Rambles in Waltham Forest : a stranger's contribution to the triennial sale for the benefit of the Wanstead Lying-in Charity
Countess of Marguerite Blessington
Address, delivered in Craigie Hall, Edinburgh, February 24th, 1871
Josephine Elizabeth Grey Butler
Sun Dog loot
W. C. Tuttle
Muistelmia ja kuvauksia kielitaistelun ajoilta (Finnish)
F. H. B. Lagus
The process of gilding and bronzing picture frames
Isaac H. Walker
Household words, no. 306, February 2, 1856 : A weekly journal
Charles Dickens
A day in Mary Carrow's school
Tour of the Zero Club : or, Adventures amid ice and snow
Edward Stratemeyer
The dreadful dragon of Hay Hill
Sir Max Beerbohm
G. P. S.
Stories of Charlemagne and the twelve Peers of France : from the old romances
Alfred John Church
The heiress of McGregor : or, Living for self
Lucy Ellen Guernsey
An address to Highlanders respecting their native Gaelic : Showing its and the broad Scotch's superiority over the artificial English for the family and the social circle, and also for lyric poetry.
Archibald Farquharson
Isänmaattomat : Romaani (Finnish)
Herman Bang
Voittoisa nainen (Finnish)
Pierre de Coulevain
The girls
Edna Ferber
On dreams
Sigmund Freud
Christina and the boys
Amy Le Feuvre
The fireside story book
Maria Edgeworth
Yleinen Maatiede : Luonnollinen Maatide ynnä Venäjän valtakunta, Euroopassa olevine alusmaineen, valtiollisesti (Finnish)
Klas Corander
Chambers's Journal of Popular Literature, Science, and Art, Fifth Series, No. 148, Vol. III, October 30, 1886
Els vells : Drama en tres actes (Catalan)
Ignasi Iglesias
The world of the great forest : how animals, birds, reptiles, insects talk, think, work, and live
Paul B. Du Chaillu
A few secrets of the metallurgist simply told
Gerald Watson Hinkley
The Bellamy trial
Frances Noyes Hart