The Project Gutenberg eBook of Cussons' Horncastle Compendium, 1837 This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: Cussons' Horncastle Compendium, 1837 Author: D. Cussons Release date: December 20, 2016 [eBook #53777] Language: English Credits: Transcribed from the 1837 edition by David Price *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK CUSSONS' HORNCASTLE COMPENDIUM, 1837 *** Transcribed from the 1837 edition by David Price, email CUSSONS’ HORNCASTLE COMPENDIUM. 1837. LINCOLNSHIRE. On the north, Lincolnshire is bounded by the Humber, which separates it from Yorkshire: the German Ocean and an arm of the sea called the Wash, bound it on the East; on the South it abuts on Rutlandshire, Northamptonshire and Cambridgeshire, its general form is an irregular oblong. It is in the Province of Canterbury, the Diocese of Lincoln, and in the Midland Circuit. Lincolnshire being proverbially a County of Fens, has obtained a name for an unhealthy climate, which, however, just it may have been in some parts in bygone times, is now by no means applicable; for the causes of the cold, damp and aguish character, have been for many years declining: the progress of drainage, and a more complete cultivation, have gradually contributed to render the air more dry, and consequently more healthy. This remark may be made relative to all districts, which become more salubrious in proportion as they are more cultivated; and more friendly to human life, in proportion as the means of supporting human life are increased in productiveness. The centre of the County and the district of the Trent is very healthy: the air on the coast is very salubrious, and numbers flock to it every summer in search of health and relaxation. There are two ranges of very high land running though the greater part of the County from North to South: that in the East may be called mountainous and is called the Wolds; the Western range, on which stands the County Town, is called the Cliff; more westward still is a fine extent of rich pasture, along which the Trent passes. Eastward of the Wolds lies also an extensive tract of fine feeding land, which is watered by overflowing springs; on boring the substratum of clay, fine spring water gushes up, and in most places will rise ten feet above the surface, if confined in a tube: these cheap artificial springs are general, and many hundreds are continually running, contributing greatly to the fertility and value of the land. The fens form the most prominent feature of the County: where fully cultivated and completely drained their produce is incredible; but it is a subject of great regret, that no general system of drainage, including every district which can be made to communicant with the sea, has yet been effected: nothing short of one uniform and connected plan can be of full avail: and so many apparently rival interests are at stake, and so little real public spirit exists, notwithstanding that it is so much boasted of, that such an universal plan is more to be wished for than hoped for. The soil of Lincolnshire is so various as to include all sorts of land that are to be found in the whole kingdom, and its management varies accordingly. Rabbits have always been an article of great consideration and attention in the light soils of this County, and immense warrens are kept for the purpose of supplying London with the skins; this was once as profitable a stock as could be attended to; but latterly many warrens have been laid down to other put poses. It is impossible to speak too highly of the cottage system of this county. Round Folkingham and other places, when inclosures took place, during the late war, by the acts of parliament, at least three acres of land were assigned to every cottage; this, of course includes a garden and keep for a cow: thus land, gardens, cows and pigs, are within reach of the labouring classes. On views of humanity and benevolence only it is gratifying to the considerate breast to see in comfortable circumstances that class of people on which all other classes depend. Population of Lincolnshire. Males Females Total 158,717 158,527 317,244 Of which the following shows the larger numbers. Males Females Total Lincoln, City 5,644 6,199 11,843 Grantham, Borough, with the soke 5,216 5,564 10,780 Elloe, Wapentake 15,193 14,121 29,314 Kirton, Wapentake 7,469 7,308 14,777 Boston, Borough 5,094 6,146 11,240 Bolingbroke, soke 2,729 5,590 11,259 Bradley-Haverstoe, Wapentake 5,953 5,966 11,919 Calceworth, Hundred 5,118 5,148 10,266 Corringham, Wapentake 6,465 6,718 13,183 Louth Eske, Hundred 6,904 7,123 14,027 Manley, Wapentake 11,511 11,516 23,037 Yarborough, Wapentake 9,660 9,819 19,497 Representation of Lincolnshire. _For the two divisions of the county_. Lindsey (_Lincoln_) 2 Members Kesteven and Holland (_Sleaford_) 2 _City and Boroughs_ Lincoln 2 Great Grimsby 1 Boston 2 Grantham 2 Stamford 2 FAIRS IN LINCOLNSHIRE. Market-days are marked thus, M. Monday, Tu. Tuesday, &c. _Alford_, Whit Tu. and Nov. 8. Tu. _Barton_, Trinity Thursday. M. _Belton_, Sept 25. _Boston_, May 4 for sheep, 5 for beasts, Aug. 5 for fat cattle, Nov. 18, 19, 20, horse mart, Dec. 11 beast mart. W. S. _Bourn_, Sep. 30, Oct. 29. S. _Brigg_, Aug. 5. Th. _Burgh_, May 13, Oct. 2. Th. _Burwell_, Old Michaelmas day. _Caistor_, Sat. before Palm Sunday, May 19, June 1, Sat. after Oct. 11. S. _Corby_, Aug. 26, Mon. before Oct. 11. W. _Caythorpe_, April 29. _Crowland_, June 28, Sep. 5. Th. _Crowle_, last Mon. in May, Nov. 22. M. _Donington_, May 26, Aug. 17, Sep. 4, and Oct. 17. S. _Epworth_, first Th. after May 1, Th. after Sep. 29. S. _Falkingham_, Ash Wed. Palm Mon. May 13, June 14, 15, July 3, 4, Th. after old Mich. Nov. 22. Th. _Gainsborough_, Mart Tu. in Easter week, fair-day after Tu. after Oct. 20. Tu. _Grantham_, 5th Mon. in Lent, Holy Th. July 10, Oct. 26. Dec. 17. S. _Grimsby_, June 17, Sep. 15. F. _Haxey_, July 6. _Heckington_, Wed. before Lincoln April sheep fair, Oct. 10. _Holbeach_, May 17, Sep. 17, Oct. 11. Th. _Horncastle_, Cattle mart 4th Th. in Lent, June 22, Aug. 21, Oct. 29. S. _Kirton_, July 18, Dec. 11. S. _Lincoln_, 1st Thurs. after 2nd Tu. in old April for sheep, Friday for beasts, Mon. and Tu. (same week) for horses, July 5, 1st Wed. after 12th Sep. 3 days, Nov. 28. F. _Louth_, 3rd Mon. after Easter Mon. Aug. 4, Old Martinmas day. W. S. _Long Sutton_, May 13, 14, Friday after Sep. 25th. F. _Ludford_, Aug. 2, Nov. 30. _Market Deeping_, Oct. 11, last Wed. in July. Th. _Market Raisen_, Sep. 25. Tu. _Messingham_, Trinity Monday. Th. _Navenby_, Aug. 18, Oct. 17. _New Bolingbroke_, July 10. Tu. _Partney_, Aug. 25, Sep. 18, 19, Oct. 18, 19. _Saltfleet_, Oct. 3. S. _Scotter_, July 10. _Sleaford_, Plow Mon. Easter Mon. Whit Mon. Aug. 12, Oct. 20. M. _Spalding_, April 27, June 29, Aug. 28, Sep. 25. Dec. 6. Tu. _Spilsby_, Mon. before Whit Mon. & Mon. after, 2nd Mon. after if in May, 1st Mon. after 12th July. S. _Spittle_, Nov. 22. _Stamford_, Tues. before Feb. 13, Mon. before Midlent, Midlent Mon. Mon. before May 12, June 25, Aug. 5, Nov. 8. M. F. _Stockwith_, Sep. 4. _Stow_, Oct. 10. _Stow Green_, July 3, 4. _Swaton_, Oct. 11. _Swineshead_, 2nd Thurs. in June, Oct. 2 (cheese fair). Th. _Swinestead_, Monday after Oct. 11 _Tattershall_, May 15, Sep. 25, Th. fat stock market first Th. in Oct., and following weeks during the season. _Tedford_, Mon. after Easter Mon. Dec. 6 _Torksey_, Whit Monday. _Wainfleet_, 3rd Sat. in May, July 5, Aug. 24, Oct. 24. S. _Winteringham_, July 14. _Winterton_, July 5. _Wragby_, Holy Thurs. Sept. 29. Th. FAIRS IN YORKSHIRE. Aberford, last Mon. in April and May, first Mon. in Oct., first Mon. after Oct. 18, first Mon. after Nov. 2 Adwalton, Feb. 6, March 9, Easter Th. and every Th. fortnight after, till Michaelmas Aldborough, September 4 Appletreewick, October 20, 27 Askrig, May 10, 17, first Thur. in June, October 28, 29 Astwick, Thur. before Whit Sun. Barnsley, Wed. before Feb. 28, May 13, Oct. 11 Bawtry, Whit Thur., Nov. 22 Bedale, Easter Tu., Whit Tu., June 6, 7, July 5, 6, Oct. 11, 12, Dec. 13 Bentham, Jan. 25, June 22, Sat. in Easter week, October 25 Beverley, Thur. before Feb. 25, Holy Th., July 5, Nov. 5, principal markets for cattle Wed. before April 6, Wed. before May 12, Wed. before Sep. 14, Wed. after Dec. 25 Bingley, Jan. 25, Aug. 25, 26, 27 Black-Burton, Whit Monday Bolton, June 28 Bradfield, June 17, Dec. 9 