mrs. 12 South parade Hempson Wm. 46 Halsey st Hempton James R. 13 Manor st Henry William, 9 Moore st Herbert F. solicitor, 20 Royal Avenue ter. King’s rd Herman W. Robert, 6 Durham pl Herpet John, 6 Royal Avenue ter. King’s rd Hewlett, Oakley villa, King’s rd Hiam Mr. 6 Hans pl Hickman John, 11 Oakley crescent s. Hill Mrs. 7 Hobury st Hinde William T. 7 Manor st Hitchen W. 49 Smith st. King’s rd Hodgson James, 15 Oxford ter Hogarth, 10 South parade Holinyard James, 9 Halsey ter Holloway Thomas, 17 Stanley villas Holmes Charles, 3 Albion ter Honey Mrs. 262 King’s rd Hooper James C. 30 Walpole st Hooper George, 5 Park pl Hooker Miss Kate, 47 Paulton’s sq. King’s rd Hope J. 39 Stanley st Hopewell B. S. surgeon, 12 Beaufort st Hopkins Edward, 118 Sloane st Hopkins Mrs. 119 Sloane st Hopkins W. 50 Hans pl Hornsby Mrs. 20 Smith st. King’s rd Houghton Edward, 30 Moore st Houghton W. R. 4 Paulton’s sq Howard Ann, 4 Milner st Howard Miss, 31 Moore st Howard Mrs. 15 Cheyne row Howell John, 23 Princes st Howlett John, 6 Cheltenham ter Hudson Steven, 17 Hemus ter. King’s rd Hughes Mrs. 4 Green’s row Hulm, 30 Stanley st Humphreys Edw. H. 1 Halsey st Humphrey Elizabeth, 40 Sloane st Humphreys Thomas, 47 Markham sq Hunnard John, 7 Stanley villas Hunt H. 16 Hobury st Hunt Spencer J. 17 Oakley crescnts. Hunt Rich. 13 Park walk Hunt Robert, 6 Green’s row Hunt Wm. R. 33 Smith st. King’s rd Hunton Mrs. 69 Walton st. Ovington sq Hutchinson Mrs. 2 Limerston st Huthwait Mrs. 9 Smith st. King’s rd Hyatt John, 48 Smith st. King’s rd Instone Mrs. 8 Walpole st Instone Mrs. Coupler House, Upper Church st Irvin W. 51 Paulton’s sq. King’s rd Jackson Edward, 14 Halsey st Jackson H. 21 Beaufort st Jackson Miss, 2 New Kings rd. Jackson Richard Henry, 299 King’s rd Jackson William, 9 Hobury st Jacobs William, 19 Stanley villas James Charles, 12 Barrosa pl James Isaac, 89 Sloane st James Mrs. 65 Sydney st Janson E. 49 Hans pl Jay Henry, surgeon, 50 Sloane st Jeffreys J. 11 Markham sq. King’s rd Jehgall Mrs. 11 Wellington st Jenkins Mrs. 5 Hobury st Jennings D. L. 25 Halsey st Jentzen John, 2 South parade Jessep Mrs. 42 Sydney st Johns William, 13 Milner st Johnson Phillip, 3 Cheltenham ter Jolly John, 2 Whitehead grove Jones E. A. watch & clock manufacturer, 113 Sloane st Jones James, 15 Shawfield st Jones Miss, 106 Sloane st Jones Robert, 46 Markham sq Jones R. S. 30 Paulton’s sq. King’s rd Jones T. 11 Beaufort st Jones William, 7 Margaretta ter Jones William, 11 Park pl south Jones William, 4 Robert st Joyner William, 34 Stanley st Julien Miss, 292 King’s rd Kahill James, 7 Trafalgar sq Kealy John, 26 Danvers st. Paulton’s square Keeps Alfred, 10 Oakley crescent north Keith Mrs. 14 Hans pl Kent John, 28 Halsey st Kerby John, 3 Hemus ter. King’s rd Kerl Mrs. 1 Hans pl Kerrett James, 14 Markham sq Kirkham Mrs. Whitehead grove King John 8 Park pl south King Mrs. 3 Hobury st King Mrs. 1 Sussex villas King Pencheon, 10 Cadogan ter King Wm. 8 Stanley villas Knapman Samuel John, 7 Shawfield st Knight J. F. 10 Cheltenham ter Knight Mrs. Geo. 95 Sloane st Knott R. 44 Stanley st Kruse Miss, 139 Sloane st Kurr G. H. 21 Oxford ter Lacey Mrs. 2 Hans pl Lacon E. 43 Beaufort st Lamb J. 30 Wellington st Lambert, 6 Oxford ter Lane Edwin, 9 Markham sq. King’s rd Landells Mrs. 2 Victoria grove Langmead Rev. Wm. G. M.A. Chaplain to the Forces, and Chaplain to the Royal Military Asylum, Chelsea, 13 Walpole st Lankester Mrs. H. 69 Sloane st Lankshear, surgeon, Park road west Lassells Miss, 37 Hans pl Larking Charles, 16 South parade Larkin Henry, 6 Cheyne row Larner Henry, 289 King’s rd Laston Capt. R.N. 3 Great Cheyne row Laundy R. 13 Hemus ter. King’s rd Law James, 10 Chelsea villas Lawrence J. W. 14 Beaufort st Laxston Mrs. 14 Park walk Laxton Henry, 11 Stanley villas Lay, Esq. 52 Hans pl Layton F. A. 8 Beaufort st Layton Thomas, 14 Moore st Leander E. 35 Beaufort st Lear John, 36 Moore st Lee Charles, 10 Victoria grove Lee George, 270 King’s rd Lee George, 20 Moore st Lee Mrs. 16 Moore st Lee Michl. 13 Danvers st. Paulton’s sq Lee Thomas, 3 Margaretta ter Lefoullon F. 11 Hobury st Legg J. 8 Stanley st Leighton Fred. Chas. 19 Margaretta ter Lemmer Hy. 65 Walton st. Ovingtn sq Leonard Henry A. architect & surveyor, 5 Wellington st Leroche J. 31 Margaretta ter Leslie, 5 Park rd east Lewis, 25 Margaretta ter Lewis Charles James, 8 Cheyne House, Upper Cheyne row Lewns Ch. F. 34 Halsey st Lewns William, 9 Cheltenham ter Light Charles Llewellin, 9 Oakley st Lillywhite George, 26 Oxford ter Lincoln John, 23 Moore st Lindeman J. 25 Paulton’s sq Lindley Richd. 1 Cheltenham ter Lindsey Geo. 20 Victoria grove Lindsey R. 4 Victoria ter. Beaufort st Lissant G. B. Sidmouth cge Shawfield st Litolff Martin, 10 Limerston st Littlejohn Mrs. 28 Stanley st Livatt Nicholas, 6 Margaretta ter Livermore Mrs. 32 Beaufort st Lloyd Fredk. E. 14 Park rd Lloyd H. W. 11 Milner ter Lloyd Miss, 5 Charles st. Fulham rd Lock Charles, 6 Paulton’s sq Locke Peter, Clifton House, 3 Upper Church st Lodges Mrs. 5 Victoria grove Long Miss, 24 Beaufort st Long S. C. Registrar of Births &c., 4 Rayner pl Long Wm. 11 Chelsea villas Longhan Francis, 5 Trafalgar sq Lonsdale Mrs. 9 Wellington st Lorel Samuel, 16 Chelsea villas Lowe James, 3 Manor st Lowe Mrs. 43 Hans pl Lowes Nicholas, 98 Sloane st Lowman Miss, Catherine Lodge Loxdale Henry, 38 Markham sq Lucas Thomas, 116 Sloane st Luck John A. 13 Halsey st Lumley Edwd. 23 Smith st. King’s rd Lundbore F. 48 Hans pl Lyne Lewis Stphn. 3 Oakley sq McAlpin John, 295 King’s rd McCarthy Mrs. 16 Oxford ter MacCarthy Mrs. 7 Hemus ter. K’s rd McCay J. 1 Park pl. south McColley Henry, 8 Albion ter McDonald Mrs. 3 Lincoln st McTurk William, 3 Shawfield st Macarthur Mrs. 7 Sloane ter Machin James, 11 Royal Avenue ter King’s rd. Mackenzie Mrs. 7 St. Leonard ter Maclay Mrs. Alex. W. 10 Gunter’s gr Macmullen Rev. R. G. B.A. Cadogan ter Madder Francis, 3 Redcliffe rd Malcolm Major Gen. 67 Sloane st Malcolm Edwd. 15 Walpole st Mallan & Son, Mons. surgeon dentist, 111 Sloane st Maltby Miss, 17 Park rd Manly Charles, 43 Halsey st Mansbridge Mrs. 36 Stanley st Mansfield Robert, 5 Hemus ter. Kg’s rd Margetts J. P. 4 Park pl. Upr Chrch st Mark Mrs. 8 Smith st. King’s rd Marlow Mrs. 18 Beaufort st Marsh John, 11 Victoria grove Marshall & Deane, milliners and dressmakers, 141 Sloane st Marston Miss, 23 Hans pl Marston, 6 Gunter’s grove Martin Charles, 14 Paulton’s sq Martin J. 31 Beaufort st Martin R. 55 Stanley st Martin Wm. 17 Shawfield st Martinson Wm. 11 Cheltenham ter Mason Charles, 12 Limerston st Mason General, 13 South parade Mason James, 61 Sydney st Mathews Mrs. 6 Sloane ter Mathewson Andrew, 24 Danvers st. Paulton’s sq Matthews Jn. Newland House, Oakley sq. King’s rd Maxwell Mrs. 8 Limerston st Maxwell Mrs. 35 Sydney st May R. C. photographer, 5 Sloane ter May D. R. 18 Royal Avenue ter. K’s rd May Oliver, 10 Walpole st May Wm. 2 Milner st Mayers W. T. 19 Whitehead grove Maynard The Hon. Miss, 1 Cook’s grove, King’s rd Mazon Mr. 20 Hemus ter. King’s rd Mead George E. solicitor, 2 Durham pl Meadows Miss, 39 Halsey st Meatyard Oswald, 6 Halsey st Meeking Mrs. 12 Sloane ter Meers Mrs. 8 Margaretta ter Merrick A. 6 St. Leonard ter Messenger J. 5 Archbutt ter. Manor st Middlemust Clifford, 4 Park rd Middleton Miss, 25 Whitehead grove Middleton Mrs. 17 Whitehead grove Miller J. 20 Beaufort st Mitchell Charles, 3 Phene st Mitchell William, 13 Park pl. south Miller Mr. 7 Hans pl. Miller Mrs. 22 Moore st Miller Miss, 26 Moore st Miller Robert, 36 Smith st. King’s rd Miller William, 7 Hans pl. Milne John, 7 Halsey st Milner Charles M.D. 23 Danvers st Paulton’s sq Mills James, 4 Markham sq. Kings rd Mills Thomas, 15 Milner st Moncrieff Rev. W. Scott, St. Simon’s Parsonage, 5 Milner ter Monro, 268 King’s rd Monson Hon. Miss Charlotte, 58 Sloane st Montague Wm. 7 Gunter’s grove Moor Wm. 49 Sydney st Moore J. 28 Sydney st Moore Mrs. 25 Stanley st Moore Mrs. 31 Paulton’s sq. King’s rd Morcombe Mrs. 45 Chelsea villas Moresby Miss, 14 Wellington st Morgan Thomas Vaughan, Beaufort Lodge, Beaufort st Morling George P. Hope cottage Upper Church st Morris William, 12 Park rd Morris Val, 14 Victoria grove Morse Mrs. E. 8 Cheyne row Moss John, 22 Stanley villas Mossop Charles, 9 Upper Cheyne row Mountford Miss, 17 Victoria grove Mucklow James, 27 Danvers st. Paulton’s sq Munday Mrs. 136 Sloane st Mundell Mr. 3 Hans pl Munro Mrs. 15 South parade Muntzer Elizabeth, 14 Cadogan ter Muntzer Fred. 23 Milner st Murray Richard, 8 Chelsea villas Murther Mrs. 15 Moore st Musgrave C. 1 Paulton’s sq Myer Mrs. 13 Hans pl Naish F. 22 Stanley st Nash John, 32 Moore st Nash Mrs. 53 Paulton’s sq Nattall Henry, 3 Green’s row Nave James, 6 Archbutt ter. Manor st Neal Mrs. 32 Paulton’s sq Neane Miss, 18 Hemus ter. King’s rd Neave John, 30 Markham sq Needham Jonathan, 13 Stanley villas Nelson Mrs. 11 Margaretta ter Netherclift Jos. 50 Sydney st Neviers Albrecht de, Temple house, Upper Church st Newell Miss, 11 Lincoln st Newman John, 13 Markham sq Newman Edward Esq. solicitor and commissioner to administer oaths in Chancery, Queen’s Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, 280 King’s rd Nichol Miss, 12 Hans pl Nicholls, Dartrey House, 6 New Kings rd Nichols Mrs. 2 Wellington st Nichols T. 45 Sydney st Nicholson Richard, 12 Cadogan ter Nicol Miss, 12 Hans pl Nock Mrs. E. 55 Sydney st Nock W. R. P. 33 Halsey st Noels Walter, 10 Sloane ter Norman Mrs. 11 Oxford ter Norman Thomas, 22 Whitehead grove North Mrs. Princes st North William R. 5 Green’s row Northen John, 12 Upper Church st Oades A. 8 Lincoln st Oborne Mrs. 21 Moore st Offlough Mrs. 2 Walpole st. King’s rd O’Hora, 7 Limerston st Oliff Thos. Wm. 4 Limerston st Oliver Benj. 8 Gunter’s grove Oliver Edwin, 13 Oakley crescent s. Oliver Miss, 8 South parade Oliver Mrs. 48 Markham sq Ollive John, 9 Oakley crescent south Oniele Mrs. 20 Paulton’s sq King’s rd Orme Mrs. Elizabeth, 6 Albion ter. Orton Henry, 13 Cheltenham ter Osborne Mrs. 297 King’s rd Oven, 20 Chelsea villas Oulton Wm. W. 46 Smith st. King’s rd Ousby Miss, 15 Sloane ter Page James, 6 Hemus ter. King’s rd Page Rev. Jas. Rbt. M.A. 1 Hobury st Page Wm. 45 Paulton’s sq King’s rd Pain Jas. C. 5 St. Leonard ter Pallett, 3 Halsey ter Palmer F. C. 42 Halsey st Palmer Henry, 4 Upper Cheyne row Palmer Miss, 5 Beaufort st Parish Mrs. 17 Robert ter Parker Wilmot, 6 Upper Cheyne row Parker E. arch. 21 Paulton’s sq. Kg’s rd Parkham, 6 Upper Cheyne row Parker Mrs. 23 Margaretta ter Parnell Robert, 42 Smith st. King’s rd Parr Mrs. 17 Paulton’s sq. King’s rd Parry Capt. 4 Albion ter Parrock Arthur, 4 Hans pl Parsey Henry, 12 Gunter’s grove Parsey Henry, 10 Cheyne row Parsons Jonathan, 21 Margaretta ter Parsons M. G. 24 Paulton’s sq. Kg’s rd Paterson Mrs. 1 Salamanca ter. Upper Church st Paul Thomas, 13 Upper Church st Payne Mrs. 2 Park pl. Upper Church st Payne Thos. 30 Halsey st Peachey Geo. C. 4 Hemus ter. Kg’s rd Peacock Mrs. 38 Paulton’s sq. Kg’s rd Peake Mrs. 2 Chelsea villas Pearson Wm. 12 Sydney st Pen John, 16 Shawfield st Pemberton Capt. Scots Fusilier Guards, 165 Sloane st Pendrell Geo. 213 King’s rd Perkis Rev. Daniel, 18 Gunter’s grove Perrott Mrs. 31 Markham sq Perry T. 4 Stanley st Phillipo Mrs. 41 Stanley st Phillips C. H. 6 Trafalgar sq Phillips W. 29 Stanley st Phillips William, 3 Walpole st Phillott Admiral, 39 Hans pl Pico Madame, 36 Markham sq Pierson Mrs. 12 Oxford ter Pitcher Henry, 45 Markham sq Pitcher Robert, 4 South parade Place Mrs. 29 Hans pl Plant William, 10 Barossa pl Platt Mrs. 53 Sydney st Pope Miss, 123 Sloane st Porter Mrs. 2 Halsey st Potter Samuel, 5 Oakley crescent n. Poulain Dr. Salamanca cottage, Upper Church st Poulton Miss, 11 Green’s row Powell H. 3 Bolton pl. Upper Church st Powell J. R. 21 Sydney st Powell Mrs. C. 3 Stanley villas Pretty Henry, 6 Victoria grove Price Edmund, 36 Sydney st Price John, 5 Markham sq. King’s rd Price Mrs. Mary and Son, chiropodists, 35 Sloane st Price William, 15 Chelsea villas Prince Edwin C. 18 South Parade Prince George, 13 Victoria grove Primer Edward, 35 Smith st. King’s rd Prouter Mrs. 13 Sydney st Pugh John, 2 Barossa pl Pugh Mrs. 6 Lincoln st Pullen James, 5 Halsey st Pycroft Mrs. 18 Paulton’s sq Querine Mrs. 75 Walton st. Ovingtn sq Rackham Mrs. 62 Sydney st Raggett Wm. P. 9 Paulton’s sq. K’s rd Ram John, 22 Park walk Rand Mrs. 6 Beaufort st Randall Geo. 15 Halsey st Rason John, 260 King’s rd Rassell Geo. 1 Rose cottage, Albion ter Rates R. 10 Wellington st Rawes Mrs. 4 St. Leonard ter Rawley Henry G. L.C.P. 11 Upper Church st Raymond Geo. 66 Sloane st Rayner J. 12 Stanley st Read Chas. 14 Milner st Redman Miss E. 13 Margaretta ter Remington Mrs. 5 Hans pl Reynolds Pounsett W. 2 Oakley crescent north Ridlington Wm. 140 Sloane st Ridout Jonas, 10 Halsey st Rich A. Esq. 53 Hans pl Richards E. 12 Danvers st. Paulton’s sq Richards Miss, 20 Chelsea villas Richards George W. 29 Danvers st. Paulton’s sq Ridge Miss, 14 Sloane ter Roberts Jas. Wm. 12 Whitehead gr Roberts Mrs. 6 Bolton pl. Up Church st Robinson A. 67 Walton st. Ovington sq Robinson Chas. 12 Lincoln st Roe Jas. Chambers, 4 Halsey st Robinson Hy. Geo. 15 Beaufort st Robiolio Fredk. 12 Park place south Rodger Capt. W. R.N. 9 Shawfield st Rodwell Mrs. 24 Sydney st Roe Mrs. 3 Smith st. King’s rd Roe Theodore, 15 Stanley villas Rogers, 15 Park rd Rogers Jerome, 17 Oxford st Rogers Wm. 22 Cadogan ter Rolls Mrs. 2 Cook’s gr. King’s rd Rolph Mrs. 15 Hemus ter. King’s rd Rook R. 20 Stanley st Rooke, 16 Margaretta ter Roope, Chas. 6 Cadogan ter Roper Mrs. 36 Paulton’s sq. King’s rd Rose George, 29 Paulton’s sq King’s rd Rose Mrs. 2 Trafalgar sq Rosenberg Mrs. 20 Park walk Rositer Mrs. 13 Sydney st Ross Miss, 3 Trafalgar sq Ronca D. 2 Cheyne row Royston W. H. 1 Cheyne row Rumsey Thomas, 2 Gunter’s grove Rush Miss, 12 Smith st. King’s rd Russell James, 4 Chelsea villas Russell Edward J. 9 St. Leonard ter Russell Mrs. 10 Milner st Russell Mrs. Bedford House, 4 Oakley sq. King’s rd Rutland Mrs. 3 Halsey st Ryall John, 9 Oakley crescent north Rye Thomas, 284 & 286 King’s rd Rye W. A. 32 Stanley st Salmon H. R. 25 Salamanca ter. Upper Church st Samuels David, 22 Hemus ter Sampson James, 21 Hemus ter Sanders J. 10 Beaufort st Sandham Rev. H. 27 Hans pl Sandys James, 301 King’s rd Sanglier J. 4 Archbutt ter. Manor st Sarel Mrs. 49 Stanley st Sarel Samuel, 16 Chelsea villas Sawyer J. C. 26A Beaufort st Sayer W. H. Vine cottage, Shawfield st Scanlan Capt. A. 27 Wellington st Scatcliff J. P. M D. Surgeon, 132 Sloane st Schnell W. 38 Sydney st Scollick J. Linden cottage, Beaufort st Scoones Thos. Collard, 14 Stanley villas Scotchford W. 63 Sydney st Scott Fred. 30B Halsey st Scott Mrs. 12 Park walk Scott P. Mrs. 8 Upper Church st Scott William W. 23 Beaufort st Searle William J. letter cutter, 27 Seymour pl Sebley S. 2 Stanley st Seguier Miss, 70 Sloane st Seguire Miss M. 15 Cadogan ter Sewel Mrs. 2 Oakley ter Sewell William, 11 Limerston st Sharman Mrs. H. 16 Halsey st Sharp Miss, 131 Sloane st Sharp Miss, teacher of the pianoforte, 15 Oakley crescent south Sharp Mrs. 294 King’s rd Shelton, 8 Cheltenham ter Shepard John, 3 Lincoln st Sheppard Mrs. 8 Cadogan ter Sherborn, C. W. 5 Gunter’s grove Sherborne Osborne, 1 Carlton villas Sherdam John, Laburnum House, Upper Church st Sherlock Charles, 14 Walpole st Skerrell Jas. Sam. 25 & 26 King’s rd Sherwood Missellnew, dentist, 385 King’s rd Shield John, 19 Park walk Sicard Mdme. prof. of music, 6 Park rd Simm Wm. George, 293 King’s rd Simmons Mrs. 72 Sloane st Sims R. 26 Stanley st Skelton Miss, 25 Wellington st Slann John, 6 Whitehead grove Slark Robert, 2 Albion ter Smerdon Misses, 9 Albion ter Smith, 4 Hobury st Smith George B. 1 Walpole st Smith Charles, 3 Sussex villas Smith Daniel, surgeon, 64 Sloane st Smith George, 288 King’s rd Smith Samuel 282 King’s rd Smith G. Frederick, 13 Green’s row Smith Herbert L. artist, 2 Sloane ter Smith Hormsby, 9 Victoria grove Smith Jonathan, 43 Smith st. Kings rd Smith Miss, 36 Sloane st Smith Mrs. Craven House, 4 Upper Church st Smith Mrs. 5 Limerston st Smith Mrs. 13 Sloane ter Smith Mrs. 10 Lincoln st Smith Thomas, professor of free gymnastics, fencing, and drilling, 13 Cheyne row Smith T. 4 Bolton pl. Upper Church st Smith Thomas, 24 Whitehead grove Smith William, 35 Moore st Smith W. E. 19 Sydney st Smithe Mr. A. J. dentist, 47 Smith st. King’s rd Snow N. 7 Robert ter Soloman Soloman, 12 Royal Avenue ter. King’s rd Southwell Mrs. 57 Sloane st Southwell William, 13 Park rd Spain Mrs. 12 Halsey st Sparham Mrs. Victoria vils. Beaufort st Spencer Mrs. 17 Halsey st Spencer Mrs. 16 Lincoln st Spkin Wm. 39 Paulton’s sq. Spurr Rueben, 18 Princes st Stacey John W. 1 Green’s row Stanhope Mrs. 4 Whitehead grove Stanhope The Hon. and Rev. J. Fitzroy, 16 Hans pl Stanton Esq. 36 Hans pl Staunton C. O. 3 Paulton’s sq Steers D. 36 Beaufort st Steed Mrs. 52 Paulton’s sq. Sterling Edw. C. 104 Sloane st Stevens, 40 Sydney st Stevens Robert, 96 Sloane st Stevenson Mrs. 6 Park rd east Steward Yorke F. 7 Smith st. King’s rd Stewart H. W. 57 Oakley sq. Stimpson N. 9 South parade Stacker Isaac, 8 Charles st. Fulham rd Stockley Mr. 6 Walpole st Stokes Mrs. 19 Hemus ter. King’s rd Strachan Benjamin, 12 Shawfield st Strange William, 7 Upper Cheyne row Streather A. professor of music, 13 Glo’ster ter Struthers Miss, 5 Whitehead grove Stuart S. Allen, 14 Oakley crescent Styles Mrs. 1 Upper Cheyne row Summers G. 26 Sydney st Surtees Thomas, 12 Cheltenham ter Sutherland, 4 Cheltenham ter Sweet H. 30 Sydney st Sweetman Mrs. 18 Margaretta ter Swain Joseph, 12 Oakley crescent s. Sykes Miss, 56 Sloane st Sykes Mrs. 10 Park road Synge Rev. Francis, 3 Cranfield villas, Oakley sq. King’s rd Szulczewski Major, 26 Walpole st Tait James, 36 Halsey st Talbot Mrs. 4 Moore st Talfourd Field, 104 Sloane st Tanner Mrs. 8 Manor st Tapernoux Monsieur, prof. of languages, 2 Gloster ter Tasker Mrs. 5 Margaretta ter Taylor, 1 New King’s rd Taylor J. W. 34 Sydney st Taylor Miss E. 15 Royal Avenue ter. Kings rd Teague C. R. auctioneer and surveyor, 14 Oakley st Temple Edward, 18 Halsey st Terry G. W. 41 Sydney st Theead Thomas, 12 Green’s row Thurst Alfred, 11 Halsey ter Thomas J. 52 Sydney st Thomas Miss, 5 Royal Avenue ter Thomas Mr. 14 Park pl south Thomas Mrs. 27 Sydney st Thomas Thomas Sam. 264 King’s rd Thompson, 27 Stanley st Thompson John, 5 Albion ter Thompson Robt. 27 Halsey st Thorn Mrs. 20 Gunter’s gr Thornborrow Mrs. 60 Sydney st Thorp C. 97 Sloane st Thornton Mrs. 6 Park pl. south Thurston Joshua, 14 Green’s row Thwaites Lt. Gen. 48 Sydney st Tiller Henry, 3 Oakley crescent north Tippetts Theodore, 29 Margaretta ter Twiss Mrs. 68 Sloane st Todd, Cromarty House, 1 New K’s rd Tomles John, 35 Walpole st Tombleson Mrs. 6 Park pl south Tomkinson Thomas, 15 Danvers st. Paulton’s sq Tomlin Miss Eliza, 8 Royal Avenue ter. Kings rd Tompson F. 71 Walton st. Ovington sq Torr E. 40 Stanley st Townsend W. 50 Paulton’s sq. Tozer James, 34 Markham sq Trego William, 11 Upper Cheyne row Turner Charles, 291 King’s rd Turner F. 11 Sydney st Turner George, 15 Hans pl Turner Jane, 7 Halsey ter Turner John, 5 Park rd Turner John P. 24 Halsey st Turner Miss, 18 Wellington st Turtler Louis, 17 Lincoln st Tweedie Wm. 21 Victoria grove Tyerman Fredk. arct & sur. 3 Park pl Upper Church st Tylee Mrs. 17 Hans pl Tylee Wm. 10 Moore st Tyrwhit Col. 31 Hans pl Underwood Mrs. 24 Stanley st Vanbrurle W. H. 10 Margaretta ter Varley Bro. photographers, 88 Oakley st Verity C. 7 Wellington st Villiers Right Hon. C. Pelham, M.P. 39 Sloane st Vinall, 4 Wellington st Vincent Mrs. 9 Green’s row Vincent William, 7 Durham pl Waite Mrs. 20 Sydney st Walker Joseph, 26 Chelsea villas Walker Mrs. E. 33 Sydney st Walker T. H. 6 Wellington st Wallbanke E. 21 Oakley crescent n. Wallis George, 16 Victoria grove Wallis James, 15 Victoria grove Wallace Mrs. 64 Sydney st Walmesley John, 6 Limerston st Walmesley John, 4 Gunter’s grove Walpole Henry, 4 New King’s rd Walter Burke, 1 Park rd Walters, 14 Cheyne row Ward Mrs. 59 Sloane st Ward Mrs. 16 Paulton’s sq. Ward Miss, 2 Victoria ter. Beaufort st Ware Mrs. 48 Paulton’s sq. Warland Henry, 4 Oakley crescent s. Warne Wm. 5 Stanley st Warren Albert H. 2 Upper Cheyne row Warren George, 16 Cheyne row Warrick Mrs. 17 Smith st. King’s rd Warren Mrs. 47 Sydney st Waters Mrs. 1 Bolton pl. Up Church st Waters Miss, Montague House school, 14 Hemus ter. King’s rd Watt Hugh, 14 Lincoln st Watts E. 6 Sydney st Watts John, 8 Green’s row Watts Mr. 6 Oakley crescent north Watts Mrs. 21 Wellington st Waud W. W. professor of music, 6 Charles st. Fulham rd Weatherhead Robt. H. 3 Oakley cres s. Webb Francis, 37 Paulton’s sq. Webb Miss, 16 Hemus ter. King’s rd Webb Mrs. 25 Oxford ter Webb W. 45 Stanley st Webber John, 6 Cheyne row Wedd S. 14 Robert ter Weedon W. F. 11 Halsey st Weeks Edmund, 10 Princes ter Weightman Fredk. 4 Stanley villas Welbourne Mrs. 112 Sloane st Weldon Ch. Ed. 17 Stanley st Wells Geo. 9 Gunter’s grove Welsh J. 5 Victoria ter. Beaufort st West John, 19 Shawfield st West Mrs. 103 Sloane st Westwood Mrs. 20 Walpole st Wetherall F. 20 Hans pl Wicks Henry J. 2 Park rd Wicks Mrs. 54 Sydney st Wicks Henry Rich. 14 Limerston st Wickstead A. 3 Victoria ter. Beaufort st Wiggins Mary, 18 Park walk Wigwal Miss, 3 Royal Avenue ter Wilcox J. 19 Robert ter Wildhack R. 9 Stanley st Wiles William, 7 Oakley crescent s. Wilkinson A. H. 58 Stanley st Wilkinson Mrs. 3 Gunter’s grove Willett G. E. 8 Wellington st Willett G. E. 8 Wellington st Williams Chas. 24A Halsey st Williams John, 13 Milmer st Williams Folkestone, 7 Walpole st Williams Mrs. 43 Stanley st Williams Thos. J. 29 Chelsea villas Willis Harry, 12 Markham sq. Kg’s rd Wilson James, 41 Halsey st Wilson Rev. J. D.D. Durham House, near the College, Chelsea Wilson Robert, 15 Limerston st Wilson T. H. 19 Beaufort st Winter Edward, 26 Chelsea villas Winterbottom E. M.R.C.S. surgeon dentist, 16 Sloane st Winterbottom E. J. L.R.C.S. surgeon dentist, 16 Sloane st Wiseman Mark, 30 Smith st. King’s rd Withers T. G. 23 Paulton’s sq Wheybrow W. 9 Royal Avenue ter. King’s rd White Charles, 13 Shawfield st White Henry A. 2 Margaretta ter White J. 10 Stanley st White John, 39 Markham sq Whitehead Henry, 7 Whitehead grove Whitfield Thomas, 12 Margaretta ter Whitmore John, surgeon 124 Sloane st Whittick Henry, 21 Smith st. K’s rd Whittington Mrs. 1 Durham pl Wood Joseph, 15 Halsey ter Wood Mrs. 10 Robert ter Wood T. W. 28 Paulton’s sq K’s rd. Woodfall Herman Thos. 5 Oakley ter Woodhams James, 14 Hobury st Woods Thomas, J. 37 Markham sq Woods Mrs. 1 Stanley st Woodstock John Thomas, 1 Lincoln st Woollatt R. Vale grove, Up Church st Worlledge Rev. 21 Royal Avenue ter. Kings rd Worman Mrs. 129 Sloane st Worthington Miss B. 67 Sydney st Wrentmore H. solicitor, 11 Cheyne row Wright, Devon cottage, Shawfield st Wright Mrs. 25 Walpole st Wright T. M.A., F.S.A. &c. Correspondent Member of the Imperial Institute of France, 14 Sydney st Yare Robert, 25 Moore st Yates, 38 Stanley st Young Fred. 17 South parade Zaba N. J. 2 Sydney st THE BROMPTON COURT GUIDE. Abbey Edward, 25 Trevor sq Abud Richard, 19 Hereford sq Addison, C. G. 29 Alfred pl west Alcock Mrs. 6 Neville ter Alcock Mrs. 17 Alfred pl Alexander Saml. Cooper, 20 Brompton crescent Alison Archibald, Lieut. Col. 43 Rutland gate Allen William, 28 Seymour pl Allen Mr. 6 Pelham pl Allen Mrs. 12 Alfred pl west Allen, 204 Fulham rd Allen Rev. Brown E. 14 Powlis ter Onslow sq Allin Thos. Charles, 23 Onslow sq Anderson Col. Thos. 9 Thurloe sq Anderson Gorden J. 11 Ovington sq Anderson John, 15 Gloucester gr w. Andrews Mrs. Col. 13 Onslow crescent Andrew Frederick Wm. 3 Neville ter Aneley Mrs. 14 Alfred pl Austie Dr. Francis, 15 Onslow sq Aplin Miss Emma, 1 Grove pl Archbutt Samuel, 34 Ovington sq Ardin James, 13 Selwood pl Argyle, Dow. Duchess, 40 Rutlnd gate Arnold Henry, 7 Pelham pl Arnold R. Wm. 7 Elm pl. Fulham rd Arnold Mrs. 22 Michael’s pl Arnold Geo. 23 Hill st Arnold W. J. D. 6 Stamford villas Arter Edith, Queen’s gardens Arter Andrew, 8 Walton villas Arthur Mrs. 17 Selwood pl Arthur Mrs. 57 Grove pl Artiss A. haberdasher, 51 Fulham rd Arrowsmith John, 35 Hereford sq Arundel Hon. Mrs. H. 7 Gilston rd Ascroft A. 1 North ter Ash Miss, 16 Pelham st Ash Geo. 409 Fulham rd Ashber John, 4 Gloucester grove west Ashe Lovat, 8 Glo’ster rd Ashton, A. F. 2 Pelham cres Aspa Edwin, 12 Alfred pl Aspinwall Thos. 3 the Grange Aspland M. 25 26 27 Montpelier sq Aston William, 5 Sussex ter Atkins George, 9 Thurloe sq Atkins George James, 25 Ovington sq Atkins Miss, 7 Drayton grove Atkins James, 27 Pelham crescent Atwood D. William, 6 Sumner pl Atwood Henry, 8 Drayton ter Atkinson Lady, 18 Thurloe pl Aubyn Mrs. 20 St. Mary’s pl. Tregunter rd Auldjo Rose T. 1 Rutland gate Baber Dr. John 31 Thurloe sq Bacon William, 8 Elm pl. Fulham rd Backley Mrs. 8 South st Bakewood Rev. John, 1 Tregunter gr. Baker Mrs. 2 Richmond villas Baker Dr. R. 17 Hereford sq Baker Mrs. 8 Sydney pl. Onslow sq Baird T. 16 Trevor sq Bailey E. 1 Glo’ster rd Baillie Col. Hugh, 45 Rutland gate Bailis Joseph, 16 Montpelier sq Baines Mrs. E. 14 Selwood pl Baines Dr. M. surgeon, 54 Thurloe sq Bain William, 20 Alfred pl west Baird Mrs. Hugh, 26 Ovington sq Balders Maj. Gen. C. 2 Enismore pl Balfour Dr. Graham, 10 Sumner pl Ballard Mrs. 2 Percy ter. Old Brompton Barber Mrs. 2 Selwood ter. Fulham rd Barber Messrs. surgs. 78 Brompton rw Barlow Edmund, 36 Rutland gate Barlow Pratt W. F. 25 Rutland gate Barnes Miss, 12 Gloucester grove west Barnett Mrs. 12 Brompton sq Baron Lt. Col. R. J. 18 Ovington sq Bartram, 8 Glo’ster ter. Old Brompton Barr Miss A. 30 Thurloe sq Barr Miss, 9 Alexander sq Barrell 217 Fulham rd Barrett Charles, 14 Thurloe sq Barron Joseph M. 5 Pelham pl Barry David J. 45 Thurloe sq Bass John, Ivy villa, 12 Thistle grove Bassans W. 1 Stamford villas Bates Thomas Charles, 4 Drayton ter Batton Samuel, 22A Thistle grove Battcock F. 219 Fulham rd Baum J. 4 St. Mark’s ter Baumgartner J. M. 18 Michael’s pl Baverstock Richard, Seymour Cottage, Seymour pl Baxter Mrs. 7 Michael’s pl Baxter Charles, 9 Seymour ter Baxter Walter, 4 Montpelier sq Bayly W. 183 Fulham rd Beames Rev. Thomas, 23 Hereford sq Beauclerk Chas. 31 Montpelier sq Bedford David, 20 Gloucester grove w. Bell Mrs. 26 Grove pl Bellingham Rev. J. G. 185 Fulham rd Benjamin Paul H. 24 Brompton cres Bentley John E. 15 Drayton grove Bennet Mrs. 421 Fulham rd Berger Francis, 36 Thurloe sq Berger J. Ada Cottage, 3 Thistle gr Berger Leo, 3 Onslow cres Berenburg Julius, 21 Brompton sq Berry Wm. 1 Arthur st Berry Wm. 18 Grove pl Bethune Walter, A. 25 Thurloe sq Betteridge Thomas, 15 Hill st Beeston Fred. R. artist, 16 St. George’s ter. Hyde Park corner Bianchi Signor L. professor of music, 4 Vincent st Bicknell Mrs. 10 Sydney pl. Onslow sq Bicknell Algernon S. 37 Onslow sq Bignell R. T. Clairville, Old Brompton Biggan John, 11 Drayton sq Bird George, 28 Grove pl Birnstinge Louis, 10 Thurloe sq Bishop James, 9 Elm pl. Fulham rd Black Dr. Roberts J. 23 Sumner pl Black Robert, 36 Hill st Blakley Capt. 34 Montpelier sq Blakney Major Robert, 25 Boltons Blankley Robert, 15 Alexander sq Blumner Herr S. 5 Pelham crescent Boast David, 3 Drayton grove Bolger James, A. 11 Sumner pl Bolton Chichester, 23 Boltons Bolton George, 8 Pelham st Bowen C. S. C. 30 Alfred pl west Bond H. Onslow House, Fulham rd Bonham Robert Francis, 13 Albert ter Bonin Mrs. 52 Brompton row Boose Charles, 6 Hill st Booth John, 30 Montpelier st Borrow George, H. 22 Hereford sq Borrowman John, 8 Milborne grove Boustead William, 39 Grove pl Bothamley Jos. James, 6 Gilston rd Bouthwait Miss, 7 Alexander sq Bowden Alfred, 33 Pelham st Bowdon William, 1 Alexander sq Bower Edwin, G. 22 Alfred pl west Boxer Misses, 12 Pelham pl Boys Mrs. Capt. 16 Selwood pl Boyle J. 10 Poulis ter. Onslow sq Brackenburg Evelyn, 9 Pelham cres Bracher Mrs. 20 Montpelier sq Bradley John, 1 Crawley pl. Onslow sq Bradock Washbrook, 27 Onslow sq Bramah Thomas, 4 Harley rd Bramah Miss, 4 Harley rd Brayant William O. 21 South st Brett Mrs. 12 Trevor sq Brett Wm. B. 19 Prince’s ter Brin Mrs. 3 St. Mary’s place Bristowe Hon. Mrs. 53 Rutland gate Brocksopp Mrs. 26 Pelham st Brodie William, 43 Onslow sq Broome George, 37 Brompton sq Brough George, 9 Pelham st Brougham J. Rosery house Browne Mrs. 1 Redcliffe rd Browne Mrs. 39 Rutland gate Browne Mrs. 9 Redcliffe road Browne James, 20 South st Brown James, 7 Hill st Brown W. J. 12 Elm ter Brownlow Wm. 32 Trevor sq Brooke Alfred 14 Charles st Bruce Rt. Hon. Lord E. 8 St. George’s terrace, Hyde Park corner Brooks Z. 1 Alfred st Brookfield Rev. W. H. 30 Brompton sq Bruzard G. J. 11 St. Mary’s pl Bryant 7 Selwood pl Brymer Mrs. 82 Brompton row Buck Henry Stanbury, 5 Selwood pl Buckingham Albert, 2 Neville ter Buff Miss, 36 Montpelier st Bull Thomas, 2 Selwood pl Bull William, 21 Hereford sq Bulfort Mrs. 3 Thistle grove Bulman E. K. 42 Montpelier sq. Burgess Miss, 18 Selwood ter Burgess John, 17 Tregunter rd Burke William H. 19 Thistle grove Burkin Young Henry, 59 Onslow sq Burlton Henry, 18 Brompton sq Burn Alexander, 13 Gilston rd Burn G. A. 47 Beaufort gardens Burnett W. G. 25 Gloucester gr. W Bury Mrs. 58 Brompton sq Bury Rt. Hon. Visct. 48 Rutland gate Burrow Capt. Wontford cottage, 10 Thistle grove Burr Henry, 19 Hill st Burroughs C. & J. 39 Montpelier sq Bushe Mrs. G. P. 51 Onslow sq Butler Charles E. 13 Onslow sq Butler J. surveyor &c. 2 Seymour ter Butler Thomas, 26 Brompton sq Byran George, 13 South st Byrne Miss, 15 St. George’s ter Cadore de Marquis, Albert gate Cahill Dr. M.D. 12 Michall’s pl Cahill Thomas, M.D. 9 Albert ter Calvert J. Charles, 4 Seymour ter Camber Jas. 3 Alfred st Campbell D. Oxford villa, Gilston rd Campbell Sir Geo. C. 12 Prince’s ter Campbell James, 13 Montpelier sq Campbell James, 59 Brompton cres Campbell Lord, Stratheden house, South pl. Kensington rd Canning Frederick, 7 Redcliffe rd Carlton Charles, 43 Pelham st Carmichael Lieut. Gen. Hyndford house, St. Michael’s pl Carter Mrs. C. 2 Thistle gr Carter Charles H. 30 Grove pl Carter Wm. 46 Grove pl Carrey John, 19 Alexander sq Cater William, 2 Gilston rd Cates Mrs. 47 Pelham st Cavan Earl of, 47 Onslow sq Cecil William, 19 Tregunter rd Chalmers John, 12 Pelham cres Chalmers Robert, 50 Thurloe sq Chalon Henry, 6 North ter Chamley Thomas, 7 Grove pl Chandler Charles, 26 Seymour pl Chandle A. 1 Devonshire st Chantler Gen. 36 Grove pl Chapman Mrs. 14 South st Chapman Mrs. 25 Alfred pl. west Chapman George, prof. of languages, 2 Prospect pl Chapman T. William, 4 Elm pl Chapman Mrs. 18 Hill st Charles Mrs. 25 Montpelier st Charles Madame, 23 Michael’s pl Charles Thomas, 51 Brompton row Charmen Mrs. 7 Boltons Chauntter Jesse, 10 Seymour st Chester Henry, 63 Rutland gate Chesterman Mrs. 33 Brompton row Chichester Lord J. 7 St. George’s ter Chichester Lady, 3 Vincent st Chichester Lady, 13 Thurloe sq Chope Rev. Richard R. 9 Orington sq Churchill Lord S. Alfred, 16 Rutland gate Clarke Mrs. 1 South st Clarke Mrs. 8 Boltons Clarke Mrs. Auckland cottage, 36 Thistle grove Clark Mrs. 3 Pelham pl Clarke Anthony Wm. 1 Neville ter Clark George, 4 Brompton sq Clarke Mackdonald C. artist, Langley Lodge, 6 Thistle grove Clark R. Edward, Drayton villa, Thistle grove Clark William, 15 Sumner pl Clements Mrs. 56 Grove pl Clifton Mrs. 18 Montpelier sq Clutterbuck C. Mulberry House, Fulham rd Cobbe Bernard, 37 Glo’ster rd Cobbe Geo. Lieut. Gen. 9 Sydney pl. Onslow sq Cobbold Chevallier Henry, 8 Poulis ter. Onslow sq Cockburn Miss, 11 Alexander sq Cockell George, 8 Ovington sq Cockerton J. 13 Montpelier st Cole Mrs. 6 Thurloe pl Cole Henry, 17 Onslow sq Cole John, 30 Rutland gate Cole J. S. solicitor, 3 St. Mark’s ter Coles Mrs. 1 Alfred pl Coleman Mrs. Thomas, 21 Sumner pl Coleridge Rev. D. St. Mark’s College Colville Rt. Hon. Sir James, 8 Rutland gate Collin Miss, 8 St. Mark’s ter Collins C. 13 Charles st Collins W. W. 2 Hereford sq Colinson Herbert, 20 Hereford sq Courtny Mrs. 3 Elm pl Courtney B. Charles, 37 Rutland gate Cousins Thomas, 34 Hereford sq Cousins Wm. Abraham, 34 Brompton cres Cox Frederick, 5 Rutland gate Cox J. 11 Devonshire ter Cox Leigh, Willow Lodge, 15 Thistle grove Coxon Mrs. 38 Brompton sq Cozens Mrs. 47 Brompton row Craig Arthur, 4 Pelham st. north Crawcour L. 1 Michael’s grove Crapp Peter, 17 Hill st Crawford John, 1 Trevor sq Craven J. B. 221 Fulham rd Creaton Capt. John, 7 Sydney pl Crew Christopher, 29 Seymour pl Crew Thomas F. 9 Gilston rd Crickmay Herbert, 8 St. Mary’s pl Crocher Ditton, 19 Pelham pl Crompton George, 6 Drayton grove Cropley Mrs. 24 Pelham st Crooke James, Chester vil. Thistle gr Cudlipp Mrs. 32 Montpelier sq Cundy Capel Henry, 4 Thurloe sq Cunningham David, 12 Montpelier st Collitt George, 29 Queen st Compton Henry, 13 Alexander sq Compton Lord Wm. 32 Rutland gate Coningham Mrs. 15 Brompton sq Contades de V. Albert gate house Cook Charles Henry, 15 Selwood pl Cook W. John, 40 Pelham st Cook Thomas, 23 Ovington sq Cooke William, 14 Neville ter Cooling Arthur, 423 Fulham rd Cooper Mrs. 18 Pelham st Cooper Mrs. Fred. 12 Albert ter Cooper G. 281 Fulham rd Cooper John, 20 Pelham crescent Cooper William, 40 Brompton row Copson John, Pelham st Coppinge Mr. 4 Pelham pl Corbiere Isidore, 35 Onslow sq Cordery James, 13 Brompton crescent Cordery John, 1 Seymour pl Cornell Martha, 2 Primrose cottages Thistle grove Cornet Mrs. 7 Fulham rd Coton J. Clifton house, Old Brompton Cotton P. H. 12 Poulis ter. Onslow sq Countze George, 12 Pelham st Courts J. 10 Elm pl. Cuninghame Mrs. John, 34 Thurloe sq Cuninghame Sir T. M. 16 Prince’s ter Curtis Mrs. 30 Pelham st D’Algner Dr. F.A.E., 4 Ovington ter Daly T. 17 Stamford villas Damontel Madame, 20 Michael’s pl Dando Mrs. 27 Grove pl Danielli Fred. 23 Grove pl Darnley Dow. Countess of, 39 Onslow sq Daubeny Rev. James, Ross house, 13 Boltons Davidson, Mrs. Woburn lodge, 8 Gilston rd Davidson Thomas, 14 St. George’s ter Davies Miss, 7 Brompton sq Davis Mrs. Charles, 11 Brompton sq Davies David, 21 Onslow sq Davies T. William, 5 Onslow crescent Davy Mrs. 2 Grove pl Davy John F. 413 Fulham road Day John, 38 Brompton crescent Day Robert, 39 Brompton row Daymond Rev. A. C. 401 Fulham rd De la Feld Count John, 18 Prince’s ter Dean Mrs. 2 Charles st Deane E. John, 6 Sydney pl Deighton John, 8 Seymour pl Deipenheim M. 42 Brompton sq Dennis Mrs. 6 Montpelier sq Denny John, physician, 1 Sumner ter Dent Allen Thos. 28 Thurloe sq Dent Hastings, 42 Thurloe sq Detheridge J. 7 Poulis ter. Onslow sq Devery Mark, 40 Montpelier st Dew Mrs. 34 Pelham st Dewhurst, Mrs. 37 Brompton cres Dickenson Miss, 35 Brompton sq Dicker Frederick, 22B Thistle gr Dillwyn Lewis L. 10 Rutland gate Disher Mrs. 2 Devonshire ter Divers, G. C. 197 Fulham rd Dixon Henry, 19 Boltons Dobson H. Henry, 19 Brompton sq Dodworth Misses, 45 Beaufort grdns Donold Miss, 18 Alfred pl Donaldson Sir A. S. 22 Rutland gate Dorman H. 7 Park villas Douce Mrs. 8 Alfred pl w. Doughty Thomas N. 41 Montpelier sq Douglas Andrew S. 9 Onslow sq Bowling R. H. 1 Elm pl Downing Miss, 26 Alfred pl. west Downs Edwards, 17 Brompton crescent Dowsland William, 4 Montpelier ter Drake John, 6 Pelham crescent Dreager George F. 8 Gloucester ter. Old Brompton Drew Mrs. 19 South st Drinkwater Thomas, 14 Hill st Driver Mrs. 8 Neville ter Druggan James, 7 Grange ter Drury Mrs. 279 Fulham rd Du Bois Douglas, 22 Thurloe sq Dubrail Edward, 4 Thistle grove Dubray, 58 Grove pl Duer G. 23 Gloucester grove west Duller Henry, 12 Hereford sq Dunbar, 59 Brompton sq Dunbar Miss, 16 Brompton row Dundas Edward B. 8 Charles st Dunford William, 47 Brompton row Dungey William, 2A Seymour pl Dunman Miss, 10 Brompton crescent Dunsany Lord, 3 Princes ter Durham John H., 6 Alexander sq Eades Mr. John, 4 North ter Eagar Wm. 7A Oakley crescent north Ealam Mrs. 6 Devonshire ter Earle Thomas, sculptor, 1 Vincent st Eastathrides A. 277 Fulham rd Eastcott W. 9 Grange ter Eastwick Edward, 38 Thurloe sq Eastwick Capt. Robert 39 Thurloe sq Ebers Sarah, 21 Gloucester grove west Edis, 4 Thistle grove lane Edishen Madame, 5 Pelham st Edmonds Mrs. 30 Brompton crescent Edward Henry, 16 Grove pl Edwards Charles, 12 St. George’s ter Edwards D. O. F.R.C.S., surgeon, 15 Gilston rd Edwards John, 48 Brompton sq Edwards Samuel, 6 Pelham pl. north Edwards Mrs. 14 Brompton crescent Egar Edward, 25 Michael’s pl Egerton Capt. R. Chas. R.N. 7 Rutland gate Elgar Gwyn George, 31 Rutland gate Elgee S. J. 3 Percy ter. Old Brompton Elligar J. 429 Fulham rd Elliot C. Madame, 16 South st Elliot Hon. Adm. Geo. 4 Princes ter Elliott Henry Capel, 44 Brompton cres Elliott John, 5 Glo’ster rd Elliott Mrs. 13 Ovington sq Elliott Mrs. 16 Queen st Elliott W. 16 Pelham crescent Ellis Arthur, 19 Alfred pl west Ellis C. C. solicitor, 1 Walton pl Ellis Edward, 17 Drayton grove Ellis Mrs. 40 Brompton sq Elphinstone Sir J. D. H. 45 Onslow sq Elwes Alfred, 3 Glo’ster rd Endean James R. 16 Gilston rd Endesly Miss, 12 Neville ter Englefield Edwin, 14 Selwood ter. Fulham rd Ennis William, 17 Glo’ster grove west Esdaile Joseph, 7 Gilston rd Etches A. Joseph, 2 Neville st Evans Mrs. Wm. 6 Milborne grove Everard, 29 Fulham rd Fagg Robert, 405 Fulham rd Faircloth Fredk. 9 Selwood ter Fanscott William, 28 Alfred pl w. Farrar Capt. John, 41 Rutland gate Farren, Wm. 23 Brompton sq Faure Theodore, 18 Brompton cres Fell Mrs. 22 South st Fenwick R. Charles, 33 Rutland gate Ferby James, 8 Pelham pl Ferguson J. 26 Trevor sq Fevre Madame, 38A Brompton row Fitch Wm. 9 Michael’s pl Fitzclarance Lady A. 24 Rutland gate Fitzgerald Mrs. 10 Alfred pl Fitzherbert Mrs. 8 Hill st Finch Jas. 22 Montpelier sq Finlay, 2 North ter Flaxman Mrs. 3 Sussex ter Flower John, 10 St. Mary’s pl Flowerden Mrs. 2 Albert ter Forde W. F. 38 Trevor sq Foreman Mrs. 5 Charles st Forester Mrs. 6 South st Forrest David, 4 Sumner ter Forrest Mrs. 19 Alfred pl Forester Edward, 36 Montpelier sq Forsyth William, 61 Rutland gate Fortescue Mrs. 6 Sumner ter Fortune Robert, 1 Gilston rd Fordick Miss, 29 Montpelier sq Foster Charles, 30 Ovington sq Foster William, 15 Alfred pl west Fothergill Benjamin, consulting engineer, 18 Drayton grove Fowler Moore Walter, 1 Sydney pl Fox Miss, 13 Rutland gate Foxhall Miss, 9 Sumner pl Foy Miss, 376 Fulham rd Foy Henry T. Seymour House, Seymour pl Foys M. Burleigh House, Fulham rd France Bennett. 