Title: The Secret of Life, Death and Immortality
Author: Henry Fleetwood
Release date: August 10, 2018 [eBook #57668]
Language: English
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The above is a reproduction of a photograph of an electric spark, showing the Negative and Positive. The white represents the negative, the lines show the positive, the view on the top showing the strongest positive effect.
A Startling Proposition, With a Chapter Devoted to Mental Therapeutics and Instructions for Self Healing
Author of
Published by Henry Fleetwood
Los Angeles
Copyrighted by
Dec. 3, 1908
Cosmic Evolution; Life Germs—how produced; “The Word”—evolution of; Universal Vibration—the only Immortality; Continuous Evolution—the condition of creation. |
CHAPTER II Electricity and Life |
Proof that Electricity is Life; recent discoveries in the wireless telegraph and telephone, telepathy, etc.,—how they affect the human race; other possibilities of Electricity. |
CHAPTER III Love and Music |
Their relation to Life; their effect on creation; the power of love; the power of music; all emotion subject to these powers. |
CHAPTER IV Immortality |
There cannot be conscious immortality; what is immortality?; why we hope for consciousness in a future life; how the ancients regarded a future life. |
Its relation to life; what is radiant energy?; why the ancients worshipped the sun; the Parsees the present sun worshippers. |
The great curse of the Universe—the only devil—its insidious claims—its effect on life. |
Its relation to Life; the only Immortal; its loving purpose; its relation to evolution. |
Mental Therapeutics, or healing suggestions; Christian Science; Faith healing, etc. |
CHAPTER IX Resume and Conclusion. |
The writer of these pages a few years ago invented, patented and successfully demonstrated in the city of Los Angeles, California, a mechanical device by which he transformed musical vibrations into “electrical” waves. These when conveyed to the human organism were found to be harmonizing, vitalizing, and curative, in many nervous and functional disorders. Further study and research along these lines convinced him that all vibration, or motion, or activity is electrical. That all phenomena are electrical phenomena. In fact, that there is but one substance in the universe, and that is—Electricity.
Without any attempt to enter the realm of metaphysics, the writer desires to state that he uses the term Life in its absolute or universal sense, and not in the conditioned or limited sense in which it is ordinarily and loosely used. He distinguishes between Life—with its eternal, inherent unceasing impulse and energy—and the resultant of that impulse and energy; whether that resultant be a molecule of hydrogen or what is called consciousness, intelligence, manifesting through an organism called man.
This Life is not mind, nor its product matter. It is Substance—and that substance the[8] writer calls electricity. It is eternal. It is the totality of what is, or Be-ing. It has a dual impulse or tendency, viz. (the positive and negative)—attraction and repulsion of its infinite integral constituent particles or ELECTRONS. This attraction and repulsion, this breaking and closing of the circuit, this vibration or motion—always in a straight line or a circle—this infinite eternal polarity, being continuous creation or evolution, and destruction or devolution.
It has not been possible in the limited space devoted to this book to attempt a discussion and proof of the statements made herein. While the statements made are scientific and rational the writer could not do more than point out through them the direction in which the truth is to be sought and found.
The reader will find many thoughts suggested along the line of the wireless telegraph and telephone, musical vibrations, thought vibrations, telepathy, clairvoyance, “Spiritualistic phenomena,” death, post-mortem consciousness or “Conscious immortality,” etc.
We are living in an age of scientific investigation and inquiry. The human mind is awakening to the necessity of doing its own thinking instead of being bound by the many dogmas of religious systems.
Laden with ability to annihilate superstition, and forever destroy that curse of humanity—Fear—in[9] all who will carefully and with an open mind read them, these pages are set adrift.
Los Angeles, California.
September, 1908.
Cosmic Evolution. Life Germs—How Produced. “The Word”—Evolution of. Thought Vibration the Only Immortality. “Life” and “Death” Evolved from the Same Cosmic Substance.
“But words are things, and a small drop of ink falling like dew upon a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.”—Byron.
Electricity is the one, eternal, unchangeable, indestructible, universal substance.
The universe is made up of innumerable “corpuscles,” from whose manifold combinations, ruled by unalterable affinities, has been evolved our solar system.
Our earth after the cooling process, became through the light and radiant energy of the sun, the theater of the evolution of the various forms of life. The eternal, inherent, restless energy that had formed and launched into existence this solar system continued its work to evolve conscious life on this earth. Monad, atom, protoplasm, molecule and cell all being produced by this electric energy we call life.
This universal substance is constituted of electrons—infinitesimally smaller than atomic[11] dust—each electron having the potentiality of the whole, with its positive and negative impulse.
It is well known that each molecule is a separate and distinct organism, formed by this same electric impulse. The active force in evolution being the electric energy—attraction and repulsion—its movements can be easily followed by noting the similarity of its formation, namely, circular or spherical. The tendency of this electric energy is always to form a complete circuit—and must do so in order to evolve and carry on its work of evolution; all creation being the result of the breaking and closing of the circuit. The various forms of life evolved, are subject to this same restless impulse—positive and negative—which continues the work of creation or evolution.
As what is called “life” is the result of the closing of the circuit, so what is called “death” is the result of the breaking of the circuit. Thus we see that life and death are one and the same process. Simply the readjustment, rearrangement of these infinite electrons by the opening and closing of the electric circuit. The same eternal, inherent, restless energy forever at play—creating life, and creating death—both equally beautiful. This is the continuous evolution of Darwin and others. There is no rest. There is only eternal continuous vibration. Prof. Loeb says, “The force[12] that makes life possible is primarily the electric charge.” Dr. Samuel Wallian says, “Life originates in vibration and consists of an incessant repetition of vibrations.” It can with equal truth be said that THE FORCE THAT MAKES DEATH POSSIBLE IS PRIMARILY THE ELECTRIC CHARGE; AND DEATH ORIGINATES IN VIBRATION, AND CONSISTS OF AN INCESSANT REPETITION OF VIBRATIONS—or opening and closing of an electric circuit. These are the only Two IMMORTALS—Life and Death.
Primitive man having his habitation mainly in the primeval forest, the shadows cast by the sun became objects of terror to him. The caves with their mysteries begot gnomes and hobgoblins. Thus was born that great curse of humanity—Fear. Feeling the need of protection from these bogies of his imagination, he peopled his world with fairies, etc., that would help him to overcome the evil of these fancied cave and forest shadow-folk. Here we have the origin of good and evil, rewards and punishments, out of which has been evolved the various systems of religion. Observing the various phenomena of this universal force, he called it God; made images to express his ideas and worshipped them.
Man’s evolution in the universe of thought[13] has been slow, handicapped as he has been by superstition, traditional folk-lore and lack of individual search for truth. But now for the past fifty years there has prevailed a set of thought vibrations—a so-called “New Thought” wave—that has impelled to a desire for the truth that shall make one free.