Boroughbridge, April 27, 28, June 22, 23, Oct. 23 Bradford, March 3, 4, June 17, 18, 19, Dec. 9, 10, 11 Brandsburton, May 14, Cattle Market every alternate Wed. commencing with the principal stallion show the nearest Wed. to April 8 Brawby, first Mon. after July 11 Bridlington, Monday before Whit Sunday, Oct. 21 Brumpton, November 12 Cawood, May 13, Sep. 23 Clapham, September 21 Coxwold, August 25 Dewsbury, Wed. before May 13, Wed. before October 11 Doncaster, Mon. before Feb. 14, April 6, Aug. 5, Nov. 26 Easingwold, July 5, Sep. 25 Fordingham, July 10, Oct. 2 Gargrave, Dec. 11, 29 Grinton, Good Fri. Dec. 21 Guisborough, last Tuesday in Mar. and April, third ditto in May, ditto in Aug., ditto in Sep., 2nd Tues. in Nov. Guisburn, Easter Monday, 2nd & fourth Monday after, Saturday after the 4th Mon., 5th Monday after Easter, September 18, 19 Halifax, June 24 Harewood, last Monday in April, 2nd Monday in October Hawes, Whit Tues., Sep. 28 Haworth, July 22, Oct. 14 Hedon, Feb. 14, Aug. 2, Sep. 22, Nov. 17, Dec. 6. A market every other Monday in the year Helmsley, May 19, July 16, Oct. 3, November 6 Holmsfirth, October 30 Hornsea, Aug. 13, Dec. 17 Howden, April 15, 16, 17, Sep. 25, and six following day (the great horse fair) and every alternate Tuesday for cattle and horses Huddersfield, March 31, May 14, October 4 Hull, Oct. 11 Hunmanby, May 3, Oct. 29 Ingleton, November 17 Keighly, May 8, Nov. 8 Kettlewell, July 6, Sep. 2 Kilham, Aug. 21, Nov. 12 Kirbymoorside, Whit Wednesday September 18 Kirk-Burton, last Mondays in April and October Kirkham, Trinity Monday Knaresborough, Wed. after Jan. 13, Wed. after March 12, May 6, Wed. after Aug. 12, Tuesday after Oct. 11, Wed. after Dec. 10 Lee, Aug. 24, Sep. 17 Leads, July 10, 11, Nov. 8, 9 Leighton, Midsum day, June 24 Leyburn, 2nd Fridays in Feb., May, October and December Little Driffield, Easter and Whit Mondays, Aug. 26, Sep. 19 Long Preston, March 1, Sep. 29 Malham, June 25, October 4 Malton, Monday before Palm Sunday, Whit Sunday eve, Oct. 11, 12 Masham, September 17, 18 Middleham, Easter and Whit Mondays, Nov. 5, 6 Moor Kirk, June 24 Northallerton, Feb. 14, May 5, Sep. 5, Oct. 3, 2nd Wed. in October North Duffield, May 4 Otley, Aug. l, Nov. 15 Patrington, March 28, July 18, Dec. 6 Penniston, Thur. before Feb. 28, last Th. in March, Th. before May 12, Th. after Oct. 11 Pickering, Mon. before Feb. 14, ditto before July 6, Sep. 25, Mon. before Oct. 11 Pocklington, March 7, May 6, Aug. 5, Nov. 28, Show of Horses Feb. 24, Dec. 7, 18 Pontefract, first Sat. after 20th day bef. Dec. 25, Feb. 5, first Sat. aft Feb. 13, Sat. before Palm Sun., Low Sun. and Trinity Sun. respectively, Sat. after Sep. 12, first Sat. in Dec. The fortnight Fairs are held on Saturdays after the York fortnight fairs Reeth, Fri. before Palm Sun., 2nd Fri. before May 13, Fri. before Aug. 24, 2nd Fri. before Nov. 22 Richmond, Sat. after Candlemas, Sat. before Palm Sun., first Sat. in July, Sep. 25 Ripley, Easter Mon. and Tu., Aug. 25, 26, 27 Ripon, Th. after Jan. 13, May 12, 13, first Th. in June, Th. after Aug. 22, Nov. 22 Rotherham, Whit Mon., Dec. 1 Scarborough, Holy Th., Nov. 22 Seamer, July 15 Sedburgh, March 10, Oct. 29 Selby, Easter Tu., June 29, Oct. 11 Settle, Tu. before Palm Sun., Thur. before Good Fri., and every other Fri. till Whit Sun., April 26, Aug. 18 to 21, Tues. after Oct. 27 Sheffield, Trinity Tu., Nov. 28 Sherburn, Oct. 6 Skipton, March 23, Palm Sunday Eve, Easter Eve, first and third Tuesday after Easter, Whit Sun. Eve, Aug. 5, Nov. 20, 22 Slaidburn, Feb. 14, April 15, Aug. l, Oct. 20 Snaith, last Th. in April, Aug. 10, first Friday in Sep. South Cave, Trinity Mon., and Oct. 24 for cattle Stokesley, Sat. before Trin. Sun. Stamford Bridge, Dec. 1 Tadcaster, last Wednesdays in Apr., May and Oct. Thirst, Shrove Mon., April 5, Aug. 3, 4, 5, Oct. 28, 29, Dec. 14 Thorne, Mon. Tu. and Wed. after June 11, same days after Oct. 11 Tollerton, Aug. 15 Topcliffe, July 17, 18 Wakefield, July 4, 5, Nov. 11, 12 Weighton, May 14, Sep. 25 Wetherby, Holy Th. Aug. 5, Oct. 11, Th. before Nov. 22 Whitgift, July 22 Yarm, Thur. before April 5, Holy Thur., Aug. 2, Oct. 19 York, principal fairs Whit Mon., July 10, Aug. 12, Nov. 22. Principal markets, every other Thur. in the year. Principal Fairs for Horses, on Mon. in the race week, and Mon. in the first whole Week before Dec. 25 COMMERCIAL AND OTHER STAMPS. INLAND BILLS OF EXCHANGE, OR NOTES OF HAND. Payable to Bearer, or to order, either on demand, or otherwise, Exceeding 2 months not exceeding 2 months after date, or 60 days after sight. or 60 days after sight. _s._ _d._ Amounting to £2 and not £5 5s. 1 0 0 1 6 exceeding Exceeding £5 5s. and not 20 1 6 0 2 0 exceeding Exceeding 20 and not 30 2 0 0 2 6 exceeding Exceeding 30 and not 50 2 6 0 3 6 exceeding Exceeding 50 and not 100 3 6 0 4 6 exceeding Exceeding 100 and not 200 4 6 0 5 0 exceeding STAMPS FOR RECEIPTS The Stamp to be provided by the party receiving the money, except when in full of all demands, in which case it is to be paid for by the person requiring such receipt. Amounting to £5 and not £10 Three Pence. Amounting to 10 and not 20 Six Pence. Amounting to 20 and not 50 One Shilling. Amounting to 50 and not 100 One Shilling and Six Pence. Amounting to 100 and not 200 Two Shillings and Six Pence. Where any sum therein expressed to be received in full of all demands, Ten Shillings. BONDS GIVEN AS SECURITY FOR PAYMENT OF MONEY If the sum does not exceed £50 One Pound Above £50 and not exceeding 100 Thirty Shillings Above 100 and not exceeding 200 Forty Shillings Above 200 and not exceeding 300 Three Pounds Above 300 and not exceeding 500 Four Pounds Above 500 and not exceeding 1000 Five Pounds LEGACY DUTIES _Probates and administrations with Wills annexed_. Value of Effects. Duty Above If £20 and not 100 £0 10 100 200 2 0 200 300 5 0 300 450 8 0 450 600 11 0 600 800 15 0 800 1000 22 0 1000 1500 30 0 1500 2000 40 0 2000 3000 50 0 3000 4000 60 0 _Duties on Legacies_—_value_ £20. _or more_. per Centum To Children, or their Descendants, or Ancestors £1 To Brother, or Sister, or their Descendants 3 To Uncle, or Aunt, or their Descendants 5 To Great Uncle or Aunt, or their Descendants 6 To all other Relations, or to Strangers 10 Husband, Wife, and Royal Family pay no Legacy Duty. WINDOW DUTIES. For every inhabited dwelling house, containing: Windows £ s. d. 8 0 16 6 9 1 1 0 10 1 8 0 11 1 16 3 12 2 4 9 13 2 13 3 14 3 1 9 15 3 10 0 16 3 18 6 17 4 7 0 18 4 15 3 19 5 3 9 20 5 12 3 21 6 0 6 22 6 9 0 23 6 17 6 24 7 5 9 25 7 14 3 26 8 2 9 27 8 11 0 28 8 19 6 29 9 8 0 30 9 16 3 31 10 4 3 And for every window above 180 0 1 6 _Rules for charging Windows_, _and Exemption_. Every Window that exceeds 11 feet, by 4 feet 6 inches, to be charged at two windows, except those so made before April 5, 1785, and those in shops, warehouses, &c. All sky-lights, windows in staircases, garrets, cellars, passages, and all other parts of dwelling-houses, whether adjoining or not, are to be charged. Windows giving light to more than one room, to be charged as separate windows, Windows in dwelling-houses, used solely for the purpose of a manufactory, warehouses or workshops, and not having any communication with the dwelling-house, are exempt; and also windows (not exceeding three) in front shops and warehouses on the ground story, though communicating with the dwelling-houses. DUTIES ON DOGS. These Duties, as now consolidated, amount to 20s. for every Greyhound and to 14s. for every Hound, Pointer, Setter, Spaniel, Lurcher, Terrier, or Dog of any other denomination, to any person keeping more than one Dog.—Any person inhabiting an assessed house, and keeping only one Dog, of another description than the foregoing, is liable to the duty of 8s.