The Project Gutenberg eBook of The Half-Century Magazine (Vol. I, No. 1, August, 1916) This ebook is for the use of anyone anywhere in the United States and most other parts of the world at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this ebook or online at If you are not located in the United States, you will have to check the laws of the country where you are located before using this eBook. Title: The Half-Century Magazine (Vol. I, No. 1, August, 1916) Author: Various Release date: August 1, 2023 [eBook #71314] Language: English Original publication: United States: The Half-Century Magazine Publishing Company Credits: hekula03 and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at (This book was produced from images made available by the HathiTrust Digital Library.) *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE HALF-CENTURY MAGAZINE (VOL. I, NO. 1, AUGUST, 1916) *** Transcriber’s Note: This is a reprint edition provided by the Negro Universities Press, New York, 1969. Articles split across pages of the magazine have been re-joined. Adverts have been moved to the end of the publication. THE HALF-CENTURY MAGAZINE AUGUST, 1916 [Illustration] 10 cents a Copy 75 cents a Year The HALF-CENTURY MAGAZINE PUBLISHING Company Chicago, Illinois The Half-Century Magazine K. E. WILLIAMS, Editor E. S. BROWN, Business Mgr. 3708 WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO SUBSCRIPTION 75 Cents per Year; 50 Cents for Six Months; 25 Cents for Three Months =Expirations.=—Each subscriber is notified of the expiration of his subscription by the receipt of =a blue subscription blank= enclosed in the last issue of the magazine to which he is entitled. =Change of Address.=—In every case give the old as well as the new address. We cannot proceed without this information. =Most Important of All.=—In every letter that you write us never fail to give your full address plainly written, name, post-office, County and State. =We Always Stop the Magazine= at the expiration of the time paid for unless a renewal of subscription is received. Those whose subscriptions have expired must not expect to receive the magazine unless they send the money to pay for it another year. =Postage.=—From subscribers in Chicago 24 cents extra is required to cover postage upon a yearly subscription. In all other parts of the United States, Mexico and our Island possessions we prepay postage. For foreign countries we require 36 cents extra to cover a year’s postage and for Canada 18 cents in addition to the regular yearly subscription. =Remittances= may be made in ordinary letters if the sum is small. Where they exceed one dollar use registered letter, P. O. Money Order, or Express Money Order. VOLUME I AUGUST, 1916 NUMBER 1 CONTENTS Cover Mrs. Florence Cole-Talbert Page Editorial 3-4 An Orator 5 Centennial General A. M. E. Conference 6 National Republican Convention 6 An Act of Charity (A Story) 7 The National Association of Colored Women 8 Musical and Dramatic 9 A Salesmen’s Convention 10 Beauty Hints 11 Domestic Science 12 Opportunity (A Poem) 16 The Man Who Wins (A Poem) 16 With Our Exchanges 18 EDITORIAL As there are already many race publications on the market, it is expected of a new one that an excuse be offered for its entering the field and an explanation be made of its object, its purpose and its policy. The excuse that it is “to fill a long felt want,” although a stereotyped expression, is an appropriate one in this case; for notwithstanding there are already many race publications on the market, none of them seems to meet the requirements, judging from the general expressions so repeatedly heard. There are so many features that we plan to cover, and so many things that are done by other publications that we think are subject to criticism, which we propose _not_ to do, that we will make mention of only a few of them at this time, leaving the balance to be reviewed later. It will not be our sole ambition to make this magazine a “literary gem” either for our own gratification or to suit the fancy of the “highbrows,” but to present facts in plain, commonsense language, so that the masses may read and understand; or, in the words of Brother Taylor, we propose to call a “spade a _spade_” and not an “excavating instrument for manual manipulation.” It is our intention to chronicle such doings of the race as may be of interest to a majority of our readers. Such men and women of the race as may attain eminence or affluence by perseverance, we shall be pleased to make mention of in these columns, as we feel assured that the masses are interested in the same; but we shall refrain from publishing such articles as “Sister Smith of Bastrop gave a chicken dinner last Sunday for Brother Jones of Monroe,” as we believe that of all our readers only four persons would be interested in such an item—Sister Smith, because it tickled her vanity to see her name in print; Brother Jones, to the extent that as he had partaken of many similar dinners under more agreeable surroundings, the recalling to his memory of this affair reminded him how bored he was; Brother Jones’ wife, who was in a quandary as to why Sister Smith should go to the expense to give her husband a dinner, and Mrs. Brown, who lives next door to Sister Smith, who expresses her interest with these remarks: “I think it would be better if Sister Smith would pay her debts before she starts giving big dinners.” As such news items are fully covered by our leading Colored weeklies, we leave the field to their complete monopolistic control. As the Race Problem is ever with us, we shall discuss and shall entertain discussions of the same from time to time. We appreciate that we are now living in a commercial era and that the factors of paramount importance in the solution of this problem are economy, industry—the making and saving of money—and business development. We also appreciate that in the upbuilding of the race, unity, co-operation and race patronage are essential. We believe where other things being equal, our business enterprises should receive the patronage of our _leaders_ as well as the masses. There seems to be a well-founded complaint that some of our leaders, from indifference, selfishness or neglect, fail to patronize our business enterprises or give them the consideration they deserve. The Good Book says: “If you are not for us you are against us.” We shall endeavor to “show up” from time to time which side our leaders are on. Unfortunately, we have three classes of leaders. In the first class we have the men and women who, through thought and sacrifice and action, are actually _doing things_ for the race’s advancement. We will take pleasure in mentioning them and their work, as they are entitled to every praise. In another class we have leaders that have been selected _for us_ by the white race, on account of their willingness to advocate inferiority and practice submission. We have still another class that has assumed leadership based upon falsification, gall, treachery, bigotry, egotism and borrowed oratory. These two latter classes are appropriately designated as “old aces” and it is customary for our race journals to give publicity to such persons for so much per. When such persons _do_ something for the advancement of the race we will be pleased to make note thereof, but we will not use valuable space in rehashing and gleaming before the public, falsely assumed virtues and accomplishments to which they are not entitled, but for which they have been given credit solely for the reason that they have “divied up” with someone, to falsely represent them before the public. We should like to send every one of our Subscribers a letter telling of our plans and ambition to give them the greatest value in the columns of =The Half-Century Magazine= that can be obtained anywhere. We are very pleased to announce that we have secured the services of Miss Leona Porter to conduct our Domestic Science Department. She is, without question, one of the leading cooking authorities in this country today and needs no introduction. To secure Miss Porter’s services exclusively for the =Half-Century=, it cost a great deal of money, but we wanted to have the “real authority” to conduct this department. The recipes which will be published each month should be saved. They are arranged in convenient form, so that they can be cut out and pasted in your cook book. You are at liberty to write Miss Porter at any time and she will give you, without cost, helpful advice on all questions of marketing and cooking, household economies, recipes, menus, left-overs and problems of housekeepers. Miss Evelyn Northington will conduct our Department of Beauty Hints. Miss Northington needs no introduction, as she is of national renown as an authority on Beauty Culture. You can rest assured that when Miss Northington indorses anything, it has had her personal investigation and her indorsement cannot be purchased for money. The article itself must come up to the standard or she will not indorse it. Little aids to beauty and good health—hints on complexion, hair trouble, skin, etc.—are matters on which you will receive advice promptly from a source you may trust. We shall note each month, as the information comes to us, the latest books by Colored authors or about the Negro. The latest songs and music by Negroes and the latest talking machine records. We want short stories with plots and settings dealing with Negro life and will pay a good price for all such stories as are accepted for publication in our columns. Stories must not exceed 5,000 words, must be typewritten and written only on one side of paper. Please understand—manuscripts that are not accepted will not be returned unless sufficient stamps are inclosed to pay postage on the same. Politics! Oh, yes! The Negro is a born politician, and although we shall try to avoid following our natural instinct to jump into the Political Pot, at the same time we are going to reserve the right to discuss fairly and impartially, men and measures as they may come up to affect the welfare of the race. We are planning a Special Fashion Number for our September issue. This will be a unique number in which we have a big surprise in store for you. We will show the latest fall styles in ladies’ wearing apparel. A corps of trained fashion experts of our race in Chicago and New York have been engaged and will especially feature our people in the latest styles. The advertisements of a modern publication have become one of its most important features, as it is the medium by which the manufacturer or distributor and the consumer are brought together. It is a fact that many persons are more interested in the advertisements of a publication than in any other of its features, which is evidenced by the fact that they often read the advertisements first; for it enables one not only to keep abreast with the new developments, but also offers many opportunities for saving in expenses, which is very important in these days of “high cost of living”! We believe in truthfulness in advertising, and, therefore, will not knowingly insert in our columns, false or extremely exaggerated advertisements; nor will we accept the advertisements of clairvoyants, fortune tellers, promoters of questionable oil wells or mining stocks or other get-rich-quick concerns as have fleeced our people in the past. It is our intention to investigate the responsibility and reliability of each advertiser before we accept same for publication. We shall aim to set a standard that if the advertisement appears in this publication, it is reliable; a policy that should produce such a confidence between the advertiser and our readers, as to result in a mutual benefit. These are only a few of the many things we have planned, to give you the best value possible for your subscription money. THE EDITOR. Making up your mind about people—whether you will like them or not—the first instant you meet them, is like reading the end of a book first. You may (though you frequently don’t) secure a fairly accurate impression, but all the thrill of suspense, the gradual unfolding of surmise into certainty, is lost forever. THE AMBITIOUS FROG. In old Aesop’s fable we read of a frog Who burst, like a bubble in air, While trying to show to his friends in the bog The size of an ox who’d been there. And the moral was drawn from the homely old tale That a man should take care what he tries, And plod on through life, on a nice, modest scale, Since only contentment is wise. But my heart goes out to that cocky young frog, Whose life was so recklessly spent; Who burst into bits in the midst of his bog Because on ambition intent. But tho’ he was highly conceited, I know, I’m strong for his courage and gall; For it’s better to burst in attempting to grow Than to have no ambition