Books about Scotland -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
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The Antiquary — Complete Walter Scott 689 downloads
The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner James Hogg 650 downloads
Guy Mannering; or, The Astrologer — Complete Walter Scott 584 downloads
The Bride of Lammermoor Walter Scott 575 downloads
The Ball and the Cross G. K. Chesterton 452 downloads
The Mystery of the Sea Bram Stoker 376 downloads
The Marquis of Lossie George MacDonald 363 downloads
The Black Dwarf Walter Scott 344 downloads
Huntingtower John Buchan 343 downloads
Greyfriars Bobby Eleanor Atkinson 343 downloads
Robert Falconer George MacDonald 325 downloads
The Underground City; Or, The Black Indies Jules Verne 321 downloads
David Elginbrod George MacDonald 317 downloads
St. Ronan's Well Walter Scott 317 downloads
The White People Frances Hodgson Burnett 296 downloads
Weir of Hermiston: An Unfinished Romance Robert Louis Stevenson 289 downloads
Malcolm George MacDonald 289 downloads
The Entail; or, The Lairds of Grippy John Galt 269 downloads
The Works of Robert Louis Stevenson - Swanston Edition, Vol. 19 Robert Louis Stevenson and Lloyd Osbourne 258 downloads
La promessa sposa di Lammermoor, Tomo 2 (of 3) (Italian) Walter Scott 255 downloads
The Little Minister J. M. Barrie 255 downloads
Children of the Dead End: The Autobiography of an Irish Navvy Patrick MacGill 253 downloads
Miss Esperance and Mr Wycherly L. Allen Harker 248 downloads
La promessa sposa di Lammermoor, Tomo 1 (of 3) (Italian) Walter Scott 248 downloads
Mary Marston George MacDonald 244 downloads
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