There is no mystery in nature. She works under the immutable laws of her eternal being—Electricity. When primitive man evolved on this earth he was at first without speech, his only language being guttural sounds and gestures, some of which are distinctly discernible in many of the present races of mankind. From these guttural sounds speech was evolved and the “word” was born. “In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the word was God.”
The brain cells of man—the ego—the beginning or birth of understanding—sent forth vibrations called “thought” into the universe; and man has been adding to their volume during countless ages. As he progressed he learned to write by signs or hieroglyphics, thus recording his thoughts. By still further evolution he constructed an alphabet and finally a printing press, so that now thoughts can be easily recorded and preserved.
Sir Humphrey Davy immediately upon recovering from apparent death, caused by one of his scientific experiments, exclaimed, “I am[14] convinced that thought is all there is in the universe.”
As all man’s thoughts,—the vibrations of his brain cells—are contained in the universe, there must be reservoirs of thought governed by the law of natural selection.
This accounts for what we call genius. For example, a child is born showing early a genius for music, which enables it to grow in the art until it becomes famous. What is the explanation? Simply that during the period of gestation the mother was environed by musical vibrations, so attuning the brain cells of the child that communication was established with some great reservoir of musical thought in the universe, and a genius was evolved. This is the so-called “Reincarnation.” A perfectly natural law of vibration.
Creation, we repeat, is but continuous evolution, bringing forth by natural selection,—“everything after its kind”—progressing onward year by year, developing more improved species and greater inventions. Evolution is but continuous creation. They are one, even as life and death are one.
Lucretius wrote fifty years B. C., “Change is the law of things and is brought about by opposing forces.” Lucretius did not know that these opposing forces were but the attraction and repulsion, or positive and negative action of the one universal substance,—Electricity.[15] The inherent eternal impulse (polarity, or sex) of the electrons composing the universal substance from which all things are evolved. Many of the great scientific writers, such as Kant, Darwin, Wallace, Hume, etc., had not seen this great light which the discovery and investigation of certain electrical phenomena has revealed and so could not account for this primal force in the universe, which they knew existed but could not define.
Electricity is Life, and cosmic evolution is but the law of vibration of its eternal, universal being.
All formations of worlds, planets, suns, stars, asteroids, etc., were rotated into form and position and continue their movements by this same universal law of vibration—the inherent, eternal impulse and energy of the one only substance—Electricity. Millions of ages have been evolved in the cosmos. All are subject to what is called decay or death, but, as Lucretius says, “What is will perish, but only to appear in another form.”
All formations of nature in the universe are circular or spherical, thus proving their electric source or origin, and are but the completion of an electric circuit. Every stone, grain of sand and drop of water is rotated and rounded by this same electric vibratory impulse. What is true of our solar system, we may by deduction conclude is true of other[16] systems, which may have gone through evolution and devolution many times in the countless aeons of the so called “past.” Combustion, radiant energy, what are these but modes of motion? A living, breathing, thinking organism called man, or an expiring puppy on the sidewalk, are but different modes of vibration of this one universal substance. From worlds to atoms, from atoms to monads, from monads to motion,—and we find the universe held in a solution of omnipotent, electric energy, just as salt is held in solution in the ocean. Well may we repeat the modern paraphrase—
Proof That Electricity Is Life. Recent Discoveries in the Wireless Telegraph and Telephone. Their Effect on the Thought of the Race. Other Possibilities of Electricity.
Recent discoveries in what is called electrical science, demonstrating the wide range of application of electric vibrations and suggesting almost unlimited possibilities as to its future adaptation to the purposes of mankind, indicate that man has at last harnessed the primary force or energy of the universe to become his willing servant. With the discovery of the wireless telegraph, and wireless telephone—by means of which conversation has been carried on at a distance of four hundred miles—the scientific nature and possibilities of telepathy is understood. The principle is the same. In the wireless telephone by means of two instruments attuned to the same rate of vibration two persons widely separated are enabled to hear each other’s words. In telepathy two persons whose brain cells are attuned to the same rate of vibration are enabled to[18] sense each others thoughts, at any distance.
This is the explanation of impressions of impending disaster and death. The so-called psychic forces are perfectly natural and there is nothing supernatural in the universe.
A knowledge of the laws of electrical vibration is the key that will unlock all the secrets of the universe to man.
All motion,—electrical vibration—is the real Book of Life, opened ever to the true student of science. Burbank by the study of this book of nature has discovered the law of various polarities or affinities (natural selection) of vegetables, fruits and flowers and has caused them to produce new varieties, improving the species.
What is called intelligent purpose is said to be manifested by man in this ability to direct and assist what is called nature to bring about different and “better” (?) conditions. Left to herself nature produces chaotic conditions; weeds, brambles, briars and trees crowding themselves into various fantastic shapes. Lack of intelligent PURPOSE is shown in all this and only the “intelligent purpose” displayed by man produces order out of chaos. Where then is the intelligent purpose of the universe? Certain vibrations in the universe cause floods, tornadoes, cyclones, earthquakes, etc. These are simply results of natural laws of electric energy which in sport, as it were,[19] like a child with his blocks, builds and pulls down, builds and pulls down, “creates and destroys” ad infinitum. Attraction and repulsion, positive and negative electric action—vibration—generates, sustains and destroys all the manifold forms, organic and inorganic, of what is called life and death. There is no death. Death is but a name given to one of the many forms manifested by life. A knowledge of the dual nature of electrical impulse is the true and only “secret” of life and death.
In the organic form or entity called man there has been evolved an organ called the brain; an arrangement of cells whose vibratory action enables them to receive and give off vibrations called thought—intelligence. The universe transmits these vibrations through the entity attuned to receive them. Or, to speak poetically, we say, the universe “voices its intelligence through man.” And man voices his intelligence through the universe. Man thus becomes a Lord—a God—and has dominion.
If we accept electricity as the only substance and vibration as the vital force and origin of all existence, it is impossible to imagine what may yet be revealed to us respecting the structure of the universe.
If electricity is all there is, then thought must be electrical. The vibrations being received by the brain cells, are conveyed throughout[20] the body. Light vibrations strike upon the eye and enter the brain and we see by the brain. Sound waves enter the brain by the ear and we hear by the brain. Various vibrations received by the brain are transmitted through the nerves to the various organs of the body. They respond to these vibrations and harmony, health or disease, results.
If the brain is attuned to receive healthful vibrations, the body will surely respond and harmony or health obtain. This is the secret of mental healing in all its forms that is being practiced in these states today, whether it be Mental Science, Christian Science, New Thought, Divine Healing, Suggestive Therapeutics, or whatever; and reduces every one of these various systems of healing to a simple natural law of vibration. These healthful vibrations are as free to all as the air they breathe and cannot be cornered by any set of so-called “healers” in the world. The result of so-called evil or malefic vibrations we see every day in our hospitals, asylums, jails, police courts, etc. The reading of certain books and daily newspapers attunes the brain to receive a certain kind of vibration and the results usually lead to the reform school and State prison. What are called evil thought vibrations are as abounding in the universe as good thought vibrations, and if the brain is attuned[21] to receive them, the resulting inharmonious conditions are sure to obtain.