at all. —Berton Braley in Life. NEWS ITEMS The National Association of Colored Women will hold their biennial meeting at Baltimore, August 6 to 11. * * * * * The National Meeting of Colored Odd Fellows, that is known as the B. M. C., will be held at Washington, September 11 to 16. * * * * * The Boyd faction of the National Baptist Convention will hold its convention September 6th at the Second Baptist Church of Kansas City. * * * * * The Morris faction of the National Baptist Convention will hold its convention September 13th at the First African Baptist Church of Savannah, Ga. * * * * * The National Negro Business League, of which the late Dr. Booker T. Washington was president, will meet at Kansas City, Mo., August 16, 17 and 18. * * * * * The National Negro Press Association will also meet at Kansas City at the same time. * * * * * The National Medical Association of Colored Physicians, Surgeons, Dentists, and Pharmacists meets at Kansas City, Mo., August 22, 23, 24. Dr. U. G. Dailey, of Chicago, is president of this organization. An Orator [Illustration: WILLIAM HARRISON HAYNES] Among the four contestants for a prize in oratory at the University of Chicago was William Harrison Haynes of Nashville, Tenn. The first prize of $100, which is awarded annually to a student of this university for excellence in oratory, is given by Mr. Julius Rosenwald of Chicago. The contest was held on the evening of June 1st, in Leon Mandel Assembly Hall. A brown face and such a title—“A Plea for Justice”—without difficulty attracted for the speaker the keenest attention of an audience almost entirely white. Confident in his skill and ability and rejoicing in this marvelous opportunity to speak before such an audience in behalf of his people, Mr. Haynes delivered his oration in a style and manner that has never been equaled in previous contests. It was evident by the heavy waves of applause, that to him belonged the victory, and when the announcement of the first prize was made, the colored speaker was hardly able to hold his position because of the crowd that thronged about him to extend congratulations and to express lofty words of praise. Mr. Haynes, an A. B. from Morehouse College of the class of 1915, came to the University of Chicago last fall and shortly after was made a member of the Varsity Debating team. He debated for Chicago twice, winning both times, and on the day of his graduation he was given an elegant gold watch fob by the Delta Sigma Rho debating fraternity as a token of appreciation of his good fellowship and excellent scholarship displayed during his short stay at the university. A Plea for Justice Recently ex-President Roosevelt in a speech before the Chicago Bar Association sounded the note for military preparedness. He and the foremost leaders in political circles in the United States today are trying to make the American people squarely face the issue of preparedness from a military point-of-view. All of this sentiment for preparation may be for future military emergencies, or it may be to meet the growing responsibility of the nation. In either case, if the best results are to be realized, it is necessary that in every section of the country the fundamental principles upon which our democracy is based shall be properly administered. If we are to be really prepared for any emergency, then the vital principles of this government must be understood by every man. Every section of our great country and every man in it must know that this country stands for justice and equal opportunities to all, and that each man is to be permitted to work out and develop himself to his highest powers. Yet there is a section of our country where every day the basic principles on which our government is founded are being violated. Every day sees men subjected to injustice and arbitrary discrimination. Every day sees men deprived of that opportunity and equal protection of the laws which have been so cherished by the American people. If preparedness means the development of manhood and womanhood in order that we shall be able to repel the injustice of a foreign invader, then we must begin by granting justice to those here at home. Tonight, ladies and gentlemen, I wish to speak to you on one phase of the great American problem—the relation of the Negro to the South, and the South to the Nation. Allow me to present briefly, if you please, an analysis of the most prevalent forms of injustice that are practiced in the South today. In the matter of suffrage, six states in the South have in practice laws which virtually take away the right of the colored man to vote. Politicians are elected to office not on the basis of their ability, but simply willingness to design and support legal technicalities which are prolific of this sort of injustice. These suffrage laws are based upon property ownership, or ability to read and interpret the Constitution, or payment of taxes; but the power of decision as to who is qualified under these laws is in the hand of a few unscrupulous politicians, who decide eligibility purely on the basis of race. An illustration will serve to show how these laws operate and the evils resulting from them. Before the disfranchisement act went into operation in Alabama there were 232,000 white and 181,000 colored male citizens of voting age, making a total of 413,000. The total number of qualified voters in the state today will not aggregate more than 200,000. There are 181,000 colored male citizens of voting age in Alabama today, at least 8,000 of whom are college graduates, and yet there are only 3,000 of them permitted to register and vote. Nevertheless, ladies and gentlemen, these people are counted as a basis of representation, and since they are denied the ballot they are even misrepresented, and the power of those who do the injustice is doubled. There are tonight almost 5,000,000 colored citizens of this country who reside in the purview of these discriminating laws, who are denied the right of the ballot, despite the fact that more than 53 per cent of them pay taxes on property owned. Can these states consistently deny the rights of citizenship to 5,000,000 men, and then in time of crisis call upon them to support the government which has kept them down? Can Americans who believe in justice and equal opportunity to all afford to see these men deprived of their rights? These people have shown that they can successfully take part in the industrial life of the South. But what good will that do unless they can protect the fruits of their labor by means of the ballot—the ballot that elects the representatives who make the laws—the ballot which elects the judges who enforce them? We hear so much of ignorance and its attendant evils as a menace in the South, we would suppose that the funds for public education would be adequately and justly distributed. But such is not the case. Forty per cent of the children of school age in eleven states in the South are of the colored race, and yet they receive only fifteen per cent of the school fund. In the state of Georgia the population of the two races is almost equal and millions of dollars of the public fund are annually spent for high school education, but nowhere in this great state is there one public high school for members of my race. In the city of Atlanta, last year, 4,503 colored children applied for admission to the public school, and these came voluntarily, not forced by a compulsory education law. The seating capacity of the schools provided for their education was 2,951. Instead of increasing the seating capacity the board of education abolished the eighth grade, and even to this night the seventh grade measures the extent of public education for my race in the city of Atlanta. A third form of injustice in the South which shows signs of increasing is segregation of residential sections by city ordinances. These laws are unconstitutional because they prevent a man from selling or renting his property to whomsoever he chooses. But, they are also teeming with evils which do not appear on the surface. Segregation does not simply mean that the races live apart in separate districts. It means that these segregated divisions for colored people will be almost automatically converted into slums. For, in them police improvement and sanitation will be of the poorest sort, appropriations for street improvement and sanitation will be few and far between. It means that there will be no escape from this environment within the city limits for even the most worthy and aspiring citizens of my race. You can easily see the dilemma which exists in the South today where segregation is enforced. If we are not thrifty and have no desire for education and moral uplift, we are depicted to the world as the most worthless of human beings. On the other hand, if we wish to develop ourselves and our children into citizens worthy of this great Republic, in the South we are prevented by the Law. If we ask for those privileges of the law to which we are entitled, we are told we are not yet ready for them. If we ask for the opportunity to prepare to exercise those privileges, we are told we would not make use of them if we had them—and they are denied to us. The policy of the South is illogical, inconsistent, indefensible. Unless the South squarely faces the problem before its doors, unless it seeks to solve the problem instead of repressing it, and deals with the problem with intelligence and sympathy, then inevitably there must result, for my people and for yours, stagnation, disease and death! It is not necessary for me to call your attention this evening to the widespread practice in the Southern states of denying the right of trial by jury. Can any state expect to develop law-abiding citizens while the laws themselves are freely broken in the matter of punishment? To summarize the situation in the South, life is cheap, property is always in danger, and lawlessness reigns supreme. As a result of it all, the law of retributive justice brings it about that the South is the retarding cog in the machinery of our democracy. World conditions demand that the machine be set in prime to meet future responsibilities and duties. The problem is neither local or racial—it is national. It is not a matter of racial misunderstanding involving only one section of the country. It is a matter of eleven million citizens of the United States being subjected to flagrant injustice. Its solution involves not only the welfare of my race, but the future of the Republic. A correct and permanent solution of this problem involves the ready co-operation of the colored race, the South, and the National government. The colored race, which constitutes one-third of the population of the South, is such a factor in the life of the South, that no plan of civil and material welfare can ignore his rights if it hopes to reach the highest success. We are learning the value of industrial independence and education. Leaders of my race are coming forward, men of ideals and of vision, who are giving to millions inspiration, ambition and hope. Given but the opportunity, we will help to make industrious, intelligent and patriotic citizens of our people. Today the South is half a century behind the North in the development of her resources and her industries. It is to the interest of the South to learn that the time spent in repressing the negro is just that much time lost from the promotion of its industrial and civic welfare. It is to the interest of the South to learn that those efforts which tend to curtail the fullest growth of one-third of this population must inevitably curtail the fullest growth of the South itself. It is to the interest of the South to have a spiritual awakening, if it hopes to develop its material and civil resources. The National government that poured out its treasures and the blood of its sons that men might be free, cannot stop short of their full enfranchisement through the freedom of knowledge and culture. The National government must give its aid to develop skilled hands, disciplined minds, and patriotic hearts. For the colored race is the one asset of this country, especially of the South, which at present shows promise of the greatest returns in proportion to the money and energy spent in its development. We, the younger generation of the colored race, realize the gravity of the situation, and that we are factors in its solution. We are aware of the fact that we are in the midst of a people that is the product of twenty centuries of human progress. At present we have every reason to be hopeful. When, during the last half of the nineteenth century, the cries of my people were for charitable help to combat ignorance and poverty, the philanthropists of the North responded in the form of Morehouse, Fiske, Tuskegee and other