Books about Fathers and sons -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Son at the Front Edith Wharton
Son of his Father Ridgwell Cullum
Son of His Father; vol. 1/3 Mrs. Oliphant
Son of His Father; vol. 2/3 Mrs. Oliphant
Son of His Father; vol. 3/3 Mrs. Oliphant
Son of Monte-Cristo Jules Lermina
Son of Monte-Cristo, Volume I Jules Lermina
Son of Monte-Cristo, Volume II Jules Lermina
Star Pirate Frederic Arnold Kummer
St. Patrick's Eve Charles James Lever
Stranger Gordon R. Dickson
Take It from Dad George Griswold Livermore
Thrice Armed Harold Bindloss
Through stained glass: A Novel George Agnew Chamberlain
Unspeakable Gentleman John P. Marquand
Urteil: Eine Geschichte (German) Franz Kafka
Vaders en Zonen (Dutch) Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
Valley of the Giants Peter B. Kyne
Väter und Söhne (German) Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev
Vice Versa; or, A Lesson to Fathers F. Anstey
Wanderlust Alan Edward Nourse
Weir of Hermiston: An Unfinished Romance Robert Louis Stevenson
William Jordan, Junior J. C. Snaith
Windy McPherson's Son Sherwood Anderson
Wooden Horse Hugh Walpole