Henley's Twentieth Century Formulas, Recipes and Processes
Heroes of Science: Chemists
M. M. Pattison Muir
History of Chemistry, Volume 1 (of 2)
Thomas Thomson
History of Chemistry, Volume 1 (of 2)
T. E. Thorpe
History of Chemistry, Volume 2 (of 2)
Thomas Thomson
History of Chemistry, Volume 2 (of 2)
T. E. Thorpe
History of Ink, Including Its Etymology, Chemistry, and Bibliography
Thaddeus Davids
History of Phosphorus
Eduard Farber
How to Do Chemical Tricks
active 1894-1902 A. Anderson
Inaugureele Rede (Dutch)
Hieronymus David Gaubius
Introduction to Chemical Science
Rufus P. Williams
Introductory Course of Quantitative Chemical Analysis
Henry Paul Talbot
James Cutbush, an American Chemist, 1788-1823
Edgar Fahs Smith
Joseph Priestley
T. E. Thorpe
Legal Chemistry
Alfred Naquet
Life of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart. LL.D., Volume 1 (of 2)
John Ayrton Paris
Life of Sir Humphry Davy, Bart. LL.D., Volume 2 (of 2)
John Ayrton Paris
Manual of Photographic Chemistry, Including the Practice of the Collodion Process
T. Frederick Hardwich
Mechanical Account of Poisons in Several Essays
Richard Mead
Meta toluene sulphonic acid and related compounds
C. F. H. Allen
Andrew Ross
Mikroskop und seine Anwendung (German)
Hermann Hager
natural and artificial disintegration of the elements
Ernest Rutherford
Naturgeschichte einer Kerze : Sechs Vorlesungen für die Jugend; Mit einem Lebensabriß Faraday's (German)
Michael Faraday
new system of chemical philosophy, Volume 2, Part 1
John Dalton