Books about Children's poetry, English (sorted by popularity)
A Child's Garden of Verses Robert Louis Stevenson 221 downloads
A Child's Garden of Verses Robert Louis Stevenson 213 downloads
A Child's Garden of Verses Robert Louis Stevenson 211 downloads
Lyra Heroica: A Book of Verse for Boys 203 downloads
Peacock Pie, a Book of Rhymes Walter De la Mare 201 downloads
Child Whispers Enid Blyton 197 downloads
The Children's Garland from the Best Poets 196 downloads
A Child's Garden of Verses Robert Louis Stevenson 193 downloads
A Child's Garden of Verses Robert Louis Stevenson 189 downloads
Mrs. Turner's Cautionary Stories Mrs. Turner 184 downloads
Story-Telling Ballads 180 downloads
More Beasts (For Worse Children) Hilaire Belloc 180 downloads
The Pied Piper of Hamelin, and Other Poems Robert Browning 176 downloads
Kensington Rhymes Compton MacKenzie 161 downloads
A Moral Alphabet Hilaire Belloc 159 downloads
Harrison's Amusing Picture and Poetry Book Unknown 154 downloads
The Placid Pug, and Other Rhymes Alfred Bruce Douglas 153 downloads
The Daisy, or, Cautionary Stories in Verse. Mrs. Turner 134 downloads
Fairy's Album Anonymous 134 downloads
The Fairy Green Rose Fyleman 130 downloads
Deborah Dent and Her Donkey and Madam Fig's Gala Unknown 130 downloads
Sweets for Leisure Hours A. Phillips and E. Phillips 110 downloads
The Comic Adventures of Old Mother Hubbard, and Her Dog Sarah Catherine Martin 100 downloads
Merry Words for Merry Children A. Hoatson 88 downloads