Books in Browsing: Biographies (sorted alphabetically)
Adventures While Preaching the Gospel of Beauty Vachel Lindsay
Adventure with a Genius: Recollections of Joseph Pulitzer Alleyne Ireland
Adventurous Life of a Versatile Artist: Houdini Unknown
affaire du bonnet et les Mémoires de Saint-Simon (French) André Grellet-Dumazeau
Af mit Levned (Danish) Johan Louis Ussing
African Nature Notes and Reminiscences Frederick Courteney Selous
Against the Current: Simple Chapters from a Complex Life Edward Alfred Steiner
Agnes Mary Clerke and Ellen Mary Clerke: An Appreciation Lady Huggins
Agnes Strickland's Queens of England, Vol. 1. (of 3) Agnes Strickland and Elisabeth Strickland
Agnes Strickland's Queens of England, Vol. 2. (of 3) Agnes Strickland and Elisabeth Strickland
Agnes Strickland's Queens of England, Vol. 3. (of 3) Agnes Strickland and Elisabeth Strickland
Albert Ballin Bernhard Huldermann
Albert Dürer T. Sturge Moore
Albert Durer a Venise et dans les Pays-Bas (French) Albrecht Dürer
Albert Gallatin John Austin Stevens
Alessandro Manzoni, Studio Biografico (Italian) Angelo De Gubernatis
Alexander Hamilton Charles A. Conant
Alexander Pope Leslie Stephen
Alexander the Great Jacob Abbott
Alexander the Great Jacob Abbott
Alexandre Herculano (Portuguese) Manoel Caldas Cordeiro
Alexandre Herculano (Portuguese) Jaime de Magalhães Lima
Alexandre Herculano (Portuguese) Diogo Rosa Machado
Alfred de Musset (French) Arvède Barine
Alfred de Musset et George Sand (French) Maurice Clouard