2 Onslow ter Franey Edmund, 10 Montpelier sq Franklyn Rev. T. M.A. 55 Onslow sq Fraser Hugh, 2 Redcliffe rd Fredericks T. 3 Michael’s grove Freeborn Thomas, 10 Trevor sq Freeman Mrs. 45 Brompton sq Freer Christopher, 11 Onslow sq Freer Henry, 9 Neville ter French Charles, 1 Seymour ter French Thomas, 41 Grove pl Fresby Henry, 25 Pelham crescent Frohlick William, 10 Brompton sq Fryer Miss, 20 Stamford villas Fulcher Mrs. 8 Vincent st Galey Richard, 12 Charles st Galleher Mrs. 9 Seymour pl Gallot 3 Grove pl Galton Francis, 42 Rutland gate Garment Miss, 181 Fulham rd Garnett Brooksbank F. 49 Thurloe sq Garrad Mrs. 5 South st Garton Edward, 12 Montpelier sq Gawtrey Robert, 6 Alfred pl. west Genet F. J. surgeon, 2 Ovington ter Gibbs H. George, 1 Neville st Gibson Mr. 6 Redcliffe rd Gielgad Adam, 29 Pelham st Gielgad John, 15 Tregunter rd Giffard Capt. 40 Brompton crescent Giles John, 28 South st Giles Miss, 4 Sussex ter Gilman Ellis, 14 Boltons Gingall Mrs. 7 St. Mark’s ter Gingall William, 27 Hill st Glasters Mrs. 5 Queen st Glenme Henry, 55 Redcliffe rd Goding Henry, 16 Thurloe sq Goding Miss, 13 St. George’s ter Goding Mrs. 15 Montpelier sq Godrich Francis, jun. 11 Sydney pl Godwin Dr. Ashton, surg. 11 Pelham crescent Godwin George F.R.C. 24 Alexander sq Godwin James, 12 St. Mary pl Godwin Thomas, 11 South st Godson H. Septimus, 14 Rutland gate Goldfinch, 5 St. Mary’s pl Golding Dr. Earl’s Court House, 15 Boltons Goldsmith Malcolm, 11 Alfred pl west Goldsmith William, 27A Montpelier sq Good Mr. 6 St. Mark’s grove Good Mrs. 47 Grove pl Goodban J. 199 Fulham rd Goodban J. Fredk. professor of music, 9 Selwood pl Goode C. H. S. 14 Glo’ster grove west Goodman C. John, 5 St. Mark’s grove Gorden Mrs. J. 36 Brompton crescent Gosling Mrs. 28 Montpelier sq Goulburn Hon. Mrs. 5 Princes ter Gowen William, 17 Thurloe pl Gowing W. G. 3 Alfred pl west Graham John, 1 Onslow sq Gray Robert Mrs. 2 Onslow crescent Grainger Charles, 20 Alexander sq Grant Thomas, 4 Selwood ter Grautiff Bernard, Elm villa, Harley rd Gray James, 7 Glo’ster rd Gray Joseph, 13 Pelham st Gray Miss, 5 the Grange Gray Mrs. 45 Brompton row Green John Mrs. 19 Sumner pl Green William J. 1 St. Mark’s grove Greenhill Charles, 1 Pelham pl n Greenall Gilbert, 2 Princes ter Grenat de Blaser Madame, 37 Brompton row Greville Col. S. Fulke, 2 Albert gate Grey, Mrs. 2 Grange ter Griffiths Henry, Grove cottage, Gloucester grove west Griffith Mrs. 15 Selwood ter Grig Capt. 41 Brompton sq Grigg Mrs. 1 Primrose cottages Thistle grove Gros Baron, French Ambassador, Albert gate Groves James, 6 Pelham st Gunn Cramond J. 16 Sumner pl Gunter Mrs. 16 Boltons Gunthorpe Mrs. Capt. 1 Grange ter Guild Madame, 14 Ovington ter Gurney T. K. 4 Park villas Gush F. 14 Stamford villas Gutteres George, 24 Thurloe sq Hack Wm. 11 Gloucester ter. Old Brompton Hacker E. 15 Stamford villas Hackett John, 1 Radcliffe villas Hackett James, 7 Montpelier sq Hadley, 21 Montpelier sq Hadsley John H. 4 Alfred st Hagreen Henry B. 10 Thistle gr Haines F. 23 Fulham rd Hakewill Edward Chas. 8 Thurloe sq Halcombe Mrs. 32 Grove pl Haldine R. 12 Gloucester ter. Old Brompton Hale William, 3 South st Halse Miss, 5 Sumner pl Hatt Mrs. 2 South st Hall Samuel C., 21 Boltons Hall W. surgeon, 21 Brompton row Halliway Jas. Orchard, 6 St. Mary’s pl Hansley Mrs. 4 St. Mary’s pl Hamilton John, 9 Drayton gr Hamilton Mrs. the Rosery, Old Brompton Hammond Wm. A. 47 Rutland gate Hance Charles, 17 Alexander sq Hanis Augusta, 9 Pelham pl Hannah Robert, 2 Alfred place w. Harbottle John, 39 Alfred place w. Hard Alfred, 1 Prospect place Hard Madame L. 1 Prospect pl Harden Charles, 11 Onslow crescent Hardinge Dow. Vicountess, 1 Prince’s ter Harding John, 4 Hill st Hardy A. A. 9 Devonshire ter Hare Miss, 14 Montpelier sq Harness H. 105 Fulham rd Harrington Mrs. 21 Michael’s pl Harrison John N. 7 Bolton pl Hart Henry, 5 Alfred pl. west Hart Mrs. 48 Pelham st Hartopp Captain, 8 Albert ter Harvey Miss Lee, 10 Thurloe pl Haselden John B. 25 Grove pl Hasler John, 11 Selwood ter Hassard Joseph, 3 Seymour pl Hassard Mrs. 7 Onslow crescent Hawes Mrs. 8 Priory grove Hazlitt William, 14 Ovington sq Headlam Mrs. 18 Selwood pl Healley Capt. George 3 Albert gate Heather John, 25 Brompton crescsnt Hebbert Charles, 12 Ovington ter Heddy A. William, Grants lodge, 18 Boltons Helfrich Francis, 33 Brompton cres Helps John, 26 Pelham crescent Hemsley William, 13 Hereford sq Hemsworth Miss, 15 Pelham st Hemment J. L. 12 Brompton row Henderson Mrs. W. 32 Ovington sq Hendley Thomas, 8 Alfred st Henley A. 1 St. Mark’s ter Henry Capt. W. 7 St. Mary’s pl Henry William, 25 South st Herbert E. 15 Alfred pl Hettich Charles, 5 Albert ter Hewett Mrs. 33 Hereford sq Hewlin Elias, 5 Seymour pl Heyland Mrs. 9 Montpelier sq Heylock William, 7 Gloucester gr. w Hicks A. solicitor, 6 St. Mark’s ter Hedden John, 1 Charles st Higginbotham Miss, 2 Thurloe sq Higerton H. 8 Devonshire ter Hildreth John, 1D Seymour pl Hill Thomas, 14 Trevor sq Hinde Mrs. 36 Glo’ster rd Hindley Charles, 34 Trevor sq Hipp John, 24 Hill st Hitchings, 3 Priory grove Hodge George, 18 Gilston rd Hodges H. F. surgeon, 4 Brompton row Hodgson Mr. 6 Grove pl Hodson Richard, 7 Priory gr Hoffman J. 23 Montpelier sq Holmes A. 2 St. George’s ter. Hyde Park corner Holroyd Henry, 22 Alexander sq Holland Thurston H. 24 Rutland gate Holloway S. 31 Fulham rd Honey W. H. 209 Fulham rd Hope Lady F. Mary, 50 Rutland gate Hope William, 9 Michael’s grove Horn C. J. 13 Selwood ter. Fulham rd Horsley G. S. 21 Thurloe sq Houseley George, 8 Onslow sq Houstin, J. A. 14 Gilston rd Howard L. Onslow villa, Pelham rd Howard Lord E. Fitzallen, 19 Rutland gate Hoofsletter Charles, 52 Thurloe sq Hudson George, 12 Ovington sq Hudson G. E. 18 Thurloe sq Hudson Mrs. 19 Pelham st Hudson Mrs. 17 Grove pl Hughes Richard, 20 Sumner place Hughes Mrs. 6 Alfred pl Hughes Mrs. 48 Grove pl Hulme Frederick W. 4 Hereford sq Humphrey William, 42 Montpelier st Hunt Mrs. 24 Grove pl Hunt Mrs. William, 16 Ovington sq Husband Thomas W. 2 Poulis ter Hutchinson Edward, 6 Pelham villas Hutchins Jos. 4 Charles st Hutchinson Edward, 6 Pelham villas Hyde Edward, 23 Alfred pl west Hyman Elias, 33 Onslow sq Irwin William John, 47 Thurloe sq Ireland Edwin C. 4 Selwood pl Jackson J. B. 11 Pelham pl Jacobs Joshua, 8 Pelham crescent Jaques Chas. Thomas, 50 Brompton sq Jaquet Mrs. 31 Ovington sq James Colonel Chas. 3 Gilston rd James Geo. Alfred, 57 Brompton sq Jannaway William, 4 Grove pl Jarits, 7 Devonshire ter Jay Charles, 3 Hereford sq Jay James, Onslow villa, Pelham st Jaynes F. 5 Brompton sq Jefferies Lewis, 415 Fulham rd Jeffreys Edward W., 26 Rutland gate Jenkyns Edward, Grove house, Seymour pl Jennings, 17 Michael’s pl Jennings Mrs. 3A Sussex ter Jermyn Rowland F. 44 Drayton grove Joel Mr. Brompton hall Johnson E. 7 Stamford villas Johnson J. 1 Richmond villas Johnson J. the Lodge, 7 Thistle grove Johnson Mrs. 16 Pelham pl Johnson Thomas, 7 Alfred pl. west Johnston Edward, 15 Neville ter Johnston Mrs. 269 Fulham rd Jones Alfred, 22 Glo’ster grove west Jones Charles Edward, 2 Crawley pl Jones John, 53 Brompton sq Jones James S. 3 Onslow villas Jones Mrs. 44 Brompton row Jones Owen, 20 Hill st Josephine Mdme. 10 Montpelier st Joseph Mrs. 5 Pelham pl north Judd Major, Curzon Lodge, Old Brompton rd Julien George Hanson, 13 Neville ter Julyen Penrose G. 19 Pelham crescent Kaye Miss, 15 Pelham crescent Keates Mrs. 9 Brompton crescent Keavin Mrs. 16 Brompton sq Keith, 5 Devonshire ter Kendab J. 17 Fulham rd Kent William, 11 Hereford sq Kennedy Mrs. 5 Alexander sq Kennard Coleridge J. 13 Prince’s ter Killick Mrs. 14 Michael’s pl Kimbers Mrs. school, 14 Montpelier st King William B. 5 Glo’ster grove w. King Daniel J. 1 Sumner pl King John, 19 Thurloe sq King Jos. W. 41 Brompton crescent King William, 9 Ovington ter Kingdom B. J. 3 Pelham pl. north Kingscote Hon. Mrs. 45 Rutland gate Kinsey Matthew, 3 St. George’s ter Kirkham G. L. Cambridge villa Gilston rd Kitchin —, 111 Fulham rd Knaggs Wm. Ridley, 27 Montpelier st Knightfoot J. S. 229 Fulham rd Knowles Mrs. 19 Grove pl Knight Mrs. 5 North ter Lace Charles, 8 Drayton grove Lacey Edward, 7 Neville ter Lahee Henry, professor of music, 20 Alexander sq Lahee James, 2 Ovington sq Lahee Samuel, 17 Brunswick sq Laing Mrs. 5 Elm pl Lane Richard R. 14 Alfred pl. west Lane William, 36 Pelham st Lang Mrs. 12 Hill st Lard Mrs. 4 Glo’ster rd Lardlow J. 10 Devonshire ter Large W. C. 10 Stamford villas Law Miss, 7 Seymour ter Lawrie John M. 4 St. George’s ter Lawrence Whitehorn Wm. 56 Thurloe sq Lagarus Henry, 2 Pelham pl Lea William J., 9 Thristle grove Leadhart Alfred, 2 Hill st Leake Charles F. 3 Alexander sq Leal Charles, 28 Hill st Leatherby Mrs. 4 Michael’s pl Le Clerd Madame, 15 Pelham pl Le Barnard, 3 Seymour ter Lee M. 233 Fulham rd Lee Mrs. 39 Pelham st Lee Mrs. H. 17 Selwood ter Lemon R. Hertford House, Fulham rd Lemon Robt. 10 Ovington sq Lennox Lord Arthur, 21 Ovington sq Leonards Francis, 29 Brompton sq Leonard George, prof. of music, 3 Pelham st Leonard Henry, 22 Pelham st Leonard William, 2 Alfred st Leslie Anthony, 20 Alfred place Love James, 23 Glo’ster grove west Levings Miss, 6 Alfred st Levinson Mr. Grove Lodge, Old Brompton Lewis Mrs. 5 Montpelier sq Lewis Emma, 60 Grove pl Lewis Dr. Thos. 7 Sumner pl Leyland Capt. Thos. Hyde Park Ho. Albert gate Liberty Rev. N. 6 Elm pl Lincoln Mrs. 8 Alexander sq Lindsey Capt. John, 2 Melbourne gr Lindgren, 271 Fulham rd Line Mrs. 1 Hereford sq Lingleton Mrs. M. 23 South st Linley William, 7 St. Mark’s grove Linsey Hon. Lieut. Col. 49 Rutland gt Little Francis, 7 Onslow sq Little Mrs. 10 Glo’ster rd Little Mrs. 55 Grave pl Llewellyn John, 55 Brompton cresc Lock Miss, 12 Priory grove Lock Richard, 6 Sussex ter Locke William, 2 St. Mary’s pl Lockwood, 12 Stamford villas Lodge George, 3 Charles st Long Edwin, 33 Ovington sq Longden Hayter Thos. 4 Ennismore pl Longman Mrs. 9 St. Mary’s pl Loron Francois Cofarreux, 13 Alfred pl Lovell Capt. Jersey de N. 21 Prince’s ter Luff John, 6 Seymour pl Lubbeck Charles, 22 Pelham crescent Lutwidge L. G. Robert, 4 Albert pl w. Lyall George, 9 Rutland gate Lynn Robert, 28 Ovington sq McAlpin John, 7 Onslow ter McCallen Mrs. 41 Thurloe sq McClean Miss, 80 Alfred pl. west McClervety Mrs. 5 Alfred pl McGowan Misses, 10 the Grange McIntire R. 28 Trevor sq McQueen Mr. 37 Alfred pl west Macauley Dr. Alex. 18 Alfred pl west Macaulay James, 23 Pelham st Macbean Colonel, 3 Montpelier sq Macdonald, Alex. 14 Grove pl Maclaurin David, 27 Pelham st Macleny Alex. W. 10 Gunters grove Madox Henry, 22 Summer pl Madocks Colonel, 39 Brompton sq Madder Francis, 3 Redcliffe rd Maitland Gorham J. 51 Rutland gate Maitland Wm. 11 Alfred pl Mabley Miss, preparatory school, Tudor Lodge, Thristle grove lane Manghan Sheffield J. 3 Summer ter Mann E. Percy Cottage, 16 Thistle gr Mann George. 9 Milborne grove Mann James, 3 Seymour pl Manners Arthur, 20 Rutland gate Manser Mrs. 37 Grove pl Margin Mrs. 7 Thurloe pl Marker R. 383 Fulham row Marriott Montague, 26A Montpelier sq Marsh Hy. Matthew, 2 Rutland gate Marshall Mrs. J. A. 7 South st Marshall Mrs. 2 Priory grove Marshall Mrs. 5 Neville st Martin Brooke, civil eng. 45 Grove pl Martin Charles, 7 Milborne grove Martin Theodore, 31 Onslow sq Martin Miss, 17 Pelham pl Martin Mrs. 3 Alfred pl Martyn Dr. Patrick R.N. 33 Thurloe sq Martyn Silias Edward, 46 Thurloe sq Martyn Mr. 14 Brompton row Mason Thomas, 14 Elm pl Mason Mrs. 14 Alexander sq Mason Miss, 9 Poulis ter Matchwick John, 11 Gloucester grove, west Matthews John, 10 Grove pl Matthews Mrs. 3 Milborne grove Maude Miss, 20 St. Mary’s pl Maule Miss, 15 Prince’s ter May Frederick, 1 Thristle grove lane May Henry, 9 Glo’ster grove west Mayhew Edw. 425 Fulham rd Mayow Rev. W. M. 2 Boltons Meacher Mrs. 36 Brompton row Meadows Drinkwater, 6 the Grange Meads Miss, 13 Alfred pl west Meller S. M. 18 Stamford villas Melton Henry, 5 Michael’s grove Merle Henry William, 20 Prince’s ter Merry G. J. T. 33 Fulham rd Meynell Gerard C., 11 Rutland gate Miller, 10 Gilstone rd Miller M. Felix, 2 Argyle villas Milner Mrs. J. 215 Fulham rd Miles Hy. Wm. 2 Tregunter gr Mills F. William, 8 Seymour pl Mills Miss, 213 Fulham rd Milton John, 35 Alfred place w. Milton Mrs. Hakfield Lodge, Fulham rd Milward John, 49 Brompton row Minney John, 27 Brompton crescent Mitchell Charles, 8 Grange ter Mitchell George, 15 Brompton cres Mitchell Mrs. Sumner ter. Onslow sq Moffat John, 12 Melbourne grove Moiser Charles, 22 Brompton row Moller Charles, 10 Gilston rd Monkhouse Richard, 43 Thurloe sq Montague Mrs. Edwd, 18 Pelham cres Montford Mrs. 23 Alexander sq Moore Mrs. Wm. 19 Michael’s place Moore Wm. Brompton cottage, Old Brompton Moore Mrs. 44 Montpelier st Morton Wm. 6 Charles st Moreton W. 7 Selwood ter Fulham rd Morgan Charles, 26 South st Morgan James, 3 Gloucester grove w. Morley Mrs. 15 Fulham rd Morrell James, 5 Redcliffe rd Morris James, 31 Seymour pl Morris T. M. 407 Fulham rd Morris Mrs. 18 Alexander sq Morrison Miss, 27 Fulham rd Morton Rev. A. H. A. 10 Albert ter Mostyn Wm. 15 Thurloe sq Mostyn Mrs. 57 Brompton cres Mostyn Mrs. 4 Ovington sq Mottram Samuel, Chapman Thomas, 43 Brompton crescent Mould T. J. surgeon, 1 Onslow cres Mountcharles Earl, 60 Rutland gate Munday J. 20 Stamford villas Mure Hon. Mrs. 55 Rutland gate Murphy Matthew, 20 Trevor sq Maralle George, 25 Onslow sq Murrey John, 54 Rutland gate Murray M. 9 Fulham rd Murray Miss, 57 Onslow sq Murton Mrs. Colonel, 21 Fulham rd Musgrove Major Gen. 5 Thurloe sq Natten Mrs. 6 Ovington sq Neale Patrick, 15 Charles st Nelson Miss, 4 Gilston rd Newcomen Chas. Edward, 20 Ovington sq Newport R. 225 Fulham rd Nichols James, 10 Boltons Nichols John, 12 Elm pl Nicholl Mr. 24 Michael pl Nicholson Mrs. 5 Sydney pl Nicholson W. John, 1 Boltons Niel Mrs. 2 Alexander sq Noble Fred. 2 Michael’s grove Norford George, 5 Prospect pl Norman John, 10 Glo’ster grove west Norris Edwin, 6 Michael’s grove Norton Mrs. 4 Alfred pl Northam Mrs. 44 Brompton sq Novitzki de Col. 27 Alfred pl. west Noyes Charles, 4 Sydney pl O’Brien Mrs. 30 Hill st O’Bryen John R. M.D. White House, 17 Thistle grove O’Conner John M. 24 Brompton sq O’Grady James, 29 Onslow sq O’Hanlon Felix, 10 Alfred st O’Regan Dr. 4 Michael’s grove Oakley J. 107 Fulham rd Odowd James, 10 Alfred pl west Ogilvy Sir John Bart. Kent House, South pl. Kensington rd Olive Mrs. 8 Redcliffe rd Oliver Mrs. M. 20 Selwood ter Olliver William H. 26 Hereford sq Onslow Capt. 46 Beaufort gardens Oppenheim Ernest, 14 Albert ter Oriel Miss, 4 Seymour pl Orkney Earl of, 3 Enismore pl Osborne Edgar, 5 Drayton ter Osborne Misses, 40 Thurloe sq Oulmixon Captain R.N. 10 Onslow cres Outhwaite William, 36 Brompton sq Owen David H. 4 Neiville ter Owen Rev. Henry John, 11 Poulis ter Pafford B. 29 Grove pl Page Mrs. E. 14 Pelham st Pain Thomas, 4 Grange ter Palmer Alfred, 22 Gloucester gr w. Palmer Robert, 35 Ovington sq Pamphilon Mrs. 18 South st Parglecal Frederick, 28 Hereford sq Park Mrs. 10 Michael’s pl Parker Wm. 22 Montpelier st Parkin R. Byron cottage, 35 Thistle gr Parry Major Lane E. 53 Onslow sq Parry Mrs. 37 Montpelier sq Parsons W. F. 5 Grove pl Parsons Miss, 4 Pelham vils. Onslow sq Paskell S. W. 1 Glo’ster rd Paskin William, 11 Thurloe sq Pashley J. 8 Grove pl Passendorff George, 29 Hill st Patrick Mrs. 30 Seymour pl Pattison John C. 49 Brompton sq Pattison Ralph, 11 Thurloe pl Pauer E. 3 Crawley pl Paul, 5 Stamford villas Paul Mrs. 7 Michael’s grove Paynter Thomas, 53 Thurloe sq Pearson J. 33 Trevor sq Pemberton William, 3 Montpelier ter Penfold Edward, 11 Charles st Pennington J. M. 4 Pelham crescent Percy Hon. W. J. 24 Prince’s ter Perkins Henry, professor of French &c., 38 Grove pl Perkins Mr. 15 Brompton row Perry Mrs. 16 Charles st Perston, Dr. M.D. 1 the Grange Peters Major Jas. Wintersell House, 7 Brompton crescent Pettigrew Thos. Jos. 16 Onslow cres Phibbs Rich. Major, 12 Rutland gate Philips Major Wm. S. 5 Gilston rd Phillips Mrs. 22 Pelham pl. Phillips Revell, 1 Drayton ter Philp Miss, 227 Fulham rd Pierce Edward, 11 Selwood pl Pierce Mrs. Lee House, Old Brompton Pignet Mrs. 26 Queen st Pigon Frederick, 11 Albert ter Pinches John, 44 Pelham st Pitcairn Col. Robert, 7 Ovington sq Plomer Charles, 6 Montpelier sq Powell Cotton John, 7 Prince’s ter Powell Miss, 32 Brompton crescent Powell Mrs. 7 Seymour pl Polak Mrs. Samuel, 45 Brompton cres Pollard, Charles F. surg. 26 Brompton crescent Pollard E. W. surg. 1 Brompton sq Pollard Misses, Crescent Ho. Brompton crescent Polhill Richard Cawley, 2 Pelham pl n. Pomfret Henry H. 32 Brompton cres Poring Rev. Peter M A. 46 Bromt cres Pooley Henry, 52 Grove pl Poolman Mrs. 8 The Grange Pope Charles, 3 Selwood ter Pope Richard, 46 Brompton sq Porter William, 411 Fulham rd Potter A. George, 16 Selwood ter Pouys George, Holly cottage Pratt Mrs. 21 Pelham pl Pratt Samuel, 21 Alfred pl. west Preston Mrs. 2 St. Mark’s ter Price B. 11 Prince’s ter Price Jas. Arthur, 8 Prince’s ter Price Edwin, 3 Thurloe sq Prodgers Edward, 6 Seymour ter Pulling John, 3 Drayton ter Putteney Mrs. 10 Rutland gate Purcell Mrs. 10 North ter Pybus J. 16 Stamford villas Quilter John, Harley rd. villa, Harley road Rackham Mrs. 24 Pelham cres Radbone John, 10 Seymour pl Radcliffe Alfred, 12 Redcliffe rd Radcliffe Henry, 45 Drayton grove Radermacher Wm. 6 Grange ter Radermacher Jas. J. 10 Ovington ter Radermacher John, 32 Brompton sq Raglan Lord, 58 Rutland gate Ramsay James, 14 Prince’s ter Ramsey Thomas, 45 Pelham st Ransford Henry, Huron lodge, Tregunter rd Raper Mrs. 6 Prince’s ter Rattenbury Miss, school, 3 Queen st Rawlinson Robert, Lancaster lodge, 11 Boltons Rawlingson T. 13 Thurloe pl Raymond John, 60 Brompton sq Rayson S. 19 Selwood ter. Fulham rd. Read H. 231 Fulham rd Rebell Charles, 14 Thurloe pl Redcliffe Herbert, 2 Drayton grove Redcliffe Henry, 2 Drayton grove Redford Mrs. 32 Hill st Redgrave F. James, 11 Glo’ster rd Redgrave, Eagle Lodge Old Brompton Reece, 4 Stamford villas Reed T. 44 Grove pl Reeve Henry, 62 Rutland gate Reeve Bycroft S. 11 Brompton cres Reeves Wm. J. 43 Brompton sq Reeve Mrs. 1 Pelham crescent Remington Miss, 3 Prospect pl Renaud T. Peter, 15 South st Rendford, Huron Lodge, Tregunter rd Reynolds Capt. 7 North ter Reynolds Geo. Chas. 10 Pelham cres Reynolds Wm. Pownsett, 2 Oakley crescent north Rice Samuel, 1 Albert ter Rich George, 1 Drayton grove Richards Jacob, 9 Glo’ster grove Richly D. Thomas, 16 Hereford sq Richmond Mrs. S. 5 Onslow ter Rickatson Mrs. 11 Milborne grove Ridley George, 3 Montpelier sq Ripley J. Robert, 26 Glo’ster grove w. Robb Mrs. Capt. 46 Rutland gate Roberts Miss, 29 Hereford sq Robertson Miss, 1 Ovington sq Roberts William, 4 Priory grove Roberts Mrs. 24 Montpelier sq Robinson David Rev. 4 Rutland gate Robinson George, 11 St. George’s ter Robinson J. C. 13 Poulis terrace, Onslow sq Robinson J. W. 9 the Grange Robinson James, 2 Thistle grove lane Robinson Mrs. 5 Boltons Robinson Miss, 31 Hill st Robson W. F. 25 Brompton sq Rodger Capt. W. R.N. 9 Shawfield st Roe Charles W. 13 Drayton grove Roe Mr. 13 Pelham pl Rogers George, 12 South st Rogers J. Alfred, 46 Brompton row Rogers Matthew, 33 Hill st Rogers Rev. Jas. 34 Hill st Rogers T. White cottage, 2 Seymour pl Rophé Harris, 23 Pelham cres Roppe Mrs. F. 23 Pelham cres Rose Philip, 59 Rutland gate Rose Samuel, 39 Brompton cres Ross Charles, 51 Brompton sq Ross Sir H. Dalrymple, 34 Rutland gt Ross J. 431 Fulham rd Rossiter Wm. 54 Brompton sq Rotton Richard, 3 Boltons Rouquette Mdme., boarding school for young ladies, 16 Alexander sq Roux H. 31 Grove pl Roy Mrs. R. 9 Drayton ter Rubine Madame, 4 Drayton grove Rudall Wm. 30 Montpelier sq Rudermacher Wm. 6 Grange ter Rudlin W. H. 397 Fulham rd Rumsey A. 13 Stamford villas Rumboult, John H. 11 Montpelier sq Rush John, 14 Tregunter rd Russell Mrs. 2 Montpelier sq Russell Howard W. 18 Sumner pl Russell William, Pembroke House, 15 Boltons Rye the Misses, 6 Drayton ter Ryan Charles, 44 Beaufort gardens Ryder Dudley George, 9 Sumner ter St. Clair Alexander, 13 Brompton sq St. George Col. John, 17 Rutland gt St. John Mrs. 6 Poulis ter. Onslow sq St. Peter’s home, 27 Brompton sq Sabonroff Peter, 4 Albert ter Samsburg John, 2 Seymour pl Samome Alfred W. 10 Gloucester ter Sanderson Mrs. 205 Fulham rd Sanders Jos. 22 Grove pl Sanderson J. J. 13 Fulham rd Sandys Mrs. 7 Sumner ter Sansom Thomas, 24 South st Sartoris Hon. Mrs. 64 Rutland gate Saville Mrs. 7 Alfred pl Saunders Miss, 38 Montpelier st Savic Miss, 32 Thurloe sq Sayer Robert, 11 Trevor sq Sacanell Col. Carmona, 17 Alfred pl w. Scarlett Hon. Sir James, 25 Princes ter Scates Mrs. 5 Selwood ter Schaffer C. Peter, 3 Pelham crescent Scharr de Chevalier, 6 Onslow crescent Schenk George, 17 Boltons Schmilzer Christopher, 3 Selwood pl Schydh P. 11 Elm ter Scott Andrew, 3 Onslow ter Scott Capt. 19 Fulham rd Seabrook Mrs. ladies school, 35 Pelham st Selby S. 6 Yeoman’s row Semenza G. 31 Brompton cres Sewell Wm. Albert villa, Gilston rd Seymour Francis, 6 Priory grove Seymour Mrs. 2 Pelham villas Seymour Mrs. 7 Sussex pl Shackleton C. J. 5 Paulis ter. Onslow square Sharpe Mrs. 3 Sumner pl Sharpus Thomas, 3 Albert ter Shaw Mrs. 19 South st Sheepshanks John, 23 Rutland gate Sheppard Mrs. 5 Hereford sq Sheppard Walter G. M.D. M.R.C.S. 11 Rose ter. Fulham rd Sherrard Mrs. 33 Grove pl Sherson A. Nowell, 23 Thurloe sq Sheward Mrs. 5 Montpelier ter. Sheward George, Manager London and County Bank, 3 Albert gate Sheydd Paul, 11 Elm ter Shird Wm. 2 Drayton ter Shoemack C. Henry, Basing cottage, 6 Gloucester grove west Shubrick Miss, 6 Gloucester rd Shute Mrs. Dean, 27 Rutland gate Shutze, 5 Neville ter Sibthorp Miss, 22 Brompton crescent Sicily Neumar, 22 Thistle grove Sills Wm. 31 Alfred pl. west Simpkin A. L. 9 Priory grove Simpson Thomas B. 6 Boltons Simpson John Pilgrave, 9 Alfred pl w. Sims Edward, 23 Seymour pl Sims William H. 9 Thurloe pl Sims Mrs. 1 Milborne grove Sinclair William, 7 Charles st Singleton Alexander, 5 Selwood pl Singleton Mrs. M. 23 South st Sisters of Mercy Home, 10 Lower gr Skelley Col. Francis, 5 Onslow sq Sketchley Mrs. 32 Hereford sq Sladen Barbet, 4 Crawley pl Slaney Mrs. 1 Enismore pl Slater Miss, 14 Drayton grove Sloane John, 20 Thurloe sq Smiles Mrs. 36 Alfred pl, west Smith, 59 Grove pl Smith Sir Andrew, 31 Thurloe sq Smith Augsts Oswald, 44 Rutland gate Smith Capt. 11 Fulham rd Smith Henry W. 3 Hill st Smith James, 3 Michael’s pl Smith John, 6 Selwood ter Smith J. Woodville Hse. 16 Draytn gve Smith J. N., S.C.L. Oxon & L.C.P. Marlbro House School, 93 Fulham rd Smith Miss A. 5 Park Villas Smith Mrs. 56 Redcliffe rd Smith Ridley Martin, 41 Onslow sq Smith Samuel, 3 Trevor sq Smith Wm. James, 8 Elm ter Smith W. Atwell, 9 Michael’s grove Soame Dow. Lady B. 18 Herefrd sq Soulby Mrs. 7 Vincent st Sparham John, 1 Gloucester grove w Spear Richard, 10 Pelham st Spence Joseph, 3 Neville st Spencer Mrs. 47 Brompton crescent Spiller Wm. school, 32 Brompton row Spittle James, Old Brompton Spry Richard James, 2 Sydney pl Stafford Mrs. 2 Stamford villas Stanley Thomas, 4 Queen st Stansfield James, 35 Thurloe sq Stapleton John, 20 Pelham pl Starling Edward, 2 Sumner ter Startin Wm. Hereford Lodge, Old Brompton Stratham Rev. W. M. 9 Alfred st Steel Mrs. Amyot House, Fulham rd Steele Mrs. 1 Seymour pl Stevens Henry, 403 Fulham rd Stevens Miss, 1 St. Mary’s pl Stevens Mrs. 24 Alfred pl. west Stevens Thomas, 12 Drayton grove Stephenson John, 17 Pelham st Stephenson Lady Mary, 56 Rutland gate Stepney Cowell A. 5 St. George’s ter Stewart Mrs. 4 Neville st Stickland Wm. 5 Fulham rd Stimpson John, 21 Hill st Stokes Francis, 55 Brompton sq Stounton Miss, 2 St. Mark’s grove Strange Edward, 18 Pelham pl Streatfield Maj. Gen. C.E. 17 Thurloe sq Street Arthur, 8 Gloucester grove w Street B. Tregunter lodge, Gilston rd Street Henry, 12 Gilston rd Street St. George, 10 Drayton grove Strong Thomas Banks, 1 Priory gr Strong William, 15 Ovington sq Strudwick Hayward J. 11 Priory gr Stuart Miss, 11 Redcliffe rd Stukey Henry, 12 Brompton crescent Sturner, 9 Lower grove Sullivan J. 14 Stamford villas Sullivan Robert, 15 Rutland gate Surrey Christopher, Selwood cottage Surrey Christopher R. 10 Neville ter Surrey John H. 7 Elm ter Surrey William, 13 Elm pl Sutton Mrs. 30 Hereford sq Swain Hugh, 42 Pelham st Swan R. 3 Park villas Swift R. William, 8 Sumner pl Symonds Mrs. 3 Hereford sq Syms Mrs. 24 Seymour pl Tagg H. W. 211 Fulham rd Tate James R. 14 Hereford sq Tate William, 15 Hereford sq Taylor George, 16 Alfred pl west Taylor F. W. 207 Fulham rd Taylor Thomas, 16 Brompton cres Taylor William, 23 Brompton cres Teage Mrs. William, 28 Drayton gr Temple Charles, 31 Pelham st Temple Mdme. Barn Cottage, Old Brompton rd Tharp John, 3 Pelham villas Tharp J. P. Warwick house, Fulham rd Tharp Capt. John, 3 Pelham villas, Onslow sq Thomas Arthur, 24 Gloucester gr w Thomas Frederick, 9 South st Thomas George, 16 Alfred pl Thomas James, 16 Alfred pl Thomas James, 4 Onslow ter Thomas John, 22 Brompton sq Thomas J. T. 13 Gloucester gr w Thomas William, 20 Boltons Thomas William, 14A Pelham pl Thomas J. L. Miss, 14 Pelham pl Thomas Mrs. 2 Redcliffe villas Thompson James, 24 Montpelier st Thompson M. 3 Stamford villas Thompson Thomas, 8 Brompton sq Thompson Mrs. 25 Hill st Thorp C. 41 Pelham st Thayer Henry William, 3 Onslow sq Teighe Right Hon. Col. Wm. 22 St. George’s ter Timpson Samuel, 13 Brompton row Tippetts Edward, surgeon, 10 Elm ter Tippetts E. 10 Elm ter Tobit Mrs. 34 Montpelier st Toby Wm. 3 St. Mark’s grove Tolfrey Mrs. 24 Hereford sq Tootel, The Lodge, Grange ter Topham George, 17 Gilston rd Trice Wm. Henry, 27 Thurloe sq Trott J. 273 Fulham rd Trotter Robert, 26 Thurloe sq Tuck Mrs. school, 15 Grove pl Turabe Edward, 56 Brompton sq Turner Alfred 12 Boltons Turner James, 26 Michael’s pl Turnley Jos. W. 10 Michael’s grove Twistleton Hon. Edw. 3 Rutland gate Upton John, 2 The Grange Ussher Rev. Christopher, 10 Priory grove Vacher Charles, 4 Boltons Valle Philip, 20 Brompton sq Valvani V. 235 Fulham row Valle Philip, 20 Brompton sq Varnish Mrs. 34 Alfred pl. west Vaughan John, 32 Pelham st Vernon Hon. Wm. Warren, 35 Rutland gate Vernon Mr. 7 Pelham st Veillard Charles, 3 Poulis ter Venall, 1 Pelham villas Vining James, 21 Pelham crescent Vokes Capt. T. W. Howard villa, 9 Thistle grove Vokins Mrs. 195 Fulham rd Wade J. Foxcroft villa, Gilston rd Waghorn Alfred, 1A Seymour pl Waite Henry 12 Selwood pl Waite, 43 Grove pl Waite Mrs. 34 Brompton row Wakefield Mrs. 17 Sumner pl Walker Mrs. 8 Sumner ter. Onslow sq Walker Robert Bruce Walker, 10 Milborne gr Walford Edward, 37 Thurloe sq Walker John, 42 Brompton crescent Walker R. B. N. 10 Milborne grove Walker W. E. Holly lodge, Thistle gr Walkom Mrs. 4 Milborne grove Waller Miss, 223 Fulham rd Waller Mrs. 5 Michael’s pl Wallace’s Hotel, 20 21 22 St. George’s ter, Hyde Park Corner Walley Mrs. 427 Fulham rd Wallis Jas. J. C.E. 15 Victoria grove Walter Robert, 10 Selwood ter Walton N. James, 4 St. Mark’s grove Walters Jas. 3 Brompton sq Walsh Fred. Thos. 15 Michael’s pl Ward Miss, 23 Pelham pl Ward Mrs. Argyle lodge, Old Bromptn Ward E. 2 Park Villas Ward, 26 Montpelier st Warren Mrs. Col. 1 Thurloe sq Watts Mrs. 21 Pelham st Watts Benjamin, 49 Brompton crescnt Watts Joshua, 10 Pelham pl Watts Wm. surgeon, 8 Onslow ter Wattey Mons. 12 Selwood ter Waterfield Dr. 17 South st Waterhouse Jas. Holly Lodge Glo’ster gr west Watkins R. 203 Fulham rd Watson Mrs. 2 Brompton sq Watson T. J. surgn. 3 Devonshire ter Webb James, 2 Elm pl Webster Mrs. 4 South st Webster Fox Charles, 52 Rutland gate Webber H. J. arch. & surv. 21 Grove pl Weigall Mrs. 13 Michael’s pl Welbank Richard, 5 Alfred st Welsh Wm. Rev. M.A. 9 Hereford sq Wesley Lieut.-Gen. Sir Robert, K.C.B. 28 Gilston st West Wm. 25 Seymour pl West Samuel, 22 Ovington sq Weston S. C. Miss, 11 Rutland gate Wesk Wm. 275 Fulham rd Western T. grammar school, North ter Westhead Edwd. 17 Ovington sq Westmacott Misses, 15 Onslow cres West London Collegiate Institute for Ladies, Barret Mrs. Wheeler Richard, 5 Seymour ter Whichcote Rev. F. 35 Montpelier sq White Alfred, 5 Grange ter White Dr. 42 Grove pl White William, 50 Brompton crescent Whitfield George, 35 Grove pl Whitefield T. surgeon, 14 Pelham cres Whitfield Mrs. 27 Hereford sq Whitehead Thomas S. 6 Montpelier sq Whiteman Robert, 4 Seymour pl Whitmore Col. M. 4 Sumner pl Whitmore S. Charles, 57 Rutland gate Wightman Mrs. 1 Park villas Williams Alfred, district surveyor, 4 Pelham st Williams Charles, 1 Selwood ter Williams Godwin John, 14 Sumner pl Williams James, 19 Montpelier sq Williams Walter, 38 Montpelier sq Williams William, 11 Gilston rd Williams Mrs. 8 Alfred pl Williams Mrs. 7 Montpelier ter Wilkinson Mrs. 25 Grove pl Wilkinson John, 5 Pelham villas Wilkinson John, Priory villa, Hasley rd Willden George, 3 North ter Wilkins T. John, 21 Alexander sq Willington Henry, 12 Sumner pl Willowghby Mrs. 3 Sydney pl Wilson Miss, 8 Lower grove Wilson H. Thomas, 31 Hereford sq Wilson James, 19 Onslow sq Wilson John, Newhaven lodge, 8 Thistle grove Wilson William, 20 Pelham st Wilson William, 31 Trevor sq Witt George, 22 Prince’s ter Winchelsea Dowager Countess, 26 Prince’s ter Winterbottom Miss, 8 Selwood ter Wood Mrs. 12 Alexander sq Wood E. Mrs. 11 Thistle grove Wood J. W. 179 Fulham rd Wood Richard E. 1 Montpelier sq Wood Dr. T. C. 8 Brompton crescent Wollaston Mrs. Colonel, 49 Onslow sq Wollaston Captain, 12 Onslow cres Woolatt R. Vale grove Church st Wolley Mrs. 8 Michael’s gr Wormleighton Eliz. 52 Brompton sq Wraxhall Capt. 7 Drayton ter Wright Mdme. Burleigh House, Old Brompton Wright Mrs. 13 Hill st Wright Mrs. 26 Hill st Wright Mrs. 35 Hill st Wright Mrs. 7 St. Mary’s pl Wright Josiah, 24 Queen st Wright R. John, 32 Alfred pl west Wright William, 419 Fulham rd Wright William, 34 Brompton sq Wrighley Mrs. E. 5 Montpelier sq Wyatt Jas. 10 Charles st Wyndham Rev. Wm. 6 Rutland gate Yates Dr. Wm. Hall 5 Summer ter Yelverton Commodore R. H. 38 Rutland gate Yielding Wm. 2 Alfred pl York Richard, 23 Montpelier st York Mrs. 4 Devonshire ter Young Sir Geo. Chas. 4 Prince’s ter Young Edmund, 2 Brompton sq Young Mrs. 17 Montpelier sq Young Mrs. 4 Poulis ter. Onslow sq Zanzi Alexr. 30 Brompton crescent PIMLICO AND BELGRAVIA COURT GUIDE. Abbott, 13 Westbourne pl Abbott Hon. Mrs. 31 Cadogan pl Abbot Rev. F. J. 46 Claverton st Aberdour Lord, 19 Wilton crescent Abingdon Dow. Countess, 32 Glo’ster st Achell H. 21 Cadogan pl Adams Miss, 62 Sussex st Adington Rt. Hon. H. U. 78 Eaton pl Ager Nathan, 44 Bessborough gardens A’hmuty Gen. J. 14 Chesham pl Aird Miss, 7 Cadogan pl Airey Gen. Sir Rich. 37 Grosvenor pl Airey Hon. Lady, 37 Grosvenor pl Akroyd Henry, 84 Eaton pl Alberts M. 16 Victoria sq Aldis Dr. C. J. B. 1 Chester ter Aldin Alfred, 30 Bessborough gardens Aldridge William, 27 Chapel st Alexander Lady Lepel, 27 Eaton sq Alexander J. Wallis, 27 Eaton sq Alexander Mrs. J. Dupré, 48 Grosvenor pl Alexander Jacob, 16 Stanley pl Alexander C. D. 30 Belgrave sq Allan John, 9 Elizabeth st Allatt Miss, 47 Lower Belgrave pl Allen John F. 58 Coleshill st Allen Lady Henrietta, 27 Chesham st Allen Mrs. 3 Cumberland st Allen Robert, 36 Graham st Alton Mr. John, 38 Coleshill st Alston W. T. 9 Victoria sq Ames Henry M. 38 Eaton sq Ancona Joseph, 40 Glo’ster st Anderson Charles, 131 Stanley st Anderson J. S. 47 Tachbrook st Anderson John Fredk. 67 Coleshill st Anderson Mr. 5 Upper Belgrave pl Anderson Wm. 5 Upper Belgrave pl Andrews Lieut. Col. C. 57 Eccleston sq Andrews Fred. F. surg. 19 Elizabeth st Andrews Edward, 7 St. Michael’s ter Andrews Mrs. 9 Cadogan pl Anstruther Lady, 1 Chapel st Antrim Countess of, 30 Loundes ter Antrobus Edmund M.P. 11 Grosvenor crescent Antrobus Sir Edwd. Bart. 37 Eaton sq Antrobus Hugh Lindsey, 65 Eaton sq Appleyard Mrs. 21 Westbourne pl Appleyard Mrs. 23 Westbourne pl Apton Mrs. 131 Warwick st Arbuthnot H. & Lady Charlotte, 15 Chester st Archer Fredk. surg. 3 Chapel st Archer Miss, 19 Winchester st Arden Hon. Miss, 4 Chesham pl Arkcoll F. William, 19 Eccleston sq Arliss William, 106 Ebury st Armstrong R. B. Q.C. 29 Chester sq Armitage E. J. 25 Essex st Armytage Col. & Hon. Mrs. 15 St. George’s rd Arnauld Miss, 98 Denbigh st Arnold Matthew, 2 Chester sq Arntz Robt. R. 52 Bessborough gardens Arpino Duke de St. 36 Loundes st Ashburnham Lady F. 98 Ebury st Ashburnham the Ladies, 101 Eaton sq Ashford Edmund B. 82 Cadogan pl Ashford Miss G. E. teacher of pianoforte, 21 Denbigh st Ashford the Misses, Anglo-French School, 21 Denbigh st Askew John, 110 Stanley st Askew Thos. H. P. 5 St. Michael’s ter Aspinwall John, 87 Warwick st Atherley Mrs. 77 Eaton pl Atkins Miss, 35 Cadogan pl Atwool J. 85 Glo’ster st Aveland Lord, 12 Belgrave sq Avrillon Francis, 95 Winchester st Ayling James, 35 Graham st Babb Miss, 68 Cambridge st Baber George, 36 Cambridge st Badderly G. 32 Denbigh st Bacon H. lodging house keeper, 9 Stanley st Bagehot Walter, 12 Up. Belgrave st Bagot Ponsonby, 34 Eaton sq Bagot Col. Edward, 34 Eaton sq Bagot Lady Harriet, 58 Chester sq Bague C. 19 Coleshill st. Eaton sq Bague Miss, and Miss Harriet Bague, 19 Coleshill st Bailey Lady, 20 Belgrave sq Bailey Thomas, 135 Tachbrook st Baillie C. A. M.P. 26 Wilson crescent Baillie Mrs. D. 67 Eaton sq Bailiss Mrs. 8 Bessborough st Baird John T. 36 Belgrave rd Baird Anne Lady, 76 Eaton sq Baker John, 52 Lower Belgrave pl Baker R. B. Wingfield, 2 Loundes sq Baker Samuel, 86 Denbigh st Baker Jos. naturalist, 8 Tachbrook st Baldock Edw. Holmes, 31 Grosvenor pl Balfour Chas. 66 Eccleston sq Balfour J. & Lady G. 46 Belgrave sq Balguy John, 20 Chester sq Ball Edwd. M.P., 50 Denbigh st Ball Wm. St. George, 63 St. George’s sq Ballen Mrs. 40 Coleshill st Balls Thomas, 14 Burton st Balster B. 45 Denbigh st Bamber Henry, 19 Bessborough gardens Bamfad Thomas, 131 Tachbrook st Banister Wm. H. 34 Cambridge st Bankes H. Nugent & Hon. Mrs. 29 Eccleston st south Banks Dr. Roger, 16 Chester ter Bannerman Sir Alexander Bart. 46 Grosvenor pl Bannerman Lady A. 46 Grosvenor pl Bannister H. P. surg. acc. 63 Coleshill st Barber J. H. 13 Bessborough gardens Barber Wm. Henry, 1 Gloucester ter Barclay Thos. Geo. 5 Grosvenor cres Baring H. Bingham, M.P. 36 Wilton pl Baring Hon. & Rev. Fredk. 9 Grosvenor cres Baring Lieut. Col. Chas. 1 Chester pl Baring T. G. 21 Loundes sq Barker E. 90 Cadogan pl Barker J. 27 Cadogan pl Barker Thoamas, 11 Eccleston sq Barker Wm. John, 29 Bessborough gardens Barker R. S. 15 Bessborough gardens Barker Henry K. 97 Winchester st Barnaby Edwyn, 50 Eaton pl Barnaby Lieut. Col. E. S. 50 Eaton pl Barnard Rev. Chas. C. 6 Eccleston sq Barnett G. H. 42 Wilton crescent Barnett Henry, 15 Halkin st west Barnett Mrs. 10 Chesham pl Barnett the Misses, 42 Wilton crescent Barnston Mrs. 66 Cadogan pl Baron Thomas, 15 Graham st Barratt Jerome, surgeon, 30 Sutherland st Barrington Hon. Mrs. Russell 11 Eaton sq Barry Mrs. Middleton, 10 Eaton ter Barry Mrs. Smith, 26 Chesham pl Bart Mr. 114 Stanley st Bartlett William, 10 Lupus st Barton Geo. Henry, 15 Claverton st Barton Mrs. 76 St. George’s rd Barton S. W. 8 St. George’s sq Basham Dr. 17 Chester st Grosvenor pl Bass M. T. M.P. 19 Lower Belgrave st Bastable A. H. J. 42 Lupus st Bastard Capt. J. P. 33 Wilton pl Bastard Capt. W. B. 37 Wilton cres Bastard Mrs. 37 Wilton crescent Bate William 28 Denbigh pl Bates H. 62 Denbigh st Bateson T. & Hon. Mrs. 32 Grosvenor pl Bath & Wells, Bishop of (Lord Auckland) 2 Grosvenor crescent Bathurst Earl, 4 Wilton crescent Bathurst Lady G. 4 Wilton crescent Batten Mrs. 121 Warwick st Battye Dr. F. 6 Glo’ster st Baxter William, 114 Warwick st Bayley A. 6 Loundes sq Baynes Miss, 23 Eccleston sq Beaman Dr. G. 12 Bessborough st Beasley W. C. 7 Victoria sq Beaton Rev. Patrick, 8 St. Michael’s ter Beauchamp Earl of, 19 Grosvenor pl Beauclerc Capt. G. 23A Grosvenor st w. Beauclerk Miss, 61 Chester sq Beavan Charles, 12 Gloucester tar Beckham Mrs. 110 Denbigh st Beckwith Mrs. 52 Eaton pl Beckwith Thos. P. 52 Eaton pl Beckham Barnard, 7 Coleshill st Bedford Francis, 9 Gloucester st Bedford Duke of, 6 Belgrave sq Beckham Mrs. & Miss, 55 St. George’s rd Belcher Rev. B. 32 Warwick sq Bell Dr. Vernon, 17 William st Bell Gen. Sir J. 55 Cadogan pl Bell Mathew, 4 Grosvenor crescent Bell Matthew, 28 Eaton pl Bellamy Mrs. 81 Warwick st Belmore Countess of, 56 Eaton pl Belmore Earl of, 56 Eaton pl Belper Lord, 88 Eaton sq Belton Wm. 120 Stanley st Bernard Richard, 101 Ebury st Bennett W. J. 57 Ebury st Bentinck Baron, 20 Loundes sq Bennett Chas. 30 Gloucester st Bennett Joseph, 70 Eccleston sq Bennett Mrs. 45 Winchester st Bennett Mrs. E. M. 9 Sussex st Bennett Robert, 82 Cambridge st Bennett W. G. 58 Glo’ster st Benson George, prof. of music, 47 Glo’ster st Benson Ralph A. 8 Wilton pl Bentham George, 25 Wilton pl Bentinck Countess A. 25 Loundes st Bentley Joseph, 46 Bessborough gdns Berkley Grenville C. L. 7 Wilton cres Berkeley Hon. F. H. F. 1 Victoria sq Bernal Mrs. 32 Chester sq Berners Mrs. 18 Eaton pl south Berners Mrs. 79 Cadogan pl Berry Thomas, architect, 1 Halkin st Best, Capt. John S. 6 Wilton pl Beverley Mrs. E. 119 Warwick street Bethell Hon. Richard 45 St. George’s road Bicknell Mr. 60 Coleshill st Bicknell Rev. J. 60 Coleshill st Biddulph Col. Robert M. M.P., 35 Grosvenor pl Biddulph Col. T. and Hon. Mrs. 22 Chester sq Biddulph Robert, 31 Eaton pl Biddulph Ormus, 80 Eccleston sq Bigge Miss, 11 Eaton pl. south BIRD JAMES, Professor & Teacher of the English Concertina, 26 Denbigh st Bishop Francis, 4 Stanley pl Blackburne Miss, 22 Wilton st. Grosvenor pl Blackburne Miss H. 22 Wilton st. Grosvenor pl Blackden Miss and Miss H. 17 Wilton cres Blackden Rev. C. 17 Wilton crescent Blackwood Mrs. F. 4 Eaton terrace Blackwood Mrs. W. 23 Chesham st Blair Capt. H. 15 Lower Belgrave st Blair Miss H. 15 Lower Belgrave st Blake Henry, 9 Coleshill st Blake John G. 6 Loundes st Blakeney Miss, 23 Wilton pl Blangy Madlle. school, 25 Denbigh st Blanchard Mrs. 79 Warwick sq Bland William, 1 Bessborough st Blantyre Lord, 8 Grosvenor pl Blashfield J. R. 19 Denbigh pl Blenkins Major G. E. 9 Warwick sq Bliss Henry, 26 Eccleston sq Blome Thomas M. 4 Eccleston sq Blondin M. 37 St. George’s sq Blount Walter Aston, 1 Eaton pl west Blount Miss C. 1 Eaton pl west Blount Stephen, 1 Eaton pl west Blower Wm. 27 Burton st Blumenthal Dolph. 53 Winchester st Boilain F. G. M. 16 Chester st Bolton Capt. A. S. 32 Eaton sq Bolton Mrs. Col. 6 Chester st Bond James, 7 Denbigh st Bone S. V. 56 Gloucester st Bool James, 86 Warwick st Booth Sir R. Gore, Bart., 7 Buckingham gate Borthwick Mrs. 99 Ebury st Bosher William, 62 Cambridge st Bostock J. A. 54 Chester sq Boswell Mrs. E. 31 Coleshill st Boston Lord, 4 Belgrave sq Botch Mrs. 2 St. George’s rd Bousy Phillip Jos. 20 Westbourne pl Bouverie-Pusey C. Miss, 14 Grosvenor pl Bouverie-Pusey S. E. 14 Grosvenor pl Bouverie P. P. 15 Eaton pl Bouverie Rt. Hon. E. P. M.P. 44 Wilton cres Bovey Mrs. 2 Hobart pl Bowden Mrs. 17 Grosvenor pl Bowers Maj. Gen. 31 Wilton pl Bowen William J. 46 Cambridge st Bower Edwd. barrister, 6 Eccleston ter Boxon Mrs. 130 Warwick st Boyle Lady Louisa, 10 Chesham st Boyle Major Hon. W. G. 10 Chesham st Boyne Viscount, 22 Belgrave sq Boyse Rev. Richd. 3 Halkin st west Brackenbury Mrs. 2 Gloucester ter Bradford Earl of, 43 Belgrave sq Brady John, M.P., 1 Warwick ter Bradford H. Wm. 86 Eccleston sq Bradshaw Hen. Denbigh villas Braham Henry N. 98 Stanley st Braithwaite Mrs. 139 Tachbrook st Brake Misses, 22 Upper Belgrave pl Bramwell George, 73 Chester sq Brand J. 27 Hanover st Brand Hon. H. B. W. M.P. 2 Upper Belgrave st Branding C. 1 Lower Grosvenor pl Brassey J. Esq. 56 Loundes sq Breach J. G. (Palace Hotel) 9 Buckingham gate Bredel Misses, 7A Eaton sq Brett George, 29 Lower Belgrave pl Breun Henry, 4 Upper Belgrave pl Brewster Lieut. Col. W. B. 75 Warwick sq Bridge the Misses, 78 Eaton sq Bridgeman Miss, 2 Eaton ter Briggs John, 35 Sussex st Briggs John, 129 Warwick st Brinkorth Edward, 63 Warwick st Briscoe J. J. M.P. 60 Eaton pl Bristow S. B. 11 Chester sq Broadwood Mrs. 17 Cadogan pl Brodrick William, 23 Chester sq Bromley Davenport, 5 Loundes st Bronzoli P. 7 Ebury st Brooke, 26 Cadogan pl Brooke Col. Thomas, 20 Chester st Brooke The Hon. Lady, 53 Eaton sq Brooks Miss, 88 Warwick st Brooks R. J. 82 Warwick st Brooksbank Misses, 39 Cadogan pl Broughton Lewis D. 73 Belgrave rd Broughton Mrs. D. 73 Belgrave rd Broughton V. D. 10 Glo’ster st Brown Fredk. 98 Warwick st Brown Fred. 40 Bessborough st Brown Henry, surgeon, 1 Charles st Brown Lady Ellen, 54 Eaton pl Brown Rev. T. C. 4 Halkin st Brown Thos. 53 Cadogan pl Brown Thos. 58 Lupus st Brown William, 83 Warwick st Brown Wm. Jas. 20 Victoria sq Browne Hon. G. A. 28 Loundes sq Brownlow Right Hon. Countess, 25 Loundes sq Browning Arthur, 36 Sussex st Browning A. G. 36 Sussex st Brownrigg Henry M. 12 Eaton pl w. Brownrigg Mrs. 12 Eaton pl west Brownsmith Leman J. 104 Cambdge st Bruce Robert N. 18 Chester sq Brunskill H. surg. 15 Up. Eccleston pl Bryan Alfred, 33 Bessborough gardens Bryan Lady Elizabeth, 9 Chesham pl Bryant Miss Mary, 46 Winchester st Bryden William, 85 Eccleston sq Buccleugh Duke of, 37 Belgrave sq Buck Richard, 9 St. Michael’s ter Buckley Alfred, 13 St. George’s sq Buist Robert, dentist, 169 Cambridge st Buller Mrs. 3 Eaton sq Bulton Mrs. 22 Stanley st Burbidge George, 5 Graham st Burden Francis, 141 Stanley st Burgess Mrs. 22 Coleshill st Burgess Rev. Richard, 69 Cadogan pl Burgoyne Dow. Lady, 5 Eaton pl s Burgoyne M. G. 31 Eaton sq Burnand Theophilus, 5 Charles st Burnett Fred W. 47 St. George’s rd Burnett F. C. 10 Eccleston ter. s Bulkeley Sir R. B. W. Bart. M.P. 87 Eaton sq Bull Henry, 5 Elizabeth st Bull Benjamin, 62 Winchester st Burr D. Higford, 23 Eaton pl Burrage William, 23 Graham st Burrough Miss, 9 Cadogan pl Burrows Charles, 19 Up. Belgrave pl Burrows James, 27 St. George’s sq Burrows Mrs. James, 8 Wilton st Bushby Joseph, 3 Halkin st Bushby H. Jeffreys & Lady Frances, 40 Chester sq Bushby Miss, 2 Eaton pl south Butcher L. J. 56 Bessborough st Butler Paul, 5 Upper Eccleston st Butt Augustus, 7 Eccleston ter Butt Enoch, 96 Warwick st Butt Newton, 4 Belgrade rd Barton Edwd. 38 Bessborough st Button Miss E. professor of music, 29 Denbigh pl Buxton Chas. M.P., 7 Grosvenor crscnt Byner Thos. 30 Graham st Byng Hon. Wm. Fredk. 33 St. George’s rd Byrne John, 23 Winchester st Caines G. C. 18 Chester ter Cairns Sir H. McCalmont, Q.C. D.C.L. M.P. 79 Eaton pl Cahill Mrs. 26 Bessborough st Caldwell Mrs. Marsh, 3 Lowndes st Callcott J. G. 55 Lupus st Calthorpe Col. 43 Loundes sq Calthorpe Hon. Mrs. F. 11 Chesham pl Calthorpe James, 37 Graham st Calvert Mrs. Nicholson, 9 William st Cameron Jas. Allan, 67 Eccleston sq Cameron Lady Vere, 82 Eccleston sq Campana Fabia, 15 Westbourne pl Campbell Archibald, 3 Wilton ter Campbell Col. 8 Lowndes sq Campbell Lady, 75 Gloucester st Campbell Lt. Col. Fitzroy, 49 Eaton pl Campbell Mrs. Gen. 12 Halkin st. w Campbell Mrs. W. & Miss, 2 Loundes st Campbell William R. 98 Lupus st Camperdown Countess, 1 Wilton ter Campi S. 37 Chapel st. Grosvenor pl Cancellor F. 54 Cadogan pl Candy Osbert, 13 Chester sq Capel Hon. Regd. A. 21 Chesham pl Cardwell Rt. Hon. E. M.P. 75 Eaton sq Carew Chas. H. 79 Eccleston sq Carew Lord, 28 Belgrave sq Carey Mrs. Gen. P. 12 Eaton pl Carleton Hon. Richard, 24 Grosvenor pl Carlisle Earl of, 12 Grosvenor pl Carnegie Capt. Hon. Swinfen T. R.N. C.B. 50 Wilton crescent Carpenter John, 27 Denbigh pl Carr James, 70 Warwick st Carter Edwd. 18 Bessborough gardens Carter George, 7 Stanley st Carter G. W. L. P. 43 Gloucester st Carter Thos. 17 Bessborough gardens Cartwrigh William, 128 Stanley st Cast Reginald J. and Lady Elizabeth 13 Eccleston sq Castlerose Viscount, M.P., 53 Eaton pl Cater Henry, 125 Lupus st Cater W. C. 12 Hanover st Cathcart Lady, 105 Eaton pl Cathell Andrew, 61 Warwick sq Cator, B. P. 74 Cambridge st Cator Lieut. Gen. W. 6 Eaton pl Caulfeld Lt. Col. J. M. 10 Chester sq Cave Capt. Lawrce. T. 23 Loundes st Cave Charles, 23 Loundes st Cave S. Esq. 68 Loundes sq Cave Stephen, M.P. 35 Wilton pl Cavendish Hon. Miss, 64 Cadogan pl Cavendish Hon. Mrs. 1 Belgrave sq Cavendish Hon. Richd. 