Books about Philosophy (sorted alphabetically)
Moderne Probleme (German) Eduard von Hartmann
monadologie (1909) (French) Freiherr von Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
Mysticism and Logic and Other Essays Bertrand Russell
Notes de Voltaire et de Condorcet sur les pensées de Pascal (French) Voltaire, Blaise Pascal, comte Nicolas Louis François de Neufchâteau, and marquis de Jean-Antoine-Nicolas de Caritat Condorcet
On the Significance of Science and Art graf Leo Tolstoy
Pascal's Pensées Blaise Pascal
Persönlichkeit (German) Rabindranath Tagore
Philosophical Letters of Friedrich Schiller Friedrich Schiller
Philosophical Letters: or, modest Reflections upon some Opinions in Natural Philosophy Duchess of Margaret Cavendish Newcastle
Philosophical Studies G. E. Moore
Philosophic Nights in Paris Remy de Gourmont
Philosophy Bertrand Russell
Philosophy and the Social Problem Will Durant
philosophy of life, and philosophy of language, in a course of lectures Friedrich von Schlegel
Philosophy of Spinoza Benedictus de Spinoza
Platons Gastmahl (German) Plato
Positive Outcome of Philosophy Joseph Dietzgen
Reconstruction in Philosophy John Dewey
Sämmtliche Werke 8: Vermischte Schriften und Aufsätze (German) Johann Gottlieb Fichte
Selections from the Principles of Philosophy René Descartes
Selections from the Writings of Kierkegaard Søren Kierkegaard
Sous les eaux tumultueuses (French) Dora Melegari
Supplément au Voyage de Bougainville (French) Denis Diderot
szellemi erők gyüjtése és pazarlása (Hungarian) Elek Szitnyai
Tee työtä eläkä joudu epätoivoon! (Finnish) Thomas Carlyle