Colors are the result of electric vibration. Sir William Crookes and Gessler demonstrated this by their invention of vacuum tubes. By attaching one of these tubes to one of the poles of a static electric machine, or high frequency coil, with a low potency, a yellow light is produced. The potency being increased red appears. By still further increasing the potency to about twelve million vibrations per second, purple or violet rays are generated. Then comes the Roentgen or X-ray—a brilliant, greenish, light, which renders opaque bodies transparent. Thus science in electrical discovery is rapidly revealing to us the secrets of the universe.
All vibrations are co-related. For instance, a man has a burst of violent passion—a high rate of brain cell vibration—and we say he “sees red.” This is true and he is almost sure to commit murder and will if the rate of vibration be kept up in his brain cells. And unless you can “switch the current”—lower the vibration—he will be plunged into a sea of color or intense vibration which his brain is unable to assimilate and we have what we term insanity. The writer firmly believes that Musical Vibrations which are transformed into electrical waves and transmitted to the patient, will ultimately be found to be the “switch” that[22] shall change the potency of these vibrations in the insane, and restore many a hopeless entity to normal brain conditions.
As another illustration of the power of thought vibrations take those that went forth when Garrison, Phillips, Sumner and others voiced the abolition of slavery in this country, which culminated in the greatest war of modern times and developed a manhood and self-sacrifice seldom if ever given to the world. This is Immortality. These events belong to no one country, but to the world and are the heritage of humanity, and but one step in the evolution of the race toward the goal of perfect liberty, which is the knowledge of truth and love, and the real brotherhood of man.
Their Relation to Life. Their Influence in the Work of Evolution. The Power of Love. The Power of Music. All Emotions Produced by and Subject to These Two Forces.
Love and music had their birth and growth simultaneously, and have continued their journey side by side.
Primeval man through passion or the procreative tendency, surrounded himself with offspring. Through the appeal made by the helplessness of his children paternal love was evolved. From this was evolved love of family, tribe, clan, and country. In all this music moved side by side with love. The mother before language was born crooned her lullaby to her baby, and the father imitating the birds pursed his lips and made similar sounds. Later he used hollow reeds and fashioned pipes or flutes. Thus music was born, becoming a universal language, and has been involved throughout all the ages. Music and love are inseparable, and their influence upon mankind is unfathomable. We read a love story, or hear a love song, and each brings a thrill of emotion or vibration that stimulates, and brings to the body that harmony, the perfection of which is fullness of life—health. The[24] birds sing their love songs to their mates and these vibrations fill the woods with music. The humming bird with continuous accompanying melody gathers the honey from the flowers to feed its young. All music is life and life is love. The youth is transformed into a man, the maiden into a woman, by love. And this is a new birth or regeneration. Emerson says, “The passion remakes the world for the youth. It makes all things alive and significant. Nature grows conscious. Every bird on the bough of the tree sings now to his heart and soul. The trees of the forest, the waving grass and the peeping flowers have grown intelligent.” All nature breathes love, which is expressed in self-abnegation, dying that other species may live. Prof. Darwin at a meeting of a Scientific Society in Dublin made this statement, “All vegetation sees, hears, breathes and feels.” Witness the action of the sensitive and carnivorous plants.
We have said all organic and inorganic existence is subject to and lives by the same vibratory energy of the one substance—Electricity. Its vibrations produce “the exquisite tint of the rose, the velvet of the lily and the ethereal daintiness of the orchid. Each is but some trifling variation in the timbre, the tempo or the pitch of vibration that produces it.”
The breathing of zephyrs through the trees echoes the universal language of music in[25] which all nature voices its thought. The purling of the brooks, are but other notes by which nature sings her song of love. “All one’s life is music if one touches the notes rightly and in tune.”
Musical vibrations are full of healing power. Their effect upon mind and body soothing and vitalizing beyond description, and producing every emotion of which we are capable. It is the key that will unlock for us the deep secrets of the universe. Its universal language enables the composer to reveal his thoughts to an audience, by notes, tones, rhythms, cadences, which are but different rates of vibration. As he describes a storm, the wind wails through the trees, the branches sway, the rain patters on the leaves. Then the rush of the storm, the pealing thunder, the flash of lightnings, the rush and downpour of angry waters. Then comes the lull, the dying away, the burst of sunlight, the birds singing their songs of joy. We see and hear it all. It is a painting. It is a symphony. It is vibration. Carlisle says, “All deep things are songs; see deep enough and you see music. The heart of nature breathes everywhere music if you can only reach it.”
This love force or vibration, great in volume, is like a great white light whose radiant energy absorbs and burns up all its opponents, such as hatred, dislike, malice, uncharitableness,[26] etc., just as the sun in the solar system absorbs all cosmic matter (vibrations) that comes within its radius. This cosmic matter furnishing the combustion necessary to continue the radiant energy, which for us means continued existence.
The maiden in her fresh and glorious beauty, with rosebud tinted cheeks, the aureole of the sun crowning her hair, her form swaying with graceful mien, bursts like an apparition on the youth, and the refulgence of her beauty dazzles him like the sunlight and blinds him to all else. While these intense love vibrations continue he has no eyes, no ears for aught save her. He exalts her in poem and in song. He “protests” like Romeo and she like Juliet “doubts” and “doubts,” these very doubts calling forth more prolerlations. The vibrations called love produce a condition, an emotion, akin to hysteria. Indeed the brain once attuned to its vibration becomes obsessed and all sorts of vagaries are evolved amounting to madness or insanity.
The brain being attuned by some dominant thought immediately assumes telepathic conditions. It becomes as we say enrapport with this or that class of thought deposited in the reservoirs of the universe.
Music is the language of love. Listening to some forgotten note or song, what is called memory is established, and thoughts are awakened[27] we deemed were long dead. They speak to us in no uncertain or unfamiliar tones, and many a lover’s quarrel of long standing has been healed by this sacrament of music.
The universe voices this immortal power. The morning stars sing together, the brooks ripple their course, the skylark sings his glad carol as he rises in the air to greet the morning sun, and all light and color vibrate their praises in the glorious landscapes they are ever painting on the land. The sea with its ceaseless vibration sings a lullaby to the tired brain, or in its stormy moods incites man to deeds of daring. All nature is music and all music is the language of the universe, and “the world is full of beauty if the heart is full of love.”
Is There Conscious Immortality? What is Immortality? Why We Hope for Consciousness in a Future Life. How the Ancients Regarded a Future Life.
