Books about Short stories, American (sorted by popularity)
The silica gel pseudomorph, and other stories Edward Hart 128 downloads
Humoresque: A Laugh on Life with a Tear Behind It Fannie Hurst 128 downloads
Peace in Friendship Village Zona Gale 128 downloads
The Carcellini Emerald, With Other Tales Mrs. Burton Harrison 128 downloads
The Loom of the Desert Idah Meacham Strobridge 128 downloads
Vain oblations Katharine Fullerton Gerould 127 downloads
Neighborhood Stories Zona Gale 127 downloads
Miss Ayr of Virginia, & other stories Julia Magruder 126 downloads
Early Short Fiction of Edith Wharton Edith Wharton 126 downloads
A Book o' Nine Tales. Arlo Bates 125 downloads
Queer Luck: Poker Stories from the New York Sun David A. Curtis 125 downloads
The Chief Mate's Yarns: Twelve Tales of the Sea T. Jenkins Hains 125 downloads
Mademoiselle Miss, and Other Stories Henry Harland 125 downloads
In Beaver Cove and Elsewhere Miss Matt Crim 125 downloads
The quilt of happiness; Creeping Jenny; and other New England stories Kate Douglas Smith Wiggin 124 downloads
The Princess Pourquoi Margaret Pollock Sherwood 124 downloads
In Great Waters: Four Stories Thomas A. Janvier 124 downloads
In old Narragansett; romances and realities Alice Morse Earle 123 downloads
Negro Tales Joseph S. Cotter 123 downloads
Stories by American Authors, Volume 8 Various 123 downloads
Grey Roses Henry Harland 122 downloads
Stories by American Authors, Volume 7 Various 122 downloads
O. Henryana: Seven Odds and Ends, Poetry and Short Stories O. Henry 122 downloads
Maggie Lee! : Bad spelling, Diamonds, The answered prayer Mary Jane Holmes 122 downloads
The unique story book Anonymous 121 downloads