Books by Merrill, Frank T. (sorted alphabetically)
Little Women; Or, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy Louisa May Alcott
Lost Hero Elizabeth Stuart Phelps and Herbert D. Ward
Mary Ware in Texas Annie F. Johnston
Measure of a Man Amelia E. Barr
Merrylips Beulah Marie Dix
Mislaid Uncle Evelyn Raymond
Mrs. Tree Laura Elizabeth Howe Richards
Myths and Fables of To-Day Samuel Adams Drake
On the Tree Top Clara Doty Bates
Pauper of Park Lane William Le Queux
Peggy Raymond's Way; Or, Blossom Time at Friendly Terrace Harriet L. Smith
Perseverance Island; Or, The Robinson Crusoe of the Nineteenth Century Douglas Frazar
Pleasant Street Partnership: A Neighborhood Story Mary Finley Leonard
Powers and Maxine C. N. Williamson and A. M. Williamson
Rainbow Bridge Frances Margaret Fox
Ralph Osborn, Midshipman at Annapolis: A Story of Life at the U.S. Naval Academy Edward L. Beach
Red Pirogue: A Tale of Adventure in the Canadian Wilds Theodore Goodridge Roberts
Reels and Spindles: A Story of Mill Life Evelyn Raymond
Rip Van Winkle Washington Irving
Rockhaven Charles Clark Munn
Round Dozen Susan Coolidge
Secret Wireless; Or, The Spy Hunt of the Camp Brady Patrol Lewis E. Theiss
Six Girls: A Home Story Fannie Belle Irving
Snug Harbor; or, The Champlain Mechanics Oliver Optic
Spectacle Man: A Story of the Missing Bridge Mary Finley Leonard