institutions of both higher education and industrial training. These schools today have thousands of graduates scattered in all parts of the South, giving their lives in fighting poverty and ignorance. At the beginning of the twentieth century, the cry from the South is for equal opportunity and a proper administration of justice. We expect the government to respond. We have faith in American ideals—in the ultimate triumph of Americanism. We have faith in the greatness of our country, and in the ability of its people to meet and overcome all difficulties which may beset it. We have faith in the determination to realize for all men, both white and black, the broadest possibilities of life and to seek its highest powers. We have faith in the Union of knowledge, cheerful co-operation, and broad-minded sympathy to advance the common good. Let us pray God that the heart hurting plights of race dislikes, the sectional differences and racial animosities and suspicions will pass away, and their place be taken by that broader republic of human attainment which knows no limitations of race, color, or clime! [Illustration] The Centennial General A. M. E. Conference The Centennial General A. M. E. Conference held its twenty-fifth quadrennial meeting in Mother Bethel Church, Philadelphia, Pa., on Sixth street below Pine, just two blocks from Old St. George Church, where Richard Allen and his followers left one hundred years ago and organized the first A. M. E. Church in a little blacksmith shop on the spot where Mother Bethel now stands. Conference was called to order May 3rd, and was presided over by thirteen Bishops, fifty-one general officers and attended by six hundred thirty-two delegates, one hundred alternates and two hundred visiting ministers. These delegates came from all sections of the United States, Africa and other foreign lands, where the A. M. E. Churches are located. Senior Bishop Lee presided over the first session and the following sessions were presided over by the Bishops in their turns of elevation. It was sad to note the absence of twenty members that met with the twenty-fourth General Conference who had passed away during the past four years, three of which were Bishops of the Church and one a very prominent minister and officer in the Conference, and beloved pastor of Bethel Church, Chicago. The following were greatly lamented. Bishop Henry McNeal Turner—Twelfth Bishop of the Church, at Windsor, Canada, May 8, 1915. Bishop Moses Buckingham Salter—Twenty-first Bishop of the Church, at his residence Charleston, S. C., March 21, 1913. Bishop William Derrick—Twenty-third Bishop of the Church, at his residence Flushing, N. Y., April 15, 1915. Rev. James M. Townsend—Ex-Secretary of Missions, at his home, Richmond, Ind., June 18, 1913. Rev. T. M. Smith en route to his home in Georgia, June 1, 1913. Rev. Wm. Conwell Banton—At his home in Montgomery, Ala., June 25, 1913. Rev. Horace S. Graves—At Asheville, N. C., where he had gone in quest of health, July 4, 1913. Rev. W. H. Jones—At Gordon, Ark., March 12, 1915. Rev. H. W. Bennett—At his home, Charleston, S. C., Oct. 1, 1913. Rev. Theobald A. Smythe—Beloved pastor of Bethel Church, Chicago, at his home Jan. 25, 1916. Rev. J. W. B. Jackson—Florida, Sept. 7, 1913. Rev. A. J. Bennett—Florida, July 2, 1915. Rev. James Dean—Florida, Dec. 19, 1914. Rev. A. Scott—Florida, Dec. 5, 1915. Rev. R. M. S. Taylor—Georgia Conference, Feb. 19, 1914. Rev. A. J. Wilkinson—North Georgia Conference, April 10, 1916. Rev. T. F. Boddie—Macon, Georgia Conference, Feb. 22, 1916. Rev. Bruce H. Williams—His home, Charleston, April 9, 1916. Rev. L. W. McMillan—South Georgia Conference, Feb. 22, 1915. Mrs. Francis E. Booker Watson—Wife of Dr. B. F. Watson, Sec. of Church Extension, Jan. 10, 1915. Mrs. Laura Lemon Turner, widow of Bishop H. M. Turner, Oct. 11, 1915. Two of the lamented Bishops were among the most prominent leaders the race had. They were born leaders and men with remarkable characters and abilities. Their loss is keenly felt not only by the A. M. E connection, but by the race in general. Mother Bethel should be highly complimented on the arrangements made for the convenience of the delegates. A telegraph office, post office, dining room and all other necessary things were located in the church. In spite of arrangements the throng that filled the church the first few days of the Conference to pay their respects was so large and the confusion so great that very little was accomplished until May 7. On May 7 the ministers listened to what they declared the finest addresses ever heard, delivered by Dr. Isaac N. Ross of Baltimore, Md., and Dr. W. H. Mixon, Selma, Ala. It is believed by all present at the time that Dr. N. Ross’s address had a great influence on the ballots cast in his favor in the race for Bishop. On May 8 the big fight started for the election of Bishops. Many ministers and Bishops did not endorse an elevation of any more clergymen to the bench, as they felt that their present number could take care of the business and under the existing unsettled conditions and increasing expenses that it would not be advisable; but the sentiment among the majority was so strong for new Bishops that the Episcopal Committee passed on the election of two. Fifty-three ministers entered the race. They began a systematical campaign. Three or four districts had their headquarters together and they kept a printer busy day and night putting out all manner of cards and pamphlets explaining why each of the fifty-three individuals would be best suited for Bishop. After weeks of campaigning two Bishops were finally elected. Before the ballots were cast Rev. R. C. Ransom asked for prayer and Bishop Parks prayed. It would be a hard matter to eradicate from the minds of Bishops, candidates, delegates, and visitors that fifteen minutes of prayer. All minds were lifted to higher planes and the two weeks of campaigning were forgotten along with personal aims and selfish ambitions as they turned their thoughts to God and voted for the men whom they sincerely believed would help make his kingdom on earth what he would have it to be. The ministers elevated to the bench were Revs. I. N. Ross and W. W. Beckett. Rev. Dr. Beckett was born in Edisto Island in 1856, and was educated at Clarke University and Gammon Theological Seminary, Atlanta, Ga. From 1908 he served as missionary secretary of the A. M. E. Missionary Board. How well his services to his Church were appreciated was shown in his elevation. Rev. Dr. Ross comes from a grand old Tennessee family. Four of his brothers, now deceased, were A. M. E. ministers. He served the Church since 1880 as pastor. His fame as an orator and his faithful and tender leadership over the flocks that he was appointed to lead were two chief factors that stood out in his success. The National Republican Convention This issue of the Half-Century was delayed so as to include a review of the proceedings of the National Republican Convention which assembled in this city on June 7th. From a Racial standpoint the convention was somewhat a disappointment, as it furnished conclusive proof that the Negro is gradually, but surely, being eliminated from National Politics. For notwithstanding practically all of the “old guards” of the race were here—they were principally “hangers-on”—members of the “third house,” or contestants, as but few of them were regular delegates or even alternates. Considering, the unfriendly attitude of the Democratic administration toward our people, it was hoped that the Convention would go on record by making an expression by resolution, or through its party platform, of its recognition of the equal rights of all men without regard to race or color, but in that there was also a disappointment. A resolution of similar purport was offered, but failed to carry. Concerning Mr. Hughes, the Presidential Nominee, but little is known as to his attitude toward the race, for he has held but few official positions in which he has come into contact with our people. As Governor of the state of New York he was fair. However, anything to beat the present Democratic Administration. Let us hope! The fifteen Bishops were assigned to the following districts: First District—Bishop Evans Tyree, D. D. Conferences, Philadelphia, New York, New England and New Jersey. Second District—Bishop J. Albert Johnson, D. D. Conferences, Baltimore, Virginia, North Carolina and Western North Carolina. Third District—Bishop C. T, Shaffer. D. D., M. D. Conferences, Ohio, North Ohio, Pittsburgh and West Virginia. Fourth District—Bishop L. J. Coppin, D. D. Conferences, Indiana, Illinois, Chicago, Kentucky and West Kentucky. Fifth District—Bishop H. B. Parks, D. D. Conferences, Missouri, North Missouri, Southwest Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Puget Sound, California and Arizona. Sixth District—Bishop J. S. Flipper, D. D. Conferences, Georgia, Macon, Georgia; Southwest Georgia; Atlanta, Georgia, and Augusta, Georgia. Seventh District—Bishop W. D. Chappelle, D. D. Conferences, South Carolina, Columbia, Northeast South Carolina, Palmetto and Piedmont, South Carolina. Eighth District—Bishop W. H. Heard, D. D. Conferences, Mississippi, North Mississippi, Northeast Mississippi, Central Mississippi, East Mississippi, Louisiana and North Louisiana. Ninth District—Bishop B. F. Lee, D. D. Conferences, Alabama, Central Alabama, North Alabama, East Alabama, Tennessee, West Tennessee, East Tennessee and Central Tennessee. Tenth District—Bishop J. H. Jones, D. D. Conferences, Texas, Central Texas, West Texas, Northeast Texas, Southwest Texas and Mexico. Eleventh District—John Hurst, D. D. Conferences, Florida, East Florida, South Florida, Central Florida and West Florida. Twelfth District—Bishop J. M. Conner, D. D. Conferences, Arkansas, West Arkansas, East Arkansas, South Arkansas, Oklahoma, North Oklahoma and Central Oklahoma. Thirteenth District—Bishop I. N. Ross, D. D. Conferences, Liberia and Sierra Leone. Fourteenth District—Bishop W. W. Beckett, D. D. Conferences, Cape Colony, Transvaal, Orange Free State, Zambesi and Natal. Fifteenth District—Bishop C. S. Smith, D. D. Conferences, Michigan, Ontario, Nova Scotia, Bermuda, West India and South America. There was very little legislation accomplished in the Centennial General Conference. One hundred and sixty-eight bills were put off to the next quadrennial. We all look with admiration on the progress made by the A. M. E. Church. It shows how a few people with comparatively nothing, started out one hundred years ago and now own and support hundreds of churches, ministers, and schools in every section of this country, and are now leading in missionary work in foreign lands. The dollar money alone contributed since the last quadrennial amounted to $850,214.14. A small portion of this total went to needy churches and foreign missions, widows and families of deceased ministers and Bishops, annual conference expenses, officers’ and Bishops’ salaries and various other sources too numerous to mention. We look with pride upon their accomplishments and when we think of the basis upon which their denomination is founded, “GOD OUR FATHER, CHRIST OUR REDEEMER, AND MAN OUR BROTHER,” we cease to marvel at their success. G. B. Campbell. An Act of Charity _A STORY_ There were six of us, enough to make a sextette, and when we thought of the wasted years we spent before we knew one another, it made us sad. We spent the greater part of our time at one another’s homes, and we usually had a great deal to talk about. For this reason, my mother decided that she would give us the house for two weeks. She said we could do as we pleased, but we had to do all the cooking and house cleaning. Early in April the other five girls came to my house to have a good time. In all the world there is not another bunch of girls who can accumulate more experiences to the square inch than we of the “Sextette.” Helen even brought her dog with her. He was a beautiful dog, and as we could observe, had only two faults. One was that he was such a friendly soul that he would even hobnob with a burglar, and the other that he sometimes stayed away two weeks at a time. Thus we called him Dynamite, not because of any energy or character, but because he was likely to go off at any time. One night, when a few callers dropped in, we had a merry chafing dish supper. When they had gone, we sat down to talk things over. During the conversation, Dorothy, a very kind and sympathetic girl, suggested that we give a dinner, and instead of giving it for our own pleasure and that of our friends, we would give it to some of the poor unfortunates, who never had any pleasures. We all agreed to do this, and each was to invite a poor unfortunate one as her guest. Helen and I were to prepare the dinner, and Ruth, Edyth