36 Chesham pl Cavendish Lord G. H. M.P. 3 Upper Eccleston st Cavendish Lady G. and Miss, 3 Upper Eccleston st Cavendish Lord R. 1 Belgrave sq Cavendish Right Hon. C. B. M.P. 35 Eaton pl Cavendish Hon. Mrs. 35 Eaton pl Chalk James J. barrister, 80 Warwick sq Chalmers Wm. 108 Denbigh st Chamberlayne Miss, 7 Charles st Chambers Chas. H. 2 Chesham pl Chaplin Frederick, 65 Cadogan pl Chapman E. H. 90 Eaton pl Chapman Capt. A. R.N. 90 Eaton pl Chapmam Col. F. E. C.B. 2 Eaton sq Chapman Thomas, 9 Cumberland st Chappell William, 127 Stanley st Chard Oct. E. P. surgeon, 13 Eccleston st. south Chelsea Viscount, 28 Loundes st Chenary Thomas, 7 Eaton pl. south Chester Miss, 35 Loundes st Chetwynd Hon. R. W. 78 Chester sq Chevalier G. 125 Tachbrook st Chewton Viscountess, 37 Wilton cres Chichester Chas. M. S. 22 Wilton pl Chichester Dow. Countess of, 22 Grosvenor pl Chichester Earl of, 22 Grosvenor pl Chichester Mrs. 22 Wilton pl Chinnick George, 2 Hanover st Chipp J. 5 Ebury st Cholmeley Sir M. J. M.P., & Lady Georgiana, 10 Upper Belgrave st Chorley Henry F. 13 Eaton pl west Chorley Miss & John R. 76 Chester sq Christie George H. 59 Cadogan pl Christie James, 13 Wilton st Churchill Lord Allen, 4 Loundes sq Churchill Miss, 14 Wilton st Circuitt G. J. 39 Gloucester st Clagett Horatio, 17 Loundes st Clanwilliam Earl, 32 Belgrave sq Clarendon Earl of, 1 Grosvenor cres Clarke Charles, 33 Graham st Clark George, 4 Cambridge st Clark Mrs. 21 Westbourne pl Clarke Edward, 80 Stanley st Clarke James, 41 Stanley st Clarke Mr. 31 Graham st Clarke J. Lockhart F.R.S. surgeon, 60 Warwick st Clay Sir Wm. Bart. 91 Eaton sq Clayton A. 29 Belgrave rd Clayton J. 38 Elizabeth st, Eaton sq Cleghorn J. 49 Sussex st. Warwick sq Clement Hampden, 20 Wilton cres Clephan Joseph, 15 Coleshill st Clerke Sir W. H. Bart. 15 Eaton pl south Clerk Rt. Hon. Sir Geo. Bart. 43 Eaton sq Clerk John, 2 Lyall st Clifford, Col. Spencer, 6 William st Clifford George, 22 Lupus st Clive George, 48 Eaton sq Clutton John, 46 St. George’s sq Coater G. surg. 1 Westbourne st Coates G. V. surgeon, 1 Westbourne st Cochrane Adml. Sir T. 20 Belgrave sq Cock John, 16 Stanley st Cockell Mrs. 8 Stanley st Cocks Lady Emily S. 45 Grosvenor pl Cohen Samuel, 7 Chester sq Coke Hon. H. J. & Lady Katherine, 28 Warwick sq Cole Capt. W. W. 66 Eaton pl Cole J. H. 66 Eaton pl Cole H. W. Q.C. 5 Chester sq Cole, the Misses, 66 Eaton pl. Coles A. L. 78 Cadogan pl Coles Miss, 16 Claverton st Collier R. P. M.P. Q.C. 2 Eaton pl w Collins Edward G. 8 Stanley pl Collings Mrs. 21 Wilton st. Grosvenor pl Colquhoun John C. 8 Chesham st Colvill Lord, 42 Eaton pl Combermere Viscount, 48 Belgrave sq Comerford James W. 38 Cambridge st Connor Armel, 21 Stanley st Conyngham, G. Lenox, 108 Eaton sq Conyngham Marchioness, 9 Chesham pl Cooly H. S. B. 24 Cumberland st Coon Mrs. 111 Warwick st Cooper Henry, 14 Gloucester ter Cooper Mrs. 78 Coleshill st. Eaton sq Cope Frederick, 72 Cambridge st Cope William, 17 Winchester st Copping James, 13 Denbigh st Copping J. L. 13 Denbigh st Corbett Wm. 68 Winchester st Cornish Mrs. 43 St. George’s rd Corry Capt. Hon. A. Lowry, 56 Eaton pl. Belgrave sq Cort J. 13 Cadogan pl Cossart Mr. 102 Cambridge st Costa Michael, 59 Eccleston sq Cotter George J. 70 Stanley st Cotterall Thomas, 50 Eaton sq Cotton B. H. M. 83B Eccleston sq Cotton Col. Corbet, 73 Eccleston sq Cotton Hon. Col. W. H. 48 Belgrave sq Cotton Lady Augusta, 15 Lowndes sq Couper Lady, 5 Loundes sq Court Henry, 92 Warwick st Courtoy Misses, 14 Wilton crescent Coventry Hon. Henry, 25 Belgrave sq Coventry Henry, 25 Belgrave sq Coventry Mrs. 2 Wilton pl Covey W. H. surgeon, 23 Wilton pl Coward Wm. 7 Winchester st Cowell George, surg. 4 St. George’s sq Cox C. 19 Loundes sq Cox George, 4 Coleshill st. Eaton sq Cox R. H. 44 Loundes sq Crabbe James, 18 Lower Belgrave pl Craig, Mrs. 99 Warwick st Cranswick Mrs. 66 Ebury st Crane Dr. and Misses, 29 Sussex st Crane F. C. physician, 29 Sussex st Craven Oliver, 3 St. Michael’s ter Crawfurd John, 15 William st Crawford Miss, 66 Eaton sq Crawford Robt. Wigram, M.P., 20 Eaton sq Crawshay Mrs. 69 Eccleston sq Crichley T. Esq. 58 Loundes sq Chrichton Rev. Wm. J. 11 Eaton pl Crickitt Mrs. 1 Cornwall ter Crocker C. 27 Lower Eaton st Crossley Frank, 60 Eaton sq Crowhurst Henry, 16 Denbigh st Croxton George, 64 Warwick sq Crozes E. 112 Tachbrook st Crum-Ewing H. E. M.P., 5 William st Crum-Ewing John, 5 William st Crump James, 49 Lupus st Cubitt George, 25 Eccleston sq Cubitt Lady, 15 St. George’s sq Culinford Robert, 28 Cambridge st Cullen William, 50 Stanley st Cumberbatch, 25 Cadogan pl Cumming Dr. 1 Cadogan pl Cume Mrs. 62 Stanley st Cunningham Maj. Gen. 25 Chesham st Cundy C. F. 13 Chester sq Cundy Thomas, 13 Chester sq Cundy Thomas jun. 12 Eccleston sq Curry P. H. 92 Denbigh st Curtis Chas. Berwick, 105 Eaton sq Curtis Chas. Wm. 68 Eccleston sq Curwen Mrs. Ewing, 51 Grosvenor pl Cust Gen. Hon. Sir Edwd. 52 Grosvenor pl Cust Lady Anna M. 16 Eccleston sq Cust Lady Carolina, 2 Hobart pl Cuthbert Mrs. 30 Chapel st Dales John, 76 Warwick sq Dallertantin Frances, 22 Graham st Dalrymple Dow. Lady & Miss, 20 Chesham pl Daly Hon. R. 83 Eaton pl. Belgrave sq Dance Joseph W. 123 Warwick st Daniell J. H. 2 Halkin st. west Daniel Misses, 107 Eaton sq Dann James., 84 Warwick st Darbishire H. Astley, 3 Eccleston sq Darcey Anthony Byrne, 6 Sussex st, Warwick sq Darker John, 16 Graham st Darling Sir Chas. 84 Eccleston sq Darling Mrs. Gen. 4 Elizabeth st. Eaton sq Dash Mrs. Maria, 3 Albert st Davenport J. 18 Sutherland st Davie Lieut. Col. J. D. Ferguson M.P. 48 Milton crescent Davie Lieut. Gen. Sir Hon. Ferguson Bart. M.P. 48 Milton crescent Davies Edm. 72 Cadogan pl Davies Henry, 30 Chester sq Davies Mrs. 17 Denbigh st Davis David, surgeon, 17 Lower Belgrave st Davis Edward, 17 Upper Belgrave pl Davis Edward, 123 Warwick st Davis Mrs. 2 Upper Belgrave pl Davis Miss, 2 Upper Belgrave pl Davis Miss, 50 St. George’s rd Davis, surgeon dentist, 12 Lower Eaton st Davison W. S. 16 Loundes sq Dawkins Miss M. 2 Charles st Dawson Rev. A. 23 Cumberland st Day John, 52 Gloucester st Day Mrs. and Miss, 52 Gloucester st Day Wm. 13 Victoria sq De Brunnow Baron, Russian ambassador, Chesham house Chesham pl De Burgh Miss E. 3 Eccleston ter s De Burgh Mrs. 61 Eccleston sq Du Cane C. Esq. 64 Loundes sq Du Cane Mrs. C. 64 Loundes sq De Contades Viscount, 63 Eccleston sq D’Eyncourt Capt. & Lady Henrietta, 27 Warwick sq De Fivas Mrs. 60 Gloucester st De Lelincourt C. 21 Bessborough gdns De Morella, Count and Countess, 81 Eaton sq D’Oyley Mrs. General, 36 Eaton sq De Sabouroff M. Chesham house, Chesham pl De Saulles George, J. 28 Coleshill st De Tivali Cesare, 11 Stanley pl De Tivoli V. 11 Stanley pl Des Vœux Col. Binfield, 67 Chester sq Des Vœux, Lady Cecilia, 104 Eaton sq Des Vœux Miss, 11 William st De Vere S. S. 6 Hanover st Debenham Capt. 74 St. George’s rd Dee John S. 122 Warwick st Deedes J. 26 Chapel st. Grosvenor pl Deedes Mrs. 18 Eaton ter. Eaton sq Deedes Mrs. W. H. 52 Chester sq Delane Mrs. 10 Eaton pl. south Delano Wm. 70 St. George’s rd Deleafield W. Esq. 40 Loundes sq Dell Leonard, 11 Halkin st west Delle Charles, 144 Cambridge st Denbigh Earl, 49 Eaton sq Denison Hon. Mrs. 16 Chesham pl Denman Capt. Hon. J. R.N. 17 Eaton ter. Eaton sq Denman Hon. G. M.P. Q.C. 14 Eaton pl. south Dennis William, 106 Cambridge st Dering Mrs. C. 12 St. George’s rd Desart Earl of, 12 Loundes st Desgratoulet Louis, 133 Tachbrook st Devanish Miss, 69 Warwick sq Dew Dr. Edward, 30 Sussex st Dewar James, 6 Charles st Dick Chas. George, 10 St. George’s rd Dickinson Wm. R. 19 Loundes st Dickinson Samuel T. 119 Stanley st Dickson Rev. G. D. W. M.A. 50 Lupus st Dickson Robert, 14 Stanley pl Digby J. 18 Gloucester st Digby Lord, 39 Belgrave sq Dighton Richard, architect, 6 St. Michael’s ter Disbrowe Col. and Hon. Mrs. 7 Eccleston st Chester sq Disbrowe Misses, 26 Chester sq Disraeli James, 3 Eaton ter Docker W. Fredk. 24 Denbigh st Dodd George, 9 Grosvenor pl Doidge William, 92 Warwick st Dolmage G. 69 Bessborough st Dollery Mrs. 40 Cambridge st Donaldson James, 123 Stanley st Doughty E. D. surgeon, 4 William st Douglas Miss H. 24 Eaton pl Douglas Misses Scott, 8 William st Douglas Mrs. Houston, 42 Eaton sq Douglas Gen. Monteith, 40 Belgrave sq Douglas Sir C. E. M.P. 27 Wilton cres Douvile Mrs. Barry, Westbourne pl Dore Capt. F. N. 67 Belgrave rd Dorling Henry, 62 Warwick sq Dory Seth, 10 St. Michael’s ter Dowling Mrs. 22 Burton st Dowling Thurlow, 10 Lower Belgrave street Downe Viscountess, 8 Belgrave sq Downes Charles, 29 Coleshill st Downshire Marquis of, 24 Belgrave sq. Doyle John Henry, 32 Winchester st Drake Henry, 84 Belgrave rd Drake Mrs. George T. 34 Chester sq Drake Mrs. S. 29 Belgrave sq Drake Thomas Tyrwhitt, 118 Eaton sq Drake W. R. 27 Cumberland st Drake W. T. 34 Chester sq Driver G. Vernon, surgeon, 2 Lower Grosvenor pl Driver Mrs. F. 52 Winchester st Drummond Geo. Jas. 11 Wilton cres Drummond, the Misses, 11 Wilton cres Drummond Spencer, 5 Chesham pl Drummond Miss, 5 Chesham pl Ducie Dow. Countess of, 69 Eaton sq Dudan Victor, 42 Stanley st Dudley Dr. J. G. 71 Belgrave rd Duff Mrs. 15 Grosvenor pl Duff, J. A. 14 Upper Eccleston pl Dukinfield Lady 33 Eaton pl Dunbar J. H. 11 Bessborough gardens Duncan Mrs. 7 Belgrave rd Duncan Hon. Hugh, 1 Wilton ter Duncalfe J. T. solicitor, 14 Ebury st Duncan Lady Elizabeth, 1 Wilton ter Duncan Wm. Elliott, solicitor, 14 Lupus st Duncan William, 12 Warwick sq Duncombe Hon. Col. C. and Lady C. 84 Eaton sq Dundas Henry, 3 Grosvenor st. west Dundas Wm. 41 Gloucester st Dunfermline Lord, 56 Eccleston sq Dungarvan Vicountess, 10 Chesham st Dunlop Archibald, 5 Gloucester ter Dunlop Lady Harriet, 35 Chester sq Dunn A. 54 Ebury st Dunning Simon, 2 Warwick sq Dunraven Earl of, 5 Buckingham gate Dunsany Dow. Lady, 6 Chester sq Durant G. C. S. 28 Eccleston sq Durston Josiah, 9 Burton st Dury William, 6 Coleshill st Dutton Hon. Ralph H. M.P. 16 Halkin st. west Dwelly J. H. 51 Lupus st Dyer James, 34 Belgrave rd Dyke Charles R.N. 6 Eaton sq Dyke F. H. 29 Eccleston sq Dyke George, 70 Cambridge st Eagle G. Christopher, 8 Chester st Grosvenor pl Earle William N. 86 Cambridge st East Sir J. B. Brt. M.P. 117 Eaton sq Eaton Mrs. R. J. 6 Chesham pl Elrington Mrs. 53 St. George’s sq Eddy Dr. C. W. 8 Warwick ter Eden John, 15 Wilton cres Eden Rear Adml. Chas. 20 Wilton pl Eden Vice-Adml. Hy. 45 Eaton sq Edgerton E. 13 Loundes sq Edmonston Miss, 7 Halkin st w Edmonstone Sir A. Bart. 34 Wilton pl Edwards Francis, 17 Eaton pl Edwards John, 8 Belgrave rd Edwards John Robert, 23 Chester st. Grosvenor pl Eglinton & Winton Earl of, 3 Upper Belgrave st Elburn Henry J. 28 Sussex st Elderton E. M. 28 St. George’s sq Ellenborough Earl of, 110 Eaton sq Ellice Miss and Miss B. 3 Chester ter. Chester sq Ellice Col. 3 Chester ter. Chester sq Ellice Mrs. Robert, 18 Wilton cres Elliot T. Frederick, 13 Chesham pl Elliott G. P. 6 Warwick sq Elliot Hon. Mrs. 29 Cadogan pl Elliot W. Brownrigg, 31 Belgrave sq Ellis John B. water rate collector, 44 Winchester st Ellis Mrs. W. 46 Cadogan pl Elmer William, 16 Cambridge st Elmley Viscount M.P. 19 Grosvenor pl Elmsley Alex. 59 Denbigh st Elphinstone W. H. 45 Cadogan pl Elwin Mr. Henry, 17 Coleshill st Elwood Miss, 71 Coleshill st Engleheart Gardner D. 1 Eaton pl s. Erne Earl of, 95 Eaton sq Erskine J. 87 Cambridge st Essex Dow. Countess, 9 Belgrave sq Estcourt E. D. Bucknall, 82 Eaton pl Estcourt Lady B. 82 Eaton pl Estcourt Miss, 82 Eaton pl Effingham Earl of, 57 Eaton pl Etherington Mrs. 4 Stanley st Euston Earl of, M.P. 7 Grosvenor pl Evans C. D. 87 Tachbrook st Evans George, 9 Stanley pl Evans John, 15 Cumberland st Evans Mrs. Wm. 3 Chesham st Evans Mrs. 10 Stanley st Evans Richard, 1 Stanley pl Everall Richd. 36 Winchester st Everson Mrs. 33 Eccleston sq Eversley Viscount and Hon. Miss Shaw Lefevre 69 Eaton pl Every Capt. 137 Cambridge st Eyre G. 59 Loundes sq Fahey Jas. 71 Cadogan pl Fairbairn James, 48 Cambridge st Fairfax, Chas. G. 55 Eaton pl Fairfield Mrs. 29 St. George’s sq Fairn Felix T. 42 Cambridge st Falconer Christie J. 7 Wilton st Falio Chev. Campane, 15 Westbourne pt Farrance, G. J. 13 Upper Belgrave pl Farquhar H. Morton, 60 Loundes sq Farrance’s Hotel, 11 Upper Belgrave st Farren Mrs. G. 38 Gloucester st Farrar Frederick, 88 Eccleston sq Farrer George, 24 Chapel st. Grosvenor pl Farrer Hen. Richard, 42 Loundes st Farrer Miss, 24 Chapel st. Grosvenor pl Farrington Miss, 6 Stanley pl Faulkes Mrs. 39 Coleshill st. Eaton sq Faushawe, Mrs. 15 Gloucester st Faushawe John G. 22 Chester ter Faushaw R. 36 Bessborough st Fawkes A. T. 77 Warwick sq Fawn George, 125 Stanley st Featherstonehaugh A. S. 14 Warwick sq Fell Mrs. 11 Graham st Fellows E. & Hon. Mrs. 3 Belgrave sq Felton Charles, 43 Cambridge st Fendick William, 41 Cambridge st Ferguson Miss, 4 Chester st Ferrers Wm. Stewart, 8 Eaton pl s. Field Charles, 1 Hanover st Field Mrs. 74 Cadogan pl Fife Earl of, 10 Grosvenor pl Filmer Dowager Lady, 90 Eaton sq Fincham Dr. G. T. 2 Eccleston ter s. Fincham James, 1 Winchester st Fincham James, 24 Upper Belgrave pl Firman Thos. J. 11 Denbigh st Fish John, 105 Warwick st Fisher Fredk. 9 Denbigh st Fisher John, 60 Cadogan pl Fisher Miss, 12 Eaton ter Fisher Henry, 48 Lower Belgrave pl Fisher Richd. Scott, 30 Eaton pl Fitzgerald Col. 24 Westbourne pl Fitzgerald Miss, 91 Ebury st Fitzgibbon Lady, 35 Loundes sq Fitzharding Lord, 32 Loundes sq Fitzjohn Mrs. 56 Coleshill st Flack Mrs. Carl, 32 Chapel st. Grosvenor pl Fladgate Wm. Mark, 64 Eaton sq Fletcher J. C. 98 Eaton pl. Belgrave sq Fletcher R. 76 Ebury st. Eaton sq Flower Lady, 24 Loundes sq Folkard W. Charles, 64 Warwick st Folwell Wm. 55 Gloucester st Foot E. E. 105 Ebury st. Eaton sq Forbs Charles, 17 Chester st Forbes Mrs. B. 1 Halkin pl Forbes Viscountess & Hon. Major W. F. 13 Eaton sq Ford Charles, 64 Cambridge st Ford George S. 9 Gloucester ter Ford Robert, 73 Warwick st Forster John H. 5 Up. Belgrave pl Fortescue Francis, 75 Eaton pl Fortescue Henry, 75 Eaton pl Foster Lady A. 23 Eccleston sq Foster Vere, 23 Eccleston sq Fonblanque A. jun. 73 Gloucester st Fonblanque J. S. M. 73 Gloucester st Forbes Col. F. 1 Halkin pl Forbes George B. 14 Stanley st Forbes Mrs. 68 Chester sq Fontana George sculpt. 17 Lower Belgrave pl Fontana Signor A. sculpt. 17 Lower Belgrave pl Forster R. W. E. 16 Glo’ster st Fowler Mrs. 4 St. George’s rd Fox Lady Caroline Lane, 1 Chesham st Fox Thomas, 35 St. George’s sq Frampton D. N. surg. Lower Belgrave st France G. F. 8 Eaton pl France the Misses, 64 Cadogan pl Francis C. L. 77 Eccleston sq France Chas. B. 63 Cadogan pl Francis G. barr. 43 St. George’s rd Fraser A. 19 Burton st Fraser J. F. 104 Eaton pl. Belgrave sq Fraser Mrs. 5 Eccleston ter Frayner J. 30 Chester st. Grosvenor pl Freeth Lt. Gen. James, 80 Coleshill st. Eaton sq Freeth Capt. R. King, R.A. 24 Lupus st Freeland John, 129 Lupus st Freeth Sir James, 80 Coleshill st Freke Hon. Col. F. J. Evans, 9 Loundes sq Freke Lady Katherine, 9 Loundes sq Fremantle Miss, 73 Cadogan pl Fremantle Right Hon. Sir Thomas, 4 Upper Eccleston st Freemantle T. F. and Lady Augusta, 22 Chesham pl French Col. Fitzstephen M.P. 68 Warwick sq Freyburg Jas. 95 Ebury st. Eaton sq Friday John, 82 Stanley st Frodsham Dr. J. M. 17 Victoria sq Frost W. J. 37 Sutherland st Fryer Wm. Rolles, 14 Chester st Grosvenor pl Fugion Major Edwd. 4 Gloucester ter Fuller F. G. Augsts, 41 St. George’s rd Fuller Rev. Thos. 1 Eaton pl Fuller S. D. 1 Eaton pl Fuller Rose 1 Eaton pl Furnival Capt. W. G. 83 Ebury st Gabriel Miss, 5 Chester st Gabriel Francis Henry, 41 Sussex st Gage, the Misses, 31 Chester st Galahare Mrs. 27 Winchester st Gale F. 11 Cadogan pl Gale Frederick, 83A Eccleston sq Gale Fredk. 32 Burton st Galloway Earl of, 85 Eaton sq Gallwey Sir W. P. Bart. 3 Buckingham gate Gallway Miss P. 7 Lower Belgrave st Galt Wm. 4 Warwick ter Galton Capt. D. R.E. 12 Chester st. Grosvenor pl Gambier Capt. J. M. 39 Chester sq Ganssen Fred. Chas. 27 Chester sq Gardner Mrs. 100 Eaton sq Gardner Joseph, 18 Stanley pl Garrett Mrs. 124 Stanley st Garvagh Lady, 51 St. George’s sq Garwood Mrs. 10 Coleshill st Eaton sq Gascoigne Gen. 14 Loundes sq Gaskoin H. J. R. 63 Warwick sq Geary F. 10 Cadogan pl Georges Mrs. Hamilton, 3 Eccleston st. Chester sq Genevay Emanuel, 18 Up. Eccleston pl Gerrard B. W. 86 Cadogan pl Getty Saml. G. M.P. 8 Eccleston sq Gibbs Miss, 72 Warwick st Gibbs Henry, 68 Stanley st Gibbons David, 30 St. George’s sq Gifford Hon. E. Scott, 4 Eaton pl s. Gifford Earl of M.P. 2 Wilton st Gilbart Stevens, 30 Chapel st Giles Dr. Sml. 58 Ebury st Gillman Mrs. C. 74 Tachbrook st Gilpin Mrs. Westbourne pl Gilpin Mrs. Edward, 28 Westbourne pl Ginger Wm. 47 Denbigh st Gipps Col. 11 Chester st. Gipps Lady, 11 Chester st. Giraud Rev. H. A. 28 Gloucester st Gleig Rev. G. R. 8 Warwick sq Glentworth Viscount, 79 Chester sq Glover Miss, 1A St. George’s rd Glover Edward, 112 Denbigh st Glyn Clayton, W. F. 4 Chesham st Glyn G. Carr, M.P. 1 Up. Eccleston st Godbold Capt. George, 34 Burton st Goddard, W. 7 Elizabeth st Godfree Daniel, 89 Winchester st Godfrey E. G. 86 Tachbrook st Goding Lady Jane, 13 Wilton cres Godman J. 55 Loundes sq Godwin F. D. surgeon. 3 Halkin ter Goodbody George, 12 Winchester st Goodwill Mrs. 42 Ebury st Gompertz F. T. archt. 45 Ebury st Gompertz R. J. 45 Ebury st Gompertz Mrs. 45 Ebury st Gomperte Mrs. 134 Warwick st Gordon Capt. 21 Wilton st Gordon Cosmo L. Duff, 1 Halkin st w Gordon Edward, 108 Stanley st Gordon Lady Frances, 5 Wilton cres Gordon Capt. G. 5 Wilton cres Gordon Mrs. 47 Wilton cres Gordon Miss, 12A Winchester st Gore Wm. R. Ornsby, M.P. 18 Chesham pl Goring Rev. John, 25 Eaton sq Gorring Wm. 65 Winchester st Goss John, 25 Bessborough gardens Gough K. H. 111 Belgrave rd Goulbarn Colonel, 106 Eaton sq Gould Mrs. 5 Wilton pl Gould Henry J. 12 Cambridge st Grady S. G. 63 Belgrave rd Grady W. G. M.D. and surgeon, 63 Belgrave rd Graham Mrs. G. 28 Cadogan pl Graham Major George, 31 Chapel st Graham John, 35 Gloucester st Graham William, 14 Denbigh st Graham Mrs. 1 Chapel st Graham Mrs. 9 Coleshill st Grantley Lord, 10 Wilton pl Granville Mrs. 42 Gloucester st Granvill Wm. 69 Chester sq Grant Joseph, 117 Stanley st Grant Samuel, 6 Denbigh st Grant Wm. 58 Tachbrook st Grasett Elliot, 6 Chesham st Graves Henry, 25 Cumberland st Gray C. 22 Westbourne pl Gray F. Henry, 9 Eccleston sq Gray Mrs. Hugh, 3 Cromwell ter Grazebrook J. W. 10 Warwick ter Greatorex G. 87 Cadogan pl Green Aylmer, 17 Eaton pl west Green Daniel, 54 Bessborough st Green Fred. G. 89 Eccleston sq Green Henry, 60 Denbigh st Green William A. 89 Eccleston sq Greenwood John Q.C. 53 Chester sq Gregory W. H. M.P. 19 Grosvenor st Greig Alexander, 10 Loundes st Greig Mrs. 28 Stanley st Grenfell C. P. M.P. 38 Belgrave sq Grenville Neville R. 4 Buckingham gt Greville Rear Adm. H. T. 7 Chesham pl Greville the Ladies L. and C. 46 Eaton pl Grey Lady, 11 Eaton pl. west Grey Rt. Hon. Sir G. Bart. M.P. 14 Eaton pl Grey W. J. 18 Cadogan pl Gridley Capt. H. Gillet, 49 Wilton cres Griffiths, Mrs. 12 Stanley pl Griffith Mrs. 44 Bessborough st Griffith G. R. 20 Eccleston sq Griffith Sir R. Bart. 20 Eccleston sq. Griffith Wm. surg. 35 Belgrave rd Grimes Thos. N. 66 Winchester st Grinyer Miss, 21 Westbourne pl Grisewood Henry, 15 Chesham pl Gritten H. F. surveyor, 49 Tachbrook st Gritten R. W. architect, 57 Bessborough st Grogan The Misses, 82 St. George’s rd Grogan J. Sheldon, 82 St. George’s rd Groom Charles, 21 Burton st Grover James, 80 Denbigh st Guillaume W. F. 15 Elizabeth st Guillaume Monsieur, prof. of languages, 36 Elizabeth st Gurwood Mrs. 70 Loundes sq Hadfield G. M.P. 9 Gloucester st Hadden John C. 14 Bessborough st Haig J. B. surg. 14 Chapel st Haines G. surveyor, 12 Grosvenor st w. Haines George, Wilton house, Eaton sq Haines Henry, solicitor, 147 Lupus st Haines Wm. H. 5 St. George’s rd Hall J. Steven, 15 Bessborough st Hall Lady, 63 Loundes sq Hall Richard, 92 Eaton pl Hall Samuel, 66 Stanley st Hall Wm. 32 Sussex st Hall Mrs. 12 Denbigh pl Hall Mrs. 23 Coleshill st Hall Miss, 16 Upper Eccleston pl Hall Mrs. 12 Denbigh pl Hales John, 3 Claverton st Hallet M. W. 51 St. George’s rd Halstead Capt. J. B.A. 17 Chester ter Hamber Thomas, 71 Bessborough st Hamilton Major M.P. 3 Albert st Hamilton Lieut. Col. 18 Eccleston sq Hamilton Capt. S. G. 55 St. George’s sq Hamilton Ld. Claude, M.P. 19 Eaton sq Hamilton Geo. Alex. 65 Warwick sq Hamilton Capt. H. R.N. 71 Eccleston sq Hamilton Rev. Joseph H. 47 Chester sq Hamilton Rt. Hon. R.C.N. and Lady Mary, 33 Chesham pl Hamilton Thos. Wm. 12 Wilton pl Hamilton W. J. and Hon. Mrs. Chesham pl Hamlet James, 159 Cambridge st Hammer Sir J. Bart M.P. 59 Eaton pl Hammersley C. 65 Loundes sq Hammond Mr. 44 Stanley st Hammond E. S. 25 Eaton pl Hand Robert, 75 Cadogan pl Handfield J. C. 26 Sussex st Handley William J. 76 Warwick st Hankey Thomas, 96 Eaton sq Hardy Mrs. 112 Warwick st Hardy G. M.P. 12 Grosvenor crescent Hardy Thomas, 1 Warwick sq Hardy William, 78 Denbigh st Harcourt Admiral, 47 Cadogan pl Harcourt G. S. 71 St. George’s sq Harcourt V. 5 Pont st Hardwick B. 87 Gloucester st Hargreave Mrs. 56 Winchester st Harenc H. B. 12 Wilhain st Hargest John, 19 Stanley st Harman James, 30 Denbigh st Harmer William, 102 Stanley st Harper E. Norton, 88 Belgrave rd Harper John H. 28 St. George’s rd Hope Dowager Lady, 67 Cadogan pl Harris Mr. 26 Graham st Harris Charles, 5 Burton st Harrington Henry, 26 Barton st Harington Sir J. E. Bart, 58 Eaton pl Hartopp E. B. 22 Wilton crescent Hartshorn John, 63 Ebury st Hartwell Francis, 14 Eccleston sq Harvey Legge, 47 Bessborough gdns Harwood Mrs. 36 Coleshill st Hastie Mrs. 50 Denbigh st Haslehurst G. 29 Cottage grove Haslehurst John, 42 Coleshill st Hassell Mrs. 51 Cadogan pl Hawes Mrs. 10 Denbigh pl Hawes William D. 154 Cambridge st Hawes Mrs. 10 Denbigh pl Hawker Edward Jas. 37 Cadogan pl Hawkes J. Blundell, 21 Chesham st Hawkey Capt. R.N. 38 Loundes sq Hawkshan John F.R.S. 43 Eaton pl Hawksley Capt. 26 Grosvenor pl Hawksley Miss, 2 Halkin terrace Hawksworth John, 61 St. George’s rd Hawley Sir J. H. Bart, 34 Eaton pl Haworth Fred. 9 Eccleston st Hawthorne Hans S. 37 Winchester st Hay Col. Lord Arthur, 16 Chester sq Hay Col. the Hon. C.R. 33 Cadogan pl Hay Henry, 22 St. George’s rd Hay Lady Jane, Elizabeth st. Eaton sq Hay Henry Tempest, 22 St. George’s rd Hay Misses, 18 Denbigh pl Hayes Lady, and Sir Saml. H. Bart. 53 Eccleston sq Haydon Miss, 12 Up. Eccleston pl Haydon Richard, 94 Stanley st Haggarth Col. 49 Chester sq Haynes J. B. 114 Denbigh st Head St. Hon. Sir Edm. W. Bart. 29 Eaton sq Heale Edmond, 23 Cambridge st Heathcote Hon. Misses, 12 Belgrave sq Heathcote Hon. G. H. M.P. 12 Belgrave sq Hedley John, 13 Stanley st Hedley James, 34 Stanley st Heginbotham Mrs. 82 Gloucester st Hellyer G. W. M. 1 Coleshill st Hellyer W. V. 1 Coleshill st Helps Arthur, 46 Chester sq Henage C. 3 Cadogan pl Henderson G. W. M. 103 Eaton pl Henderson Miss M. 103 Eaton pl Henderson Wm. 74 Stanley st Hendrey James, 78 Warwick sq Henning J. Junr. sculpt. 17 Lower Belgrave pl Herbert Lady of Lea, 38 Chesham pl Herbert Rt. Hon. H. A. M.P. 3 Grosvenor crescent Herbert Hon. Mrs. Wm. 13 Lower Belgrave st Hereford Lord Bishop of, 107 Eaton pl Herries H. Crompton, 10 Glo’ster ter Herries Chas. J. 42 Cadogan pl Hervey Henry, 17 Chester sq Hervey Lady William, 43 Cadogan pl Heseltine Charles, 16 Lupus st Hewitt J. F. solicitor, 26 Belgrave rd Heytesbury Lord G.C.B. 41 Eaton pl Hibbert J. N. 39 Loundes sq. and Chalfough Park, Bucks. Hicks Miss, 5 Chester ter Higinson Mrs. H. 32 Cadogan pl Higgs M. professor of music, 30 Bessborough st Higgins Mrs. 88 Cadogan pl Higgins M. James, 71 Eaton sq Higgins W. Fred. and Hon. Mrs. 3 Chester pl Higginson Lieut. Gen. and Lady Frances, 9 Wilton crescent Highway Henry, 2 Stanley pl Hildyard Mrs. 40 Eaton pl Hill Lord A. E. 24 Belgrave sq Hill George, 90 Warwick st Hill Henry, 1 Eaton ter Hill Joseph, 3 Sussex st Hinds William, 7 William st Hislop Lady, 56 Chester sq Hitchins Henry, 28 Grosvenor sq west Hine Rev. G. H. 1 Gloucester st Hobart Lord, 6 Eaton pl south Hobart Hon. F. J. 15 Eccleston sq Hobhouse Hon. Mrs. 6 Elizabeth st Hobhouse H. W. 24 Cadogan pl Hobhouse Stewart, 6 Elizabeth st Hodges John G. 98 Cambridge st Hogan Charles, 25A Denbigh st Hogg Lieut. Col. 9 Eaton pl Hogg R. F. L. D. 61 Winchester st Hoile Henry, 44 Lupus st Holden Mrs. 68 Warwick st Holman Thomas, 3 Gloucester ter Holmes Charles, 124 Warwick st Holmes Mark, 52 Stanley st Holt Vesey Wm. 63 Warwick sq Holl John, 167 Cambridge st Hollford F. S. 85 Eaton pl Hollford Henry Shaw, 85 Eaton pl Hollford Thomas, 85 Eaton pl Holland Henry, 2 St. George’s sq Holland Philip, 70 Denbigh st Hollings William, 20 Stanley pl Holloway James, 129 Stanley st Honywood Lady D. 34 St. George’s rd Honywood Miss, 9 Chester sq Hooper Benjamin, 4 St. Michael’s ter Hooper Mrs. C. 1 Wilton pl Hopkins Thomas, 18 Chapel st Hopkinson Charles, 74 Eccleston sq Hopkinson Jonathan, 40 Grosvenor pl Horn Thomas, 50 Bessborough st Horton George, 54 Denbigh st Houlton Mrs. George, 4 Chester pl Howard Abraham, 2 Eccleston sq Howard A. C. 12 Chester ter Howard A. G. solicitor, 21 Denbigh pl Howard Lady C. 34 Loundes st Howard Hon. Charles, 34 Loundes st Howard Admiral Hon. E. G. G. 86 Eaton pl Howard Mrs. E. 14 Cadogan pl Howard Hon. F. C. 57 Eaton pl Howard George, 19 Gloucester st Howard Lord, 57 Eaton pl Howard Lady M. R. 66 St. George’s rd Howard Octavius, 2 Eccleston sq Howard Sir R. Bart. 17 Belgrave sq Howard Mrs. 69 Coleshill st Howard Mrs. 143 Cambridge st Howe E. R. James, 59 St. George’s rd Howe Mrs. 5 Lower Belgrave st Howell John, 41 Cadogan pl Howett John, 88 Stanley st Howey Mrs. 90 Cambridge st Howlet William, 16 Cottage grove Hudson John, 40 Stanley st Hudson George, 41 Coleshill st Hughan Thomas, 38 Loundes st Hughes Thomas, 79 Cambridge st Hulbert Mrs. 2 Eccleston st Halse Miss, 56 Eaton sq Hume Col. Hen. C.B. 16 Wilton st Hunt Col. E. D’Arcy 41 Wilton cres Hunt Henry, 21 Up. Eccleston pl Hunt H. A. 54 Eccleston sq Hunt John, surg. 100A Tachbrook st Hunt Josiah, 14 St. George’s sq Hunt Mrs. Ogle, 41 Wilton cres Hunt Wm. 13A Graham st Hunter Chas. surg. 30 Wilton pl Hunter J. C. surg. 30 Wilton pl Hunter-Lane James, 170 Lupus st Hurlstone F. Y. artist, 9 Chester st Hutchings Hubert, 31 Chester st Hutchinson Hen. P. 70 Winchester st Hutchinson J. surg. 23 St. George’s sq Hutchinson Mrs. John, 19 Wilton pl Hutton Dr. Charles, 26 Loundes st Hyatt Thos. solr. 14 Bessborough st Imperiali Gio. 54 Ebury st Ince Dr. E. 3 Wilton st Ince John, surgeon, 3 Poulton st Inderwick A. H. 17 Bessborough st Inge Mrs. 38 Wilton cres Ingestre Viscount, M.P. 47 Eaton pl Ingram C. T. 64 Gloucester st Inkersole Wm. 7 Sussex st Irby Hon. F. G. H. 4 Belgrave sq Irving John, 94 Eaton pl Jackson James, 37 Bessborough grdns Jackson Mrs. 37 Elizabeth st Jackson Mrs. Col. 34 Gloucester st Jackson Mrs. Luke, 8 St. George’s rd Jackson Rev. Thomas, 5 Halkin ter Jackson W. 41 Belgrave sq Jacob Henry M. 27 Westbourne pl Jacobs Henry. 27 Westbourne pl Jacot Fredk. 77 Coleshill st Jacques James, 78 Cambridge st Jaffray A. W. 28 Eaton sq Jaffray J. B. 28 Eaton sq Jalland John, 20 St. George’s sq James Thomas, 36 Denbigh st Jardine William, 139 Stanley st Jarvis John, 66 Gloucester st Jarvoise F. J. E. 13 Chester st Jearrad Robt. Wm. archt. 1 Sussex st Jeffery Joseph, 41 Claverton st Jeffery Henry, 59 Glo’ster st Jeffreys Marmaduke R. 16 Eaton pl Jeffryes Samuel, 11 Roehampton st Jelf Mrs. 36 Loundes sq Jemmett George E. 69 St. George’s sq Jenings Tobias, 37 Denbigh st Jenner Edward Fraser, 18 Loundes st Jennings Miss, 19 Upper Eccleston pl Jephson James, 72 St. George’s rd Jephson Mrs. 18 Denbigh st Jersey Countess of, 32 Wilton pl Jervis Capt. H. J. W. R.A., M.P. 54 St. George’s rd Jervoise S. C. 11 Eaton ter. Eaton sq John C. H. 45 Lupus st Johnson Chas. C. surg. 13 Eaton pl south Johnson Henry, 115 Warwick st Johnson George C. surg. 12 Eaton pl s. Johnson Mrs. 92 Glo’ster st Johnson Mrs. J. E. 46 Lupus st Johnson Mrs. 5 Cadogan pl Johnstone Mrs. J. 21 Eaton pl Johnstone the Hon. Mrs. Hope, 22 Cadogan pl Jolliffe Mrs. H. 7 Chesham st Jones B. W. 81 Cadogan pl Jones David, 82 Eaton sq Jones Henry, 20 Cambridge st Jones John, 172 Cambridge st Jones John P. 153 Cambridge st Jones Miss Charlotte, 39 Chapel st Jones Mr. Serjeant, 28 Wilton pl Jones Mrs. 54 Tachbrook st Jones Mrs. 42 St. George’s rd Jones Mrs. 3 Stanley pl Jones William, 10 Wilton st Jones William H. 7 St. George’s rd Jones W. H. H. 62 Gloucester st Jordan W. P. surgeon, 14 Lower Belgrave st Joy Mrs. 4 Westbourne pl Joy Thomas M. 32 St. George’s sq Joyce Herbert, 149 Lupus st Joyner Mrs. 8 Bessborough gardens Jungbluth Fred. 71 Winchester st Kielmausegge Count, 44 Grosvenor pl Kilmaine Dowager Lady, 26 Chester st King A. J. builder &c., 163 Cambridge st King Fred. C. 9 Bessborough gardens King Rear-Adml. G. St. Vincent, C.B. 5 Eaton ter King Henry, 8 Loundes st King John James, 20 Grosvenor pl King Joseph, 69 Winchester st King J. K. M.P. 97 Eaton pl King Lady, 45 Wilton cres Kinglake Mr. S. M.P. 40 Eaton sq Kingscot Henry, 96 Eaton pl Kinnorel Earl of, 14 Belgrave sq Kinsey Mrs. 90 Stanley st Kirwen Mrs. 100 Ebury st Kitchiner Mrs. 14 Wilton pl Keeble John, 86 Claverton st Kekerwick S. T. M.P. 22 Eccleston sq Kelk John, 80 Eaton sq Kelley Wm. 66 Cambridge st Kemp James C. 84 Gloucester st Kempson Miss, 8 Eccleston st s. Kenmare A. Countess of, 11 Belgrave sq Kenmare Earl of, 54 Eaton pl Kennard A. S. 46 Wilton cres Kennedy Mrs. 21 Graham st Kennedy Mrs. 13 Coleshill st Kennedy Mrs. 13 Coleshill st Kennedy H. C. 73 Bessborough st Kernog Gustavus, 19 Westbourne pl Key John, 33 Eaton sq Klingemann Mrs. 4 Hobart pl Klopp Otto, 72 Winchester st Knapp Charles, 40 Lupus st Knatchbull Sir N. Bart. 3 Chesham pl Knollys Lieut. Gen. Wm. 17 Eaton sq Knox Col. Brownlow M.P. 28 Wilton crescent Koenig Gustavus, 19 Westbourne pl Kortrights E. D. 68 Glo’ster st Kohn Joseph, 106 Stanley st Kuhlmorgen M. 12 Denbigh st Le Blanc Mrs. 26 Wilton pl Le Blanc Chas. Mrs. 23 Grosvenor pl Le Couteur Lieut. Col. J. Halkett, 17 Chapel st Lacey Mrs. 5 Wilton st Ladbroke Felix, 6 Eccleston ter south Lamb Richard, 115 Stanley st Lambert A. A. 35 Coleshill st Lambton Wm. Henry, 17 Chesham st Land Miss, 107 Warwick st Lane Jas. Robt. surg. 1 Grosvenor pl Lane R. Stewart, 8 Chesham pl Lane Saml. A. con. surg. 1 Grosvenor pl Langridge Mrs. 78 Warwick st Lanz Don Juan M. I. 99 Eaton pl Lark George H. 123 Cambridge st Larkin Mrs. 64 Stanley st Larkins Mrs. P. 11 Lower Belgrave st Lascelles Capt. Claudd, 62 Eaton sq Lascelles Edwin Agar, 62 Eaton sq Lascelles Hon. E. 3 Up. Eccleston st Lascelles Lady Caroline, 62 Eaton sq Latham William, 16 Coleshill st Laurence Mrs. 33 Burton st Lavies Dr. Joseph S. 11 Warwick sq Lawrence Mrs. 52 Cadogan pl Lawrenson Major Gen. 9 Wilton pl Lawrie Andrew, 1 Chesham pl Layton H. B. 31 Gloucester st Leach Thomas, 30 Eccleston sq Learmouth Lt. Col. 93 Eaton pl Leaton Mrs. 2 Ebury st Leconfield Lord, 4 Grosvenor pl Lee J. B. 20 Cadogan pl Lee Mrs. 27 Eccleston sq Lee Philipe B. 89 Warwick st Lee William M.P. 5 L. Grosvenor pl Leeks E. F. solicitor, 73 Warwick sq Lefroy T. E. P. 10 Up. Eccleston pl Lefroy A. & Hon. Mrs. 27 Chesham pl Leggatt Alfred, surgeon, 13 William st Legg G. archt. & surv. 14 Westbourne pl Legh W. J. M.P. 37 Loundes sq Leicester Miss, 43 Sutherland st Leigh Hon. E. C. & Hon. Misses 17 Eccleston sq Leopard L. 41 Hanover st Leslie Mrs. 27 Wilton pl Leslie Mrs. G. Farquhar 29 Chester st Lever John O. M.P. 60 Eccleston sq Levett Capt. T. J. & Lady Jane, 13 Chesham st Lewis John, 135 Stanley st Lewis Maj-Gen. C. A. 74 Chester sq Lewin Miss, 53 St. George’s rd Lewis Miss, dressmaker, 5 Stanley st Ley Charles, 89 Cambridge st Ley Henry, 51 Chester sq Leycester The Misses, 19 Wilton cres Leycester Mrs. 101 Eaton pl Liddell Col. 49 Cadogan pl Liddell Hon. & Rev. R. 16 Wilton cr Liddell Sir John, 72 Chester sq Limeon Sir J. Bart. 72 Eaton pl Lindsay Miss, 13 Chapel st Lindsey Edwin, 1 St. Michael’s ter Lingard Fredk. 11 Stanley st Link Jonathan, 127 Warwick st Linklater John, 44 Eaton pl Linnington Mrs. 28 Cottage grove Linstead William H. 85 Warwick st Lintott James, 51 Winchester st Lightfoot T. 54 Eaton sq Lister T. V. 61 Eaton sq Lloyd Henry, 103 Winchester st Lloyd William, 35 Sussex st Loafflar Mrs. 100 Stanley st Loch Henry Brougham, C.B. 9 Lower Belgrave st Loch William A. 3 Warwick sq Lock Mrs. 23 Loundes sq Lock William J. tailor, 27 Graham st Locke John, 63 Eaton pl Locke Mrs. 36 Loundes st Locke Mrs. J. 73 Coleshill st Lockhart Lady Macdonald, 82 Eaton sq Lockwood Maj. Gen. G. H. 18 Chester st Logan Edward, 24 Wilton pl Logan Mr. 18 Cambridge st Lombardy John, 26 Stanley st Long Mr. 11 Cambridge st Long Miss, 68 Westmoreland st Longden John, 3 Coleshill st Longfield R. M.P. 48 Ebury st Longuinoff D. Chesham House, Chesham pl Louis Adml. Sir J. Bart 61 Eaton pl Love J. surgeon, 11 Burton st Low, 34 Loundes sq Low Capt. Henry, 37 Coleshill st Lowe David, 47 St. George’s sq Lownds E. C. 84 Eaton pl Lowray George, 80 Ebury st Lowry Mrs. 13 Warwick sq Lowther Capt. H. M.P. 21 Wilton cres Loyd Rev. S. W. 10 Eaton pl west Loyd W. Jones, 77 Eaton sq Lucas John, 10 Cambridge st Lugard Sir E. K.C.B. 57 Eaton sq Lumley J. S. 39 Eaton pl Lucas, Mrs. 76 Cadogan pl Lushington Rt. Hon. Dr. 18 Eaton pl Lygon Hon. F. M.P. 19 Grosvenor pl Lynch Mrs. 57 Coleshill st Lynot Dr. Robert, 16 Eaton ter Lyon Charles J. 12 Coleshill st Lyon Henry, 14 Winchester st Lyon J. W. 140 Tachbrook st Lyttelton Hon. Spencer, 13 Eaton ter M’Cala Henry, 25 Westbourne pl McCalmont Hugh, 30 Grosvenor pl McCalmont Robt. 30 Eaton sq McCulloch Chas. A. 70 Chester sq McCullagh W. T. 68 St. George’s rd McClymont Alex. 5 Winchester st McEwan Miss, 67 Coleshill st McFarlance Lady and Miss, 11 Chesham st McGarel Charles, 2 Belgrave sq McGauley Jas. Wm. school, 57 Winchester st McKenzie K. 24 Bessborough st McLean Mrs. 29 Graham st McMahon Sir T. W. Bart. 41 Grosvenor pl McNaghten Edwd. 48 Chester sq McNeal Dr. W. surg. 18 Westbourne pl Macauly K. Q.C. M.P. 48 Cadogan pl MacArthur James, 2 Chester st Macclesfield Earl of, 94 Eaton sq Macdonald Hon. Miss F. 2 Hobart pl MacDougall Col. Sir D. 112 Eaton sq Macgill Dr. M.F.P.S. surg. 117 Warwick st Macintyre Sml. 22 Bessborough gdns Mackay Mrs. 71 Cambridge st Mackenzie George, 30 Warwick sq Mackenzie Wm. 56 Denbigh st Mackenzie Lady M. 68 Cadogan pl Mackerness T. C. E. 4 Bessborough st Macpherson Major E. 27 Loundes sq Macnaghten Sir E. C. W. Bart, 18 Eaton sq Macnaghten Elliot, 46 Eaton sq Macnaghten Francis, 25 Chester sq Magenis Fred. R. 13 Grosvenor pl Mahon Viscount, 3 Grosvenor pl houses, Grosvenor pl Maines James, 96 Stanley st Maitland Miss, 28 Grosvenor pl Maitland John, 89 Ebury st Malcolm J. Wingfield M.P. & Hon. Mrs. 9 Eaton pl west Malcolm John G. 41 St. George’s sq Malden Viscount, 39 Loundes st Malins Mrs. 6 Cambridge st Malins R. Q.C. and M.P. 57 Loundes sq Maloughlin Mrs. 63 Bessborough st Mangon Jeules, 72 Coleshill st Mann R. K. 5 Sussex st Manning Isaac S. 104 Warwick st Mansell E. & E. G. A. archts. survs. & land agents, 4 Halkin pl Manwaring Mrs. 17 Wilton cres Mapleson A. F. surgeon dentist, 35 Westbourne pl Markham C. R. 21 Eccleston sq Marquis of Bute, trustees of the, 83 Eccleston sq Marris Robert, 107 Stanley st Marsh Mrs. 6 Bessborough st Marsham Lady Emily, 2 Grosvenor pl Marsh Sir H. Bart. 6 Victoria sq Marsh Thomas, 52 Ebury st Marshall Mrs. 96 Cambridge st Marshall Mrs. E. F. 88 Ebury st Marshall Capt. Fredk. 31 Eccleston sq Marshall F. A. 32 St. George’s rd Marshall Mrs. John, 29 St. George’s rd Marshall J. W. 32 St. George’s rd Marshall John W. 113 Warwick st Marshall J. 104 Stanley st Marshall W. C. R.A. sculpt. 47 Ebury st Marshall Wm. 32 Belgrave rd Martin Mrs. 14 William st Martin Joseph, 123 Tachbrook st Martin J. West, 15 Cadogan pl Martin Robert, 21 Eaton sq Martin Rev. S. 5 Eccleston ter south Martin Hon. Sir Saml. 75 Eaton sq Maryat Charles, 75 Eccleston sq Massey John, 84 Cambridge st Matthews E. D. 127 Cambridge st Mathewson John, 133 Cambridge st Maude Capt. C. H. 19 St. George’s sq Maude Fred. Philip, 44 St. George’s rd Mawley Thomas, 116 Denbigh st Maxwell Mrs. B. 24 Chester sq Maxwell Sir J. H. Bart. 61 Cadogan pl May T. Erskine, C.B. 60 Chester sq Mayes, 9 Westbourne pl Mayne Sir Richd. K.C.B. 80 Chester sq Meates W. C. surg. 41 Chester sq Meers Chas. 9 Westbourne pl Mellish G. 33 Loundes sq Mellish R. C. 26 Eaton pl Menhenick Henry, 76 Stanley st Meredith Wm. 11 Cumberland st Merser Alfred, 5 Coleshill st Middleton Hon. Lady, 52 Grosvenor pl Middleton Viscount, 65 Eaton pl Mildmay Mrs. P. St. J. 6 Eaton pl Mildmay E. St. J. 2 Wilton cres Mildmay Capt. E. H. St. J. 4 Eccleston st Mills Col. & Mrs. C. C. 22 Eaton pl Mills Daniel, 20 Eaton ter Millbanke Hen. J. 45 Eaton pl Miller David, 141 Lupus st Miller Leander, 28 Belgrave rd Miller Wm. H. 79 Warwick st Milner Mrs. G. 58 Eaton sq Milner Wm. surg. 22 L. Belgrave st Milford A. B. 26 Grosvenor st west Milford H. R. 26 Grosvenor st west Milford P. 26 Grosvenor st west Mitchell Thomas, 11 Coleshill st Mitchell W. C. 140 Warwick st Moffat George, 103 Eaton sq Mogson Thomas, 108 Warwick st Molineux John, 133 Lupus st Molesworth Dow. Lady, 41 Loundes st Molesworth Lady, 87 Eaton pl Monck Mrs. Charles, 38 Chester sq Monk Mrs. and Misses, 98 Eaton sq Monro Dr. James, 37 Gloucester st Montgomery Capt. 56 Cadogan pl Montgomery Sir G. G. Bart. M.P. 54 Grosvenor pl Montrose Duke of, 45 Belgrave sq Moody F. W. artist, 34 Lupus st Moore Mrs. 89 Gloucester st Moore A. W. surgeon, 2 Bessborough st Moore Charles, 29 Upper Belgrave pl Moore Rev. C. F. 21 Gloucester st Moore Edmund F. 21 Grosvenor pl Moore Harry, 142 Warwick st Moore Samuel, 150 Cambridge st Moore Thomas, 135 Lupus st Morgan Mrs. 14 Denbigh pl Morgan Mrs. 14 Denbigh pl Morgan John, 75 Cambridge st Morgan Rev. Robert, 11 St. George’s rd Morice Miss, 11 Westbourne pl Morrat Mrs. C. 2 Cadogan pl Morrice Mrs. 11 Westbourne pl Morris Mrs. 121 Tachbrook st Morris Colonel, 77 Cadogan pl Morris G. artist, 19 Tachbrook st Morris Thomas, 79 Denbigh st Morris Mrs. Thos. 19 Lower Belgrave st Morris Wm. 24 Eccleston sq Mortimer Rev. Dr. 72 Eccleston sq Morton Mrs. 49 Winchester st Morton Earl of, 19 Wilton crescent Morton George, 8 Cambridge st Morton John D. 8 Glo’ster ter Moscrop Mrs. 16 Denbigh pl Moscrop Mrs. C. L. 15 Denbigh pl Moscrop E. H. 22 St. George’s sq Mosley Mrs. Robert, 42 St. George’s sq Moss Richard, 57 Gloucester st Mostyn Hon. George, 93 Eaton sq Mountford John, 106 Denbigh st Mowatt Francis, 24 St. George’s sq Moyce Fred. 66 Warwick st Munro A. 6 Upper Belgrave pl Munro Campbell, 27 Eaton pl Mundy Col. P. 5 Eaton pl Murchison Sir R. I. 16 Belgrave sq Murphy John, 31 Sussex st Murray Herbert H. 5 Chester pl Murray Lady Sarah, 77 Chester sq Murrey Lt. Colonel and Lady A. 22 Chester st Murson Mrs. 137 Stanley st Nalder Fielding, 14 Gloucester st Napier Mrs. John M. 1 Hobart pl Napier Lady, 1 Hobart pl Nash L. R. 9 Bessborough st Naters Henry T. 2 Winchester st Neale Dr. 18 Westbourne pl Neal J. D. 8 Chester sq Neeve Mrs. C. H. 49 Gloucester st Neave Sir R. Digby Bart, 78 Eccleston sq Neeld Sir John Bart, 92 Eaton sq Neilson F. J. 61 Bessborough st Nelthropp G. 20 Gloucester st Nesbitt Gibson, 97 Cambridge st New Mr. 8 Graham st Newburgh Countess of, 35 Wilton cres Neweman Mrs. 32 Elizabeth st Newlar Mrs. 89 Cadogan pl Newport Rt. Hon. Viscount, 30 Wilton cres Newry Viscountess, 98 Eaton pl Newsam Peter, 22 Cambridge st Newton Col. W. S. 43 Loundes st Nichol John, 92 Cambridge st Nicholls J. 31 Denbigh st Nicholls Henry, 34 Stanley st Nicholls Wm. H. 120 Tachbrook st Nicholas John, 10 Stanley pl Nicholson Joseph, 4 Graham st Nightingale Mrs. 99 Winchester st Nilon Charles, 9 Up. Belgrave pl Nilon Henry, 24 St. George’s rd Noble Fred. 2 Michael’s grove Noble J. Samuel, professor of magic, 40 Denbigh st Noel Hon. Mrs. F. 5 Warwick sq Norfolk W. J. 26 St. George’s sq Norgeat Miss, Belgrave college, 61 Warwick st Northey Mrs. Hopkyns, 25 Wilton cres Norton Hon. G. C. 10 Wilton pl Norris J. W. 1 Graham st Nugent Baron W. 28 Chester st Oates Dr. surgeon, 164 Cambridge st O’Brian Mrs. 8 Westbourne pl O’Brien Mrs. 8 Westbourne pl O’Brian Henry, 8 Charles st O’Bryan Miss, 7 Ebury st Odell John, 48 Gloucester st Ogle E. 22 Gloucester st Ogle George, 17 St. George’s sq Oglelvy Richard L. 20 Bessborough st O’Grady Maj. Hon. T. 68 St. George’s sq Oldershan R. P. 74 Warwick sq Oldfield Miss, 4 Eaton pl w Olding John Joseph, 57 Lupus st Oliver Samuel M.D. 35 Burton st Oldmixon Capt. W. H. R.N. 3 Claverton st Omayley Owen, 34 Graham st Omayley Mrs. 130 Stanley st O’Malley P. F. 7 Loundes st O’Neil John, 9 Claverton st Oppenheim H. 29 Cumberland st Orpwood Joseph, 8 Burton st Orr Mrs. Martin, 16 Westbourne pl Osborne Mrs. Charles, 77 Eaton pl Osborne John, 67 Eaton pl Osborn Mrs. R. 3 Wilton pl Otway Miss F. A. 7 Eaton ter Ottywell James, 11 St. Michael’s ter Ovens Daniel, 53 Tachbrook st Owen Mrs. 4 Victoria sq Owen Foster, 59 Lupus st Owen Rev. J. B. 40 Cadogan pl Owens Owen, 3 Graham st Owst Wilberfoss, 144 Warwick st Paget Charles, M.P. 113 Eaton sq Paget Col. Fred. 55 Chesham sq Paget Lord Alfred H. M.P. 42 Grosvenor pl Pain Henry W. surgeon, 30 Upper Belgrave pl Paine Josiah, 63 Winchester st Painter George, 128 Warwick st Pakenham Hon. Capt. T. A. R.N. 73 Eaton pl Pakington Right Hon. Sir J. S. Bart, 41 Eaton sq Palgrave R. F. D. 31 Warwick sq Palk Sir Lawrence Bart, M.P. 102 Eaton sq Palk Robt. John, 1 Lyall st Palmer J. auctioneer, &c., 160 Cambridge st Palmer Rev. 53 Loundes sq Palmer William, 4 Denbigh st Parker Mrs. C. G. 47 Grosvenor pl Parker Wm. K. surgeon, 18 Bessborough st Parker Wm. 17 Stanley st Parsey John L. 1 Claverton st Parsons Mrs. 110 Warwick st Parsons Hon. Lawrence, 102 Eaton pl Partridge Mrs. 14 Sussex st Passey Mrs. 4 Albert st Patching William, 15 Stanley st Paterson Miss, 19 Wilton st Patton Mrs. Wilson, 9 Loundes sq Paul Chas. A. 56 Sussex st Payne Dr. G. B. 58 Denbigh st Paynter Wm. 21 Belgrave sq Pears Wm. 35 Denbigh st Pearsall Rev. S. John, 38 Denbigh st Pearse Christopher, 87 Eccleston sq Pechey Mrs. 2 Gloucester st Pedgrift Mrs. 7 Coleshill st Peel Rt. Hon. F. M.P. 32 Chesham pl Peel William, 25 Coleshill st Pelham Lady H. 22 Grosvenor pl Pellott Arthur, 2 Cambridge st Pemberton E. L. 29 Eaton pl Pemberton E. L. jun. 5 Warwick sq Pemberton Henry, 10 William st Pemberton H. L. 29 Eaton pl Pennant Col. Hon. E. G. D. M.P. and Lady Louisa, Mortimer House Peniston W. M. 57 St. George’s rd Pepys Philip H. 44 Loundes st Perceval C. S. 64 Eccleston sq Perceval Mrs. D. 64 Eccleston sq Percival Mrs. 42 Bessborough st Perkins William, 9 Graham st Perry John, surgeon, 4 Eaton sq Perry Sir Thomas E. 36 Eaton pl Petch Mrs. 23 Burton st Petrie Samuel, 46 Ebury st Pett Josiah, 4 Hanover st Pettigrew Dr. W. V. 7 Chester st Pettigrew F. W. surgeon accoucheur, 9 Belgrave rd Phillips Capt. N. G. 7 Eccleston ter. s. Philip Henry, 10 Buckingham gate Phillips John O. 46 Bessborough st Phillips Miss, 75 Chester sq Phillips Miss, 15 Wilton pl Phipps Lady Sophia, 27 Eaton sq Phipps Hon. Mrs. E. 7 Eaton pl w. Picton Dr. 80 Cadogan pl Piggott James, 30 Cambridge st Piggott S. F. 93 Ebury st Pilkington Mrs. R. 4 Chester ter Pimlico Literary Institution, Winchester st Pistrucci Miss, 46 Sussex st Pitt Mrs. Gen. Dean, 14 Chester ter Pitts John, 3 Coleshill st Pitts John, 9 Cambridge st Pipon Col. J. Keith, 15 Eaton pl w. Plaskitt J. surgeon, 25 Chapel st Plows Rev. W. M.A. 2 Bessborough gardens Plunkett Mrs. 28 Chester sq Podmore Daniel, 31 Burton st Ponsonby Lady Emily, 4 Wilton cres Ponsonby Mrs. 5 Halkin st w. Ponsonby Viscountess, 62 Chester sq Portal Mrs. 3 Wilton cres Porter G. T. 8 Gloucester st Porter J. H. 61 St. George’s sq Porter Mrs. 32 Bessborough st Porter Robert, 88 Lupus st Poole G. S. 65 Warwick st Postlethwaite Wm. 75 Warwick st Postlethwaite L. J. 65 Bessborough st Potterton James, 10 Graham st Poulton John, 17 Graham st Powell Lieut. Col. William, 83 Gloucester st Power Bonamy M. and Panmure Lady 19 Chesham st Power Dr. R. F. 7 Lower Grosvenor pl Power Henry, consulting surgeon, 3 Grosvenor ter Pownall George, 9 Eccleston ter s. Praed Mrs. Winthrop, 64 Chester sq Pratt Miss, 16 Bessborough st Pratt H. S. 45 Tachbrook st Prendergast J. H. 71 Gloucester st Prendergast G. L. 24 Loundes st Prescott Mrs. 97 Warwick st Pringle John E. 7 Bessborough gdns Prinsep C. C. 36 St. George’s rd Pritchard Henry D. 7 Gloucester st Pritchard John, 100 Warwick st Price Joseph, 10 Sussex st Price Lady, 1 Loundes sq Price Mrs. 4 Eaton pl Price Mrs. Adml. 1 Up. Belgian st Pritchard John, M.P. 89 Eaton sq Proby Lord, M.P. and Lady, 14 Halkin st. west Prothero, 48 Coleshill st Pugh Mrs. 16 Eaton pl south Pulsford Robert, 6 Upper Belgrave st Pultency Miss, 36 Grosvenor pl Pum Thomas, 45 Denbigh st Pym Mrs. W. W. 11 Claverton st Queensberry Dowager Marchioness of, 3 Eaton pl west Quin Lord George, 15 Belgrave sq Quintin W. F. Twiss, 32 Chester st Rainger Wm. 6 Ebury st Ram Mrs. E. S. 8 Wilton terrace Ramadge F. 24 Gloucester st Ramel Amie D. 19 Cambridge st Ramsay T. W. 6 Gloucester terrace Ramsbottom Capt. Richd. 