Books about Indians of North America -- Missions (sorted alphabetically)
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Displaying results 1–10
Address to the People of New-England Samuel Hopkins
Among the An-ko-me-nums, or Flathead Tribes of Indians of the Pacific Coast Thomas Crosby
Civilization of the Indian Natives Halliday Jackson
Flagg's The Far West, 1836-1837, part 2; and De Smet's Letters and Sketches, 1841-1842 Edmund Flagg and Pierre-Jean de Smet
Metlakahtla and the North Pacific Mission of the Church Missionary Society Eugene Stock
Missionary Work Among the Ojebway Indians Edward Francis Wilson
Mission Work among the Negroes and the Indians: Catholic Church. Commission for Catholic Missions among the Colored People and the Indians
plain and faithful narrative of the original design, rise, progress and present state of the Indian charity-school at Lebanon, in Connecticut Eleazar Wheelock
Voyage aux montagnes Rocheuses (French) Pierre-Jean de Smet
With the Harmony to Labrador Benjamin La Trobe
Displaying results 1–10