Virtue alone builds pyramids. Her monuments shall last when Egypt’s fall.—Young.
In order that there should be what is spoken of as conscious immortality—or post-mortem consciousness—there must be an entity or organism to manifest it. Consciousness is the resultant of the vibratory movements of certain groupings of electrons called brain cells, acted on by certain other outside vibrations. This resultant called consciousness is the “unconscious cerebration” of the scientists. There can no more be consciousness without brain cells than there can be the music of a violin without the violin. There must be the entity or personality with the brain to receive, preserve, and transmit the vibrations that are contained in the reservoir of thought in the universe.
All thoughts, words and deeds are preserved and exist as rates of vibration in the universe, and are open to those attuned to receive them. We spoke in a former chapter of the illustration[29] of the wireless telegraph and telephone. The coherer, receiver and transmitter being attuned, communication is established. This is another illustration of intelligent PURPOSE in the universe, and man is the mouthpiece of it.
When it is seen that every thought or word belongs to its distinctive wave and must find a brain attuned to the same rate of vibration to receive and to voice it, the irrationality of endowing an intangible, substanceless, non-existing, so-called “spirit” with consciousness must be apparent to anyone.
This is immortality, which correlates every thought and word of man, holding them in universal phonographic records, as it were, forming a vast reservoir from which continuously flows by electrical energy all so-called intelligent and other vibrations, we receiving those to which we are attuned. This is a thought that might well engage our most serious attention, involving as it does a responsibility of no little magnitude. We may well pause to inquire of ourselves what are we depositing in those archives of thought for redistribution to ourselves, and to our posterity, to say nothing of mankind in general.
Certain forms of vibration, such as hatred, malice, envy, jealousy and especially fear, are productive of disease, poverty, old age and death—all those inharmonious vibrations[30] which comprise the sum of all the troubles and sorrows of mankind. The most productive of these inharmonious conditions known as sickness, poverty, old age and death, is FEAR. Veneration and worship of all kinds is a form of fear and opens the body to every ill.
Man through religious teaching and self-made creeds has evolved the idea of rewards and punishments for the “good” and “bad” deeds of this life, and as there must be a conscious entity to punish and reward and a place in which to administer the same, a so-called “future life” becomes a necessity.
What rational ground for all this? None whatever. The cessation of consciousness in what is called death, is an inevitable step in the inauguration and evolution of existence. As we have stated heretofore life and death are one and the same. The same unit of electric energy with two impulses—life and death. Continuous vibration. Every movement being the evolution of some new form demonstrating life’s continuity and electrical nature.
Thales said (600 B. C.), “All around is change. Everything always becoming something else. All in motion like streams.” He recognized the law of evolution or continuous vibration. Theophrastes (371 B. C.) says, “There is one eternal, indestructible substance out of which everything arises and into which everything again returns.”
That “eternal, indestructible substance” is now known to be electricity, and the inherent, unceasing energy of its infinite particles or electrons—now known to be electrical, polar, sexual—the explanation of all phenomena embraced under the terms—life and death. Life and Immortality are synonymous. The present is eternity. The now is all there is. All conscious or unconscious thought vibration is immortal, and is recorded in the cylindrical records of the universe, and those having the attunement to those records are in possession of the so-called secrets of the universe; which are nothing more than the workings of nature’s inevitable laws revealed and unfolded to us through an understanding of this great universal substance—Electricity. The one only substance in the universe.
This substance, this sea of electrons, of which we are, and in which we live and move and have our being, is in constant motion even as the great body of water on our globe. “The waters of the globe are all one sea and truly seen their tide is one.” So in this electrical ocean there is ebb and flow, ebb and flow, of etheric and atmospheric conditions. The movement of these tides and waves is always cyclical, proving their electrical nature. This is seen in the globule of water, in the globe tides, in the tornadoes, cyclone, etc. All so-called “destructive conditions” are due to the[32] breaking of the circuit and the violent determined effort to close it again, and are in themselves constructive processes. When the circuit is broken the destructive force is let loose and continues its havoc until this violently vibrating mass of electrons has re-formed into other conditions in the great electrical ocean.
The suns, worlds, planets, stars are but varied manifestations of this vibratory electrical force which through millions of ages has evolved and rotated them into existence, its limitless energy forever continuing the work of creation or evolution.
These worlds, suns, planets being prepared to generate and maintain the various forms of life, which by analogy must be the same on other planets as on ours.
Beginning with the simplest type of organism, the work of evolution and progress is carried on until the present race of mankind with its intelligence and will is produced. And there are much higher types in the universe than what is called human. All this is produced by the action of the vibratory electrical force which constitutes life—which IS LIFE. You may call it God if it pleases you.
Consciousness, intelligence, is but the resultant of varying rates of vibration of different tempos. The action of the vibratory force is seen in the plants and flowers where the pruning and concentration of vibration into one[33] stalk improves the fruit or flower. In the American Beauty rose many branches and buds are sacrificed to bring one flower to the fullest perfection.
For ages this same pruning process has been applied to the organism known as man, in order to evolve the intelligence that has produced our men of genius and power, to control in turn the very forces that called them into existence. By self-control man has been enabled to direct these vibrations, holding in check his varied passions which otherwise would injure him and hasten his dissolution.
The vibrations known as the ether or sound can produce every emotion we are capable of displaying. We in turn control these same vibrations and produce music. Ruskin says, “All one’s life is music if one touches the note rightly and in tune.” “Light, heat, force, motion, sound, sight, taste, color, thought, emotion all these are but different rates of vibration.”
Color vibrations denote the passions. Yellow the lymphatic, red the positive and aggressive, blue the nervous temperament. Purple or violet are intense vibrations which usually are self-destructive, overthrowing the reason and producing insanity. These color-vibrations are in turn susceptible to inhibition and control by musical vibrations of a much lower tempo than those of color; musical vibrations[34] attaining to only thirty-two thousand (32,000) per second at their highest tempo, while the color vibrations known as violet reach twelve million (12,000,000) to the second. Is it the SONOROSITY of musical tones that equalizes the vibrations of color and music?
The vibrations of the tones of a violin have been known to heal the most obstinate wounds, and even surgical operations have been performed under the influence of musical vibrations. So potent is this force that the musical step of the military march has to be broken when crossing a bridge lest it collapse. The walls of Jericho are said to have collapsed under the vibrations produced by blowing upon rams’ horns in the hands of the Israelites. Windows have been broken by the vibratory tones of an organ.
The varying forms of so-called matter are but varying rates of vibration, ready to be acted upon and dissolved by other rates. The same force that tears down builds up. Death is only another rate of vibration set up by this Eternal Life. Post-mortem consciousness is unscientific and ridiculous. Organic life gives off electrons, that unite and form a new organism, and the resulting embryo is of like organism, perpetuating its kind from generation to generation. As this is continuous and never ceasing, it must be what is meant by Immortality.
