The Project Gutenberg eBook of Saunders' Books on Pathology, Physiology Histology, Embryology and Bacteriology

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Title: Saunders' Books on Pathology, Physiology Histology, Embryology and Bacteriology

Author: W.B. Saunders Company

Release date: January 28, 2017 [eBook #54062]
Most recently updated: October 23, 2024

Language: English

Credits: Produced by Chuck Greif, deaurider and the Online
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by The Internet Archive)


Catalog taken from the end of A Text-book of Diseases of Women by Charles Penrose, W.B. Saunders Company, 1908


———— on ————
Pathology, Physiology Histology, Embryology
and Bacteriology




THE excellent judgment displayed in the publications of the house at the very beginning of its career, and the success of the modern business methods employed by it, at once attracted the attention of leading men in the profession, and many of the most prominent writers of America offered their books for publication. Thus, there were produced in rapid succession a number of works that immediately placed the house in the front rank of Medical Publishers. One need only cite such instances as Keen’s five-volume work on Surgery, Kelly and Noble’s Gynecology and Abdominal Surgery, Fowler’s Surgery, Ashton’s Gynecology, Moynihan’s works on Abdominal Operations and on Gallstones, Sahli, Kinnicutt, and Potter’s Diagnostic Methods, Stengel’s Pathology, Hirst’s Obstetrics, Anders’ Practice, DaCosta’s Surgery, and the International Text-Book of Surgery, edited by Warren and Gould. These books have made for themselves a place among the best works on their several subjects.

A Complete Catalogue of our Publications will be Sent upon Request{2}

American Text-Book of Pathology

American Text-Book of Pathology. Edited by Ludvig Hektoen, M. D., Professor of Pathology, Rush Medical College, in affiliation with the University of Chicago; and David Riesman, M. D., Professor of Clinical Medicine, Philadelphia Polyclinic. Handsome imperial octavo, 1245 pages, 443 illustrations, 66 in colors. Cloth, $7.50 net; Sheep or Half Morocco, $9.00 net.


The present work is the most representative treatise on the subject that has appeared in English. It furnishes practitioners and students with a comprehensive text-book on the essential principles and facts in General Pathology and Pathologic Anatomy, with especial emphasis on the relations of the latter to practical medicine. The illustrations are nearly all original, and those in color are printed directly in the text. In fact, the pictorial feature of the work forms a complete atlas of pathologic anatomy and histology.

Quarterly Medical Journal, Sheffield, England

“As to the illustrations, we can only say that whilst all of them are good, most of them are really beautiful, and for them alone the book is worth having. Both colored and plain, they are distributed so profusely as to add very largely to the interest of the reader and to help the student.

McConnell’s Pathology

A Manual of Pathology. By Guthrie McConnell, M. D., Pathologist to the Skin and Cancer Hospital, St. Louis. 12mo of 523 pages, with 170 illustrations. Flexible leather, $2.50 net.


Dr. McConnell has discussed his subject with a clearness and precision of style that render the work of great assistance to both student and practitioner. The illustrations, many of them original, have been introduced for their practical value.{3}

Wells’ Chemical Pathology

Chemical Pathology. Being a Discussion of General Pathology from the Standpoint of the Chemical Processes Involved. By H. Gideon Wells, Ph.D., M.D., Assistant Professor of Pathology in the University of Chicago. Octavo of 549 pages. Cloth, $3.25 net; Half Morocco, $4.75 net.


Dr. Wells here presents the latest work systematically considering the subject of general pathology from the standpoint of the chemical processes involved. It is written for the physician, for those engaged in research in pathology and physiologic chemistry, and for the medical student. In the introductory chapter are discussed the chemistry and physics of the animal cell, giving the essential facts of ionization, diffusion, osmotic pressure, etc., and the relation of these facts to cellular activities. Special chapters are devoted to Diabetes and to Uric-acid Metabolism and Gout.

Wm. H. Welch, M.D.,

Professor of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University.

“The work fills a real need in the English literature of a very important subject, and I shall be glad to recommend it to my students.”