and Dorothy were to arrange and decorate the other rooms of the house. The first guest to arrive was Mrs. Craig, a janitress in the office building where Dorothy’s father had his office. Next came Helen’s guest, a little newsboy that sold papers in the block where Helen lived. Then Dr. Lyons, who was Ruth’s guest, arrived. He explained that as he was lonesome for warmth and cheer of a real home table, instead of the cold glitter and ceremonious services of the hotel, Ruth took pity on him, and invited him to our jolly little party. I don’t know what we would have done without him, for he had that tact which comes from knowing and loving people, and he knew just how to fill in the awkward pauses, which were bound to occur in such a mixed gathering. Edyth selected for her guest an old man, whom she found lying on a bench in Swope Park. His scraggly hair and beard, and his smoked glasses left a very little of his face visible, but there was a suggestion of strength and firmness about his mouth. I selected for my guest a poor little cripple girl who stayed all alone at home, while her mother worked hard every day. Well, the dinner was a success, and we girls felt fully repaid for the little sacrifice we had made. Everyone responded to all the fun but Edyth’s little old man, who gave his name as “just plain Mr. Jones.” Everyone enjoyed himself, and the party didn’t break up until late in the afternoon. As we were expecting other company in the evening, we started to put on our jewelry, which we had taken off for the dinner, because we didn’t think it looked well to wear diamonds and other precious stones when our guests were so poorly clad. I had not thought of my locket until the first guest had arrived, so I had placed it in a vase on the dining room mantel. Now I slipped my hand into the vase, and horrors! It was gone! All was confusion as we rushed around looking everywhere, for we could not bear to think that anyone, who had sat at our table and enjoyed our hospitality, would play the part of a thief. As we were excitedly discussing the pros and cons in the case the bell rang, and Dorothy ushered in a stranger. He was a man of some thirty-five years, with a frank face and a firm jaw. He leaned against the wall and said: “I come to bring a message from an old man, whom you so kindly befriended this morning. He wishes you to know the truth about him, for with all his faults and sins, he finds that he still has a spark of manhood. He is the great robber, “Desperate Jim,” in his latest disguise. All the authorities are searching for him. He came to your home, and while he sat at your table so silently his mind was torn by conflicting emotions. At one moment he felt like standing up, taking off his disguise and confessing everything and see if there was yet a chance for him to be a man. He noticed that, in passing the mantel, one of the young ladies glanced in the vase, and he surmised that it must contain some valuables. He saw what it was, and took it.” From his inner pocket he drew out a parcel, saying, “Desperate Jim” told me to tell you that he regrets that he returned theft for hospitality and faith, and to express his gratitude that you have made him feel that he may yet make something of his life. Take this, and good night, young ladies, and God bless you.” As he turned to leave, his hat fell to the floor and when he reached for it I saw a dark scar on his wrist, a scar just such as I had noticed on the wrist of the old man who called himself “just plain Mr. Jones,” and I knew that the old man and this one were one and the same person. As soon as the door was closed I told my mother and the girls what I had discovered and they were quite ready to call me Sherlock Holmes II. We talked the matter over wildly and enthusiastically. We knew it was our duty to ’phone to police headquarters and put them on the track of the outlaw, but in some way we wanted to give him the opportunity of reforming. Every little while we wondered what had happened to our reformed burglar. But a few days later Ruth came in, waving a paper frantically and calling excitedly, “Come, girls! Listen!” In a minute we were all there looking over her shoulders and trying to get a glimpse of the paper with the startling headlines: “The Capture of Desperate Jim.” The National Association of Colored Women [Illustration] One of the interesting meetings for the coming month will be that of the National Association of Colored Women, which will be held in Baltimore, Md., August 6th to 11th inclusive, opening on Sunday, August 6th, with a platform meeting. The ninth biennial session of the Association was held in Wilberforce, Ohio, in August, 1914, during which session invitations were extended to them from four cities for the 1916 session—Washington, D. C., Tuskegee, Ala., Kansas City, Mo., and Baltimore, Md. Hon. James Preston, mayor of the latter city, cordially invited them, by long distance telephone, to meet in his city, and Baltimore was the place selected for the meeting this year. The National Association of Colored Women was organized in Washington, D. C., in July, 1896. It is a consolidation of the National League and the National Federation of Colored Women. This organization was incorporated in 1904. The present officers are: Mrs. Booker T. Washington, Tuskegee, Ala., president. Mrs. Mary V. Talbert, Buffalo, N. Y., vice-president. Miss Ida R. Cummings, Baltimore, Md., secretary. Mrs. Ida Joyce Jackson, Columbus, O., treasurer. Mrs. Elizabeth Lindsay Davis, Chicago, Ill., national organizer. These women are working constantly, yet quietly, for the betterment of the race. They are urging more modesty in dress, especially among our younger women, because the modern bizarre styles attract undue attention. It is a well known fact that our men do not always show as much respect for our women as they should; it is not an uncommon thing to walk into a crowded car and see all the men seated, and the women standing; some of them are old women, too. Frequently, in the larger cities, audible comments are passed upon the women as they pass down the streets,—all these things show a lack of respect. Possibly some of it is thoughtlessness, but it is none the less annoying; that is why the women of the National Association are urging our men to show more respect for womankind. A number of resolutions adopted at the last biennial session, held at Wilberforce in 1914, show that they are trying to live up to their motto, “Lifting as we climb,” by lifting the moral status of the race. They endorse National Constitutional Prohibition because it will save not only our present race, but posterity, from the consequences of alcohol. Statistics show that more colored people die of tuberculosis and other filth diseases every year than any other race. These women are working for better living conditions for colored people, more sanitary homes and more modern conveniences to prevent the spread of the White Plague among our people. For the betterment of conditions in general, and to reach the individual as well as the masses, this association places the work into the hands of the women in charge of the various departments, some of which are: Social Service, Young Women’s Work, Domestic Science, Suffrage, Mothers’, Rescue, Humane, Kindergarten, Business, Juvenile Court, Civics and Forestry, Religious Work, Health and Hygiene, Children, Charities, Temperance, Rural and Railway Conditions, and Educational. Through these departments they are able to do very effective work. The State of Illinois will be well represented at the sessions this year. There will be fifty or sixty delegates from Chicago alone, and they will take a special car. The state is to be represented by six delegates from four leading cities. Mrs. Theresa G. Macon and Mrs. C. M. West will represent Chicago; Mrs. S. B. Jones and Mrs. Carrie Lee Hamilton, Peoria; Mrs. Eva Monroe, Springfield, and Mrs. J. C. McClain, Rock Island. There will be four numbers on the program from Illinois. Mrs. Joanna Snowden Porter will talk on “The City Child.” There could hardly have been any one chosen to talk on this subject who is better able to do so, as this woman’s work as trained nurse takes her all over Chicago, and she comes in contact with the city child of all classes. Mrs. Eva Monroe will tell how we can best improve our clubs. Mrs. Theresa G. Macon, state president, will report on the work accomplished during the past two years by the clubs in the State of Illinois. Dr. Mary Fitzbutler-Waring, the national chairman of health and hygiene, will talk on sanitation. About two hundred members of the various clubs in Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin attended the joint meeting in Milwaukee, Wis., on June 9th. Interesting and beneficial talks were given by Miss Grace Wilson, policewoman at the State Training School for Girls; Mme. Victoria Clay-Haley of St. Louis, Mo., assistant secretary of Civic Conditions; Mrs. Goins, chairman of Civic Conditions; Mrs. Perry Williams of Milwaukee, Wis.; Mrs. Lou Ella Young, the corresponding secretary, and many others. Katherine E. Williams. Musical and Dramatic Mme. Florence Cole-Talbert, whose photograph is reproduced on the cover, one of Chicago’s favorite sopranos, recently won the Diamond Medal at the Chicago Musical College, having made the highest average in the graduating class. She is the first of her race to take part on the commencement program at the Chicago Musical College in the Vocal Department. She sang “Caro No Me” from Rigoletto, in Italian, accompanied by the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. Her singing was heartily received and endorsed by the leading music critics. The average student spends about four years in the Chicago Musical College: Mme. Talbert, however, took an examination that permitted her to enter the graduating class immediately, and she finished in one year. Mme. Talbert is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cole, formerly of Detroit, Michigan, now residents of Los Angeles, Cal. As a child, she was well known as a dramatic reader, later, however, she began the study of the piano and taught instrumental music to help pay for her vocal instruction. She made her debut as a singer on the high school commencement program, being the first girl of her race to take part in a high school commencement program in the city of Los Angeles. After graduation from high school she made a thorough study of modern languages. As a member of the Hahn Concert Company she appeared on programs in many of the larger cities of the United States and Canada, and also has made many appearances in recital and devoted some time to teaching. Mme. Talbert was soloist at the last May Festival at Hampton Institute, after which she started on a recital tour of the country, accompanied by her husband. The latter is the son of ex-Secretary Talbert of Wilberforce, and is also well known as a musician. * * * * * During the past three years Mr. William Henry Hackney has brought before the music lovers of Chicago the very best musical and dramatic talent of the race, in recital. At these recitals only the compositions of colored musicians and poets are used, and every participant on the program is colored. On May 28th Mr. Hackney presented R. Nathaniel Dett, head of the Music Department of Hampton Institute, who played a number of his own compositions, which were well rendered and received with much enthusiasm. Chicago’s favorite dramatic reader, Mrs. De Witt Smith, was at her best on this occasion, rendering twelve numbers from Dunbar in a manner that held her audience spellbound. Mr. Hackney, himself, has spent many years in study under the best of vocal instructors, and possesses a rare and well trained tenor voice. He sang several of Harry T. Burleigh’s compositions, and also three numbers by Miss Nora Lena James, accompanied by Miss James herself. His rendition of the “Grey Wolf” by Burleigh was particularly commendable. The aim of these “All Colored Composers Concerts” is to exploit the creative talents of the Negro, so that when the music of this country, known as American Music, has reached a high plane of development, the Negro can show that he has had a part in its making, and his startling originality will be made more manifest. A Salesmen’s Convention One of the most novel and unique meetings of the month was a convention of the traveling salesmen of the Overton-Hygienic Mfg. Co., of Chicago, which held a two weeks’ meeting in the company’s office, June 7th to 21st. This concern, which is owned and managed exclusively by our own people, manufactures a line of grocery sundries and toilet preparations—about 85 or more different articles; also the celebrated line of toilet requisites known as “High-Brown.” It is accredited as being the largest