Its Relation to Planetary Life. What is Radiant Energy? Why the Ancients Worshipped the Sun. The Parsees the Present Sun Worshippers.
It is supposed to be a figure of speech, a mere bit of symbolism to call the sun masculine and the earth feminine. To call the earth a woman. To state that woman was made from man, etc. But when it is understood that sex is nothing but polarity, that male and female, masculine and feminine and positive and negative are synonymous terms, we begin to understand the truly scientific nature of these expressions. They are purely electrical terms. This sex or polarity is universal. The Macrocosm and the Microcosm are the same. The Universe is not a Di-verse. Individuality is not di-viduality. Every organism in the universe is thoroughly bi-polar or bi-sexual, manifesting the eternal nature of its ultimate component electrons.
The writer once saw hundreds of children under a common impulse come swarming, dancing, from every quarter of a great city to a common meeting place. As they rushed together en masse their individual movements continued until out of the marching and counter-marching, the shifting, changing, rearranging,[36] re-adjusting there was evolved before his eyes the flag of this nation with its glorious stripes and stars composed of human boys and girls.
We have stated that ether, air, fire, water, earth, are but masses of infinitesimally small particles—called electrons—of the one primeval, universal substance, living their life of attraction and repulsion, embrace and separation, forever whirling in their eternal “Maypole dance.” Rushing together in a mad embrace, then darting away to seek some other partner. Weaving in and out, in and out, around about, back and forth, to and fro. This dance is called Creation—Evolution. It is an eternal Brocken—an eternal Nachtspiel.
The sun is but one great mass of these whirling, vibrating, dancing electrons. As varying numbers of these rush off and regroup themselves, other planets are “born” or evolved. All depend upon the larger or parent mass from which they parted. Our earth is but one of these children of the sun. The earth is a woman, a beautiful woman, forever young, forever fair. The sun is her father.
The sun is the primary source of the variety of forms of life on this earth. While the electrical energy, or positive and negative impulse of the electrons of atomic matter, constitute the eternal force or energy called Life, only by the radiant energy of the sun in our system,[37] could we have the planets—of which our earth is one—and the varied forms of activity evolved and maintained thereon. Our earth could no more produce these higher forms of activity called mineral, vegetable, animal, man,—all biological activities—without the sun, than the female could produce offspring without the male. The sun is positive, the earth negative. The sun’s vibrations reach our earth in about eight minutes and acting upon its atmosphere, it finds a resistance or polarity out of which is evolved light, heat and moisture.
Every molecule of our body is rotated into form and continues its activities by the radiant energy of the sun.
Here again we see there can be no death. Every atom in the universe is living, pulsating, vibrating electric energy.
The sun is like a great dynamo, rotating every planetary body into form and position, and through its continued radio-activity carrying on the further processes of creation called the evolution of sentient life. It is often asked, “Are other worlds inhabited by sentient beings?” There can be no reason for supposing otherwise. Given atmospheres, and the radiant energy of the sun or suns, must by analogy evolve like results on other planets.
We do not wonder the ancients worshipped the sun. They regarded it as the source or[38] author of their being—their Creator. The theologian calls his creator God. But the Hebrew word for God is Elohim—creative forces. John says, “The word was God.” The psalmist says, “Day unto day uttereth speech.” What is speech but vibration? The sun is the source of all vibration in the solar system. It has created this earth and all its inhabitants. All forms of life on this planet, all activities, are but the radiant energy of the sun.
The Great Curse of Humanity. The Only Devil. Its Insidious Claims. Its Effect on Life.
“The thing that I feared hath come upon me.”—Job.
Through fear the human race has been converted into cowards and slaves.
In a former chapter we have suggested the origin or birth of this demon with its subsequent evolution of the ideas of good and evil, rewards and punishments, religions, right and wrong, etc.—Side by side with the above was the evolution of the conscience, which in turn became the greatest producer of fear known to the human race. The conscience, that Shakespeare says “doth make cowards of us all.” A modern teacher says “Conscience is the jaw of morality. It has spread far outside the Christian or any other religion and become an essential factor of modern civilization. Conscience is the most depressing element in human existence. Its entire business is to reduce spirit. Every inch of its energy is laid out against health. It taxes vitality. It claws with shame. It bites with disgrace. It murders with morbidness, both body and mind. It manufactures right and wrong. It discharges[40] poison or stimulant into the blood and nerves. … It has scared the race into trembling lest it leave them. It has made cowards of us all.”
In man’s effort to escape the thralldom of these twin curses,—fear and conscience—which so often drives humanity to self-destruction or loss of reason, and feeling his helplessness against these demons, he sought a means of propitiating them, and so constructed a system of religious belief. Believing that his Gods must be placated for his fancied transgressions, a form of worship was evolved, with ceremonies involving sacrifice of blood, gifts of money, and treasure for building magnificent temples, churches, abbeys and monasteries. Lavishing billions of dollars upon their architecture and art. All these were efforts to overcome fear, and appease a conscience, which was evolved through the influence of the shadow-world and the folk-lore of primitive man upon the progenitors of the race.
We have only to vibrate the unused cells of the brain to bring forth primitive savagery. Take the action of a mob—let a vibratory wave of passion be set up in the unused cells of the brain and the entity knows no law but primitive force. Fear is for the time forgotten in the lust for blood. This is the explanation of the so-called bravery of the soldier in time of battle. Although fear dominates him before[41] the clash of arms is reached, yet the moment he meets his antagonist the primitive lust for blood overcomes his fear and he becomes once more a primeval savage and fights to the death. The rationale of this is, that environment and mode of thought has put in vibration and attuned certain cells of the brain, by which he establishes communication with some reservoir of primitive savage vibration in the universe, and all the wild impulses of primeval instinct rush into and dominate him.
The forgotten “vices” of our ancestors, apparently repeated from generation to generation, mean no more than this, as we have suggested heretofore; environment and its engendered mode of thought simply fitting the brain as a receiver for the reception of specific vibrations. We treat as criminals those who should be really treated for disease. We are responsible for the slum conditions in our cities and country which set up the brain attunement that calls forth these vibrations of ancestral vices. This is HOW the slums breed vice and crime. And it is in this direction we should put forth our efforts to reform the criminal. Are we not responsible for our criminals? We most assuredly are. We are responsible for these slum conditions and environments which create and bring into play these specific brain cells and cell vibrations. We say “Natural born criminals.” Not always. They are made[42] so by environment. If the money spent in the effort to reform the vicious and criminal was applied to cleansing the slums and changing man’s environment, it would greatly reduce the necessity for jails, reform schools and asylums. We should enact laws to enable us to begin with the child in the public schools—compulsory if necessary. Not only educating, but seeing that they were properly clothed and housed and fed, and removed from their vicious surroundings, parents or guardians. In fact, we are the real criminals who permit such a thing as a crime producing slum or a “poor quarter.” The state can easily afford to do this in order to do away with the so-called vicious element or criminal class.
