Books in Philosophy (sorted by popularity)
Analysis of Mr. Mill's System of Logic W. Stebbing 149 downloads
Bacon R. W. Church 148 downloads
The Principles of Aesthetics De Witt H. Parker 139 downloads
Modern French Philosophy: a Study of the Development Since Comte John Alexander Gunn 138 downloads
Deductive Logic St. George William Joseph Stock 135 downloads
Rudolph Eucken : a philosophy of life Abel J. Jones 128 downloads
Philosophy and Religion Hastings Rashdall 125 downloads
An Interpretation of Rudolf Eucken's Philosophy W. Tudor Jones 123 downloads
Achtundvierzig Briefe von Johann Gottlieb Fichte und seinen Verwandten (German) Johann Gottlieb Fichte 114 downloads
Review of the Work of Mr John Stuart Mill Entitled, 'Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy.' George Grote 101 downloads
Critical Miscellanies, (Vol. 3 of 3), Essay 2: The Death of Mr Mill; Essay 3: Mr Mill's Autobiography John Morley 91 downloads
Mind and Motion and Monism George John Romanes 90 downloads
Critical Miscellanies (Vol. 3 of 3), Essay 10: Auguste Comte John Morley 88 downloads
Burke John Morley 77 downloads