1 Loundes st Ramsden Miss, 20 Loundes st Ramsden George, 74 Warwick st Ramsey Major B. D. W. 18 Chester st Randall Thomas, 63 Gloucester st Randolph Col. C. W. 5 Victoria sq Ranger Wm. C. E. 39 St. George’s sq Rannie John, 5 Lower Belgrave st Raper Charles, 16 Grosvenor pl Rashdall Rev. John, 39 St. George’s rd Read Wm. 46 Sutherland st Rebow John Gurdon, and Lady Georgiana, 111 Eaton sq Reeks Trenham, 118 Warwick st Reid Hugh G. 59 Winchester st Rennell C. J. 62 Eaton pl Rennie George, 39 Wilton crescent Rennie Geo. Banks, 39 Wilton cres Rennie Sir John, 7 Loundes sq Repington Mrs. A’Court, 4 Halkin ter Repington C. H. W. A’Court, 15 Chesham st Reybold Mrs. 26 Westbourne pl Reynolds Miss, 18 St. George’s sq Reynolds Chas. W. 2 Eaton pl Reynolds Francis Henry, 4 Wilton pl. Reynett General Sir J. 62A Eaton sq. Reynolds J. W. 12 Gloucester st Riall Lady, 66 Eaton sq Ricardo Miss, 50 Grosvenor pl Ricardo Albert, 3 Charles st Ricardo Lady C. 31 Loundes sq Ricardo Osman, 71 Eaton pl Rice Dr. 44 Gloucester st Rich Miss, 17 Coleshill st Rich, 2 Graham st Rich Miss C. A. 18 Coleshill st Rich Vice-Adml. G. F. 80 Eaton pl Riddell Misses, 2 Grosvenor pl Richards Mrs. 62 Warwick st Richard Mrs. 80 Cambridge st Richardson A. 39 Sutherland st Richardson Mrs. J. 52 St. George’s rd Richmond Duke of, 49 Belgrave sq Ricketts Lady Caroline, 55 Grosvenor pl Ricketts Capt. Sir C. Bart, 55 Grosvenor pl Riley Henry, surgeon, 22 St. George’s rd Riley John, 20 Stanley st Rivers Mrs. H. 30 Belgrave rd Robarts H. C. 41 Loundes sq Roberts C. E. 12 St. George’s sq Roberts John, 5 Stanley pl Robertson Miss, 22 Loundes sq Robertson E. G. R. 48 Bessborough st Robertson J. M. 71 Denbigh st Robertson Dr. R. H. surgeon, 38 St. George’s rd Robertson Thos. C. 68 Eaton sq Robinson, 53 Coleshill st Robinson George F. 4 Burton st Robinson Henry, 9 Chesham st Robinson John, 48 Sutherland st Robinson Rear Adml. R.S. 61 Eaton pl Robison W. F. professor of music, 53 Coleshill st Rochfort Mrs. Col. 40 Eaton pl Rochfort Capt. J. Downes, 40 Eaton pl Rodgers J. E. D. 41 Denbigh st Rogers E. S. 11 Warwick ter Roger Mrs. J. R. 70 Gloucester st Rogers Miss, 85 Cadogan pl Romilly Chas. and Lady G. 29 Wilton crescent Romilly Col. F. and Lady Elizabeth, 55 Eccleston sq Ronquette Madame, boarding school for young ladies, 16 Alexander sq Roscoe Dr. Richard, 13 Sussex sq Ross Mrs. 48 Stanley st Rothschild Sir Anthony de, 2 Grosvenor pl Houses, Grosvenor pl Rouse Misses, 62 Coleshill st Rouse James, 12 Coleshill st Rowland Mrs. 6 Stanley st Rowland Charles, 10 Eccleston sq Rowsell James D. 11 Wilton pl Rudall John, 59 Eaton sq Rumley Gen. 12 Cadogan pl Rundle Nicholas, 25 Denbigh st Rush Edward, 70 Coleshill st Rushbrook Mrs. 18 St. George’s rd Russell Charles J. 137 Tachbrook st Russell, Lord C. G. 66 Chester sq Russell Earl, 37 Chesham pl Russell Lady Elizabeth, 8 Eaton pl w. Russell Lord Francis R.N. 3 Halkin pl Russell Hon. G. H. 22 Belgrave sq Russell G. L. 62 Loundes sq Russell H. C. H. M.P. 8 Eaton pl w. Russell John, surgeon, 72 Warwick sq Russell Mrs. Robert, 18 Wilton pl Rust T. Parker, surgeon, 53 Lupus st Ryan E. tailor, 63 Cambridge st Ryan G. E. N. 33 Gloucester st Ryde Edward, civil engineer and surveyor, 14 Upper Belgrave pl Sainsbury Ector, 80 Warwick st Sainsbury Samuel, 7 Cumberland st Salmon Chas. 17 Eccleston st south Salmon George, 23 Gloucester st Salter Capt. 11 Gloucester st Sambrooke T. G. 32 Eaton pl Sampson Mrs. 15 Winchester st Sandars J. and Lady V. 15 Eaton sq Sanders John, 23 Lower Belgrave st Sandbach H. R. 20 Eaton pl Sandford H. 23 Cadogan pl Sandys Lord, 2 Chesham st Sapte Capt. Wm. 70 Eaton pl Sargeant Mrs. 34 Denbigh st Saul Wm. 6 Burton st Saunders Charles, 3 Stanley st Saunders E. surveyor, 5 Bessborough st Saunders Miss L. 16 Cottage grove Saunders Mrs. 7 Gloucester ter Saville E. B. 30 St. George’s rd Scanes Edwin, 16 Denbigh pl Scannell D. S. surg. 22 Chapel st Scantlebury George, 36 Stanley Schomberg J. T. 81 Eccleston sq Scot Henry, Dundas, 10 Eccleston st Scot Wm. C. 10 Eccleston st Scott Col. Hon. C. G. 79 Eaton sq Scott G. S. 24 Chester st Scott James, surg. 59 Belgrave rd Scott Lord H. M. M.P. 37 Belgrave sq Scott Mrs. 17 St. George’s rd Scott Mrs. 77 Warwick st Scott M. W. L. civil engineer 9 Eccleston ter Scott Samuel, 29 Westbourne pl Scott The Ladies, 21 Chester sq Scott William, 12 Westbourne pl Scott Wm. W. 26 Bessborough gdns Scovell George, 54 Grosvenor pl Scott Sir F. E. Bart. 97 Eaton sq Scovell Thomas, 21 St. George’s sq Seager C. H. 36 St. George’s sq Secreton Rev. C. F. M.A. 10 Bessborough gardens Sedgwick George, 6 Winchester st Sefton Earl of, 53 Grosvenor pl Sefton Counter of, 53 Grosvenor pl Selby P. W. 4 Loundes st Selsey Rt. Hon. Lady, 71 Chester sq Selwyn J. Charles Q.C. 63 Chester sq Sewell John, 27 Belgrave rd Seymour Adml. Sir G. 115 Eaton sq Seymour G. Edward, 95 Eaton pl Seymer H. Kerr M.P. 62 Eccleston sq Seymour Mrs. 118 Stanley st Seymour Mrs. 119 Tachbrook st Seymour Rt. Hon. Sir H. 10 Grosvenor crescent Seymour William, 5 Albert st Seymour William, 61 Loundes sq Shank Alexander, 43 Wilton crescent Shapland John, 111 Stanley st Shard Charles, 27 Gloucester st Sharp Ernest, 9 Winchester st Sharp Mrs. and Miss, 1 Eccleston st Shaw Henry, 125 Warwick st Sharpe J. surgeon, 21 Grosvenor st w. Shaw Lt. Gen. C. A. 24 Eaton sq Shee Sir G. Bart, 38 Grosvenor pl Sheil Col. Sir J. K.C.B. 13 Eaton pl Shepherd Miss, 100 Eaton pl Shepherd Lloyd, professor of music, 129 Tachbrook st Shepherd William, 100 Eaton pl Sheppard Mrs. 19 Lower Belgrave pl Sheppard Samuel, 42 Sussex st Sheridan R. Brindsley, M.P. 49 Grosvenor pl Shinn Wm. Collyer, 60 Lupus st Shirley Mrs. A. 12 Victoria sq Shirreff Miss, 19 Chester sq Shirriff Mrs. and Miss, 25 Chester st Short Mayow, 64 St. George’s rd Shovbridge Harry, 14 Claverton st Shrewsbury and Talbot, Earl of, 30 Belgrave sq Shrubsole W. H. 48 Ebury st Sibley Mrs. 26 Cambridge st Sibthorp H. Waldo, 57 Chester sq Sibthorp Mrs. Waldo, 57 Chester sq Sidney Samuel, 14 Hanover st Silver Joseph, 11 Bessborough st Simmonds Peter, 8 Winchester st Simmons Mrs. 44 Cambridge st Simonds Mrs. 32 Bessborough gardens Simonds Mrs. George, 13 Glo’ster ter Simpson Mrs. 3 Lower Belgrade pl Simpson Mrs. 24 Bessborough gardens Sims John, 138 Tachbrook st Sinclair Ambrose, 18 Stanley st Singleton Hon. Mrs. 6 Wilton cres Sinclair Mrs. 31 St. George’s rd Siveuright Wm. 27 Coleshill st Skimpton Alfred, 112 Stanley st Skinner C. Binney, 57 Eccleston sq Slater Robert, 90 Ebury st Smart George, 30 Cottage grove Smith Alfred, 78 Stanley st Smith Augustus, 1 Eaton sq Smith A. K. 31 Sutherland st Smith A. R. 23 Denbigh pl Smyth Colonel, 17 Loundes sq Smith Charles J. 35 Eaton sq Smith C. J. 10 Bessborough st Smith Edward, 54 Coleshill st Smith F. Vaughan, 3 Lyall st Smith George Robert, 73 Eaton sq Smith Henry, 9 Warwick ter Smith H. Duncan, surg. 32 St. Michael’s ter Smith H. J. 23 Denbigh pl Smith Israel, 18 Graham st Smith Jervoise, 47 Belgrave sq Smith J. Townsend, 38 Lupus st Smith J. W. 22 Coleshill st Smith Lady, 6 St. George’s rd Smith Lady Susan, 35 Chesham pl Smith Martin Tucker, M.P. 13 Upper Belgrave st Smith Miss Emma, 37 Chester sq Smith J. Abel, 37 Chester sq Smith Miss F. D. 4 Chester sq Smith the Misses, 5 Eaton sq Smith Mr. 147 Cambridge st Smith Mrs. 94 Cambridge st Smith Mrs. 22 Coleshill st Smith Mrs. 3 Upper Belgrave pl Smith Mrs. 34 Westbourne pl Smith Mrs. Arthur, 24 Wilton st Smith Mrs. J. B. 3 Eaton pl Smith R. G. solicitor, 35 Ebury st Smith S. B. 96 Glo’ster st Smith T. Chaloner, 13 Halkin st w. Smith William, 79 Glo’ster st Smith William, 13 Wilton pl Smith William J. B. 3 Eaton pl Smith W. A. 90 Denbigh st Smith W. H. 7 Eccleston sq Smithers Charles, 133 Warwick st Smyth Lady Elizabeth, 114 Eaton sq Smyth Mrs. 18 Victoria sq Smyth Alfred, 13 Bessborough st Snard Mr. E. 68 Coleshill st Snell Edward, 3 Bessborough gardens Snell William, 3 Belgrave rd Snell Miss, 4 Bessborough gardens Snell Samuel, 27 St. George’s rd Sneyd the Misses, 9 Eaton sq Snowdon Rev. J. Hampden, M.A. 15 Grosvenor st west Soanes Mrs. 14 Cottage grove Soelber Louis, 31 Westbourne pl Somers Caroline, Dow. Countess, 45 Grosvenor pl Somerset Granville R. H. 11 Chapel st Sotheron-Estcourt Rt. Hon. T. H. M.P. 51 Eaton pl Spargo Thomas, 159 Lupus st Speirs Mrs. 10 Eaton pl Speirs A. A. 10 Eaton pl Spicer John, 29 Denbigh st Spink Mrs. 48 Bessborough gardens Spicer G. John, 29 Denbigh st Spottiswoode William, 19 Chester st Sprenger H. C. 53 Denbigh st Spring-Rice Hon. C. 17 Eaton pl s. St. George Major J. 59 St. George’s sq Stackpole Dr. G. C. surg. 92 Ebury st Staff G. tax collector, 58 Tachbrook st Stamp Wm. 33 Denbigh st Stanesby J. artist, 13 Tachbrook st Stanhope Earl, 3 Grosvenor pl Houses Stanley Miss, 6 Grosvenor cres Stebbing George, 100 Cambridge st Steele Col. T. C.B. 36 Chester sq Stemson Samuel, 25 Burton st Stephens Edwd. B. sculp. 27 Up. Belgrave pl Stephens J. B. 26 Coleshill st Stephens Miss M. 18 St. George’s sq Stephenson Charles, 67 St. George’s sq Stepney Samuel, 16 St. George’s ter Sterling Edwd. C. 6 Wilton st Sterling John B. 6 Wilton st Stevens Charles, 32 Graham st Stevens Charles, 106 Warwick st Stevens Mrs. 8 Grosvenor st w Stevens Mrs. 84 Ebury st Stewart A. J. R. & Lady Isabella, 13 Belgrave sq Stewart J. V. and Lady H. 13 Warwick sq Stewart Lt. Col. P. 8 L. Belgrave st Stewart R. W. D. 19 Chester ter Stewart Sir M. R. S. Bart. M.P. and Lady Octavia, 42 Belgrave sq Stirling Mrs. Sen. 9 Eaton pl. south Stirling Mrs. Morries, 9 Eaton pl. s. Stock Thomas, 25 Upper Belgrave pl Stocken Alfred, 20 Upper Belgrave pl Stokes Thomas, 3 Bessborough st Stopford Hon. Miss H. 22 Grosvenor st w. Stopford Rear Admiral Robert F. 26 Eaton sq Stopford Wm. Bruce, 39 Eaton sq Story Capt. T. K. and Hon. Mrs. 14 Eaton ter Stoughton Chas. Wm. 5 Grosvenor pl Stourton Joseph, 79 Coleshill st Stradbroke Earl, 33 Belgrave sq Stranshaw Maj. Gen. A. B. 58 St. George’s rd Stratford Lady Emily, 40 Wilton cres Strudwick Mrs. 65 Tachbrook st Stuart Miss, 50 Cadogan pl Stuart Miss, 133 Stanley st Stucley Lieut. Col. Sir G. and Lady Elizabeth, 8 Eaton sq Sumpter Mr. John, 15 Graham st Sutherland Mrs. and Miss, 109 Eaton pl Sutton J. H. Manners, 70 Eaton sq Swanston Thos. 79 Ebury st Swanston G. J. 3 Warwick ter Swinton Jas. R. artist, 33 Warwick sq Swinburne Miss, 18 Grosvenor pl Symonds Miss, 19 Denbigh st Symonds Samuel, 120 Warwick st Synge Wm. W. F. 5 Cumberland st Talbot Mrs. 7 Cambridge st Talbot Henry, 122 Stanley st Talbot Hon. W. C. 30 Belgrave sq Tanner Dr. M. B. 33 St. George’s sq Tapp John, 176 Cambridge st Tarbutt Rev. A. C. M.A. 14 Loundes st Tarte John, 6 Lower Grosvenor pl Taunton Lord, 27 Belgrave sq Taylor A. Henry art. 5 Claverton st Taylor James, 30 Stanley st Taylor John, 36 Gloucester st Taylor J. Pitt, 58 Eccleston sq Taylor T. surgeon, 70 Ebury st Taylor Mrs. 50 Coleshill st Teasdale Miss, 84 Cadogan pl Teast Mrs. 33 Westbourne pl Tebay Dr. T. G. surg. 2 Warwick ter Tebbutt Rev. Francis, 33 Sussex st Teeson Rev. J. 26 Winchester st Teevan James, surgeon, 30 Chesham st Teevan Michael, 6 Grosvenor pl Tempest Lord A. F. V. 33 Chester sq Tennent Sir J. E. 66 Warwick sq Tennent W. W. E. 66 Warwick sq Tenterden Lord, 12 Wilton st Termonth Mrs. 9 Lower Belgrave pl Thelluson Hon. Mrs. and Hon. Misses 65 Chester sq Thellusson Thomas R. 23 Wilton cres Thoms Wm. J. 40 St. George’s sq Thomas Mrs. 70 Warwick sq Thomas J. E. sculp. 7 L. Belgrave pl Thomas John L. 26 Gloucester st Thomond Marchioness of, 39 Grosvenor pl Thompson Alfred, 44 L. Belgrave pl Thompson Mrs. 103 Warwick st Thompson Mrs. V. 3 Up. Belgrave st Thorn J. Henry, 3 Chester st Thorn R. L. surgeon, 31 St. Michael’s ter Thorn Thomas A. 20 Chester ter Thorne John H. 67 Warwick st Thornhill W. Pole M.P. 44 Eaton sq Thornton Thomas, 29 Gloucester st Thornycroft T. sculp. 21 Wilton pl Thorpe Mrs. 65 Belgrave rd Thorpe Rev. Dr. and Pomfret Countess of, 9 Upper Belgrave st Thorpe Thomas C. 16 Chapel st Thrupp John, 7 Warwick sq Thursby Capt. R. H. 1 Eccleston ter south Tierney Lady, 20 Chapel st Tighe Mrs. 6 Eaton ter Till Mrs. Martha, 8 Denbigh pl Tilley John, 73 St. George’s sq Tilling Mr. 20 Denbigh st Tite Wm. M.P. 42 Loundes sq Todd Mrs. 5 Gloucester st Tolhurst Henry, professor of music, 3 Victoria sq Tollemache W. F. and Tollemache Lady Emma, 12 Wilton crescent Tollemache Wm. F. and Lady Anna Maria, 65 St. George’s sq Toogood Henry, 1 Chester sq Torrington Viscount, 4 Warwick sq Tower Mrs. Charles, 50 Chester sq Tower Lieut. Col. H. 21 Loundes st Tower Mrs. William, 21 Loundes st Townley John, 76 Eaton pl Townsend Sydney A. 8 Cambridge st Tozer Thomas, 27 Cambridge st Tufnell E. C. 26 Loundes sq Tucker Marwood, 109 Belgrave rd Tucker T. H. 5 Hanover st Tull Fred. A. 121 Stanley st Tulloch Major Gen. Sir A.M. 63 Eaton sq Tulloh Major Gen. A. Thos. R.A. 29 Warwick sq Tunns Miss, 12 Chesham pl Turnor Christopher, and Lady Caroline, 34 Chesham pl Turner Edward, 1 Upper Belgrave pl Turner Edward, 116 Stanley st Turner John, architect, 15A Wilton st Turner R. E. 25 St. George’s sq Turner Thomas, 69 Warwick st Turner Mr. 61 Coleshill st Turnbull Henry B. 9 Wilton st Tracy Hon. Misses Hanbury, 28 Chesham pl Tracy Hon. H. H. 2 Chester ter Trant Mrs. and Miss, 11 Loundes st Traquair Dr. S. G. surgeon. 1 Eccleston sq Travers Capt. Conway, R.M. 4 Gloucester st Treherne Morgan, 47 Eaton sq Trevelyan Sir Charles, K.C.B. 8 Grosvenor crescent Triston Alfred 18 Denbigh pl Trollope Charles, architect, 13 Claverton st Trolope Messrs. estate agents, 18 Grosvenor st west Trollope R. L. 1 Belgrave rd Trotter Miss, 15 Chapel st Trounce Wm. 45 Sussex st Truro Right Hon. Dowager Lady, 83 Eaton sq Twiss Mrs. H. 20 Grosvenor st w. Twoart George, 59 Winchester st Tyas J. H. 27 Grosvenor st w. Tylee Henry, 62 St. George’s rd Tylor John, 5 Westbourne pl Tyndall Charles M. 77 Winchester st Tyrwhitt Lady, 7 Chesham st Underhill John, 13 Denbigh pl Upton Edmund, 38 St. George’s sq Urwick W. W. 60 St. George’s rd Vallance H. W. 3 St. George’s rd Valdivia Don Juan B. 99 Eaton pl Vane Lord Harry G. M.P. 1 Grosvenor pl Houses, Grosvenor pl Vane H. Morgan, 74 Eaton pl Van Darvin Miss, 86 Ebury st Vereken Hon. S. P. 10 Warwick sq Verner Col. W. Bart, 86 Eaton sq Vernon Hon. A. H. 7 Up. Belgrave st Verschojle Col. 23 Chapel st Verschoyle Robert, 116 Eaton sq Vernon G. H. and Hon. Mrs. 5 Belgrave sq Vian Mr. 101 Warwick st Vialls Chas. M. 59 Chester sq Vigil Senor Don B. G. 44 Sussex st Villebois Henry, 23 Belgrave sq Vince Wm. 55 Coleshill st Vinge Thomas, pharmaceutical chemist, 23 Stockbridge ter Vinicombe surgeon, 1 Westbourne st Vitzthum Le Comte, saxon minister, 3 Hobart pl Vivian Major Quintus, 17 Chesham st Vivian Mrs. J. H. 7 Belgrave sq Vivian Right Hon. Dow. Lady, 8 Wilton crescent Vizer E. B. pharmaceutical chemist, 63 Lupus st Vyse Col. Howard, 5 Chesham st Waetzig G. A. 50 Gloucester st Wade Mrs. 15 Victoria sq Waganrieter Fred. 101 Winchester st Waguelin Thos. M. M.P. 23 Eaton sq Walcot Rev. McKenzie, 64 Ebury st Waldo Mrs. 73 Ebury st Walford Mrs. 66 Loundes sq Walker Gilbart, surgeon dentist, 19 Cumberland st Walker Henry, 19 Cumberland st Walker John, 76 Cambridge st Walker Mrs. 34 Bessborough st Walker Mrs. 17 Gloucester st Walker Rev. John, 57 St. George’s sq Walker’s private hotel, 34 Chapel st Waller Fred. 12 Lower Belgrave st Waller John, 15 Denbigh st Waller John, 5 Belgrave rd Waller Mrs. 12 Lower Belgrave st Waller Robt. John, 4 Lyall st Waller Sir W. Bart. 36 Wilton cres Wallscourt Lady, and Wallscourt Lord, 31 Chester sq Walpole Hon. H. 27 Loundes st Walfrond Rev. Theodore A. 37 St. George’s rd Walter Mrs. 19 Eaton ter Walters Ralph, 51 Eaton sq Walton Mrs. 10 Westbourne pl Ward Mrs. 8 Sussex st Ward Rev. Richard, 12 Eaton sq Wardrope James, 12 Victoria sq Warin Thomas, 10 Denbigh st Warner Edward M.P. 49 Grosvenor pl Warre J. H. 54 Loundes sq Warre Henry, 23 Chester ter Warren F. Skinner, 74 Gloucester st Warren M. land surveyor, 111 Winchester st Warriss Mr. 95 Warwick st Waskett The Misses, 52 Eaton sq Wat J. G. 10 Chapel st Waters Joseph, 6 Graham st Waters R. E. 1 Wilton cres Watlington J. W. Perry M.P. 37 Loundes st Watson J. W. 65 Eccleston sq Watson Mrs. 7 Wilton pl Watson Wm. B. 45 St. George’s sq Wanchope Mrs. 10 Eaton sq Way Dr. John, surg. 13 St. George’s rd Webb Dr. E. L. surg. 9 St. George’s rd Webb Fredk. 7 Bessborough st Webb George, 126 Warwick st Webb Miss, 34 Cadogan pl Webb Miss, 29 Chesham pl Webb R. G. Esq. 19 Cadogan pl Webb William, 71 Warwick st Webbe Dr. J. C. 23 Grosvenor st w. Webber Alfred, 69 Denbigh st Webster R. 26 Denbigh pl Weekes Hy. A. R. A. sculp. 1A Eccleston st s. Weeks Henry, 55 Winchester st Welby-Gregory Sir G. Earle Bart. M.P. 8 Upper Belgrave st Welby Wm. Earle, 8 Upper Belgrave st Welch Mrs. professor of Music, 123 Lupus st Weld Gordon, 1 Lower Grosvenor pl Weller M. W. 68 Ebury st Weller John, 4 Lyall st Wellsley Capt. G. G. R.N. 10 Wilton st Wells H. M. 91 Eaton pl Wells Mrs. J. Neave, 11 Loundes sq Wells Mrs. 30 Coleshill st Wells Miss, 91 Eaton pl Wells Miss, 8 Eaton ter Wells Robert Jas. 40 Winchester st Wells Thomas, 4 Sussex st Welshman Samuel, 22 Denbigh pl Wemyss J. Hay Erskine, 6 Buckingham gate Wenham Mathew, 24 Cambridge st West J. J. and Misses, 51 Glo’ster st West Capt. Hon. M. S. 15 Chester sq Westbrook Mr. 84 Stanley st West Miss, 5 Eccleston sq Westmacott Jas. S. sculptor, 14 St. George’s rd Weston Wm. 20 Graham st Whalling John, 23 Denbigh st Wheatley Mrs. 14 Coleshill st Wheeler Mr. Serjeant L.L.D. 44 St. George’s sq Whitbread Miss, 22 Eaton pl Whitbread S. C. 49 St. George’s sq Whitbread W. 16 Lower Belgrave st Whitbury W. H. 10 Loundes sq White Col. H. D. C.B. 25 Chapel st White Col. Luke M.P. 19 Belgrave sq White J. estate agent, 1 Halkin st White John, 2 Coleshill st White John, 4 Wilton st White Mrs. Raymond, 2 Wilton ter White T. C. dentist 13 Up. Eccleston pl White Wm. 9 Denbigh st White William, 72 Stanley st Whitehead Capt. M. 55 Hans pl Whitehurst E. C. 6 L. Belgrave st Whitehurst Miss, 6 L. Belgrave st Whitfield A. 56 Tachbrook st Whitgreave G. Thomas, 22 Eaton sq Whiting Amos, 6 St. George’s sq Whiting James, surgeon dentist, 58 Upper Ebury st Whiting Mrs. 30 Burton st Whitman Frederick, 11 Sussex st Whitmore Henry, 68 Eaton pl Whittingstall Mrs. 53 St. George’s rd Whytehead William, 32 Cambridge st Wicks Mr. Henry, 76 Coleshill st Wightman Hon. Sir William, 38 Eaton pl Wilbraham Miss, 16 Loundes st Wild William, 38 Graham st Wildman R. 12 Loundes sq Wilkinson W. A. 33 Sussex st Wilkinson W. A. 7 Claverton st Wilkes Mrs. 67 Bessborough st Wilkinson Mrs. 35 Cambridge st Wilks Charles, 56 Stanley st Wilks Irvine, 36 Chapel st Willes Hon. Sir James S. 16 Eaton sq Willett J. 54 Gloucester st Williams James, 7 Roehampton st William John, 98 Eaton sq Williams J. W. H. 49 Denbigh st Williams Mrs. H. 33 Grosvenor pl Williams Mrs. 54 Winchester st Williams the Misses, 3 Lower Belgrave st Williams William, 126 Stanley st Willoughby W. A. 67 Warwick sq Willoughby Edward, 26 Warwick sq Wilmer Mrs. W. 34 Wilton crescent Wilmot Mrs. 11 Wilton st Wilson Herbert, 62 Cadogan pl Wilson Mr. Henry, 70 Tachbrook st Wilson H. J. 8 Eccleston ter Wilson John, 139 Cambridge st Wilson Joseph, 28 Denbigh st Wilson Mrs. James, 12 Up. Belgrave st Williams Mrs. A. 76 Eccleston sq Wilson Mrs. 96 Ebury st Wilson Miss, 2 Upper Eccleston st Wilson Rev. Alexander, 17 Denbigh pl Wilson R. 67 Cambridge st Wilson Samuel, S. 28 Burton st Wilson Thomas, 73 Denbigh st Wilson Thomas, 2 Upper Eccleston st Wilton Mrs. 34 Sussex st Wilton Mrs. 10 Westbourne pl Wimbush Joshua, 16 William st Winchester Charles, 61 Gloucester st Windham Major Gen. C. A. C.B. 48 Eaton pl Winn Hon. Rowland, 20 Wilton st Winter James John, 2 St. Michael’s ter Winter Nichilsan, 27 Graham st Winterbottom R. T. 35 Belgrave sq Winthrop Mr. 38 Cadogan pl Winyard Lieut. Col. E. G. 27 Chester st Wise H. C. 18 Loundes sq Wiseman Capt. Sir Wm. Bart. 38A St. George’s rd Wood Chas. Alex. 25 Chesham pl Wood George, 21 Upper Belgrave pl Wood G. Watson, 25 Gloucester st Wood H. W. 11 Denbigh pl Wood Joseph, 57 Cadogan pl Wood Joseph, 49 St. George’s rd Wood Mrs. 2 Albert st Wood R. solicitor, 26 Belgrave rd Wood Robert, 30 Lupus st Wood Rt. Hon. Sir C. Bart. and Lady Mary, 10 Belgrave sq Wood William, 22 Denbigh st Woodburn, 17 Westbourne pl Woodcock Wm. 3 Bessborough gdns Wodehouse Col. E. 56 St. George’s rd Woodhead Mrs. 8 Denbigh st Woodhouse William, 113 Stanley st Wolferstan F. S. P. 7 Warwick ter Wombwell Chas. Orby, 14 Chester sq Wombwell Misses, 19 Chesham pl Woolmer J. B. surg. 71 Warwick sq Woulfe S. R. and Hon. Mrs. 29 Wilton pl Wright C. 138 Warwick st Wright W. W. 51 Sussex st Wyatt James, 61 Denbigh st Wyatt Richard Henry, 27A Grosvenor pl Wylde Miss, 6 Lower Belgrave pl Wyndham Capt. M.P. 4 Grosvenor pl Wyndham Hon. Percy M.P. 44 Belgrave sq Wynne J. L. 7 Eaton pl Wyvill Marmaduke, M.P. 5 Eaton pl west Yielding Rich. M. 12 Bessborough gdns Yorke Col. John C.B. 11 Glo’ster ter Yorke Col. Philip J. F.R.S. 89 Eaton pl Young John, 13 Gloucester st Young J. J. 51 Tachbrook st Young Mrs. 95 Cambridge st Young Thomas, 14 Eaton sq Zamboni Leopold, 8 Coleshill st Zillwood Miss, 71 Coleshill st * * * * * PIMLICO PAPER WAREHOUSE. 11, STOCKBRIDGE TERRACE, _Opposite Victoria Station_. * * * * * LIST OF PRICES. _Unequalled for cheapness by any house in any Town_. Per 5 Quires. Per Ream. Cream Laide Note, 5d. Household and 1s. 9d. large size Wrapping Papers from Middle do. 7½d. Fine large do. 3s. 6d. Thick do. 10d. Per Quire. Per 100. Good Blue 4d. Foolscap Cream laid 4d. Blotting Papers 5d. Envelopes Thick do. 5d. Coloured Papers 6d. Extra thick do. 6d. Music Papers 1s. Superfine Double 9d. School Stationery very low. thick do. Purchasers can select from the 100 Pencils in 4½d. largest Stocks in London 20,000 of box any sort at any time. 144 Penholders 1s. 6d. Account Books 6 by 4 in. containing 32 Pages 1s. per Dozen. Ditto Strongly Bound, containing 190 Pages 5s. „ Ditto Whole Bound, 12 in. Long from 1s. Each. A Large Assortment always in Stock, and any kind Made to Order within three Days. All Kinds of Stationery equally Cheap. Printers, Bag-makers, Ticket Writers, and Dealers can have all their wants Supplied at the Lowest Prices, by SEWELL & Co., ENVELOPE AND ACCOUNT BOOK MAKERS, AT ABOVE ADDRESS. * * * * * THE BROMPTON CONSUMPTION AND COUGH SPECIFIC, A certain Cure for Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Hooping Cough, Bronchitis, and Loss of Voice. * * * * * A Cough is the forerunner of Consumption; and in England alone 50,000 people, one-fourth of the whole deaths in each year, are attributable to it. It has destroyed more human beings than War, Pestilence, and Famine combined; it neither spares the old nor young, “and there is no family in which this rapacious destroyer of the human race has not had its victims.” It is a well known fact that people with diseased lungs can live for years, and follow their usual avocations in life, provided they are relieved of the principal feature of the disease—the Cough—which shakes and destroys the very elements of the blood, upon which life is supported. How very valuable and important to all, then, must a medicine be which will arrest and cure so fearful a malady. The Brompton Consumption and Cough Specific has been extensively sold to the rich and poor, and all assert its wonderful power in immediately curing any kind of Cough; the Proprietor, Mr HARDY, can assure those who may have recourse to it, that of all the Medicines used and tried for the relief of Cough, during the four years he officiated as Dispenser to the Brompton Hospital for Consumption, this Specific was the most efficacious, and was administered to 500 out-patients, by a late Physician to the charity, with the greatest success. It immediately allays the tickling of the throat, which provokes Coughing. Persons prevented from laying down for fear of being suffocated, may depend on immediate relief; in fact, a few doses will cure any kind of Cough. It strengthens the muscles of the throat and chest, and acts specifically on the blood, by reducing inflammatory tendency. It is a universal Cough Medicine, and will save the lives of thousands, by preventing Consumption. In consequence of the immense sale during the last five years at the Proprietor’s Establishment at Brompton, he has been induced by many of its patrons to give publicity to the Medicine, so that it may be more easily obtained; and it can now be procured through any Chemist ordering it, either from the Depot, 3, ALEXANDER PLACE, BROMPTON, LONDON; or of the following Wholesale Agents:— Barclay and Sons, 95, Farringdon Hannay and Dietrichsen, 63 Oxford st. st. Newbery & Sons, 65 St. Paul’s ch Sanger, 150 Oxford street. yd Edwards & Co. 67 St. Paul’s ch. Dicey, Sutton, & Co. St. Paul’s yd. ch. yd In Bottles, at 1s. 1½d., 2s. 9d., and 4s. 6d. each, Duty included. * * * * * The Specific is prepared only by G. HARDY, Chemist, 6, ALEXANDER PLACE, BROMPTON, LATE DISPENSER TO THE BROMPTON HOSPITAL FOR CONSUMPTION. * * * * * THE CHELSEA TRADE DIRECTORY. Adams G. tobacconist, 129 King’s rd Adams G. G. sculptor, 126 Sloane st Adams J. beer retailer, 36 Lower George st Adcock T. baker, 7 Blenheim ter Adrien J. hairdresser, 109 Sloane st Ainsworth J. P. cheesemonger, 372 King’s rd Alder E. jun. stone mason, 26 Marlbro’ rd Alexander C. bootmaker, 3 Duke st Adele Mme. de Paris robes, 13 Elizabeth st Alexander R. bootmaker, 5 Chelsea market Alexander David, ‘Aquatic Stores,’ Cremorne rd Allan J. E. ‘Odell Arms,’ Park walk Alldin J. I. coal merchant, Arch house wharf Alldridge, case maker, 1A Exeter street Alldridge T. brush maker and cooper, 177 Sloane st Allen John, ‘Fox and Hounds,’ 31 Queen’s rd east Allen T. cheesemonger, 188 Sloane st Allen Thomas, W. hat maker, 11 Queen’s rd east Allgood John, furniture dealer, 2 Chelsea market Allibon A. ‘The General Elliot,’ 17 Queen’s rd east Allinson Mrs. wardrobe dealer, 38 Lower George st Amblar B. Thomas, estate agent, 1 Oakley sq Ambrose Mary, ‘Black Lion,’ 7 Oakham st Amherst Charles Thomas, pawnbroker, 105 King’s rd Anderson John, grocer, 21 D’oyly st Andrews Alfred, carver, &c., 147 Marlbro’ rd Andrews C. Walton dairy, Haslar st Angell W. tinman, 3 Chelsea market Ansell E. & Co. hosiers, 58 Sloane st Anslow Thos. tailor, 60 Queen’s rd Appleby George, boot maker, 14 Lombard st Appleby John, tailor, 11 York st Apsley W. stay maker 187 King’s rd Arbery W. beer retailer, 5 Lower George st Archer Jas. W. baker, 5 Halsey ter Armstrong Brooksbank, chemist, 69 King’s rd Armstrong H. S. oilman, 92 King’s rd Arter Mrs. & Son, timber merchants, Low. North st., & Queen’s gardens Arthur Dan. chemist, 1 Robert ter Artlett W. greengrocer, 9 Leader ter Ascroft H. Thomas, hair dresser, 35 Queen’s rd west Ascott Wm. tailor, 82 George st Ash T. coal merchant, 22 Smith st Ashby Joseph, cheesemonger, 113 King’s rd {77} Ashfold J. greengrocer, 16 King’s pl Ashley, tailor, 29 Sloane sq Ashmead Mrs. ladies school, 1 Low. Sloane st Ashton W. chemist, 154 Sloane st Astley G. photographer, Kings’ rd Atkins Jas. upholsterer, 8 York st Atkinson J. corn dealer, 19 Queen st Atkinson Wm. tailor, 56 Walton st Attridge Geo. gasfitter, 28A New rd Aungier Ch. paperhanger, Cadogan st Austin —, 13 Lower Sloane st Austin Wm. printer, 2 Leader st Ayers Mrs. Jane, toy warehouse, 345 King’s rd Baber, Th. grocer, 68 Low. Geo. st Badcock John, valuer, 19 Smith st Backer Margaret, wardrobe dealer, 6 Leader st Bagnall G. bootmaker, 20 Symons st Bailey Geo. tailor, 9 Exeter st Baker Jos. coal dealer, 81 New rd Baker Richard, tailor, 12 Bond st Baker S. T. gasfitter, 184 King’s rd Ball John, hatter, 2 Sloane st Balstone T. Wm. baker, 8 Manor st Banham E. R. beer retailer, 6 Manor st Bangs Rich. baker, 22 Sloane ter Barnes A. contractor, 11 Lower Blackland ter Barnett Jas. corn dealer, 2 Duke st Barns Step. grocer, 36 Church st Barnsgrove E. lamp maker, 33 Walton st Barker Edward John, boot and shoe maker, Cadogan house, Sloane st Barker J. grocer, 2 Queen’s rd east Barker S. and Co. lead and glass merchants, 162 Sloane st Barter W. ‘White Horse,’ 12 York st Bartholomew Hen. bootmaker, 14 Queen st Barrett G. tobacconist, 13 Draycott pl Barrow H. William, tobacconist, 49 Cheyne walk Bartlett C. linendraper, 191 Sloane st Bartlett J. gasfitter, 4 New rd Bartlett J. gasfitter, 5A Upp. North st Bartlett Wm. chemist, 1 Britton ter Barely E. 31 Robert st Basham Susan, wardrobe dealer, 73 Queen’s rd west Batho Thomas, plumber and painter, 3 Markham st Batstone Thomas, smith and farrier, 12 James st Batten R. greengrocer, 1 College ter Batten Wm. fruiterer, 378 King’s rd Bauman A. cap maker, 4 Duke st Baxter W., Phene Arms, Phene st Bayfield Henry, ‘Prince of Wales,’ 6 Exeter st Beadshaw W. tailor, 146 King’s rd Bean George, oil and colourman, 127 Marlbro’ rd Bearns A. M. bootmaker, 28 Robert st Beaulieu J. & Co, dyers & cleaners, 7 Sloane st Beaumont Chas, grocer, 32 Lower Sloane st Beecroft Robert, rag merchant, 1 Princes ter Beedell William, 3 Lombard ter Beere Mrs. L. milliner, 41 King’s rd Beland Rich. fishmonger, 4 Bond st Belcher N. Richard, tobacconist, 32 Cheyne walk Bell C. & F. machine printers, 133 King’s rd Bellinger Nathalien, ladies outfitter, 22 Sloane st Bendel Ann, fishmonger and poulterer, 187 Marlbro’ rd Bendel Rbt. fishmonger 5 Leader st Bennett Alfred, builder, &c., 20 Oakley crescent north Bennett Ann, grocer, 32 Queen’s st {78} Bennett C. marine store, 1 Marlbro’ rd Bennett J. fruiterer, 2 Up. Church st Bennett William, oil and colourman, 46 King’s rd Bennett Wm. baker, 2 Regent st Bent —, wheelwright, Park walk Benton M. J. baker, 14 Manor st Berry Thomas, tobacconist, 19 Queen’s rd east Besley —, 13 Anderson st Bevan Chs. fishmonger, 85 New rd Bevan Miss, dressmaker, 7 Cadogan st Bevan R. dairy, D’oyly st Buckle J. smith, New rd Biggs Sarah, confectioner, 4A Cumberland st Bignell Chas, Augustus, grocer and cheesemonger, 14 Cumberland pl Bilby W. tobacconist, 5 Strewan pl Billing Wm. greengrocer, 18 New rd Binns Philip B. cigar importer, 40 King’s rd Bingham Th. mason, 12 College st Birch W. & A. undertakers, 14 Sloane st Birchall J. brokers, 63 Queen’s rd Bird Rbt. dyer, 33 Lower Sloane st Blackford C. C. coffee shop, 8 Sloane sq Blankley M. B. & R. tailors, 80 King’s rd Blazdell A. tuner, 25 & 26 Manor st Blewitt C. J. & Co., wine & spirit merchants, 211 Sloane st Bloom Mrs. tailor, 15 Pont st Blyth W. shoe maker, 17 Duke st Bond A. C. corn merchant, 1 Bond st Boon Jo. greengrocer, 11 Strewn pl Bonell Henry, general shop, 12 Chelsea market Bomer, tailor, 15 Lower Sloane st Boreham W. dairy, 10 Charlotte st Bosbury J. carpenter, 12 White lion st Boulnois J. upholsterer, 30 Sloane st Boulter R. bootmaker, 5 Hooper’s ct Bower C. tobacconist, 325 King’s rd Bower W. miller, baker, and flour factor, 5 Sloane sq Bowles A. carpenter, 18 Symons st Bowtell coal merchant, 14 Marlbro’ rd Bowles J. china dealer, 5 Queen’s st Bowley Joseph, oil & colour man, 52 Queen’s rd west Bradbeer T. grocer & cheesemonger 16 Queen’s rd west Bradby J. watch maker, 17 King’s pl Braddick pork butcher, 50 King’s rd Bradley & Bourdas pharmaceutical chemists, 10 Pont st, Belgrave sq and 21 Belgrave rd Bradshaw J. H. stationer, 3 Lombard st Bramley W. livery stable, Little Cadogan pl Brayan J. dealer in coals, 1 Leader st Braund E. confectioner, 15 King’s pl Bray W. the Six Bells, 197 King’s rd Brazier D. beer retailer, 27 Lower Sloane st Brewer R. grocer, 1A Bond st Bridget Frederick confectioner, 77 Queen’s rd west Briggs C. hair dresser, 376 King’s rd Briggs T. french polisher, 7 Leader st Bridge W. the Lord Nelson, Manor st Bridges W. greengrocer, 35 Manor st Brittle James, grocer and cheesemonger, 35 Robert ter Brittain H. linendraper, 73 King’s rd Broad L. umbrella mkr, 82 College st Brock H. tripe dresser, 4 Hooper’s ct Brooker E. carpenter, 1 Strewan pl Brook W. ironmonger, 116 King’s rd Brockwell R. hairdresser, Exeter pl Brown C. paper hanger, 166 King’s rd Brown Caleb, iron plate worker, 6 Blenheim ter Brown G. coffee house, 31 Oxford ter Brown H. rag merchant, 40 Queen’s rd Brown Jas. tailor, 7 Upper North st Brown J. private hotel, 8 & 9 Hans pl Brown John, draper, 58 Walton st Brown Wm. wardrobe dealer, 6 Devonshire pl Brown R. tobacconist, 30 Marlbro’ rd Brown and Smith, plumbers and builders, 66 College st Brown Wm. marine stores, Park walk Bruce & Son, Swan timber and coal wharf, 70 Queen’s rd west Brunetti Carlo, cook and confectioner, 14 Pont st Brush Wm. fishmonger, 339 King’s rd Buckingham, butcher, 90 Marlbro’ rd Buckingham W. baker, 1 Chelsea mt Buckland G. greengrocer, 35 Wood st Buckle J. smith, 7 Draycott st Buckley & Beach, gasfitters, 2 Low. Sloane st Buffon A. tobacconist, World’s-end Budd, John Rogers, furniture dealer, 364 King’s road Bull Isaac, boot maker, 2 Keppel st Bullen Adam, grocer, 10 Exeter st Bulley G. H. tea dealer, 14 King’s rd Bullock F. J. brewer, 13 & 14 Symons st Bulmer H. haircutter, 2 Lombard ter Bultitude E. butcher, 87 New rd Bunker, cow keeper, Lit. Cadogan st Bunting J. tobacconist, 202 King’s rd Birch William, boot maker, 26 Queen’s rd west Bird Rbt. china dealer, 2 College ter Bird John Rogers, furniture dealer, 364 King’s rd Burgess, 8 Anderson st Burgess Geo. Cadogan hotel, 75 Sloane st Burgess John James, spring maker, 249 King’s rd Burlington William, linendraper, 198 King’s rd Burnham John, saddler, 14 Lower Symons st Burrows William, watch and clock maker, 21 King’s rd Burstow C. cooper, 7 Marlbro’ rd Burton Martha, draper and milliner, 64 Lower Church st Burton Thos. grocer, 29 College st Burton Walter, plumber and builder, 10 Elizabeth st Bury Euphermea, perfumer and hairdresser, 205 Sloane st Bush Jer. carpenter, 370 King’s rd Bushell Ann, fishmonger, 30 Queen’s rd west Busmer John, baker and grocer, 27 Radnor st Butler Benjn. baker, 88 King’s rd Butcher William, stationer, 44 Leader st Butcher J. William, hosier and haberdasher, 43 Leader st Butcher J. oval and spiral turner, 3 College pl. Butcher Elizabeth, 3 Strewan place Butcher Eliza, cheesemonger, 325 King’s rd Butcher E. tobacconist, 14 Chyne wk Butler, 11A Cadogan st Butler Th. corn dealer, 338 King’s rd Butler E. greengrocer, 151 King’s rd Butler J. greengrocer, 39 Queen’s st Butt Mrs. milliner, 190A Sloane st Butt J. ‘Lord Nelson,’ 17 Keppel st Butt John, appraiser and house agent, 14½ Cumberland st Byes D. greengrocer, 1 Paulton st Bygrave Wm. chemist and druggist, 40 Lower George st Byles Robt. bootmaker, 36 Queen’s st Cæsar, William, cow keeper, 13 Ormond rw Caird William, chemist and druggist, 342 King’s rd Calder William, china and glass dealer, 362 King’s rd Callow John, builder and undertaker, 41 Queen’s rd west Calver Frederick, ‘Globe,’ Cross st Campbell Joseph, pawnbroker, 26 King’s rd Carey Joseph, carpenter, 1 South st, and 8 Keppel st Carey, Jos. carpenter, 9 Keppel st Carey M. grocer, 16 College pl Carly Jas. tailor, 130 King’s rd Carpenter Wm. hairdresser, 5 Duke st Carroll J. bootmaker, 7 South st Carter Fred. auctioneer, Sloane sq Carter J. beer retailer, 137 New rd Carter Robert, general dealer, 3 White Lion st Carter Rbt. zinc worker, 5 College ter Cartwright B. greengr. 247 King’s rd Caster Francis, cheesemonger, 201 Sloane st Cater R. grocer, 32 New rd Catleugh Mrs. greengrocer, Hans st Catt F. W. trimming warehouse, 198 Sloane st Cattle Wm. Geo. manufacturer of tobacco, snuffs, and cigars, 102 King’s rd Caulfield G. tailor, &c. 9 Markham st Cave R. greengrocer, 29 Lwr Sloane st Challis Mrs. M. fruiterer, 171 Sloane st Challis T. tripe dresser, 4 Chelsea mkt Chamberlain John, fancy repository, 86 King’s rd Chambers H. H. ‘Lord Chelsea Tavern,’ 22 Exeter st Chambers R. house agnt, 24 Sloane ter Chapman C. upholsterer, 44 Sloane st Chapman W. H. plumber, &c., 54 Marlbro’ rd Chappell H. bricklayer, 6 Church st Chappell Henry, locksmith and bell hanger, 51 Leader st Charlton H. grocer, &c. 51 South st Chatman Joseph, greengrocer, 3 Lower Church st Chattens —, livery stables, New rd Chelsea Savings Bank, 140 King’s rd Child, Edw. pork butcr. 28 Sloane sq Chittock H. tailor, 69 Queen’s rd w. Child J. hairdresser, 1A Cheyne walk Chivers Jos. tailor and piece broker, 137 Marlbro’ rd Clark —, coffee house, 38 Exeter st Clark Geo. grocer and cheesemonger, 365 King’s rd Clapp Miss, milliner, 341 King’s rd Clark T. rag merchant, 35 Manor st Clarke J. ‘the Phœnix,’ 23 Smith st Clarke J. Charles, boot maker, 67 Lower Church st Clarke G. & F. smiths, 55 Lwr Geo. st Clarke Th. butcher, 10 Strewan pl Clay Edgar Henry, Royal Military Asylum, Franklin’s row Clay Wm. corn chandler, 32 Exeter st Clayton G. sweep, 7 Lower North st Clayton, Upper North st Clements E. saddler, 92 New rd Clement J. perfumer, 41 Sloane st Clements John, ham and tongue warehouse, 363 King’s rd Clements, Th. tailor, 21 Milner st Clifford Thos. tailor, 73 Walton st Clifford W. smith, 17 Lwr North st Clifton John, boot and shoe maker, 384 King’s rd Clifton J. F. coal merchant, 70 Little Cadogan pl Clowting I. grocer, &c. 2 Walton st Clunie John, boot and shoe maker, King’s rd Cobb Jos. butcher, 52 King’s rd Cobb Jos. jun. butcher, 2 Sloane st Cock George J. carpenter and undertaker, 18 Cumberland st Cockerton Caroline, Royal Hospital Tavern, Queen’s rd east Cocks Alf. oil shop, Blackland ter Cocks A. oil & colourman, 1 Queen st Cockshull James, calico glazer, 37 Orford st Coe G. boot maker, 14A Elizabeth st Coffey John, grocer and cheesemonger, 157 Marlbro’ rd Cole James, 190 King’s rd Cole J. coffee house, 11 Blenheim ter Cole Michael, picture frame maker, 11 Brompton rd Cole William, grocer, 1 Duke st Colman —, fruiterer, &c. 3 Pont st Coles E. upholsterer, 29A New rd Coller Sam. boot maker, 9 Green st Colligan T. dairyman, 185 Marlbro’ rd Collier Wm. boot maker, 15 Lower George st Collins Catherine, furniture broker, 64 Marlbro’ rd Collins W. coffee house, 381 King’s rd Collis J. F. rag merchant, 2 South st Collyer M. J. corset mkr, 147 Sloane st Collier Caleb, silversmith, watch maker and jeweller, 209 Sloane st Colman A. butcher, 4 Upr Church st Comyns H. optician, 43 King’s rd Connell Dan. coal dealer, Turk’s row Connor J. ‘The Fountain,’ 19 Lower Sloane st Cook Geo. dairyman, 58 Leader st Cook Jas. fishmonger, 143 King’s rd Cook Jon. confectioner, 7 New rd Cook Th. Queen’s head, 1 Leader ter Cook T. wardrobe dealer 8 Blenheim ter Cook Wm. greengrocer, 49 Leader st Cooling & Co. soap manufacturers, 257 King’s rd Coombe Jesse, working jeweller, 16 Leader st Coombes John, ‘Friend in Hand,’ Queen st Coombs P. bootmaker, 1 Beaufort p Cook Rich. ‘Woodman,’ 11 D’oyly st Cook and Son, boot makers, Chelsea market Cooper R. grocer &c. 179 Marlbro’ rd Cooper W. R. 41 First st Corby Ch. tailor, 10 College st Cordy Wm. tea dealer, 346 King’s rd Cornall —, tailor, 361 King’s rd Corry Hen. ‘Shuckburg Arms,’ 16 James st Corston Hy. florist, 158 Sloane st Coton F. dairyman, 160 Sloane st Cottrell J. Henry, plumber and painter, 71 Queen’s road west Cottrell J. milliner and dress maker, 71 Queen’s rd west Cotton J. oil & colorman, 3 College terrace Cotts —, coach maker, 3 Lwr Sloane st Cox Alf. fishmonger, 8 Strewan pl Cox Hy. pianoforte manufacturer, 39 King’s rd Cox I. marine stores, 4 Lwr North st Cox & Jones, bricklayers, 23 Keppel st Cox Wm. job master, 1 Upr Geo. st Cox W. furniture dealer, 3 Albert pl Cowley Chas. baker, 10 King’s rd Crabb W. boot maker, 48 Sloane st Craighton E. grocer, 10 White Lion st Cramp T. turncock, 11 Upr North st Crane T. ‘King’s Arms,’ Cremorne rd Craney G. R. pawnbrok. 