The present progress of invention in labor-saving devices call for a greater intelligence than the handling of the pick and the shovel, and this is being evolved; and this great living vibratory energy or force which created man and evolved his intellect and his will, man has in turn harnessed for his use, reducing the necessity for excessive manual labor; and he will have more time for the arts and sciences. The “man with the hoe,” will become the man with the electric plow and cultivator, and instead of hard, laborious work, these wonderful electric inventions will eventually reduce all labor to mild recreation and enjoyment. This wonderful electric force has now become a[43] servant and is willing and eager to give its restless energy to man. It is the power that Tennyson says is “closer to you than breathing, nearer than hands and feet.” It is your universal father ready to give whatsoever you ask; but man must study to know this power, and learn its natural movements in order to come into the full benefit of his rightful heritage of this primal force by which he was evolved into conscious existence.
The blight of fear has retarded the human race from coming into its heritage of knowledge concerning this primal substance and force of the universe—Electricity. Every effort of science to explain phenomena has been frowned upon and opposed by theology, which is the child of fear and conscience. Man has been kept in swaddling clothes which have prevented his growth to maturity. But thanks to the change of nurses during the recent centuries his clothes have been changed so frequently that he has had an opportunity to grow lusty, and all the efforts of nurses to keep him in leading-strings today are unavailing. He is outgrowing fear and superstition that has so long strangled science. And science is destroying fear by its revelations of the workings of natural law, which in the field of electrical discovery is making its most rapid strides.
Its Relation to Life. Its Immortality. Its loving purpose. Its Relation to Evolution.
“To die, to sleep,—To sleep! perchance to dream! ay there’s the rub.”—Shakespeare.
In preceding chapters I have so frequently made the statement that life and death are one and the same, that it seems almost superfluous to say another word on the subject. But I am willing, even at the risk of seeming pedantic, to re-state the argument, which is not only simple and easy of comprehension, but at the same time both scientific and rational.
Without desiring to enter upon the realm of metaphysics in this book, it will be sufficient to say that we use the term Life in its fullest sense, and not in the restricted one of consciousness. Consciousness itself being but one expression of life.
Two Irishmen walking along a road came upon a turtle. It had been decapitated and its head lay some distance away from its body. “Begorra,” says Pat, “he’s dead sure enough. His head’s cut off.” Mike picked up a stick and punched the turtle’s feet, who immediately withdrew them inside his shell. “No,” says he, “he’s aloive. See him move.” “You’re a fool[45] Mike,” says Pat. “He’s dead I tell you. Don’t you see his head’s cut off.” “He’s aloive,” said Mike, “you can see him move.” The argument became heated, Mike insisting that a dead turtle couldn’t move, and Pat being equally insistent that no turtle with his head cut off could be alive. The matter was about to be referred to the Irishman’s court of last resort, when a Dutchman, passing along, an armistice was established, and the matter referred to him for decision. The Dutchman examined the turtle and discovered it had been killed in a supposedly most effective manner by having its head cut off. Mike’s test with the stick, however, revealed the ability on the part of the turtle for pretty lively activity. He then arose and delivered himself, “Gentlemen, dot turtle iss dead all right,—but it don’t know it.”
Every area of being,—of the universe, is eternally alive. It doesn’t always KNOW it.
We repeat, there is one—can be but one—Be-ing. This being is not mind, nor its product matter. Ether is only a refined form of matter. Mind is adjudged to be a still more refined form of that same matter. But being is Substance. You may call it Spirit (or meaning) or you may call it God. Paul called it Faith, and said “by it and of it the worlds were made.”
We call it Electricity. Every infinitesimal[46] electron of this substance, as we have stated, is by-polar or sexual. Attracting and repelling, embracing and separating. This eternal, inherent or natural law of their being is Life,—energy, activity. The resultant of these activities:—the worlds and all that in them is.
Suppose a great mass of type moved by an inherent, automatic, continuous impulse. Its integral component letters forever arranging themselves into words, phrases, sentences, etc. For illustration: The letters E-V-I-L create the word Evil. Rearrange the same letters and your word Evil disappears and the word L-I-V-E, Live, appears, or is born, created, evolved, whatever. The energy, the auto-activity would be one and the same. The disintegration and disappearance of one word, and the re-adjustment of letters and appearance or creation of another word being equally the resultant of the same letters, with their same inherent energy and impulse. You might call one part of the process Creation and another part Destruction, but the process is one and continuous. Your division is merely hypothetical, or assumed. What is destroyed? The letters remain, and their inherent energy or impulse remains—all there was at any time.
The integral, component particles—electrons—of the one only eternal substance, are the letters comprising the universe. Their inherent,[47] automatic, eternal energy, activity—Life—forever spelling out words and sentences, etc., that go to make up the Book of Life. They arrange themselves as earthquake or pestilence, famine, murder, birth, disease, old age, death, sunshine, flowers, music, painting, sculpture, art, laughter, tears, whatever. What are these terms but names for the varied activities of life? Life is all there is. What is called death is equally life. Life and death are the two impulses of this one universal force.
In certain of its phenomena, now classified as electrical, this dual impulse is noted and its action is called “closing the circuit” and “breaking the circuit.” This same dual impulse or tendency to embrace and separate—embrace and separate—obtains throughout the entire cosmos, proving the universality of electrical action. Ether, fire, air, water, earth, sound, sensation, light, form, color, smell, food, thought are all known to be modes of motion—rates of vibration. Motion of what? Rate of vibration of what?—Of the infinite, integral, component electrons of the one universal substance.
All movement, or action, or impulse, is in a straight line, and in a circle. The movement in a straight line is the repulsion, the departure, the separation. Motion in a circle is the attraction, the return, the embrace. This is polarity. This is sex. This is Eternal Life.[48] This is Eternal Death. The Two Immortals—or the One (bi-polar, bi-sexual) Immortal.
We repeat, all the substance there is is Electricity. All the force there is, therefore, is electrical. There being but one substance—synthetic being—all force must be electrical. This electrical force is a unit, but has two impulses, positive and negative, attraction and repulsion.
All organic forms contains these impulses. For illustration, take a human entity. The positive we call man, the negative woman. Through the embrace of certain electrons thrown off from the organism of each (physiologically termed the spermatozoa of the male and the fecundating fluid of the female), there is established the basis of a future organism for manifesting consciousness and conscious or intelligent activity. A journey is begun. Life and death are one and move side by side. Their eternal impulse ever active. If what is called harmony or health prevails a vigorous entity is evolved and continued. When the negative tendency or inharmony prevails in this continued struggle for supremacy, beyond a certain limit, the organism becomes de-harmonized, dis-eased, disabled, unconscious, disintegrated. Such is this restless energy we call life. The circuit completed, life and death (the positive and negative impulse), move together side by side, but the tendency to break the circuit—as[49] well as to close the circuit—always obtains. When this occurs there is a re-adjustment of conditions, out of which new forms of life appear.