McFarland’s Pathology

A Text-Book of Pathology. By Joseph McFarland, M.D., Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology in the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia. Octavo of 818 pages, with 350 illustrations, many in colors. Cloth, $5.00 net; Half Morocco, $6.50 net.


Unlike most works on pathology, this work treats the subject, not from the professor’s point of view, but from that of the student. The text is admirably elucidated by numerous excellent illustrations, many of them having been especially drawn.

American Medicine

“We feel confident in saying no other recent treatise, not encyclopedic in character on any subject, contains so much direct and correlated information on the branch with which it deals.”


Dürck and Hektoen’s General Pathologic Histology

Atlas and Epitome of General Pathologic Histology. By Pr. Dr. H. Dürck, of Munich. Edited, with additions, by Ludvig Hektoen, M. D., Professor of Pathology in Rush Medical College, Chicago. 172 colored figures on 77 lithographic plates, 36 text-cuts, many in colors, and 353 pages. Cloth, $5.00 net. In Saunders’ Hand-Atlas Series.


This new Atlas will be found even more valuable than the two preceding volumes on Special Pathologic Histology, to which, in a manner, it is a companion work. The text gives the generally accepted views in regard to the significance of pathologic processes, explained in clear and easily understood language. The lithographs in some cases required as many as twenty-six colors to reproduce the original painting. Dr. Hektoen has made many additions of great value.

W. T. Councilman, M. D.,

Professor of Pathologic Anatomy, Harvard University.

“I have seen no plates which impress me as so truly representing histologic appearances as do these. The book is a valuable one.”

Howell’s Physiology

A Text-Book of Physiology. By William H. Howell, Ph.D., M. D., Professor of Physiology in the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Octavo of 915 pages, 275 illustrations. Cloth, $4.00 net.


Dr. Howell has had many years of experience as a teacher of physiology in several of the leading medical schools, and is therefore exceedingly well fitted to write a text-book on this subject. Main emphasis has been laid upon those facts and views which will be directly helpful in the practical branches of medicine. At the same time, however, sufficient consideration has been given to the experimental side of the science. The entire literature of physiology has been thoroughly digested by Dr. Howell, and the important views and conclusions introduced into his work. Illustrations have been most freely used.

The Lancet, London

“This is one of the best recent text-books on physiology, and we warmly commend it to the attention of students who desire to obtain by reading a general, all-round, yet concise survey of the scope, facts, theories, and speculations that make up its subject matter.”


Text-Book of Pathology
Recently Issued—The New (5th) Edition

A Text-Book of Pathology. By Alfred Stengel, M. D., Professor of Clinical Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania. Octavo volume of 979 pages, with 400 text-illustrations, many in colors, and 7 full-page colored plates. Cloth, $5.00 net; Sheep or Half Morocco, $6.50 net.


In this work the practical application of pathologic facts to clinical medicine is considered more fully than is customary in works on pathology. While the subject of pathology is treated in the broadest way consistent with the size of the book, an effort has been made to present the subject from the point of view of the clinician. In the second part of the work the pathology of individual organs and tissues is treated systematically and quite fully under subheadings that clearly indicate the subject-matter to be found on each page. In this edition the section dealing with General Pathology has been most extensively revised, several of the important chapters having been practically rewritten. A very useful addition is an Appendix treating of the technic of pathologic methods, giving briefly the most important methods at present in use for the study of pathology, including, however, only those methods capable of giving satisfactory results. The book will be found to maintain fully its popularity.


William H. Welch, M. D.,

Professor of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

“I consider the work abreast of modern pathology, and useful to both students and practitioners. It presents in a concise and well-considered form the essential facts of general and special pathologic anatomy, with more than usual emphasis upon pathologic physiology.”

Ludvig Hektoen, M. D.,

Professor of Pathology, Rush Medical College, Chicago.

“I regard it as the most serviceable text-book for students on this subject yet written by an American author.”

The Lancet, London

“This volume is intended to present the subject of pathology in as practical a form as possible, and more especially from the point of view of the ‘clinical pathologist.’ These subjects have been faithfully carried out, and a valuable text-book is the result. We can most favorably recommend it to our readers as a thoroughly practical work on clinical pathology.”