24 Exeter st Crapper Geo. plumber, 62 Walton st Crapper T. brass finisher, 42 Robert st Crawford J. newsagent, 2 Hooper’s ct Crawford Mathew J. confectioner, 383 King’s rd Crawley J. carpenter, 18 Manor st Crayden J. boot maker, 37 Orford st Crickmay Th. farrier, 80 New rd Crook T. W. tallow chandlers’ utensil maker, 41 Robert st Croome Ann, baker, 12 Elizabeth st Cross A. J. oil & colorman, 7 Milner st Cross F. W. veterinary surgeon, 65 Lower Church st Cross T. cow keeper, 46 College pl Crowe and Son, farriers, Turk’s row Cruchley W. John, zinc worker, 2 Keppel st Culloch Jas. bootmaker, 10 Bond st Cullum J. greengrocer, 18 Coulson st Cunnington C. dairy, 9 Lwr North st Currie J. tailor, 22 Upper North st Curtis Jas. coffee house, 3 Queen’s rd Curtis John, milk can maker, 12 Lower Symons st Cusack J. the ‘Magpie and Stump,’ 34 Cheyne walk Cutler J. cow keeper, 86 Marlbro’ rd Cutmore Aaron, dining rooms, 4 Queen’s rd east D’Oyle Henry, tea dealer & wine merchant, 190 Sloane st Daly J. boot maker, 63 Low. Geo. st Daniels T. plumber, 12 D’oyly st Darby H. oilman, 7A Up. North st Dargavel S. draper, 156 Sloane st Darrell J. coal dealer, 4 Charlotte st Davey W. general shop, 18 Upper North st Davis —, builder, Symons st Davis Henry, chemist, 83 Leader st Davis Henry, plumber, 166 Sloane st Davis Hugh ‘Queen’s Arms Tavern’ Cremorne rd Davis James, boot and shoe maker, 62 College st Davis Jo. wireworker, 135 King’s rd Davis Jo. tripe dresser, 15 Leader st Davis John, hatter, 17 King’s rd Davis Jo. boot maker, 3 Pavilion st Davis T. tailor, 88 New rd Davis W. rag merchant, 16 Charles st Davis W. greengrocer, 34 Queen’s st Davis W. brush maker, 98 King’s rd Davis S. cabinet makr, 176 King’s rd Davis W. tea dealer, 22 King’s rd Dawson Horatio, tea dealer, post and money order office, 161 Sloane st Day C. chemist, &c. 24 Sloane st Day D. carver, gilder, 31 Sloane st Day G. boot maker, Edward ter Day J. boot maker, 88 College st Day W. Lord Nelson, 200 King’s rd Day W. Green Man, Beaufort st Deacon A. cooper, 10 Low. Seymour st Deal Geo. 15 Anderson st Deall Maria, stationer, 14 King’s pl Dean C. S. greengrocer, 2 Smith st Debus C. H. baker, 16 Queen’s rd east Delega A. tailor, 302 King’s rd Denby E. general dealer, 2 Keppel st Dench Edward, hothouse builder, 152 King’s rd Dennis John, ‘Rose and Crown,’ 1 White Lion st Dent A. bootmaker, 3 Blackland ter Dibben Geo. wax & tallow chandler, 167 Sloane st Digby Miss, laundress, 53 South st Dike J. ‘Old Swan,’ 63 Queen’s rd Dike W. leather seller, 51 Low. Geo. st Dimmick —, builder, 4 Cadogan st Dimmick Joseph, tobacconist, 22 Queen’s rd east Dimond Henry, confectioner, 4 Blenheim ter Dixon John, M.R.C.V.S., 92 Little Cadogan place Dixon Michael, boot maker, 15 Queen’s rd east Dixon R. linendraper, 37 King’s rd Dobbins C. J. J. iron works, 27 Markham st Doble T. J. chemist, 12 Halsey ter Dockerill R. J. joiner, 4 Charles st Dolby J. linendraper, 334 King’s rd Dollar Brothers, veterinary surgeons and farriers, Turk’s row Donn W. upholsterer, 6 South st Doran —, bootmaker, 16 Barrosa pl Doubell W. hosier, 144 King’s rd Douglass A. watch maker, 11 South st Douglass Wm. builder, New rd Downing’s floor cloth manufactory, 122 King’s rd Dousberry Th. boot and shoe maker, 77 King’s rd Drage S. butcher, 48 Cheyne wk Drake R. bootmaker, 10 Ormond row Draw J. marine stores, 64 Low. Geo. st Drew W. surgeon, 199 King’s rd Driver W. hair dresser, 3 Up. North st Dudman C. butcher, 169 Marlbro’ rd Duerre Radolph, watch maker, 15 King’s rd Dunbull Mrs. corset maker, 27 New rd Dunkinson Geo. grocer, 5 Albert ter Dunkley E. M. marine store dealer, Church st Dunkley Thomas, boot and shoe warehouse, 18 Low. Sloane st Dunning Geo. china & glass dealer, 306 King’s rd Dunsford W. J. 91 New rd Duprey J. hatter, 9 Lower Symons st Dutton S. G. wood carver, 34 New rd Dwyer J. tobacconist, 20 Marlbro’ rd Dyer George Henry, general shop, 10 Marlbro’ rd Dyer J. wardrobe dealer, 4 Keppel st Dyer Th. pastry cook, 64 King’s rd Eales M. general shop, Symons st Earley Geo. dairy, 52 Lower Geo. st Eavestaff Wm. pianoforte manufacturer, 17 Sloane st Ebers D. G. grocer, 34 Robert ter Eden G. coal dealer, 2 Lwr North st Edgar W. watchmaker, 12 Pont st Edmonds Abraham, coffee house, 1 & 2 Cumberland st Edney C. cow keeper, 3 Symons st Edwards Chas. ‘Black Lion,’ 50 Lower Church st Edwards E. & Co. cheesemongers, 30 King’s rd Eldridge Edwin, baker, 15 Exeter st Eliot —, 17 Orford street Elkington W. cow keeper, 5 Keppel st Ellenor Thomas, boot manufacturer, 1 Queen’s rd east Ellender Wm. tailor, 6 York st Elliott J. cane worker, 10 Symons st Elliott W. bootmaker, 14 Symons st Elliott Wm. builder, 5 Oxford ter Elliott W. builder, 1 Low. Church st Ellis Jno. grocer and cheesemonger, 8 College street Elson G. butcher, 10 Blenheim ter Elton E. dyer, &c. 52 & 53 Sloane st Eming H. tripe dresser, 37 Manor st Ember J. H. beer retailer, 8 Exeter st Erwin, wardrobe delr. 1 Blackland ter Ettinger D. baker, 366 King’s rd Eugenia Matilda, paraffin oil depot, Temple House, Upper Church st Evers D. ‘The Havelock,’ Queen st Evans G. broker, 58 Lwr Sloane st Evans M. stationer, 332 King’s rd Evans Mrs. baker, 20 Lwr Sloane st Evans T. beer retailer, 13 Charles st Ewer J. tripe dealer, 25 Lwr North st Ewer J. hairdresser, 118 Marlbro’ rd Exall R. pork butcher, 196 King’s rd Fairbridge Joseph, carver and gilder, 27 Walton st Faulkner Miss, establishment for young ladies, Waldgrave House, Smith st Faulkner The Misses, preparatory school, 1 Markham sq Farnfield J. J. cheesemonger, 1 Duke st Farr J. grocer, &c. 15 Ormond row Farr Wm. greengrocer, 5 Duke st Farrer Richard, saddler and harness maker, 312 King’s rd Farrington Benjamin, rag merchant, 19 Leader st Feen D. haberdasher, 54 Walton st Fell J. Fred. baker, 61 Queen’s rd Fell Wm. tobacconist, 23 Duke st Feltham H. T. butcher, 106 Marlbro’ rd Fernando, coffee hou. 3 Cambridge ter Finch Th. hairdresser, 15 Green st Finleyson R. hair dresser, 17 Upper North st Fitzgerald Michael, oil and Italian warehouse, 201 King’s rd Fitch Wm. ‘Bee Hive,’ 21 Manor st Flack Hy. butcher, 137 King’s rd Flanagan J. grocer, 5 Queen’s rd wst Fletcher A. carpenter, &c. 52 Marlbro’ road Fletcher Ann, grocer, 52 College st Fletcher J. tripe dresser, 1 Symons st Fletcher W. saw maker, 16 Leader st Flood Fred. engineer and sewing machinist, 17 Coulson st Flory and Gale, The Misses, fancy repository, 3 Sloane st Flowers G. greengrocer, 43 Smith ter Floyd G. cab proprietor, Turk’s row Folkard Edmund, furniture broker, 168 King’s rd Ford T. tobacconist, 70 Marlbro’ rd Ford Th. baker, 2 Queen’s rd east Forrest J. general dealer, Lombard st Forshaw W. ‘Blenheim,’ 6 Bond st Forster Shirley, grocer and cheesemonger, 3 Milner st Forth George, hatter, 5 King’s rd Foskett R. china dealer, 93 King’s rd Fossett Wm. draper, 16A Lombard st Foster Mrs. seminary for young ladies, 7 Royal Avenue ter Foster Charles, butcher, 2 Albert pl Foster Hy. tripe dresser, 5 Albert pl Foster Mrs. butcher, 3 Lwr Symons st Fountain Mrs. laundress, 54 South st Fowler J. coffee house, 51 King’s rd Fox T. picture frame maker, and carver and gilder, 136 Symons st Frampton Ch. turner, 41A Upper North st Francis F. bootmaker, 5 Blenheim ter Franklin J. greengrocer, 72 Queen’s rd west Franks William, 7 Anderson st Frauzmann E. baker, 1 Charles st Frazer Jas. hair dresser, 7 Leader ter Freeman Wm. baker, 35 Robert st Freeman Wm. carpenter, 3 East st French J. gas fitter, 16 Cheyne row French J. butcher, 20 Queen’s rd w French Mrs. milliner, 166 King’s rd Freshwater G. carpenter, &c. Franklin’s row Fuge George Frederick, bookseller, 13 Sloane sq Gann John, hairdresser, 53 Queen’s rd west Gant J. rag merchant, 11 Manor row Ganes Geo. grocer, 1 Cadogan ter Gates & Son, livery stables, New rd Gates John, job master, New rd Gattey J. R. baker, 23 Queen’s rd w Gamble W. dairyman, 122 Marlbro’ rd Gardner J. greengrocer, 14 Francis st Garland S. boot maker, Little Cadogan pl Garland William, pork butcher, 3 Queen’s rd west Garretty —, 67 Lower Sloane st Gay F. marine stores, 18 Marlbro’ rd Gaygan & Sons, slaters, 60 South st Gayton H. R. tailor, 30½ Up. North st Geary Thomas, baker, 31 Cheyne row Gems Julius, carver and gilder, 27 Sloane st, and 4 Elizabeth st George J. C. tobacconist, 12A King’s rd George Thos. baker, 60 College st Gibbs Geo. seed merchant, Cross st Gibbs John F. marble and stone works, Cadogan ter Gibson R. fishmonger, 172 Sloane st Gigner John, chemist, 131 King’s rd Gignell E. F. Victoria, Stanley villas Gill H. beer retailer, 4 Queen st Gilbert Hen. T. hosier, 194 Sloane st Gill Henry, ‘Britannia Brewery Tap,’ Queen st Gillingham George, veterinary surgeon, 67 Lower Church st Girling A. O. clothier and outfitter, 1 Queen’s rd east Glead J. marine store, 21 Turk’s row Glover C. confectioner, 3A Keppel st Godbolt G. timber merchant, 300 King’s rd Goddard William, bootmaker, 1A Cumberland st Godings C. school, 12 Princes st Golding B. R. grocer &c, 67 South st Golding J. Pier Hotel, 28 Cheyne wk Goodwin R. baker, 31 Low. Sloane st Gordon J. rag merchant, 2 Keppel st Goss J. W. Duke’s Head, Queen’s st Goth Jas. coach builder, Turk’s row Gould H. boot maker, 12 Leader st Gould J. tobacconist, 5 Queen’s rd east Gouldsmith G. auctioneer, &c. Pont st Gouldsmith Messrs. dyers, 2 Pont st Gouldsmith Messrs. undertakers, 2 Pont st Grand J. boot maker, 335 King’s rd Grant James, bricklayer, Park Walk Grant John, butcher, 38 King’s rd Greaves and Son, boat builders, 9 and 10 Lindsey row Green C. confectioner, 4 Ormond row Green C. corn chandler, 11 New rd Green Fred. umbrella and parasol manufacturer, 146 Sloane st Green George, Devonshire Arms Dining Rooms, 4 Low. George st Green G. baker, 100 Marlbro’ rd Green J. beer retailer, 20 D’Oyly st Green R. W. draper, 354 King’s rd Green Edward T. chemist and druggist, 6 College st Greenwood John, ‘The Red House,’ College st Gregg James, tool dealer and cutler, 27 Sloane sq Grice Jno. Keppel baths, 1 Keppel st Gries G. J. boot maker, 1 College pl Griffin E. news agent, 23 Robert st Griffin W. B. boot maker, Robert st Griffin Jas. grocer &c, 1 Orford st Griffiths Bailey, wholesale and retail stationer, 56 King’s rd Grigg Geo. hair cutter, 3 Strewan pl Groom Js. china dealer, 70 Walton st Groom John, gas fitter, 17 Leader st Grounds George, boot and shoe manufacturer, 26 Lower Sloane st Grove & Gannell, grainers, 2 East st Gubby G. greengrocer, 11 Low Geo. st Guest Jonah, grocer, 40A Cheyne walk Gunner Jno. dyer, 31 Cumberland st Gunter H. pork butcher, 79 Leader st Gurney Geo. Ed. beer retailer, 102 Marlbro’ rd Guillim N. painter, Cumberland pl Gwiillim —, writer, 10 Anderson st Hack Richard, greengrocer, 28 Queen’s rd west Hacking William, ironmonger, 259 King’s rd Hagger Mrs. ladies’ outfitter, 164 Sloane st Haimes W. tobacconist, Temple House, Church st Hales Mrs. bottle dealer, 92 New rd Hall —, grocer and cheesemonger, Elizabeth st Hall Henry, general shop, 11 Lower Symons st Hall J. pork butcher, 357 King’s rd Hall M. A. 109 King’s rd Hall J. W. butcher, 386 King’s rd Hallett J. H. joiner, 107 King’s rd Hall William, oilman, 352 King’s rd Hall J. builder &c., 143 Marlbro’ rd Hall Mrs. timber merchant, South st Hall T. ‘Rising Sun,’ Lombard st Hall W. dining rooms, 5 Cheyne wk Hall W. coffee house, 76 Queens rd west Hall W. Italian warehouseman, 11 Leader st Hall W. & T. oil and Italian warehouse, 3 Britton ter Halmkin —, wardrobe dealer, 45 Lower George st Hallaws —, marina store, 3 First st Hambidge W. C. baker, 351 King’s rd Haine Thomas and Son, butchers, 25 King’s rd Ham C. bricklayer, New rd Hands W. fishmonger, 4 Seymour st Hance Philip, bookseller, stationer, music seller, &c., 55 King’s rd Hannam T. greengrocer, 2 Upper Church st Hansford Mrs. furniture brokers, 28 Lower Sloane st Hardiman J. green grocer, Leader ter Hardwick Jos. grocer, 21 Lower Chandos st Hare Wm. grocer &c. 1 Pont st Harman G. painter, 6 Anderson st Harnor F. H. ‘George and Dragon,’ 17 Queen’s rd west Harper George, baker, 1 Ives st Harris H. fishmonger, 180 Sloane st Harris H. rag merchant, 2 Exeter st Harris H. furniture dealer, 35 Low George st Harrald J. bootmaker, 26 Upper North st Harris J. boot maker, 1 Lower North st Harris John, miscellaneous dealer, 251 & 255 King’s rd Harris John, grocer, 10 South st Harrington David, French polisher, 15B Leader st Harrison Ch. 54 Queens road east Harrison Richard, pawnbroker &c., 203 King’s rd Harrow H. tailor, Low. Symons st Hart J. turner, 1 Low. Sloane st Hart Hen. “Markham Arms” 138 King’s rd Hart W. greengrocer, 4 Bond st Hartwell John, greengrocer, 19 Symons st Harvey W. “Don Saltero Tavern” 18 Cheyne walk Harwood John, French polisher, 64 Lower Sloane st Harwood Richard, coffee & eating house, 23 King’s rd Harwell W. undertaker, 24 Bond st Hastin J. undertaker, 21 Cadogan st Hastin J. carpenter, 22 Cadogan st Haskell William, cab proprietor, 1A Henry st Hasselman Frederick, tobacconist, 4 Blackland st Hatch Jos. fishmonger, 4 Leader ter Hawes Mrs. laundress, 30 Beaufort st Hawes R. the ‘Chelsea Pensioner,’ 2 Queen’s rd west Hawken George, china and glass dealer, 6 Strewan pl Hawkins —, carver and gilder, 164 King’s rd Hawkins J. W. potatoe salesman, 2 Queen’s st Haydon Andrew, cab proprietor, Draycott pl Hayes Lucy, tobacconist, 4 Duke st Hayes W. tailor, 36 Queen’s rd west Hayer Js. pawnbroker and clothier, 35 & 36 Cheyne walk Hayford Wm. hosier, 204 Sloane st Haynes W. greengrocer, 4 South st Hayes Aaron, 9 Elizabeth st Hayter Sarah, grocer, 60 Queen’s rd Hayward Jno. hosier, 100 King’s rd Hayward William, hair dresser, 74 Queen’s rd west Hazell J. boot maker, Milner st Hazle & Baker, grocers, 26 Manor st Head C. turner, 27 Low. George st Head Job. saddler, 42 Up. North st Head Richard, ironmonger, 66 and 67 Low. George st Head Walter, trimming warehouse, 192A Sloane st Headford R. grocer, 12 Edward ter Heath D. harness maker, 40 Marlbro’ rd Heath Elizabeth, wardrobe dealer, 16A Queen’s st Heath W. china dealer, 28 King’s rd Hedderly Martha, greengrocer, 7 Elizabeth st Henning Geo. news agent, 3 Blenheim ter Henderson John, the ‘Yorkshire Grey,’ 14 Cheyne walk Henry T. greengrocer, 333 King’s rd Henton J. boot maker, 170 Sloane st Heptonstall Rich. ‘Duke of York,’ 9 Queen’s rd east Herd Alex. bootmaker, 86 New rd Herring James, china and glass dealer, 36 Exeter st Hewitt J. tea dealer, 63 King’s rd Hewitt T. B. brush maker, 1 Upper North st Hey W. cow keeper, 30 Lawrence st Hians J. carver, 6 New rd Hickman Harry, “Moore Arms,” Halsey ter Hill John, “Prince of Wales Tavern,” Charles st Hills and Barnard, linendrapers, 70 King’s rd Hilliker Mary Ann, wardrobe warehouse, 7 White Lion st Hinchliff G. corn dealer, 37 Exeter st Hinsley Wm. tailor, 29 Exeter st Hirsch Cha. china and glass dealer, 183 Marlbro’ rd Hirst and Co. mineral water manufacturers, 80 Lower George st Hobbs Geo. broker, 7 Keppel st Hobrough Hezekiah, grocer, 116 Marlbro’ rd Hodgson Thomas, boot and shoe maker, 40 Exeter st Holbrook and Co, iron and brass founders, Manor st Holden Sarah, berlin repository, 36 King’s rd Holiday F. H. broker, 6 College ter Holland E. wheelwright, 8 Orford st Holland Edward, wheelwright, 10 Queen’s rd east Holland George, confectioner, 35 Manor st Holland Geo. upholsterer, 12 Marlbro’ rd Holland J. broker, 90 College st Holland Mr. surgeon dentist, 210 Sloane st Hollway Mr. 28 Marlbro’ rd Hollis —, blind maker, 3 South st Hollis Charles, ginger beer maker, 13 Lombard st Holloway James, boot maker, 1 Lower Church st Hollingsworth Robert, writer and painter, 5 College pl Holmes Ch. butcher, 12 Manor st Holmes W. hair dresser, 15 South st Honey W. boot maker, 72 College st Hook Charles, harness maker, 29 Queen’s rd west Hookins William, boot maker, 63 Marlbro’ rd Hope John, builder, 153 Sloane st Hope, the Misses, milliners, 153 Sloane st Hopkin John R. greengrocer, 1 Exeter st Hopton Harriet, bonnet maker, 1 Leader st Hopwood, O. T. umbrella, parasol, and ladies’ boot and shoe maker, 195 Sloane st Hopwood Wm. grocer, 6 Queen st Hordley Mrs. M. fancy repository, 189 King’s rd Hornsby William, coal merchant, 43 Francis st Horsley Henry, cabinet maker, 10A Sloane ter Horwood Jas. grocer, 28 New rd Hoskins Harriett, bonnet makers, 1 Leader st Hoskins, bootmaker, 16 Orford st Houghton J. “D’Oyley Arms,” 34 Marlbro’ rd Howard G. broker, 21 Leader st Howell G. baker, 24 Lwr Church st Hubbard Alexander, upholsterer, 22 24 Sloane st Hubbocks John, greengrocer, 18 College pl Hucker & Rutter, linendrapers, 25 King’s rd Hudson S. newsagent, 25 Smith ter Hudson W. tobacconist, Chelsea mkt Hue Thomas, baker, Pont st Hughes C. R. 11 Anderson st Hughes J. general shop, Henry st Hulford W. T. boot mkr, 25 D’oyly st Hullard Miss, milliner, 57 King’s rd Hulls W. hair dresser, 36 King’s rd Humphreys Humphrey, bootmaker, 10 Leader ter Humpherson B. carpenter, &c. 45 Marlbro’ rd Humphrey J. newsagent, 151 Marlbro’ rd Humphrey R. greengr, 9 South st Hunt J. ham and beef warehouse, 175 Marlbro’ rd Hunt R. greengrocer, 16 Milner st Hurd W. hot water apparatus manufacturer, 49 Radnor st Hunter P. E. jun. general dealer, 45 Upper North st Hussey E. carpenter & screen maker, 5 Blackland ter Huster, O. J. corn dealer, 2 Sloane sq Hutchings Mrs. wardrobe dealer, 55 Walton st Hyam Samuel, clothier, 3 Bond st Hyde I. C. boot mkr, 4 Lombard st Insall Wm. dairy, 1 Hooper’s ct Iggulden J. butcher, 82 Marlbro’ rd Iggulden Joshua, pork butcher, 84 Marlbro’ rd Ireland J. turncock, 4 Draycott st Jackson R. hair dresser, 1 College pl Jackson F. broker, 91 King’s rd Jackson G. watchmaker, 12 Leader st Jackson T. boot maker, 33 New rd James Hen. tobacconist, 19 Queen’s rd west James O. H. corn dealer, 2 Sloane sq James T. tailor, 14 Barrosa pl James T. H. fruiterer, 148 Sloane st Jakeman Ch. baker, 13 Edward ter Jarvis Elizabeth, grocer and baker, 8 Cheyne row Jarvis J. cooper, 34 Low. Sloane st Jayner G. tobacconist, 136 King’s rd James George, ironmonger, 16 and 17 Charles st Jelley William, butcher, 22 Lower Church st Jenkins —, undertaker, 5 Keppel st Jewell J. W. rag merchant, 7 and 8 Ormond row Johns George, leather seller, 39 Low George st Johnson E. boot and shoe maker, Marlbro’ rd Johnson J. greengrocer, 10 Manor st Johnson John, coal merchant, Old Ferry Wharf, Duke st Johnson J. J. furniture broker, 126 Marlbro’ rd {89} Johnson Walter, the ‘Snow Shoes,’ Queen’s rd east Johnston and Co., homœopathic chemists, 134 Sloane st Jobbins —, boot maker, Little Cadogan pl Jones Eli, watchmaker, 113 Sloane st Jones Evan, tobacconist, 4 Cumberland st Jones H. James, grocer and oilman, 20 Leader st Jones J. dairyman, 10 James st Jones J. boot maker, 19A Leader st Jones J. watchmaker, 46 Marlbro’ rd Jones Mrs. bandage maker, 35 Sloane st Jones Rich. coffee and chop house, 3 Duke st Jones R. E. tea dealer, 115 King’s rd Jones Samuel, carpenter &c., 18 Jubilee pl Jones Thomas, truss, bandage, and artificial limb maker, 35 Sloane st Jones William, fancy repository, 191A Sloane st Jones W. fishmonger, 2 Bond st Jones William, cheesemonger, 48A Cheyne walk Jones and Son, scale makers, 7 Queen’s rd east Joseph Gilbert news agent, 38 Lower Sloane st Joseph M. clothier, 94 Marlbro’ rd Judd W. boot maker, 31 Upper North st Jumpsen Wm. grocer, 2 Manor row Jutton J. coal dealer, 14 Turks row Kauffmann W. wardrobe dealer, 8 New North st Keeble W. marine stores, Park st Keen J. baker and confectioner, 34 Cadogan st Kelley F. leather seller, 13 Robert ter Kellord J. tailor, 47 Queen’s rd west Kelly T. general shop, 22 Turk’s row Kemp Isabella, newsagent 27 Queens rd west Kennedy Geo. tin plate worker, 3 Leader st Kenningale Benj. bootmaker, 35 College st Kent J. hairdresser, lA Blackland ter Kentish, carpenter, 135 Marlbro’ rd Kenworthy Joseph, fishmonger, 3 Hoopers court Kerwood J. ironmonger &c., 40 Manor st Kesner B. outfitter, 106 King’s rd Knapp, builder, 78 New rd Knight Miss, 1 Anderson st Knowles W. jun., painter &c., 60 Marlbro’ rd Kohn John, Chelsea bun house, 14 Duke st Koppel B. carver and gilder, 89 King’s rd Koppel V. carver, 3 Keppel st Kulb M. confectioner, 48 Leader st King A. Mary, confectioner, 4 Lower Church st King Geo. bootmaker, 3 Queen st King G. library, 1 Lower North st King Hen. beer retailer, 3 South st King J. greengrocer, 7 College ter King J. ‘Queen’s Head,’ Keppel ter King M. greengrocer, 53 College st King Mrs. bottle dealer, 12 Charles st King R. ham dealer, 76 King’s rd King S. carpenter, 124 New rd King Thos. sign and glass writer, 65 Lower Sloane st King W. H. French dyer, 60 Leader st King —, carpenter, 21 Draycott st Kindell C. P. haberdasher, 177 Marlbro’ rd Kineton J. grocer, 84 Leader st Kineton John, beer retailer, 92 Marlbro’ rd Lampert W. William, gasfitter, 10 Leader st Lamb Christopher, pawnbroker, 196 Sloane st Lambe Brothers, linendrapers, straw millinery, bonnet, and family mourning warehouse, 4 and 6 King’s rd Lancaster J. baker, 1 Sloane st Lancaster R. marine store, Green st Lancaster —, tailor, 20 D’oyly st Lanceley Mr. stationer, 45 King’s rd Lane D. coffee house, 4 Leader st Lane J. grocer, 21 Low. George st Lane John, boot maker, 11 White Lion st Lane T. grocer, 9 Blenheim ter Lacy E. “Bedford Arms,” Pont st Laight J. grocer, 21 Up. North st Lake S. broker, 7 Chelsea market Lark W. A. general shop, Little Cadogan pl La Roche Phillip, gasfitter, 6 Blackland ter Larner H. builder &c., 389 King’s rd Latchie M. coffee house, 5 Duke st Low David, baker, 1 East st Lawrence C. gas fitter, 3 Leader st Lawrence John, fishmonger, 163 Sloane st Lawrence Samuel, rag merchant, 4 Keppel st Lawrence William, ham and tongue dealer, 141 King’s rd Lay Rachel, grocer, 25 Manor st Le Chesne V. tailor, 20 South st Lee Wm. cow keeper, 7 Manor st Lee M. china and glass dealer, 39 Cheyne wk Lea W. hatter, 4 Cumberland pl Lee —, carrier, Charlotte st Leeter, J. D. provision warehouse Lette Wm. carpenter &c., 72 Little Cadogan pl Leggett J. bricklayer, 3 Marlbro’ rd Lekeux E. cabinet maker, 35 Up. North st Lemmon Mrs. milliner, 13 King’s rd Lester William, grocer, 1 Albert pl Letche Leonard, hosier, and linendraper, 104 King’s rd Lever James, 208 Sloane st Levi E. Lewis, cut glass manufactory, 64 Queen’s rd Levy Lewis, clothier, 5 Albert pl Lewis J. confectioner, 2 Lower Symons st Lidstone J. butcher, 206 Sloane st Lincoln Sam. decorator, 4 Pont st Lines James, sawing and planing, Manor st Lines W. marine stores, 9 Ellis st Lissant Benj. gasfitter, 7 York st Linstead James, bottle merchant, 22 Symons st Lipscombe Samuel, carpenter &c., 3 Marlbro’ rd Little Henry, florist, 99 and 203 King’s rd Little Matthew, baker, 7 Exeter st Little Joseph, and Radermacher Henry, silk mercers, linendrapers, and lace men, 183 & 184 Sloane st Littler —, 3 Cook’s grove Livingston Alexander, boot and shoe maker, 8 King’s rd Livingstone Alexander, boot and shoe maker, 62 King’s rd Lloyd W. smith, 9 Marlbro’ rd Lloyd W. bricklayer, 1 Lower George st Logsdon Ann, wardrobe dealer, 55A Leader st Looney Mrs. grocer, 7 Strewan pl Longley Henry, timber merchant, 24 Regent st Lonsdale Henry Frederick, Commercial Tavern, 119 King’s rd Louise and Loure, dressmakers, 42 Sloane st Lovegrove John, tin worker, 2 Blackland ter Lovejoy Isaac, Admiral Codrington, Green st Lovibond Henry, Cannon brewery, Cumberland pl Lowe James, marine stores, 43 Upper North st LOWE & WILDE, chemists, 53 King’s rd Loxdale Hen. printer, 70 College st Lyne William, draper, 68 King’s rd Lucas Joseph, watch and clock maker, 59 King’s rd Ludlow William, cheesemonger, 146 Sloane st Ludlow Wm. grocer and cheesemonger, 24 Queen’s rd west Luker William, boot and shoe maker, 14 Leader st Lunn Mrs. 12 Anderson st Lunn William, greengrocer, 35A Queen’s st Mc’Donald J. beer retailer, 69 New rd Mc’Donnell T. builder, 23 Sloane ter Mc’Clean J. wine and spirit merchant, 149 Sloane st Mc’Coy W. grocer, 6 Turks row Mc’Culloch J. bootmaker, 10 Bond st Mc’Leland J. furniture dealer, 349 King’s rd Macdonald E. broker, 3 Marlbro’ rd Macduff J. grocer, 8 Francis st Macmichael James, bookseller, stationer, music seller and newsagent, 207 King’s road Mack Mrs. laundress, 27 Queen st Macrie J. farrier, 36½ Queen st Maddy Miss, school, 12 Lower st Macrow Thomas Christmas, grocer and cheesemonger, 78 and 80 Marlbro’ rd Madder Thomas, grocer and cheesemonger, 55 Lower Church st Madge Miss, dressmaker, 13 Sloane st Maher A. greengrocer, 71 Lower Cadogan pl Makey Richard, china and glass dealer, 329 King’s rd Mallison Mrs. 5 Cook’s grove Malden W. W. chemist, 29 Walton st Manly B. muffin baker, 42 Leader st Manly Geo. muffin baker, 2 Lower Church st Mansfield A. Francis, ‘The Duke of Cambridge’, 4 College ter Mantell Thomas A. Castle Brewery, 31 Lower George st Markham R. J. “The Roebuck”, 348 and 350 King’s rd Marlow E. bootmaker, 24 South st Marlow Henry, rag merchant, 3A Queen st Marsden J. Jos. “The Enterprise,” 36 Walton st Marsh F. newsagent, 29 New rd Martin A. fishmonger, 61A King’s st Martin G. W. and J. woollen and Manchester warehousemen, 1 and 3 King’s rd Martin John, brass founder, 52 Marlbro’ rd Marsh W. tailor, 1 Little Cadogan pl Martin William, greengrocer, 78 Lower Sloane st Martin William, greengrocer, 92 Marlbro’ rd Maskell R. plumber, 15 New rd Maron B. newsagent, 22 Marlbro’ rd Mason B. beer retailer, 387 King’s rd Mason John, butcher, Queen st Mason J. gardner, 2 Park pl south Mason J. P. sweep, Little Cadogan pl Mason William, fruiterer and greengrocer, 1 Devonshire pl Mason W. greengrocer, Palk walk Mattocks James, confectioner and tobacconist, 58 Queen’s rd Mattocks J. boot maker, 47 Upper North st Maunder J. grocer, 17 Manor row Maunder R. fishmonger, 7 Lombard st Maunder Thos. baker, 27 Princes st Maunder —, tailor, 7 Draycott pl Maurer Jos. baker, 62 Marlbro’ rd May Charles, grocer, 44 College st Mayers Henry, baker, 1 Elm ter Mayle J. greengrocer, 4 Albert pl Mazel A. 52 and 53 Sloane st Measer G. coal dealer, 3 Green st Meredith—, wardrobe warehouse, 16 Marlbro’ rd Michels Frederick Charles, pastrycook, 18 Sloane st Mickelthwate Arthur, patent sansflectum crinoline manufacturer, 24 Walton st. Ovington sq Middleton Thomas, fire wood dealer, 16 Upper North st Miles Alexander A. silversmith and pawnbroker, 159 Marlbro’ rd Miller C. cage maker, 5 Queen’s st Miller Fred. newsagent, 11 Bond st Miller Richard, grocer, oilman, and Post office, 79 Queen’s rd west Miller R. F. coach builder, 237 King’s rd Mills Step. clog maker, 14 Leader st Milton —, tailor, 22 Cumberland st Mills T. boot mkr, 5 Cumberland pl Milton & Co., china and glass dealer, 202 Sloane st Minns J. butcher, 1 Queen’s rd east Minton Miss, stationer, 4 Sloane st Mitchell C. butcher, 2 Maynard pl Mitchell George, marble works, 28 Walton st Mitchell George John, general shop, Barrosa pl Mitchell Jn. baker, 70 Cadogan pl Mitchell John, grocer, Jubilee pl Mitchell S. boot maker, 84 Ellis st Mitchell M. greengrocer, 5 Milner pl Mitchell Thos. grocer, 6 Lombard st Mitchell W. G. tailor, 118 King’s rd Mizen H. tobacconist, 29 Oxford ter Moate S. carver and uilder, 131 and 133 Marlbro’ road, and 39 South Audley st Monk H. corn dealer, 17 Leader st Monk William M. oil and colourman, 38 Manor st Money W. bricklayer, 1 Pavilion st Monk and Wridgway, carpenters, 2 James st Morgan J. newsagent, 64 Walton st. Morgan John, wax and tallow chandler, 207 Sloane st Morgan J. beer retailer, Symons st Moody E. tobacconist, 84 College st Moore George, tobacco and cigar merchant, 25 Sloane sq Moore Mary, corn dealer, 85 King’s rd Morrell George, tobacconist, 15 White Lion st Morris B. butcher, 12 Queen’s rd east Morris C. R. baker, 49A Chyne walk Morris H. butcher, 40 Queen’s rd west Morrison Hargrave, oil and colorman, Duke st Mortimore George, baker, 10 Lower Church st Mowels Samuel Alfred, bookseller and stationer, 142 Sloane st Millward and Co. confectioner, 122 Sloane st Mumford George, grocer and cheesemonger, 3 Green st Mumford R. grocer, 26 Lawrence st Munro Isaac, City of Gloucester, St. Leonard’s terrace Munday H. newsagent, 10 Queen st Mundell E. poster, 3 Cumberland st Munns C. cheesemonger, 11 Charles st Murray M. painter, 5 Symons st Murrell, gasfitter, 31 Lower George st Nash H. tobacconist, 328 King’s rd Nash J. C. coal merchant, 154 King’s rd Neal Hen. coffee house, 79 Fulham rd Neal Mrs. wardrobe warehouse, 12 Upper North st Necropolis Company, 60 Sloane st Nettleton J. ironmonger, 4 Sloane sq New Geo. grocer, 104 Marlbro’ rd Newall J. B. and Co., ironmongers, 26 Sloane street Newell W. grocer, 5 South st Newman George, leather seller, 30 North st Newman T. bootmaker, 30A Regent st Newton Alf, ‘Royal Oak’, Keppel st Nicholas James, hair cutter, 17 Lower Church st Nicholls W. beer retailer, 330 King’s rd Nicholls Brothers, lead and glass merchants, 233 & 235 King’s rd Nicholson John, leather cutter, 5 College pl Nightingale William, boot maker, 46 College st Noble James, tailor, 14 King’s rd Nodes H. coffin maker, 40 Robert st Nolan Wm. greengrocer, 53 Lower George st North J. greengrocer, 50 Walton st Norrington J. J. baker, 84 Leader st Norris J. F. greengrocer, 7 King’s rd Norton Thomas, general shop, 10 Lower North st Nowakowski S. furrier, 32 Sloane st Nunn S. undertaker, 15A Keppel st Nunn and Son, whitesmiths, Low. George st Nye H. sweep, 6 Cumberland st Oakshett T. tailor, 57 Low. Sloane st Oborne Thomas, C. coffee house, 31 Exeter street Odam John, boot maker, 19 King’s rd Oker Mr. district surveyor’s office, 11 Robert ter Oldham Henry, ironmonger and cutler, 66 King’s rd Oldridge James, greengrocer &c., 18 Charles st Oldridge James, Sun loan office, 18 Charles street Oliver Thomas, musical repository, 2 Blenheim ter Oppenheim A. hairdresser, 16½ Lower George st Osborn H. watch maker, 3A Cumberland st Osborn H. J. tobacconist, 6 Leader ter Oughton Henry, auctioneer, New rd Owen Jas. news agent, 1A College pl Owen W. marine stores, 46 Upper North st Oyler Samuel, baker, 191 King’s rd Pack E. haberdasher, Orford st Page Hen. oilman, 12 Blenheim ter Paget William, beer retailer, 41 Lower George st Paice G. corn merchant, Queen’s rd Palmer William Thomas, dairyman, 19 Cumberland st Pannell Walter, cheesemonger, 90 King’s rd Panton George, china shop, 59 Low. George st Paragreen R. baker, 340 King’s rd Pardon Geo. chandler, 20 King’s rd Parker J. carpenter, 11 Ormond row Parker George William, baker and confectioner, 197 Sloane st Parnell H. auctioneer, 170 King’s rd Parr Frederick, grocer, 4 College st Parrington and Milton, tailors, 58 Marlbro’ rd Parry & Palmer, dyers, 138 Sloane st Parsonage A. butcher, 5 Exeter st Parsons H. linendraper, 344 King’s rd Parsons John, 9 Anderson st Parsons Sarah, grocer, 28 Queen’s st Parsons Mrs. ‘Queen Victoria’, 6 Little Cadogan pl Parsons Brothers, plumbers &c., 9 Anderson st Partrick Mathew, boot maker, 7 Queen’s rd west Pash Dan. boot maker, 7 Sloane sq Paskell T. tobacconist, 2 Robert ter Paskell T. B. grocer, 2 Robert ter Pasmore J. pharmaceutical chemist, 82 King’s rd Pates Joseph, baker, 145 King’s rd Patient George, tailor, 38 Sloane st Paul J. T. auctioneer, 114 Sloane st Pavey W. florist, 117 King’s rd Pawsey R. bookseller, 27 Exeter st Pawsey J. John, grocer, 50 Leader st Payne Hen. carpenter, 1A John st Payne John, carpenter, 253 King’s rd Payne W. dining rooms, 13 King’s pl Pearce G. dairyman, 52 Godfrey st Pearce James William, ‘Gloucester Tavern,’ 187 Sloane st Pearce R. bricklayer, 26 New rd Pearman Wm. bookbinder, 4 Lincoln st Pearson & Son, tailors, 231 King’s rd Pedder G. greengrocer, 18 Symons st Pees W. china dealer, 2A Up. North st Pemberton Frederick, greengrocer, 28 Radnor st Pendrille John, greengrocer, and coal dealer, 47 Upper North st Pendry Thomas, grocer, 18 College st Penn Ch. clock maker, 3 James st Pennack W. greengrocer, 34 King’s rd Peppiatt F. rag merchant, 18 Manor st Perry J. undertaker, 145 Sloane st Peruzzi Hen. tailor, 2 Pavillion st Peters George, greengrocer, 14 Queen’s rd east Pewter —, coffee house, 139 King’s rd Pierce Daniel, ‘Cooper’s Arms,’ 33 Queen’s st Phillips Ann, butcher, 54 King’s rd Phillips Charles, general shop, 12 Lower Symons st Phillips J. carpenter, 70 New rd Phillips J. J. cutler, 41B Up. North st Phillips Mrs. shirt maker, 7 Symons st Phillips Rowland, ‘Rose and Crown,’ 18 Queen’s st Phillips W. William, ‘Roe Buck,’ 53 Leader st Philpott J. greengrocer, 1 Manor st Pierce J. draper, 23 Low. Sloane st Pierson Wm. dairyman, 8 Manor st Pike Henry, broker, 50 Marlbro’ rd Pike Fred. broker, 108 Marlbro’ rd Pike Fred. tinman, 118 Marlbro’ rd Pike William, broker, 54 College st Pilgrim Mrs. fruiterer, 8 Up. North st Pine John, broker, 52 Leader st Pinnell Ch. zinc works, 21 Duke st Pinnick B. ‘Hope & Anchor,’ 5 East st Pinnock Arthur, ‘Stanley Arms,’ 70 Oxford ter Pinnock William Thomas, greengrocer, 189 Marlbro’ rd Piper E. dairyman, 87 King’s rd Piper H. greengrocer, 112 Marlbro’ rd Piper Mary, wardrobe warehouse, 4 White Lion st Pite & Son, printers, 37 Cheyne wk Pitts Oliver, plumber, 15 Lombard st Place W. coal dealer, 40 Up. North st Plumbridge George, beer retailer, 18 Exeter st Plummer F. bricklayer, 6 Keppel st Pochin G. H. bootmaker, 72 King’s rd Pollard J. rag merchant, 31 Lawrence st Pollard R. F. butcher, 22 Robert ter Poole C. eating house, 52 Wilton st Pope John, grocer, 29 Smith st Porter John, van proprietor, Cross st Powell J. ‘Old Black Dog, 97 King’s rd Pratt E. bootmaker, 353 King’s rd Presland John, military trimming maker, 31 College st Price Mrs. artificial florist, 4 Pont st Price J. fruiterer, 22 Low. North st Priest J. pie shop, 1 Queen’s rd east Pringle Charles James, military tailor, 25 Sloane st Prior James, grocer, 19 Cadogan st Pritchard Ann, Montgomery House, Cook’s ground Pritchard F. grocer, 20 Keppel st Pritchard J. sweep, 13 Turk’s row Purdom Geo. oilman, 20 King’s rd Puttick J. fishmonger, 36 Manor st Puzey S. ‘Worlds End’, King’s rd Puzey T. ‘Wellesley Arms,’ Robert st Quarterman Henry John, hairdresser, 81 Lower Sloane st Quick Walter, baker, 53 Godfrey st Quiller C. R. pharmaceutical chemist, 15 Sloane sq Quiller C. R. chemist, 145 Sloane st Quixley James, grocer, 10 Manor st Rabbits Wm. leather seller, shoe mercer, and upper and shoe manufacturer, 20 Sloane sq Rackstraw P. G. baker, 1 Jubilee ter Radenhurst Edward, brush maker, 149 King’s rd Radford Wm. farrier, 38 Regent st Railton Joseph, linendraper, 22 Queen’s rd west Randolph Broughall, tea dealer, and post and money order office, 194 King’s rd Rarden G. boot maker, 38 Upper North st Rastall Mrs. butcher, 14 Chelsea mkt Rawson Edward, haberdasher, 66 Marlbro’ rd Ray Fred. hair dresser, 44 Low. Geo. st Rayment Wm. grocer, 13 Leader st Rayner Jno. hair cutter, 2A Keppel st Read Sarah, grocer, &c. 27 Henry st Read Thos. carpenter, 13 Manor st Rearden John, boot maker, 27 Upper North st Redford John, stationer, 8 Sloane st Redwood H. upholsterer, 65 Sloane st Redwood H. R. fruiterer, 65 Sloane st Rees George, tinman, 6 Princes ter Reed John, boot maker, 27 Francis st Reed John, eel pie house, 149 Marlbro’ rd Reed Mrs. Ann, furniture dealer, 30 Exeter st Reid J. printer, 22 Orford st Reliham James, Turkish baths, 111 Radnor st Reynolds G. bootmaker, 26 Orford st Reynolds Wm. cheesemonger, &c. 124 Marlbro’ rd Reynolds —, carpenter, 5 South st Rewley Robert, brush manufacturer, 26 Walton st Rhind Mrs. ladies and general outfitter, 189 Sloane st Ribbens Mrs. milliner, &c. 13 Cumberland st Rice W. painter, 47 First st. Richardson Charles, dining rooms, Queen’s rd west Richardson J. coach builder, Turk’s row Richardson Thomas, stay manufacturer, 44 King’s rd Richardson William, greengrocer, 55 Leader st Riches Benjamin, fancy repository, 78 King’s rd Ridewood Wm. boot maker, 32 Marlbro’ rd Ridler H. upholsterer, 4 Halsey ter Rigarlsford Frederick, printer, 15 Lower Symons st Rimer Thomas, stationer and bookseller, 43 Sloane st Rimmington —, tailor, Cadogan st Ring J. greengrocer, 7 James st Rivett F. John, hair dresser, 82 College st Roan F. trunk maker, 14 Exeter st Roan F. marine store, 22½ New rd Roan Geo. marine store, Exeter pl Robinson Adam, ‘The Australian,’ Milner st Robinson A. cow keeper, 19 Green st Robinson Nathaniel, baker, 11 Britton ter Robinson J. bootmaker, 6 Hooper’s ct Robinson Mrs. nurse, 32 Orford st Robertson William, wholesale confectioner, 38 & 39 Queen’s rd west Roberts Wm. wholesale oilman and tallow chandler, 25 Lwr Sloane st Roche J. marine stores, 40 Lower George st Rodway Alfred, coffee house, 388 King’s rd Rogers John, boot maker, 25 Markham st Rogers J. cow keeper, 17 South st Rogers T. harness maker, 14 White Lion st Roles Elz. draper, 50 College st Rolfe B. James, furniture dealer, 22 Robert st Rook J. George, house agent, 1 Seaford ter Roope and Son, linendrapers, 17 Sloane sq Roope and Sons, silk mercers, linendrapers, and carpet warehousemen, 144 Sloane st Rope R. plumber, &c. 49 Sloane st Rope R. builder, New rd Root J. W. butcher, 1 Pont st Rose T. P. toy and fancy repository, 203 Sloane st Rosher G. and F. brick merchants, Old Swan Wharf, 65 Queen’s rd w Ronca Js. greengrocer, 4 Cheyne row Rough Robt. lace man, 188A Sloane st Rouse Geo. tobacconist, 355 King’s rd Rouse Richard, tailor, 34 Manor st Rudermacher Alfred, watchmaker, 48 Sloane st Rudermacher, Charles John, pharmaceutical chemist, 173 Sloane st Ruddock Henry, grocer and cheesemonger, 33 Queen st Ruff Alf. J. corn dealer, 303 King’s rd Ruskins John, grocer, 12 Strewan pl Rust Robert, pianoforte maker, 11 Symons st Russell Geo. undertaker, 100 Queen st Russell John, carver and gilder, 12 Ormond row Ryall Hy. ‘May Pole,’ 61 Leader st Sadd John, house decorator, 7 South st Sadd Rbt. writer & grainer, 7 South st Sainsbury Charles, boot and shoe maker, 161 Marlbro’ rd Salisbury I. greengrocer, 3 Ellis st Salman Wm. baker, 134 King’s rd Salsbury J. pork butcher, 57 Leader st Samner Madam, dress maker, 13 Barrosa pl Samuel M. clothier, 16 White Lion st Sandford Thos. beer retailer, New rd Sanders Matthew, the ‘Cock,’ Upper North st Sanders and Francot, ‘Cadogan Arms,’ 298 King’s rd Sandle Samuel E. dairy, 44 Upper North st Sansbury Thomas, linendraper, 125 King’s rd Sansun William Henry, plumber and decorator, 132 King’s rd Sargent H. hairdresser, 23 Symons st Saunders J. greengrocer, 3 Maynard pl Saunders Wm. grocer, D’Oyly st Sayer James, plumber, 3 Leader st Sayer William, tailor, 25 Francis st Scarfe F. builder, 7 Draycott st Scarfe H. boot maker, 42 Godfrey st Scherer C. clock maker, 28 Lower George st Schilcock William, ‘Waterman’s Arms’ 16 Lombard st Schoot William, shoe warehouse, 101 Sloane st Schott M. bootmaker, 101 Sloane st Scolding John, grocer, 23 Manor st Scott A. Geo. butcher, 48 Walton st Scott J. chimney sweep, 8 New rd Scott & Weeks, lime wharf, Queen’s rd Scott —, carpenter, 3 Draycott st Scott, Cuthbertson and Co., paper stainers, Whitelands Scovell George, oil and italian warehouse, 39 Exeter st Seaman W. M. artificial and French florist, 199 Sloane st Search Stevens, corn dealer, 54 Lower Church st Seaton H. Henry, wardrobe dealer, 17 Leader st Sellis W. greengrocer, 2 College pl Selwyn John, photographic artist, 6 Queen’s rd east Semon H. printer, 5 Upper North st Sewell Jas. butcher, 2 Green st Seex W. J. china dealer, 82 Leader st Seybold William, umbrella maker, 2 South st Seymour Charles, 43 Sloane st Sharp Miss, milliner, 5 Robert ter Sharp T. ladies outfitter, 74 King’s rd Shave Richard, watchmaker, 55 Queen’s rd west Sheat Edwin Benjamin, hair cutter and perfumer, 61 King’s rd Sheeppey W. tailor, 2 Seymour st Sheldon F. boot maker, 2 Exeter pl Shelton R. plumber, 22 Halsey st Shell Alf. beer retailer, 4 Exeter st Shelton and Horton, plumbers, 8 Draycott st Shephard George, greengrocer, 8 Lower Church st Sheppard J. sweep, 36 Upper North st Shepheard G. F. dyer 79 King’s rd Shepherd T. W. provision merchant, 61 Lower George st Shephard J. turner, 16 Up. North st Sheppard Richard, confectioner, 368 King’s rd Sherbourne C. G. gasfitter, 331 King’s rd Sherry James, grocer and wine merchant, 193 Sloane st Sherwood —, 385 King’s rd Shield G. printer, 30 Lower Sloane st Shingleton R. tailor, 29 King’s rd Shingleton John, blind maker, 13 Lincoln st Shinn Ellen, bookseller & stationer, 2 Bretten ter Shipway J. undertaker, 3 Sloane sq Shirley Chas. dyer, 15 Cadogan st Skindmore J. W. grocer, 28 Francis st Skinner Channon, baker, 50 Walton st Shattle W. cow keeper, 51 College st Shortland J. butcher, 37A Manor st Shufflebotham W. coach builder, Symons st Sice C. greengrocer, 112 King’s rd Silly Edward, artist, 152 Sloane st Silvester R. tobacconist 12 Pont st Simpson D. tobacconist. 