Title: The heathery; or, A monograph of the genus Erica. vol. 5
Author: active 1799-1828 Henry Cranke Andrews
Release date: February 21, 2023 [eBook #70093]
Language: English
Original publication: United Kingdom: Henry G. Bohn, 1845
Credits: Chuck Greif and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at https://www.pgdp.net (This file was produced from images generously made available by Biodiversity Heritage Library.)
Antheræ cristatæ, nigræ, inclusæ. Flores axillares, sub-terminales, declinati, conferti. Calyx magnus, lato-ovatus, albus. Corolla ovata, inflata, crassa, alba. Folia ternata, subulata, incurvata, robusta, obtusa, petiolis longis adpressis. Caulis humilis, fruticosus, robustus.
Tips crested, black, and within the blossom. Flowers grow from the axillæ of the leaves, nearly terminal, bending down, and crowded together. Empalement large, of a broad ovate form, and white. Blossom ovate, inflated, thick and white. Leaves by threes, awl-shaped, incurved, stout, and blunt, ended with long footstalks pressed to the branches. Stem low, shrubby, and strong.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till June.
1. The empalement. 2. A blossom. 3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ, stylo exserto. Flores horizontaliter verticillati prope ramorum summitatem. Corolla clavata, uncialis, oris laciniis patentibus. Folia sena, linearia, apice leviter incurvata, supra plana, subtus sulcata. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, sesquipedalis, ramis simplicibus.
Tips beardless, within the blossom: shaft without. Flowers grow horizontally in whorls near the summit of the branches. Blossom club-shaped, an inch long: segments of the border spreading. Leaves by sixes, linear, slightly turned inward towards the end, flat on their upper surface, and furrowed beneath. Stem shrubby, upright, a foot and a half high. Branches simple.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from June till October.
1. The empalement. 2. A chive magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores quaterni, patentes. Corolla basi inflata, apice attenuata, rubra, glutinosissima et lucida. Folia ternata, subtrigona, supra plana, subtus sulco-exarata, marginibus pilis longis obsitis. Caulis erectus, fruticosus, pedalis et ultra, ramulis plerumque ternis verticillatis.
Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers grow by fours, spreading. The blossom is swelled at the base, tapering towards the end, red, very gummy and shining. Leaves by threes, nearly three-sided, flat on their upper surface, and deeply furrowed beneath: the margins are beset with long hairs. Stem upright, shrubby, a foot or more high. Branches grow mostly in whorls by threes.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from June till October.
1. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 2. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 3. Flower of a red variety. 4. Flower of a pale variety. |
Antheræ muticæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores horizontaliter verticillati, prope ramorum summitatem. Pedunculi brevissimi. Corolla cylindracea, luteolo-aurea, apice inflata: oris laciniis magnis, albis. Folia sena, linearia, patentia, apice incurvata. Caulis erectus, fruticosus, pedalis.
Tips beardless, and just within the blossom. Flowers grow horizontally in whorls near the summit of the branches. Footstalks very short. Blossom cylindrical, of a yellow gold colour, swelled at the end: segments of the border large and white. Leaves by sixes, linear, spreading, and turned inwards at the point. Stem upright, shrubby, a foot high.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from June till October.
1. The empalement magnified. 2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ, stylo exserto. Flores terminant ramos in umbellis quinque ad decem, cum pedunculis longissimis rubris: corollis urceolatis: oris laciniis patentibus, æqualibus. Folia terna, trigona, subulata, supra plana, subtus carinata. Caulis pedalis, fruticosus.
Tips beardless, within the blossom, shaft without. Flowers terminate the branches in umbels of five to ten, with very long red footstalks. Blossoms pitcher-shaped: segments of the border spreading and equal. Leaves by threes, three-sided, and awl-shaped, flat on the upper surface, and keeled beneath. Stem a foot high, and shrubby.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till September.
1. The empalement. 2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ: flores solitarii, penduli, in medio ramorum spicam laxam formantes: pedunculi longi, colorati, bracteis tribus infra minutis: corolla metulæformis, rubro-purpurea, laciniis exiguis, erectis, luteis: folia terna, linearia, arcuata, acuta, glabra, fasciculata: caulis erectus, fragilis, sesquipedalis, fruticosus: ramulis numerosis.
Tips beardless, within the blossom: flowers grow singly, hanging down, and forming a loose spike about the middle of the branches: footstalks long, and coloured with three minute floral leaves on the lower part: blossom skittle-shaped, and of a red purple; the segments of the border small, upright, and yellow: leaves by threes, linear, bowed, pointed, smooth, and bundled together: stem upright, brittle, a foot and a half high, and shrubby: small branches numerous.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom during the autumnal months.
