Books in Language Education (sorted alphabetically by author)
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Extracto de la gramatica mutsun (Spanish) (North American Indian languages) Felipe Arroyo de la Cuesta
Lectures on Language, as Particularly Connected with English Grammar. William Stevens Balch
An English Grammar William Malone Baskervill and James Witt Sewell
New Latin Grammar Charles E. Bennett
Het Esperanto in Twintig Lessen (Dutch) A. Blok
The Grammar of English Grammars Goold Brown
Contes et historiettes à l'usage des jeunes enfants (French) Zulma Carraud
International Language, Past, Present & Future Walter John Clark
The Art of Writing & Speaking the English Language Sherwin Cody
Latin for Beginners Benjamin L. D'Ooge
Illustration of the Method of Recording Indian Languages James Owen Dorsey, Albert S. Gatschet, and Stephen Return Riggs
The Esperanto Teacher: A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians (Esperanto) Helen Fryer
Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or, Trade Language of Oregon George Gibbs
An Elementary Spanish Reader (Spanish) Earl Stanley Harrison
Grammar and Vocabulary of the Lau Language, Solomon Islands W. G. Ivens
A Grammar of the English Tongue Samuel Johnson
Preface to a Dictionary of the English Language Samuel Johnson
English Grammar in Familiar Lectures Samuel Kirkham
German Science Reader (German) Charles Frederick Kroeh
The English Gipsies and Their Language Charles Godfrey Leland
Úplná učebnice mezinárodní řeči dra. Esperanta (Czech) (Esperanto) František Vladimír Lorenc
Sign Language Among North American Indians Compared With That Among Other Peoples And Deaf-Mutes Garrick Mallery
On the Evolution of Language John Wesley Powell
Graded Lessons in English Alonzo Reed and Brainerd Kellogg
Higher Lessons in English: A work on English grammar and composition Alonzo Reed and Brainerd Kellogg
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