Books in Browsing: Children & Young Adult Reading (sorted alphabetically by author)
Alexander the Great Jacob Abbott
Rollo in Naples Jacob Abbott
Jonas on a Farm in Winter Jacob Abbott
Stuyvesant: A Franconia Story Jacob Abbott
Rollo in London Jacob Abbott
Caleb in the Country Jacob Abbott
Rollo at Play; Or, Safe Amusements Jacob Abbott
Forests of Maine Jacob Abbott
Mary Erskine Jacob Abbott
Rollo in Rome Jacob Abbott
Rollo's Philosophy. [Air] Jacob Abbott
King Alfred of England Jacob Abbott
Keineth Jane Abbott
Laughing Last Jane Abbott
Larkspur Jane Abbott
Red-Robin Jane Abbott
Happy House Jane Abbott
De vlegeljaren van Pietje Bell (Dutch) Christiaan van Abkoude
Instituut Sparrenheide (Dutch) Christiaan van Abkoude
Mystery of the Chinese Ring Andy Adams
Mystery of the Ambush in India Andy Adams
Mystery of the Caribbean Pearls Andy Adams
Hawaiian Sea Hunt Mystery Andy Adams
Brazilian Gold Mine Mystery Andy Adams
A Girl of To-day Ellinor Davenport Adams