Books about World War, 1914-1918 -- Personal narratives (sorted alphabetically)
True Stories of the Great War, Volume 4 (of 6)
True Stories of the Great War, Volume 5 (of 6)
True Stories of the Great War, Volume 6 (of 6)
Uncensored Letters of a Canteen Girl Katharine Duncan Morse
Verdun to the Vosges: Impressions of the War on the Fortress Frontier of France Gerald Campbell
Village in Picardy Ruth Gaines
Visit to Three Fronts: June 1916 Arthur Conan Doyle
Volunteer Poilu Henry Beston
Voyages au front, de Dunkerque à Belfort (French) Edith Wharton
War in the Garden of Eden Kermit Roosevelt
Ways of War and Peace Delia Austrian
What I Saw in Berlin and Other European Capitals During Wartime Piermarini
What the "Boys" Did Over There
White Road to Verdun Kathleen Burke
White Road to Verdun Kathleen Burke
With Botha in the Field Eric Moore Ritchie
With Cavalry in 1915 Frederic Coleman
With the French Flying Corps Carroll Dana Winslow
With the French in France and Salonika Richard Harding Davis
With the Turks in Palestine Alexander Aaronsohn
With Those Who Wait Frances Wilson Huard
Woman's Experiences in the Great War Louise Mack
Yankee in the Trenches Robert Derby Holmes
Y" Girl in France: Letters of Katherine Shortall Katherine Shortall