Illustrated Dictionary
Recently Issued—New (4th) Edition

The American Illustrated Medical Dictionary. A new and complete dictionary of the terms used in Medicine, Surgery, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Chemistry, and kindred branches; with over 100 new and elaborate tables and many handsome illustrations. By W. A. Newman Dorland, M. D., Editor of “The American Pocket Medical Dictionary.” Large octavo, nearly 850 pages, bound in full flexible leather. Price, $4.50 net; with thumb index, $5.00 net.

Gives a Maximum Amount of Matter in a Minimum Space, and at the Lowest Possible Cost

The immediate success of this work is due to the special features that distinguish it from other books of its kind. It gives a maximum of matter in a minimum space and at the lowest possible cost. Though it is practically unabridged, yet by the use of thin bible paper and flexible morocco binding it is only 1¾ inches thick. The result is a truly luxurious specimen of book-making. In this new edition the book has been thoroughly revised, and upward of two thousand new terms that have appeared in recent medical literature have been added, thus bringing the book absolutely up to date. The book contains hundreds of terms not to be found in any other dictionary, over 100 original tables, and many handsome illustrations, a number in colors.


Howard A. Kelly, M. D.,

Professor of Gynecology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.

“Dr. Dorland’s dictionary is admirable. It is so well gotten up and of such convenient size. No errors have been found in my use of it.”

J. Collins Warren, M.D., LL.D., F.R.C.S. (Hon.),

Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School.

“I regard it as a valuable aid to my medical literary work. It is very complete and of convenient size to handle comfortably. I use it in preference to any other.”


Text-Book of Embryology
Recently Issued—The New (3d) Edition

A Text-Book of Embryology. By John C. Heisler, M.D., Professor of Anatomy in the Medico-Chirurgical College, Philadelphia. Octavo volume of 435 pages, with 212 illustrations, 32 of them in colors. Cloth, $3.00 net.


The fact of embryology having acquired in recent years such great interest in connection with the teaching and with the proper comprehension of human anatomy, it is of first importance to the student of medicine that a concise and yet sufficiently full text-book upon the subject be available. This new edition represents all the latest advances recently made in the science of embryology. Many portions have been entirely rewritten, and a great deal of new and important matter added. A number of new illustrations have also been introduced and these will prove very valuable. The previous editions of this work filled a gap most admirably, and this new edition will undoubtedly maintain the reputation already won. Heisler’s Embryology has become a standard work.


G. Carl Huber, M. D.,

Professor of Histology and Embryology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.

“I find the second edition of ‘A Text-Book of Embryology’ by Dr. Heisler an improvement on the first. The figures added increase greatly the value of the work. I am again recommending it to our students.”

William Wathen, M. D.,

Professor of Obstetrics, Abdominal Surgery, and Gynecology, and Dean, Kentucky School of Medicine, Louisville, Ky.

“It is systematic, scientific, full of simplicity, and just such a work as a medical student will be able to comprehend.”

Birmingham Medical Review, England

“We can most confidently recommend Dr. Heisler’s book to the student of biology or medicine for his careful study, if his aim be to acquire a sound and practical acquaintance with the subject of embryology.”


Mallory and Wright’s
Pathologic Technique
Just Issued—Fourth Edition, Revised and Enlarged

Pathologic Technique. A Practical Manual for Workers in Pathologic Histology, including Directions for the Performance of Autopsies and for Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods. By Frank B. Mallory, M. D., Associate Professor of Pathology, Harvard University; and James H. Wright, M. D., Director of the Clinico-Pathologic Laboratories, Massachusetts General Hospital. Octavo of 500 pages, with 155 illustrations. Cloth, $3.00 net.