business enterprise in the United States that is owned and controlled by Colored people, and employs in its office and factory from thirty to thirty-five people. [Illustration] The accompanying picture, which was taken in front of their office building during the convention, shows the president, the chemist and the seven traveling salesmen and their two traveling agents. In the picture they are as follows: Seated: Mr. Anthony Overton, president of the company. Standing (reading from left to right): Mr. Warren Roane, traveling the North Atlantic Coast States; Mr. Wm. Gales, traveling Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas and Louisiana; Mr. Everett Overton, chemist; Mr. K. Johnson, agent, Portland and Seattle; Mr. Bruce K. Tucker, traveling Mississippi, Tennessee and Western Alabama; Mr. Wm. S. Bester, traveling District of Columbia and Maryland; Mr. C. E. Howard, traveling Eastern Alabama, Georgia, Florida and South Carolina; Mr. T. Champion, agent, San Francisco; Mr. A. E. Jordan, traveling Illinois, Ohio, Indiana and Kentucky. In addition to those in the picture the Company also employs one other salesman, Mr. G. A. White, of Kansas City. Mr. White unfortunately could not attend the meeting. This convention is one of the best evidences of the race’s advancement. Who would have dreamed, fifty years ago—yes, even twenty years ago, that a manufacturing concern composed exclusively of Negroes would have grown to the extent that it would find it necessary to call their traveling men together at its general office to discuss the many business problems? We are informed that carefully prepared papers were read by each salesman from day to day, which were followed by general discussions. Some of the subjects covered are as follows: “Salesmanship.” “Meeting Competition.” “How to Finance the Corporation, etc.” My! My! Just think of it—Negroes assembled and seriously discussing, “How to Finance a Corporation.” Surely the world “do” move. Success to you, boys! Come to Chicago again. You are welcome! BEAUTY HINTS “Good Spirits Make Good Looks” _The Care of the Skin_ Every woman wants to be considered good looking, even though she is not beautiful. Our features need not be perfect to be beautiful; it is a rare thing to find a face on which every feature is perfect, yet there are many beautiful women in the world. It is possible for every woman to be good looking. Now, just what do we mean by good looking? Many of us have the idea that good clothes make us beautiful, but this is a mistake. What is a more disgusting sight than a woman dressed in fine clothes and in contrast her face showing a muddy, neglected and abused complexion? A pleasing expression is requisite to the beautiful face, but it is impossible to have a set rule for the cultivation of a good disposition, because of the variation in our individual personalities. However, I will suggest a few things that will help to make us more beautiful. Suppose we start with the skin. The knowledge that our skin is clear and attractive will doubtless help us to wear a smile and give us the much-desired cheerful countenance. Our skin is naturally beautiful—what could be more exquisite than the skin of a baby? And it would remain so if we did not continually violate the laws of Nature. Sins of diet are so common; overeating, eating in haste, eating between meals, and we overdress and underventilate, many of us get little or no exercise and spend too much time in the confinement of our homes. While it is, of course, impossible to alter the conditions of modern life, with intelligent care you can counteract their disastrous effects on your complexion. Your face, unlike the rest of your body, is continually exposed to wind and weather, dirt and dust, and demands especial care. In very few cases, indeed, can the skin be neglected and yet retain its freshness and purity. The greater the natural beauty and refinement of your complexion, the more perishable it is and the more faithfully should you attend to its preservation. Help your skin to overcome every obstacle, to combat every enemy. Go to your mirror. Ask yourself these questions: Has the skin a good, clear coloring, a natural glow? Has it a smooth, soft finish? Fine, even pores? Is it fresh looking, firm and pliable? Look upon your skin as an organ, an organ that must continually perform an important duty in relieving the system of impurities. Like the rest of your body, the skin requires nutrition and the utmost cleanliness if it is to be healthy. It is easy to appreciate the importance of keeping the pores active, when we stop to think that when the surface skin is destroyed, and the pore action interrupted, as in cases of severe burns, the danger is grave and that when as much as one-third of the body is so affected death is inevitable. _Blackheads: Their Cause and How to Get Rid of Them_ The skin of the face is constantly exposed. In every tiny pore dust and dirt are bound to accumulate. Unless your skin is kept in perfect health, with every tiny pore active, these impurities make themselves evident in the form of blackheads. These little black pests are frequently found where the circulation is sluggish and the pores less active—on the forehead, between the eyes, over the nose, about the chin and sometimes on the ears. Cleanliness is the principal secret of the clear, blackheadless skin and nothing will so effectively get down into the pores as a cream. A good face cream is easy to work into the pores—the skin welcomes it. And its ingredients are such as to make its results far-reaching and successful. Use this treatment: Wring out a soft towel in hot water and apply it to the face. This will relax the pores. Apply the face cream liberally, rubbing it in well and allowing it to remain on for five or ten minutes. Wipe off gently and it will then be easy to remove the blackhead with a comedone extractor, which may be purchased at any drug store for ten cents. Take care not to bruise the sensitive skin. When the face is cleared of blackheads, douche with cold water or use cold compresses. This is most important after steaming or massage, for it closes the pores and keeps the flesh firm. _Pimples Frequently Caused by Uncleanliness_ When the pores are allowed to fill with dust, dirt or the impurities discharged by the system, irritation is quick to start. Inflammation sets in. Pimples, skin eruptions and kindred ailments, in many cases, are directly traceable to this cause—uncleanliness. If every pore is kept immaculately clean, free from all impurities and in good working order, danger of infection is greatly minimized. _Forestall Wrinkles—Banish the First Lines_ Give a few minutes a day to these simple exercises if you would forestall the first wrinkle or banish betraying lines. To be beneficial, massage must be regular, firm and gentle. A rotary motion should be used on the chin, cheeks and forehead. No rubbing should ever be done until the face is washed perfectly clean in warm water and soap. Because of its cleansing, skin-softening properties, a green soap is well suited to use in preparing the face for massage. Then apply a good massage cream to the dry skin and rub well into the pores. Continue massaging the skin until the cream rolls out. The thorough rubbing out of the cream is important. Massage one side of the face at a time; otherwise the skin is drawn in opposite ways, unless one is very adept. After the massage—and this treatment should never be extended over more than ten minutes—apply a cold compress to contract the relaxed pores. This is important if you would retain the fine even texture of your skin. _How an Excessively Dry Skin Invites Wrinkles_ Many people have just the opposite of an oily skin—they have a dry tight skin which often needs oil. As we grow older, also, it is the tendency with everyone for the natural oils of the skin to decrease somewhat and for the skin to lose much of its pliancy and suppleness. This dry, tawny condition is usually accompanied by roughness and is almost invariably the forerunner of a fine crop of wrinkles. Unless you supply the deficiency, the skin loses its power of resistance when its elasticity is gone. Feed your skin—keep it well lubricated. The famous beauty, Mme. Patti, said it was impossible to overestimate the importance of keeping the skin well fed with oils and cream. _Know That You Use a Reliable Complexion Powder_ Beware of powders that create dryness of the skin. The purity of a face powder is more important than many realize. The presence of bismuth, arsenic, white lead and other mineral or alkaline substances make many powders unfit for use on the skin. A good, pure complexion powder is beneficial to the skin, in protecting it from dirt, wind and sun. _How Tanning Injures Your Complexion_ The modern fashion of acquiring a rich, heavy coat of tan is to be heartily decried. The skin can be bleached and cleared after a summer out of doors, to restore its tone, but it is quite another matter to recover the fine, even texture of your skin after the summer sun has toughened and coarsened it. A thick skin is most unlovely to look upon. And, furthermore, it wrinkles more easily and is far less responsive to treatment than when in its natural elastic state. In some cases, heavy tanning results in relaxed tissues and a condition of general weakness that is most difficult to build up. A famous dermatologist has recently said: “Oil your skin—oil it well, or the sun will bake out every bit of natural oil and leave your skin dry and tawny.” If you would keep your skin so delicate and transparent as to show its natural coloring, protect it by the generous use of a very good Cold Cream. Rub it well into your pores before you go out, dust your face over with a good Face Powder, in the shade that blends best with your complexion, and, thus safeguarded, you will find that you can spend a day out of doors, at the beach, without the slightest injury. Cleanliness, immaculate cleanliness, is the first essential to a healthy skin. If you would rejoice in a skin that is fresh-looking, clean and therefore beautiful, never let a day go by without bathing the entire body with a good, pure Toilet Soap. Domestic Science What To Eat and How To Cook It At the close of the honeymoon, with its “round-up” of travels and pleasures, comes a realization to the bride that she is soon to become mistress of the lifelong dream, “her own home.” Questions of how she is to manage her home and the all-important problem, “How and what shall she cook for her husband?” are about all that this ambitious young housewife has time to think of during these days. Since we are living in the “high-cost-of-living” period, it is most important that a housewife should know how to buy her groceries and meats as well as knowing how to prepare other dainty dishes, in order that her marketing may be economical as well as pleasing to the taste. When selecting beef, see that it is firm and of a fine-grained texture, bright red in color, well mottled and coated with fat. The fat should be firm and of a yellowish color. The less expensive cuts, coming from those parts of the animal where the juices flow freely, are no less nutritious than the expensive ones; but they do require longer cooking at a lower temperature. A side of beef is divided into fore quarter and hind quarter, but the point of this division varies in different sections of the country. The hind quarter contains the choicest steaks, which are cut from the loin and rump and are named porterhouse, sirloin and rump. Coming from that part of the animal where the muscles are but little used, the meat is fine grained, and consequently tender. The tenderloin, protected by the backbone and lying under the loin and rump, lacks flavor and has but little juice, but is easy of mastication. Round steak has practically no waste, is very juicy, and the richest in proteid, but, having coarser fiber, is not as tender. The second and third cuts from the top of the round are most popular. Among the cheaper cuts might be mentioned chuck, vein, and flank steaks. A steak should be cut from an inch to an inch and a half in thickness, and some prefer it thicker. It should be removed from the paper as soon as it arrives from the market and put in a cold place. If convenient, allow it to hang rather than to lie on a plate and never put it in direct contact with the ice. Tough steaks may be made more tender by pounding with a potato masher after the steak has been sprinkled with salt, pepper and flour. * * * * * BROILED BEEFSTEAK: Wipe entire surface with a cloth wrung out of cold water and trim off superfluous fat. With some of the fat, grease a wire broiler (having fat edge next to handle) and broil over a clear fire, turning every ten seconds for the first minute that surface may be well