Books: re education (sorted alphabetically)
American Missionary — Volume 52, No. 03, September, 1898 Various
American Missionary — Volume 54, No. 01, January, 1900 Various
American Missionary — Volume 54, No. 03, July, 1900 Various
American Red Cross Text-Book on Home Hygiene and Care of the Sick Jane A. Delano, Anne Hervey Strong, American National Red Cross, and Isabel McIsaac
And Judas Iscariot J. Wilbur Chapman
Anecdotes for boys Harvey Newcomb
Anglo-Saxon Grammar and Exercise Book C. Alphonso Smith
Anglo-Saxon Primer, With Grammar, Notes, and Glossary Henry Sweet
Apologues modernes, à l'usage du Dauphin (French) Sylvain Maréchal
Art of Lecturing Arthur M. Lewis
Art of Living Robert Grant
Art of Story-Telling, with nearly half a hundred stories Julia Darrow Cowles
Art of the Story-Teller Marie L. Shedlock
Autobiography and Selected Essays Thomas Henry Huxley
Away to school: 'Ólta'góó (Navajo) Cecil S. King
Babees' Book: Medieval Manners for the Young: Done into Modern English
Baltimore Catechism, No. 4 Thomas L. Kinkead
Barnavännen, 1905-01 (Swedish) Various
Barnavännen, 1905-02 (Swedish) Various
Barnavännen, 1905-03 (Swedish) Various
Barnavännen, 1905-04 (Swedish) Various
Barnavännen, 1905-05 (Swedish) Various
Barnavännen, 1905-06 (Swedish) Various
Barnavännen, 1905-08 (Swedish) Various
Battle of Principles Newell Dwight Hillis