Books about Readers (sorted by popularity)
English Prose 179 downloads
Standard Catholic Readers by Grades: Fifth Year 179 downloads
Ten Great Events in History James Johonnot 178 downloads
Little Frank and other tales : Chiefly in words of one syllable Anonymous 176 downloads
Nature readers : Sea-side and way-side. No. 4 Julia McNair Wright 173 downloads
Peter and Polly in Winter Rose Lucia 173 downloads
Father Thrift and His Animal Friends Joseph C. Sindelar 166 downloads
Children of the Cliff Belle Wiley and Grace Willard Edick 160 downloads
Nature readers : Sea-side and way-side. No. 3 Julia McNair Wright 157 downloads
Brooks's Readers: First Year Stratton D. Brooks 156 downloads
Light On the Child's Path William Allen Bixler 154 downloads
Nature readers : Sea-side and way-side. No. 1 Julia McNair Wright 151 downloads
Reading Made Easy for Foreigners - Third Reader John Ludwig Hülshof 150 downloads
A second reader Frank E. Spaulding and Catherine T. Bryce 150 downloads
Verse and Prose for Beginners in Reading 149 downloads
Dubbele Twee: Leesboek voor het vierde leerjaar (Dutch) Jacob van der Klei 147 downloads
School Reading By Grades: Fifth Year James Baldwin 144 downloads
New Century Speaker and Writer: Being a Standard Work on Composition and Oratory Henry Davenport Northrop 143 downloads
Bow-Wow and Mew-Mew Georgiana M. Craik 141 downloads
Nature readers : Seaside and wayside No. 2 Julia McNair Wright 134 downloads
The fourth progressive reader : Carefully arranged for the use of schools Anonymous 133 downloads
The Third Little Pet Book, with the Tale of Mop and Frisk Aunt Fanny 125 downloads
The Ontario Readers: Third Reader Ontario. Department of Education 124 downloads
The Child's Picture Book Anonymous 121 downloads
Macmillan's Reading Books. Book V Anonymous 118 downloads