—Persons compounding for their Hounds to be charged £36. SUNDRIES. £ _s._ _d._ Agreements containing not more than 1080 words 1 0 0 Ditto containing more than 1080 words 1 15 0 And for every additional 1080 words, above the 1 5 0 first 1080, a further progressive duty of Affidavits 0 2 6 Awards 1 15 0 Bills of Lading for Goods exported 0 3 0 Bonds of Indemnity 1 15 0 Deeds 1 15 0 Inventories 1 5 0 Letters of Attorney 1 10 0 BANKERS IN LINCOLNSHIRE. TOWNS FIRMS DRAW UPON Boston W. S. Claypon, Garfit and Masterman and co. co. Ditto H. and T. Gee Roberts and co Ditto Joint Stock Bank Barclay and co. Ditto National Provincial Spooner and co. Bank Brigg Th. Lincoln and Lindsey Prescott and Stock co. Caistor Tu. Ditto Ditto Falkingham Th. Holt and Kewney Barclay and co. Ditto Hardy, Turner and co. Jones and co. Gainsborough Tu. Lincoln and Lindsey Prescott and Stock co. Ditto Smith, Ellison and co. Smith and co. Grantham S. Holt and Kewney Barclay and co. Ditto Hardy, Turner and co. Jones and co. Holbeach Th. Gurneys, Peckover and Barclay and co. co. Horncastle S. Claypon, Garfit and Masterman and co. co. Ditto Lincoln and Lindsey Prescott and Stock co. Lincoln F. Smith, Ellison and co. Smith and co. Ditto Lincoln and Lindsey Prescott and Stock co. Louth W. S. Claypon, Garfit and Masterman and co. co. Ditto Lincoln and Lindsey Prescott and Stock co. Market-Rasen Tu. Smith, Ellison and co. Smith and co. Ditto Lincoln and Lindsey Prescott and Stock co. Sleaford M. Peacock and co. Barnetts and co. Spalding Tu. Claypon, Garfit and Masterman and co. co. Ditto Joint Stock Bank Barclay and co. Spilby M. Claypon, Garfit and Masterman and co. co. Ditto Lincoln and Lindsey Prescott and Stock co. Stamord M. F. Eaton and co. Masterman and co. Ditto Joint Stock Bank Barclay and co. PROVERBS. Few men takes his ADVICE who talks a great deal. And no wonder: for “he who knows but little, presently outs with it.” And, though silence is not necessarily, not in itself a proof of good judgment, excessive talkativeness shows a want of it. The following is an old Grecian adage, translated:—“Tongue! whither goest thou? To build a city and then to destroy it!” signifying, says Erasmus, that the tongue affords great blessings to mankind, and that the same member becomes a cause of dreadful mischief! Our English poet, George Wither, who wrote in 1634, observes in his emblems, No heart can think to what strange ends, The tongue’s unruly motion tends. In vain does he ask ADVICE who will not follow it. “Few things,” says Dr. Johnson, “are so liberally bestowed, or squandered with so little effect, as good advice!” Well BEGUN is half done. This ancient proverb is found in Horace; and there is one in Italian like it. The BEGINNING only is hard and costs dear. We often have great reluctance in setting about an appointed task, the apparent difficulty continuing to increase with delay; but once engaged in it, we proceed with pleasure until it is completed. It is the case in those “trifles which make the sum of human beings.” The young scholar wants courage to set about his lesson in time; the friend, or man of business, to answer a letter or acquire some point of useful information: and to go higher in the application of the maxim, it tells us, that to begin to do good leads on to continued improvement. So the Italians say, BEGIN _your web_, _and God will supply you with thread_! Akin to this, are two valuable proverbs, which chide us for indecision and needless hesitation, _Procrastination is the thief of time_: and _To do what’s right make no delay_, _For life and time slide fast away_. Birds of a feather flock together. Persons of similar manners are fond of associating together; but the bad particularly: indeed, when their characters are known, they cannot easily get other companions. Hence it is a saying,— _Tell me with whom thou goest_, _And I will tell thou what thou doest_! _These who sleep with dogs rise up with fleas_. _It is bad company that brings men to the gallows_. Burckhardt in his collection of Arabic proverbs, gives the following remarkable one:—_He who introduces himself between the onion and the peel_, _goes not forth without its strong smell_. But on the other hand we have in the Spanish, _Associate with the_ GOOD, _and thou shall be esteemed one of them_. One Bird in the Hand is worth two in the Bush; and the Italians say, Better have an egg to-day than an hen to-morrow. But this carries the idea too far. Ray, quotes another, which is much better.— _He that leaves certainty_, _and sticks to chance_, _When fools pipe_, _he may dance_. This adage, like the fable of the dog and the shadow, advises us not to part with what we actually possess, on the distant prospect of some doubtful or uncertain profit. It seems a kind of madness in any one who has a competence, or is exercising with fair success any business or profession, to hazard all in pursuit of some new scheme, which, however promising in appearance, may fail and involve him in ruin. And yet how many are the victims of this! How many instances in our own country do the records of the year 1825 supply. _London Post-Office_. THE ordinary business of each day is, in letters in the inland office alone, 35,000 letters received, and 40,000 sent (23,475,000 annually); exclusive of the numbers in the foreign office department and the ship-letter office, and altogether independent of the two-penny post. The number of newspapers daily varies from 25,000 to 60,000 (on Saturday 40,000, and on Monday 50,000), of which number about 20,000 an put into the office ten minutes before six o’clock. After that hour each newspaper is charged one half-penny, which yields a revenue of fully £1,000 a year, and of which 240,000 newspapers are annually put into the office from six to a quarter before eight o’clock. The revenue derived from charges for early delivery in London is £4 000, and the sum obtained by the charges of _one penny_ on each letter given to the postmen, who go round with bells to collect the letters, is £3,000 a year, giving 720,000, or pearls 2,000 daily. The revenue of London is 6,000 a week, above £300,000 a year; and yet of all this vast annual revenue there has only been lost by defaulters £200 in twenty-five years. The franks amount in a morning to 4,000 or 5,000, or more. Newspapers can only be franked for foreign parts to the first port at which the mail arrives; after this they are charged postage according to their weight, in consequence of which an English daily paper costs in St. Petersburgh £40 sterling per annum. FLATTERY AND FRIENDSHIP. Every one that flatters thee But if fortune once do frown, Is no friend in misery. Then farewell his great renown: Words are easy, like the wind, They that fawned on him before, Faithful friends are hard to Use his company no more. find. He that is thy friend indeed, Every man will be thy friend He will help thee in thy need. While thou hast wherewith to If thou sorrow, he will weep; spend If thou wake he cannot sleep. But if store of crowns be scant, Thus of every grief in heart, No man will supply thy want. He with thee doth bear a part. If that one be prodigal, These are certain signs to know Bountiful they will him call. Faithful friend from flattering If he be addict to vice, foe. Quickly him they will entice. VARIOUS Cure for Drunkenness.—A man in Maryland, notoriously addicted to this vice, hearing an uproar in his kitchen one evening, had the curiosity to stop without noise to the door, to know what was the matter, when he beheld his servants indulging in the most unbounded roar of laughter at a couple of his negro boys who were mimicking himself in his drunken fits; showing how he reeled and staggered,—how he looked and nodded, and hiccupped and tumbled. The picture which these children of nature drew of him, and which had filled the rest with so much merriment, struck him so forcibly, that he became a perfect sober man, to the unspeakable joy of his wife and children. Mr. Locke was asked how he contrived to accumulate a mine of knowledge so rich, yet so extensive and deep. He replied, that he attributed what little he knew, to the not having been ashamed to ask for information; and to the rule he had laid down, of conversing with all descriptions of men, on those topics chiefly that formed their own peculiar professions or pursuits. Punctuality.—Mr. Scott of Exeter, travelled on business till about 80 years of age. He was one of the most celebrated characters in the kingdom for punctuality, and by his methodical conduct, joined to uniform diligence, he gradually amassed a large fortune. For a long series of years, the proprietors of every inn he frequented in Devon and Cornwall, knew the very day and hour he would arrive. A short time before he died, a gentleman on a journey in Cornwall stopped at a small inn at Port Isaac to dine. The waiter presented him with a bill of fare, which he did not approve of, but observing a fine duck roasting. “I’ll have that,” said the traveller. “You cannot sir,” said the landlord, “it is for Mr. Scott of Exeter.” “I know Mr. Scott of Exeter very well,” rejoined the gentlemen, “he is not in your house.” “True,” replied the landlord, “_but six months ago_, _when he was here last_, _he ordered a duck_ to be ready for him this day, precisely at two o’clock;” and to the astonishment of the traveller, he saw the old gentleman jogging into the inn-yard about five minutes before the appointed time. Advantages of Activity.