Herbert Carter's Legacy; Or, the Inventor's Son
Jr. Horatio Alger
A Debt of Honor: The Story of Gerald Lane's Success in the Far West
Jr. Horatio Alger
Walter Sherwood's Probation
Jr. Horatio Alger
Andy Gordon; Or, The Fortunes of A Young Janitor
Jr. Horatio Alger
Rufus and Rose; Or, The Fortunes of Rough and Ready
Jr. Horatio Alger
Young Captain Jack; Or, The Son of a Soldier
Jr. Horatio Alger and Edward Stratemeyer
Mark Manning's Mission: The Story of a Shoe Factory Boy
Jr. Horatio Alger
Luck and Pluck; or, John Oakley's Inheritance
Jr. Horatio Alger
Slow and Sure: The Story of Paul Hoffman the Young Street-Merchant
Jr. Horatio Alger
Tom Temple's Career
Jr. Horatio Alger
A Cousin's Conspiracy; Or, A Boy's Struggle for an Inheritance
Jr. Horatio Alger
The Young Salesman
Jr. Horatio Alger
Falling in with Fortune; Or, The Experiences of a Young Secretary
Jr. Horatio Alger and Edward Stratemeyer
Ben's Nugget; Or, A Boy's Search For Fortune
Jr. Horatio Alger
Try and Trust; Or, Abner Holden's Bound Boy
Jr. Horatio Alger
Making His Mark
Jr. Horatio Alger
A Boy's Fortune; Or, The Strange Adventures of Ben Baker
Jr. Horatio Alger
Rough and Ready; Or, Life Among the New York Newsboys
Jr. Horatio Alger
The Train Boy
Jr. Horatio Alger
Tony the Tramp; Or, Right is Might
Jr. Horatio Alger
Dan, the Newsboy
Jr. Horatio Alger
From Farm Boy to Senator
Jr. Horatio Alger
Five Hundred Dollars; or, Jacob Marlowe's Secret
Jr. Horatio Alger
Jack's Ward; Or, The Boy Guardian
Jr. Horatio Alger
Tom Thatcher's Fortune
Jr. Horatio Alger