Books about Wit and humor, Juvenile (sorted alphabetically)
Story of the Two Bulls John R. Bolles
Sugar and Spice: Comical Tales Comically Dressed James Johnson
Surprising Adventures of Sir Toady Lion with Those of General Napoleon Smith S. R. Crockett
Tom Finch's Monkey John C. Hutcheson
Travels and Adventures of Little Baron Trump and His Wonderful Dog Bulger Ingersoll Lockwood
Uncle Wiggily on roller skates Howard Roger Garis
Uncle Wiggily's rolling hoop : or, How the bunny gentleman gets mixed up, and Uncle Wiggily and the Snappy Shark, also Uncle Wiggily's bob sled Howard Roger Garis
Vliegende Kogel (Dutch) Jan Rinke
Voyages and Travels of Count Funnibos and Baron Stilkin William Henry Giles Kingston
Wallypug in London G. E. Farrow
Wallypug of Why G. E. Farrow
Weggeloopen! (Dutch) James Buckland and Louis Desnoyers
World Turned Upside Down Ellen C. Clayton
Zankiwank and The Bletherwitch: An Original Fantastic Fairy Extravaganza S. J. Adair Fitz-Gerald