The apiary; or, bees, bee-hives, and bee culture [1878]
Alfred Neighbor
The Bee-Master of Warrilow
Tickner Edwardes
Bee-keeping for the Many; or, The management of the common and Ligurian honey bee
J. H. Payne
British Bees
William Edward Shuckard
The Italian Alp-bee; or, The gold mine of husbandry
H. C. Hermann
Het leven der bijen (Dutch)
Maurice Maeterlinck
The Bee Keeper's Guide, Fourth Edition
J. H. Payne
The Bee Hunter
George Harold Edgell
Everett Franklin Phillips
The Bee Keeper's Guide, Third Edition
J. H. Payne
Happy: The life of a bee
Walter Flavius McCaleb
The apiary; or, bees, bee-hives, and bee culture [1865]
Alfred Neighbor
The Bee Preserver; or, Practical Directions for the Management and Preservation of Hives
Jonas de Gélieu
Hints on the History and Management of the Honey Bee
Edward Bevan
Het Geldersch Byenboek
Petrus Hendrix
Bee Keeping for Profit. A New System of Bee Management (1891)
Mrs. Lizzie E. Cotton
Bee Keeping for Profit. A New System of Bee Management (1880)
Mrs. Lizzie E. Cotton
Le Troupeau d'Aristée (French)
Laurent Tailhade
Bee-keeping for profit
W. S. Morley
Mehiläisten elämä (Finnish)
Maurice Maeterlinck