There can be no antagonism in a unit. There is only a restless energy and impulse to effect changes; to continue the work of creation or evolution. I want my readers to recognize death as a friend, and not as so many regard him, an enemy. He has been and is our constant companion—he is ourself, and is entitled to fuller and kinder recognition. We scandalize death and caricature and abuse him, not realizing that we are abusing ourselves. When the tired organism craves only rest, how readily we should welcome his loving embrace. We cannot love life without loving death, as they are one and inseparable, being the unit—which is all there is. What is true of this ceaseless energy or electrical impulse as manifested in organic forms, is also true in inorganic forms. It generates all vegetables, and fruits and flowers, giving them beauty and fragrance and flavor. And we note the same spherical growth in all, demonstrating the electrical nature of all creation. Each cell is rotated into form by this dual impulse. We see the same spherical formation in our forests.
The same “dissolution” or change takes place in in-organic as in organic life. As the “speck”[50] or decayed spot appears on the apple we know the circuit has been broken and the negative tendency becoming the stronger. Everywhere, everything is the circle, and everywhere the tendency to break that circle or circuit. In the celestial bodies called worlds, it is the same as in the flower. Astronomers agree that there is an ultimate limit to the so-called “life” of all planetary bodies. This is true. They have been evolved and devolved for aeons and aeons of time. And the eternal electrical impulse and energy will continue its sport of creation and of destruction throughout the ages yet to be.
Life is. Without beginning—without duration—without ending. Such is the meaning of the word Eternity.
Mental Therapeutics or Healing Suggestions. Christian Science. Mental Science. Faith Healing, Etc.
As stated in a former chapter, every system of so-called mental healing being practiced in these States or elsewhere today, whether it calls itself Christian Science, Mental Science, Divine Healing, New Thought, Suggestive Therapeutics, or whatever, is but an effort—with more or less understanding—to utilize the law of electric vibration.
Mrs. Eddy says in “Science and Health,” page 292, “Electricity is not a vital fluid, but the least material form of illusive consciousness.” “Electricity is the sharp surplus of materiality which counterfeits the true essence of spiritual truth.” (So simple, isn’t it?) “The vapid fury of mortal mind expressed in earthquakes, wind, waves, lightning, fire and bestial ferocity shows the so-called mind to be self-destructive.”
There is one synthetical substance, or truth, in the universe. You may name it to suit yourself. It will smell just as sweet and act just the same under whatever name you may give it. It has a habit of remaining just what it is yesterday, today and forever. We call it[52] Electricity. It is the one mind, the one substance, the all and in all. From it is evolved matter in all its various forms. The unit of all force is electrical; the two impulses of which account for the variety of forms in which it manifests itself. It creates, preserves, destroys, and the various manifestations, such as earthquake, floods, fire, lightening are but results of these two impulses, and simply show the absence of any intelligent PURPOSE whatever; and forces us to see that there can be no such thing as a Supreme Being—or supreme intelligence in the universe. That this great omnipresent energy which evolved the meaningless phrases and sentences of Mrs. Eddy’s “Christian Science” was acting neither less nor more “intelligently” than when it produced a Beethoven sonata or a Dante’s Inferno.
Man seems to have been able to a certain extent to control this force and harness it to his use, and has materially lessened its destructive tendency by devices such as the lightening-rod and various insulating methods. This is an evidence of intelligent purpose evolved by the vibratory forces of this intelligent substance.
Man has subjected this force to his usage upon his own organism and the results are astounding. Every day some new application is being made. In the field of Electro-Therapeutics[53] there are so many new developments, so many wondrous actions on various diseases that the medical profession has to constantly revise its text books, in order to keep step with this stately energy that is marching on to disclose to those attuned to receive them the great secrets of nature.
We have the phonograph, which deposits the vibrations of the human voice—or any other vibration, upon the wax cylinder, which can be preserved almost indefinitely and reproduced at will. From whence came the vibratory impulse or suggestion that invented the phonograph? The within is as the without. The above is as the below. The macrocosm is as the microcosm. Is there not in the laboratory of the universe some cyclical or cylindrical formation (as all electric force—which is all the force there is—is spherical) that receives, and preserves, and reproduces the impressions of all thoughts, words and deeds, the brain specifically attuned receiving its specific vibration, or thought? Does it require any great effort to grasp the thought that the electrical (mental, thought) forces or vibrations of the universe can be utilized by us, to act on the cells of the brain and convey to the body or its various organs through the nerves, our commands to cast out all inharmonious vibration, and to refuse to entertain any but harmonious or healthful suggestions.[54] “Whatsoever a man thinketh, he is.” We repeat, these so-called healthful vibrations are as free to all as the air they breathe and cannot be corralled by any set of healers. This is not said to discredit any system of healing, for all are with more or less understanding using the same principle, and with accordingly varying degrees of success. But it is said to destroy and nullify any claim of exclusive ability.
To attune yourself to receive these health-giving or harmony-producing vibrations be alone. Assume any comfortable position. Let the body relax and the mind become passive. All speech is electrical in its vibratory action. Use these words:
You may be afraid at first to say these words. This is all the more reason why you should say them. There is nothing so de-harmonizing and de-vitalizing as fear. Read the chapter in this book on “Fear” again, and cast it out of you forever.
Listen—no person ever died saying, “Be Still and Know That I Am God.”
The repetition of these words will gradually attune the brain to receive the most health-giving, vitalizing vibrations in the universe. These, acting on the cells of the brain are conveyed throughout the entire body by the nerves. The lungs, the liver, the stomach—all—will[55] gradually receive these vitalizing, curative thought vibrations, and respond to them.
Sometimes these inharmonious conditions seem persistent and hard to overcome, and patience and perseverance in repetition may be necessary. But persevere and you cannot fail to win out. It is as certain as that friction will produce fire, and that heat will dissolve ice. Don’t whine. Don’t beg. Don’t pray. Command, as is your right and privilege, as a unit of this mighty electric force which is life and health. It’s up to you. All the life and health of the universe is yours if you will. Permanent, abiding, continuous attunement to the infinite ocean of force, is to continue the integrity of the organism you call your—Self.
Note.—The discovery of radium opened up a field of experiment and investigation that has greatly confirmed in the scientific mind the belief that all action is electrical and that in this direction will be found the solution of all biological problems.
It is now thought by scientists that radium is the source of life, if not the so-called AURA of life itself. If this were true, it would only mean that radium is the fundamental, basic, primeval substance of the universe, which we[56] have termed Electricity. … It is known to be electrical in its action, giving off light, heat and radiant energy. It seems to be self-existent, or self-renewing, suffering no apparent diminution of its force or energy.