In revising the book for the new edition the authors have kept in view the needs of the laboratory worker, whether student, practitioner, or pathologist, for a practical manual of histologic and bacteriologic methods in the study of pathologic material. Many parts have been rewritten, many new methods have been added, and the number of illustrations has been considerably increased. Among the many changes and additions may be mentioned the amplification of the description of the Parasite of Actinomycosis and the insertion of descriptions of the Bacillus of Bubonic Plague, of the Parasite of Mycetoma, and Wright’s methods for the cultivation of Anaërobic Bacteria. There have also been added new staining methods for elastic tissue by Weigert, for bone by Schmorl, and for connective tissue by Mallory. The new edition of this valuable work keeps pace with the great advances made in pathology, and will continue to be a most useful laboratory and post-mortem guide, full of practical information.


Wm. H. Welch, M. D.,

Professor of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.

“I have been looking forward to the publication of this book, and I am glad to say that I find it a most useful laboratory and post-mortem guide, full of practical information and well up to date.”

Boston Medical and Surgical Journal

“This manual, since its first appearance, has been recognized as the standard guide in pathological technique, and has become well-nigh indispensable to the laboratory worker.”

Journal of the American Medical Association

“One of the most complete works on the subject, and one which should be in the library of every physician who hopes to keep pace with the great advances made in pathology.”


Böhm, Davidoff, and
Huber’s Histology

A Text-Book of Human Histology. Including Microscopic Technic. By Dr. A. A. Böhm and Dr. M. von Davidoff, of Munich, and G. Garl Huber, M. D., Professor of Histology and Embryology in the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Handsome octavo of 528 pages, with 361 beautiful original illustrations. Flexible cloth, $3.50 net.


The work of Drs. Böhm and Davidoff is well known in the German edition, and has been considered one of the most practically useful books on the subject of Human Histology. This second edition has been in great part rewritten and very much enlarged by Dr. Huber, who has also added over one hundred original illustrations. Dr. Huber’s extensive additions have rendered the work the most complete students’ text-book on Histology in existence.

Boston Medical and Surgical Journal

“Is unquestionably a text-book of the first rank, having been carefully written by thorough masters of the subject, and in certain directions it is much superior to any other histological manual.”

Invertebrate Zoölogy

A Laboratory Manual of Invertebrate Zoölogy. By Gilman A. Drew, Ph.D., Professor of Biology at the University of Maine. With the aid of Members of the Zoölogical Staff of Instructors of the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Holl, Mass. 12mo of 200 pages. Cloth, $1.25 net.


The subject is presented in a logical way, and the type method of study has been followed, as this method has been the prevailing one for many years.

Prof. Allison A. Smyth, Jr., Virginia Polytechnic Institute

“I think it is the best laboratory manual of zoölogy I have yet seen. The large number of forms dealt with makes the work applicable to almost any locality.”


Pathogenic Bacteria
The New (5th) Edition, Revised

A Text-Book Upon the Pathogenic Bacteria. By Joseph McFarland, M. D., Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology in the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia, Pathologist to the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital, Philadelphia, etc. Octavo volume of 647 pages, finely illustrated. Cloth, $3.50 net.


This book gives a concise account of the technical procedures necessary in the study of bacteriology, a brief description of the life-history of the important pathogenic bacteria, and sufficient description of the pathologic lesions accompanying the micro-organismal invasions to give an idea of the origin of symptoms and the causes of death. The illustrations are mainly reproductions of the best the world affords, and are beautifully executed. In this edition the entire work has been practically rewritten, old matter eliminated, and much new matter inserted.

H. B. Anderson, M. D.,

Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology, Trinity Medical College, Toronto.

“The book is a satisfactory one, and I shall take pleasure in recommending it to the students of Trinity College.”

The Lancet, London

“It is excellently adapted for the medical students and practitioners for whom it is avowedly written.... The descriptions given are accurate and readable.”

Hill’s Histology and Organography

A Manual of Histology and Organography. By Charles Hill, M.D., Professor of Histology and Embryology, Northwestern University, Chicago. 12mo of 463 pages, 313 illustrations. Flexible leather, $2.00 net.


Dr. Hill’s fifteen years’ experience as a teacher of histology has enabled him to present a work characterized by clearness and brevity of style and a completeness of discussion rarely met in a book of its pretensions. Particular consideration is given the mouth and teeth; and illustrations are most freely used.