1. The empalement. 2. The seed-bud, chives, and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores magni, in racemis compressis, ad apices ramorum fixi, cernui. Pedunculi hispidi, bracteis tribus foliis alteris similibus instructi. Corolla tubulato-ventricosa, pollicaris, læte rubra, pilis hirsutis tecta: ore obsolete quadrifido. Folia quaterna, ciliata, oblonga, supra convexa, subtus sulco exarata. Caulis flexibilis, erectus, bipedalis. Rami pauci, erecti, rarò ramulosi.
Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers are large, growing in close bunches, fixed altogether at the end of the branches, bending downwards. The footstalks are hairy, having three floral leaves similar to the other leaves. Blossom of an inflated tubular form, an inch long, of a rich red colour, and covered with harsh hairs: the mouth is slightly cut into four segments. Leaves by fours, lashed, oblong, rounded on the upper surface, and deeply furrowed beneath. Stem flexible, erect, two feet high. The branches are few, erect, and rarely branching.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from August till April.
1. The empalement magnified. 2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, exertæ, nigræ. Flores terni, in apicibus ramulorum, dependentes. Pedunculi fere nulli. Perianthium duplex. Corolla clavata, viridis: laciniis limbi erectis. Folia terna, linearia, obtusa, recta, glabra. Caulis erectus, humilis, ramosus.
Tips beardless, without the blossom, and black. Flowers grow by threes at the ends of the smaller branches, and hang down, with scarcely any footstalks. Cup double. Blossom club-shaped and green: the segments of the border are upright. Leaves by threes, linear, obtuse, straight and smooth. Stem upright, low, and branching.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till June.
1. A blossom. 2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores fere ramos terminant, racemum longum densum formantes. Corolla tubulato campanulata, diaphana, imprimis alba, denique rosacea. Folia quaterna, linearia, tomentosa. Caulis fruticosus, erectus. Ramuli numerosi, brevissimi, tomentosi.
Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers nearly terminate the branches, making a long close bunch. Blossom tubularly bell-shaped, transparent, white at first, and then dying off of a rose colour. Leaves by fours, linear, and downy. Stem shrubby, upright. Small branches numerous, very short, and downy.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom spring, summer, and autumn.
1. Empalement. 2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ; flores sessiles, fasciculates terminales; corollis ventricosus rubris; laciniis cordatis expansis, albis, subtus læte rubris; folia plerumque quaternæ, linearia; caulis humilis, fruticosus; ramuli numerosi.
Tips beardless, within the blossom; flowers sessile, in terminal bunches; blossom bellied, and red; segments of the border, are heart-shaped, spreading and white, of a bright red on the under side; leaves mostly by fours, linear; stem low and shrubby, with numerous small branches.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till September.
1. The empalement, magnified. 2. The chives and pointal. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, sub-exertæ. Flores ramulos terminant, solitarii, patentes, racemum sparsum formantes. Pedunculi brevissimi. Corolla curvata, clavata, pollicaris, rubra: limbo albicante: laciniis expansis. Folia quaterna, linearia, obtusa, glabra. Caulis fruticosus, pedalis, ramosus, laxus: ramulis numerosis.
Tips beardless, and just without the blossom. Flowers terminate the smaller branches, spreading out, and forming a scattered spike. Footstalks very short. Blossom curved, club-shaped, an inch long, and red: the border of a whitish colour: segments expanded. Leaves by fours, linear, obtuse, and smooth. Stem shrubby, a foot high, branching, and weak. The smaller branches are numerous.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till January.
1. The empalement. 2. Chives and pointal. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ basi bicornes, inclusæ. Flores plures, e foliis porrigentes. Corolla cylindrica, oblonga, et lucida: limbo incarnato. Folia quaterna et quina, linearia, glabra: petiolis brevissimis. Caulis fruticosus, sub-bipedalis, erectus, basi ramosus, dein spicam simplicissimam pyramidatam formans, ramulis brevissimis vestitam.
Tips two-horned at the base, and within. Flowers many, standing straight out from amongst the leaves. Blossom cylindrical, oblong, and shining: border flesh-coloured. Leaves by fours and fives, linear, smooth, with very short footstalks. Stem shrubby, near two feet high, and upright, branching out at the base, then forming a simple pyramidal spike covered by short branches.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till October.
1. The empalement. 2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, exsertæ. Flores ramos terminant in umbellis. Corolla pendula, urceolata, purpurea. Pedunculi patentes, longi, tenues. Folia ternata, ovata, hispida, patentia, margine revoluta, subtus glauca. Caulis humilis, fruticosus. Rami numerosi, filiformes.
Tips beardless, without the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches in umbels. Blossoms pendulous, pitcher-shaped, purple. Footstalks spreading, long, and slender. Leaves by threes, ovate, hispid, spreading, rolled back at the edges, and glaucous beneath. Stem low and shrubby. Branches numerous and thread-shaped.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till November.
