Books in Mathematics (sorted alphabetically)
géométrie en vers techniques (French) Lyon Des Roys
Golden Mean Robert J. Nemiroff and Jerry T. Bonnell
Groups of the Order p^m Which Contain Cyclic Subgroups of Order p^(m-3) Lewis Irving Neikirk
Hindu-Arabic Numerals David Eugene Smith and Louis Charles Karpinski
Histoire des nombres et de la numération mécanique (French) Jacomy-Régnier
History of Mathematics Florian Cajori
History of Modern Mathematics David Eugene Smith
How to Draw a Straight Line: A Lecture on Linkages A. B. Kempe
Hyperbolic Functions James McMahon
Integration of Functions of a Single Variable G. H. Hardy
Introduction to Infinitesimal Analysis; Functions of One Real Variable Oswald Veblen and N. J. Lennes
Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy Bertrand Russell
Introduction to Mathematics Alfred North Whitehead
Introduction to Nonassociative Algebras Richard D. Schafer
Investigation of the Laws of Thought George Boole
Journal de mathématics pures et appliquées, Tome deuxième, année 1837 (French) Various
Leçons de Géométrie Supérieure (French) Ernest Vessiot
Leçons sur l'intégration des équations différentielles aux dérivées partielles, (French) Vito Volterra
Lectures on Elementary Mathematics J. L. Lagrange
Lectures on Ten British Mathematicians of the Nineteenth Century Alexander Macfarlane
List of Factorial Math Constants Unknown
Logic: Deductive and Inductive Carveth Read
Logic of Chance, 3rd edition John Venn
Mathematical Analysis of Logic George Boole
Mathematical Essays and Recreations Hermann Schubert