seared, thus preventing escape of juices. After the first minute turn occasionally until well cooked on both sides. Steak cut one inch thick will take five minutes if liked rare; six minutes if well done. Remove to a hot platter, and spread with butter that has been creamed and seasoned with salt and pepper. * * * * * SMOTHERED ROUND STEAK: Try out in a hot iron frying pan three thin slices of fat salt pork, three by four inches, and add one onion peeled and cut in thin slices. Cook, stirring constantly until brown. Wipe a two and one-half pound slice of round steak, put in frying pan, pour over one and one-half cupfuls of cold water and add about one-fourth teaspoonful of salt. Bring quickly to the boiling point, cover closely, remove to back of range, and let simmer slowly until tender. Remove steak to hot platter and strain stock (there should be one cupful). Melt one tablespoonful of butter, add two tablespoonfuls of flour, and stir until well blended; then pour on gradually, while stirring constantly, the hot stock. Bring to the boiling point, let boil two minutes, season with salt and pepper and pour over and around steak. Garnish with Baked Stuffed Tomatoes around the edge, and with overlapping slices of tomatoes and sprigs of parsley in the center. * * * * * BAKED STUFFED TOMATOES: Wipe and remove stem end from six small tomatoes. Take out seeds and most of pulp, sprinkle inside of tomatoes with salt, invert, and let stand twenty minutes. Cook three tablespoonfuls of butter with six tablespoonfuls of chopped green pepper from which seeds have been removed, for five minutes. Add three-fourths of a cupful of stale bread crumbs, one-half cupful removed tomato pulp, one-fourth teaspoonful of salt, one-eighth teaspoonful pepper, and a few drops of onion juice. Fill tomato cases with mixture, put in buttered pan, sprinkle tops with buttered crumbs, and bake fifteen minutes in a hot oven. * * * * * FILLETS OF BEEF TENDERLOIN: Cut beef tenderloin in slices one inch thick and trim into six circular shapes. Season with salt and pepper and pan-broil in a hot buttered frying pan six minutes. Remove to hot plates for individual service, pour around brown sauce and garnish top of each with a Stuffed Mushroom Cap. * * * * * BROWN SAUCE: Cook three tablespoonfuls of butter with one slice of onion, stirring constantly until slightly browned. Remove onion and stir butter constantly until well browned; then add four and one-half tablespoonfuls of flour and stir until blended. Pour on one and one-half cupfuls of brown stock gradually, while stirring constantly, bring to the boiling point and let boil two minutes; then add two-thirds of a teaspoonful of meat extract, one tablespoonful of lemon juice, one and one-half tablespoonfuls of finely chopped parsley and one-third of a cupful of small carrot cubes which have been cooked until soft in boiling salted water and drained. * * * * * STUFFED MUSHROOMS CAPS: Select mushroom caps, stuff, sprinkle with buttered crumbs, and bake until crumbs are brown. Garnish each with diamond shapes cut from a red pepper and a sprig of parsley. For the stuffing, clean and finely chop six mushroom caps. Add one tablespoonful each of parsley and onion finely chopped and one tablespoonful of butter. Moisten with a small quantity of the Brown Sauce. * * * * * BAKED STUFFED EGGPLANT: Wipe eggplant and cut in quarters lengthwise. Remove pulp close to skin, leaving shells. Force pulp through a meat chopper and drain. There should be two and two-thirds cupfuls. Put in saucepan, add one and one-half cupfuls of ham stock, bring to the boiling point and let simmer twenty minutes. Add three-fourths of a cupful of coarse dried bread crumbs, one-fourth of a cupful of melted butter, one teaspoonful of lemon juice, one-half a teaspoonful of salt, and one egg slightly beaten. Fill shells with mixture, sprinkle with buttered crumbs and bake until brown. * * * * * EGG DELIGHT: Cut stale bread in one-fourth-inch slices, remove crusts, toast, and spread with butter. Arrange on a platter, and on each slice put a dropped egg and three buttered canned asparagus tips. Pour over eggs the following sauce: Melt two tablespoonfuls of butter, add two tablespoonfuls of flour, and stir until well blended; then pour on gradually, while stirring constantly, one-half cupful of milk. Bring to the boiling point and season with one-half teaspoonful of salt, one-eighth teaspoonful of pepper and a few grains of cayenne pepper. Stir in two egg yolks, one tablespoonful of lemon juice and one-half cupful of butter, bit by bit. Sprinkle sauce with finely chopped green pepper. Garnish with sprigs of parsley, and at center of platter with a small bunch of asparagus tips held in place with a ring cut from a green pepper. * * * * * ORIENTAL SALAD: Wash and pick over one-fourth cupful of rice and cook in one quart of boiling water (to which has been added one-fourth teaspoonful of salt) until soft; drain and cool. Add to rice two chopped hard-boiled eggs, two tablespoonfuls each of finely chopped red and green peppers, one tablespoonful of scraped onion, one tablespoonful of finely chopped parsley, one tablespoonful of lemon juice, and one-half teaspoonful of salt. Force mixture through a potato ricer. Arrange sardines in center of salad dish, and around edge of dish crisp lettuce leaves. Between sardines and lettuce arrange prepared rice. Garnish with sections cut from a lemon. Serve with French dressing. * * * * * STUFFED TOMATO SALAD: Select tomatoes that are firm, round and of good color. Cut a slice from the top of each, and remove the seeds and the pulp. Mix the pulp of the tomatoes with some ham, chopped pimentos, olives, and French dressing; divide this mixture into the tomato shells and chill. At serving time cover the tomatoes with whipped cream seasoned with salt and paprika to taste, and serve each in a bed of crisp lettuce leaves. * * * * * OLIVE SANDWICHES: Take a large bottle of olives, cut them free from the pits, slice them and mix with the following dressing: Put two eggs into a small saucepan, add one-half cupful of sugar, one teaspoonful of flour, one teaspoonful of butter, one-fourth teaspoonful of salt, one teaspoonful of prepared mustard, one cupful of cream and one-half cupful of vinegar. Stir and cook until boiling. Cool and use with any kind of buttered bread. * * * * * EMERGENCY ROLLS: Take two level cupfuls of flour into which work two heaping tablespoonfuls of butter, a pinch of salt, one tablespoonful of sugar and two teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Moisten with milk to a soft dough. Cut into long narrow strips and bake in quick oven. * * * * * STRAWBERRY ICE CREAM: Mix well two cupfuls of mashed strawberries with two cupfuls of sugar; add one and one-half pints of milk and one pint of good cream. Freeze. In winter, canned strawberries may be used. * * * * * STRAWBERRY ICE: Take one teaspoonful of granulated gelatine, one cupful of sugar, one cupful of water, lemon juice, one quart box of strawberries, one-half tablespoonful of cold water, one-half tablespoonful of boiling water. Sprinkle berries with sugar, cover, and let stand for two hours. Mash, squeeze through cheese cloth, and add water and lemon juice to taste; then add gelatine soaked in cold water five minutes and dissolved in boiling water. Strain and freeze. * * * * * FRUIT SHERBET: Dissolve one and one-half tablespoonfuls of granulated gelatine in one-half cupful of hot water and keep warm. Peel and dice three bananas; add the strained juice of three lemons and three oranges, three cupfuls of sugar, three pints of water and the dissolved gelatine. Turn into the freezer, and when partly frozen add the beaten whites of three eggs and a ten-cent can of evaporated milk. Finish freezing and allow to ripen before serving. NOTE: All above recipes have been tested and made with level measurements. OPPORTUNITY. They do me wrong who say I come no more When once I knock and fail to find you in; For every day I stand outside your door, And bid you wake and rise to fight and win. Wail not for precious chances passed away, Weep not for golden ages on the wane; Each night I burn the records of the day, At sunrise every soul is born again. Laugh like a boy at splendors that have sped, To vanished joys be blind and deaf and dumb; My judgments seal the dead past with its dead, But never bind a moment yet to come. Though deep in mire, wring not your hands and weep; I lend an arm to all who say: “I can.” No shamefaced outcast ever sank so deep But he might rise and be again a man. —Walter Malone. [Illustration: _A Graduate of the University of Chicago, 1916_] THE MAN WHO WINS. The man who wins is the average man, Not built on any particular plan, Not blessed with any particular luck, Just steady and earnest, and full of pluck. When asked a question he does not guess; He answers the question, “No,” or “Yes.” When set to a task that the rest can’t do He buckles down till he’s put it through. Three things he’s learned: That the man who tries Finds favor in his employer’s eyes; That it pays to know more than one thing well; That it doesn’t pay all he knows to tell. For the man who wins is the man who works, Who neither labor nor trouble shirks, Who uses his hand, his head, his eyes. The man who wins is the man who tries. [Illustration: If It’s Funny—Laugh!] A BROTHERHOOD. “Would you advise me to get married?” “I can’t give you any advice on that subject, my boy.” “You married men are all alike. None of you will give a fellow any advice.” “Well, marriage is a secret society.”—Louisville Courier-Journal. THE USUAL CONVERSATION. Father—What did you and John talk about last night, dear? Daughter—Oh, we talked about our kith and kin. Small Brother—Yeth, pop, I heard ’em. He seth, “Kin I hev a kith?” and she seth, “Yeth, you kin!”—Yale Record. WHY IT WAS SAFER. A boy was visiting another boy, and as they were going to bed the little host knelt to say his prayers. “I never say my prayers when I am home,” said the visitor. “That’s all right,” said the other boy. “You better say them here. This is a folding bed.” EASY. “Did that book agent succeed in inveigling you into buying a set of Shakespeare’s works?” “No.” “How did you get rid of him so easily?” “I simply showed him the last dun I received for a set of books I bought on the installment plan two years ago.”—Birmingham Age-Herald. GOT ’EM THE FIRST TIME. “Mr. Johnson,” asked the professor in the freshman class, “what three words are used most among the college students?” “I don’t know,” said the student. “Correct,” replied the professor. HIS DUTIES DEFINED. Boss—“I wanted to speak to you, Mr. Lovum, about your attentions to Miss Sweetthynge during office hours. I hired you as a billing clerk only—no cooing mentioned. That will be all for the present.” THE SUPREME TEST. “Brudder Jackson,” said the colored preacher to a parishioner, “yo’ wife done tell me she got religion and wants to jine de church.” “Yas, suh, dat’s so,” replied the husband. “Well, brudder,” suggested the preacher, “Ise gwine to put her protestashuns to a test—de nex’ time it rains, Brudder Jackson, you let your dawg get good an’ wet and den let the dawg in yo’ parlor and den you tell me what yo’ wife says. Den I will know whether Sis’ Jackson should cum into de fold or not.” DESIRABLE THOUGHTS. Cholly—“Before I met you I thought of nothing but making money.” Ethel—“Well, keep right on! Pop ain’t so rich as folks think!” TRYING THE DOG ON HIM. “Come right into the yard,” said the farmer’s wife cordially to the tramp who had besought something to eat. The tramp eyed the bulldog dubiously. “I dunno ’bout dat,” he said. “How ’bout dat drog? Will he bite?” “I don’t know,” said the housewife, “I just got him today and that’s what I want to find out.” PROVING MAW WRONG. Freddy, with a determined look on his small countenance, marched into the front room and up to the ardent suitor of his pretty sister. “What’s them?” he demanded, thrusting out a grimy hand full of small white objects. “What are those?” said the young man with an ingratiating smile. “Those are beans.” “He does know ’em, maw,” bawled Freddy triumphantly into the adjoining room. “You said he didn’t.” REDUCING THE COSTS. “Tommy,” said the fond mother, “isn’t it rather an extravagance to eat both butter and jam on your bread at the same time?” “No, mamma, it’s economy,” Tommy answered. “The same piece of bread does for both.”