Books about Sea stories (sorted alphabetically)
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1492 Mary Johnston
20,000 Leagues under the Sea Jules Verne
20.000 Mijlen onder Zee: Oostelijk Halfrond (Dutch) Jules Verne
20.000 Mijlen onder Zee: Westelijk Halfrond (Dutch) Jules Verne
Aarresaari (Finnish) Robert Louis Stevenson
Across the Spanish Main: A Tale of the Sea in the Days of Queen Bess Harry Collingwood
Adrift in a Boat William Henry Giles Kingston
Adventure Club Afloat Ralph Henry Barbour
Adventure of Elizabeth Morey, of New York Louis Becke
Adventures of Billy Topsail Norman Duncan
adventures of Captain O'Shea Ralph Delahaye Paine
Adventures of Roderick Random T. Smollett
Afloat and Ashore: A Sea Tale James Fenimore Cooper
A fond de cale (French) Mayne Reid
All Aboard: A Story for Girls Fannie E. Newberry
All the Brothers Were Valiant Ben Ames Williams
Alone on an Island William Henry Giles Kingston
Alone on a Wide Wide Sea, Vol. 1 (of 3) William Clark Russell
Alone on a Wide Wide Sea, Vol. 2 (of 3) William Clark Russell
Alone on a Wide Wide Sea, Vol. 3 (of 3) William Clark Russell
Arrow of Gold Joseph Conrad
Arrow of Gold: A Story Between Two Notes Joseph Conrad
Aspirans de marine, volume 1 (French) Edouard Corbière
Aspirans de marine, volume 2 (French) Edouard Corbière
Assignats Henry Leverage
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