Books by Aimard, Gustave (sorted by popularity)
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- Alias Gloux, Olivier
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- See also: fr.wikipedia
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The Trapper's Daughter: A Story of the Rocky Mountains Gustave Aimard 282 downloads
The Treasure of Pearls: A Romance of Adventures in California Gustave Aimard 261 downloads
Las noches mejicanas (Spanish) Gustave Aimard 244 downloads
L'éclaireur (French) Gustave Aimard 234 downloads
Le fils du Soleil (1879) (French) Gustave Aimard 200 downloads
Cœur de panthère (French) Gustave Aimard and J. Berlioz d' Auriac 200 downloads
Los Merodeadores de Fronteras (Spanish) Gustave Aimard 190 downloads
The Pirates of the Prairies: Adventures in the American Desert Gustave Aimard 178 downloads
The Tiger-Slayer: A Tale of the Indian Desert Gustave Aimard 177 downloads
The Trail-Hunter: A Tale of the Far West Gustave Aimard 174 downloads
The Red River Half-Breed: A Tale of the Wild North-West Gustave Aimard 170 downloads
Jim l'indien (French) Gustave Aimard and J. Berlioz d' Auriac 167 downloads
The Indian Scout: A Story of the Aztec City Gustave Aimard 162 downloads
The Missouri Outlaws Gustave Aimard 162 downloads
The Prairie Flower: A Tale of the Indian Border Gustave Aimard 161 downloads
The Red Track: A Story of Social Life in Mexico Gustave Aimard 160 downloads
The Smuggler Chief: A Novel Gustave Aimard 159 downloads
Last of the Incas: A Romance of the Pampas Gustave Aimard 151 downloads
Le lion du désert: Scènes de la vie indienne dans les prairies (French) Gustave Aimard 151 downloads
The frontiersmen : A novel Gustave Aimard 150 downloads
Le Guaranis (French) Gustave Aimard 149 downloads
The Bee Hunters: A Tale of Adventure Gustave Aimard 148 downloads
Les chasseurs mexicains: Scènes de la vie mexicaine (French) Gustave Aimard 147 downloads
Cardenio: Scènes de la Vie Mexicaine (French) Gustave Aimard 147 downloads
The Freebooters: A Story of the Texan War Gustave Aimard 144 downloads
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