Books in Children's Picture Books (sorted alphabetically)
Fox Jumps Over the Parson's Gate
Frog He Would A-Wooing Go Randolph Caldecott
Frog Prince and Other Stories Walter Crane
Frog Who Would A Wooing Go Charles H. Bennett
Fun and Nonsense Willard Bonte
Funny Alphabet Edward P. Cogger
Gems of Poetry, for Girls and Boys Unknown
Golden Goose Book L. Leslie Brooke
Goody Two-Shoes Unknown
Goop Directory of Juvenile Offenders Famous for their Misdeeds and Serving as a Salutary Example for all Virtuous Children Gelett Burgess
Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter Beatrix Potter
Great Big Treasury of Beatrix Potter Beatrix Potter
Great Panjandrum Himself Samuel Foote
Happy and Gay Marching Away Unknown
Harrison's New Nursery Picture Book
Harry's Ladder to Learning Anonymous
Hey Diddle Diddle and Baby Bunting Randolph Caldecott
History of Insects Unknown
History of Tom Thumb and Other Stories. Anonymous
Holiday Romance Charles Dickens
Household Stories by the Brothers Grimm Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm
House That Jack Built Randolph Caldecott
How Freckle Frog Made Herself Pretty Charlotte B. Herr
Illustrated Alphabet of Birds Unknown
Johnny Crow's Garden L. Leslie Brooke