Books in Browsing: History - Schools & Universities (sorted alphabetically)
history of the University of Oxford George C. Brodrick
History of University Education in Maryland Bernard C. Steiner
H.M.I.: Some Passages in the Life of One of H.M. Inspectors of Schools E. M. Sneyd-Kynnersley
Huxley and education Henry Fairfield Osborn
Idea of a University Defined and Illustrated John Henry Newman
Kinderen uit m'n klas (Dutch) P. J. Cohen de Vries
Letter to the Viscount Palmerston, M.P. &c. &c. &c. on the Monitorial System of Harrow School C. J. Vaughan
Life in the Medieval University Robert S. Rait
Lighter Side of School Life Ian Hay
Lukukammio : (Imperfectum) (Finnish) Ragnar Josephson
McGill and its Story, 1821-1921 Cyrus MacMillan
Necessidade de um Ministerio de Instrucção Publica (Portuguese) Antonio da Costa de Souza de Macedo
Nuts to crack; or Quips, quirks, anecdote and facete of Oxford and Cambridge Scholars Richard Gooch
Old Friends at Cambridge and Elsewhere John Willis Clark
Origin and Ideals of the Modern School Francisco Ferrer Guardia
Oxford Andrew Lang
Oxford and Her Colleges: A View from the Radcliffe Library Goldwin Smith
Oxford and Its Story Cecil Headlam
Oxford and the Rhodes Scholarships R. F. Scholz and Stanley Kuhl Hornbeck
Oxford Days; or, How Ross Got His Degree F. E. Weatherly
Oxford Degree Ceremony J. Wells
Philosophy 4: A Story of Harvard University Owen Wister
plain and faithful narrative of the original design, rise, progress and present state of the Indian charity-school at Lebanon, in Connecticut Eleazar Wheelock
Positions Richard Mulcaster
Proportional Representation: A Study in Methods of Election John H. Humphreys