—As animal power is exhausted exactly in proportion to the time during which it is acting, as well as in proportion to the intensity of force exerted, there may often be a great saving of it by doing work quickly, although with a little more exertion during the time. Suppose two men of equal weight to ascend the same stair, one of whom takes only a minute to reach the top, and the other takes four minutes, it will cost the first little more than a fourth part of the fatigue which it costs the second, because the exhaustion is in proportion to the time during which the muscles are acting. The quick mover may have exerted perhaps one-twentieth more force in the first instant to give his body the greater velocity, which was afterwards continued, but the slow supported his load four times as long. Capability greater than Performance.—Men are often capable of greater things than they perform. They are sent into the world with bills of credit, and seldom draw to their full extent. CHAPPED LIPS. The readiest method to cure simple chaps is to wash them with barley water, and apply the following mixture of prepared tutty and olive oil, of each equal parts. CHAPPED HANDS. Rough and course hands are very unhandsome; the following compound will always preserve them smooth: mix 4 oz. of fresh hog’s lard that has been well washed in common water with the yolks of 2 new laid eggs, and a large spoonful of honey; add as much fine oat-meal as to work the whole into paste. TO REMOVE HAIR FROM THE CHIN. Women of sanguine complexion and habit have frequently hair growing on their chin, which is very unseemly. To extirpate this, use dulcified spirit of salt on the part, and rub it gently with a linen cloth; this will effectually kill the roots of the hair, and at the end of a week they wither, and fall away. RESTORATIVE POWDER FOR THE TEETH. Acids of every denomination are unfriendly to the teeth; and by frequent use will destroy the enamel; the following mixture not only whitens, but tends to preserve them. Take Peruvian bark, 2 oz. charcoal, half an oz. Armenian bole, 1 oz. mix them altogether in a mortar. If the teeth are washed, take a piece of wood like a butcher’s skewer, made soft at the end, cover it with linen, dip it them in the above ponder, and apply it to the decayed part. A COSMETIC TO PRODUCE A FAIR NECK AND BOSOM. Equal parts of camomile water and white wine, as warm as can be borne, this for a few weeks will make a considerable change in the akin. OFFENSIVE BREATH. A constant attendant upon the scurvy of the gums, and putrefied matter lodged in the hollow teeth; the following gargle stands in high esteem. Take 2 oz. of cinnamon, 6 drams of cloves, 6 oz. of Florentine orris root, nutmeg and mace: bruise them and macerate them in a quart of spirits of wine or French brandy, during 48 hours; when used, let it be diluted with water. Or, chew at night a small piece of gum myrrh; or chew night and morning a clove, or a piece of orris root, about the size of a bean; or rub the teeth with a piece of rag dipped in the spirits of vinegar. TO SWEETEN MEAT, FISH, &c. THAT IS TAINTED. When meat, fish, &c., from intense heat, or long keeping, are likely to pass into a state of corruption, a simple and pure mode of keeping them sound and healthful is by putting a few pieces of charcoal, each about the size of an egg, into a pot or saucepan wherein the meat or fish is to be boiled. Among others, an experiment of this kind was tried on a turbot, which appeared to be too far gone to be eatable; the cook, as advised, put four pieces of charcoal under the strainer of the fish kettle; after boiling the proper time, the turbot came to the table sweet and firm. USEFUL RECEIPTS. OF THE SKIN. DEFORMITIES as of the skin are generally the consequences of a distempered blood thrown upon it. Promoting the ordinary discharges, and rectifying the skin by proper washes, is the only way to get rid of such disorders. When, therefore, any lotion is employed on the skin, the person must always take care that some other emunctuary may be in readiness, to discharge what to lessened by the application of the external medicine. Diuretics are allowed by all to be the best auxiliaries to cosmetics, and it is hardly safe to use one without the other. We will first notice OF PIMPLES. This deformity consists in a redness of the face, attended with inflammatory pustules, the causes of which are commonly attributed to an acrid, thick blood, that swells and corrodes the small vessels; to clear which, the mass of blood must be sweetened and diluted with proper medicines. For this purpose, infuse 4 oz. of mustard seed in a quart of while wine, and after 3 or 4 days, drink a wine glass full of it every morning filling up the phial as long as the seed gives any strength.—Or boil 3 spoonsful of mustard seed in a quart of milk, take off the curd, and keep the whey for use. This remedy is an excellent diuretic, and a cordial for the nerves, but it differs from the first in quality. Take half a wine glass full every morning. Among all the lotions, and the best to use with the above diuretic, is a pimpernel water, which is so sovereign a beautifier of the complexion as to deserve a place on every lady’s toilet. It is prepared by only infusing half a handful of this herb in a quart of water, letting it stand all night. It may be used a little warm, but not hot. If not sufficiently powerful to remove the pimples, take camphor rubbed fine in a mortar, put upon it, a little at a time, 1 ounce of the juice of lemons, when dissolved, add 1 pint of white wine. This is a very good lotion for spots and flushings: it may be used with the greatest safety. TO TAKE IRON MOULDS OR RUSTS OUT OF LINEN. Dissolve the powder of burnt alum in the juice of lemon: wet the place with it, and dry it with the back of a spoon, in the fore part of which put a live coal; and in doing it 5 or 6 times, the iron moulds will be washed out. TO CLEAN GOLD AND RESTORE ITS LUSTRE. Dissolve a little sal-ammoniac in urine: boil your soiled gold therein, and it will become clean and brilliant. HOW TO TAKE SPOTS OR STAINS OUT OF SILK OR VELVET. Take sopwort (a herb of that name), bruise it, and strain out the juice; add a little black soap, and mix them well to a moderate thickness; rub it over the stained or spotted place; warm it gradually before the fire, and the stains will rub out with the hand. TO RESTORE THE VOICE AND REMOVE HOARSENESS. Many causes may contribute to this defect, particularly severe colds, breathing an air too full of dust, &c., too much speaking or singing, or being too much exposed to the air, on quitting convivial meetings and other entertainments of jollity. To remove this defect, drink freely of barley and liquorice water, eat black currant jelly, and gargle the mouth twice or thrice every morning with the syrup of hedge mustard, diluted in a glass of milk or warm water. It is certainly very mortifying to a lady to have a masculine voice, and yet it is a very frequent circumstance. As a means of contracting the larynx, the extra wideness of which is the cause, you must drink nothing hot; frequently drink lemonade, water acidulated with verjuice, oranges, &c., and gargle the throat every morning with equal parts of verjuice and water. GARGLE FOR A SORE THROAT. Take a handful of red sage leaves, simmer them 2 minutes in a third of a pint of water, strain the liquor off; when cold add an equal quantity of vinegar, and sweeten it with honey. These receipts are best for general purposes, and may be used with perfect safety, and generally with the happiest effect. FOR A COUGH. Mix vinegar and treacle in equal quantities, let a teaspoonful be taken occasionally, when the cough is troublesome. This is a receipt of the excellent Dr. James, of Carlisle. FOR CLEANING IRON AND BRASS. Half an oz. of cream of tarter, half a dram of cochineal, quarter pound of sulphuric acid. The above mixed