One thing is certain, Electricity is Life, and in the eternally inherent, automatic impulse of its individual electrons will be found the solution of all phenomena. In radium or radioactivity science may be getting down to “bed-rock.” At any rate, it is hot on the trail that will lead to the discovery of the truth we are announcing, viz.: that there is but one substance—Electricity, whose eternal, infinite expression is Life.
In the foregoing chapters I have endeavored to explain the great primeval force of life—Electricity. The task is an almost impossible one, for, while I know that my premises and deductions are correct, it is more than difficult by words and phrases and sentences to convey to the reader my deep conviction of the correctness of the theory introduced in these pages.
Some of the greatest scientists in the world are experimenting with this vital force, and almost daily the newspapers contain accounts of the phenomenal results that are attending their efforts.
Recently in Copenhagen a certain journalist had his portrait “photographed by electricity.” Copies were distributed throughout the city he was about to visit with instructions that he be arrested on sight. This was effected immediately upon his arrival there.
An important recent discovery is an electric lamp which can dissipate fog. It produces a dear, greenish, penetrating light like moonlight. It gives a great illuminating power without heat something like the X-ray.
Recently, aerograms were received in Honolulu and San Francisco from Japan, proving[58] that the ethereal electrons are sure conductors throughout the cosmos. Entering, as this untiring energy does, into our every day life, it is not difficult for us to see that—Life is—and that Electricity is the only substance, out of whose revelations we are growing into greater understanding of the forces and workings of nature. These forces—variations and modifications of the one force—Electrical energy—have ever BEEN; but it has taken millions of ages and the evolution and development of man’s intelligence to even grasp the A, B, C of this almighty power. The future has in store discoveries of such magnitude and of such vast importance to the human race in this field of electrical phenomena that we may well exclaim, as did the psalmist, “such knowledge is too wonderful for me, it is high, I cannot attain unto it.”
All natural law is but some form of electrical energy by which is evolved all the various manifestations of this wonder-working substance. Atmospheres, ether, air, fire, water, earth, stars, planets, suns, worlds, man, are but combinations and vibrations of the integral particles or electrons of this one substance. Mountain and star-mist, consciousness, intelligence, savage, Sage, Sufi, all objective and subjective (organic and inorganic) entities, are but the infinite manifestations of this universal substance.
The X-ray is but an intense display produced by the vibration of trillions of these electrons. All that is called mind and all that is called matter, is but an expression of this one universal substance. In its eternal restless energy it creates, preserves, destroys, innumerable forms of mind and matter. This is eternal life. This is eternal intelligence. And “Day unto day uttereth speech and night unto night showeth knowledge.”
A recent author on “Individualism and the vibratory energy” says, “Spirit and matter are one and the same vibratory force; and mind and matter are one and not distinct substances.”
Since commencing to write these lines the author has found a number of writers whose works have been of great help to him, and served to confirm him in his theory.
The attunement of the brain cells to varying rates of vibration in the universe, brings all things to you on the principle of the wireless telegraph. “All things are yours,” was the announcement of the Master of the Christian system. This is scientifically true. The universe is at your disposal and you can get it. Not through sorrow, and toil and labor, but in the same way that trees and flowers get it—inspirationally.
Telepathy, which is attracting wide-spread notice at the present time, is as scientific as[60] telegraphy. Some of the greater scientists are investigating its claims through “spiritual mediums,” though there are few who accept the latter’s claims, as in such a field it would be impossible to prevent impostors from preying upon the ignorant and credulous. There are honest mediums. In fact, every human entity is a “medium,” receiving and transmitting, receiving and transmitting continually.
There are some so acutely attuned by environment and habit of thought, to the universe of thought, that they receive communications beyond their fellows. These are poets, artists, musicians, inventors, etc. The thoughts of Plato, Socrates, Krishma, Jesus, ARE today. You may know all they knew if you can attune yourself to such a rate of vibration as to establish the proper connection. This is a plain, every-day, scientific, matter-of-fact explanation of all modern “spiritualistic communications.” There should be no more mystery or superstition, or spiritual clap-trap about it than there is about wireless telegraphy.
There are persons who can readily attune themselves to the vibrations of another and “read the thoughts”—unconscious as well as conscious—of individuals composing an entire audience. With many this is easily accomplished through personal contact. Some years ago the writer of these pages was well acquainted with Washington Irving Bishop, the[61] great “mind reader,” who since died, or was murdered by doctors in New York, who dissected his brain while he was in a cataleptic condition, they supposing him dead. One of his performances was to have some stranger take a bank-note, read the number on it and place it in a safe. During this time Bishop was at some distance away heavily blindfolded. When all was ready, he would take this man’s hand and after a short interval give the number on the bank-note, which was invariably found to be correct. I questioned him very closely on this performance, which I witnessed frequently. He said as soon as he placed his fingers on the wrist of the man who placed the note, the number would come to him without difficulty. He claimed that it was telepathy or clairvoyance. As a matter of fact, it was simply attunement to the mind of the man who knew the number, and, as in the action of the wireless telegraph, the two brains being similarly attuned, the message was sent and received. There are many today to whom this would be a mere kindergarten performance. You perhaps did not know that every time you shake hands you run the risk of giving away your inmost secrets. I am prepared to tell you that this is true. “There is nothing hidden but it shall be revealed, and there is nothing secret but it shall be made known.”
We receive impressions of impending disaster[62] which we regard as “supernatural.” Once for all let me say there is nothing supernatural. A knowledge of this fact ought to cure you of your superstitions and destroy your fears. Light, sound, color, travel faster than letters or telegrams. The impending disaster vibrations often reach us long before the actual occurrence itself. Even as we see the flash of lightening, or the flash of the powder, before we hear the thunder or the report of the cannon.
All these things are but movements of the electrons of the universe, carrying out the natural law of their being, which is electrical impulse.
Prof. Dolbear says, “Molecules which are a combination of atoms, are known to have their constant state of vibrations and from this and the fact of their perfect transparency, they can no more be seen than the air. They are so minute, so restless, like atoms of hydrogen, that no one can hope to see them or learn their characteristic properties.”
Observation and study of the phenomena of electrical energy reveal to us the nature of that substance, which we are, and with which we have to do. The fundamental, inevitable, never-varying law of polarity—pushing and pulling—or positive and negative action. In creation, throughout all experience, this is seen. Land and sea, day and night, right and[63] left, up and down, sweet and sour, east and west, north and south, good and bad, right and wrong, man and woman, attraction and repulsion—the so-called “pairs of opposites”,—Sex everywhere. Is it difficult to see by analogy and deduction that polarity is universal. That all phenomena are electrical phenomena. That birth, and growth, disease and disaster, decline and death are all electrical phenomena, and that there is but one synthetic substance—ELECTRICITY.
[1] Arena.