1. A leaf magnified. 2. Chives and pointal, summit magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 4. Seed-bud magnified. |
Antheræ cristatæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores ramulos terminant, plerumque terni. Calyx emarginatus pilis nigris: corollis campanulatis, albis: limbo maximo, reflexo. Folia terna, trigona, crassa, reflexa, acuta, lucida, supra plana, subtus canaliculata. Caulis erectus, dumosus, sub-pedalis.
Tips crested, and just within the blossom. Flowers terminate the smaller branches, mostly by threes. The empalement is emarginated with black hairs. Blossom bell-shaped, and white: the border is large, and reflexed. Leaves by threes, three-sided, thick, reflexed, pointed, and shining, flat on their upper surface, and channelled beneath. Stem upright, bushy, and near a foot high.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from June till October.
1. A leaf magnified. 2. The empalement magnified. 3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, exsertæ. Flores ramorum verticillat, recti, verticillis alter alteri exsurgentibus. Corolla clavato-cylindracea, saturate aurantia, uncialis. Folia sena, linearia, glabra, apice mucronata. Caulis fruticosus, pedalis. Rami erecti, simplices.
Tips beardless, without the blossom. Flowers grow in whorls straight out, the whorls rising out of each other in succession. Blossom cylindrically club-shaped, of a deep orange colour, an inch long. Leaves by sixes, linear, smooth, and sharp at the point. Stem shrubby, a foot high. The branches are upright and simple.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from June till October.
1. The empalement. 2. Chives and pointal. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores plerumque quaterni, cernui, terminales: Corollis cylindraceis, costatis, luteolo-rubris, sub-uncialibus, arcuatis. Folia quaterna, linearia, obtusa, glandulosa, viscosa, erecto-patentia. Caulis sesquipedalis, fruticosus, ramulis numerosis erectis.
Tips beardless, just within the blossom. Flowers grow mostly by fours, nodding, and terminal. Blossoms cylindrical, ribbed, of a yellowish red, near an inch long, and slightly bowed. Leaves by fours, linear, blunt-ended, glandular, and between erect and spreading. Stem a foot and a half high, shrubby, with numerous small upright branches.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till November.
1. A leaf magnified. 2. Empalement magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, sub-inclusæ. Flores sub apicibus ramorum, verticillati, axillares, et horizontales. Corolla clavata, longa, parum curvata, ad basin rubra, apice flava. Folia sub-sena, linearia, obtusa, patentia. Caulis erectus, sesquipedalis. Rami pauci.
Tips beardless, and just within the blossom. Flowers grow near the ends of the branches, in whorls, from the axillæ of the leaves, in a horizontal direction. Blossom club-shaped, long, and slightly curved, red at the base, and yellow at the end. Leaves nearly by sixes, linear, blunt, and spreading. Stem upright, a foot and a half high. Branches few.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till October.
1. The empalement. 2. Chives and pointal. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ superne bicornutæ inclusæ; flores ad apices ramulorum quaterni; pedunculis brevissimi, bracteis tribus subulatis instructis; corollis tubulosis, longis, tenuis, rubris; folia terna, linearia, obtusa, glabra; caulis fruticosus, gracilis, pedalis et ultra, rami et ramuli filiformes, virgati.
Tips two, horned on the upper part, within the blossom; flowers grow by fours at the ends of the small branches; footstalks very short, and furnished with three awl-shaped floral leaves; blossoms tubular, long, slender, and of a red colour; leaves by threes, linear, obtuse, and smooth; stem shrubby, slender, a foot or more high; the large and small branches are thread-shaped and twiggy.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from August till November.
1. The empalement. 2. A chive, magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ basi bicornes, inclusæ. Flores ramos terminant in umbellis quinque-vel decem-floris, cum pedunculis longissimis, rubris, patentibus vel cernuis. Corolla alba, ad basin carnea, glutinosissima, pollicaris, lucida, ad summitatem cylindracea, ore arctata, ad basin inflata. Folia terna, trigona, subulata, recta, apice mucronata, supra plana, subtus carinata. Caulis pedalis, erectus. Rami longi.
Tips two-horned at the base, and within the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches in umbels of five to ten flowers, with very long red footstalks, spreading or nodding. Blossom white, flesh-coloured at the base, and extremely glutinous, an inch long, shining, cylindrical on the upper part, narrowed at the mouth, and swelled out at the base. Leaves by threes, three-sided, awl-shaped, straight, with a mucronated point, flat on the upper surface, and keeled beneath. Stem a foot high, erect. Branches long.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from June till October.