with a quart of water, and when wanted to use, mix a little Bath brick with the liquid, to the consistency of paste; and apply it to the iron or brass with wash leather. FOR DESTROYING RATS AND MICE. Get a sixpenny packet of Winton’s Compound Mixture, (it may be had of any medicine vender), and mix it with a little butter or lard, and scatter it where the vermin resort. Whole parishes have been entirely cleared of them by the above, when it has been generally used. CORNS. This plaster will always give relief, and frequently remove them: 1 oz. of Venice turpentine, the yolks of 2 eggs, 2 drams of mercurial plaster, half an oz. of yellow wax; the turpentine and wax must be melted together; mix the other ingredients when fluid. Or, take equal quantities of roasted onion and soft water, beat them together, and apply them as a poultice. This application will instantly appease the pain of the corn. TO MAKE CHEAP BLACKING. Take 4 oz. of ivory black, 3 oz. of the coarsest moist sugar, a table spoonful of sweet oil, and a pint of small beer, with half a spoonful of the oil of vitrol; mix them gradually, cold. HEAD ACHE. Ceplinile snuff in a general way remove the afflicting pain of the head ache. One scruple of turpeth mineral, half a dram of powdered ginger, 1 scruple of powdered nutmeg, 3 drops of oil of rosemary, well mixed, and snuffed up the nose. CURE FOR WEAK EYES. Take a lump of white copperas about the size of a pea, put it in a small phial that contains about 2 ounces of water, carry this in the pocket, and occasionally taking out the cork, turn the phial on the finger’s end, and thus bathe the eyes. This will positively effect a cure in a short time. INFLAMED EYES. Is a very painful and well-known complaint, arising sometimes from cold, and frequently from a very acrid blood which stimulates the delicate vessels of the eye, swelling and inflaming them. The following eye waters are very good to cool sharp, hot humours, they may be readily prepared, and will more effectually answer their end if assisted by the use of diuretics at the same time. First, calaminaris levigated, half a dram, rose water, 2 oz.—Second, take white vitrol, 15 grains, rose water, 2 oz.—With either of these, the eyes may be washed at discretion, in all hot defluctions; but when the sight decays from dryness, or a defect in the optic nerve, such things can avail but little.—When a poultice is necessary, you may take half a pint of the decoction of linseed, and as much flour of linseed as is sufficient to make it a proper consistency. This poultice is preferable to bread and milk for sore eyes, it will not grow sour nor acid. In corroboration of the above, we give a letter to the editor of the Mechanics’ Magazine, page 95, vol. I. “Sir,—Reading your miscellany to a friend, a cure for weak eyes, he had recourse to your receipt, and was cured in a short time, though he had previously spent much money without getting relief from the faculty. I hope your readers who may be in a similar situation, will follow the example.” OINTMENT FOR BURNS. This ointment has never yet failed to give relief; yellow basilicon 3 ounces turpentine 1½ ounce. FOR SHORTNESS OF BREATH. Mix ¾ of an oz. of fine powdered senna, ½ an oz. of the flour of brimstone, ¼ of an oz. of powdered ginger, in 4 oz. of clarified honey. Take about the size of a nutmeg every night and morning for five successive days, afterwards, once a week for some time, and finally once a fortnight. TO MAKE GINGER BEER. One ounce and a half of well-bruised ginger, 1 ounce of cream of tartar, 1 sliced lemon, 1 pound of white sugar. Put these ingredients into an earthen vessel, and pour upon them a gallon of water, boiling; when cold, add a table spoonful of yeast, and let the whole stand till next morning; then skim and bottle it; keep it three days in a cool place it will then be fit for use. PROBLEMS. A country woman carrying eggs to a garrison, where she had three guards to pass, sold at the first half the number she had, and half an egg more; at the second, the half of what remained, and half an egg more; and at the third, the half of the remainder and half an egg more; when she arrived at the market-place, she had three dozen still to sell, how was this possible, without breaking any of the eggs? _Solution_.—The possibility of this problem will be evident when it is considered, that by taking the greater half of an odd number, we take the exact half—½. It will he found therefore, that the woman, before she passed the last guard, had 73 eggs remaining, for by selling 37 of them at that guard which is the half—½, she would have 36 remaining. In the like manner, before she came to the second guards she had 147; and before she came to the first, 295. Two Greeks dicing together, one provided five dishes, the other three. A stranger happened to pop in, and requested to join them. On his departure, he gave the Greek who had provided five dishes _five_ shillings, and to the other who had furnished three dishes, _three_ shillings; but the latter was dissatisfied, and had the matter referred to Solon, who instantly decided that the Greek who had provided five dishes should have _seven_ shillings, and he who furnished the three dishes should receive but _one_ shilling. _Solution_.—Each Greek paid eight shillings, which are twenty-four shillings for eight dishes, or three shillings per dish. The one who provided five being fifteen shillings out of pocket, had a right to have seven shillings refunded to him, which left him eight shillings, his proportion. When first the marriage knot was tied, betwixt my love and me, My age did then her’s exceed us three times three doth three. But when we ten and half ten years we man and wife had been, Her age came up as near to mine, as eight is to sixteen. Solution.—The man was 45, the woman was 15. EXPENCES OF WITNESSES IN COURTS OF JUSTICE, AT ASSIZES, &c. From To £. _s._ _d._ £. _s._ _d._ Travelling expences per mile 0 1 0 0 7 0 one way Journeymen, labourers, &c., 0 5 0 0 15 0 while detained, per day Tradesmen, yeomen, farmers, 0 10 0 0 15 0 while detained, per day Merchants, gentlemen, 1 1 0 altogether. auctioneers, clerks if residing in London, and the trial be there If at assizes 1 1 0 per day. Professional men from 1 1 0 £2 2 0 per day. Attornies’ clerks 0 15 0 1 0 0 Families, according to rank 0 5 0 1 0 0 COACHES, WAGGONS, CARTS, PACKETS, AND OTHER PUBLIC CONVEYANCES TO AND FROM HORNCASTLE. The _Pelham_ arrives at the Bull Inn, Horncastle, from Boston, every morning, (Sundays excepted) at 8 o’clock; proceeds at half-past to New Holland and Hull: returns to Horncastle at half-past 6, and proceeds to Boston immediately. The _Defiance_ arrives at the George Inn Horncastle, from Louth, every morning (Sundays excepted) at half-past 8 o’clock; proceeds at 9 to Lincoln: returns in the afternoon at 6, and proceeds immediately to Louth. The _Mail Cart_ leaves the Post Office Horncastle, for the North, every evening at half-past 6, and returns the following day at 2 in the afternoon:—the _Mail_ from the South, arrives at 11 o’clock in the morning, and leaves at half-past 2 in the afternoon:—the _Letter Bags_ from Conningsby and Tattershall, arrive by a foot-post at 11 in the morning, are dispatched at half-past 1 in the afternoon. Read’s Packet leaves Horncastle every Tuesday morning, for Boston, at 7 o’clock, where it arrives in the evening; leaves Boston the following Friday morning at the same hour, and arrives at Horncastle a the evening. Slack’s Packet leaves Horncastle every Tuesday morning at 7 o’clock, for Lincoln, where it arrives in the evening; and returns the following Saturday morning at 7. Riggall’s Sociable leaves the Maid’s Head’s, every morning at 8, for Kirkstead, where it meets the Boston and Lincoln Packets; and returns to Horncastle, at 3 in the afternoon. Clays Fly Waggon leaves Horncastle for New Holland every Monday noon, passing through Wragby, Rasen and Caistor, arrives at Hull on Tuesday, and returns to Horncastle on Thursdays. Fletcher, Day, Mower and Thompson’s Carts leave their respective houses, every Monday, for Spilsby, and return in the evening. Day’s Fly Waggon leaves his house every Wednesday morning at 7 o’clock, for Louth, and returns in the evening. Mower’s Waggon leaves his house for Louth, every Wednesday morning, and returns in the evening; leaves Horncastle for Boston, every