L. H. Bailey
Arbor Day Leaves
Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston
Arctic regions and the northern whale-fishery
William Scoresby
Arroyo (Spanish)
Elisée Reclus
art du taupier; ou, méthode amusante et infaillible de prendre les taupes (French)
M. Dralet
art et maniere de semer (French)
David Brossard
art of promoting the growth of the cucumber and melon
Thomas Watkins
Asparagus, its culture for home use and for market
F. M. Hexamer
Assessment of the Consequences and Preparations for a Catastrophic California Earthquake: Findings and Actions Taken
United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency
Atoms in Agriculture: Applications of Nuclear Science to Agriculture (Revised)
Thomas S. Osborne
aucells més útils a la agricultura de Catalunya (Catalan)
Emili Tarré
Au Hoggar : mission de 1922 (French)
Conrad Kilian
Aus den Tiefen des Weltmeeres (German)
Carl Chun
Aus der Schneegrube (German)
Wilhelm Bölsche
Australasian Fossils: A Students' Manual of Palaeontology
Frederick Chapman
Baharia Oasis : Its topography and geology
H. J. L. Beadnell and John Ball
Bananas: Nature's Institution for the Promotion of Laziness
Edward Wilkin Perry
Barium: A Cause of the Loco-Weed Disease
Albert Cornelius Crawford
Barrier beaches of the Atlantic coast
Frederick J. H. Merrill
Beautiful Bulbous Plants for the Open Air
John Weathers
Beautiful Gardens in America
Louise Shelton
Beautiful shells : Their nature, structure, and uses familiarly explained; with directions for collecting, cleaning, and arranging them in the cabinet; descriptions of the most remarkable species, and of the creatures which inhabit them; and explanations of the meanings of their scientific names, and of the terms used in conchology
H. G. Adams
Beef Slaughtering, Cutting, Preserving, and Cooking on the Farm
H. Russell Cross, E. Curtis Green, William R. Jones, R. L. West, and Anthony Kotula
Bee Hunting: A Book of Valuable Information for Bee Hunters
John Ready Lockard