Books: re education (sorted alphabetically)
Book: Its History and Development Cyril Davenport
Book of English Prose Percy Lubbock
Book of Exposition Homer Heath Nugent
Book of Shells Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge . Committee of General Literature and Education
book of the child: An attempt to set down what is in the mind of children F. D. How
Book Review Digest, Volume 02, 1906 Various
Book Review Digest, Volume 13, 1917 Various
Books and how to make the most of them James Hosmer Penniman
Borzoi 1920 : Being a sort of record of five years' publishing Inc. Alfred A. Knopf
Bouncing Bet Joslyn Gray
Boy and the Sunday School John L. Alexander
Boyhood of Jesus Anonymous
Boy Scouts Handbook Boy Scouts of America
Brief biographies from American history, for the fifth and sixth grades : Required by the syllabus for elementary schools of New York State Education Department Edna Henry Lee Turpin
Brooks's Readers: First Year Stratton D. Brooks
Brooks's Readers, Third Year Stratton D. Brooks
Buch und Bildung: Eine Aufsatzfolge (German) Friedrich Oldenbourg
Bunch of Cherries: A Story of Cherry Court School L. T. Meade
Bushido, the Soul of Japan Inazo Nitobe
Cabinet des Fées (French)
Cadets of Flemming Hall Anna Chapin Ray
Call of the World; or, Every Man's Supreme Opportunity William E. Doughty
Cambridge Essays on Education
Camp Fire Girls at School; Or, The Wohelo Weavers Hildegard G. Frey
Canadian Elocutionist Anna K. Howard