Friday morning, and returns on Saturday. Roberts’ Cart leaves Horncastle for Alford Market, on Tuesday morning, and returns in the evening. Edwards’ Cast from Sleaford, arrives at the George Inn, every Friday afternoon, and returns on Saturday. Thompson’s Cart leaves has house Boston Road, for Lincoln, every Thursday evening, and returns the following night; for Alford every Tuesday morning, and returns at night. Fletcher’s Cart leaves his house Horncastle, every Tuesday and Friday, for Boston, and returns on the following evenings. Carriers Carts which regularly attend Horncastle Saturday’s Market. Towns and Villages. Carriers. Inns at Horncastle. Alford _Reed_ Red Lion Alford _Trolley_ George Barkwith _Porter_ George Belchford _Sutton_ Rodney Bardney _Dennis_ Maid’s Heads Benneworth _Wass_ Fighting Cocks Bucknall _Pilson_ Fighting Cocks Conningsby and Tattershall _Cooling_ Maid’s Heads Conningsby and Tattershall _Sharpe_ Red Lion Goulceby _Tomlinson_ Maid’s Heads Goulceby _Vester_ Rodney Kirkby _Wold_ Maid’s Heads Kirkstead _Lewis_ White Hart Louth _Cash_ Maid’s Heads Mareham-le-fen _Codd_ Maid’s Heads Martin _Cawden_ Fighting Cocks Minting _Cartwright_ Black Horse Minting _Addleshaw_ White Hart Minting _Danby_ White Hart New Bolingbroke _Newman_ Maid’s Heads New Bolingbroke _Wood_ Maid’s Heads Old Bolingbroke _Marshall_ Maid’s Heads Scamblesby _Smith_ Rodney Scamblesby _Parish_ Red Lion Somersby _Hewitt_ George Spilsby _Sargeant_ Red Lion Spilsby _Widle_ Maid’s Heads Spilsby _Lilley_ George Stixwold _Warrington_ Black Horse Tetford _Stevens_ Greyhound Tetford _Brackenbury_ Royal Oak Wragby and Lincoln _Silvester_ Black Horse Wragby and Lincoln _Dawkins_ George Wragby and Lincoln _Sandal_ Maid’s Heads *** _Carriers are requested to inform D. Cussons when they change Inns_, _time of starting_, _&c._, _in order to have them inserted right in the next year’s almanack_. CATALOGUE OF BOOKS, SELECTED FROM THE STOCK OF D. CUSSONS, BOOKSELLER, HORNCASTLE, AND OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES. JANUARY, 1837. _Periodicals delivered in Horncastle on the First day in the Month_. WEEKLY PARCELS FROM LONDON: Orders up to Saturday Night, for any Works of Music not on hand, will ensure the delivery on the following Wednesday. s. d. ABBOTT’S Child at Home,—Mother at Home—Fire 1 0 Side—Young Christian—Corner Stone, each — Parential Duties, and Golden Rules of Life 1 0 Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, and Life of 4 0 Selkirk, boards, Affection’s Gift, figured boards, gilt edges 2 0 All for Love, and the Pilgrim of Compostella, 2 0 by Southey Amaranth, suitable for a new year’s gift, 3 6 roan, gilt edges ANNUALS for 1837, a great variety, from 4s. 21 0 6d. to Annual Poesy, figured boards, gilt edges 2 0 Angelo’s Reminiscences, best edition, 4 6 half-calf, 8vo. ANNUAL REGISTER, from 1774 to 81, 1786 to 89, 36 0 calf, 12 vols. Antwerp and its Siege, in 1832, half cloth 2 6 Anxious Enquirer 1 6 Art of Being Happy, by B. H. Draper, embossed 4 6 roan, gt. edges Art of Confectionary, cloth 1 0 Æsop’s Fables, plates, sheep 3 6 Barbauld’s Hymns, 6d. Evenings at Home, 4 0 half-bound — Lessons, neat edition, half roan 2 6 Bard: a selection of Poetry, silk, gilt edges 4 0 Baxter’s Saints’ Everlasting Rest 3 0 Beauties of the British Poets, extra cloth, 7 6 12mo. Beauties of the Prose Works of Southey 3s. 3 6 6d. Poetical Works Beaufoy’s Guide for True Pilgrims 1 6 BIBLES, various sizes and bindings, elegant and plain Biscuit Baker’s and Pastry Cook’s Assistant 1 0 Blair’s Sermons complete in one vol., 8vo. 6 6 6s. 6d. Lectures Bloomfield’s Farmer’s Boy, &c. cloth, gilt 1 6 edges — Poetical Works, boards 2 0 Bogatzky’s Golden Treasury for the Children 2 0 of God, new edit Book of Fate, or Oracle of Human Destiny, 2 6 frontispiece Book of Private Prayer and Devotion 2 6 Boy’s Own Book, with numerous plates and 8 6 cuts, extra boards Bransby’s School Anthology, green roan 5 0 British Critic, vols. 12 to 17, 6 vols. 6 0 half-calf, 8vo. Bridal Gift, a selection of Poetry, 2s. 3 6 Embossed roan, gilt Brookes’s Apples of Gold 1 0 BROWN’S SELF-INTERPRETING BIBLE, new edition, 28 0 maps, 4to — bound in calf 34 0 — Diamond Concordance of the Scriptures 2 0 — Dictionary of the Bible, thick 12mo. 10 0 Brooks’s Gazetteer, neat calf, 8vo. 8 6 Buchan’s Domestic Medicine, 8vo. 7 6 BUFFONS’ NATURAL HISTORY, by Wright, a new 24 0 and greatly improved edition, 446 cuts, 4 vols. royal 18mo. Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress, new edit. 18mo. 6 0 2s. plates, 8vo. — Barren Fig Tree, 1s. Holy War 5 0 — Grace abounding to the Chief of Sinners 1 0 Burn’s Poetical Works, 18mo. with engravings 6 0 — Songs, with Life and Glossary 1 6 Burkitt’s Exposition of the New Testament, 20 0 4to. Byron’s Don Juan, foolscap, 3s. 6d. 32mo. 2 6 — Miscellaneous Works, containing Hours of 8 0 Idleness, English Bards and Scotch Reviewers, Hints from Horace, Curse of Minerva, Waltz, Age of Bronze, Vision, &c., 2 vols. Byron’s Life by Galt, 12mo. cloth 4 6 Caroline Mordaunt, by Mrs. Sherwood, roan 4 6 embossed gt. edge CALMET’S DICTIONARY OF THE BIBLE, by Taylor, 24 0 imp. 8vo. Childs Own Book, greatly improved, 3rd. ed. 7 6 with illustrations Child’s (Mrs.) Girl’s Own Book, with 144 wood 4 6 engravings — Mother’s Book, gilt edges, 4s. 6d. Story 3 0 Book, 26 cuts Children’s Books, a great variety, from one penny upwards Christian Bard, a selection of Sacred Poetry 3 0 Churchill’s Poems, 2 vols. 8vo. calf 4 0 Clarke on the Promises of Scripture 1 6 CLARKE’S (Dr. ADAM) COMMENTARY ON THE HOLY £5 5 0 SCRIPTURES, a new and beautiful edition, elegantly bound in cloth and lettered, 6 vols. imperial 8vo. — Works, fcap. in monthly vols. 6 0 Cobbett’s Legacy to Parsons, 1s. 6d. to 1 4 Labourers, 1s. 4d. to Peel Clater’s Cattle Doctor, new edition, 6s. 6 0 Farriery, 6s. Cookery Books in great variety from 6d. to 10 6 Collection of Prayers for Families 1 0 Complete Letter Writer, 2s. 6d. Modern 2 6 letter Writer, 1s. & Contributions for Youth, extra boards, plates 4 6 COWPER’S LIFE AND WORKS, by Grimshawe, 8 40 0 vols. 8vo. fcp — by Southey, 12 vols. 8vo. fcp. 60 0 — Poetical Works, with Life 4 0 Conversations at the Work Table by a Mother 3 6 Crabb’s Dictionary of General Knowledge, last 9 0 edit. 580 cuts CRUDEN’S CONCORDANCE of the Old and New 13 6 Testament Cyclopædia of 1000 popular Songs 5 0 Doddridges Rise and Progress 2s. 6d. 21 0 Expositor, imperial 8vo. Dodd’s Reflections on Death, 4s. Beauties of 3 6 Shakspeare Dolby’s Cook’s Dictionary, and Housekeeper’s 7 6 Directory Elegant Extracts, Epistles, royal 8vo. 10 6 English History made Easy, on a popular plan, 3 6 many plates Evenings at Home, by Mrs. Barbauld and Dr. 4 0 Aikin Evergreen, a selection, of Poetry, embossed 3 6 roan, gilt edges Falconer’s Shipwreck, and other Poems, cloth, 1 6 gilt edges Fisher’s Young Man’s Best Companion, bound 3 0 FLEETWOOD’S LIFE OF CHRIST, with Lives of the 18 0 Apostles and Evangelists, 9 engravings, 4to. cloth bds. beautiful edit. — second hand, 4to. sheep 6 6 Fool of Quality, or History of Henry Earl of 4 6 Moreland Forsyth’s Dictionary of Diet, second edition, 6 6 post 8vo. Frank and his Father, by B. H. Draper, 4 6 embossed roan, gilt ed. Gay’s Fables, 109 engravings, best edition, 3 0 32mo. Goldsmith’s Poetical Works, with a sketch of 5 6 his Life — Vicar of Wakefield, 4s. Poems 1 6 — History of the Earth and Animated Nature, 9 9 0 vols. Graham’s Modern Domestic Medicine, last 16 0 edition, 8vo. Gurney’s Dictionary of the Bible 3 0 Haddon’s Farmer’s Account Book 7 0 Harris’s Children’s Books, from 1s. to 8s. Harp of Zion, gilt edge, 1s. 6d. Harp of the 4 0 Desert, gilt edge Harding’s Stenography 3 0 Hill’s Village Dialogues, considerably 9 0 enlarged, 3 vols. 36 eng. Homer’s Iliad, turkey morocco, gilt edges, 7 6 7s. 6d. Oddysey HOPLAND’S (Mrs.) 5 0 Africa—Decision—Integrity—Moderation—Patience—Reflection—Self-Denial—Fortitude— gilt edges — half-crown books, 18 sorts Howard’s Beauties of Byron, cloth, gilt 2 6 edges. Hymns—for Sunday Schools, 9d. for Infant 1 6 Minds, Johnson’s Dictionary, diamond, 2s. octovo, 31 6 8s. Imperial 8vo. Juvenile Books, suitable for presents, ten 2 6 sorts, gilt edges Jest Books, Joe Miller’s, 3s. 6d. Cream of 3 6 the Jest Mirth in Miniature, 2s. Droll Story Teller, 0 6 1s. Gems of Wit Kirk White’s Remains, 3s. Poetical Works, 1 6 gilt edges Ladies