Bacteriologic Technique

The Elements of Bacteriologic Technique. A Laboratory Guide for the Medical, Dental, and Technical Student. By J. W. H. Eyre, M. D., F. R. S. Edin., Bacteriologist to Guy’s Hospital, London, and Lecturer on Bacteriology at the Medical and Dental Schools, etc. Octavo volume of 375 pages, with 170 illustrations. Cloth, $2.50 net.


This book presents, concisely yet clearly, the various methods at present in use for the study of bacteria, and elucidates such points in their life-histories as are debatable or still undetermined. It includes only those methods that are capable of giving satisfactory results even in the hands of beginners. The illustrations are numerous and practical. The work is designed with the needs of the technical student generally constantly in view.

The Lancet, London

“Stamped throughout with evidence that the writer is a practical teacher, and the directions are more clearly given ... than in any previous work.”

Pathology and Therapeutics

Surgical Pathology and Therapeutics. By John Collins Warren, M. D., LL. D., F. R. C. S. (Hon.), Professor of Surgery, Harvard Medical School. Octavo, 873 pages, 136 relief and lithographic illustrations, 33 in colors. With an Appendix on Scientific Aids to Surgical Diagnosis and a series of articles on Regional Bacteriology. Cloth, $5.00 net; Sheep or Half Morocco, $6.50 net.


In the second edition of this book all the important changes have been embodied in a new Appendix. In addition to an enumeration of the scientific aids to surgical diagnosis there is presented a series of sections on regional bacteriology, in which are given a description of the flora of the affected part, and the general principles of treating the affections they produce.

Roswell Park, M. D.,

In the Harvard Graduate Magazine.

“I think it is the most creditable book on surgical pathology, and the most beautiful medical illustration of the bookmakers’ art that has ever been issued from the American press.”


Dürck and Hektoen’s
Special Pathologic Histology

Atlas and Epitome of Special Pathologic Histology. By Dr. H. Dürck, of Munich. Edited, with additions, by Ludvig Hektoen, M. D., Professor of Pathology, Rush Medical College, Chicago. In two parts. Part I.—Circulatory, Respiratory, and Gastro-intestinal Tracts. 120 colored figures on 62 plates, and 158 pages of text. Part II.—Liver, Urinary and Sexual Organs, Nervous System, Skin, Muscles, and Bones. 123 colored figures on 60 plates, and 192 pages of text. Per part: Cloth, $3.00 net. In Saunders’ Hand-Atlas Series.

The great value of these plates is that they represent in the exact colors the effect of the stains, which is of such great importance for the differentiation of tissue. The text portion of the book is admirable, and, while brief, it is entirely satisfactory in that the leading facts are stated, and so stated that the reader feels he has grasped the subject extensively.

William H. Welch, M. D.,

Professor of Pathology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.

“I consider Dürck’s ‘Atlas of Special Pathologic Histology,’ edited by Hektoen, a very useful book for students and others. The plates are admirable.”

Sobotta and Huber’s
Human Histology

Atlas and Epitome of Human Histology. By Privatdocent Dr. J. Sobotta, of Würzburg. Edited, with additions, by G. Carl Huber, M. D., Professor of Histology and Embryology in the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. With 214 colored figures on 80 plates, 68 text-illustrations, and 248 pages of text. Cloth, $4.50 net. In Saunders’ Hand-Atlas Series.


The work combines an abundance of well-chosen and most accurate illustrations, with a concise text, and in such a manner as to make it both atlas and text-book. The great majority of the illustrations were made from sections prepared from human tissues, and always from fresh and in every respect normal specimens. The colored lithographic plates have been produced with the aid of over thirty colors.

Boston Medical and Surgical Journal

“In color and proportion they are characterized by gratifying accuracy and lithographic beauty.”


American Text-Book of Physiology

American Text-Book of Physiology. In two volumes. Edited by William H. Howell, Ph.D., M. D., Professor of Physiology in the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Two royal octavo volumes of about 600 pages each, fully illustrated. Per volume: Cloth, $3.00 net; Sheep or Half Morocco, $4.25 net.


