History of the Forty-Eighth Regiment M. V. M. During the Civil War
Albert Plummer
The Regular Brigade of the Fourteenth Army Corps, the Army of the Cumberland, in the Battle of Stone River, or Murfreesboro', Tennessee
Frederick Phisterer
The Comanches: A History of White's Battalion, Virginia Cavalry
Frank M. Myers
Ten years in the ranks, U.S. Army
Augustus Meyers
History of the Fifty-Seventh Regiment, Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteer Infantry
The Story of the Thirty-second Regiment, Massachusetts Infantry
Francis J. Parker
Confederate wizards of the saddle
Bennett H. Young
The story of the Thirty-Third N. Y. S. Vols
David Wright Judd
Pickett or Pettigrew? An Historical Essay
W. R. Bond
The Fourth Massachusetts Cavalry in the Closing Scenes of the War for the Maintenance of the Union, from Richmond to Appomatox
La Salle Corbell Pickett, William B. Arnold, and Edward T. Bouvé
The Forty-third regiment United States Colored Troops
Jeremiah Marion Mickley
Last Days of the Rebellion
Alanson M. Randol
The Recollections of a Drummer-Boy
Henry Martyn Kieffer
History of the Twelfth West Virginia Volunteer Infantry
active 19th century William Hewitt
Civil War Experiences, 1862-1865
Edward Mott Robbins
A History of the Trials and Hardships of the Twenty-Fourth Indiana Volunteer Infantry
Richard J. Fulfer
Perry's Saints; Or, The Fighting Parson's Regiment in the War of the Rebellion
James Moses Nichols
The Story of a Confederate Boy in the Civil War
David E. Johnston
The Bull-Run Rout
E. H. Clement
History of the 159th Regiment, N.Y.S.V.
Edward Duffy
The 21st Missouri Regiment Infantry Veteran Volunteers: Historical Memoranda
Campaign of the Fourteenth Regiment New Jersey Volunteers
J. Newton Terrill
The History of the Twenty-ninth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
William H. Osborne
With Fire and Sword
S. H. M. Byers
Our campaign around Gettysburg
John Lockwood