33 Exeter st Sims J. general shop, Hooper’s court Slaughter Jn. wardrobe warehouse, Cumberland st Sloan George, tailor, 9 Sloane st Sloane Street Domestic Institution, Joseph Lyston, proprietor, 5A Sloane st Slocombe T. butcher, 13 Halsey ter Slyfield H. locksmith, 21 Symons st Small T. jeweller, 15A White Lion st Smart H. boot maker, D’Oyley st Smith W. A. milliner, 1A Amelia pl Smith A. baker and grocer, 17 Lawrence st Styant A. tobacconist, 33 Regent st Smith B. wardrobe dealer, 3 South st Smith B. butcher, 67 King’s rd Smith Ch. carpenter, 5 Queen’s rd e. Smith F. milliner, 187A Sloane st Smith Henry, ‘Royal George’, Lower George st Smith H. tobacconist, 1 College pl Smith H. C. undertaker, 6 Elizabeth st Smith George B. pawnbroker, silversmith, and jeweller, 35 King’s rd Smith G. B. pawnbroker and salesman, 23 Sloane sq Smith J. cow keeper, 1 Turk’s row Smith J. egg merchant, 219 King’s rd Smith J. tobacconist, 30 Queen’s st Smith J. ‘Duke of Wellington’, 16 South st Smith and Co. dyers, 356 King’s rd Smith and Smith, ladies outfitters, 189A Sloane st Smith Miss. L. milliner, 8 Sloane st Smedhurst, Miss, baby linen warehouse, 186 Sloane st Smith Mrs. milliner, 137 Sloane st Smith Mrs. wardrobe warehouse, 3 South st Smith P. greengrocer, 2 Turk’s row Smith Richard, ironmonger, 3 Queen’s rd east Smith R. tobacconist, 1 Keppel st Smith T. ironmonger, 1 Lordship’s pl SMITH T. upholsterer, 65 King’s rd Smith Warren, gas chandelier manufacturer, 66 College st Snell Thomas, grocer, 4 Watt’s ter Snow G. greengrocer, 6 Queen’s rd Snowden John William, furnishing undertaker, 48 Marlbro’ rd Soames Edwin, pawnbroker, 32 Queen’s rd west Somes M. clothier, 4 Lombard te Solomon C. clothier, 120 Marlbro’ rd Soloman Ralph, dealer in old china, 34 Sloane st Soper J. boot maker, 17 Exeter st Souter Thomas, cab proprietor, 55 College st Souter E. and A. grocers, 4 East st Squires G. butcher, 337 King’s rd Sparks, Ellen Emma, bookseller and stationer, 173 Marlbro’ rd Spells Wm. baker, 12 Lombard st Spenceley Wm. wine merchant, 1 Sloane st Spenceley William, ‘Swan Tavern’, 4 Sloane st Spenceley George Frederick, ‘The King’s Head & Eight Bells’, 45 Cheyne walk Spencer T. butcher, 128 Marlbro’ rd Spencer Wm. coal and coke dealer, 5 Lower Symons st Spicer C. mason, Little Cadogan pl Spicer Henry, builder, decorator &c., 13 Pont st Spiers William, marine stores, 20 Queen’s rd east Spinks George, ‘Coach and Horses’, Queen’s rd east Spooner Mrs. wardrobe dealer, 19 Manor st Stacey George, confectioner, 171 Marlbro’ rd Stacey Richard, coffee house, 13 Cumberland pl Standage Henry W. broker, 27 Marlbro’ rd Standen J. dairy, 36 Lower Sloane st Stanesby J. T. and Co. booksellers, stationers, and Post office, 179 Sloane st Stanesby G. livery stables, Park wlk Stanford William, H. fly proprietor, Charlotte st Stanley G. tailor 172 King’s rd Startling George, ‘Marlbro’ Arms’, 27 College st Steed James, baby linen warehouse, 9 Sloane sq Steed Henry, ‘The Man in the Moon,’ 392 King’s rd Steer John, butcher, 71 King’s rd Stephens J. dairyman, 15 Francis st Stephenson Henry, College Arms’, 47 College st. Sternberg —, furniture dealer, 124 New rd Stevens J. W. grocer, 11 Lombard st Stews Lawrence, wardrobe dealer, 1 Ormond rd. Stevens R. boot mkr, Cumberland st Stimpson T. builder, Upper North st Stevens W. boot maker, 4 Francis st Stocken John, ‘Cricketers Tavern,’ Cheyne walk Stockley R. greengrocer, 19 Milner st Stockley T. tea dealer, 178 Sloane st Stokes E. book mkr, 19 Lombard st Stokes Henry, greengrocer, 10 Lombard st Stokes Isaac, tailor, 7 Charles st Stokes Joseph, baker, 23 Walton st Stone H. haberdasher, 1 Manor st Stone Misses, milliner, 5A Sloane st Stone W. mason, 75 New rd Storey T. C. ‘White Hart’, Duke st Storr —, printer, 8 First st Strachan Mrs. dress maker, 38 Robert st Strange and Son, family grocers, 46 Cheyne walk Strange G. greengrocer, 3 Keppel st Stratton G. cow keeper, 78 Leader st Street Edmund, ‘The White Horse’, 66 Lower Church st Strickland R. builder, 2 Godfrey st Strickland Edward, ham and beef shop, 33 Cheyne walk Strong C. jeweller, &c. 9 Symons st Stroulger I. J. tailor, 53 Sloane sq. Strugnell W. B. tea dealer and Post office, 110 King’s rd Stwart Alexander, grocer and cheesemonger, 75 Queen’s rd west Styant W. plumber, &c., 1 Lower Sloane st Summerfield A. baker, 191 King’s rd Surridge J. greengrocer, 6 Manor rw Sutherland James, tobacconist, 17A Queen st Sutton E. grocer. &c. Cumberland st Sutton Jane, beer retailer, 18 Queen’s rd east Swanger John, wardrobe warehouse, 1A Keppel ter Sweatman Thomas, boot maker, 12 Exeter st Sweeney J. boot maker, 13 Queen’s rd east Swinbourn Henry, boot maker, 49 Queen’s rd west Sydney A. W. oil and colourman, 127 King’s rd Symons E. O. builder, Exeter st Tanner C. haberdasher, 18 South st Tassell T. confectioner, 84 King’s rd Tate G. boot maker, 4 Ellis st Taylor J. boot maker, 5 Turk’s row Taylor and Co, Chelsea distillery, Shawfield st Taylor and Co. perfume distillers, 121 King’s rd Temple C. corn merchant, 58 College st Temple John, appraiser, 16 Exeter st Temple I. J. appraiser, 19 Up. North st Temple R. H. gas fitter, 2 Up. North st Terrey George, potatoe salesman, 4 Cheyne walk Teggin W. tobacconist, 10 King’s rd Thatcher T. carpenter, 3 Cumberland st Theobald J. corn chandler, 9 South st Thick Thos. tailor, 9 Up. Church st Thomas Benjamin, upholsterer, 139 Marlbro’ rd Thomas John, stay and corset maker, 31 Sloane sq Thomas W. H. ironmonger, 6 Sloane st Thomson —, writer, 74 Low. Sloane st Thompson Edward, potatoe warehouse, 54 Leader st Thompson E. H. watchmaker, 181 Sloane st Thompson Thomas, the Pier coffee house, 29 Cheyne walk Thorn C. greengrocer, 38 Up. North st Thorne T. E. tobacconist, 8 Symons st Thorn William, oil and colourman, 181 Marlbro’ rd Thornton Geo. tobacconist, 1 Green st Thornton W. carpenter Lit. Cadogan pl Thorp Emma Mary, tobacconist, 169 Sloane st Thwaites Charles, pork butcher, 13A Symons st Tilling A. house agent, 29 Manor st Tilley John, sweep, 13 Chelsea market Tilling W. brush maker, 193 King’s rd Tiller Wm. grocer, 16 Coulson st Tilston Thos hosier, 11 King’s rd Tindale J. and C. Lee and R. linendrapers, 11 King’s rd Tippetts B. M. chemist, 3 Sloane st Todd John, baker, 47 King’s rd Todd Geo. auctioneer, 30 Cheyne walk Todd J. and C. W. builders, 8 Milner st Tomkins Geo. cow keeper, 5 Orford st Townsend Th. dyer &c., 16 Sloane sq Townsend William, the ‘Queen of Oude,’ 35 Queen st Townsend —, plumber, 17 Barrosa pl Toynbee T. Pavillion stables, Sloane st Tree Benj. broker, 11 Chelsea market Tranter Charles, tobacconist, 4 Queen’s rd west Trebble and Clayton, chimney sweeps, 41 Upper North st Tregenza Jno. boot maker, 14 New rd Trowton J. coffee house, 38 Cheyne wk Truckle Joseph, plumber and painter, Oriel cottage, College st Trundell J. boot maker, 24 Sloane sq Tucker J. ‘Cross Keys,’ Lawrence st Tuck Mrs. Cadogan gardens, Sloane st Tuck Mrs. J. fruiterer, 28 Sloane st Tuck Richard, Devonshire dairy, 18 Lower Church st Tunbridge W. cow keeper, New rd Turkish Bath establishment, 155 Sloane st Turner C. gardener, 34 Cumberland st Turner J. boot maker, 88 Marlbro’ rd Turner Thomas, furniture dealer, & undertaker, 53A Low. George st Turpin Mrs. bottle dealer, Little Cadogan pl Turnpenny Jno. ‘Crown and Anchor,’ 61 Lower Church st Turrell John, fancy repository, 168 Sloane st Tyler G. coffee house, 14 Marlbro’ rd Tyler R. coffee house, 388 King’s rd Upjohn W. tinman, 34 Up. North st Vail W. pork butcher, 167 Marlbro’ rd Valens T. Alfred, cheesemonger, 80 Leader st Vanchini J. confectioner, 18 Leader st Varity H. ‘Riley Arms’, York buildings Vedy L. news agent, 7 Britannia ter Venner John, baker, 24 Manor st Venner John, baker, 6 Albert ter Vinall C. house decorator 25 Walton st Vincent S. watchmaker, 356 King’s rd Voss —, tailor, 93 Sloane st Wain Geo. tea dealer, 2 King’s rd Waddelove E. James, 10 Salamanca Upper Church st Walker Ch. cow keeper, 25 Exeter st Walker David, picture frame maker, 2 College pl Walker Jas. fishmonger, 94 King’s rd Walter Julia, baker and confectioner, 150 Sloane st Walker T. imitator of woods, 18 Robert ter Waller J. R. tailor, 4 York st Waller & Son, builders, 75 King’s rd Wallis Ann, milliner, 23 Sloane st Wallis T. tobacconist, 3 Queen’s rd w. Walter Ch. bootmaker, 327 King’s rd Walter J. cow keeper, 31 New rd Walters Ann, tobacconist, 8 South st Walters F. marine store, 114 Marlbro’ rd Wangler S. watchmaker, 5 Bond st Wannell Jas. butcher, 8 Leader ter Ward F. ‘White Hart,’ 49 King’s rd Ward J. leather seller, 18 Leader st Ward W. fancy repository, 5 Leader st Wardley G. baker, 110 Marlbro’ rd Warnar W. greengrocer, 1 Princes st Warne Charlotte, tobacconist, 3A Upper Church st Warne J. dairy, 28 Up. North st Warner Wm. broker, 66 Walton st Waters S. milliner, 4A Sloane st Watkins Jesse, baker, 83 King’s rd Watkins Misses, preparatory school, 2 Markham sq Watkins T. M. coffee house, 9 King’s rd Watkins Wm. grocer, 12 Lawrence st Watson G. coal merchant, 9 Keppel st Watson M. grocer, 25 Queen’s rd west Watson R. blind maker, 40 Walton st Watson T. herbalist, 8 Queen’s rd west Watts J. beer retailer 3 Ellis st Weaving C. boot maker, 50 First st Webb G. carpenter, 12 South st Webb R. corn chandler, 76 Marlbro’ rd Webb William, baker, 35 New rd, and 29 Up. North st Webber G. jun. painter, 12 Draycott pl Webbing Robert James, fancy repository, 60 King’s rd Weeks John and Co., horticultural nursery, 124 and 126 King’s rd Weeks Thos. grocer, 34 Walton st Weeks Thomas, Chelsea lime wharf, Queen’s rd Weidner M. pork butcher, 2 Duke st Wellbank R. stationer, 42 King’s rd Wellbank Richard, stationer and news agent, 21 Sloane sq Wells Henry, grocer, 3 Up. Church st Wells James, dealer in teas, coffees, Italian articles, and other household stores, 48 Sloane st West J. Dan. grocer, 24 Robert st West M. wardrobe dealer, 3 Beaufort pl West W. Geo. tailor, 10 Manor st Weston A. dairy, 13 White Lion st Weston R. confectioner, 1A Duke st Weymouth E. William, greengrocer, 33 Cadogan st Wharton F. chemist, 24 King’s rd Whatley Frederick, photographic artist, 3 Strewan pl Wheeler Buchan, chemist, 4 Prospect pl. Cheyne walk Wheeler J. baker, 18 Queen’s rd west Whisker R. van proprietor, Cross st White E. linendraper, 359 King’s rd White Francis, butcher, 347 King’s rd White Fred. brewer, Up. North st White Geo. bootmaker, 128 King’s rd White Jas. corn dealer, 3 Prospect pl White John Thackham, leather seller, 129 Marlbro’ rd White Michael F. and Co, wine & spirit merchants, 71 Sloane st White Mrs. milliner, 108 King’s rd White Rich. leather seller, and dealer in grindery, and manufacturer of Chapmans’ bottom boards, 10 Upper North st White R. ironmonger, 390 King’s rd White W. H. hatter, 9 Up. North st Whitelock G. grainer, 11 Keppel st Whitehead J. W. greengrocer, 56 Lower George st Whiting Jonathan, tobacconist, 37 Lower George st Whittaker James, pork butcher, 49A Queen’s rd west Whittingham P. grocer, 1 James st Whyte F. broker, 8 Chelsea market Wiles —, laundry, 4 Cook’s grove Willcox Jas. cow keeper, 35 Exeter st Wilkie R. the ‘Globe,’ 19 King’s pl Wilkins C. dairyman, 6 First st Wilkins E. greengrocer, 30 Keppel st Wilkins Mrs. wardrobe warehouse, 79 Lower Sloane st Williams Ann, grocer, 14 Lower George st Williams George Frederick, linendraper, 163 and 165 Marlbro’ rd Williams James, 12 Rose ter Williams J. boot maker, 22 Manor st Williams Mrs. dairy, 29 Beaufort st Williams Mrs. tobacconist, 5 Ellis st Williams T. boot maker, 2 Paulton st Williams W. general dealer, 49 First st Williams Wm. grainer, 1A James st Willis and Bray, portmanteau and trunk manufacturers, 192 Sloane st Wilson G. plumber, 2 First st Wilson Hen. grocer, 60 Walton st Wilson S. baker, 8 South st Wilton Jas. beer retailer, 10 South st Wilson J. zinc worker, 153 Marlbro’ rd Wilson John, gas fitter, 2 Bond st Wilson R. confectioner, 5 Manor row Wilson & Co. tailors, 4A Up. North st Wilsher Edwin, house decorator, 44 Radnor st Wilsher Edward, greengrocer, 20 Lower Church st Wilsher Geo. grocer, 13 Exeter st Wilsher Wm. stationer, 22 Duke st Wiltshear James, grocer, and Post Office, 59 Lower Church st Wilton John, beer retailer, 20 Cumberland st Wilton William, cabinet maker and upholsterer, 110 Sloane st Winchester J. plumber, 147 King’s rd Winder J. coal dealer, 22 Queens st Windley C. greengrocer, 25 South st Wing Chas. baker, 10 College ter Winkworth D. tailor, 80 College st Winterflood E. tailor, 34A Robert ter Wise Jas. dairyman, 29 King’s rd Wise C. beer retailer, 18 Low Symons st Wise F. Frederick, ‘Royal Eagle,’ 1 Francis st Wise Mrs. milliner, 1 Cumberland st Wiseby Eliza, circulating library, 9 Chelsea market Withers Joseph, dairy, 11 Ellis st Witten Robert, farrier, 23 College st Wolz Mrs. baker, 6 Queen’s rd east Wood John, bricklayer, 23 Francis st Wood J. W. bootmaker, 5A Up North st Wood Mary, tobacconist 1 Bond st Wood W. ‘Adam & Eve,’ 16 Duke st Woods Elizabeth, wardrobe warehouse, 86 College st Woodhouse J. coffee house, 13 Leader st Woodford & Son, sweeps, 3 Oakham st Woodward John, watch and clock maker, 3 Exeter st Woodward and Co, coal merchants, Charlotte st Woolley J. greengrocer, 16 Manor st Woolmer Frederick, 195 King’s r Wooten Mrs. milliner, 229 King’s rd Wordley Thos. tailor, 27 Keppel st Worms P. auctioneer &c. 3 Charles st Wormsley J. undertaker, 1 College st Wright Jas. butcher, 9 Milner st Wright James, butcher, 1 Ellis st Wright James Evan, tobacconist, 2 Queen’s rd east Wright John, ironmonger, 8 Queen’s rd east Wright T. builder, Draycott pl Wright Wm. butcher, 3 Duke st Wright W. cow keeper, Cook’s ground Wren John, grocer, 20 Manor st Wray C. cow keeper, 51 Marlbro’ rd Wustemann Frederick, professor of the flute, 100 Sloane st Wyatt J. the ‘Queens Arms,’ 98 Marlbro’ rd Yapp Peter, gentlemans’ bootmaker, 210 Sloane st Yapp Peter, ladies’ boot and shoe maker, 200 Sloane st Young H. greengrocer, 4 Keppel st Young Joseph, draper, 8 Bond st Young Phillip, chemist and druggist, 47 Cheyne walk Young Miss E. fancy repository, 32 Sloane st Youngman, Hayman, and Burnett, linendrapers, 174, 175 and 176 Sloane st Young Men’s Christian Association, John Lee, Secretary, 165 Sloane st * * * * * JOHN HIRD Boot and Shoe Maker To Her Majesty the Queen, AND THE ROYAL FAMILY OF HANOVER, &c., &c., Tachbrook Street, Pimlico. ESTABLISHED 1801. * * * * * J. HIRD, having had a long and successful experience in the Bespoke Department, feels confident he can ensure a fit to all who may favor him with their patronage, combining ease and comfort, with durability, and elegance. * * * * * A good Assortment kept of Ladies’ and Children’s BOOTS and SHOES, of the best Manufacture, at Moderate Charges. * * * * * _French Satin Shoes of several qualities from_ 3_s._ 6_d._ * * * * * Ladies and Gentlemen waited on at their residences, and Goods sent on approval. * * * * * THE KNIGHTSBRIDGE AND BROMPTON TRADE DIRECTORY. Acton R. Richard, grocer, and Post office, 33 St. George’s pl Adams W. hair dresser, 6 Clifton ter Adnitt John, tobacconist, 9 Park pl Ainsworth John Peachey, cheesemonger & butter man, 9 Crawley ter & 372 King’s road, Chelsea Albert J. Albert dairy, 321 Fulham rd Aldridge Thomas, ironmonger, 14 Queen’s buildings Aldworth B. John, military tailor, 6 Brunswick pl Alexander J. bootmaker, 5 Clifton ter Aley Mrs. milliner, 36 Queen st Allsop Thomas Edward, window blind maker, brush and turnery warehouse, 6 Elm ter Andrews Mrs. milliner, 10 Rose ter Atkinson A. Eliza, tobacconist, 5A Upper Queen’s buildings Atkinson Elliott, ‘Civet Cat,’ 18 Brompton ter Anderson and Baber, surgeons &c., 18 Brompton row Anthony John, ‘Crawley Arms,’ Crawley ter Arnold Geo. F. ‘Queen’s Elm,’ 242 Fulham rd Ashbey F. & T. blind maker, 12 High rw Aungier Wm. tailor, 21 Montpelier st Bailey Mrs. tobacconist, 15 Crawley ter Baker Ph. grocer, 253 Fulham rd Baker —, livery stables, Brompton rd Bolster H. William, furniture warehouse, 14 High rd Balster H. William, carpet warehouse, 12 Queen’s buildings Barbey R. stationer, 9 Middle row n. Barnes B. James, pharmaceutical chemist, 1 Trevor ter Barnes Edward, family grocer, Registrar of births and deaths, and Post office, 15 & 16 Prospect pl Barnes E. wheelwright, 1 Knightsbridge green Barnes Emma, Italian warehouse, 131 Fulham rd Barnes H. tobacconist, 14 Prospect pl Barnes Henry, Italian warehouse, 167 Fulham rd Barnes James, Italian warehouse, 2 Middle Queen’s buildings Barrat and Co., steam dyers, 4 Brunswick pl Barrat L. T. stay manufacturer, 5 Middle Queen’s buildings Barrett Andrew, brush maker, 29 St. George’s pl Barrett C. cow keeper, Prospect pl Barrett Edward, brush maker, 48 St. George’s pl Bartlett Thomas, tailor, 6 Middle row north Barrat & Son, gasfitters, 6 Sussex pl Base John, poulterer, 163 Fulham rd Bateman Francis, ‘King’s Arms,’ 5 Radcliffe ter Bates Wm. carpenter, 21 Queen st Baxter Sarah, ‘Clifton Arms,’ 1 Schofield pl Bayless M. confectioner, 18 Prospect pl Beale Chas. fishmonger, 14 New st Beets J. butcher, 35 St. George’s ter Bell J. oyster rooms, 99A Fulham rd Bell R. W. draper, 8 Hill st Bell William, the ‘Fulham Bridge,’ 11 Brompton rd Bennett Robert, post master, 15A Lower Grove ter BENNETTS WILLIAM, artists’ colourman, decorator, gilder &c. 8 Brompton row Berman F. hosier, 2 Montpelier st Best E. milliner, 15 Queen’s buildings Bew G. A. coffeehouse, 309 Fulham rd Bezley James, ham warehouse, 8 Upper Queen’s buildings Birch, A. and William, undertakers, 5 Middle row north Birch J. refreshment rooms, 22 High rd Bingham Edward, marble works, 103 Fulham rd Bishop Owen, ‘Admiral Keppel’, 77 Fulham rd Blake D. stove & range maker, 26 New st Blore John, architect, 8 Michael’s pl Bley John B. tailor, 4 Elm ter Bohn John, baker, 1 Clifton ter Boles —, carpenter, 15 Trevor sq Bolton James, bookseller and stationer, 39 St. George’s pl Bolton J. tobacconist, 40 St. George’s ter Bolton William, tailor, 1 St. Mark’s st Booker John, china and glass mender, 1 Park side Boswood Mary, stay maker, 4 Middle row north Bosely and Coleman, chemists &c., 26 Brompton row Bywier Edward, spirit merchant, 11 Middle Queen’s buildings Bowne and Chand, confectioners, 2 Upper Queen’s buildings Boughton Alfred, greengrocer, 343 Fulham rd Bradley T. and F. builders, 14 Clifton ter Brain W. bird fancier, 4 Park side Brain W. umbrella maker, 1 Park side Brake Hy. builder, 359 Fulham rd Braid J. wardrobe dealer, 45 Lancelot pl Brignall Charles, baby linen warehouse, 4 Brompton pl Brister W. baker, 11 Clifton ter Brooker John, coal merchant, 347 Fulham rd Brockwell Edward, greengrocer, 5 Old Brompton rd Broomfield Walter, locksmith &c., 5 Knightsbridge green Brown George, house decorator, and house agent, 50 Brompton row Bruce B. boot maker, 2 Grove ter Buckland E. carpenter, 7 Alfred st Buckley P. house decorator, 1 Onslow pl Bull W. butcher, 5 Old Brompton rd Bultitude W. shirt maker, 9 Clifton ter Buncombe Robert, chemist and druggist, 55 Brompton row Burman J. brush maker, 24 Albert ter Burnet Joseph, tailor, 4 New st Burry W. H. the ‘Talbot’, 19 Montpelier st Burtenshaw and Finch, drapers, 85 Fulham rd Burton L. confectioner, 18 High rd Butt A. Mary, beer retailer, 335 Fulham rd Butt William, grocer, 35 Raphael st Calcut J. butcher, 4 Queen’s bldgs Cant James, baker, 13 New st Carr John, draper, 175 Fulham rd Carter James & Co. linendrapers, 34 St. George’s pl Carter Thomas, tripe dresser, 1 Middle row south Carthew James Henry, wine and spirit merchant, 1 Queen’s bldgs. Carver and Son, ironmongers, 75 Fulham rd Carter Ch. gardener, 2 Thistle grove Cater & Sons, job masters, 31 Queen st Champion Miss C. ladies’ wardrobe dealer, 2 Lancelot pl Channon S. Thomas, stationer and Post office, 5 Brompton pl Chaplain F. James, house decorator, 5 Brunswick pl Chaplain F. James, tobacconist, 5½ Brunswick pl Chapman R. bootmaker, 15 Clifton ter Chapman and Son, tea and coffee dealers, 43 St. George’s pl Chappell J. Henry, ironmonger and gas fitter, 2 Onslow pl Charles A. milliner, 24 St. George’s pl Charles R. tailor, 3 Ranelagh st Charles Fred. tobacconist, 6 Park side Chatten James, dining rooms, 6 Middle row south Chatterton J. hatter, 331 Fulham rd Chauntler J. lace men, 12 Lowndes ter Chown J. cheesemonger, 83 Fulham rd Clark Fred. optician, 13 Park side Clark Fred. auctioneer, 2 Brunswick pl Clarke J. greengrocer, 171 Fulham rd Cleghorn Edmund, boot manufacturer, 2 Brompton ter Clifford J. and A. monumental sculptors, 237 and 239 Fulham rd Coulfield George S., tobacconist, 7 Queen’s buildings Cockburn Fred. milliner, 7 Grove ter Cockran W. linendraper, 15 Rose ter Cole Alfred B. chemist, 1 Crawley ter Cole William, picture frame maker, 3 Elm ter Coleman G. plumber, &c. 19 Queen st Coleman S. draper, 355 Fulham rd Collins G. Daniel, trunk and portmanteau maker, 3 Brompton pl Collins William, hat manufacturer, 5 Upper Queen’s buildings Collins and Co., linendrapers, 2 Lowndes ter Coning Mrs. Charles, fancy repository, 6 Rose ter Connolly E. William, ‘The Grapes,’ 16 Lower Grove ter Cook George, draper, 2A Clifton ter Cook William, ‘Windsor Castle,’ 7 Middle row north Corby Wm. tailor, 1A Michael’s grove Cordery Wm. fruiterer, &c. 27 High st Coumbe Rich. butcher, 361 Fulham rd Court John, hot water engineer, 30 Brompton row Court —, gas fitter, Chapel pl Couteau John G. court hair dresser, 23 Brompton row Cowell & Son, butchers, 38 St. George’s pl Cowley Charles, cow keeper and dairyman, 28 High rd Cox William, butcher, 16 Middle Queen’s buildings Cox W. fruiterer, Chapel pl Cox G. coffee house, 34 Raphael st Crabb George, hair dresser and perfumer, 23 High rd Craft John, cheesemonger, 47 St. George’s pl Cravens Thomas, marble works, 457 Fulham rd Crawcour Lewin, furniture warehouse, 22 and 23 Queen’s bldgs. Creamer George, outfitting establishment, 7 Upper Queen’s bldgs. Creswick G. bootmaker, 6 Crawley ter Cribb Robert, the ‘Goat in Boots,’ 333 Fulham rd Cripps F. H. carpenter, Chapel pl Criswick G. boot maker, 59 Fulham rd Crops S. greengrocer, 36 Raphael st Crowfoot A. ‘Zetland Arms,’ Bute st Crowley Denis Martin, bookseller and stationer, 2 Crawley ter Currie James, tailor, 62 Grove pl Curtis Ch. greengrocer, 2 Pelham st Cutler Joseph, dairyman, 8 Park side Dacan, J. hair cutter, 15½ Clifton ter Daer, W. baker, 15 Montpelier st Dakin, Edmund, draper, 13 Middle Queen’s Buildings Dallen, J. tailor, Lancelot pl Dallibar, W. gasfitter, 331 Fulham rd Dancock, S. Samuel, ‘Model Dairy,’ 177 Fulham rd Davidson, James, baker, 15 Lower Grove ter Davis, A. coffee shop, 1A Yeomans’ rw Davies, R. eating house, 4 Sussex pl Davis and Flower, chemists, Post, money order office, and savings bank, 191 Fulham rd Day —, fruiterer, Chapel pl Dealesandri A. confectioner, 37 St. George’s pl Dean, Joseph, grocer and cheesemonger, 389 Fulham rd Dear, William, upholsterer and house agent, 30 and 31 St. George’s ter Deekes, C. Philip, potatoe warehouse, 1 Brompton pl Delany, J. stationer, 353 Fulham rd Dells, Misses, E. and L. fancy repository, 2 Rose ter Deneulain, W. F. milliner’s, 52 St. George’s pl Dennis, John, tailor, 15A Park Side Denolf, J. B. tailor, 6 Montpelier st Dickinson, G. John, house agent, 265 Fulham rd Dillon, E. stationer, 2 Alexander pl Dinwoodie —, draper, 37 Trevor sq Dobson, H. fishmonger, 17 High rd Doggett Martin, oilman, 14 Lower Grove ter Dore, T. confectioner, 339 Fulham rd Doughty, D. and W. biscuit bakers, 25 High rd Doughty, John, baker and confectioner, 12 Queen’s buildings Doughty, D. E. chemist, 4 William st Dowie, T. E. Berlin repository, 199 Fulham rd Downing —, floor cloth manufacturer, 6 Lowndes ter Drake, Noah, ham, beef, and shellfish warehouse, 13 Middle rw north Draper, T. wardrobe dealer, 3 New st. Duggin, I. Henry, tea dealer, 17 Queen’s buildings Druggan, James, wine and spirit merchant, 11 Middle row north Dummayne J. mantle warehouse, 15 Middle Queen’s buildings Dumbrell, George, ‘The Stag,’ 145 Fulham rd Dunbar, W. 10 Princes gardens Duncan J. boot maker, Brompton rw Dungate, Samuel, French polisher, 9 Montpelier st Dutton and Sons, boot and shoe makers, 3 and 5 Lowndes ter Durose, C. Daniel, tobacconist, 5 Knightsbridge green Dye, W. bricklayer, 27 Queen’s st Dyer, Joseph, ladies’ outfitter, 121 Fulham rd East Robert, cigar warehouse, 20 Albert ter Easy William, stationer, 7 Middle Queen’s buildings Eatwell J. ironmonger, 257 Fulham rd Eckert P. biscuit baker, 193 Fulham rd Edwards Robert, ‘White Swan Tavern,’ Gloucester ter Edward Jones, draper, 4 Onslow pl Edwards Williams, chemist and druggist, 5 Redcliffe ter Electric Telegraph Station, 22 St. George’s ter Ellaway John, star coffee house, 29 Brompton row Elliott R. dining rooms, 349 Fulham rd Elsworth John, estate house agent, 3 Trevor ter Emerton J. cow keeper, 7 Arthur st Emerton Jos. cow keeper, 19 New st Emery —, paper hangar, 2 Elm ter Emmins John, poulterer, &c., 11 Montpelier st Eslick S. coffee house, 27 New st Evans & Cooke, drapers, 55 Fulham rd Evens and Son, wine merchants, 54 Brompton row Fairweather, H. Wm. tobacconist, 8A Middle row north Farmer, C. ironmonger, 4 Clifton ter Farrell, Wm. tailor, 14 Crawley ter Fenton, A. milliner, 387 Fulham rd Fenton, F. tobacconist, 69 Fulham rd Field, W. chemist, 27 Queen’s bldgs Fitch W. builder, 1A Michaels’ grove Floyd Charles, grocer, 13 Clifton ter Flack, George D. brush maker, 365 Fulham rd Fletcher, Charles, watchmaker, 3 Redcliffe ter Fletcher, Elizabeth, wardrobe dealer, 21 High rd Folley J. baker, 23 Montpelier row Forman, Thomas, greengrocer, 16 Queen’s buildings Fowls, Thos. butcher, 14 Fulham rd Fox, Henry, wine merchant, 9 Brompton row Fry, J. builder, Chapel pl Fry, Stephen John, linendraper, 10 Crawley ter Garner T. B. fishmonger, 295 Fulham rd Gallimore W. plumber, 17 Montpelier st Garner B. T. butcher, 315 Fulham rd Garner Wm. butcher, 11 Bute st Garwood William R. ham warehouse, 3 Upper Queen’s buildings Gates and Son, job and post masters, 8 Sussex ter Gatti Leonard, ice merchant, 6 Upper Queen’s buildings Gaubert E. stationer, 151 Fulham rd Gay E. M. stationer, 4 Alexander pl Giles R. and Co., china and glass warehouse, 5 Crawley ter Gilmore H. draper, 43 Montpelier sq Gilmour Wm. draper, 35 Trevor sq Gissold Joseph, draper, 2A Upper Queen’s buildings Glanville F. chemist, 4 Montpelier st Glanville F. chemist, 3 Clifton ter Glaister —, veterinary surgeon, 16 High row Godfree Frederick, eating house, 3 Middle row south Godfree Frederick, dining rooms, 2 Middle row north Godfrey and Cooke, chemists, 26 St. George’s pl Godman Jas. baker, 1 Lancelot pl Golding G. W. butcher, 5 Montpelier st Gooch Jo. hosier, 25 Queen’s bldgs. Goodacre Geo. Jas. umbrella maker, 1 Montpelier st Goodered F. tobacconist, 2 Michael’s pl Gootling George, ironmonger, 1 Upper Queen’s buildings Graham J. draper, 19 Trevor sq Greasley William, fish monger, 21 Queen’s buildings Green E. china dealer, 28 Queen’s bldgs Green Jas. fruiterer, 5 Alexander pl Guttridge Wm. corn dealer, 291 Fulham rd Hall, Richard, hosier and glover, 44 St. George’s pl Halliwell, R. grocer, 11 Fulham rd Halslam Joseph, draper, 10 Middle Queen’s buildings Hamilton H. draper, 36 Trever sq Hamilton L. milliner, 31 Brompton row Hammond G. stationer, 6 Grove ter Hammond Walter, general draper, 325 Fulham rd Hammand William, ‘City of London Brewery,’ Park pl Hardy Benj. butcher, 3 Grove ter Harding William, Hope coffee house, 20 New st Hardy George, chemist, and Post office, 3 Alexander pl Harrison Charles, boot and shoe manufacturer, 3 Elm ter Harrod Charles H. grocer, 8 Middle Queen’s buildings Hart Frederick, house decorator, 125 Fulham rd Hartland F. grocer, 3 Lancelot pl Harvey Martha, grocer, Bute House, Prospect pl Harvey Nichols, and Co., carpet warehouse, 1 Lowndes ter Hatchett John, grocer, 11 Lower Grove ter Headen S. newsagent, 12 Park side Heald E. stationer, 453 Fulham rd Heath John, tailor, 262 Fulham rd Heath R. hatter, 25 St. George’s pl Heatherley James, trunk maker, 135 Fulham rd Heigham Sophia, pawnbroker, 5 Onslow pl Heinke H. G. upholsterer, 35 Brompton row Helling —, tailor, 18 Queen st Hemmings A. R. ‘Royal Oak,’ Raphael st Henwood and Co. dye works, 4 Schofield pl Herbert James, boot manufacturer, 1 Middle Queen’s buildings Herbet G. and Son, pawnbrokers, 20 Queen’s buildings Hetherington and Dennis, linendrapers, 10 Lowndes ter Hoblick E. tailor, 9 Charles st Hodgers C. coffee house, 18 New st Hodges S. F. surgeon, 4 Brompton rw Holderness H. draper, 10 Fulham rd Holloway James, sadler and harness maker, 23 Albert ter Holmes J. coffee and chop house, 7 Park side Holt C. upholsterer, 15 High row Horey Thomas, carpenter and undertaker, 23 New st Howell George, confectioner, 33 Raphael st Hubbard Alexander, furniture dealer, 317 Fulham rd Hughes W. butcher, 341 Fulham rd Humble Mrs. W. greengrocer, 12 Prospect pl Hume J. bread and biscuit baker, 11 Michael’s pl Humphrey Edwin, newsagent, 9 Middle row south Hunter Ann, ‘The Montpelier,’ Montpelier row Hutton J. tailor, 27 Trevor sq Hyams Henry, tobacconist, 5 Middle row south Hyde F. tea dealer, 20 Thurloe pl Jacobs Martha, ‘Cornwall Arms,’ 377 Fulham rd Jacobs S. watch maker, &c. 5 Park side Jackson C. and R. G. furniture dealers, Fulham rd James Duncan, hair cutter, 15 Clifton ter James George, boot and shoe maker, 1 Middle row north James —, boot maker, 2 Trevor sq Jannaway William, auctioneer, 38 Brompton row Jeffcoat Joseph, brush manufacturer, 9 Middle Queen’s buildings Jefferson M. milliner, 47A Fulham rd Jesse Charles, draper, 6 Onslow pl Jobbin Hen. baker, 17 Brompton ter Jolland Julia, French dyer, 12 Middle Queen’s buildings Jones E. dairyman, 43 Fulham rd Jones E. and Co., tea and coffee dealers, 87 Fulham rd Jones Henry S. dispensing chemist, 139 Fulham rd Jones W. ‘Black Bull,’ Fulham rd Jones William, wire blind maker, 159 Fulham rd Jones —, fruiterer, Montpelier row Junck H. sculptor, 46 Pelham st Keith Wm. plumber, 18 Montpelier st Kell Alexander, stationer and newsagent, 29 High rd Kelly F. trunk maker, 3 Park side Kemp Daniel, grocer, 11 New st Keysell R. auctioneer, 385 Fulham rd Kettle Nathaniel, boot and shoe warehouse, 91 Fulham rd Kibble F. G. goldsmith and jeweller, 36 St. George’s pl Kibble Thomas, ‘***,’ High rd {111} King George, 11 Elm pl Kirk Isaac, ham warehouse, 89 Fulham rd Kirke P. auctioneer, 19 Brompton row Knight J. muffin baker, 22 New st Knight Thomas, ‘Gunter’s Arms,’ 451 Fulham rd Knight Thomas, 5 Thistle grove Lathbury & Co., wine and spirit merchants, 28 Brompton row Lathbury John, ‘Red Lion,’ 9 Upper Queen’s buildings Land Ed. hatter, 12 Middle row north Larking C. upholsterer, 12 Crawley ter Launders John, tailor, 17 Clifton ter Laurence Mrs. H. milliner, 3 Rose ter Lewin Edwin, ladies’ wardrobe, 455 Fulham rd Lewis A. Mary, dining rooms, 3 Middle row north Lewis C. G. ironger, 1 Lowndes ter Lindsey Jos. boot maker, 30 Queen st Linforth Edward, hosier and haberdasher, 28 New st Linforth Edw. milliner, 1A New st Little J. tailor, 21 Trevor sq Little J. greengrocer, 161 Fulham rd Lockyer J. ladies’ outfitter, 8 Rose ter Lofting Henry, dealer in game, 2 Queen’s buildings Lorberg Charles Henry, surgical instrument maker, 5 Brompton rd Lownds T. Daniel, brush maker, 13 High row Luff Richard, chemist, Prospect House, Prospect pl Lye Thomas, wardrobe dealer, 3 Knightsbridge green Lynn Daniel, upholsterer, 2 Trevor ter McAdam, plumber, 1 Montpelier ter McAdam J. plumber, 38 Queen st McCall Samuel, draper, 11 Hill st McMillan John, draper, 6 Hill st Mayor John, boot and shoe maker, 2 Sussex ter Maiden Walter W. chemist, 12 Lower Grove ter Marchant William, dining rooms, Cromwell lane Marchant William, veterinary surgeon, Cromwell lane Markham Richard, van proprietor, 251 Fulham rd Marshall R. jeweller, 37 Fulham rd Marshall and Co., stay makers, 4 Park side Martin and Johnson, auctioneers, 6 Alexander pl Martyn W. surgeon, 14 Brompton rw Marioni J. confectioner, 13 High rd Mason James, ‘Hereford Arms,’ Hereford sq Masters Francis, linendraper, 41 St. George’s pl Matkin J. H. grocer, Yeoman’s row Matthews Susan, haberdasher, 11 Prospect pl Maydwell and Gay, builders, 1 Alexander pl Mayers Henry, baker and confectioner, 1 Elm ter Merrick George, carver and guilder, 7 Lower Grove ter Meyrick Thomas, harness maker, 35 Fulham rd Merriman H. cow keeper, 1 Queen st Merryweather Charles, tobacconist, 5 Clifton ter Messent T. confectioner, 61 Fulham rd Michels John, auctioneer and estate agent, 1 William st Milton Edw. tailor, 39 Fulham rd Miller C. eel pie house, 16 High rd Miller Robert, baker, 9 Fulham rd Mitchell R. draper, 19 Queen’s bldgs Morgan William, house decorator, 19 Albert ter Moreton William, harness maker, 249 Fulham rd Morse James, confectioner, 10 Queen’s buildings Mortimore Mrs. wardrobe warehouse, 39 Queen st Mortimer Henry J. dealer in game, 5 Grove ter Mortimer J. wardrobe warehouse, 32 Queen st Morris Frederick D. tobacconist, 10A Brompton rd Morrison Thomas, book binder, 24 New st Morton Thos. grocer, Cromwell lane Moore Edward, tobacconist, 6 Knightsbridge green Moore T. boot and shoe manufacturer, 50 St. George’s pl Moore and Bartlett, upholsterers, 6 Brompton row Moss William S. upholsterer, 187 Fulham rd Murray & Son, blind manufacturers, 11 High row Nash George M. bread and biscuit baker, 153 Fulham rd Neale J. upholsterer, 4 Middle row s Neale W. confectioner, 8 Park pl Nelson Richard, mourning establishment, 3 Brompton row New Jas. greengrocer, 3 Knightsbridge green Newham Jane, stay manufacturer, 4 Middle Queen’s buildings Nice H. confectioner, 6 Clifton ter Nice Henry and Co, cheesemongers, 319 Fulham rd Nichols Fanny, cheesemonger, 10 Arthur st Nichols Geo. appraiser, 9 Arthur st Nichols W. fishmonger, 31 Raphael st Noakes and Dines, auctioneers, 19 High row Noakes W. milliner, 73 Fulham rd Norman Charles, the ‘Rose and Crown,’ High rd Norman William H. wine and spirit stores, 21 Albert ter Nugent M. tailor, 19 High rd Nunneley Th. tea dealer and Italian warehouseman, 11 Crawley ter Nutkins George, ‘The Gladstone,’ Brunswick pl Oborne Wm. broker, 5 New st Oporto, Cadiz, and French Wine Company, 9 Rose ter Oughton T. auctioneer, 199 Fulham rd Owles and Beaumont, silk mercers, 4 Grove ter Padbury George, greengrocer, 7 Redcliffe ter Padgett and Son, wine merchants, 53 St. George’s pl Painton F. W. grocer, 8 Montpelier st Palmer Samuel, hair dresser, 4 Knightsbridge green Papps H. whip maker, 8 Middle rw s Papps J. milliner, 7 Middle row s. Parsons E. bookseller, 8 Queen’s bldgs Parsons James, baker, 10 Bute st Parsons T. baker, 4 Old Brompton rd Parr and Sons, boot makers, 16 Montpelier st Paskell S. W. picture restorer, 1 Glo’ster rd Patient W. silversmith, 8 Grove ter Patman H. Charles, hair cutter, 10 Middle row south Pausey A. tobacconist, 117 Fulham rd Pausey A. stationer, 127 Fulham rd Pegler Charles, ‘Two Brewers,’ 15 Queen’s buildings Perkins Charles, furniture dealer, 1A Michael’s pl Percival R. H. hairdresser, 9 Park side Perkins Henry, tutor, 38 Grove pl Perrins Joseph, whip maker, 8 Middle row north Phillippe J. hairdresser, 6 Lancelot pl Phillips Richard M. grocer and wine merchant, 4 Grove ter Philpot W. watch maker, 13A Park side Pickford & Co. carriers, 2 Middle rw s Pieroy Joseph, the ‘Brown Bear,’ High rd Piper John, Onslow dairy, 157 Fulham rd Pits T. draper, &c. 4 Queen’s buildings Plant Thos. plumber, 1 Sussex ter Plummer J. pork butcher, 1 New st Pocock Brothers, boot and shoe warehouse, 67 Fulham rd Pocock Brothers, boot manufacturers, 3 Queen’s buildings Pollard C. and E. chemists, &c., 1 Brompton sq Pope Richard, tailor and habit maker, 43 Brompton row Porter Rich. tailor, 15 Glo’ster rd Powell E. fruiterer, &c. 3 Sussex pl Powter James H. coffee and dining rooms, 81 Fulham rd Pratt E. beer retailer, 41 Fulham rd Pratt M. Berlin wool repository, 45 St. George’s pl Price —, boot maker, 7 Arthur st Prince Herbert C. umbrella and parasol warehouse, 147 Fulham rd Pring William, potato merchant, 6 Middle Queen’s buildings Pring Wm. fruiterer, 3 Montpelier st Prior James, confectioner, 2 Park side Prior Jas. tobacconist, 2 Park side Pritchard Julian, ‘Hoop and Toy Tavern,’ 22 Thurloe pl Pulling J. upholsterer, 1 Rose ter Rackstraw J. fishmonger, 5 Sussex pl Ramsay Daniel, bread and biscuit baker, 37 Raphael st Ramsay M. and E. Berlin repository, 10 Brompton row Ratcliffe Mary, grocer, 10 New st Rayment Charles, corn dealer, 13 Queen’s buildings Read Misses H. E. & A. booksellers and stationers, 7 Rose ter Rembges Hajie, French restaurant, 1A Brompton ter Rendell Francis, china dealer, 1 Thistle grove Rice William, baker, 22 Albert ter Richards James, tailor, 2 Queen st. Richardson Thomas, stay warehouse, 2 Redcliffe ter Richardson William, cheesemonger, 299 Fulham rd Richardson and Son, bakers, 26 Queen’s buildings Ridgway and Monk, carpenters, 1 Yeoman’s row Roberts George, stay manufacturer, 11 Lowndes ter Roberts Jos. mantle manufacturers, 7 Queen’s buildings Robertson Henry, boot maker, 12 St. Mark’s st Rogers George S. shirt maker and hosier, 2 and 3 William st Rolph George, greengrocer, 313 Fulham rd Rood Francis, marine store dealer, Lancelot pl Rood R. greengrocer, 13 Arthur st Rothwell D. butcher, 391 Fulham rd Rowes Alice, furniture dealer, 13A High rd Rubergall James, West Brompton dairy, 357 Fulham rd Savage Rob. fruiterer, 14 Park side Sawyer Jonathan C. fancy repository, 323 Fulham rd Scarnell Joseph, ladies’ outfitter, 14 Middle Queen’s buildings Scarff G. upholsterer, 173 Fulham rd Schneberger John, confectioner, 2 Sussex pl Scott R. carpenter, 20 Queen st Scott R. cow keeper, Cromwell lane Scovell George, tallow chandeler, 5 Queen’s buildings Searle J. William, letter cutter, 27 Seymour pl Shackell R. milliner, 26 Thurloe pl Shanly Daniel, coach maker, 311 Fulham rd Sharpe William, boot and shoe maker, 12 Fulham rd Sheen S. coffee house, 12 High rd Shepright George, linendraper, 14 Rose ter Shopland W. butcher, 9 Queen’s bldgs Sinfield William, cook and confectioner, 1 Redcliffe ter Sinkler Emma, pork butcher, 11 Queen’s buildings Skinner George, tailor and outfitter, 13 Queen’s buildings Slarks —, railway and booking office, 13 High row Slark W. watch maker, 2 Brompton pl Slater Robert, butcher, 1 Sussex pl Smart, M. brush mak. 133 Fulham rd Smeeton John, Pelham nursery, 99 Fulham rd Smith Charlotte, dining rooms, 247 Fulham rd Smith C. tobacconist, 2 Caroline rw Smith F. greengrocer, 297 Fulham rd Smith Richard M. cemetery marble works, 373 Fulham rd Smith Charles, upholsterer and undertaker, 1 Michael’s pl Smith William, baker and confectioner, 1 Grove ter Smith William, cook and confectioner, 27 Brompton row Smithers George, boot maker, 329 Fulham rd Snell Thomas, and Co. tea dealers, 10 Queen’s buildings Soames Edwin, pawnbroker, 113 and 115 Fulham rd Soames E. pawnbroker, 303 Fulham rd Somers William, boot maker, 2 Knightsbridge green Somerville Robert, cabinet maker, 2 New st Soole John H. chemist, 10 Middle row north Spencer, J. carpenter, 7 Montpelier st Spiller W. school, 32 Brompton row Spinner William, ‘The Fox and Bull,’ 10 High row Spreadbrow Ann, tobacconist, 20 High rd Stammers J. grocer, 9 Butt st. Stanley W. draper, 16 Queen’s bldgs Starr Henry, ham and beef shop, 17 Park side Starr J. cow keeper, 5 St. Mark’s st Starr William J. watch maker and jeweller, 3 Park side Stedman Charles, ‘Bell and Horns,’ 5 Alexander pl Steer W. carpenter, 3 Johnson’s pl Steggall W. draper, 363 Fulham rd Stevens George, baker, 1 Grove ter Stevenson Curtis W. family grocer, 24 High rd Stevenson Curtis W. grocer, 8 Queen’s buildings Stewart William D. milliner, 7A Middle Queen’s buildings Stewart John, baker and confectioner, 395 Fulham rd Steer Charles, tailor, 149 Fulham rd Stickland W. H. chemist, Pelham House Stimpson Mr. builder, 1 Brompton rw Stimpson T. ‘George the Fourth,’ 44 Montpelier sq Stocken W. undertaker, 1 Park side Stockley Wm. ‘Pakenham Tavern,’ Knightsbridge green Stratford Joseph, confectioner and family bread and biscuit baker, 8 Crawley ter Street J. china dealer, 337 Fulham rd Street R. J. ‘Trevor Arms,’ Trevor ter Suggett J. draper, 24 Queen’s bldgs Sutton William, linendraper &c., 49 St. George’s pl Surrey John, H. builder, 7 Elm ter Symons George, undertaker, 41 Brompton row Symons T. butcher, 169 Fulham rd Taylor George, ironmonger, 243 and 245 Fulham rd Taylor James, grocer, 6 St. Mark’s st Taylor James, house agent, 393 Fulham rd Taylor Robert, court hair dresser, 3 Brunswick pl Taylor T. wardrobe dealer, 53 Brompton row Taylor, Son, & Ferrall, auctioneers, 28 Thurloe pl Ternyhough Sarah, fruiterer, 1 Park pl Thitchener Thomas C. watch and clock maker, 18 Albert ter Thiselton H. draper, 1A Schofield pl Thomas C. draper, 2½ Brompton ter Thomas John, linendraper, 141 and 143 Fulham rd Tilling Joseph E. packing case maker, 259 Fulham rd Tilwayer Michael, tobacconist, 165 Fulham rd Tims W. carpenter, 32 Montpelier st Tipper Thomas, oil and colorman, 4 Redcliffe ter Tipper William, grocer and cheesemonger, 367 and 369 Fulham rd Toby Caroline, coffee house, 9 Queen’s buildings Todd William J. linendraper, 4 Lowndes ter Toor E. working jeweller, 3 Knightsbridge green Toplis M. stationer, 14 Queen’s bldgs Townsend Jos. A. tailor, 10 Prospect pl Trimbey William, tobacconist, 307 Fulham rd Tucker T. wheelwright, 18 Fulham rd Turner F. cow keeper, 1A Cottage pl Turner George, lamp manufacturer 13 Rose ter Turner J. ‘Rose Tavern,’ 4 Rose ter Turner Rbt. butcher, 57 Fulham rd Vaughin and Co. silversmiths and jewellers, 22 Park side Veitch James, Exotic Nursery, Fulham rd Verity David, lamp manufacturer, 15 High rd Vincent L. William, pawnbroker, 18 Queen’s buildings Vine Henry, carver and gilder, 327 Fulham rd Wadie Thos. veterinary instrument manufacturer, 32 Raphael st Waight and Son, watch makers, 129 Fulham rd Walker G. tobacconist, 1 Brompton ter Walker Hy. grocer, 301 Fulham rd Walker Th. stationer, 49 Fulham rd Walker William milliner, &c., 5 and 6 Queen’s buildings Walter Charles W. trunk and portmanteau manufacturer, 17 Albert ter Wallis O. A. hosier and glover, 42 St. George’s pl Ward Richard W. sadler and harness maker, 9 Brompton rd Warder W. greengrocer, 2 Grove ter Watkins R. tea dealer, 10 Clifton ter Fulham road Watkins —, tailor, 10 Queen st Watson Elizabeth, confectioner, 51 St. George’s pl Watts Charles R. ironmonger, 13 Lower grove ter Watts William, chemist and druggist, 71 Fulham rd Waud W. W. music seller, 5 Rose ter Wayt C. fishmonger, 16 Clifton ter Way Thomas, pork butcher, 14 Middle row north Webb Cowrade E. cheesemonger, 6 Queen’s buildings Webb Samuel, dyer and cleaner, 4 Crawley ter Webster Hen. fruiterer, 4 Knightsbridge green Weed H. printer, 5 Brompton row Wellicome R. butcher, 155 Fulham rd West George, baker and confectioner, 305 Fulham rd Westerton Charles, stationer and bookseller, 27 St. George’s pl White H. greengrocer, 2 Schofield pl White J. boot mkr, 293 Fulham rd White R. haberdasher, 45 Fulham rd White —, beer retailer, Middle st Whitefield Thomas, surgeon, 12A Middle Queen’s buildings Whitefoot Thomas, ‘The Bedford Arms,’ 1 St. Mark’s st Whiteman R. stationer, 345 Fulham rd Wilke G. baker, 4 Upper Queen’s bldgs Wickens Edwin, cheesemonger, 3 Middle Queen’s buildings Wilkes Henry, silversmith and jeweller, 28 St. George’s pl Wilkins and Son, Italian warehouse, 63 and 65 Fulham rd William Mark, toy warehouse 159A Fulham rd Williams E. ‘Sun Tavern,’ 26 High rd Williams Jas. hatter, 7 Crawley ter Williams J. cow keeper, 12 Rose ter Williams J. butcher, 12 New st Williams and Sons, boot and shoe maker, 30 Raphael st Williman Elisha, laceman and milliner, 1 Brompton row Willis J. trunk maker, 255 Talbot rd Willoughby Soloman, carriage repository, 12A Middle row north Willmore and Brothers, glass warehouse, 4A Middle Queen’s bldgs Wilson Alfred, breeches, gloves, & legging maker, 16 Park side Wilson Francis E. Pelham Bazaar, 101 Fulham rd Wilson R. boot mkr, 15 Fulham rd Windle H. bottle dealer, 9 New st Winfield C. coffee house, 10 Park side Wing M. haberdasher, 11 Michaels gr Wood J. chemist, 11 Queen’s bldgs Winter S. shoe mkr, 137 Fulham rd Wood N. greengrocer, 20 Montpelier st Wood W. Cecil, bookseller and stationer, 56 Brompton row Woodley John, sadler and harness maker, 27 Thurloe pl Woodward John, corn and coal dealer, 6A Middle row south Woodward A. greengrocer, 13 St. ter. Fulham rd Wrathall J. milliner, 13 Crawley ter Wren S. boot & shoemaker, 11 Park side Wright Geo. farrier, 17 Fulham rd Yaman and Cox, billiard table makers, 6 Queen st Important to Mothers, Invalids, and persons of Impaired Digestion. * * * * * BY HER MAJESTY’S ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. [Picture: Royal Seal] DR. RIDGE’S PATENT FOOD, FOR INFANTS AND INVALIDS, _Recommended by the Faculty_, * * * * * THE PATENT FOOD is so carefully and scientifically prepared, that it is immensely superior to Arrowroot, Sago, Tapioca, Bread, Biscuit, Corn Flour, or any other kind of farinacious food for Infants, not alone from its purity, strength, and great nourishing properties, but also from its having been PECULIARLY and THOROUGHLY cooked in its manufacture, which renders it more easily digestible. It cannot cause Acidity or Wind. It is very agreeable, and, from the nature of its composition, is exactly adapted to all conditions of the stomach. It can be made ready for use without trouble in two or three minutes. Mixed in Beef Tea, Milk, or any other fluid, the PATENT FOOD is pre-eminently suited to INVALIDS, from its wholesome and strengthening qualities. It is a real blessing, and from its remarkable cheapness accessible to all. _One Trial will prove its efficacy_. _It will recommend itself_. * * * * * Sold in Canisters, 4d., 8d., and 1s. each, With clear and full Directions both for Infants and Invalids. The largest contains four of the smallest. None Genuine without the Signature of the Patentee, J. J. RIDGE, M.D. * * * * * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL AGENTS, BOSLEY AND COLEMAN, Chemists and Pharmacists, 26, BROMPTON ROW, LONDON, S.W. AGENTS BY APPOINTMENT FOR _Dr. De Jongh’s Pure Light Brown Cod Liver Oil_. * * * * * When, from want of time or any other cause it is not convenient to apply to a Medical Practitioner, BOSLEY’S ANTI-SPASMODIC MIXTURE may be depended upon as a safe and efficient remedy for DIARRHŒA, CHOLERA, SPASMS, CRAMP IN THE STOMACH, and SICKNESS. It has been used during the last FOURTEEN YEARS with unvaried success. It gives speedy relief, and (unlike most other medicines) it is not disagreeable to the taste. * * * * * PREPARED ONLY BY BOSLEY & COLEMAN, CHEMISTS AND PHARMACISTS, 26, BROMPTON ROW, LONDON, S.W. in Bottles, 1s. 1½d., 2s. 3d., and 2s. 9d., with full directions for use * * * * * TESTIMONIALS. 40, Great Marylebone-street, W. _October_ 22, 1858. Sir,—Having for fifteen years been a sufferer from periodical attacks of diarrhœa and dysentery, I was induced, in August last, to try a bottle of your Anti-Spasmodic Mixture, and am pleased to say, with so satisfactory a result, that I feel myself in duty bound to thank you for the unspeakable benefit I have derived from the same. It is decidely the best remedy I have met with, for it not only performs a speedy, and, in my case, perfect cure, but it also has a property of giving instant warmth and comfort to the stomach, which other medicines I have hitherto tried have not possessed. I shall feel obliged by your sending me a large bottle, for I never mean to be without a supply of it. I am, Sir, yours truly, WILLIAM H. CHARLTON. To Mr. J. L. Bosley. * * * * * 52, Walton-street, Chelsea, _April_ 18, 1861. Dear Sir,—I have much pleasure in bearing testimony to the unquestionable efficacy of your Anti-Spasmodic Mixture. It is now six years since I first experienced its effect on myself for a severe attack of Diarrhœa; since then I have recommended it to a vast number of persons, all of whom speak of it in the highest praise, it having in every case given almost instantaneous relief. It is a great pity that you do not make it more generally known, for an article of such utility is deserving of and should have world-wide publicity. I remain, dear Sir, yours truly, CHAS. POOLE. To Mr. J. L. Bosley. * * * * * Brompton-square, S.W., _July_ 1, 1862. Dear Sir,—I am truly sorry your note of the 18th ult. should have remained so long unanswered. As you mentioned your intention of publishing your Anti-Spasmodic Mixture, I cheerfully forward you my testimonial as to its efficacy, for I have used it for many years past, and can safely assure you my family, upon all occasions when necessary to resort to it, have been effectually relieved by it, in fact I never knew it fail either on them or myself, in at once allaying every painful and spasmodic attack. If any testimony of mine can promote its general use in families I shall be glad, and give you full liberty to make any use you please of this communication. With every wish for your success, I am, dear Sir, Yours faithfully, L. H. COVE. To Mr. J. L. Bosley. * * * * * MR. J. HOLLAND, SURGEON DENTIST, 210, SLOANE STREET, _First House from Knightsbridge_. * * * * * THE ALEXANDRA BOUQUET, A NEW PERFUME FOR THE TOILET & HANDKERCHIEF, _Price_ 1_s. and 2s. per Bottle_. * * * * * MANUFACTURED BY BOSLEY AND COLEMAN, Chemists and Pharmacists, 26, BROMPTON ROW, LONDON, S.W., AGENTS BY APPOINTMENT FOR MONS. A. MOLLARD’S SULPHUR SOAP AND CREAM. * * * * * BY ROYAL LETTERS PATENT. * * * * * [Picture: Royal Seal] RICHARDSON & SON, BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKERS, 26, QUEEN’S BUILDINGS, KNIGHTSBRIDGE, AND AT 25, ELIZABETH STREET, PIMLICO. * * * * * PURE FARM HOUSE BREAD, Made by the much approved Dough Kneading Machine, admired for its simplicity of construction and Cleanliness in working. * * * * * Agents for the Osborne, Howqua, and Asam Teas. * * * * * FAMILIES WAITED UPON. * * * * * _Orders by Post punctually attended to_. * * * * * THE PIMLICO TRADE DIRECTORY. Abbott William, licensed victualler, 30 Warwick st Abrahart Hen. Will. tobacconist, 3 Warwick st Adkins William J. tobacconist, 8 Belgrave st south Adshead William, watchmaker, 25A Elizabeth st Aitkin F. bookbinder, 45 Warwick st Aldis Frederick, fancy repository, 20 Victoria rd Alexander G. dairyman, 11 Churton st Alice Francis, baker, 6 King’s row Aling S. A. stationer, 18 Sussex st Allcrofts Wm. gutta percha depot, 5 Bridge row Allen William, picture frame manufacturer, 31 Ebury st Allen Wm. cabinet maker, 4 Upper Tachbrook st Allen W. H. wine cooper, 38 Westbourne st Alsop Thomas, confectioner, 21 Grosvenor st Ambross D. the Goat, 6 Queen’s row Anderson Charles, chemist, 20 Lower Belgrave st Anderson Anthony, the ‘Belgrave,’ 1 Upper Ebury st Andrews S. hairdresser, 6 Wilton rd Applegarth John, boot and shoe maker, 26 Elizabeth st Arbuthnot Mrs. M. haberdasher, 2A Wilton rd Archbutt John, grocer and Italian warehouse, 26 Victoria rd Archbutt and Co., tea dealers, 24 Motcomb st Archibald Haswell, watch maker, 27 Elizabeth st Aris —, bootmaker, 14 Eaton lane n. Armfield Chs. A. working turner, &c. 25 Gloucester ter Armfield William N. dyer, 24 Lower Eaton st Armfield and Co., dyers, 11 Belgrave st south Armstrong J. and Son, tea dealers and grocers, 48 Rochester row Arnold J. carpenter, 66 Palford st Arnold Rich. engraver and printer, 26 Lower Eaton st. and at 11 Belgrave st south Artis C. D. poulterer, 16 Motcomb st Ascroft John, tobacconist, 12 Elizabeth st. south Alston J. greengrocer, 2 Sutherland ter Assar and Co. milliners, 84 Lupus st Astley Benjamin, tobacconist, 4 Upper Dorset st Atkinson William, tailor, &c., 71 Westbourne st Austin Amos, greengrocer, 129 Upper Ebury st Austin Emilie Agnes, toy, stationery, & fancy repository, 51 Warwick st Ayckbourn Fred. C. patent bed manufacturer, 14 Moreton st west Ayton Edward, harness maker, 7A St. Alban’s ter Back W. tea dealer, 4 Westbourne st Bacon F. J. gasfitter, &c. 16 Ebury st Badger Lionel, fruiterer, 14 Queen st Bailey Charles, newsagent, 53 Grosvenor row Bailey Wm. window blind manufacturer, 20 Lower Eaton st Baker C. S. A. architect and surveyor, 52 Lower Belgrave pl Baker Mrs. milliner, 13 Up. Belgrave pl Baker & Dowden, linendrapers, 17 and 19 Upper Eaton st Balding Mrs. Sarah, china and glass dealer, 14 Upper Tachbrook st Baldry N. bootmaker, 12 Moreton st w Ballard B. and Son, undertakers, 8 Upper Tachbrook st Banks John, perambulator manufacturer, 20 Gloucester ter Banton G. beer retailer, 11 Brewer st Barber J. bricklayer, 2 Wilton rd Barber S. greengrocer, 19 Bridge row Barnard J. tobacconist, 18 King’s rd Barnes J. tailor, &c. 10 Moreton st Barnes and West, linendrapers, 22 Warwick st Barrett Caroline, marine store dealer, 1 Upper Garden st Barrett T. baker, 34 Warwick st Barron C. tea dealer, 11 Moreton st Barry W. broker, 11 Bridge row Barry Wm. furniture dealer, 50 Upper Ebury st Barry William H. furniture dealer, 62 Upper Ebury st Batten Mrs. milliner, 36 Up. Ebury st Bartingale Mrs. E. rag merchant, 3 Elizabeth st. south Barton J. confectioner, 13 Queen st Barton Rich. auctioneer, &c. 12A Eccleston st. south Bartrop H. corn dealer, 4 Low Eaton st Bartrop Hy. baker, 43 Grosvenor row Barjon V. and Co. wine merchants, 41 Lower Belgrave pl Baskett J. butcher, 46 Grosvenor row Bass Thos. printer, 22 Admiral ter Bates W. greengrocer, 4 Effingham st Bath T. beer retailer, 17 Pasmore st Bath S. painter, 5 St. Leonard’s st Bath Robert, the ‘King’s Arms,’ 1 Stockbridge ter Batten J. hair cutter, 24 Up. Ebury st Baugham and Co., undertakers, 7 Stockbridge ter Baxter Jas. baker, 31 Elizabeth st Beal Esther, grocer, &c. 22 Brewer st Beal Henry, marine store dealer, 7 St. Leonard’s st Beal Mrs. hosier, 33 Warwick st Beanham Ann Mary, hotel and coffee house, 1 Westbourne pl Beckham Alfred, French dyer, 68 Upper Ebury st Beckham Alfred W. French dyer, 36 Upper Belgrave pl Bedwell B. greengrocer, 7 Rutland ter Beeching Joel, house decorator, 73 Hanover st Belgravia Pantechnicon, Motcomb st Bell John B. station and bookseller, 13 Upper Tachbrook st Bennett Abner, tailor, &c. 34 Upper Belgrave pl Bennett Challands, the ‘Rising Sun,’ Commercial rd Bennett G. greengrocer, 47 Westbourne st Benneworth Stephen W., grocer, 19 St. Alban’s ter Berry George, house and estate agent, 8A Motcomb st Berry Z. D. shoe manufacturer, Wilton rd Berry Z. D. ironmonger, 3 Victoria Rd Beresford —, watch and clock maker, 15 Allington st Best George, furnishing warehouse, 2 Bloomsbury ter west Betsy Mr. R. surgeon and dentist, 20 Ebury st Bevington J. W. 54 Cambridge st Bicknell Wm. chemist and druggist, 38 Ebury st Biden and Co. ‘Gosport Brewery,’ 1 Shaftesbury ter Biffin George, paper hanger, 121 Lillington st Binge Thos. pharmaceutical chemist, 23 Stockbridge terrace Billing J. butcher, 9 & 10 Queen st Bingham Thos. grocer, oilman, &c. 10 Upper Ebury st Birch Edward, stationer, 18A Elizabeth st south Bird Jno. L. grocer, &c. 8 Dorset st Bird W. S. grocer, &c. 19 Princes row Bishop Joseph, greengrocer, 23 Elizabeth st. south Bishopp Steven, brush maker and turner, 16 Churton st Bathurst Mrs. E. stationer, 76 Pulford st Black Ann, the ‘Feathers Tavern,’ Grosvenor st west Blackaller and Co. linendrapers, 3 Lower Eaton st Blackbeard and Peacock, drapers and hosiers, 4 Lupus st Blackburn Wm. glass and china warehouse, 59 Ebury st Blackburn W. F. stationer, 25 Motcomb st Blackmore J. L. watch and clock maker & jeweller, 9 Shaftesbury ter Blanchard George, greengrocer, 20 Upper Ebury st Blanden W. tailor, 5 Whitaker st Blanchard J. grocer, 15 Charlotte st Blizard T. builder &c. 7 Up. Ranelagh st Bloomfield J. bootmaker, 85 Lupus st Blore Jno. butcher, 5 Westbourne st Bodilly R. grocer, 7 Gloucester ter Bolton C. cabinetmaker, 8 Moreton st Bond H. carpenter, 11 Belvoir ter Bond H. upholsterer, 88 Up Tchbrook st Boncey Charles, the ‘Lord High Admiral Tavern,’ {123} Booker C. china mender, 4 Wilton rd Boon J. greengrocer, 11 Strewan pl Bosworth J. cheesemngr, 37 Churton st Bowden and Co. dyers, &c. 27 Ebury st Bowdon, coach builder, 15 Eliz. st. s. Bower W. upholsterer, 64 Lupus st Bowerman Mrs. Sarah, tobacconist, 15 Elizabeth st. south Bowers E. cheesemon. 22 Low. Eaton st Bowley Joseph, oil and colorman, 49 Grosvenor row Bowron W. cheesemonger and poulterer, 14 Churton st Bowron William, cheesemonger and butterman, 43 Grosvenor row Boulter R. boot maker, 1 Bridge row Boura M. dyer, 16 Grosvenor st west Boys Jas. tailor, 4 Moreton st west Bradbeer Jas. grocer, 21A Queen st Bradley & Bourdas, pharmaceutical chemists, 10 Pont st. & Belgrave rd Briant E. 1 Minerva st Bridge C. fishmonger, 26 Grosvenor rw Bridge Wm. greengrocer, 5 Queen st Brisco E. Balmorel Castle Rutland ter Broadbelt Thomas J. house decorator, 19 Gloucester ter Broadwood John & Sons, Grosvenor road Bromly John, grocer, 5 Caledonia st Brooke J. hosier, 18 Eccleston st s. Broomhead, carver &c. 95 Lupus st Brown Geo. C. milliner, 11 Up. Eaton st Brown Herbert, watchmaker and jeweller, 82A, Upper Ebury st Brown J. confectioner, 11 Queen st Brown J. confectioner, 9 Dorset st Brown Mary, grocer, 6 Bridge row Brown T. B. W. the Flask Tavern, Ebury sq. Brown W. ironmonger, 24 Churton st Bruce S. confectioner, 9 Moreton st Bryant Jos. butcher, 31 Churton st Bryant Wm. E. milliner and draper, 1 Minerva st Bryon Pet. upholsterer, 5 Belgrave rd Bull Thos. tailor, 3 Tachbrook st Burbidge G. greengrocr, 2 Windsor ter Burch John, boot & shoe maker, 87 Upper Ebury st Burgess W. auctioneer, 24 Sussex st Burke Thos. tobacconist, 11 Eccleston st south Burkett Josiah, butcher, 8 Churton st Burleton J. R. licensed victualler, Sutherland st Burman R. greengrocer, 22 Charlwood st Burrows & Co. Coal whf. Grosvenor rd Bushnell Sophia, Wellington tavern, Colshill st Button John, bookseller, 97 Lupus st Bygrove Geo. fishmong. 2 Queen’s st Cable R. builder, 1 Upper Dorset st Cameron G. baker, 14 Shaftesbury ter Camisasco A. coffee house, 13 Belgrave st south Campion William, fruiterer, 12 Eccleston st south Caple G. tobacconist, 72 Admiral ter Capel and Cundy, coal merchant, 6 Victoria rd. Office Wilton Wharf Card T. tailor, 9 Eccleston st south Carpenter Edward J. greengrocer, 21 Gloucester ter Carpenter John, tailor, 26 Lower Belgrave st Carr Mrs. ladies wardrobe dealer, 10 Lower Eaton st Carter —, tailor, 39 Westbourne st Carter Lucy and Son, tripe dressers, 37 Grosvenor row Carter Mrs. milliner, 17 Grosvenor st west Carter Mrs. Jane M. china and glass dealer, 101 Lupus st Carter S. coffee house, 20 Bridge rw Cassils Th. 2 Up. Tachbrook st Cattell Richard and Son, bootmkrs, 30 Lower Eaton st Cave W. J. ‘Crown & Anchor,’ Ebury st Chalkley Henry, dining rooms, 54 Chapter st Chalmers and Bain, milliners and dress makers, 8 Upper Eaton st Chandler William, greengrocer, 8 St. Albans st Chapman William, A. pawnbroker, 1 Queen’s row Chapple Edward, grocer, and Post office, 1 Ranelagh ter Chard F. J. pharmaceutical chemist, 39 Warwick st Chard F. J. chemist, 13 Eccleston st south Charles Thomas, fishmonger, 9 Arabella row, and at Lindsey pl Chelsea Ice Stores Charles William, tea dealer, 85 Westbourn st Charles Robert, tailor, 3 Ranelagh st Charles & Son, tailors, 22 Ebury st Charters Sophia, tobacconist, 17A Elizabeth st south Chater Wm. stationer, 9 Moreton st Chick Fanny Maria, fancy repository, 85 Charlwood st Chilly J. beer retailer, 2 Princes rw Chisholm Misses S. and A. Berlin wool repository, 7 Lupus st Clapperton F. artists’ colourman, stationer, & printer, 21 Elizabeth st Clark Helen, china and glass dealer, 20 Eccleston st south Clark John, ‘The Three Compasses,’ Upper Ebury st Clark Jos. fruiterer, 20 Warwick st Clark Robert, clothing establishment, 46 Admiral ter Clarke George, nurseryman and seedsman, 4 Windsor ter Clarke J. hairdresser, 9 Eaton lane n. Clarke T. butcher, 10 Strewan pl Clatworthy, John, grocer & cheesemonger, 74 Westbourne st Clayton E. livery stables, Hugh st Cleghorn Mrs. milliner, 68 Lupus st Clement H. tailor, 4 Upper Ebury st Clements John, greengrocer, 50 Grosvenor row Cleavers and Mist, Pimlico Cement works, Lower Belgravia Colham William, Agent to the Sun Fire office, 22 Stockbridge ter Cockerell E. L. coal merchant, 41 Warwick st Cockerell and Co. coal merchants, Eaton Wharf, Lower Belgravia Cockrill S. greengrocer, 17 Brewer st Cocks Samuel, ‘Marquis of Westminster,’ 24 Warwick st Coff C. J. furniture repository, 104 Ebury st Coff C. M. milliner, &c. 19 Ebury st Coff C. R. undertaker, 7 Elizabeth st south Coff J. C. upholsterer, 89 Ebury st Cole F. grocer, 19 Eaton lane north Cole John, dining rooms, 9 Upper Eaton st Coles Benjamin, bread and biscuit baker, 16 Vauxhall bridge rd Colley G. carver, 8 Upper Dorset st Collins, greengrocer, 10 Arabella rw Collins Charles, tailor and trousers maker, 5 Stockbridge ter Collins George Edwin, ‘White Horse,’ 67 Lupus st Collins Mrs. straw bonnet maker, 9 Gloucester ter Collins T. greengrocer, 74 Admeral ter Collins W. carpenter, Wilton rd Connolly J. tailor, 16 Up. Eaton st Cook James B. furniture dealer and bedding manufacturer, 56 and 57 Upper Ebury st Cook Thomas, fishmonger, 27 Shaftesbury ter Cook Thomas Henry, cheesemonger, 1 Rochester ter Cooke F. greengrocer, 13 Brewer st Cookman S. greengrocer, 26 Queen st Cooper Charles, baker and confectioner, 1 Lower Belgrave st Cooper W. greengrocer, 3 Up. Dorset st Copas Thomas, greengrocer, 12 Avery Farm row Cope William T. ‘The Pineapple,’ Westbourne st Coppin John, furniture dealer, 6 Charlwood st Cordery F. baker, 1 Avery Farm row Cornell William, cheesemonger, 3 Warwick st Corsham C. gasfitter, 26 Lwr. Eaton st Costiff Henry, baker, 4 Moreton st Costiff William, baker, 15 Sussex st Cotton F. cheesemonger, 44 Queen st Courtney James William, pawnbroker, 16 Lower Eaton st Courtney James William, furniture dealer, 18 Lower Ranelagh st Covington J. engine keeper, 24 Commercial rd Cowdery Martha, tea dealer, &c. 13 Gillingham st Cox F. N. wireworker, 8 St. Albans ter Critchett H. dairyman, 22 Sussex st Croft E. baker, 3 Westmoreland st Croft E. confectioner, 10 Grosvenor st Crouch Mrs. milliner and dress maker, 21 Upper Ebury st Crouchley W. beer retailer, St. Leonard’s st Cross A. hairdresser, 13A Allington st Crow John, furniture dealer, 28 Upper Ebury st Culling C. bootmaker, 38 Churton st Curling Richard, court lace cleaner, 29 Grosvenor st west Curtice Edward, wholesale newsagent, 4 Moreton ter Curtis Thomas, ‘The Devonshire Arms,’ 15 Moreton st west Curtis William, linendraper, 11 and 12 Warwick st Curtis William, tea dealer, 14 Upper Tachbrook st Dale J. clothier, 52 Grosvenor row Dalton M. M. milliner, 18 Churton st Daniel H. watchmaker, 18 Moreton st Daniel Nich. upholsterer, 5 Upper Ranelagh st. Daniels, bootmaker, 10 Brewer st Dansford Geo. brush maker, 30 Up. Eaton st Davis David, dentist, 7 Queen’s row Davis J. bookseller, &c. 44 Churton st Davies Thomas, bookseller and stationer, 17 Lower Eaton st Davies John, ‘Marquis of Granby,’ 7 Bridge row Davies O. milliner, 16 Dorset st. Davies W. fruiterer, 19 Low. Eaton st Davey William, picture dealer, &c. 27 Pembroke place Devey W. tailor, &c. 1 Wilton rd Day Hen. James, watchmaker and jeweller, 19 Queen street Day Joseph, bootmaker, 15 Lower Ranelagh st Day Rbt. tobacconist, 44 Hindin st Doan Henry, the Bay Horse, 34 Upper Ebury st. Death Hen. butcher, 18 Victoria rd Dell R. corn dealer, 4 Tachbrook st Dennis S. hosier, 8 & 20 Queen’s row Denyer J. dyer &c. 3 Shaftesbury ter Dent Wm. grocer &c. 34 Churton st Dickinson, Benj. straw bonnet mak. 25½ Lillington st. Dik T. bootmaker, 17 Dorset st Dines Geo. builder, Grosvenor road Dinham H. bootmaker, 68 Chapter st Dixon Thomas, furnishing ironmonger, 15 Lower Eaton st Dobbs Mrs. coffee house, 72 Lupus st Doble J. ‘White Swan,’ 1 St. Albans ter Dobson John, hosier, 22 Churton st Doidge Charles L. hair cutter, 8 St. Leonards st Dennant Frederick, sewing machinist, 6 Bedford pl Dorey Rich. grocer, 39 Tachbrock st Dosson G. grocer, 18 Moreton st west Doud M. H. stay maker, 23 Churton st Downey Mrs. plumber, 19 Elizabeth st Drake Henry, house decorator and plumber, 24 Moreton st west Drinkwater James, greengrocer, 59 Cambridge st Druce & Dale painters, 15 Lower Ranelagh st Dudman T. watch mkr, 8 Eccleston st s Duff J. general dealer, 19 Ebury sq Dunch Charles, Berlin and fancy repository, 60 Ebury st Dunfee William, ladies’ outfitter, 19 Victoria rd Dunkley Henry, boot and shoe manufacturer, and Australian merchant, 17 Queen’s row Dunsby Charles, perfumer and hair dresser, 17 Shaftesbury ter Durnford Danel, tobacconist, 102 Lillington st Durrant M. butcher, 16 Brewer st Dyke Charles, ‘Old King’s Head,’ 11 Arabella row Dyke H. wardrobe dealer, 3A Wilton rd Ealden & Co., dyers, 11 Gloucester ter Earwicker Mrs. Joseph, milliner, 99 Tachbrook st Eary R. stationer, 44 Westmoreland st Eatwell M. livery stbls, 1 Charlewood st Eastgate C. Thomas, booth manufacturer, 10 Upper Tachbrook st Eccles R. cheesemngr, 8 Gloucester ter Edmonds George, ‘Stanley Arms,’ 40 Westmoreland st Edwards Wm. brush manufacturer, 3 Gloucester ter Eddy Thomas, sadler and harness maker, 34 Ebury st Eichbaum George, wine and spirit merchant, 16 Sussex st Ekins J. bootmaker, 20 Grosvenor row Elliott G. greengrocer, 58 Cambridge st Elliott John and Alfred, pawnbrokers, 22 and 23 Queen st Elliott Wm. corn merchant, 24 Lower Belgrave st Ellis H. confectioner, 4 Warwick st Ellis Walker, potato merchant, 22 Shaftesbury ter Elison W. tobacconist, 21 Moreton st w Ely Geo. grocer and cheesemonger, 5 Westmoreland st Ely Wm. pork butcher, 91 Lupus st Emmens J. stationer, 8 Grosvenor st Emmott Jno. ‘Ship,’ Admiral ter Englefield Richard, cook and confectioner, 11 Lower Eaton st Equitable Gas Light Co. Lupus st Errington Chas. Rivers, fruiterer, 6 Arabella row Eshelby G. milliner, 1 Up Tachbrook st Evans A. and M. booksellers and stationers, 42 Tachbrook st Evans C. upholsterer, &c. 2 Lupus st Evans Geo. appraiser and upholsterer, 31 Warwick st Evans Mrs. ladies’ wardrobe dealer, 6 Elizabeth st south Evans —, job and post master, Lower Belgravia Ewer J. fishmonger, 18 Grosvenor row Fabbricotti Brothers, Carrara Marble works, Grosvenor rd. Facey, Jas. W., writer and grainer, 41 Tachbrook st. Facey Jas. Wm. Italian warehouse, 41 Tachbrook st. Fagan F. upholsterer, 10 Elizabeth st s Falkner, Mrs. milliner, &c., 11 Upper Dorset st Farrant, Richard E., brush maker and turnery, 16 Queen’s row Farrer, James, baker and confectioner, 3 Ebury st. Farrow, F. unredeemed stores, 17 Queen’s st. Fearis, George, linendraper, 1 & 2 Grosvenor row, & Westbourn st. Fearon, Edward, ladies outfitter, 5 Victoria rd. Fergusson, John, tea dealer, 33 Upper Eaton st. Ferrario, N. confectioner, 19 Stafford row Field, R. cow keeper, 47 Warwick st Fifield, W. cheesmonger and ham and tongue dealer, 7 Hugh st w. Filbee Mrs. Ann, cheesemonger, 13 Mereton st Filmer W. boot maker, 17 Belvoir ter Fisk Albert Henry, stationer, 10 Sutherland ter Fish C. plumber, 2 Princes row Fish Charles, builder, Cambridge wharf, Grosvenor rd Fish H. bootmaker, 6 Warwick st Fisher J. cow keeper, 95 Charlwood st Fisher E. dairyman, 28 Hindon st Fitzgerald Edward, cheesemonger and butterman, 4 Queen st Fitzgerald John, rag merchant, 8 Little Ebury st. Fitgerald John, tailor, 1 Bedford pl Flack C. marine dealer, Flask st Fletcher J. baker, 2 Charlwood st Flinn John, Grosvenor slate works, Lower Belgravia Foot G. linendraper, 6 & 7 Warwick st Footte R. R. chemist, 8 Lower Eaton st Formley, Bro. cement manufacturers, Medway wharf, Grosvenor rd Forrow G. grocer, 4 Ranelagh rd Forster Sophia, ‘Spread Eagle Tavern,’ Grosvenor rd Foskett E. bootmaker, 13 Allington st Foster Richard, ‘The Artillery Arm st {128} Fortescue George, baker, 65 Lupus st Fowler A. stationer, 5 Tachbrook st Fowler Edmund, commision stables, 18 Gloucestr ter Fox J. grocer &c. 29 Westbourne st Franks D. B. chiropodist surgeon, 41 Lower Belgrave pl Freeman, carpenter, 15 Belvoir ter Freer Ann, ‘The Monster Tavern,’ 1 St. George’s rd Freeman J. plumber, 8 Upper Ebury st Frewen E. hatter, 8 Grosvenor row Freyberg James, upholsterer and auctioneer, 11 Grosvenor st w Frisby E. bootmaker, 10 Eccleston st s. Frith James, bookseller & stationer, 44 Upper Ebury st Frostick Edward, ‘William the Fourth,’ Vauxhall bridge rd Fry, John, butterman, 11 Ranelagh st Fry J. R. W. grocer and Italian warehouse, 89 Lupus st Fryer Willam, greengrocer, 65 Upper Garden st Fuller J. chimney sweep, 5 Eaton lane Furrian Miss E. hosier, 78 Lupus st Gadd John, baker, 38 Hindon st Gander C. ‘Albion Tavern,’ 17 Sussex st Gauge W. and Son, pianoforte makers, 14 Upper Belgrave pl Gardiner Caroline, ladies’ outfitting establishment, 9 Grosvenor st w. Gardiner Mrs. baby linen warehouse, 9 Grosvenor st west Gardner E. butcher, 17 Moreton st w Gardner Edwin, grocer and cheesemonger, Bloomsbury ter Gardner G. builder, 27 Low Belgrave st Gardner J. china dler. 12 St. Alban’s ter Garrett Edward, chimney sweeper, 64 Chapter st Garwood John, ham and tongue dealer, 77 Lupus st Gascoine John, the ‘Constitution,’ 42 Churton st Gascoyne Henry, ‘Royal Clarence,’ 3 Westbourne pl Gautier L. J. dyer, 18 Elizabeth st Gawan Samuel, ‘Royal Arms,’ 16 Lower Ranelagh st Goal Charles, grocer and cheesemonger, 56 Chapter st Gedge L. J. cabinet maker, 12 Sutherland ter. Gerard J. boot maker, 15 Up. Eaton st George Street Private Bath, 22 Upper Belgrave pl Gibbons B. butcher, 28 Elizabeth st s Gibbons James, marine store dealer, 70 Chapter st Gibbons —, tailor, 22 Eaton lane n Gibbins Thomas, pharmaceutical chemist, 18 Lower Eaton st Gibbings Mrs. coffee house, 28 Low. Eaton st Gilbert David, hosier and shirt maker, 21 Queen’s row Gilbert George, pharmaceutical chemist, 20 Moreton st west Gilbert M. tailor, &c. 73 Pulford st Gilbert Mary, greengrocer, 34 Lower Ranelagh st Giles Dr. surgeon, 1A Elizabeth st s Gillet Wm. chemist, 42 Admiral ter Gillings I. French dyer, 34 Lillington st Girling J. linendraper, 14 Up. Dorset st Girling J. linendraper, 1 Sutherland ter Gisbourne J. hatter, 46 Warwick st Glover —, dairyman, 2 Eccleston st Glover Geo. dairyman, 6 Belgrave rd Godbold C. tobacconist, 7 Sutherlnd ter Goddard G. tobacconist, 5 Lit. Ebury st Godfrey Geo. ‘Royal Pavilion, 18 Howick ter Godfrey Wm. fruiterer, 4 Victoria rd Godsmark R. J. linendraper, 9 Moreton st Gooch Ellis, watchmaker and jeweller, 30 Churton st Gooding Thomas, boot maker, 9 Sutherland ter Gooding W. hairdressr, 3 Eccleston st s Goodwin Oratio, oil and colorman, 10 Rochester row Goodwin leather seller, 14 Eaton lane n Goodwin J. cheesemngr. 38 Up Ebury st Goodwin W. bootmaker, 15 King’s rw Gook J. T. stationer, 61 Cambridge st Gorringe F. linendraper, 21 and 22 Victoria rd Gosling Geo. G. bookseller, stationer, and newsagent, 98 Westbourne st Gosling and Jordan, booksellers and stationers, 25 Shaftesbury ter Gould Robt. tailor, 19 Churton st Goulden George, furniture dealer, &c. 25 Bloomsbury ter Gouldsmith & Sons, dyers, 2 Pont st Gouldson Henry, dyer and cleaner, 16 Eccleston st south Grant Arthur, furniture warehouse, 88 Upper Ebury st Grant J. Inspector of Nuisances, 25 Commercial rd Gray E. zinc worker, 4A Whittaker st Gray J. dairyman, 13 Ranelagh st Gray H. tea dealer, 13 Queen’s row Gray T. J. hatter, 9 Up. Tachbrook st Green Isaac, general tool and cutlery warehouse, 11 Sutherland ter Green James, tea dealer, Post office, 7 Eccleston st south Green J. brush maker, 82 Lupus st Green Sarah, ‘Foresters Arms,’ 27 Gloucester ter Green W. dairyman, 31 Up. Eaton st Greenland G. boot maker, 119 Lillington st Gregg Edward, foreign bookseller, 13 Grosvenor st west Gregory W. carpenter, 6 Eaton lane n Grice Marriott, baker and confectioner, 1A Hugh st west Grigson R. oilman, &c. 4 Warwick st Groombridge George, stationer, 30 Upper Tachbrook st Gross John, fruiterer, 40 Elizabeth st Grover G. tobacconist, 7 Queen’s row Groves W. tailor, 21 Up. Eaton st Groombridge Tirrell, confectioner, 22 Bloomburgh ter Guillaume F. A. bookseller and stationer, 36 Elizabeth st Guillaume and Co., Colonial booksellers, 42 Chester sq Gulliver Wm. chemist, 33 Lower Belgrave st Gunter Richard, pastrycook and confectioner, 23 Motcomb st Hague S. William, shirt maker, 2 Charlotte st Haines George, auctioneer, 12 Grosvenor st w Haines T. butcher, 30 Grosvenor rw Hales, C. boot maker, 16 Queens st Halfid A. C. watchmaker, 80 Lupus st Hall A. baker, 74 Colshill st Hall C. basket maker, 40 Queen’s st Hall J. J. butcher, 2 Shaftesbury ter Hall J. Wm. butcher, 19 Sussex st Hall James, greengrocer, 25 Lower Belgrave st Hall William, fruiterer & green grocer, 28 Elizabeth st Hall & Sons, butchers, 7 Charlotte st Halford N. greengrocer, 3 Pulford ter Handcock Charles, ‘Grosvenor Arms,’ Upper Belgrave pl. Handel’s Private Hotel, 24 Upper Belgrave place Harder W. marine store dealer, 1 New st Harness M. John, grocer, &c. 2 Effingham st Harper John, chemist & druggist, 2 Queen’s row Harris H. rag merchant, 58 Chapter st Harris T. clothier, 22 Grosvenor row Harris Valentine Sayer, cheesemonger, 73 Lupus st Harrison John, toy repository, 11 St. Albans ter Harrison R. grocer, &c. 21 Colshill st Harrington William, linendraper, 11 & 12 Upper Tachbrook st Hart C. bootmaker, 2 Commercial rd Hart Lewis, wardrobe dealer, 24 Shaftesbury ter Harvey H. bird fancier, 50 Queens st Harvey W. boot maker, 18 Wilton ter Harvey, carpenter, 2 Eaton lane n Harwood Abraham, French polisher, 80 Upper Ebury st Harwood, dairyman, 4 Tachbrook st Hassell Robert, confectioner, &c. 9 & 10A Moreton st Hasted Wm. butcher, 127 Lupus st Hastings George, cheesemonger & poulterer, 13 Churton st Hatchard Edward, statuary mason, 82 Upper Ebury st Hatchard F. W. surgeon, &c. 4 Upper Eaton st Hatt C. cow keeper, 15 Brewer st Hawgood James, pawnbroker & silversmith, 1 & 2 Gloucester ter Hawkins James, cheesemonger, 65 Westbourne st Haylock T. builder, 41 Grosvenor row Haylock Mrs. stationer, 41 Grsvnr row Haylock Mayle J. greengrocer, 48 Admiral ter. Haylock Mayle J. greengrocer, 3 Gloucester ter Haynes E. oilman, 7 Moreton st w Haynes William, fruiterer, &c. 10 & 12 Churton st Haward C. undertaker, 15 Queens st Hayward Miss, cornet maker, 16 Grosvenor st w Hayward W. fishmonger, 134 Warwick st Hayter E. coffee house, 31 Grsvnr row Hadland G. beer retailer, 16 Union st Hazell, coal merchant, Lower Belgravia, Ebury wharf Heaphy Thomas, Esq. 11 Hugh st and 11 Cambridge st Hearn Henry, hair dresser, &c. 86 Upper Ebury st Hearne H. tobacconist, 12 Allington st Heath James, dairyman, 11 Ebury st Heath Rich. upholsterer, 74 Upper Ebury street Heathcote A. stationer, 1 Ebury st Heather John, coffee & shop house, 1 Charlotte st. Heavens W. E. lamp maker, 1 Hindon st Helling T. tailor, 26 West st Hellings Edward, china and glass dealer, 3 Sutherland st Helms T. fishmong. 4 Providence ter Herbert Mrs. Maria, tobacconist, 21A Warwick st Hember E. cabinet maker, 2 Westbourne pl Herbert Jell C., corn dealer, &c., Moreton st w Hetherington John, linendraper, 40 Warwick st Hexter Henry, essence manufacturer, 15 Eccleston st s Hilbert Soloman, boot and shoe maker, 36 Tachbrook st. Hinckley R. cheesemonger, 10 Queen’s row Hipkins George, ‘King William the IV,’ 1 Caledonian st, Grsvnr row Hird J. boot maker, 8 Arabella row Hoadley H. linendraper, 13 &14 Victoria road Hoar T. confectioner, 3 Grsvnr row Hockley G. ‘George the Fourth,’ 14 Queen’s row Hoddle & Reeves, butchers, 15 Dorst st Hodges, hair dresser 50 Grsvenr. row Hodgson Miss, preparatory school, 32 Upper Tachbrook st Holdin Benjamin, ‘The Victoria,’ Lower Belgrave pl Holden P. outfitter, &c. 45 Queen st Holder W. fruiterer, 25 Churton st Hollebone & Son, ‘The Shakspeare head,’ 1 Lower Eaton st Hollis Joseph, cheesemonger, 6 Sutherland ter Hollards and Son, cabinet makers, Upper Ranelagh st Holmyard James, upholsterer, 3 Windsor ter Homles C. plumber, &c. 64 Lupus st Honeyball H. carpenter, 56 Lillington st Hooks Robert, grocer and cheesemonger, 131 Lillington st Hope C. greengrocer, 9 Charlotte st Hopwood John, ironmonger, 21 Stockbridge ter Horwood Robert George, greengrocer, 1 Elizabeth st south Hough J. hairdresser, 19 King’s row Hudson W. tailor, 7 Sutherland st Hughes & Co. grocers, 24 Elizabeth st s Hubble George, Berlin and fancy repository, 93 Charlwood st Hull E. grocer, 75 Upper Ebury st Hullams S. bookseller, 20 Lwr Eaton st Hund J. and Son, pianoforte manufacturers, 21 Ebury st Hunt A. dining rooms, 38 Grosvenor rw Hunt C. rag merchant, 32 Union st Hunt E. rag merchant, 57 Lindon st Hunt Edward, cheesemonger, 17 Gloucester ter Hunt M. newsagent, 73 Admiral ter Hutchings Henry, muffin baker, 5A Wilton rd Hutchinson Henry, grocer and confectioner, 75 Lupus st Hutchenson J. wheelwright, Grosvenor row Inglis and Anderson, watchmakers and jewellers, 22 Motcomb st Inwood T. tea dealer, 6 Moreton st west Ion Augustus, bread and biscuit baker, 2 Lower Eaton st Jackson John C. furniture dealer, 3 and 5 Moreton st west Jackson William, cheesemonger and poulterer, 16 Warwick st Jacobs William J. dealer in old gold and silver, 28 Ebury st James Edwin, brush and turnery warehouse, 22 Elizabeth st James John, carver and gilder, 10 Upper Belgrave pl James R. cheesemonger, 8 Victoria rd James S. tea dealer, 32 Grosvenor row Jaques William, pawnbroker, 101 Tachbrook st Jeans B. tobacconist, 9 Tachbrook st Jeeton Anthony, licensed victualler, 29 Elizabeth st Jeffries J. greengrocer, 2 Aylesford st Jenkins John, ‘The Old Chelsea Water Works,’ Upr. Belgrave pl Jenkins Thomas, marine store dealer, 20 Eaton lane north Jennings William, tobacconist, 27 Upper Ebury st Jepson F. furniture dealer 24 Gloucester ter Johnson E. fishmonger, 2 Elizabeth st Jekyll G. G. tea dealer, 13 Churton st Jolley A. umbrella and portmanteau manufactory, 9 Ranelagh st Jones David, butcher, 46 Coleshill st Jones Eliza, grocer, 5 Rutland ter Jones Richard E. herbalist, 9 St. Albans ter Jones Jn. tobacconist, 2 Belvoir ter Jones Robert W. corn and coal merchant, 7 Vauxhall bridge rd Jones T. bootmaker 25 Elizabeth st Jones T. E. lace man, 32 Churton st Jones William, dyer, 12 Victoria rd Jones, house decorator, St. Leonards st Jones —, Bangor slate works, Lwr. Belgravia Joseph Rose, dealers in British and Foreign lace, 10 Upper Eaton st Jupp J. L. greengrocer, 20 Upper Tachbrook st Jutsum W. C. plumber, 54 Westbourne st Keat J. ironmonger, 8 Elizabeth st Keating Mrs. fancy repository, 32 Upper Tachbrook st Kebble Charles, boot and shoe maker, 13 Belvoir ter Keene J. poulterer, 64 Coleshill st Kelson T. pork butcher, 10 Dorset st Kennedy Charlotte Elizabeth, grocer, 64 Westbourne st Kerrey P. R. greengrocer, 43 Coleshill st Kerslake John, boot and shoe maker, 18 Queen’s row Kettle Mrs. C. haberdasher, 5 Warwick st Kelk Mr. builder, &c. Commercial rd Kilpatrick J. tailor, 4 Charlwood st King F. greengrocer, 37 Hindon st King Henry, chemist, 1 Churton st King E. J. grocer, 1 Gullingham st King & Sons, builders, Roehampton pl King —, boot mkr, 21 St. Leonard’s st Knapp George, carpenter, builder, and undertaker, 2 Minerva st Knapp William, upholsterer and triming manufacturer, 17 Ebury st Knibbs R. tailor, &c. 21 Brewer st Knight C. milliner, 32 Tachbrook st Knight E. and J. lathwood merchants, Lower Belgravia Knight, William, ‘The Prince of Wales,’ 13 St. Albans ter Knott J. carpenter, 5 Lillington st Knowles E. grocer, 35 Lwr. Belgrave st Kohler William A. Italian warehouse, 10 Lower Grosvenor pl Kohne Mrs. L. stay maker, 8 Lupus st Kurr F. baker, 17 Upper Tachbrook st Lack T. carpenter, 29 Lillington st Lack Thomas, tobacconist, 27 Lillingston st Lainson C. linendraper, 102 Tachbrook st Lamare C. wine merchant, 51 Lower Belgrave pl Lambert Chapman J. timber merchant, Pimlico Wharf, Upper Belgrave pl Lambert Thomas, coal merchant, Upper Belgrave pl Lane George, ‘Duchess of Clarence,’ 1 Warwick st Lane J. butcher, 1 Westmoreland st Lane Wm. marble and stone works, 16 Admiral ter Lane J. 1 Stanley st Lance H. William, milliner, 19 Stockbridge ter Lannis C. ‘Royal Oak,’ 41 Eliz. st Larriban Jean, newsagent, 17 Low. Ranelagh st Lawford Wm. ‘Bricklayer’s Arms,’ 14 Elizabeth st south Lawrence T. corn dealer, 30 Queen’s st Laws Henry, baker, 9 Queen’s row Leach William, haberdasher, 26 Elizabeth st south Leany J. greengrocer, 50 Chapter st Lee G. boot maker, 27 Eliz. st s. Lee Mrs. wardrobe dealer, 4 Ranelagh st Lee Alf. coffee house, 21 Admiral ter Lee, Son, and Smith, patent cement works, Lower Belgravia Lemon John, boot and shoe maker, 22 Lower Ranelagh st Lendrum L. baker, 4 Sutherland ter Lester —, builder, 18 Motcomb st Levey and Co., coal merchants, 17 Grosvenor st west Lewer Henry, bookbinder, 33 Low. Ranelagh st Lewer F. H. tobacconist, 27 Admiral ter Lewis Jno. grocer, 4 Commercial rd Lewis John G. oil and colorman, 14 Moreton st Lewis R. tobacconist, 10 Ranelagh st Lewis T. butcher, 3 Sutherland ter Liddell Mrs. E. hosier &c. 16 Moreton st w Lidgate A. butcher, 13 Warwick st Lidstone & Co. butchers 4 Motcomb st Liggins J. tbccnst. 16 Up. Tchbrook st Lillywhite R. dairyman, 4 Caledonian st Littleton F. saw mkr. 18 St. Alban’s ter Lloyd Miss S. milliner, 4 Churton st Lloyd & Co. marble works, Grosvenor rd Lockyer A. greengrocer, 3 Moreton st Logan Thos. marine store dealer, 7 Eaton lane north Lomath Thomas, greengrocer, 23 Lower Ranelagh st Long Geo. pharmaceutical chemist, 11 High st w. & 11 Cambridge st Longden Wm. tailor, 22 Eccleston st s Louis G. Vedy, newsagent and tobacconist, 7 Brittania ter Love T. marine store dealer, 11 Dorset st Lovegrove James R. bookseller, &c. 12 Motcomb st Lovelace F. fruiterer, 71 Lupus st Lowdey Wm. baker, 7 Ebury sq Lowman R. A. newsagent &c. 1 Flask rw Lownds Jno. watch maker, 5 York pl Lackman W. milliner, 1A Sutherland st Lucus E. butcher, 100 Lillington st Lush S. china dealer, 12 Moreton st Lyde John Wm. oilman, 7 Churton st Lye L. Mary, confectioner, 10 St. Albans ter Lynch Mrs. stationer, 57 Coleshill st McBain A. baker, 11 Motcomb st McCurrey R. builder, 7 Upr. Dorset st McIlwrath W. builder, 10 Moreton st McManus Felix John, provision merchant, 14 Motcomb st McMillon James, lamp manufacturer, 12 Grosvenor row McMullen Alexander, china and glass dealer, 36 Grosvenor pl McVicker, Peter, paper hanging warehouse, 34 Grosvenor row Malison T. tea dealer, 32 Warwick st Mace J. boot & shoe mkr, 107 Lupus st Mackey J. house agent, 53 Upr. Ebury st Mackay James Hayward, china and glass warehouse, 6 Motcomb st Magnus —, Pimlico slate works Magson R. furniture dealer, 18 Queen st Malthouse and Son, boot and shoe makers, 15 Motcomb st Main William D. lead warehouse, 4 Eccleston st south Mandry W. greengrocer, 11 Dorset st Manning R. boot & shoe mkr. 1 Ebury st Mares William, house and estate agent, 21 Lower Belgrave st Margrie James, clothing establishment, 1 Bloombury ter west Marks & Co. hatters, 17 Grosvenor row Marlow J. rag merchant, 2 Upr Ebury st Marriott Henry J. ‘Victoria the First,’ 29 Lower Ranelagh st Marshall Mrs. linendraper, 42 Grosvenor row Martin A. poulterer, 5 Lower Eaton st Martin W. cheesemonger, 16 Victoria rd Mason James, baker and Post office, 109 Lupus st Matthews Charles J. tobacconist, 1 Windsor ter Matthews S. J. butcher, 69 Lupus st Mattick H. J. dairyman, 19 Moreton st Maunder I. P. grocer, 1 Allington st Mawer and Co. cabinet makers &c. 9 Victoria rd Mayston G. corn dealer, 5 Tachbrook st Mead I. ‘Greyhound Tavern,’ High st Mead J. linendraper, silk mercer, hosier, shawl man, &c. 5 Warwick st Melchior G. basket mkr, 66 Chapter st Metcalfe W. linendraper, 79 Lupus st Meyrick Edward Stanton, West London wine stores, 7 Queen st Miette H. tobacconist, 96 Westbourne st Middletom Samuel, ‘The Union Tavern,’ 21 Queen st Mikisck Dr. A. accoucheur, &c. 16 Stockbridge ter Miles Mrs. R. toy dealer, 39 Tachbrook st Miller John, carpet, cabinet, and bed manufacturer, 15 and 16 Shaftesbury ter Miller Richard, baker, 42 Queen st Miller Robert, tailor, 1A Howick pl Minns Eliz. ‘George the Fourth,’ 1 St. Alban’s ter Mitchell Elizabeth, greengrocer, 63 Upper Ebury st Mitchelson Henry, butterman, 50 Cambridge st Moginie C. watchmaker, 7A Stockbridge ter Moir A. baker, 84 Westbourne ter Molland Keith J. biscuit baker, 1 St. Albans ter Monk F. cheesemonger, 6 Eccleston st s Morgan James Isaac, egg and provision merchant, 9 Grosvenor rw Morgan T. tea dealer, 129 Lupus st Morley H. dealer in curiosities, 5 Grosvenor st west Morris H. bird fancier, 13 Gloucester ter Morley Thomas, ham and tongue dealer, 5 Queen’s row Morse Henry, baker and confectioner, 10 Ebury st Moss E. chimney sweep, 8 Eaton lane n Moss H. T. baker, 7 & 8 Ranelagh st Mosson Henry, saddler and harness maker, 1 Arabella row Mowtell Henry, upholsterer, 95 Westbourne st Moy John, ‘Royal Standard,’ 32 Stockbridge ter Mumford J. H. tobacconist, 12 Queen st Murgatroyd, undertaker, 20 Stafford rw Morrell Martha, tobacconist, 24 Stockbridge ter Musgrove Christopher F. baker and confectioner, 6 Belgrave rd Naylor John, draper, 99 Lupus st Naylor, boot maker, 21 Eaton lane n Neave Miss, milliner, 12 Low. Eaton st Neill Jas. confectioner, 4 Bridge row Neill W. curiosity dealer, 24 Eccleston st south Newman W. bootmaker, 47 Coleshill st Nichols W. china dealer, 12 Queen’s rw Nicholson and Son, builders, 43 Upper Ebury st Noad Charles, boot and shoe maker, 17 Churton st Noble Richard E. builder and decorator, 14 Eccleston st south Norman H. watchmaker, 11 Queen’s rw Norris Edward, ham and tongue dealer, 16 Elizabeth st Nutt James Arthur, baker and grocer, Aylesford st O’Brien James, dyer, 17 Churton st O’Connell D. statner. 66 Westbourne st Oddy E. grocer, 2 Graham st west Oldfield E. and Son, sadlers and harness makers, 1 Motcomb st Oram Robert ‘The Warwick Arms,’ 14 Gillingham st Ord J. C. cheesemonger, 103 Luke st Otten L. ‘Equitable,’ Up. Dorset st Oulds W. tallow chandler, 19 Brewer st Over John, oil and Italian warehouse, 14 Grosvenor row Owen Adam Emberg, cook and confectioner, 35 Churton st Owen Wm. tailor, &c. 40 Hindon st Padgett and Son, wine merchants, Motcomb st Page R. S. bookseller and stationer, 15 Warwick st Paice Mrs. fancy repository, and Berlin wool do. 7 Victoria rd Paice W. dairyman, 13 Stockbridge ter Palmer J. plumber, &c. 50 Warwick st Palmer Mrs. wardrobe dealer, 24 Admiral ter Pannett Charles H. ironmonger, 12 Stockbridge ter Parker T. tailor, 20 Elizabeth st Parnell G. W. pharmaceutical chemist, 11 Victoria rd Parrett A. greengrocer, 43 Queen st Parsons John, baker, 44 Churton st Parton John, linendraper and hosier, 3 and 4 Queen’s row Partridge John, ‘Eccleston Arms,’ 1 Eccleston st south Partridge Misses Susannah and Ann Poole, Berlin wool repository, 83 Lupus st Paul T. Joseph, auctioneer, &c. 73 Upper Ebury st Payne C. J. ironmonger, 66 Lupus st Payne J. dining rms. 26 Shaftesbury ter Payne Mrs. Emily, boot and shoe maker, 20 Churton st Payne T. J. tailor, &c. 27 Grosvenor st w Peacock J. E. tailor, &c. 12 Up. Eaton st Pearce Alf. homœopathic chemist, 13 Lower Eaton st Pearce Dr. C. surgeon, 13A Low. Eaton st Pearcer William, boot and shoe maker, 11 Moreton st west Pearl J. W. dealer in wire, 32 Up. Eaton st Pearson W. grocer, 3 Providence ter Pellas and Co. marble merchants, Lower Belgravia Peirson G. boot maker, 3 Arabella row Pendle S. fishmonger, 1 Warwick st Pentor S. baker, 5 Lupus st Perks Henry, provision warehouse, 34 Lower Belgrave st Perry G. greengrocer, 10 Charlewood st Perry J. lace manufacturer, 20 Ebury st Peters G. greengrocer, 5 Grosvenor rw Pethick P. Nicholas, the ‘King’s Arms,’ Ranelagh st Pellepher A. butcher, 35 Warwick st Page J. stationer, 134 Stanley st Page P. S. stationer, 15 Warwick st Pike James, ironmonger, gasfitter, stove and range manufacturer, 35 Grosvenor rd Pillinger Britton, sewing machinist, and portmanteau manufacturer, 21 Upper Tachbrook st Piper M. tea dealer, 10 Warwick st Pitt Benjamin, gasfitter, and bell hanger, 16 Upper Belgrave pl Pitt Catherine, china dealer, 14 Lower Ranelagh st Pitts J. butcher, 7 Up. Tachbrook st Phillips A. dairyman, 15 Moreton st Phillips C. butcher, 14½ Brewer st Phillips J. dairyman, 8 Charlewood st Phillips T. baker, 33 Grosvenor pl Phipp G. printer, 35 Up. Ranelagh st Phipps J. butcher, 26 Low. Belgrave pl Pocock Brothers, boot and shoe maker, 48 Grosvenor row Polkinhorn Edward, fancy repository, 27 Churton st Polts Lucy, Italian warehouse, 13 St. Alban’s ter Porter Francis, tea dealer and grocer, 32 Elizabeth st Porter W. chimney sweep, 18 Eaton lane north Powell S. G. house decorator, 15 Upper Belgrave pl Pownceby James, wine merchant, 1 Upper Eaton st Prangnall M. baker, 31 Westbourne st Pratt Anthony, corn dealer and baker, 70 Lupus st Pratt Robert, dairyman, 39 Eliz. st Pratt Thos. tailor, Cambridge st Pratt W. and Son, tea dealers, &c. 103 Lupus st Preece Caleb, bookseller and stationer, 4 Gloucester ter Preston Joseph, grocer and cheesemonger, 5 Admiral ter Preston Jos. baker, 6 Admiral ter Preston Mrs. stay maker, 16 Belvoir ter Price Charles, newsagent and tobacconist, 6 Shaftesbury ter Price Edward, baker and confectioner, 81 Upper Ebury st Price E. oilman, 45 Coleshill st Price Geo. Knigh and Sons, butchers, 23 Shaftesbury ter Price J. Edward, wholesale oilman, 30 Upper Ebury st Price Richard, milliner and fancy warehouse, 22 King’s row Price R. butcher, 15 King’s row Price Thomas, lace warehouse, 3 Bloomsbury ter west Priest Sam. hosier, 49 Queen st Primmer R. general shop, Eaton lane n Priseman John, corn dealer, 38 Tachbrook st Pym Wm. tea dealer and Italian warehouse, 9 High st west Pyne —, grainer, 49 Westbourne st Quarterman William, coffee house, 24 Grosvenor row Quick J. H. hatter, 21 King’s row Quick Mrs. J. H. milliner, 4 Arabella row Quinnell G. and John, corn merchants, 6 Gloucester ter Rabbitt E. H. boot and shoe manufacturer, 18 Warwick st Raddenbury F. fruiterer and greengrocer, 82 Charlwood st Radford F. baker, 37 Upper Ebury st Rastall and Son, general newspaper office, 24 Ebury st Rawlings Maller, general shop, 10 Allington st Rawlings W. coal merchants, Wilton rd Ray J. coffee house, 31 Stockbridge ter Rayment J. fishmonger, 33 Churton st Rayner Charles, 26 Motcomb st Rayner I. milliner, 35 Upr. Belgrave pl Rayner Charles, brush, brush case and boottreemaker, 26 Motcomb st Redrup Wm. coal and corn merchant, & greengrocer, 131 Lupus st Reed J. hair dresser, 33 Queen st Rees A. H. watchmaker and jeweller, 19 Queen’s row Reeve George Blucher, china and glass dealer, 6 Tachbrook st Reid J. upholsterer, 2 Upper Eaton st Reid William, portmanteau and trunk manufacturer, 87 Lower Belgrave pl Revell Mrs. Sarah, boot and shoe maker, 8 Stockbridge ter Ride W. tobacconist, 60 Ebury st Rice’s —, livery stables, Motcomb st Richard J. B. tea dealer, 5 Motcomb st Richard C. confectioner, 7 Tachbrook st Richards James, trunk and portmanteau manufacturer, 5 Shaftesbury ter Richards—, draper, 14 St. Albans ter Richardson Mary, cow keeper, 26 Stockbridge ter Richardson Robert, cheesemonger, 8 Charlotte st Richardson and Son, bakers, 25 Elizabeth st south Richardson, upholsterer, 1A Caroline st Ricketts J. corn and flour factor, 10 Victoria rd Rickon R. toy dealer, 25 Grosvenor row Ridge William, corn merchant and mealman, 15 Grosvenor row Risdon Mr. dentist, 3 Arabella row Rist E. greengrocer, 2 Ranelagh rd Rist Joshua, baker, 3 Ranelagh rd Ritchie C. tobacconist, 15 Victoria rd Roach H. linendraper, 25 Victoria rd Robbins Sarah, grocer, 52 Hindon st Robinson F. R. grocer, 27 Hindon st Robert John, harness maker, 45 Admiral’s ter. Roberts Jos. bookseller, stationer, and newsagent, 2 Arabella row Roberts J. W. grocer, oilman, and cheesemonger, 5 Up. Dorset st Roberts W. locksmith, Lit. Ebury st Roberts T. and Son, linendrapers, 111 Lupus st Robertson and Edmunds, brush warehouse, 49 Warwick st Rogers and Leaver, coffee house, 23 Eccleston st south Rodman Steven, old iron merchant, St. Alban’s ter Rogers C. dining rooms, 13 Victoria rd Rogers T. newsagent, etc. 9 Bridge rw Rogers T. J. confectioner, 7 Bridge rw Roe R. coffee house, 27 Stockbridge ter Roe —, beer retailer, Allington st Rogers and Co., corn and coal merchants, 2 Motcomb st Rosaspini Peter L. tailor, &c. 10 Allington st Rosier J. firewood dealer, Grosvenor rd Rounds Mrs. stay maker, 8 Moreton st w Row Hy. butcher, 23 Grosvenor rw Rowden Mrs. milliner, 17 Low. Eaton st Rowland John, boot and shoe manufacturer, 15 Westbourne st Rowland Mrs. grocery 20 Queen st Rowley E. tobacconist, 12 St. Alban’s ter Rushworth Wm. commission agent, 19 Churton st Ruskin John, grocer, 12 Strewan pl Ruslak John, Queen’s row Russell George, pianoforte warehouse, 28 Churton st Rutheven James, confectioner, 89 Charlwood st Rutter Mrs. milliner, 19 Upper Tachbrook st Salter H. confectioner, 47 Up. Ebury st Salter S. tobacconist, 13 Brewer st Salter Wm. tea dealer, 1 Eaton lane n Salter W. confectioner, 20 Charlwood st Salter’s livery stables, Hobart pl Sandiford Benjamin, boot maker, 11 Lillington st Sankey Jane, dining rooms, 26 Shaftesbury ter Sansom Mrs. Mary, dining rooms, 22 Moreton st west Sargeant D. beer retailer, 7 Grosvenor r. Saunders John, 23 Low Belgrave st Savage A. upholsterer, &c. 74 Lupus st Schmid C. H. cabinet maker, 8 Sutherland ter Schmitt H. shoe maker, 35 Lower Ranelagh st Schneberger Johannes, baker, 13 Elizabeth st south Seaborne Mary, draper, 41 and 42 Upper Ebury st Seibel R. baker, 42 Westmoreland st Senior J. tea dealer, 10 Grosvenor row Sewell John, account book manufacturer, 11 Stockbridge ter Sewell —, livery stables, Princes row Shanks —, carriage repository, 19 and 20 Shaftesbury ter Sharp James, sadler and harness maker, 11 Elizabeth st south Sharp Wm. dairyman, 80 Hanover st Shaw A. greengrocer, 24 Westbourne st Shayer Isaac, hosier, 2 Victoria rd Sheerman H. tobacconist and snuff manufacturer, 27 Grosvenor row Shenton W. cheesemonger, 9 Eliz. st s Shepherd Wm. tailor, 7 Motcomb st Shepherd D. beer retailer, 31 Queen st. Sherlock Chas. butcher, 48 Queen st Sherriff J. F. tea dealer, 13 Sutherland ter Shingleton Emily, milliner, 3 Upper Tachbrook st Short and Co., ‘Foresters’ Arms,’ 49 Upper Ebury st Side J. coffee house, 5 Sutherland st Silver J. baker, 4 Whitaker st Simpson R. tailor, 75 Lillington st Simpson & Co. engineers, Grosvenor rd Singfield J. fruiterer, 94 Westbourne st Slann E. grocer, &c. 15 Wilton ter Slark Robt. baker, 23 Warwick st Slater R. butcher, 42 Lower Belgrave pl Sloan Mrs. Jane, ladies’ and childrens’ outfitter, 21 Motcomb st Slowly and Botevyle, court hair dressers and perfumers, 6 Lupus st Skevington John Wm. butcher, 54 Cambridge st Skinner W. baker, 45 Grosvenor row Smallman William, auctioneer, 18 Lower Eaton st Smallman —, builder, 2 Eaton lane n Smith D. H. bookseller, 20 Stafford row Smith Dr. D. surgeon, 32A Up Belgrave p Smith E. pawnbroker, 17 Victoria rd Smith E. tobacconist, 3 Up Eaton st Smith G. confectioner, 22 Glos’ter ter Smith George Henry, fishmonger and poulterer, 30 Elizabeth st Smith G. T. builder, 21 Warwick st Smith J. greengrocer, 1 Moreton st w Smith J. ironmonger, 3 Ranelagh ter Smith J. cow keeper, 59 Up. Ebury st Smith J. jun. dairyman, 66 Coleshill st Smith P. oilman, 25 Lower Eaton st Smith Palmer, oil and Italian warehouse, 10 Stockbridge ter Smith Samuel, corn merchant, 19A Elizabeth st south Smith T. B. tailor, 97 Ranelagh st Smith Th. dyer, 10 Moreton st west Smith T. S. tobacconist, 81 Lupus st Smith W. hairdresser, 31 Up Tchbrook st Smith Wm. tobacconist, 28 Queen st Smith W. H. milliner, 44 Warwick st Smyth and Youens Misses, milliners, 13 Motcomb st Smyth J. G. ‘Perseverance,’ 1 Lupus st Snell Thos. and Chas. tea dealers, 28 Grosvenor row Snelling Thomas, furniture dealer, 54 Upper Ebury st Snow J. hair dresser, 18 Lillington st Snow T. zinc worker &c. 7 Providence ter Southen Alf. draper, 6 Rochester ter Sowerby Thomas B., pawnbroker, 3 and 4 Grosvenor row Sparkes Charles, baker and confectioner, 56 Cambridge st Spratt H. boot maker, 4 Ranelagh ter Sparrow E. J. W. chemist, 2 Ranelagh ter Spauls —, undertaker, 1 Kemp’s row Spinner Geo. fruiterer, 20 King’s rw Spires W. ‘General Havelock,’ West st Spring J. coffee house, 16 Pembroke pl St. Leonard’s Chapel, St. Leonard’s st Standish B. greengrocer, 3 Queen st Stearman Dennis, carpenter and builder, 75 Coleshill st Steel W. F. practical optician, and watch and clock maker, 2 Rochester ter Steinhardt C. ‘King’s Arms,’ 46 Ebury st Stephens J. tailor, 20 Elizabeth st s Stevens Henry, ‘Plumbers’ Arms,’ 37 Lower Belgrave st Stevens H. tailor, 15 St. Alban’s ter Stevens R. confectioner, 5 Arabella rw Steward W. tobacconist, 17 Moreton st Stimates E. plumber, 16 King’s row Stirrap C. gener deler, 2 Avery Farm rw Stocken’s coach manufactory, 19 Eccleston st south Stockwell Eliz. wardrobe dealer, 18 Westbourne st Stone Robert, tailor and trimming seller, 40 Upper Ebury st Stringer J. chemist, 11 Grosvenor rw Stroud Jane R. fancy repository, 16 Pembroke pl Stroud J. ‘Clarendon,’ Cambridge st Stuart Mrs. Jane, baker and confectioner, 6 Stockbridge ter Stubbings Mrs. Mary A. poulterer, 7 Arabella row Suffolk S. watchmaker, 4 Elizabeth st s Summers E. baker, 3 Motcomb st Sutton J. chemist, 12 Shaftesbury ter Swainster John, ‘Bag of Nails Tavern,’ 1 Victoria rd Sympson A. J. tailor, 13 Grosvenor rw Sympson L. ivory turner, 41 Queen st Tanklin Mrs. Sarah, Berlin wool repository, 15 Churton st Taperell Charles, general salesman, 45 Upper Ebury st Taylor G. tobacconist, 19 Stafford row Taylor J. greengrocer, 21 Sussex st Taylor —, hair cutter, 47 Queen st Taylor William, cutler, 9 Ebury st Tebbett T. leather seller, 29 Queen st Temple and Reynolds, ironmongers, 20 Motcomb st Temple Mrs. brush maker, 32 Lower Belgrave st Terry W. basket maker, 62 Chapter st Thursfield —, grocer, 21 Shaftesbury ter Tipper E. tailor &c. 12 Ranelagh st Tiptaft J. plasterer, 55 Lillington st Troeschel J. baker, 1 Providence ter Thomas B. tailor, 87 Charlwood st Thompson James N. toy repository, 14 Belgrave st south Thompson John H. furniture dealer, 26 Gloucester ter Thompson Henry, greengrocer, 3 Commercial rd Thomson James, ham and tongue dealer, 21 Churton st Thorn and Co. stone merchants, Grosvenor rd Thorne G. confectioner, 2 Moreton st Thurwood Richard, coffee house, 75 Admiral ter Thyer T. E. oil and colourman, 76 Lupus st Toby Benedict, grocer, stationer, and tobacconist, 41 Chapter st Tomkins William, bread & biscuit baker, and Post office, 1 Gillingham st Toovey Miss embroiderest, 23 Ebury st Topliss G. tobacconist, 19 Grosvenor rw Tree Charles, watchmaker and jeweller, 31 Elizabeth st south Treveis Charles Walter, ‘The Enterprize,’ 40 Tachbrook st Trewby W. linendraper, 26 Churton st Tribe A. fishmonger, 18 Belvoir ter Trickey Mrs. boot mkr, 3 Caledonian st Trollope George & Sons, auctioneers, 18 Grosvenor st west Trollope George and Sons, builders, Grosvenor rd Trott John Thomas, ‘Nell Gwynn,’ 2 Grosvenor row Trivass George W. 1 auctioneer, 21 Upper Belgrave pl Turner E. brass worker, 9 Up. Ebury st Turner Elizabeth Ann, fruiterer, & greengrocer, 3 Westbourne st Turner George, carver and gilder, 5 Upper Eaton st Underwood Alfred, butcher, 5 Eccleston st south Underwood and Hunt, tailors, 38 Warwick street Unthank J. draper, St. Alban’s ter. Utley I. the Hand in Hand, 47 Chapter street Vaux T. Lion Tavern, Up. Ebury st Vine Miss M. confectioner, 42 Belgrave st south Vine Th. baker, 25 Stockbridge ter Vokins & Co. Pimlico Coal Wharf, Grosvenor road Wall Th. C. bakery, 24 Victoria rd Walker William, furniture dealer, 64 Upper Ebury st Walker George, grocer and cheesemonger, 26 Upper Ebury st Wallace David, china and glass dealer, 42 Warwick st Wallis Geo. dyer, 14 Tachbrook st Walmsley Joseph, china dealer, 61 Upper Ebury st Waiter W. T. tailor, 17 Warwick st Walton and Co. Italian warehouseman, 7 Upper Tachbrook st Walton Mrs. ladies’ wardrobe dealer, 12 Brewer st Walton J. perfumer, 6 Low. Salon st Ward A. stay maker, 17 Stockbridge ter Ward Francis, chemist and druggist, 14 Grosvenor st west Ward James, window glass cutter, 25 Queen st Ware Wm. boot and shoe manufacturer, 97 Westbourne st Warney J. ‘Gun Tavern,’ 126 Lupus st Warren Mrs. shirt mkr. 25 Admiral ter Waters F. butcher, 5 Elizabeth st south Waterhouse T. mason, 25 Pembroke st Waters Charles Henry, curiosity dealer, 15 Queens row Watkin John Henry, tea and coffee warehouse, 48 Warwick st Watkins R. ironmonger, &c. 14 Upper Belgrave pl Watkins R. chemist and druggist, Moreton st Watling and Son, pork pie manufacturers, 18 Brewer st Watson Alf. licensed victualler, 51 Grosvenor st Watson Mrs. E. tobacconist, 80 Lupus st Watts R. and Son builders, 9 Motcomb st Watts Mrs. Eliza, coffee house, 23 Elizabeth st Watts G. tobacconist, 44 Admiral ter Way Benj. grocer, New st cottages Way John, tailors’ trimming warehouse, 14 Stockbridge ter Weare W. stay maker, 17 King’s row Weatherton Robert and Son, linendrapers, and Post office, 55 Cambridge St Webb Th. hosier, 5 Sutherland ter Weedon C. grocer, 85 Lillington st Weedon J. beer retailer, Bridge row Wells T. chemist, 91 Charlewood st Wells and Sons, corn merchants, 2 Grosvenor rd Welton’s dining rooms, 23 Glo’ster ter Wemyss E. the Constitutional Free Assurance Office, 25 Up. Eaton st Westbrook and Son, tailors, &c. 17 Ebury st Weston Thomas, watch maker and jeweller, 40 Churton st Wetherilt J. grocer, 11 Charlewood st Wheeler Frederick, upholsterer, 31 Lower Belgrave st Whelpton —, oil and colorman, 10 Rochester ter Whiffing Charles, hair cutter, 12 St. Alban’s ter White Edw. cutler, 66 Chapter st White George R. builder and mason, 39 Vauxhall Bridge road White Mrs. J. milliner, 87 Lupus st White T. china dealer, 23 Admiral ter White Wm. B. draper, &c. 4 Shaftesbury ter Whitehouse J. optician, 43 Warwick st Whiting Mr. Chas. G. surgeon dentist, 58 Upper Ebury st Widdicomb Jno. butcher, 20 Upper Tachbrook st Wigers T. funeral furnisher, 8 Lower Grosvenor pl Wiggins W. greengrocer, 11 Eaton la Wilcox Thomas, ‘Duke of York,’ 28 and 29 Stockbridge ter Wilkie Jessie, grocer, 71 Pulford st Wilkins J. cheesemonger, 24 Eliz. st Wilkinson J. fishmonger, 44 Coleshill st William Clarke, ‘Ranelagh Arms,’ {141} Williamson Alfred S. wine merchant, 104 Upper Ebury st Willcocks G. W. ‘Windsor Castle,’ 1 Windsor st Willett Charles, pork butcher, 47 Grosvenor row Williams D. tea dealer, 19 Sussex st Williams E. bootmaker, 46 Queen st Williams G. livery stables, Grosvnr st w Williams G. S. trunk and portmanteau mkr. 21 Up. Tachbrook st Williams Sarah, boot maker, 20 Stockbridge ter Williams W. grocer, 2 Stockbridge ter Williams W. tea dealer, 16 King’s row Wilson Mrs. Martha, ironmonger and silversmith, 8 Warwick st Wilson J. boot maker, 6 Moreton st Wilson Joseph, pharmaceutical chemist, 20 Sussex st Wilson Thos. stationer, 43 Ebury st Wiltshire J. tea dealer, 44 Grosvenor rw Wimpey Geo. A. baker, 6 Queen st Winch Alf. baker, 6 Grosvenor row Winch W. ironmonger 5 Grosvenor ter Winscomb Alfred Louis, baker and confectioner, 2 Churton st Winstone George, boot and shoe maker, 100A Lillington st Wise Henry, cow keeper, 17 Elizabeth st south Wise T. cow keeper, 6 Westbourne st Wise W. dining rooms, Wilton rd Witmarsh Henry, rag merchant, 14 Avery Farm row Wray John, tea dealer and oilman, 57 Cambridge st Wran —, house decorator, 1 Moreton st Wren John, Victoria marble works, 38 Lower Belgrave pl Wright Anna, toy warehouse, 9 Stockbridge ter Wright Edward, bird stuffer, 82 Upper Ebury st Wright George, boot and shoe maker, 27 Bloomburgh ter Wright John, fruiterer, 1 Sutherland st Wright T. tea dealer, 39 Grosvenor row Wright F. and A. tea dealers, 6 Churton st Wright F. and A. tea dealers, 2 Warwick st Wright Jas. A., Churton st Wright W. butcher, 23 Westbourne st Wright —, butcher, 2 Rutland ter Wood John, the ‘Builder’s Arms,’ 5 Moreton st Wood J. T. upholsterer, 2 Westbourne st Wood J. and H. butchers, 34 and 35 Elizabeth st Wood W. plumber, 8 Elizabeth st Woodford Mrs. Elizabeth, tripe dresser, 2 Warwick st Woodger J. boot mak. 9 Warwick st Woolger W. cow keeper, 51 Chapter st Woods W. ‘St. George,’ Belgrave rd Worcer and Son, carriage makers, 21 Lower Eaton st Wort J. greengrocer, 1 Ebury sq Wynn Edward John, eating house, 30 Stockbridge ter Yarwood G. coffee house, 19 Warwick st Yaxly James, chimney sweeper, 13 Little Ebury st Yaxley John, farrier, Providence ter Yearwood H. licensed victualler, 10 Motcomb st Yeouwell Ann, ‘The Grosvenor Bann,’ 14 Wilton ter Yielding Mrs. C. confectioner, 32A Hindon st Young George, ‘Princess Royal,’ 37 Warwick st Young John, baker, 13 Moreton st w ADVERTISEMENTS C. COLLIER, {1} JEWELLER, WATCHMAKER, * * * * * OLD JEWELS, PLATE, ETC., BOUGHT, OR TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. * * * * * [Picture: Picture of vase] C. R. WATTS,[Picture: Picture of lamp] FURNISHING IRONMONGER, _GENERAL HOUSE FITTER_ AND KITCHEN RAGE MANUFACTURER BROMPTON. _None but Experienced [Picture: Picture of _Best Colza Oil_. Workmen sent out_, chandelier] _and Orders promptly _Lamp Cottons and attend to_. Glasses_. _ESTIMATES GIVEN_. _Bell Hanger_, _Locksmith_, _and Gas Fitter_. _Tinning_, _Re-laquering_, _and General Repairs_. _A Select variety of Chandeliers and Gas Fittings_, _Fenders_, _Fire Irons_, _Lamps_, _Tea Trays_, _Tea Urns_, _Baths of all sorts_, _and Kitchen requisites_. [Picture: Picture of fender] * * * * * THE PIMLICO 45s. SUIT, AND 15s. 6d. TROUSERS, Thoroughly [Picture: Picture of or pair of trousers] Shrunk, Two Pairs for 30s. TWO GUINEA BLACK FROCK COAT, Made from superfine Cloth, warranted fast dye. * * * * * ONE GUINEA DRESS TROUSERS, Made from genuine all wool Doeskin. * * * * * The large sale to which the above have now attained, testifies to their intrinsic value, and cannot be surpassed, as one trial will prove. * * * * * OBSERVE THE ADDRESS. T. BULL, TAILOR & OUTFITTER, 3, TACHBROOK STREET, PIMLICO, S.W., And High Street, Lower Norwood, S. * * * * * THE DRAPERY ESTABLISHMENT, 5, WARWICK STREET, PIMLICO. * * * * * J. MEAD, (LATE T. & J. BEASLEY.) * * * * * Purchasers will find this Establishment complete with every description of— General Drapery, Silks, Shawls, Mantles, Fancy Dresses, Prints, Calicoes and Long Cloths, Irish Linens, Diapers, &c., Table Linens, Hosiery, Gloves, Haberdashery, Umbrellas, Ribbons & Flowers, Lace and Muslin Goods, &c., &c., &c. * * * * * _J. M. calls particular attention to his Stock of_ CALICOES AND LONG CLOTHS, _which_, _being purchased previous to the late advances_, _will be found_ MUCH BELOW _the present market value_. * * * * * FAMILY MOURNING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. * * * * * C. COLLINS, TAILOR & TROUSER MAKER, 5, STOCKBRIDGE TERRACE, PIMLICO. * * * * * ESTABLISHED 1847. * * * * * Within One Minute’s Walk of the Victoria Terminus, in the direct route to Buckingham Palace. * * * * * Superfine Black Frock Coats 2 12 6 West of England ditto 3 3 0 Black Dress Trousers from 1 1 0 Angola Trousers (all wool) 0 16 0 Angola Suits from 3 0 0 Lounge Coats 1 10 0 Cambridge Melton Coats 1 15 0 Price of Liveries according to Style. ALL GOODS WARRANTED SHRUNK. * * * * * IN PREPARATION, * * * * * SIMPSON’S HAMMERSMITH AND KENSINGTON DIRECTORY, INCLUDING SHEPHERD’S BUSH, TURNHAM GREEN, &c. * * * * * PRICE ONE SHILLING. * * * * * DIRECTORY OFFICE: 4, BEDFORD TERRACE, CHURCH STREET, KENSINGTON. * * * * * S. ALEXANDER, Milliner, 13 KING’S ROAD, NEAR SLOANE SQUARE, CHELSEA S.W. * * * * * _Family Mourning_, _Widows’ Gaps and Collars_, _&c._, * * * * * MISS HAYWARD, (From Messrs. Shoolbred & Bradshaw, Germyn st. St. James’s.) Importer of Parisian Corsets, Elastic Corset and Bandage Maker, 16 GROSVENOR STREET W., EATON SQUARE, S.W. * * * * * Messdme. S. & A. CHISHOLM, Fancy Repository, Berlin Wool, Stationary, Perfumery &c., 7, LUPUS STREET, ST. GEORGE’S SQUARE, PIMLICO. * * * * * E. & C. ELLIS, Dealers in Laces, Flowers, Feathers, Fancy Goods, &c., MILLINERY, EMBROIDERIES, PARASOLS, &c., &c., 5, _BEDFORD TERRACE_, _CHURCH STREET_, KENSINGTON. * * * * * MISS WOOLCOCK, Designer, Embroiderer, and Berlin Wool Warehouse, &c., 13 OLD QUEBEC STREET, OXFORD STREET, W. * * * * * MRS. OLIVER, STAY MANUFACTURER, 28, _SUTHERLAND STREET_, _PIMLICO_, _S.W._ * * * * * GAUTIER & CO., Court Lace Cleaners, Clear Starchers, Plumaissers, Dyers, Cleaners, and Bleachers, 118, ELIZABETH STREET, EATON SQUARE. * * * * * MRS. STYLES, FROM FOSTER’S, ARTIFICIAL, FLORIST, MILLINER, &c., 320, REGENT STREET, Opposite the Polytechnic Institution, LONDON. * * * * * SOUTH KENSINGTON AGENCY FOR THE EMPLOYMENT OF LADIES AND GOVERNESSES, 12, CRAWLEY TERRACE, FULHAM ROAD, _Near the Hospital for Consumption_. * * * * * MISS MASON’S Morning Seminary for Ladies, 12, CRAWLEY TERRACE, FULHAM ROAD. * * * * * Court Dress Makers and Milliners. BLOWER, MISS, 8, Lower Phillimore-place, Kensington. BEALE, MRS., 33, Elizabeth-street, Eaton-square. BEALL, MRS. (also Mantles), 18, Lower Seymour-street, Portman-square. DODDS, MRS. 40, Elizabeth-street, Eaton-square. DOWNEY, MISS, 9, Eccleston-street South, Belgrave-square. DAY, MISS (from Miss Powell’s, New Bond-street), 8, Bedford-terrace, Kensington. EDWARDS, MRS. (by appointment to Her Royal Highness the Princess Louis of Hesse, and other Royal Princesses), 18, Grosvenor-street, Eaton-square. JOHNSON, MISS ANNA, 2, Upper Eaton-street, Eaton-square. LOUISE & LAURE, 42, Sloane-street (late of 8, Chapel-street, Belgrave-sq). NOAKES, MISSES, 202, Sloane-street, Belgravia. OWEN, MRS., 6, Halkin-street, Belgrave-square. PARRY & WEAVINGS, la, Charles-street, Lowndes-square. RAYMOND, MISS, 6, Minerva-street, Chester-square. SMITH, LOUISA, (also Wedding, Mourning, and India Orders promptly executed), 8, Sloane-street, Belgravia. SMITH, MISS (from Madame Lavanchy’s), 19, Grosvenor-street West, Belgravia. SMYTH & YOUNS, 13, Motcomb-street, Belgrave-square. TAYLOR, MRS., 20, Ebury-street, Eaton-square. WILSON & WYATT, 34, George-street, Portman-square. Milliners, Dress Makers, &c. BRICHARD, MLLE. ADELE, 13, Elizabeth-street, Hans-place, Sloane-square. BRITTEN, MISS, 8, Chester-street, Eaton-square. BRAY, M., 27, Sloane-street, Knightsbridge. CARTER, MRS., 17, Grosvenor-street West, Eaton-square. COLLINGS, MISS (from Verey and Lemon, Regent-street), 2A, Holland-street, Kensington. EVANS, MISS, 205, Sloane-street, Knightsbridge. HEARL, MISS, (from Madame Renaux’s, 1 Denbigh-place, St. George’s rd), Pimlico. HODGES, MRS., 20, Denbigh-place, Belgravia. JOSAPHINE, MADME., 8, Rawstorne-street, Brompton. JAMES, MRS., 14, Ebury-street, Eaton-square. KENT, MRS. (Flowers, Lace, and Wreaths), 22, Upper Eaton-street, Eaton-square. LANCE, MRS., 19, Stockbridge-terrace, Pimlico. LEWIS, MRS., 60, Grove-place, Brompton. LEIGHTON, MISS, 3, Thornton-street, Kensington. MARSHALL & DEANE, 141, Sloane-street, S.W. PASKELL, MISS, 2, Roberts-terrace, King’s-road, Chelsea. POTTIER, MADAME, 11 Brompton-road. RAYNER, MRS., 35, Upper Belgrave-place, Pimlico. SMITH, MISS, 18, Burton-street, Eaton square. WRIGHT, A. (also Mantle and Corset Maker), 169, Sloane-street. BELGRAVIA HOMŒOPATHIC PHARMACY, 13, LOWER EATON ST., PIMLICO, S.W. * * * * * ALFRED PEARCE & CO. * * * * * PRESCRIPTIONS ACCURATELY PREPARED. All Homœopathic Medicines indigenous to the British Isles, being Manufactured on the Premises, can be supplied Retail, Wholesale, and for Exportation. _All Imported Medicines_, _from the Continent_, _America_, _and the Indies_, _in guaranteed purity_. Medicine Cases in Morocco, Mahogany, and Rosewood. Single Phials of Tinctures, Pilules, and Globules from 6_d._ to 1_s._ Veterinary Cases of various sizes. ARNICA AND CALENDULA COURT PLAISTER. _All Works_, _British and Foreign_, _published on Homœopathy_. PREPARED HOMŒOPATHIC COCOA 1s. 6d. per lb. * * * * * J. B. PILLINGER, MANUFACTURER OF PATENT LOCK STITCH SEWING MACHINES, AND PRACTICAL SEWING MACHINIST, 21, _UPPER TACHBROOK STREET_, PIMLICO, S.W. * * * * * Under Clothing, Quilting, Mantle and Boot Stitching neatly done. * * * * * THE MACHINE TAUGHT. * * * * * P. L. ROSASPINI, (FROM POOLE’S,) TAILOR AND TROUSERS MAKER, 10, _ALLINGTON ST._, _VICTORIA STATION_, _S.W._ * * * * * Scotch Angola Cheviot Trousers, all Wool, 14_s._, and Shrunk Black Doeskin Dress Trousers, from 18_s._ to £1 1_s._ * * * * * Repairs and Alterations in the first Style. * * * * * WILLIAM DENT & CO., FAMILY GROCERS, WINE MERCHANTS AND ITALIAN WAREHOUSEMAN, 34, CHURTON STREET, PIMLICO, BEG to announce to the Inhabitants of Pimlico and its vicinity that they have re-opened the premises late in the occupation of Mr. BAILEY, for the Sale of TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, SPICES, and every Article connected with the Trade, of such Quality, and at such Prices, as cannot fail to yield satisfaction to Purchasers. * * * * * _Families Waited upon for Orders_. * * * * * PUNCTUALITY AND DISPATCH MAY BE DEPENDED UPON. * * * * * ESTABLISHED 1850. * * * * * T. WESTON, Watch and Clock Maker, SILVERSMITH & JEWELLER, 40, CHURTON STREET, BELGRAVE ROAD, _PIMLICO_. * * * * * A LARGE ASSORTMENT of every description of WATCHES, CLOCKS, and JEWELLERY, ELECTRO PLATED and SILVER GOODS, TABLE CUTLERY, &c., of the best quality, at the Lowest possible Prices. * * * * * Tea and Coffee Services in Electro Plate from £2 2s. to £10. * * * * * _Watches_, _Clocks_, _and Jewellery Repaired on the Premises by Experienced Workmen_. * * * * * A. E. OWEN, COOK AND CONFECTIONER, 35, CHURTON STREET, PIMLICO, Supplies Wedding Breakfasts, Dinners, Ball Suppers, &c. &c., with Plate, Glass, Linen, &c., if required, in the best style, on Moderate Terms. _Waiters sent out on the shortest notice_. * * * * * THOMAS KING, (FROM MESSENGER’S) Plain and Ornamental Writer to Licensed Victuallers, Brewers, and the Trade, 65, _LOWER SLOANE STREET_, _CHELSEA_. GRAINING AND GILDING. * * * * * N. DRAKE, (_FROM PROSSERS_,) Ham, Beef & Shell-fish Warehouse, OYSTER, LUNCHEON, & SUPPER ROOMS, 13, MIDDLE ROW, N., KNIGHTSBRIDGE, Opposite the Duke of Wellington’s Riding School. * * * * * _Tea and Coffee always ready_. _Hot Joints Daily_. _Good Beds_. * * * * * THE SOUTH WESTERN PARISIAN HAT BRANCH, 5, UPPER QUEEN’S BUILDINGS, (_Three Minutes Walk from the South Kensington Museum_, _and Exhibition_,) MANUFACTORY, LAMBETH. * * * * * W. COLLIN’S Respectfully informs the Public and the Tradespeople of Brompton that he has opened the above premises, with the best quality Goods pertaining to the Trade. While anxious to secure success W. C. would avoid boasting pretensions now so prevalent, and is content to rest his claims to the public support on the good quality of his goods, the moderate scale of his prices, and his disposition to accommodate and oblige all who may honour him with their favours. * * * * * A. MICKELTHWATE, 24, WALTON STREET, OVINGTON SQUARE, BROMPTON, LONDON. * * * * * _Patronized by the Princess Alice and the Royal Family_. * * * * * PATENT IMPERISHABLE Sansflectum Crinoline Manufacturer, Combining Durability and Lightness, with Elegance of Design, MODELLED FROM THE LATEST PARISIAN FASHION. The following remarks in Reference to this Remarkable and Unique Crinoline from “THE MORNING POST,” of Oct. 10., are respectfully annexed for perusal by our Lady Patronesses: “The most important, however, of all the improvements made in these universal articles of clothing is that of Mr. Mickelthwate’s in the Eastern Annexe, of which the Princess Alice is the patroness. They are made of very thin Steel Wire, covered with purified Gutta Percha, and are exceedingly light, elastic, and pliant; unlike most of the crinolines, the wire is not easily broken, while in the event of breakage, the outer covering effectually prevents those injuries from the protrusion of the broken end of the wires which have not unfrequently been inflicted upon the wearer. It was, we are informed, from a very serious accident of this sort occurring to an Austrian Lady that the attention of the exhibitor was first directed to some mode of covering the sharp steel wires of crinolines, and for his success he was rewarded with a Silver Medal by the Emperor of Austria. They are purchased by Thousands at the Exhibition, and the Inventor seems destined to add to the number of those who have made large fortunes out of the manufacture of the much abused, oft deprecated, but still universally worn crinolines.” “It is an American invention, combining lightness and durability, and is perfectly indestructible with ordinary wear. The material is the best Clock Spring Steel, coated with purified Gutta Percha, so highly refined that they have not the slightest unpleasant smell; they will bear a good squeeze without getting out of order. They may at all times be kept perfectly clean by means of a wet sponge. Although so light they keep their shape well, whether the dress worn with them is of a thin or heavy material.”—_The Queen_. Prices—12s. 6d. to 25s. and upwards. * * * * * Orders by Post will meet with prompt attention, and delivered within twelve miles carriage free, on receipt of Post Office Order, made payable to A. MICKELTHWATE, 24, Walton Street, Ovington, Square, Brompton, London. * * * * * E. ALDER, JUN., STONE AND CEMETERY MASON, 26, MARLBOROUGH ROAD, CHELSEA. * * * * * HEAD STONES, TOMBS, ETC. Inscriptions Cut. * * * * * WEST LONDON TEA AND COFFEE ESTABLISHMENT, 115, King’s Road, Chelsea. * * * * * THE CHOICEST TEAS & COFFEES CAN BE OBTAINED AT PRICES AS LOW AS ANY HOUSE IN THE TRADE. * * * * * COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES OF THE MOST APPROVED MAKERS. We beg to call especial attention to a newly discovered method of roasting Coffee, by which the whole of the obnoxious vapour is extracted, and carried away, leaving the roasted berry in a pure and improved condition. This has long been desired, but never before attained. * * * * * Lists of Prices on application, and Goods delivered free by their own Vans within Ten Miles. * * * * * TERMS CASH. * * * * * ESTABLISHED 13 YEARS * * * * * J. BISHOPP, Brush and Turnery Warehouse, 16, CHURTON STREET, PIMLICO, S.W. * * * * * Brushes and Combs of every description made to Order. COCOA & INDIA MATTING. _ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR CHURCHES_, _OFFICES_, _&c._ FOREIGN & ENGLISH BASKETS. * * * * * G. M. NASH, BREAD AND BISCUIT BAKER PASTRYCOOK & CONFECTIONER, OPPOSITE PELHAM CRESCENT, BROMPTON. * * * * * VARLEY BROTHERS, Photographers, 88A, OAKLEY STREET, KING’S ROAD, _CHELSEA_, _S.W._, _CADOGAN PIER END_. * * * * * CARTES DE VISITE, * * * * * Set of Twelve Copies, 10_s._ 6_d._ Set of Twenty-six Copies, £1 1_s._ * * * * * _Portraits from Paintings_, _Prints_, _and Miniatures_, _copied to Album Card Size_. * * * * * W. ATKINSON. TAILOR, OF 56, WALTON STREET, BROMPTON, Is acknowledged to Sell the Best and Cheapest Goods. His 25_s._ and 30_s._ BUSINESS & WALKING COAT, 15_s._ TROUSERS, and 8_s._ VEST, are unequalled. * * * * * ESTABLISHED 1845. HENRY JONES, (MEMBER OF THE PHARMACEUTICAL SOCIETY), Family and Dispensing Chemist, OPPOSITE PELHAM CRESCENT, BROMPTON, IN returning thanks for the liberal support bestowed upon him during the time he has been in business, assures the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public in general, that it shall be his constant aim to merit a continuance of that support, by keeping genuine Chemicals and Drugs of the choicest quality, at a fair remuneration. * * * * * JAMES SLACK’S SKIN POMADE, FOR Restoring the Growth of Hair, Whiskers, and Eyebrows, Clears the Head from Scurf, Irritation, or any unpleasantness of the Skin. It may be applied to the youngest infant with the greatest safety. Regenerative Liquid and American Fluid Are considered the best things ever invented for keeping the Head and Hair in a proper state of cultivation. Any one whose Hair is falling off or turning grey, can have it remedied by applying to JAMES SLACK, 185, SLOANE STREET, LOWNDES SQUARE. Private Rooms for Hair Cutting, and proper advice on the Skin and Hair. JAMES SLACK, Professor of Knowledge on the Skin and Hair. * * * * * FURNISHED APARTMENTS TO BE LET, FOR LADIES & GENTLEMEN, BY MRS. DENYER, No. 27, Paulton’s Square, Chelsea. * * * * * [Picture: Hydrohyperion fluid for the Hair & Skin from C. DUNSBY, Sole Proprietor] HAIRDRESSER, Wig Maker, and Hair Dyer, 17, SHAFTESBURY TERRACE, PIMLICO, S.W. _Near the Victoria Railway Station_. * * * * * It has done wonders for thousands of Ladies’, Gentlemens’, and Childrens’ hair. It supersedes the use of Oils, Pomades, or Washes, for improving the growth of the Hair and giving it a healthy appearance. One bottle will prove its most astonishing properties. Every person should see or use this fluid, as it is a new Indian production in this country, and should be used at Schools for Childrens’ Hair, and at the Sea-side, as it will mix with water, and keep the hair clean. * * * * * _Sold in Bottles_, 2_s._ 3_d._, 4_s._ 7_d._, _and_ 11_s._, _by all Chemists and Druggists_, _and sent to all parts of the Kingdom_, _by the sole Proprietor_. C. DUNSBY, 17, _SHAFTESBURY TERRACE_, _PIMLICO_, _S.W._ * * * * * ELEGANT PERSONAL REQUISTES. Under the [Picture: Royal seal] Patronage of Royalty, the Nobility, and Aristocracy of Europe, _And universally held in high esteem_. * * * * * ROWLAND’S MACASSAR OIL. This Elegant and Fragrant Oil possesses wonderfully nourishing powers for promoting the growth, restoring and beautifying the Human Hair. It prevents it from falling off or turning gray—cleanses it from Scurf and Dandriff—and makes it beautifully soft, pliable, and glossy. For children it is especially recommended as forming the basis of a beautiful head of heir. Price 3s. 6d., 7s., 10s. 6d. (equal to 4 small), and 21s. per bottle. * * * * * ROWLAND’S KALYDOR. This Royally-patronized and Ladies’-esteemed Specific realises a healthy purity of complexion, and renders the Skin soft, clear, and blooming. It also exerts the most soothing, cooling, and purifying action on the Skin, and eradicates Freckles, Tan, Pimples, Spots, Discolourations, and other Cutaneous Visitations. Price 4s. 6d. and 8s. 6d. per bottle. * * * * * WHITE AND SOUND TEETH Are indispensible to PERSONAL ATTRACTION, and to health and longevity by the proper mastication of food. * * * * * ROWLAND’S ODONTO, or PEARL DENTIFRICE, Compounded of Oriental Ingredients, is of inestimable value in preserving and beautifying the teeth, strengthening the Gums, and in giving a pleasing fragrance to the breath. It eradicates Tartar from the Teeth, removes spots of incipient decay, and polishes and preserves the enamel, to which it imparts a PEARL-LIKE Whiteness. Price 2s. 9d. per box. Sold at 20, HATTON GARDEN, and by Chemists and Perfumers. *** Ask for “ROWLANDS’” Articles. * * * * * J. RICHARDS, MANUFACTURER OF Improved Treble Folding Portmanteaus, WATERPROOF RAILWAY TRUNKS, LIGHT DRESS & BONNET BOXES, 5, SHAFTESBURY TERRACE, PIMLICO, LONDON. * * * * * _Gun_, _Boot Tree_, _and Brush Cases_. _Leather Cases Made to Order_. TIN CASES LINED FOR INDIA. Waterproof Enamelled Leather Bags, Hat Cases & Carpet Bags. * * * * * J. CULLING. (_From Smith’ Burlington Arcade_,) Ladies’ and Gentlemens’ French and English Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, 58, CHURTON STREET, NEAR THE POST OFFICE, BELGRAVE ROAD, PIMLICO, S.W. * * * * * C. CULLING having a practical knowledge of the trade in all its branches, having worked ten years for Smith (of the Burlington Arcade) can supply every article in the trade of first-rate quality, with style, durability, and economy combined. Repairing in all its branches promptly attended to, and executed on the premises by experienced workmen. French and English Ladies and Gentlemen waited on at their own residences for orders by C. C. Please notice the address, as C. C.’s is the only shop in the neighbourhood where the work is really done on the premises, 38, CHURTON STREET, NEAR THE POST OFFICE, BELGRAVE ROAD, PIMLICO. FRENCH AND GERMAN SPOKEN. * * * * * T. BINGE, Pharmaceutical Chemist, 23, STOCKBRIDGE TERRACE, VICTORIA STREET, PIMLICO, _Near the Victoria Station_. * * * * * T. B. begs to state that all Drugs and Chemicals supplied by him are of the purest quality, and that all Medicinal Compounds are prepared according to the British and Foreign Pharmacopœias. Family, Aperient, or Antibilious Pills. As a Family Medicine these Pills are found very serviceable in removing Headache, Sickness, Drowsiness, Depression of Spirits, and for promoting a regular and healthy action of the Bowels. In Boxes 1s. 1½d. each. Rheumatic Pills. One of these Pills taken two or three times a day seldom fails to afford great relief in those distressing pains of the joints and other parts, known by the name of Rheumatic Pains. In Boxes 1s. 1½d. each. Concentrated Compound Decoction of Jamaica Sarsaparilla, Warranted conformable to the directions of the London Pharmacopœia. _Genuine Patent Medicines_. _Soda_, _Potass_, _Seltzer_, _and other Mineral Waters_. Agent to the British Empire Mutual Life Assurance Company. * * * * * G. W. PARNELL, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, 11, VICTORIA ROAD, PIMLICO. * * * * * PRESCRIPTIONS and FAMILY RECIPES are carefully prepared at this Establishment with Drugs of the purest quality, by duly qualified Assistants, under the immediate superintendence of the Principal, and dispensed in strict accordance with the Formulæ of the British and Foreign Pharmacopœias. An exact copy of every prescription is kept, and the number stamped on each for instantaneous reference. * * * * * GENUINE PATENT MEDICINES. Mineral Waters, Perfumery, &c. _Prescriptions and Orders per Post forwarded without delay or extra charge_. * * * * * CHARLES & SON, TAILORS, 22, EBURY STREET, PIMLICO, S.W., Desires to inform the Public in the vicinity that they have commenced business at the above address, and trusting by punctuality, and charges as low as any other House in the trade, to secure and merit a share of their patronage and support. LIVERIES WITH PROMPTNESS AND LOW PRICES. * * * * * O. J. HUSTLER, Corn, Flour, and Scotch Oatmeal Stores, 2, SLOANE SQUARE, CHELSEA. * * * * * Families supplied with Best Wheaten Flour by the Peck, Bushel, or Sack. _Genuine Wheaten Meal for Making Digestive Brown Bread_. BEST WHITES FOR PASTRY. BROWN AND POLSON’S CORN FLOUR. * * * * * 40, Warwick Street, PIMLICO. * * * * * GENTLEMEN DESIROUS OF WEARING A PERFECT FITTING SHIRT, Made without Machine Stitching, PRICE, 6 FOR 30s., VERY FINE LONG CLOTH, 36s. * * * * * All kinds of Gentlemens’ Hosiery, Gloves, Ties, Scarfs, &c. * * * * * LADIES’ BEST KID GLOVES 2s. 6d. per PAIR. * * * * * LADIES’ AND CHILDRENS’ HOSIERY IN EVERY SIZE AND QUALITY. * * * * * OBSERVE! HETHERINGTON’S 40, WARWICK STREET, PIMLICO. * * * * * James Wakeham, Commercial and General Printer, No. 4, Bedford Terrace, Church Street, Kensington, is prepared to execute orders to any extent. Style and Price cannot fail to give satisfaction. Magazines, Periodicals, Catalogues, Circulars, Bill Heads, Posting and Hand Bills, and every description of Address or Business Cards, executed with punctuality and despatch. * * * * * The Oldest Shop in the King’s Road, ESTABLISHED 1823. * * * * * WOOLMER & CO., FAMILY GROCERS AND CHEESEMONGERS, 195, King’s Road, Chelsea, AND KING STREET, HAMMERSMITH. * * * * * TEAS & COFFEES OF THE FINEST QUALITY * * * * * Crosse & Blackwell’s Pickles & Preserves. * * * * * PRICE’S COMPOSITE CANDLES. * * * * * The Celebrated Chocolate Menier, 2s. per lb. * * * * * SUPERIOR BRITISH WINES. * * * * * CHOICE FOREIGN FRUITS. * * * * * FOOTNOTES. {0} The original book has no page numbers, is misbound in a number of places, and occasionally slots advertisements in the middle of the lists. As such I’ve moved most of the advertisements to the end of the eText, unless they occur between sections.—DP. {1} The C. Collier advertisement, which is on the reverse of the inside cover of the original book, has been obscured by a bookplate and only the top and bottom of the advertisement are readable. It presumably is “Collier Caleb, silversmith, watch maker and jeweller, 209 Sloane st.”—DP. {12} In the book there’s no heading for this advertisement—I’ve created one for readability.—DP. {77} This page (beginning Ashby Joseph) is bound out of place in the original book. There it appears after the Pimlico Paper Warehouse advertisement page, and before the start of the Chelsea Trade Directory.—DP. {78} This page (beginning Bennett Ann) is bound out of place in the original book. There it appears before the Brompton Consumption advertisement page, and before the start of the Chelsea Trade Directory.—DP. {89} This page (beginning Johnson J. J.) and the following page (beginning Kineton John) are bound out of place, and occur before the page beginning Hayward William in the book. {111} The part inside quotes has been rubbed out in the original book at Kensington. There appear to have been four words. Given other usages it may well be the name of a pub.—DP. {123} The printer didn’t print the rest of the address in the original book.—DP. {128} The printer didn’t print a proper address and left the line as shown. There was an Artillery Arms at 1 Rochester Row in the Post Office Directory for 1854.—DP. {141} The printer has not printed an address in the original book, and the line is as transcribed.—DP. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK SIMPSON'S CHELSEA, PIMLICO, BROMPTON, AND KNIGHTSBRIDGE DIRECTORY, AND COURT GUIDE *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. 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