Even in the short time that has elapsed since the first edition of this work there has been much progress in Physiology, and in this edition the book has been thoroughly revised to keep pace with this progress. The chapter upon the Central Nervous System has been entirely rewritten. A section on Physical Chemistry forms a valuable addition, since these views are taking a large part in current discussion in physiologic and medical literature.

The Medical News

“The work will stand as a work of reference on physiology. To him who desires to know the status of modern physiology, who expects to obtain suggestions as to further physiologic inquiry, we know of none in English which so eminently meets such a demand.”

Stewart’s Physiology

A Manual of Physiology, with Practical Exercises. For Students and Practitioners. By G. N. Stewart, M. A., M. D., D. Sc., Professor of Physiology in the University of Chicago, Chicago. Octavo volume of 911 pages, with 395 text-illustrations and colored plates.

Cloth, $4.00 net.


This work is written in a plain and attractive style that renders it particularly suited to the needs of students. The systematic portion is so treated that it can be used independently of the practical exercises. In the present edition a considerable amount of new matter has been added, especially to the chapters on Blood, Digestion, and the Central Nervous System.

Philadelphia Medical Journal

“Those familiar with the attainments of Prof. Stewart as an original investigator, as a teacher and a writer, need no assurance that in this volume he has presented in a terse, concise, accurate manner the essential and best established facts of physiology in a most attractive manner.”


Levy and Klemperer’s Clinical Bacteriology

The Elements of Clinical Bacteriology. By Drs. Ernst Levy and Felix Klemperer, of the University of Strasburg. Translated and edited by Augustus A. Eshner, M. D., Professor of Clinical Medicine, Philadelphia Polyclinic. Octavo volume of 440 pages, fully illustrated. Cloth, $2.50 net.

S. Solis-Cohen, M. D.,

Professor of Clinical Medicine, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia.

“I consider it an excellent book. I have recommended it in speaking to my students.”

Lehmann, Neumann, and
Weaver’s Bacteriology

Atlas and Epitome of Bacteriology: including a Text-Book of Special Bacteriologic Diagnosis. By Prof. Dr. K. B. Lehmann and Dr. R. O. Neumann, of Würzburg. From the Second Revised and Enlarged German Edition. Edited, with additions, by G. H. Weaver, M. D., Assistant Professor of Pathology and Bacteriology, Rush Medical College, Chicago. In two parts. Part I.—632 colored figures on 69 lithographic plates. Part II.—511 pages of text, illustrated. Per part: Cloth, $2.50 net. In Saunders’ Hand-Atlas Series.

Lewis’ Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses

Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses. By LeRoy Lewis, M. D., Surgeon to and Lecturer on Anatomy and Physiology for Nurses at the Lewis Hospital, Bay City, Michigan. 12mo of 347 pages, with 146 illustrations. Cloth, $1.75 net.


Nurses Journal of the Pacific Coast

“It is not in any sense rudimentary, but comprehensive in its treatment of the subjects in hand.”


Senn’s Tumors

Second Revised Edition

Pathology and Surgical Treatment of Tumors. By Nicholas Senn, M. D., Ph. D., LL. D., Professor of Surgery, Rush Medical College, Chicago. Handsome octavo, 718 pages, with 478 engravings, including 12 full-page colored plates. Cloth, $5.00 net; Sheep or Half Morocco, $6.50 net.

“The most exhaustive of any recent book in English on this subject. It is well illustrated, and will doubtless remain as the principal monograph on the subject in our language for some years.”—Journal of the American Medical Association.

Stoney’s Bacteriology and Technic.

Recently Issued
New (2d) Edition

Bacteriology and Surgical Technic for Nurses. By Emily M. A. Stoney, Superintendent, Carney Hospital, Mass. Revised by Frederic R. Griffith, M. D., Surgeon, N. Y. 12mo of 278 pages, illustrated. $1.50 net.

“These subjects are treated most accurately and up to date, without the superfluous reading which is so often employed.... Nurses will find this book of the greatest value.”—The Trained Nurse and Hospital Review.

