Books: re education (sorted by popularity)
A Fortunate Term Angela Brazil 224 downloads
Mrs. Whittelsey's Magazine for Mothers and Daughters, Volume 3 Various 223 downloads
Modern Prose And Poetry; For Secondary Schools 222 downloads
The American Missionary — Volume 32, No. 10, October, 1878 Various 222 downloads
The Complete Essays of Charles Dudley Warner Charles Dudley Warner 221 downloads
Prophetical, Educational and Playing Cards Mrs. John King Van Rensselaer 218 downloads
Le Premier Livre (French) B. Méras and Albert A. Méras 217 downloads
Ontario Teachers' Manuals: Household Science in Rural Schools Ontario. Department of Education 214 downloads
The Elements of Geology; Adapted to the Use of Schools and Colleges Justin R. Loomis 214 downloads
World Stories Retold for Modern Boys and Girls William James Sly 214 downloads
Science & Education: Essays Thomas Henry Huxley 212 downloads
Puer romanus (Latin) R. B. Appleton and W. H. S. Jones 212 downloads
Chambers's Elementary Science Readers Various 211 downloads
Clothing and Health: An Elementary Textbook of Home Making Helen Kinne and Anna M. Cooley 211 downloads
Tanár úr kérem: Képek a középiskolából (Hungarian) Frigyes Karinthy 211 downloads
La première flétrissure (French) J. Agrippa 209 downloads
Mankind in the Making H. G. Wells 209 downloads
Brief biographies from American history, for the fifth and sixth grades : Required by the syllabus for elementary schools of New York State Education Department Edna Henry Lee Turpin 209 downloads
Roadtown Edgar Chambless 208 downloads
Commercial Geography Jacques W. Redway 207 downloads
American Addresses, with a Lecture on the Study of Biology Thomas Henry Huxley 207 downloads
Working With the Hands Booker T. Washington 206 downloads
Outline Studies in the Old Testament for Bible Teachers Jesse Lyman Hurlbut 205 downloads
How to Teach Phonics Lida Myrtle Williams 205 downloads
Feeding the Mind Lewis Carroll 205 downloads