1. A leaf magnified. 2. The empalement. 3. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ; flores terminates, terni vel seni; corolla rubra, summa cylindrica, ad basin inflata, ore arctata; pedunculis longis colaratis; folia ternata trigona acuta curvata; caulis fruticosus pedalis.
Tips beardless, within the blossom; flowers terminate the branches in threes or sixes; blossoms red, the upper part cylindrical, swelled at the base, and contracted at the mouth; footstalks long and coloured, leaves by threes, three-sided, pointed and curved; stem shrubby, a foot high.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till June.
1. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 2. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 3. Flower of a white variety. 4. Flower of a striped variety. |
Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores in umbellis parvis irregularibus. Corolla campanulata, alba, tenuis. Folia terna, linearia, obtusa. Caulis pedalis. Rami et ramuli filiformes, divaricati.
Tips bearded, and within the blossom. Flowers grow in small irregular umbels. Blossom bell-shaped, white, and thin. Leaves by threes, linear, and blunt. Stem a foot high. The large and small branches are thread-shaped and straggling.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till July.
1. The empalement magnified. 2. A chive magnified. 3. The pointal magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, sub-exsertæ. Flores terminales, bini vel quaterni, patentes. Pedunculi breves. Corolla longissima, curvata, clavata, lucida, aurantia: oris laciniis expansis. Folia quaterna et quina, linearia, obtusa, glabra, subtus sulcata. Caulis fruticosus, bipedalis: ramulis brevibus, numerosis.
Tips beardless, and just without the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches from two to four, spreading. Footstalks short. Blossom very long, curved, club-shaped, shining, and of a gold colour: segments of the border spreading. Leaves by fours and fives, linear, obtuse, smooth, and furrowed beneath. Stem shrubby, two feet high. The small branches are short, and numerous.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till June.
1. The empalement. 2. The chives and pointal. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ basi bicornes, inclusæ. Flores plerumque ternati, patentes aut cernui. Corolla metulæformis, purpurea, lucida: oris laciniis erectis. Folia ternata, linearia, obtusa, subtus leviter sulcata, marginibus rotundatis. Frutex pygmæus, ramis et ramulis numerosis confertis.
Tips two-horned at the base, within the blossom. Flowers grow mostly by threes, spreading or nodding. Blossom skittle-shaped, purple and shining: segments of the border upright. Leaves by threes, linear, blunt, slightly furrowed beneath, and rounded on the edges. It is a dwarf shrub, with numerous large and small branches crowded together.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from August till November.
1. The empalement. 2. Chives and pointal, summit magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ basi bicornes, inclusae. Flores in umbellis terminalibus. Corolla tubulosa, oblonga, carnea. Folia quaterna et quina, linearia, obtusa. Caulis fruticosus, pedalis et ultra.
Tips two-horned at the base, and within the blossom. Flowers grow in terminal umbels. Blossom tubular, oblong, and flesh-coloured. Leaves by fours and fives, linear, and blunt-ended. Stem shrubby, a foot or more high.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from September till April.
1. The empalement magnified. 2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ, stylo exserto. Flores in ramulis terminales, terni vel seni, cernui. Pedunculi longi, colorati. Corolla campanulata, incarnata, laciniis acutis patentibus. Folia terna, trigona, glabra, patentia, apice mucronata, incurvata, glauco-viridia. Caulis fruticosus, sesquipedalis, ramosus. Rami numerosi, erecto-patentes.
Tips beardless, within the blossom: shaft without. Flowers terminate the smaller branches, from three to six, hanging down. Footstalks long, and coloured. Blossom bell-shaped and flesh-coloured: segments of the border pointed, and spreading. Leaves by threes, three-sided, smooth, spreading, mucronated at the end, turned inwards, and of a glaucous green. Stem shrubby, a foot and a half high, branching. The branches are numerous, and between erect and spreading.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from May till August.
1. The empalement. 2. A blossom. 3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 5. Seed-bud magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ; flores plerumque terni, penduli, terminales; pedunculi colorati bracteis tribus instructis; corolla campanulata odorata incarnata; calycis foliolis lato ovatis adpressis, folia terna, linearia, obtusa caulis fruticosus, erectus, pedalis et ultra; rami graciles.
Tips beardless, within the blossom; flowers grow mostly by threes, pendulous and terminal; footstalks coloured, and furnished with three floral leaves; blossom bell-shaped, scented, and flesh-coloured; leaflets of the cup are broadly ovate, and pressed to the blossom; leaves by threes, linear, and blunt, stem shrubby, upright, a foot or more high, branches slender.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from May till August.
1. The empalement. 2. A blossom. 3. A chive, magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 5. Seed-bud magnified. |
Antheræ basi bicornutæ, exertæ. Flores terminales, umbellati, pedunculis longissimis. Corolla purpurea, pyramidata, costata, fauce parum arctata: laciniis revolutis, obliquis. Folia terna, late-linearia, obtusa, margine pilis longissimis obsita, subtus sulcata, patentia. Suffrutex pygmæus, ramosus. Rami et ramuli divaricati, patentes.
Tips two-horned at the base, without the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches in umbels, with very long footstalks. Blossom purple, of a pyramidal form, ribbed, a little narrowed at the mouth: the segments are oblique and revolute. Leaves by threes, broadly linear and blunt, and beset with long hairs at the edges, furrowed beneath, and spreading. It is a dwarf shrub, very branching. The large and small branches are straggling, and spreading.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till June.
1. The empalement and floral leaves. 2. A blossom. 3. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, magnified. |
Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores plures, e medio caulis inter folia porrecti. Pedunculi fere nulli. Perianthium duplex. Corolla cylindrica, magna, glabra, lutea, ore arctata, limbo quadrifido, reflexo. Folia quaterna, linearia, incurvata, acuta, glabra. Caulis fruticosus, pedalis et ultra, erectus, basi ramosus, dein spicam simplicissimam pyramidatam formans, ramulis brevibus vestitam.
Tips bearded, and within the blossom. Flowers numerous, growing about the middle of the stem straight out from amongst the leaves, with scarcely any foot-stalks. Empalement double. Blossom cylindrical, large, and smooth, of a yellow colour, narrowed at the mouth, with a four-lobed, reflexed border. Leaves by fours, linear, incurved, sharp-pointed, and smooth. Stem, shrubby, a foot or more high, upright, branching at the base, then forming a simple pyramidal spike covered by short branches.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from May till July.
1. The empalement. 2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores in umbellis sub-terminalibus, cernuis: pedunculis longissimis, rubris, et lucidis. Corolla ovato-campanulata, pallide purpurea. Folia sparsa, linearia, obtusa, pilosa. Caulis pedalis et ultra: ramis longis, divaricatis, foliis vestitis.
Tips bearded, and within the blossom. Flowers grow in umbels nearly terminal, and nodding. Footstalks very long, red, and shining. Blossom ovately bell-shaped, of a pale purple colour. Leaves scattered, linear, blunt, and hairy. Stem a foot or more high. Branches long, straggling, and clothed with leaves.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from March till June.
1. A leaf magnified. 2. The empalement, natural size. 3. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores ramos terminant, plerumque terni. Corolla cylindracea, pubescens, ad basin pallide purpurea, ore alba: laciniis reflexis. Folia quaterna, linearia, acuta, marginibus minute ciliatis. Caulis sesquipedalis, fruticosus. Rami numerosi.
Tips beardless, and within the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches mostly by threes. Blossom cylindrical, downy, of a pale purple at the base, and white at the mouth. Segments reflexed. Leaves by fours, linear, and pointed, with minutely ciliated margins. Stem a foot and a half high, shrubby. Branches numerous.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from May till August.
1. The empalement. 2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ basi bicornes, inclusæ. Flores terminales, numerosi, erecti, fasciculati. Pedunculi purpurei, basi bracteis binis parvis oppositis instructi. Corolla magna, inflata, ovata, apice arctata, albens, glabra, nitida: limbo æquali, patente, carneo, in centro saturate rubro. Folia quaterna, linearia, acuta, basi recurvata, apice adscendentia, ciliata, nitida. Caulis fruticosus, sesquipedalis, teres, dumosus.
Tips two-horned at their base, and within the blossom. Flowers terminal, numerous, upright, and in large bunches. The footstalks are purple, and furnished with two small opposite floral leaves at their base. Blossom large, of an inflated ovate form, and narrowed towards the end, whitish, smooth, and shining: segments of the border equal, spreading, flesh-coloured, and of a deep red in the centre. Leaves by fours, linear, sharp-pointed, with a recurved base and an ascending point, ciliated, and shining. Stem shrubby, a foot and a half high, round, and bushy.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till August.
1. The empalement. 2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores ramos terminant in umbellis quaternis vel octonis. Pedunculi breves. Corolla urceolata, alba, laciniis magnis expansis. Folia quaterna, linearia, erecta, obtusa. Caulis pedalis, erectus, ramosus. Rami et ramuli graciles.
Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches in umbels of from four to eight. Footstalks short. Blossom pitcher-shaped and white; segments of the border large and spreading. Leaves by fours, linear, upright, and blunt-ended. Stem a foot high, upright, shrubby. Large and small branches slender.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from June till November.
1. The empalement. 2. Chives and pointal. 3. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores sessiles, erecti, fastigiati, quaterni et quini, terminales, vix pedunculati. Corolla ventricosa, lucide rubra, ore arctata, quod ornatum est in modum primulæ: laciniis cordatis, expansis, albis, subtus læte rubris. Folia quina, linearia, glabra, crassiuscula, erecta, conferta. Caulis fruticosus, spithamæus, erectus, ramosus. Rami numerosi.
Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers sit close, in upright bunches, by fours and fives, terminating the branches, with scarcely any footstalks. Blossom bellied, and of a shining red, narrowed at the mouth, which is ornamented like a cowslip. Segments of the border are heart-shaped, spreading and white, and of a bright red on the under side. Leaves by fives, linear, smooth, thickish, upright, and crowded together. Stem shrubby, a span high, upright, and branching. Branches numerous.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from May till July.
1. The empalement magnified. 2. The flower shown from beneath. 3. Flower of a pale variety. 4. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 5. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 6. The seed-bud magnified. |
Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ; flores plerumque ternata, patento-cernui; pedunculi breves, colorati bracteis tribus coloratis instructi; corolla cylindracea, incarnata; laciniis oris viridibus pallidis, erectis; folia ternata, linearia, obtusa; caulis humilis, ramis numerosi.
Tips crested, within the blossom; flowers grow mostly by threes, spreading or nodding: footstalks short, coloured, and furnished with three-coloured floral leaves; blossom cylindrical and flesh-coloured; segments of the border of a pale green, and upright; leaves by threes, linear, and blunt; stem low, with numerous branches.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from May till August.
1. A chive, magnified. 2. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. 3. Seed-bud magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores ramos terminant in umbellis confertis, sæpe germinantes. Corolla parva, campanulata, pallide purpurea, odorata. Folia quaterna, obtusa. Caulis pedalis. Rami et ramuli numerosi.
Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers terminate the branches in crowded umbels, often budding. Blossom small, bell-shaped, of a pale purple, and sweet-scented. Leaves by fours, blunt-ended. Stem a foot high. The large and small branches are numerous.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from December till June.
1. The empalement magnified. 2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ bicornes, subexsertæ. Flores subterminales. Corolla clavata, patens, rugosa, saturate rubra: oris laciniis patentibus. Pedunculi longi. Folia irregulariter verticillata 3 vel 5, linearia, patentia, parum curvata: petiolis longis. Caulis erectus, sub-bipedalis, ramis verticillatis.
Tips two-horned, just without the blossom. Flowers nearly terminal. Blossom club-shaped, spreading, wrinkly, and of a deep red colour: segments of the border spreading. Footstalks long. Leaves in irregular whorls of 3 to 5, linear, spreading, and slightly curved. Footstalks long. Stem upright, near two feet high. Branches in whorls.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from June till August.
1. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 2. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ; flores ad apicem ramorum ramulorumque in umbellis irregularibus, cernuis; corolla campanulata, rubra; oriis laciniis patentibus; folia ternata, crassa, obtusa recta; caulis erectus sesquipedalis; ramis plerumque ternis, ad basin patentibus, superne adscendentibus.
Tips crested, within the blossom; flowers grow at the ends of the larger and smaller branches, in irregular umbells, nodding all one way; blossom bell-shaped and red; segments of the border spreading; leaves by threes, thick, blunt and straight; stem upright, a foot and a half high; branches mostly by threes, hanging down at the base of the plant, in the middle spreading out, and ascending towards the top.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from February till November.
1. The Empalement. 2. The chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ basi bicornes, inclusæ. Flores numerosi, simplices, axillares, in medio ramulorum, et sæpe terminales: pedunculis longissimis, coloratis. Corolla urceolata, læte purpurea, glabra, lucida: laciniis æqualibus, rotundis, patentibus, sub-reflexis. Folia quaterna, linearia, glabra, supra plana, subtus sulcata. Frutex pygmæus, elegans, ramosissimus.
Tips beardless, and within the blossom. Flowers are numerous, and grow singly from the axillæ of the leaves, about the middle of the smaller branches, and often terminate them. The footstalks are very long, and coloured. Blossom pitcher-shaped, of a bright purple colour, smooth, and shining: the segments of the border are equal, round, spreading, and nearly reflexed. Leaves by fours, linear and smooth, flat on their upper surface, and furrowed beneath. An elegant dwarf shrub, very branching.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till September.
1. The empalement magnified. 2. A blossom. 3. Flower of a pale variety. 4. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified, 5. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ basi bicornibus inclusis; flores terminales in umbellis quinis vel octonis, cum pedunculis longissimis rubris: corollis ampullaceis, pallide carneis, glutinosissimus; folia terna, trigona, subulata, recta; caulis pedalis, erectus, fruticosus.