Clarkson’s Histology

A Text-Book of Histology. Descriptive and Practical. For the Use of Students. By Arthur Clarkson, M. B., C. M. Edin., formerly Demonstrator of Physiology in the Owen’s College, Manchester, England. Octavo, 554 pages, with 174 colored original illustrations. Cloth, $4.00 net.

“The volume in the hands of students will greatly aid in the comprehension of a subject which in most instances is found rather difficult.... The work must be considered a valuable addition to the list of available text-books, and is to be highly recommended.”—New York Medical Journal.

Gorham’s Bacteriology

A Laboratory Course in Bacteriology. For the Use of Medical, Agricultural, and Industrial Students. By Frederic P. Gorham, A. M., Associate Professor of Biology in Brown University, Providence, R. I., etc. 12mo of 192 pages, with 97 illustrations. Cloth, $1.25 net.

“One of the best students’ laboratory guides to the study of bacteriology on the market.... The technic is thoroughly modern and amply sufficient for all practical purposes.”—American Journal of the Medical Sciences.

Raymond’s Physiology.

Recently Issued
New (3d) Edition

Human Physiology. By Joseph H. Raymond, A. M., M. D., Professor of Physiology and Hygiene, Long Island College Hospital. New York. Octavo of 685 pages, with 444 illustrations. Cloth, $3.50 net.

“The book is well gotten up and well printed, and may be regarded as a trustworthy guide for the student and a useful work of reference for the general practitioner. The illustrations are numerous and are well executed.”—The Lancet, London.


Ball’s Bacteriology

Recently Issued—Fifth Edition, Revised

Essentials of Bacteriology: being a concise and systematic introduction to the Study of Micro-organisms. By M. V. Ball, M. D., Late Bacteriologist to St. Agnes’ Hospital, Philadelphia. 12mo of 236 pages, with 96 illustrations, some in colors, and 5 plates. Cloth, $1.00 net. In Saunders’ Question-Compend Series.

“The technic with regard to media, staining, mounting, and the like is culled from the latest authoritative works.”—The Medical Times, New York.

Budgett’s Physiology

Recently Issued
New (2d) Edition

Essentials of Physiology. Prepared especially for Students of Medicine, and arranged with questions following each chapter. By Sidney P. Budgett, M. D., Professor of Physiology, Medical Department of Washington University, St. Louis. 16mo volume of 233 pages, finely illustrated with many full-page half-tones. Cloth, $1.00 net. In Saunders’ Question-Compend Series.

“He has an excellent conception of his subject.... It is one of the most satisfactory books of this class”—University of Pennsylvania Medical Bulletin.

Leroy’s Histology

Recently Issued
New (3d) Edition

Essentials of Histology. By Louis Leroy, M. D., Professor of Histology and Pathology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee. 12mo, 263 pages, with 92 original illustrations. Cloth, $1.00 net. In Saunders’ Question-Compend Series.

“The work in its present form stands as a model of what a student’s aid should be; and we unhesitatingly say that the practitioner as well would find a glance through the book of lasting benefit.”—The Medical World, Philadelphia.

Bastin’s Botany

Laboratory Exercises in Botany. By the late Edson S. Bastin, M. A. Octavo, 536 pages, with 87 plates. Cloth, $2.00 net.

Barton and Wells’ Medical Thesaurus

A Thesaurus of Medical Words and Phrases. By Wilfred M. Barton, M. D., Assistant Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, and Walter A. Wells, M. D., Demonstrator of Laryngology, Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. 12 mo, 534 pages. Flexible leather, $2.50 net; thumb indexed, $3.00 net.

American Pocket Dictionary

Fifth Revised Edition
Recently Issued

Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary. Edited by W. A. Newman Dorland, M. D., Assistant Obstetrician to the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Containing the pronunciation and definition of the principal words used in medicine and kindred sciences, with 64 extensive tables. Handsomely bound in flexible leather, with gold edges, $1.00 net; with patent thumb index, $1.25 net.

“I can recommend it to our students without reserve.”—J. H. Holland, M. D., of the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia.