Recuerdos de Italia (parte 2 de 2) (Spanish)
Emilio Castelar
Souvenirs d'un sexagénaire, Tome I (French)
A.-V. Arnault
Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey through France, Italy, and Germany, Vol. 2 (of 2)
Hester Lynch Piozzi
The Diary of an Ennuyée
Mrs. Jameson
Savolainen neekeri muilla mailla : Pikku juttuja matkalta Helsingistä Napoliin (Finnish)
Heikki Välisalmi
Two Pilgrims' Progress; from fair Florence, to the eternal city of Rome
Elizabeth Robins Pennell and Joseph Pennell
Observations and Reflections Made in the Course of a Journey through France, Italy, and Germany, Vol. 1 (of 2)
Hester Lynch Piozzi
Souvenirs d'un sexagénaire, Tome II (French)
A.-V. Arnault
Studies of Travel: Italy
Edward A. Freeman
Reis-impressies (Dutch)
Louis Couperus
Cornelius O'Dowd Upon Men And Women And Other Things In General
Charles James Lever
Minkä mitäkin Italiasta (Finnish)
Juhani Aho
Sämmtliche Werke 1-2: Mein Leben / Spaziergang nach Syrakus im Jahre 1802 (German)
Johann Gottfried Seume
Passeggiate per l'Italia, vol. 4 (Italian)
Ferdinand Gregorovius
Terres de soleil et de brouillard (French)
Italian Days and Ways
Anne Hollingsworth Wharton
Stray Studies from England and Italy
John Richard Greene
North Italian Folk: Sketches of Town and Country Life
Alice Vansittart Strettel Carr
Streifzüge im Süden: Reiseskizzen aus Italien und Tunis (German)
Erich Freund
Recuerdos de Italia (parte 1 de 2) (Spanish)
Emilio Castelar
Souvenirs d'un sexagénaire, Tome III (French)
A.-V. Arnault
Souvenirs d'un sexagénaire, Tome IV (French)
A.-V. Arnault
Pictures from Italy
Charles Dickens