Tips two, horned at the base within the blossom; flowers, terminate; the branches in umbels of five to eight, with very long red footstalks; blossom flask-shaped, of a pale flesh colour, and very glutinous; leaves by threes, three-sided, awl-shaped and straight; stem a foot high, upright and shrubby.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till September.
1. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 2. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ aristatæ, inclusæ. Flores plerumque quaterni, patentes, terminales: Corollis uncialibus, ovato-cylindraceis, villosis, coccineis: oris laciniis erecto-patulis. Folia quaterna, linearia, obtusa, tomentosa, adscendentia. Caulis fruticosus, erectus, pedalis et ultra. Rami numerosi, tomentosi.
Tips bearded, within the blossom. Flowers grow mostly by fours, spreading, and terminal. Blossoms an inch long, ovately cylindrical, villose, of a scarlet colour: segments of the border upright, and spreading. Leaves by fours, linear, blunt, downy, and ascending. Stem shrubby, upright, a foot or more high. Branches numerous and downy.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from May till August.
1. Empalement. 2. A chive magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ, stylo exserto. Flores sub-solitarii, sessiles, ramulos terminantes. Corolla clavato-cylindracea, curvata, pilosa, limbo campanulato, revoluto. Folia quaterna, tenuia, obtusa, villosa, erecta. Caulis pedalis, erectus: ramis sparsis, virgatis, numerosis, villosis.
Tips beardless, within the blossom: shaft without. Flowers mostly solitary, sessile, terminating the ends of the smaller branches. Blossom cylindrically club-shaped, curved and hairy, with a border bell-shaped and rolled back. Leaves by fours, slender, obtuse, villous, and upright. Stem a foot high, upright. Branches scattered, twiggy, numerous, and hairy.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from June till October.
1. A leaf magnified. 2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, sub-inclusæ: flores ramos terminant in umbellis: corolla sub-cylindrica, pollicaris, miniata: folia quina vel sena, obtusa, erecta, conferta: caulis fruticosus, erectus, pedalis et ultra: ramis verticillatis.
Tips beardless, just within the blossom: flowers terminate the branches in umbels: blossoms nearly cylindrical, an inch long, of a reddish colour: leaves by fives and sixes, obtuse, upright, and crowded together: stem shrubby, upright, a foot or more high: the branches grow in whorls.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from August till October.
1. The empalement. 2. The chives liberated from the pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores ramos terminant in umbellis erectis. Corolla urceolata, carnea, calyce colorato fere tecta. Folia terna, rigida, trigona, mucronata, supra plana, subtus canaliculata. Caulis fruticosus, sesquipedalis.
Tips crested, and within the blossom. Flowers grow at the ends of the branches in upright umbels. Blossom pitcher-shaped, flesh-coloured, and almost covered by a coloured cup. Leaves by threes, harsh, three-sided, and mucronated, flat on their upper surface, and channelled beneath. Stem shrubby, a foot and a half high.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till December.
1. The empalement. 2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores prope apices ramulorum, pedunculis longissimis: corollis campanulatis: laciniis cordatis, læte coccineis, ad basin globosis, luteis. Folia ternata, linearia, erecta, obtusa. Caulis sesquipedalis, erectus, ramis filiformibus virgatis.
Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers grow near the ends of the branches. Footstalks very long. Blossoms bell-shaped. Segments of the border are heart-shaped, and of a bright scarlet, globular beneath, and yellow. Leaves by threes, linear, upright, and blunt-ended. Stem a foot and a half high, upright. Branches thread-shaped and twiggy.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from February till June.
1. The empalement. 2. A blossom. 3. A chive magnified. 4. Seed-bud and pointal. |
Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores ramulos terminant, terni, cernui. Calycis foliola ovata, carinata, adpressa. Corolla alba, globosa. Folia terna, sub-trigona, acuta, patentia. Caulis sesquipedalis, erectus, ramosus.
Tips crested, and within the blossom. Flowers terminate the smaller branches by threes, nodding. The leaflets of the empalement are ovate, carinate, and pressed to the flower. Blossom white and globular. Leaves by threes, nearly three-sided, pointed, and spreading. Stem a foot and a half high, upright, and branching.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till July.
1. Branch of a small variety. 2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ. Flores aggregatim verticillati, supra medium ramulorum. Corolla clavata, uncialis, carnea. Folia plerumque sena, erecta, aggregata, linearia, petiolis longis capillaribus. Caulis erectus, sub-bipedalis, ramis simplicibus.
Tips beardless, within the blossom. Flowers grow in crowded whorls above the middle of the branches. Blossom club-shaped, an inch long, of a flesh colour. Leaves mostly by sixes, upright, crowded together, and linear, with long capillary footstalks. Stem upright, near two feet high. Branches simple.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till October.
