Books in Humor (sorted alphabetically)
Mr. Dooley Says Finley Peter Dunne
Mr. Dooley's Philosophy Finley Peter Dunne
Mr. Munchausen John Kendrick Bangs
Mr. Punch Afloat: The Humours of Boating and Sailing
Mr. Punch at the Play: Humours of Music and the Drama
Mr. Punch at the Seaside
Mr. Punch Awheel: The Humours of Motoring and Cycling
Mr. Punch in Bohemia Various
Mr. Punch in the Highlands
Mr. Punch in the Hunting Field
Mr. Punch on the Warpath: Humours of the Army, the Navy and the Reserve Forces
Mr. Punch on Tour: The Humour of Travel at Home and Abroad
Mr. Punch's After-Dinner Stories
Mr. Punch's Book of Love: Being the Humours of Courtship and Matrimony
Mr. Punch's Book of Sport
Mr. Punch's Cockney Humour
Mr. Punch's Country Life: Humours of Our Rustics
Mr. Punch's Golf Stories
Mr. Punch's Life in London
Mr. Punch's Railway Book
Mr. Punch with the Children
Mrs. Bindle: Some Incidents from the Domestic Life of the Bindles Herbert George Jenkins
My Man Jeeves P. G. Wodehouse
New Pun Book
Nonsense Books Edward Lear