Books: re education (sorted alphabetically)
Cap and Gown Charles Reynolds Brown
Captains of Harley: A School Story Hylton Cleaver
Cartas sobre a educação da mocidade (Portuguese) António Nunes Ribeiro Sanches
Catalogue of Play Equipment Jean Lee Hunt
Catalogue of Standard Recitations, Numbers 19-34 M.J. Ivers & Co.
Catalogue of Works Literary Art and Music Reeves & Turner
Catechism of Familiar Things; Anonymous
Century of the Child Ellen Key
Ce qu'il faut lire dans sa vie (French) Henri Mazel
Chambers's Elementary Science Readers Various
Chapters of Bible Study Herman J. Heuser
Character Building Booker T. Washington
Character of the Jew Books Richard Carlile
Charley's Log: A Story of Schoolboy Life Emma Leslie
Child in the Midst Mary Schauffler Platt
Children and their books James Hosmer Penniman
Children's books and reading Montrose Jonas Moses
Children's Literature Charles Madison Curry and Erle Elsworth Clippinger
Children's Stories in American Literature, 1660-1860 Henrietta Christian Wright
Children's Ways James Sully
Child's World: Third Reader W. K. Tate, Sarah Withers, and Hetty Sibyl Browne
Child Under Eight E. R. Murray and Henrietta Brown Smith
Chinese Sketches Herbert Allen Giles
Choctaw Freedmen and the Story of Oak Hill Industrial Academy Robert Elliott Flickinger
Christian Home Samuel Philips