Books about Dogs -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Greyfriars Bobby Eleanor Atkinson
Grist Murray Leinster
His love story Marie Van Vorst
Holiday Tales: Christmas in the Adirondacks W. H. H. Murray
Hound of the Baskervilles Arthur Conan Doyle
Hound of the Baskervilles Arthur Conan Doyle
Hound of the Baskervilles Arthur Conan Doyle
Hound of the Baskervilles Arthur Conan Doyle
Hound of the Baskervilles Arthur Conan Doyle
Jeremy and Hamlet Hugh Walpole
Jeri: Erään koiran seikkailuja Etelämerellä (Finnish) Jack London
Jerin veli: Erään koiran elämä ja seikkailut (Finnish) Jack London
Jerry of the Islands Jack London
Jim A. A. Strachan
Kazan James Oliver Curwood
Kazan (French) James Oliver Curwood
Kazan susikoira: Seikkailukirja suurilta saloseuduilta (Finnish) James Oliver Curwood
Kerfol Edith Wharton
Kolme miestä veneessä (Finnish) Jerome K. Jerome
Life of a Foxhound John Mills
Love and Moondogs Richard McKenna
Loveliness: A Story Elizabeth Stuart Phelps
Michael, Brother of Jerry Jack London
Mimsy's Joke Millard Grimes
Monster Joseph Samachson