Magazines, 8vo. half-calf, 3 vols. 3 0 Leslie’s Book of Sports, square 12mo. elegant 4 6 boards Maclock’s Natural History, 400 cuts, 12mo. 4 6 bound Map of Lincolnshire, 1s. 6d. ditto on canvas 1 6 for the pocket Maunder’s Treasury of Knowledge and Library 8 6 of Reference Memoirs of Mrs. Harriet Newell, neatly 1 8 half-bound, Mason’s Pocket Companion, 1s. Prayers for 1 0 Morning & Even. Maxwell’s History of the Bible, plates, 4 0 half-bound Milton’s Paradise Lost, new edition, cloth 2 6 gilt edges — Poetical Works 4 6 Midsummer Holidays at Briges Hall, 4 0 half-bound, plates Midland Gleaner, a selection of Sacred 1 6 Poetry, silk, gilt edges Modern Voyages and Discoveries:— Parry’s three Voyages of a north-west 12 0 passage, 4 vols. Franklin’s Journey to the Polar Sea, 4 12 0 vols. plates Denham and Clapperton’s Discoveries, 3 12 0 vols. plates Modern Confectionary, 2s. 6d. Modern Cookery 2 6 Modern Traveller: Sketches of Ancient 3 6 Biography, Poets, &c. Sketches of Ancient Biography, Warriors, 3 6 &c. Travels in Europe and Asia 3 6 Remarkable Voyages from the Discovery of 3 6 America More’s (Mrs. Hannah) Stories for persons of 3 6 the Middle Ranks — Tales for Common People 3 6 — on the system of Female Education 3 3 — Sacred Dramas, cloth, gilt edges 2 0 Mudie on the Earth, Heavens, Air and Sea, 5 0 12mo. boards, each Newton’s Works complete in one vol. 8vo. 12 0 New Year’s Token, for 1837 6 0 New Manual of Devotions 3 6 Olney Hymns, by Newton and Cowper 2 0 Owen’s Book of Fairs, 1s. 6d. Book of Roads 1 6 Nursery Book, square, cloth, numerous 3 6 engravings Pamphlets,—sixpenny and shilling, 50 sorts Penny Magazine, vols. one to five, cloth, 7 6 each Perennial Treasure, roan embossed, gill, 3 6 edges Percy Anecdotes, forty-one parts, stiff 2 0 cover, each Pike’s Persuasives to Early Piety, 1s. 1 0 Motives for Perseverance Pott’s Gazetteer, 2 vols. 8vo. half-calf, 5 6 neat copy Pigot and Co’s Directory, with Atlas, royal 2 25 0 8vo., Midland Prayers and Bibles, all sizes, in plain and elegant bindings Poor Law Union, (books, forms, and receipts for) Rate and Receipt Books, Forms, &c., for Parish Officers Register Forms, on parchment, for baptisms, 1 0 marriages &c. Reward Books and Presents, in great variety Rowe’s (Mrs) Devout Exercises of the Heart 1 6 Saturday Magazine, from commencement, cloth, 3 6 each Sacred Music, the most celebrated Psalm and 8 6 Hymn Tunes Scott’s Marmion, gilt edges, 2s. Lady of the 2 0 Lake, gilt edges — Lay of the Last Minstrel, gt. 1s. 6d. 2 6 Lyrical Pieces, &c. Sherwood’s (Mrs.) Works Shakespear’s Dramatic Works, 8vo. cloth, gilt 9 6 edges — Turkey morocco, gilt edges 12 0 Social Tales, by Mrs. Sherwood, embossed 4 6 roan, gilt edges Sphinx, (The) a collection of 500 enigmas, 1 6 charades, rebusses Stebbin’s Common Prayer, with notes, &c., 12 6 0 plates, 32mo. — New Testament, with notes, &c. 12 plates, 3 9 diamond Song Books—Quaver, 4s. 6d. British Melodist, 0 6 3s. 6d. Warbler — Harp of Orpheus, 2s. 6d. Roland’s Comic, 3 6 2s. 6d. Oliver’s Sturm’s Reflections, 2 vols. half-bound 9 0 Smith’s Manual of Theology, 9s. Compendium 10 6 of Theology Token of Remembrance, Affection, Friendship, 1 6 gilt edges, each Vicar of Wakefield, cloth, gilt edges 2 0 Walker’s Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, 7 0 8vo. half cloth — elegant pocket edition, 18mo. bound 5 0 Watts’ Psalms and Hymns, in plain and elegant bindings — Scripture History, 4s. World to Come 5s. 4 6 Logic Wesley’s Hymns, with the additional 6 0 Supplement, from 1s. 9d. to Webster’s Psalms and Hymns, bound 1 0 Whiston’s Flavius Josephus’s History of the 9 0 Wars of the Jews White’s Farriery, 12mo. 3 vols. half calf 10 6 Whites Natural History of Selborne, 4 6 embellished with 48 cuts Also a general assortment of English, Latin, Greek, and French School Books HINTS TO THOSE WHO ASK, WHY SHOULD I CONTRIBUTE TO SUPPORT MISSIONS TO THE HEATHEN? WHAT ARE THE OBJECTS OF SUCH MISSIONS? Are they not to make known the glorious Gospel of the blessed God; to institute Christian Schools; to erect places of Christian worship; to collect Christian societies; and thus to banish Pagan ignorance, Pagan vices, and Pagan cruelties, from the earth? HAVE NOT SUCH OBJECTS BEEN ALREADY ACCOMPLISHED, TO A CERTAIN EXTENT, IN VARIOUS PARTS OF THE HEATHEN WORLD?—This is indisputable. Many in Asia, Africa, America, Australasia, and Polynesia, no longer worship idols; no longer destroy each other. Many mothers no more cast their children to the crocodiles, or drown them in rivers. Many aged and sick persons, who would have been cast out into the woods in age and infirmity, are now cherished by their children. Many thousands of children, in the different Mission Schools in India, Africa, the South-Sea inlands, and other places, are now reading the word of God, worshipping our Saviour, and singing his praises; who would otherwise have been trained up in idolatry, and all its polluting and degrading superstitions. Many adults have been brought to the knowledge of Christ; and many have died in peace and in the hope of heaven, whose sun would otherwise have set amid the dark and lowering clouds of Heathenism. Finally, the work, though in some places feeble, has been begun; it is spreading its enlightening and sanctifying influence among surrounding millions; and it exhibits to our faith and hope the dawn of the universal salvation. ARE YOU A MAN?—Do you not then shudder at the miseries, and oppressions, and murders, which Heathenism is daily practising, and which Christianity brings to an end wherever it prevails? On the principle of common humanity and sympathy, you will then surely feel an interest in Missions, nor suffer the cry of slaughtered widows and children, and the voice of distress, pouring out its wailings from all lands, to reach your ears in vain. ARE YOU A BRITON? Think of the vastness of the British Empire, comprising, at a low calculation, upwards of a HUNDRED MILLIONS of subjects, most of whom are Pagan idolaters. Why has Providence given us power, but to employ it so that, wherever it is felt, “mankind may feel our mercy too?” Shall we enjoy the advantages of that extensive commerce which so vast an empire gives to us; shall we revel in the luxuries of the West and of the East; shall we turn every colony to gain? and shall we neglect the souls of our fellow-subject? If we do so, we cannot be guiltless before Him who governs the world, and who will bless our blessings, or wither them, as we are faithful or unfaithful to the behests of His Providence. As a Briton, therefore, you are bound to support Missions, and by them to fill the whole empire with the blessings of that Christianity we enjoy at home. DO YOU PROFESS TO BE A TRUE AND LIVELY CHRISTIAN?—Then you love your Saviour, and must desire that all should love and worship Him. Then you pray daily, “Thy kingdom come,” and must mean something when you thus pray, or you offer vain service, and mock God. Then you pity the ignorant, and weep over perishing souls; and, if so, you must, you will, do all you can to point them to “the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.” ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN PARENT?—You look with joy and gratitude upon your rising family. You placed them, by holy baptism, in the arms of Jesus, that He might bless them. They are in covenant with Him. They hearken unto you, and you teach them the fear of the Lord. You send them into life, commended to God as their “sun and shield.” You rejoice in the hope of meeting them all again in the kingdom of Heaven. O happy Christian parent! O favoured Christian families!—families “whom Jesus loves.” But Missions are creating many such families among Negroes, Hottentots, Fejees, New Zealanders, the Friendly Islanders, the American Indians, and the Singalese. Many a Heathen hut resounds with praise; and parents and children, once idolaters, bow before the throne of grace in united family worship. Do not you rejoice in this? and will you not do your utmost to promote the cause of Christ, till all the families of the earth, like your own, are blessed in Him? ARE YOU A CHRISTIAN CHILD?