1. The empalement. 2. Chives and pointal, summit magnified. 3. Seed-bud magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, inclusæ: flores in verticillis aggregatis, sub apicibus ramulorum: pedunculis brevibus, bracteis tribus instructis: corolla cylindrica, uncialis, lutea, leviter costata: folia sena, septena, vel octona, erecta, aggregata, setacea, petiolis longissimis: caulis bipedalis, erectus, ramis simplicibus adscendentibus.
Tips beardless, within the blossom: flowers grow in crowded whorls, near the ends of the branches: footstalks short, and furnished with three floral leaves: blossom an inch long, yellow, and slightly ribbed: leaves in sixes, sevens, and eights, erect, crowded, and bristle-shaped: footstalks very long: stem two feet high, upright, with simple ascending branches.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from July till October.
1. The empalement. 2. The chives and pointal. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ: flores plerumque ternati: corolla urceolata, glutinosissima, et lucida, colore aureo rubro tincto: limbo saturate viridi; laciniis erectis: folia ternata, sub-trigona, supra plana, subtus sulco exarata: caulis erectus, pedalis et ultra: ramulis ternis, verticillatis.
Tips crested, within the blossom: flowers mostly by threes: blossom pitcher-shaped, very glutinous and shining, of a gold colour tinged with red, and the border of a deep green; segment of the border upright: leaves by threes, nearly three-sided, flat on their upper surface, and deeply furrowed beneath: stem upright, a foot or more high: the smaller branches grow by threes in whorls.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from April till June.
1. The empalement. 2. A chive magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ muticæ, subinclusæ. Corolla sub-cylindracea, longissima, medio paululum arctata, ima parte saturate carnea, apice viridi: floribus terminalibus, ternatis, pendulis. Folia terna, linearia, subulata, subtus sulcata, glabra, viridia. Caulis fruticosus, tripedalis, erectus. Rami et ramuli numerosi.
Tips beardless, just within the blossom, which is nearly cylindrical, and very long, a little narrowed at the middle, the lower part of a deep flesh colour, and the mouth green. Flowers terminate the branches by threes, hanging down. Leaves by threes, linear, awl-shaped, furrowed on the under surface, smooth, and of a deep green. Stem shrubby, three feet high, erect. The large and smaller branches are numerous.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from October till July.
1. The empalement. 2. Chives and pointal, one tip magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, summit magnified. |
Antheræ cristatæ, inclusæ. Flores laterales, plerumque ternati, cernui, speciosi. Corolla sub-globosa, glutinosissima, et lucida, colore aureo, limbo saturate viridi, laciniis erectis. Folia ternata, sub-trigona, supra plana, subtus sulco exarata. Caulis erectus, pedalis et ultra: ramulis ternis, verticillatis.
Tips crested, and within the blossom. Flowers grow sideways, mostly by threes, and showy. Blossom nearly round, very glutinous and shining, of a gold colour, with the border of a deep green colour: segments upright. Leaves by threes, nearly three-sided, flat on their upper surface, and deeply furrowed beneath. Stem upright, a foot or more high. The smaller branches grow by threes in whorls.
Native of the Cape of Good Hope.
In bloom from January till May.
1. The empalement. 2. The chives and pointal, highly magnified. 3. Seed-bud and pointal, natural size. |
201. | Erica | Andromedæflora alba. |
202. | argentiflora. | |
203. | aristata minor. | |
204. | aurea Var. flore pallido. | |
205. | Bandonia. | |
206. | Broadleyana. | |
207. | cerinthoides. | |
208. | clavata. | |
209. | colorans. | |
210. | Coventrya. | |
211. | curviflora rubra. | |
212. | densa. | |
213. | dumosa. | |
214. | emarginata. | |
215. | exsurgens longiflora. | |
216. | exudans. | |
217. | formosa bicolor. | |
218. | infundibuliformis. | |
219. | Irbyana. | |
220. | jasminiflora. | |
221. | lævis. | |
222. | longiflora. | |
223. | magnifica. | |
224. | metulæflora. | |
225. | mucronata. | |
226. | moschata. | |
227. | Nivenia longiflora. | |
228. | Patersonia major. | |
229. | pendunculata. | |
230. | perspicua. | |
231. | prægnans. | |
232. | præstans. | |
233. | primuloides. | |
234. | pumila. | |
235. | regerminans. | |
236. | rugosa. | |
237. | rupestris rubra. | |
238. | Savilea. | |
239. | Shannonea. | |
240. | splendens. | |
241. | sulphurea. | |
242. | Swainsonia. | |
243. | taxifolia major. | |
244. | Thunbergia. | |
245. | triflora. | |
246. | vestita carnea. | |
247. | vestita lutea. | |
248. | vernix longiflora. | |
249. | versicolor longiflora. | |
250. | vernix. |