Books by Mitford, Bertram (sorted by popularity)
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In the Whirl of the Rising Bertram Mitford 255 downloads
A Frontier Mystery Bertram Mitford 244 downloads
The Sign of the Spider Bertram Mitford 232 downloads
Forging the Blades: A Tale of the Zulu Rebellion Bertram Mitford 228 downloads
Aletta: A Tale of the Boer Invasion Bertram Mitford 225 downloads
The Luck of Gerard Ridgeley Bertram Mitford 217 downloads
Haviland's Chum Bertram Mitford 216 downloads
Golden Face: A Tale of the Wild West Bertram Mitford 212 downloads
Renshaw Fanning's Quest: A Tale of the High Veldt Bertram Mitford 212 downloads
The Heath Hover Mystery Bertram Mitford 210 downloads
The Fire Trumpet: A Romance of the Cape Frontier Bertram Mitford 210 downloads
A Secret of the Lebombo Bertram Mitford 208 downloads
The Induna's Wife Bertram Mitford 205 downloads
Dorrien of Cranston Bertram Mitford 201 downloads
A Veldt Vendetta Bertram Mitford 196 downloads
The White Hand and the Black: A Story of the Natal Rising Bertram Mitford 188 downloads
The King's Assegai: A Matabili Story Bertram Mitford 184 downloads
The Sirdar's Oath: A Tale of the North-West Frontier Bertram Mitford 181 downloads
The Red Derelict Bertram Mitford 181 downloads
John Ames, Native Commissioner: A Romance of the Matabele Rising Bertram Mitford 178 downloads
Harley Greenoak's Charge Bertram Mitford 176 downloads
The Triumph of Hilary Blachland Bertram Mitford 175 downloads
The Ruby Sword: A Romance of Baluchistan Bertram Mitford 174 downloads
A Veldt Official: A Novel of Circumstance Bertram Mitford 163 downloads
The White Shield Bertram Mitford 151 downloads
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