—What do you owe to Christ, whose adorable name you bear! But for the blessed Gospel, you had scarcely known your parents’ tender love. No prayers to the true God would have been offered by them on your behalf. You would have been a worshipper of the ugly, gloomy gods of Paganism. You might have been cast into a river, or turned out to perish in a wood; or, if not, you would have grown up in ignorance, vice, and misery. You would have had no education; never have read the blessed Bible; never have sung a hymn of praise to God, and would not have had, as now, the prospect of a happy, useful life, and a glorious heaven. O what do you owe to Christ! You feel that you ought to love Him, and how can you better show that you do love Him, than by pitying poor, ignorant Heathen children, and contributing some little of your spare money, to send them Ministers, to build them Schools, to buy them the Bible and holy books, and teach them all the blessed truths which you have learned of Christ, the Saviour of the world? HAVE YOU LATELY BEEN MADE YOURSELF A PARTAKER OF THE GRACE OF CHRIST?—How much do you owe to Him who hath brought you “out of a horrible pit, and out of the miry clay;” and how ought you to pity all who are living “without hope and without God in the world!” When you felt the burden of sin, you heard of Christ, and his willingness to save. “Dying, you heard the welcome sound, And pardon in his mercy found.” But millions of the poor Heathen feel that burden too, yet they know not where to fly for relief; they go from idol to idol; from sacrifice to sacrifice; perform painful pilgrimages, and torture their bodies. But in vain! the sting remains; the fear of the future still pursues them. Do they not cry, even in your ears, “Men and brethren, what shall we do?” and will not you, remembering the sweetness of that hour when you obtained mercy by believing in Christ, make haste to tell them, by the Missionaries you send forth, where pardon may be found? O you not, by your liberalities, cause these blessed words to be sounded in the ears of all such mourning, broken spirits?— “Sinners, believe the gospel word: Jesus is come your souls to save! Jesus is come, your common Lord; Pardon ye all through him may have; May now be saved, whoever will: This man receiveth sinners still.” FINALLY, ARE YOU AN AGED CHRISTIAN?—How often have you prayed, “O Lord, revive thy work!” How often have you longed to see the dawn of the day of Christ upon all nations! Well, now you see it. God has granted you this before you depart to be with Christ. You, you aged servant of God, must rejoice in it. Your long life of mercy has been crowned with this mercy. Tell all about you, how you “saw the cloud arise, little as a human hand;” bid them look to its spreading showers; mark its reviving influence; and hear the “sound of abundance of rain.” Yes, you will encourage our youth to pledge themselves to this cause; you will give it the sanction and aid of your counsel and influence; and you will die in greater peace and higher triumph, since “your eyes have seen His salvation; a light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of his people Israel.” “Let the children of Zion,” therefore, “be joyful in their King.” “Both young men and maidens, old men and children, let them praise the Lord,” and unite to proclaim “His glory among the Heathen, His wonders among all people,” till the whole earth shall be filled with the honours of His high and glorious name. Amen. But do any of you ask, WHAT CAN I DO IN THIS CAUSE?—This is an important and serious question, especially when you consider that that day will come when you must “give up your stewardship, and be no longer steward” of your Lord’s goods, whether he has entrusted you with five, three, or only one talent; and when he will doubtless ask you, what you have done to promote His cause in the world. Well, then, it may be kindly and affectionately inquired of you, whether you do not indulge in some needless superfluities of meat, drink, apparel, furniture, or show, which, even in perfect consistency with your rank of life, whatever it may be, you may reduce, and have more to spend in works of piety and charity at home and abroad? Put this question to your hearts in the fear of God. If you have no obvious superfluities, yet may not your economy, that is, your management of what you have, be more exact, methodical, and careful? So that even your own affairs will be more prosperous; and, from this good management, you may find much more to give to these great services than even now you are yourselves aware of. Try the experiment; for many have tried it, and have found themselves enabled to become “rich in good works,” almost without cost to themselves. Ask, What cannot I give? Cannot I spare this penny every week?—Why not? Cannot I give this shilling, as a monthly subscription; or this pound, or even several pounds, as a yearly one? Why not? You may have an answer, but see that it is a good one; that it is such an one as you can with confidence give to your Lord, when He calls you to give an account of your stewardship. Cannot I give my influence to this cause? Why not? I have some influence, perhaps as a master, or as a parent, or as a neighbour, or as a friend. Cannot I employ this talent of influence in inducing servants, children, neighbours, friends, to take a share in all the good which the Lord is doing upon earth among the children of men? Will they not be benefited by it? How many good thoughts will it put into their minds! How probable is it, that they may feel more sensibly the value of the Gospel than before, by considering the situation of those nations who have it not! How much will it enlarge their knowledge, to place before them the publications of a Missionary Society! How much will it ennoble the heart of the poorest and youngest among them, to teach them to live to benefit all mankind! Cannot I take even an active part in this work, if called upon; or may I not humbly offer my services in some department? Why not? Collectors, patient, persevering Collectors, are always wanting; and why cannot I become a Collector, and have the honour and blessedness of begging for a perishing world? Treasurers, Secretaries, Members of Committees, are wanting wherever a Missionary Society is formed, who will be active in their duty, and constant in their attendance. Cannot I then, if called upon, take my share of any of those duties, whenever they are assigned me? Why not? What good and serious reason can I give against it, when, laying my hand upon my heart, I ask, “How much owest thou unto my Lord?” Cannot I converse on these great subjects, and arouse my own languid zeal, and that of others, by this means? Why not? Would not this shut out many trifling things from conversation; and will not the constant reading of Missionary Publications, and accounts of the progress of Christ’s kingdom in the world, furnish conversation with some of the best and most inspiring topics?—and is not this in character, when, as the Psalmist says, “All thy works shall praise Thee, O Lord, and thy saints shall bless thee; they shall speak of the glory of thy kingdom, and talk of thy power, to make known to the sons of men His mighty acts, and the glorious majesty of His kingdom.” And cannot I join my prayers, prayers in my closet, in my family, and in the Church of God: thus acknowledging that the work is the Lord’s, and that vain is the help of man,—thus bringing upon all counsel, and upon all effort, the prospering blessing of Him who “worketh all and in all?” Rest not till you have put to yourself all these questions, and then so act as “the answer of a good conscience” shall direct. WESLEYAN MISSION HOUSE, BISHOPSGATE-STREET WITHIN, LONDON. *** For an account of the Missions conducted by the Wesleyan Missionary Society, see the accompanying “GENERAL VIEW.” * * * * * LONDON: PRINTED BY JAMES NICHOLS, 46, HOXTON-SQUARE. *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK CUSSONS' HORNCASTLE COMPENDIUM, 1837 *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. Creating the works from print editions not protected by U.S. copyright law means that no one owns a United States copyright in these works, so the Foundation (and you!) can copy and distribute it in the United States without permission and without paying copyright royalties. Special rules, set forth in the General Terms of Use part of this license, apply to copying and distributing Project Gutenberg™ electronic works to protect the PROJECT GUTENBERG™ concept and trademark. 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