—The Christian Herald. DO NOTHING BUT BREATHE. Bachelor—“Before the wedding you told me that married life would be one grand sweet song.” Benedict (gloomily)—“Yes; and since then I’ve found it one grand sweet refrain.” Bachelor—“Refrain?” Benedict—“Yes. My wife insists that I refrain from cards, refrain from smoking, and refrain from the club.” TO THE POINT. “Look here, waiter, is this peach or apple pie?” asked the patron. “Can’t you tell from the taste, sir?” asked the waiter. “No, I can’t,” answered the customer. “Well, then,” asked the waiter, “what difference does it make?” A SHORTAGE SOMEWHERE. An advertisement of a popular spectacular play has this to say of two of its attractions: 5,000 PEOPLE 4,000 COSTUMES A MATTER OF ARRANGEMENT. A teamster charged with using loud and profane language on the street, was brought before a police magistrate, and one of the witnesses was an aged colored man. “Did this man use improper language?” inquired the lawyer for the prosecution. “Well, sah,” replied Uncle Ans, “he did tawk mighty loud, sah.” “And did he indulge in profanity?” The witness looked puzzled but did not answer, so the attorney tried again. “What I mean, Uncle Ans,” he said, “is this: did he use words that your minister could use in a sermon?” “Oh, yessah, yessah,” answered Uncle Ans, with a grin; “de ministah could use dem word, sah, but he suttinly would hab ter errange dem different.” PRECAUTIONARY. Mrs. Bacon—“I see washerwomen in Alabama are compelled to register their names with the city health departments.” Mr. Bacon—“Why don’t they vaccinate them?” “What for?” “So they won’t take it.” “Take what?” “The wash.”—Yonker’s Statesman. Classified Advertisements WANTED FEMALE HELP =Agents Wanted=—To sell household specialties. Big money, quick sellers; territory going fast. Write for full particulars. B. 31, care Half Century Magazine, Chicago. * * * * * =Agents Wanted=—To secure subscriptions for the Half Century Magazine. Liberal commission. * * * * * =Agents Wanted=—Something entirely new. Sells like “wild fire.” Write for particulars. C. J. M., care Half Century Magazine, Chicago. * * * * * =Wanted=—Agents to sell Soaps, Perfumes and other toilet preparations. Write for prices and terms. The Overton Hygienic Co., Chicago. * * * * * =Stenographer=—Between 20 and 30 years of age. One that is capable of handling a large amount of detail work. In your reply state age, experience and salary expected. Address M. G. H., care Half Century Magazine. * * * * * =Stenographers and Bookkeepers=—Girls over 18. Must be graduates of business department of a high school or college. Those that have had some experience preferred. Address C-27, care Half Century Magazine, Chicago. * * * * * WANTED—MALE HELP =Agents Wanted=—To sell household specialties, big money. Write quick. B-31, care Half Century Magazine, Chicago. * * * * * =Stock Salesmen=—For high grade, quick selling proposition. Address T. S. R., care Half Century Magazine. * * * * * =A chance= to make big money selling Negro pictures. The best proposition ever offered. Address Mardell Co., Chicago. * * * * * FOR SALE =Typewriter=—Monarch, latest model, in first class condition. Price, $25.00. A. J. Spears, 5202 Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. * * * * * =Household Furniture=—Beds, Tables, Chairs, etc. Everything necessary for housekeeping. A bargain, as I am breaking up housekeeping. Address M-19, care Half Century Magazine, Chicago. * * * * * =For Sale=—Office desk, chair and Royal typewriter, same as new, at a bargain for quick sale. Make me an offer. Banks, Wabash Ave., Chicago. * * * * * ROOMS FOR RENT =Rooms to Rent=—One large front room for one or two gentlemen. Reference required. Nice neighborhood. M-20, care Half Century Magazine. * * * * * =Rooms for Rent=—Light and airy; to respectable people; reference furnished and required. Address M-24, care Half Century Magazine. * * * * * =For Rent=—Nice room, suitable for man and wife, or bachelor quarters for two ladies. Address M-25, care Half Century. * * * * * MISCELLANEOUS =Notice=—I will not be responsible for any debts contracted by anyone except myself after this date, June 26, 1916. Henry B. Brayson. * * * * * =Wanted to Purchase=—A set of the latest edition of Encyclopedia Britannica. State lowest price you will take for same. Address M-27, care Half Century Magazine, Chicago. [Illustration: WITH OUR EXCHANGES] BERT WILLIAMS AGAIN STAR OF ZIEGFELD’S “FOLLIES.” Noted Comedian Makes New Yorkers’ Sides Ache With His “Othello.” (Louisville News.) New York, June 18.—Bert Williams, premier comedian of his day, is again the star of Florence Ziegfeld’s “Follies.” Ziegfeld started his “Follies” in 1907 and each year he has outdone the preceding year in this type of show—which consists of elaborate staging, pretty girls and plenty of them, funny men, all kinds of music and dance, in short his “Follies” have been hash, a little bit of everything. Shortly after George Walker’s death, which left Bert Williams to travel alone, Ziegfeld did what no other manager or producer in this country would have done and that was to take a Colored performer into a purely white company. He snatched up Bert Williams, it was a bold thing to do—but it paid. Of course, the “Follies” can not go into some cities because of Williams, but that loss is over made up in the other cities. Williams has often saved the “Follies” from being pure and simple burlesque despite the fact Ziegfeld has most of the high priced white stars. This year the “Follies” have a Shakesperian travesty after the tercentenary in honor of the great Shakespeare. Bert Williams plays “Othello” in the play of that name. Space forbids a rehash of the scene—but if you’ve ever seen Bert Williams in anything, just shut your eyes and imagine him as the jealous Moor. You might then get a faint idea of what makes New Yorkers’ sides ache. INCREASING OPPORTUNITIES. (From Amsterdam News.) When the present European War was begun we gave it as our opinion that with the exodus of the foreign reservist and the cessation of immigration economic opportunities would be on the increase for the colored American. The results have vindicated our predictions. But has the colored man seized the opportunities presented? Is he taking the best advantage of the present situation? Three times since the outbreak of the European War we have advised our young men and women to learn Spanish. Today the metropolitan dailies are filled with advertisements calling for Spanish speaking and enterprising young people. In many cases the need is so pressing for the expansion in South America of this country’s commerce that were a colored man to answer one of these advertisements there is hardly one chance in nine that he would meet with a rebuff. Little over a year ago the situation would have been exactly the reverse. But necessity and the Almighty Dollar work some awful changes. Prejudice usually disappears when it affects the moneyed interests. Colored men and women are holding down positions today that only eighteen months ago were tightly closed against them. And, what’s more, they can continue to hold those jobs even after the war, if their services are up to the required notch of efficiency. With many hundreds of them being used at present to fill places of the departed reservists still the advertising goes more emphatically on for more, yet more. Is the supply equal to the demand? And the demand is even more urgent for Spanish speaking men and women to travel to the South American countries as the trade representatives of the big American firms. Will our people accept this opportunity, too? Or, now with opportunity thundering at their doors, will they ignore Ambition’s call to higher things? Three times before we have advised them to learn Spanish. For a fourth time we reiterate the advice: Young man, young woman, learn Spanish! For behind that easily mastered language is the beckoning hand of increasing opportunities. Prepare yourself, and do your best on any job you accept. So when you leave it, another COLORED MAN OR WOMAN may be employed. BUSINESS SENSE. (Chicago Defender.) Business, generally speaking, is a new thing with most members of the race, so it is not surprising to find a large percentage of failures among those who venture in it. There are a great many reasons why success does not come more often, the first being that hackneyed expression “unpreparedness.” A railroad man, for instance, may accumulate a little money and open up a grocery store. Having had no experience, he neither knows how to buy or to sell. If he prospers, it is simply by sheer luck and not due to any business knowledge. As much of the profit lies in buying and keeping down overhead expenses as it does in the selling. Many large business houses have gone to the wall simply through poor management. In the identical place one man makes a failure, another makes a huge success. The first requisite is to have what the public wants and offer it for sale at an attractive figure—one that will permit of a fair profit yet meet competition. Make no misrepresentations; better lose a customer for the time being by telling him you haven’t in stock just what he wants than by selling him something inferior and claiming it is just as good. He might be fooled the first time but he will fool you ever afterward. Many people open stores in the heart of what is termed “the black belt,” offer inferior goods, poor service, and ask high prices, and expect because the skin of those around them happens to be the same as theirs, that they are in duty bound to “trade with one of their own color.” In other words, the customer is asked to measure his race pride in dollars and cents. If he can get a good can of tomatoes across the way for 15 cents, he is expected to pay the same price or more for an inferior quality from the brother in mourning. If he refuses to so squander his money he is accused of todying to the white man. We have learned the lesson well that as mechanics or any skilled workmen we must equal the best if we would even get scant recognition. The color line in the labor field is drawn taut, yet here and there the line is broken and employment given us. The new business man must realize he must be fitted for what he undertakes. He wouldn’t attempt to repair a watch without having gone through an apprenticeship in watch repairing. Why start a grocery, meat market, haberdashery, etc., before acquainting yourself with the particular line you wish to engage in? We differ from other races only in that we are overconfident in our ability. We believe in starting at the top and sliding to the bottom; it looks so much easier. Climbing is hard work, but it is worth while, and when the top is reached, even though you are weary, you hold something tightly in your grasp that the world cannot take from you—experience. And, after all, that is the one great thing in life that brings success. RIGHT IDEA. A Portland school teacher asked this question: “Now, Johnny, suppose you wanted to build a $1,000 house and had only $700; what would you do?” “I ’spose I’d have to marry a girl worth $300,” answered the young financier. EXPLAINED AT LAST. The physician was giving an informal talk on physiology. “Also,” he remarked, “it has recently been found that the human body contains sulphur.” “Sulphur!” exclaimed the girl in the blue-and-white blazer. “And how much sulphur is there then in a girl’s body?” “Oh, the amount varies,” said the doctor, smiling, “according to the girl.” “Ah!” returned the girl. “And is that why some of us make better matches than others?” A darky walked into a restaurant, sat down to the table, and looking up, recognized the waiter as an old friend. “Huh!” he said, “I sees you is wuking here.” “Yes,” said the waiter, noting the sarcasm, “I’se wuking here, but, thank de Lawd. I ain’t eatin’ here.” MIDNIGHT SPREADS. For years it has been dinned into our ears that we should not eat before going to sleep, and we have forgone many a pleasant bite for fear of sacrificing our good health. And now along comes a noted physician and tells us that many morning headaches were merely the result of hunger. This does not mean that we can immediately proceed to gorge ourselves with all sorts of sweets and not have to pay the penalty the next morning. Sweets should be eschewed during the midnight repast, and one should substitute some wholesome sandwiches—cheese sandwiches are wholesome and nourishing and can be eaten with impunity even during the wee small hours. TO FRESHEN LEMONS. If lemons are old and dry, place them in a pan of hot water and keep the water at an even temperature for a few hours. As a result the lemons will become fresh and juicy again. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE The subscription price of =The Half-Century= is 75 cents per year, or 50 cents for six months. Some time ago we made an offer as a special inducement to send the publication for one year for fifty cents—to all who would send us their subscription before the date of publication. The responses were very flattering, which shows in what confidence the management is held. As this offer did not reach many of our friends in time to take advantage of the same, we have decided to extend the offer until August 10, 1916. The offer will positively be withdrawn on that date. As a matter of fact, the probabilities are that the subscription price =will have to be advanced to One Dollar per year=, on account of the steady advance in the cost of paper, printing inks, labor, etc. Therefore, we suggest that you take the benefit of this extremely low offer, by filling in the attached coupon and mailing same with your remittance to us promptly. [COUPON] =OUR SPECIAL ADVANCE OFFER= =Extended to August 10, 1916= =The Half-Century Magazine Publishing Company= =3708 WABASH AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILL.= =Subscription Price, One Year 75 Cents; Six Months 50 Cents; Three Months 25 Cents= GENTLEMEN: Enclosed find 50 cents in payment of One Year’s Subscription to The Half-Century Magazine as per your Reduced Price Advance Offer. Name ..................................... Street or P. O. .......................... Town ................. State ............. Date .......................... _Don’t Be A Fossil! Live in the 20th Century_ You wouldn’t by preference travel now in an ox wagon, would you? THEN WHY NOT JOIN THE INTERNATIONAL =Benevolent & Protective Association= =An Up-to-Date Fraternal Order that Meets the Requirements of Today= Some of the old-time orders offer you weekly dues when you are sick, burial when you die and endowment to your beneficiaries. _We do that for you, too, and we do more._ =WE HELP YOU TO LIVE= =WE HELP YOU TO PROSPER= We furnish you free medical attendance and pay you for the time you lose while you are sick. =We Help You in Your Business or Daily Vocation= We assist you _financially_ when in need. Each member pledges to deal with other members in preference to those who are not members (other things being equal), and we use every legitimate method to _require_ members to truthfully live up to this pledge—even to the extent of expulsion, where it is conclusively proven that said member continues to violate this obligation. However, we do not require one member to pay another _more_ for the same article or service. We have this plan perfected so that it works out harmoniously. =We Oppose Race Discriminations= Such as unequal accommodations on railroads, etc., by persuasion and the influence of prominent, fair minded white persons, and also by legal process through the courts. We condemn the practice that many white firms have of advertising their products by ridiculing the race, and oppose the same by boycotting such firms and their products. =If there is no lodge of ours in your city you can join individually, Chicago Council No. 1, and live where you are—you will not have to come to Chicago to do so.= Write for application blank and full particulars to =_The_ International Benevolent & Protective Association= OLGA L. PORTER. COR. SECRETARY ORGANIZERS WANTED 5349 Indiana Ave., Chicago, Ill. * * * * * =Everything Musical= The Azalia Hackley MUSIC Publishing House _MUSIC PUBLISHERS_ AND DEALERS IN PIANOS PIANO PLAYERS BAND INSTRUMENTS STRING INSTRUMENTS SHEET MUSIC MUSIC BOOKS VICTROLAS And other Talking Machines _All the Latest Songs and Records_ We make a specialty of songs and music of all kinds—Religious, Patriotic, Classic or Ragtime written by our people. We set your words to music and publish same on a royalty basis. Mail Orders Filled =The Azalia Hackley Music Publishing House 5244 State St., Chicago, Ill.= * * * * * =DON’T Take a Chance With Your Films= Don’t have them developed with inferior chemicals. We use only the best C. P. Mallinckrodt Chemicals in our photo finishing laboratory, and employ only skilled photographers to FINISH YOUR WORK. In our printing and enlarging departments we produce perfect black and whites, and use only the best grades of developing paper. All prints are masked with white border and trimmed with even margin. Your order receives undivided attention in our laboratory, where QUALITY OF FINISH is the first consideration. Any size roll of film, 6 or 12 exposures, developed for 10c. Your Photo finishing may be sent to us by mail. It will have prompt attention. We carry a complete line of =Cameras and Kodaks= =The Azalia Hackley Music Publishing House= 5244 State St., CHICAGO * * * * * WE SELL BOOKS When you want a Book of any kind _WRITE US_ If we can’t get what you want, It’s not in print _Books written By Colored-American Authors Our Specialty_ Lowest Prices Quick, Efficient Service THE =Progressive Book Publishers= 3519 State St., Chicago, Ill. We Publish Books, etc. * * * * * IN SUMMER YOU NEED =PU-RI= To Prevent the Odor From Perspiration * * * * * COMING READY AUGUST 1st [Illustration: =BLACK’S BLUE BOOK=] =Directory of Chicago’s Active Colored People and Guide to Their Activities= On news stands or sent anywhere on receipt of price 25 cents =FORD S. BLACK, PUBLISHER 6446 St. Lawrence Ave. Chicago, Ill.= * * * * * USE =RO-ZOL= [Illustration] The Face Bleach That Will Bleach Will Also Positively Remove Tan, Liver Spots and Freckles AVOID IMITATIONS =THE OVERTON-HYGIENIC MFG. COMPANY Dept. H. C. Chicago, Ill.= =AGENTS WANTED= We are also manufacturers of the Original High-Brown Face Powder, the first and only face powder made especially for the complexion of our people. * * * * * High-Brown Hair Grower WILL GROW YOUR HAIR _It Is A Straightener As Well As A Grower_ Nicely Perfumed—Absolutely Harmless [Illustration] Gives the hair that live, glossy appearance which is so much desired. A trial will convince the most skeptical. PRICE 50 CENTS MADE ONLY BY =The Overton-Hygienic Manufacturing Co.= CHICAGO, ILL. * * * * * START A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN =The Perfumers’ Supply Co.= Importers and Jobbers of Materials for _Manufacturers of Hair Preparations Toilet Articles and Perfumes_ =We Carry A Complete Stock at the Lowest Prices= Some of which are as follows Talcum Waxes W Petrolatum C Petrolatum A Petrolatum Jars Colors Boxes Bottles Labels, etc. Oil Rose Oil Lilac Oil Lemon Oil Lavender Oil Bergamot We will sell you the supplies and teach you _Free_ how to make Cold Creams, Face Bleaching Creams, Hair Pomades, Hair Growers, Perfumes, Toilet Waters, etc.; or we will make any of these articles for you and print your name on the label, ready for you to sell. =Catalog and terms sent on receipt of 10 cents in postage= =THE PERFUMERS’ SUPPLY CO. Dept. J, Monadnock Block= CHICAGO, ILL. * * * * * _Successful baking requires a good baking powder_ Hygienic Pet Baking Powder _meets that requirement_ =Economical and Strictly Pure= A LARGE CAN FOR =10c= For sale by all good dealers [Illustration] OVERTON-HYGIENIC CO. CHICAGO * * * * * A Marvel! A Revelation! =Magic Furniture Polish= _THE POLISH THAT MAKES OLD FURNITURE LOOK THE SAME AS NEW_ Made only by the inventor =THOS. B. BANKS 5163 Wabash Ave. Chicago, Illinois= Agents wanted. Write for prices and terms. * * * * * _Chew the Good Chew_ TWO KINDS TRIPLEMINT A Peppermint Flavor LIMENTO A Fruity Flavor Price 5 Cents A Package =The International Gum and Candy= COMPANY FOR SALE BY ALL LIVE DEALERS * * * * * _Do you want information of any kind?_ =THE National Negro Directory AND REPORTING AGENCY= SPECIALIZES AS FOLLOWS: If you want information about persons or firms in other cities we can supply you. Should your wife or husband, son or daughter leave home and you want them looked up, we can do so through our agents throughout the United States at a small cost. We furnish other services which we should be pleased to explain upon application. _Agents and Reporters wanted for every town where we are not now represented_ For further information write to THE NATIONAL =Negro Directory and Reporting Agency= Chicago, Illinois * * * * * Do You Like Good Perfumes? THEN TRY _OUR PERFUMES_ AND _TOILET WATERS_ _If you wish Lasting Perfumes and Toilet Waters in the true flower odors, use some of these_: =LES FLEURS=—A combination of flowers. =HIGH-BROWN=—A fragrant, lasting odor, originated by us. =DIANANIS=—Something new and original. =LE TREFLE=—The true odor of a clover blossom. =VIOLET=, =ROSE=, =CRAB APPLE=, =LILAC=, and a number of other popular odors. _We also manufacture a line of Sachet Powders._ MADE BY =The Overton-Hygienic Manufacturing Co.= Dept. H. C., CHICAGO * * * * * A BEAUTIFUL SKIN IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT =THE OVERTON-HYGIENIC= =Peroxide Vanishing Cream= Prevents and relieves chapped skin. This vanishing cream is soothing, healing and antiseptic. Being greaseless, it is especially good for use in the daytime; unequaled for oily skins; delightful after shaving. The peroxide in the cream _Bleaches_ the skin. Will not injure the most delicate complexion nor cause hair to grow. =Price 25 cents.= MADE ONLY BY =The Overton-Hygienic Manufacturing Co.= * * * * * [Illustration] =HIGH-BROWN SOAP= A Good Soap Is Essential to a Beautiful Complexion. High-Brown Soap Will Keep The Pores Clean And Free From Impurities. =Absolutely Pure= =Highly Perfumed= Handsomely Put Up Two Cakes to a Box =PRICE 50c= MADE BY =The Overton-Hygienic Manufacturing Co.= CHICAGO * * * * * =The Journal of Negro History= PUBLISHED QUARTERLY 100 PAGES =_Edited by_ CARTER G. WOODSON= THE JOURNAL OF NEGRO HISTORY is the official organ of the _Association for the Study of Negro Life and History_, which is now trying not to promote an isolated research into the history of the black race but to show how civilization has been influenced by contact with the people of color. This publication aims to popularize the movement to save and make available the scattered historical materials bearing on the Negro. In it appears scholarly articles and valuable documents giving information generally unknown. It is concerned with facts, not with opinions. =Subscription price $1.00 per year. Foreign Subscription 25c extra. Single numbers, 25 cents; 30 cents by mail.= Checks should be made payable to THE JOURNAL OF NEGRO HISTORY and addressed to =CARTER G. WOODSON, 2223 12th St., N. W., WASHINGTON, D. C.= * * * * * =WIND AND SUN= Work Havoc With The Skin The Cool Velvet Touch of Our TALCUM POWDERS [Illustration] Eases the burning and irritation. A trial will convince you of their superiority. =Five Odors:= HIGH-BROWN, CARNATION, ROSE, DIANANIS, VIOLET =PRICE 25 CENTS= MADE BY =The Overton-Hygienic Manufacturing Co.= CHICAGO * * * * * AIDA HAIR POMADE [Aida Overton-Walker] =_A Delightfully Perfumed Hair Dressing_= That makes stubborn and harsh hair soft and pliable and easy to comb. It is also prepared especially to be used in straightening of the hair with the “irons,” _preventing the evil effects_ heretofore resulting from the use of the “irons” with other similar preparations. [Illustration] _A large, handsome, lithographed tin box_ =Only 25c a Box= Agents wanted THE OVERTON-HYGIENIC CO. DEPT. H. C., CHICAGO, ILL. * * * * * _A Live Book for Live People_ HOW A NEGRO SHOULD CONDUCT A BUSINESS To Gain the Patronage of His Own People =PRICE $1.50 POST PAID= =Now in press. Will be published about Sept. 1, 1916= If you are in business or contemplate entering business, you should have this book. The book will contain Fourteen Chapters—not a dead line in it. =SYNOPSIS OF CHAPTERS= 1 A Brief Review of Early Negro Business Ventures. 2 Statistics of Negro Business in the United States. 3 Prejudice as it Affects the Negro in Business. 4 The Importance of Business in the Race’s Development. 5 What is Necessary to Secure the Patronage of Our Own People? 6 What is Necessary to Secure the Patronage of White People? 7 How to Buy Goods at the Lowest Price. 8 How to Establish Credit with Wholesale Houses. 9 What Constitutes Good Salesmanship? 10 Whom to Credit. 11 How to Make Collections. 12 How to Advertise. 13 How to Systematize a Business. 14 How to Conduct a Business in General. The price of the book is $1.50, but as a special inducement to advance subscriptions we will send it when published for One Dollar to those who will sign the attached slip and send to us before Aug. 20, 1916. =Cut out this coupon, sign and send to us promptly.= _Date_..................._19_.... =THE PROGRESSIVE BOOK PUBLISHERS Chicago, Ill.= _Gentlemen_: _Kindly enter my subscription for one copy of “How a Negro Should Conduct a Business,” for which I agree to remit [to you] $1.00 as soon as you send me notice that the book is ready._ _Name_................................................................ _Street or R. F. D._.................................................. _Town_............................................ _State_............ *** END OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE HALF-CENTURY MAGAZINE (VOL. I, NO. 1, AUGUST, 1916) *** Updated editions will replace the previous one—the old editions will be renamed. 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